Is a humble blog site for my recently posted Inspirational Angelic Heavenly channeled psychic ability. Via Clairaudience and Claircognizance offering inclusive spiritual wisdom, metaphysics, and mystical "Jewels of Truth" topic statements. Copyright © 2005-2024 All Rights Reserved
499 posts
Gems Of Opportunity: Gummy & Licorice Line Of Jelly Belly Bean Candies
Gems of Opportunity: Gummy & Licorice Line of Jelly Belly Bean Candies

Hello All, Many of us have had the great delight to enjoy the "Jelly Belly Bean" line of candies that come in up to 50 flavors. They are often marketed by the "Jelly Belly Candy Company" as gourmet jelly beans packaged similarly to a box of chocolate confections. My unique inspirational conceptual design today can be considered as an informal proposal to this company or one of its direct competitors in this global candy industry.

What I have in mind is to expand the Jelly Belly line of candies by opening up two potential fronts of candy product offerings. The first is to offer a line of Gummy Bean candies similar to the now famous Haribo gummy bears and the 2nd is to offer a Licorice Bean candies. I understand that Jelly Belly Beans already have a black licorice candy flavor in its bean line-up. However, what I'm inferring here is an entire multi-flavored line of licorice candies beyond just the one black licorice flavor they already have in their 50 flavor jelly bean selections. The Gummy and Licorice lines of candies can continue to being offered in the Bean format that "Jelly Belly" is famous for in confection presentation. Basically taking the 50 assorted flavors that the Jelly Bean candies are offered and cross-pollinate them into Gummy and Licorice flavors equally as well.

Now, this is all well and good but my conceptual product design also flowers into expanding the linear retail distribution landscape. Many of the customers for Jelly Belly Beans and other competitor jelly beans, gummy, bears, and licorice candies are kids that happen to be gamers themselves. I know the "Jelly Belly Candy Company" has developed a "Bean Boozled" jelly bean board game that has an accompanying smartphone app if so desired. Including jelly bean game packs which can include additional themed flavors like the "Harry Potter" line of jelly bean candies.

My idea is to develop a computer tablet or smartphone game title that is stand alone that is branded by the Jelly Belly bean line of candies. The game can include elements of augmented reality much like "Pokemon Go" and include microtransactions as a retail distribution outlet to sell and upsell real and virtual jelly bean, gummy bean, and licorice bean candy packs. For example, a gamer reaches level 10 in this adventure platformer genre tablet/smartphone game title. A notification will appear in-game and an email offer to their free registered account to enjoy a Free Real and Virtual Candy Pack. The free sampler candy pack can have like 5 flavors out of the pre-existing 50 flavors Jelly Belly Beans already offers. Perhaps with 5 to 10 units of bean candies per flavor in the sampler pack direct mailed for free to the gamer as a reward for reaching level 10 in-game. The virtual candy pack includes goodies be they cosmetic avatar wearables, pets, skill boosters, game equipment, etc... This will be an expansion of the addictive virtual achievements as merit badges of sorts gamers know already in contemporary games globally as a game design element. Besides the free real sampler candy pack offered to be directly shipped to the gamer customer account. There is also an Upsell Opportunity Retail Wise where the gamer is offered a better sampler candy pack. Versus the plain free one of 5 flavors, there are 15 flavors with more candy units per flavor direct shipped for free. The customer account would have the particulars such as postal address and stored credit card info from any other microtransactions purchased. When the gamer purchases a discounted sampler pack they'll receive a higher quality virtual game pack as well to use immediately. Additional goodies can be a virtual coloring book for a tablet as a download, ringtones for a smartphone, music tracks from the game, virtual emoji stickers, etc... Typically in game titles online or for mobile with microtransactions they've been exclusively tailored for only virtual wares to enhance the gameplay experience. Why not expand it to include additional real product purchases be they merchandising goods and/or candies in this instance?

Not to stop here with this inspirational conceptual design why not include a Cartoon Series based on the candy flavors partitioned into teams akin to the "Twilight Saga" and other contemporary online games. If the 50 flavors of the Jelly Belly Beans persists towards the Gummy and Licorice line of candies there can be 2 or more teams of these personality driven flavors. Be they the good, bad (sometimes good), and the ugly where such a cartoon series can showcase their power struggles and any moral lessons. All of it depending on the demographic age group of consumers as a target audience. The 1st season of such a Jelly Belly Bean of episodes can be hosted on the company website for streaming or on YouTube. Otherwise, the 1st season can be sold at retail as Bluray at discount big-box retailers such as Walmart and Target stores. Merchandising goodies can coincide with the cartoon series such as clothing, toys (ie action figures), and other novelty product lines. Depending on how successful is such a product line and marketing push as a directive is for the company. A charity for kids can be adopted or created by the company being promoted on each candy package sold. Being placed at a prominent location on the package with a one liner explanation of its altruistic mission.

If such a model proves highly successful like gangbusters perhaps creating a pavilion at an existing theme park of the candy company would be in order. Be it at a Disney Parks, Universal Studio parks, or Six Flags theme park location are all suitable hosts of a kid friendly Jelly, Gummy, and Licorice Belly Bean line of candies pavilion location. Of course, short of a pavilion at a theme park, the waters can be tested by hosting an annual convention for consumers of their products. Much like Game Publishers already do for online games like Activision Blizzard and the former Sony Online Entertainment used to do. Having a litany of activities planned be it a Cosplay of all 50 candy flavors as costumes akin to dressing up like the Jelly Belly Bean mascot by convention attendees. Offering premium candy and other goody gift bags for VIP's including onsite contests and sweepstakes. The sweepstakes prize can be a trip to travel to the game studio or artist studio of the cartoon series to be featured in a cameo voiced role in a future episode and game level. The convention can showcase the voice actors of the animated candy flavors, game designers, executive producers all very similar to an online game convention. Lastly, this inspirational conceptual design isn't just for a singular company such as "Jelly Belly Bean Candy Company". This candy product line and distribution model can easily dovetail for Hershey's, Cadbury's, Entermann's, Little Debbies, and even Twinkies as pastries. With the vision necessary to capitalize past outmoded 20th-century retail distribution models to borrow from the games and other published content industries. Can this be a shot in the arm to entertain and delight consumer audiences together in one fell swoop online and at retail. Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 21 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels inspired conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 11 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "Jewelsoftruth.us" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.
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Atrayo's Oracle Vlog Part 2: For May 18th, 2017 On Mindful, Persecution, Power, & God
In part 2 of "Atrayo's Oracle" Vlog from my blog posting on May 18th, 2017 on the 5 channeled angelic wisdom statements on the topics of Mindful, Persecution, Power, and on God. With 12 "Jewels of Truth," statements read in all. Jewels of Truth Website: http://jewelsoftruth.us Atrayo's Oracle Blog Entry: http://atrayosoracle.blogspot.com/201...
Jewels of Truth Statements: A Love of Heaven Reveals the Divine One Active Within Us

Hello All, Before this fair month of March concludes I wanted to share another 7 statements since that seems a good balance so far. This first one is a long hand "Jewels of Truth" spiritual wisdom statement on the topic of the Heavens #2,429 which I wrote early this Sunday morn. The other six are from this past week via my Facebook and Twitter pages respectively akin to a weekly digest right here in this post. Those topics and numeral series are as follows on Free Will #2,318 (Meme); 497B; and 498B. Being #2,400 (Meme); 499B, and 500B which concludes all six of the social media assorted series. Sharing part of my process as a clairvoyant writer I have stated over the years it feels and as I've channeled the angels on other sessions. That my writing style is influenced by several of the citizenry of paradise be they angels, archangels, and the often lauded ascended masters of several faiths. I don't ask their names when I receive their messages I merely hand over permission of my pen hand and we share the wonders that flow through me via automatic writing. They have often whispered to me their roles are that of spiritual teachers, guides, and scholars all as the masters. New Agers would easily state that I'm jacked into the akashic records although it feels more so intuitively that I'm channeling from a Hive Mind of God as a collective of angelic souls. Nonetheless, we meet in the middle of two loves one of my own as a devotion and the other as their holiest presence and we both make beautiful instructive writings together. Heavens: 2429) Every occurrence reveals an opportunity for change no matter its undetermined outcome. The zeitgeist of the moment is there vibrating with a pulsing life to behold the way of being true to one's own needs and wants. Without turmoil and without anxiety to perform as one ought to exist. Every entity soul is alive as a united partition to God itself. A contradiction metaphysically as a random expression of divine nature. And, yet as an individualized facet of our independent liberty at large all by its native personality as existential nature itself. In paradise, there is no contradiction to the perfect Will of God. All is uniform however by far it is not homogenous but profusely diverse like an endless planetary scenery without a horizon in its sheer wondrous majesty. Eden pales as a dwarfed example but the nature of God exceeds complete knowing by all the Angels combined upon totality. There is no need ever to replace God for he, she, it is completely perfect without fail. Everything lays beyond our most talented and audacious Imagination to exist within God(dess) like an unending infinite dream of extraordinary unfathomable variables. All dreamers of positive ecstasy can lay claim to being native sons and daughters of God(dess) as childlike creators with and by God dearly in them delightfully so. Fantasia, Nirvana, Heaven, Paradise, Elysium, Valhalla, Shangrila, Xanadu, and so forth are but simple lobbies of the Immense Grace to God's Ultimate throne room. Since the heavens appear as timeless and spaceless crystals as constant apertures making them forever of eternity and infinity of spatial orientation merely as photogenic illusions. This is basically to say that paradise is the dream of God come alive for our benefit to contain the best and brightest of all Creation(s) combined. There is a trinity of tiers in so many endless models of comprehension of the divine spheres. One can easily predict the triangulation of the design by the Angels in comparison to the unknowable designs of God itself. All the children of God as Souls metaphysically alone and none other are to be considered constantly as the baby minor gods and goddesses of any Creation. God is the Supreme Chief Architect as the originator of all realities. God is beyond the ideal of godhood as he, she, it is also in a league all of its own Omni Stature with and without a predestined ethos. The Creator makes its own way visible to all who are keen to understand the ways of heaven as the pinnacle celestial metaphysical civilization by its own accord. We as Angel and in continuation all reincarnated lifeforms as mortals further still are but the echo and reflected prism of holy light of the omniscient of God's beautiful majestic array as a gifted life all its own. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Being:

500B) To be Alive one needs permission to let go of that which no longer serves them truly. To mirror in a state of bliss you become again. 499B) All belief stems from a core need to understand this or any other reality in question. When belief meets confidence there erupts an inner sense of knowing in one's heart of hearts as a graduated belief. Additional steps of such good favor well into having faith mirrored by internal strength brings one back to a full circle of loving deeply by grace. When any person enters the realm of being they circumvent the activity of acquiring physically since this is a spiritual practice in principle. To Be one needs to mirror that which they seek earnestly and the best mode to do so is always with emotional thoughts as an energetic push. So as to carry one's belief with feeling leads one to the eventual state of mindfulness with a deliberate touch of the inner eye of the mind. Herein lays all limitless possibility to be fully alive in spirit and in unison with the body to experience a rebirth known as an enlightened grace. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.
Free Will:

498B) All Souls are totally free through God's majestic gift of endless Life. In contrast, humanity enslaves itself to laws, rules, debt, etc...
497B) Every entity soul arrive's upon this reality confused on how to proceed until offshoots of reasonable common sense evolve's into a rationale of sensibilities. This occurs to inject the grandeur of a near infinite choice into the realm of (un)common experiences encountered moment by moment. Not everyone can appreciate near endless freedom of being so rules and traditions are created to abide by as structural conditioning of our humanity.
In the Holy Spirit of God, we are completely free so the Immaculate Grace of being alive is a continual gift from God. However, upon the Earth throngs of people must abide by laws fashioned by patriarchal institutions and other restrictions of economics and even religious outlook. This is the paradox of the soul and the physical body in the world both are true and sometimes at odds one with the other. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.
Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 21 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels inspired conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 11 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "Jewelsoftruth.us" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCHCVmKiaNE)
Today I'll start off with a long hand series spiritual wisdom statement on The Body of God as 2,446. With no particular order of the spiritual memes of Hope 2,404, Metaphysics 2,403, Remembrance 2,383, and Karma 2,414. Additionally, the assorted social media entries are on the topics of Hope 512B, 513B; Metaphysics 514B, Heaven 515B, Awakening 516B, Awaken 517B, Karma 518B, and Understanding 519B.
Jewels of Truth Website.
Atrayo's Oracle Blog Entry.
Jewels of Truth Statements: The Afterlife Is A Reflection of the One Soul of God the Most High

Hello All, Now that we have all survived the first quarter of this year 2017 things will continue as they always have for the most part. One of the reasons I have been blogging here for over 11 years is to inspire, empower, and enrich all lives through faith and creativity. A response from my divine calling as a transformed sage, mystic, and muse doing automatic writing for 21 years time. I often state it is exchanging a Love for a Love which in the blending of souls we are all uplifted by the grace of God. No matter if the blending of souls is with the angels, fairies, and any other divine being in its heavenly rays of God's magnificence in them. Today I'll share another batch of 7 "Jewels of Truth" inclusive channeled angelic wisdom statements. On the topics of the Afterlife 2,431; Fairies 2,419 (Meme), 501B, 502B; and Violence 2,410 (Meme), 503B, 504B to finish off this set. The one on Violence as 503B gets somewhat controversial towards the end as it cites American drone strike inflicting civilian casualties abroad, which unfortunately is nothing new. Afterlife: 2431) The very first ever native civilization upon the entirety of Creation was the whole afterlife combined as the embodiment of God. Be it known simply as paradise, limbo, and hell each cornerstone has a respective dominion as each 1/3 of God's Supreme Almighty Divine nature. For paradise exists metaphysically and physically as a united unbroken chain of a continuum. A sanctuary of bliss like no other as perfect and pure in Absolute Love of God(dess). This is why there are holy places on Earth as pocket dimensional vortexes known as holy sanctified ground as literally Heaven on Earth. Much as the Great Patriarch of Moses soon discovered as he was first led to Mount Sinai. However as above so below as Hermes Trismegistus stated so eloquently long ago. God is an entity that is beyond the spiritual dominion which he created collectively for all manner of his ethereal offspring may inhabit. God whom we refer to in a monotheist or polytheist framework is the Creator of all deities as another heightened form of metaphysical living. All civilizations upon the Earth and further still across the universe is a reflection each to a dominion in the afterlife. Sometimes part heavenly, part neutral in limbo, and part hellish all at the very identical instance throughout its living history. God as the originator of the entire afterlife is the Father / Mother of all civilizations as glorified unions of souls with gigantic scale. In Heaven, it would be deemed as Utopia, in Limbo as purely neutral there would be no representation of civilization for the need is extinguished by means of Enlightenment beyond good and evil. And, finally, for Hell, it is Dystopian all for the fallen souls as equal children of God no less albeit having chosen unholy darkness versus the holy light by celebrating all manner of vileness instead. As Heaven can be found in enchanted zones upon this Earth and so many other countless worlds everywhere else upon Creation. So the opposite is also true for both Limbo and Hell on Earth and beyond. God is one-third the sustainer of heaven, limbo, and hell much as he sustains our physical realities. When we speak of the afterlife this is spaceless and timeless realities occupying everywhere simultaneously. What has no time and space dimensionally and so forth fits everywhere and nowhere continuously as a layered existence. This is how the afterlife seems infinite and eternal through the Omnipresence of God's omnipotent totality. No child of God no matter how esteemed by accomplishments within a lifetime is a favorite offspring of God. God doesn't play the petty ego-centric primitive game of favoritism since that is beneath him truly. God is pure everything absolutely everywhere as an Enlightened Almighty Creator, Sustainer, and Ultimately a Destroyer. He is the origination of all things good, benign, and so forth in order to elicit contrast so we may be perturbed to choose grace versus fear in the endless realities. The children of God that return to benevolence in spite of anguish are usually the bonafide heirs of the Kingdom of Heaven in paradise or upon the Earth. This is why God is divine order and a very finely sublime enlightened chaos as arbitrator or discerner as the supreme witness. Just as easily the Hindu faith would declare God of being the three beloved manifestations of Lord Brahman, Lord Vishnu, and Lord Shiva as Lord God above all other deities as his equally cherished heirs. Heaven is the first and last Utopia upon Creation simultaneously as timeless and spaceless in orientation meaning constantly in pure perfect being. Limbo is the first and last dominion as God was first witnessed by his earliest spiritual emanations as Children of God. Although Heaven and Hell are considered as twin realms each with its respective polarities of pure enlightened good and corrupted enlightened evil. Limbo is the initial opening God originally first appeared so there is no need of any sort of civilization. Lastly, Hell is the first and last dystopia upon Creation simultaneously as timeless and spaceless a constant realm of defilement. This is the totality of God the Almighty Supreme Majestic Creator, Sustainer, and Destroyer of all realities. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

502B) All Fae are nature's angels come to serve in a sincere majesty of all that is bold, beautiful, and holy with God's love. Amen.
501B) All life even if it has been misunderstood at a gross level is precious for all of it is the infinite Face of God reflected back onto Creation itself. To degrade without dignity any being of life without respect is instantly experienced by God in like kind in sublime symbiosis. Nothing escapes God as Supreme Witness.
The children of God in pure Spirit be they known as Angel or Fae it is all One to God as his beloved offspring upon totality. No one has been denied their divinity that welcomes it within a wholesome manner. Fairies are mother natures attendants just as regal as the angels and just as holy as nature spirits. No matter the genus delegated towards the majesty of God within their divine spirits. We are a metaphysical family no matter if we have faces or snouts or hands and paws. This is the stage of the divine acted out in all the splendid roles imaginable. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

504B) We can destroy the world only once but we can destroy humanity a thousand times and still never achieve lasting peace.
503B) Our world the Earth has suffered greatly due to our willful ignorance by selfish actions we've committed as a collective species. Some of which was accidental and at other times purposeful treating the home planet as a thing like property rather than a living breathing spiritual being and meta-organism. We have gone out into the world because of national interests and other ideological stances that have caused great suffering. Sometimes great good as a consequence has come of it but at a heavy cost in limb and treasure.
Our national expeditions as the sole superpower in our current age has disadvantaged us when our local struggles are often given short shrift. To defend liberty abroad is dandy but as we have the eye off the ball we may inadvertently displace our most honored liberties at home stateside. To cause other nations internationally to continue to remain unstable so as to fuel our war machine doesn't make us safer on home turf. Yes, take the fight to the enemy wherever they may reside but sooner rather than later freshly minted victims of American drone strikes as collateral damage. As once innocent now turned to the dark side will return the favor with their own drones on home soil. Payback, as they say, is a B****! ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 21 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels inspired conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 11 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "Jewelsoftruth.us" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1Fnsfj6tm0)
Today I'll share another batch of 7 "Jewels of Truth" inclusive channeled angelic wisdom statements. On the topics of the Afterlife 2,431; Fairies 2,419 (Meme), 501B, 502B; and Violence 2,410 (Meme), 503B, 504B to finish off this set. The one on Violence as 503B gets somewhat controversial towards the end as it cites American drone strike inflicting civilian casualties abroad, which unfortunately is nothing new.
Jewels of Truth website: http://jewelsoftruth.us
Atrayo’s Oracle blog entry: