Being - Tumblr Posts
bitches be like *recomsume media from childhood to cope*
Too busy being where I once was to ...fully understand...
where I am.
Your ridiculous checklist.
Certain necessities are common in looking for that special someone and in no way is it a bad thing. In fact, it's great to know what you want in a person. IN a person. Why is it that nowadays majority of those on this quest for an interpersonal connection bring along a laundry list of specifics pertaining to somebody's shell? How can you look at a person and believe you've taken from their physical appearance enough information about who they are? Their outer casing barely grazes the precipice of their inner workings, those internal thoughts and emotions which contain the very essence of a human. You can never even begin to understand who a person is from simple observations which can be found in a photograph. The thousands of words encased within that photo can be as deceiving as the lighting, the angle and the subject captured. And just like in a photo, those around you, who you deem fit because of their appearance, may take advantage of your most vulnerable sense by blinding you from the fact that they do not match up to the most important things you forgot to add to your ridiculous checklist.

Which Church is the True Church of Jesus Christ?
By Author Eli Kittim
The Decline of Christianity
Christianity has become a speculative art. It has created over 38,000 denominations as well as thousands of seminaries and Christian universities all over the world in an effort to promote its speculative and largely anthropomorphic doctrines. What’s more, academic faculties have hitherto bestowed higher degrees to qualified graduates who are deemed “knowledgeable” in doctrinal and pastoral matters. And so the theological baton has been passed from teacher to student seemingly ad infinitum.
In the seminary or the academy everyone has an opinion, and so there are, naturally, a wide variety of viewpoints and many different schools of thought. However, there can only be one truth, if it exists at all. So, which view is correct in any given case? Well, we’re living in the post-modern era of relativism, so take your pick. Both Christian methodology and epistemology are equally informed by currents in academia (i.e. interdisciplinary studies), so much so that doctrinal issues are beginning to reflect the modern culture more and more, from liberation theology and feminist theology, to even queer theology and trans-gendered theology.
What ever happened to the concept of one church, one body, one Lord, one spirit, one faith? (Eph. 4.4-6). Whatever happened to Paul’s appeal “that all of you be in agreement and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same mind and the same purpose”? (1 Cor. 1.10 NRSV).
A State of Theological Confusion
This state of affairs is primarily due to the fact that we have lost sight of who is a true Christian, and who is not. We can no longer differentiate between a nominal Christian and an authentic one. We don’t even know what constitutes a real Christian and what is the criteria for meeting that requirement. And we certainly don’t know who’s telling the truth. Fake news, false narratives, and the spread of misinformation have affected every aspect of Christianity. So, because we can’t tell the difference between what is true and what is false, we generally classify Christian doctrines into various levels based on their popularity. We decide which pastor to listen to according to their social status, academic degrees, reputation, experience, popularity, book sales, and the like. Or, we walk into a particular church simply because of how it makes us feel. These are not valid reasons for attending church, for following a particular denomination or pastor, or for assenting to their doctrines and believing in their creeds. That’s why modern Christianity has lost its direction and has gone so far astray that it no longer represents the teachings of Jesus Christ. It only represents human inventions, speculations, and secular academic endeavours. Sadly, modern Christianity doesn’t have a clue about the revelation of the New Testament (NT) or about its main object of study: Jesus Christ. Second Timothy 4.3-4 reads:
For the time is coming when people will not
put up with sound doctrine, but having
itching ears, they will accumulate for
themselves teachers to suit their own
desires, and will turn away from listening to
the truth and wander away to myths.
True Christians Get their Information Directly from God
There are only a few regenerated people in this world who know the *truths* of the NT, and this is due to their intimate knowledge of, and personal relationship with, Jesus! These all share the exact same knowledge of Christ! For them, the truth does not vary. Their knowledge is identical without the slightest variation as to the basic truths of the faith. They are all one, united in one faith, under one spirit and one lord. How is that possible, you may ask? The information they receive does not come from seminaries or academic universities, or from books or distinguished scholars. No. It comes straight from the mouth of God (Deut. 8.3; cf. Mt. 4.4). How can that be, you ask?
In the Old Testament (OT), there is obviously a divine communication that is revealed between God and humankind, particularly when the prophets declare categorically what “the LORD says” (cf. Jer. 23.38; 1 Kgs 12.24; Ezek. 20.5; Amos 5.16). This OT divine communication is also promised to the NT believers who will be regenerated in the Spirit (Jn 16.13):
When the Spirit of truth comes, he will
guide you into all the truth; for he will not
speak on his own, but will speak whatever
he hears, and he will declare to you the
things that are to come [ερχόμενα].
So, the process of salvation, or regeneration, has everything to do with knowledge and truth! It is the dividing line or the threshold between authentic and false Christianity. And that makes all the difference in the world. People are confused about what salvation is. For instance, there are all sorts of scholarly debates between those who hold to “easy-believism” and those who adhere to lordship salvation. There are those who think they are saved, when they’re not. For example, pastors often tell people, who answer altar calls, that they have been reborn simply because they made a profession of faith. Joel Osteen is a case in point. Other folk think they can go on sinning because all they are required to do is to believe, according to their interpretation of Scripture. Steven Anderson, the pastor of Faithful Word Baptist Church, is such an example. But God is not the author of confusion (1 Cor. 14.33). And, unfortunately, most people don’t know what authentic salvation in Christ really is. If people have believed lies, then the truth will necessarily seem false to them. So they react negatively by portraying true salvation as if it were evil, unbiblical, untraditional, or even revolting. However, if you reject true salvation, your Christianity is as fake as you are. Your pseudo-religion is nothing more than a bad caricature of Christianity. Just listen to one of Paul Washer’s sermons. There is only one way for you to know the truth and become a part of the one true church of Jesus. And that is by understanding the *process* by which you can be saved!
Every church and every ministry teaches something different, and most of their teachings are completely foreign to the NT. It’s reminiscent of Paul’s stern warning to the church of Corinth (1 Cor. 1.12, 13) that began to split into various divisions or denominations:
each of you says, ‘I belong to Paul,’ or ‘I
belong to Apollos,’ or ‘I belong to Cephas,’
or ‘I belong to Christ.’ Has Christ been
divided? Was Paul crucified for you? Or
were you baptized in the name of Paul?
Paul explicitly condemns this fragmentation of church doctrine and says it is not of God. Accordingly, 1 Timothy 4.1-3 is prophesying of what is to come:
Now the Spirit expressly says that in later
times some will renounce the faith by
paying attention to deceitful spirits and
teachings of demons, through the hypocrisy
of liars whose consciences are seared with
a hot iron. They forbid marriage and
demand abstinence from foods, which God
created to be received with thanksgiving by
those who believe and know the truth.
A Soteriological Crisis
Why all the splinter groups and all the contradictory doctrines? Because we lost touch with spirituality. In other words, we lost touch with God. We can no longer hear him. We can no longer communicate with him. Why? Because we’re suffering from bibliolatry! The Bible is not an end in itself. It’s supposed to lead us to Christ. Yet we have become idolaters, Bible-worshipping Christians with no spirituality whatsoever, as if the Bible alone had the capacity to transform us into Christ. As if the Bible has replaced Christ. Hence the reason for Jesus’ caveat in Jn 5.39:
You search the scriptures because you think
that in them you have eternal life; and it is
they that testify on my behalf.
We’ve also created new doctrines and man-made traditions. The various doctrines became officially mandated during the successive councils of the church. Thus, all the denominations are in error. They exist without NT authority. Consider what Christ will say to the fake Christians on Judgment day (Mt. 7.21-23):
Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,'
will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only
the one who does the will of my Father in
heaven. On that day many will say to me,
‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your
name, and cast out demons in your name,
and do many deeds of power in your
name?’ Then I will declare to them, ‘I never
knew you; go away from me, you evildoers.'
But what exactly does it mean to do the will of Christ’s father? Does it depend on us, forcing our will to conform to his, through repetitive behavioural acts? No. It means to surrender your will to God so that you can say with Paul, “it is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me” (Gal. 2.20). Then, divine obedience becomes natural and automatic. But, unfortunately, that’s not what we’ve been told by the religious authorities. We’ve been taught to think that we’re Christians on our way to heaven. In other words, there’ll be upright people——people who even claim to believe in Jesus——that will be lost on the day of judgment! But what is the soteriological standard against which all other theories are measured? Notice the criterion that God uses: “I never knew you.” So, we must try to explain, then, how it is that God “knows us.” Answer: if we surrender our life to him, he will know us personally and intimately in a deep, unitive, and mystical sense. In short, he will permanently become an integral part of our lives (Jn 14.23):
Those who love me will keep my word, and
my Father will love them, and we will come
to them and make our home with them.
But how can you make this happen? How can you become a part of the true church? Some say by “obedience,” while others claim you only need to “believe.” But they are both wrong because both of these Pelagian premises are based on you saving yourself through personal works. In this scenario, Jesus becomes utterly irrelevant. So, that’s not it. The answer is, you have to be transformed! Notice in the undermentioned passage that Jesus inflicts “vengeance on those who do not know God” and who, therefore, disobey him. The text prophesies the final consummation (2 Thess. 1.7, 8),
when the Lord Jesus is revealed from
heaven with his mighty angels in flaming
fire, inflicting vengeance on those who do
not know God and on those who do not
obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus.
Most churches claim that all you have to do to be saved involves rote learning and habitual religious exercises. For example, the Church of Christ says that you have to obey the Gospel by hearing, Believing, Repenting, Confessing, and being baptised. And then you’ll be saved. How wonderful. How convenient. How painless. All man-made, all based on one’s own efforts, and the greatest thing of all, no spirituality is necessary, and there’s no need for a change of heart or a radical renewing of the mind (Rom. 12.2). By the way, when Paul speaks of baptism, he’s not referring to the immersion in water but to a painful baptism into Christ’s death that regenerates the believer “in newness of life” during the dark night of the soul (cf. Acts 19.5-6). He says in Rom. 6.3, 4:
Do you not know that all of us who have
been baptized into Christ Jesus were
baptized into his death? Therefore we have
been buried with him by baptism into death,
so that, . . . we too might walk in newness of
So, congregants are being deceived into thinking that they are saved, when they are not! Church leaders will typically quote a few out-of-context verses about belief in Christ and his resurrection, and, if you meet these criteria, they’ll tell you that you’re good to go. You’re saved. This is downright nonsense! How pathetic has been the fall of so many people who were not properly trained or educated on the nature of salvation within the Christian faith. No wonder so many of them have left the faith and have turned to atheism, profoundly disillusioned with the form of Christianity that could neither solve their problems nor offer any meaning in the face of today’s postmodern world.
You Will Know the Truth, and the Truth Will Make You Free (John 8.32)
As Paul reminds us, “Anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to him” (Rom. 8.9). So, how do we do our part in order to allow this transformation to take place and to invite the Spirit into our lives? There are many methods. However, one of the most effective means of doing so is by way of “stillness,” which is traditionally known as a prayer of silence! From a phenomenological perspective, this Kierkegaardian “leap of faith” requires a transcendent existential experience. This involves a deep meditation in which the mind leaves all knowledge behind and passes into a state of transcendent *unknowing* where the “intuition of naked truths” is “conveyed to the understanding” (John of the Cross. “Ascent of Mount Carmel.” Trans. E. Allison Peers. [Liguori: Triumph, 1991], p. 182). The point is that we’re not going to get there by discursive thinking but rather by “being,” in the existential sense!
Thus, being obedient is not enough. Being morally upright or having good intentions is not enough. Being a descendant of Abraham is not enough. Salvation is not based on a biological birth, but on a birth from above. In short, we must be born again (Jn 3.3):
Very truly, I tell you, no one can see the
kingdom of God without being born from
See my article: How Are We Saved?

Jewels of Truth Statement: "To Be Reborn Once More With God"
Hello All, A Happy Blessed Easter to all Christians around the globe. Besides a hearty celebration of Passover that will be concluding in two days for the Jews. Today's "Jewels of Truth" spiritual wisdom statement is on the topic of "Being". As in a Divine or Spiritual Being as a spiritual form of the soul itself. This statement is #1705 in the series written about eleven days ago or so originally. Today's topic merely focuses on Being hood as an entity of the "Holy Spirit" we all are in a macro sense belong in origin to and with God. No matter our faith tradition on this Earth be it spiritual, religious, or a divine inspired philosophy. We are with God and God is with us. Whether there be sanctified intercessors as avatars or prophets in a faith tradition we are all one in the essence of God himself. So please enjoy in reflecting on today's topic since in truth I didn't write it in reminder of the famous English playwright "Shakespeare". It just accidentally happened that way in regarding of the phrase of "To Be" in all innocence. Still it doesn't detract in the least as you'll soon find out with this spiritual wisdom statement. Enjoy as always. ------------------------------------- Being: 1705) Many throughout the ages have asked Why are we experiencing life itself? Many more have given plausible answers and others yet still have remained clueless in their responses. Our existence can be a blessing or a curse depending on how we treat our perceptions. By how we live in our shared environments on this planet Earth. The predominant classical response is varied but for simplicities sake we came "To Be" once more. The "I Am" wanted "To Be" once more in Creation as a whole expression of life plural. In such a being that it may come to know itself / himself / herself through its fellow creations represented in the multiplicity of the totality of life itself. "To Be" the "I Am" is the simplest answer. Yet "To Be" the "I Am" we are not the whole expression known as God(dess) in humanity alone. We are just a spiritual speck of the whole essence of God. So in order to rejoin with the whole "I Am that I Am" as revealed to the "Prophet Moses" peace be upon him. We must seek like elements of his benevolent almighty "Divine Will". According to his majestic and generous life affirming role to remind us of his eternal glory in truth. We who adore God by the holy sanctity of such a timeless truth must ensure for all generations to follow. To facilitate such a beauty for the sake of developing past our ill conceived fragmented human identities alone as living eternal souls. So as to recall our supreme unity with the Divine totality of it all in the whole "I Am" in order "To Be" again. The best recourse we can use "To Be" again is to express our purest nature as unconditional Love itself in its truest essence. So we Love in dignity one another, we serve respectfully one another within the limits of our human mortality. We continue to become self-aware in compassionate understanding of good and of evil in the world. We seek wisdom and knowledge to live fuller lives in order to better ourselves as we each individually and collectively see fit. We harm no one, especially ourselves in the course of our existence as mortal beings. We continue to worship God(dess) by whatever faith tradition that gives us the most joy and sustenance as living people and as truly dynamic souls in God. By these few ideals we welcome our chances to promote a richer environment for the willing that seek to live in harmony with the "I Am that I Am". Any rules, regulations, laws, and by laws are only meant as a means to find such an expression for an optimal function of communal or societal peace in an imperfect world. Self policing or discipline is a necessary practice in order to enshrine a safer place for all with restraint for the agents of justice. Otherwise abuse or inflated ego's will lead the innocent away from true being in finding expression of God in our own combined lives. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.
Jewels of Truth Statements: A Love of Heaven Reveals the Divine One Active Within Us

Hello All, Before this fair month of March concludes I wanted to share another 7 statements since that seems a good balance so far. This first one is a long hand "Jewels of Truth" spiritual wisdom statement on the topic of the Heavens #2,429 which I wrote early this Sunday morn. The other six are from this past week via my Facebook and Twitter pages respectively akin to a weekly digest right here in this post. Those topics and numeral series are as follows on Free Will #2,318 (Meme); 497B; and 498B. Being #2,400 (Meme); 499B, and 500B which concludes all six of the social media assorted series. Sharing part of my process as a clairvoyant writer I have stated over the years it feels and as I've channeled the angels on other sessions. That my writing style is influenced by several of the citizenry of paradise be they angels, archangels, and the often lauded ascended masters of several faiths. I don't ask their names when I receive their messages I merely hand over permission of my pen hand and we share the wonders that flow through me via automatic writing. They have often whispered to me their roles are that of spiritual teachers, guides, and scholars all as the masters. New Agers would easily state that I'm jacked into the akashic records although it feels more so intuitively that I'm channeling from a Hive Mind of God as a collective of angelic souls. Nonetheless, we meet in the middle of two loves one of my own as a devotion and the other as their holiest presence and we both make beautiful instructive writings together. Heavens: 2429) Every occurrence reveals an opportunity for change no matter its undetermined outcome. The zeitgeist of the moment is there vibrating with a pulsing life to behold the way of being true to one's own needs and wants. Without turmoil and without anxiety to perform as one ought to exist. Every entity soul is alive as a united partition to God itself. A contradiction metaphysically as a random expression of divine nature. And, yet as an individualized facet of our independent liberty at large all by its native personality as existential nature itself. In paradise, there is no contradiction to the perfect Will of God. All is uniform however by far it is not homogenous but profusely diverse like an endless planetary scenery without a horizon in its sheer wondrous majesty. Eden pales as a dwarfed example but the nature of God exceeds complete knowing by all the Angels combined upon totality. There is no need ever to replace God for he, she, it is completely perfect without fail. Everything lays beyond our most talented and audacious Imagination to exist within God(dess) like an unending infinite dream of extraordinary unfathomable variables. All dreamers of positive ecstasy can lay claim to being native sons and daughters of God(dess) as childlike creators with and by God dearly in them delightfully so. Fantasia, Nirvana, Heaven, Paradise, Elysium, Valhalla, Shangrila, Xanadu, and so forth are but simple lobbies of the Immense Grace to God's Ultimate throne room. Since the heavens appear as timeless and spaceless crystals as constant apertures making them forever of eternity and infinity of spatial orientation merely as photogenic illusions. This is basically to say that paradise is the dream of God come alive for our benefit to contain the best and brightest of all Creation(s) combined. There is a trinity of tiers in so many endless models of comprehension of the divine spheres. One can easily predict the triangulation of the design by the Angels in comparison to the unknowable designs of God itself. All the children of God as Souls metaphysically alone and none other are to be considered constantly as the baby minor gods and goddesses of any Creation. God is the Supreme Chief Architect as the originator of all realities. God is beyond the ideal of godhood as he, she, it is also in a league all of its own Omni Stature with and without a predestined ethos. The Creator makes its own way visible to all who are keen to understand the ways of heaven as the pinnacle celestial metaphysical civilization by its own accord. We as Angel and in continuation all reincarnated lifeforms as mortals further still are but the echo and reflected prism of holy light of the omniscient of God's beautiful majestic array as a gifted life all its own. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo. Being:

500B) To be Alive one needs permission to let go of that which no longer serves them truly. To mirror in a state of bliss you become again. 499B) All belief stems from a core need to understand this or any other reality in question. When belief meets confidence there erupts an inner sense of knowing in one's heart of hearts as a graduated belief. Additional steps of such good favor well into having faith mirrored by internal strength brings one back to a full circle of loving deeply by grace. When any person enters the realm of being they circumvent the activity of acquiring physically since this is a spiritual practice in principle. To Be one needs to mirror that which they seek earnestly and the best mode to do so is always with emotional thoughts as an energetic push. So as to carry one's belief with feeling leads one to the eventual state of mindfulness with a deliberate touch of the inner eye of the mind. Herein lays all limitless possibility to be fully alive in spirit and in unison with the body to experience a rebirth known as an enlightened grace. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.
Free Will:

498B) All Souls are totally free through God's majestic gift of endless Life. In contrast, humanity enslaves itself to laws, rules, debt, etc...
497B) Every entity soul arrive's upon this reality confused on how to proceed until offshoots of reasonable common sense evolve's into a rationale of sensibilities. This occurs to inject the grandeur of a near infinite choice into the realm of (un)common experiences encountered moment by moment. Not everyone can appreciate near endless freedom of being so rules and traditions are created to abide by as structural conditioning of our humanity.
In the Holy Spirit of God, we are completely free so the Immaculate Grace of being alive is a continual gift from God. However, upon the Earth throngs of people must abide by laws fashioned by patriarchal institutions and other restrictions of economics and even religious outlook. This is the paradox of the soul and the physical body in the world both are true and sometimes at odds one with the other. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.
Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 21 years of his life to the pursuit of clairvoyant automatic writing channeling the Angelic host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series of "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels inspired conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 11 years plus online. Your welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.
"Jewels of Truth" spiritual wisdom statement on the topic of the Heavens #2,429. The other six are from this past week via my Facebook and Twitter pages respectively akin to a weekly digest right here in this post. Those topics and numeral series are as follows on Free Will #2,318 (Meme); 497B; and 498B. Being #2,400 (Meme); 499B, and 500B.
Jewels of Truth website:
Atrayo’s Oracle blog entry:
Channeled Angelic Wisdom of the Jewels of Truth Series on Conduct, Being, and Personal Character

Hello All,
Finally, I've set aside some time to blog some freshly minted for this month of May a trio of Jewels of Truth statements as channeled content from the Angels. For the last year or so I requested from the angels to receive this content usually as a theme of topics. So randomly without forethought on my part, the 3 topics of Conduct, Being, and Personal Character have been set aside for now.
The topics and/or attributes are self-explanatory so not much background information is necessary. For those that are new readers of Atrayo's Oracle blog site of 18+ years online originally at Google's Blogger portal, and now at various satellite locations online such as LinkedIn, Tumblr, and Temple Illuminatus.
I have been channeling the heavenly angelic host and assorted holy ones for now over 28+ plus years. Utilizing a writing technique that is considered as psychic Inspirational automatic writing. Not unlike the author of The Conversations With God book series of Neale Donald Walsch. I may actually have channeled more Inspired content than Mr. Walsch but not all of it is published publically. Lol, but who's counting?
Without further adieu may you be blessedly informed and expand your spiritual horizons of grace. Amen.
3316) Many wonders occur without the cognizant realization of people in their common ordinary midst. Each to experience a solemn loving Omni-Presence of God universally. One must exude reverence for the great and small of this world simultaneously. In order to garner a situational or circumstantial awareness as a living blessing when what is perceived is well-meaning indeed by faith.
Not all perceptions are equal, nor robust in the continuity of an honorable conduct. Thus it takes much practice and genuine sincere curiosity to experience the holiness of the divine in your everyday common midst.
What do you notice spiritually? It depends usually on your cultural faith tradition in this world by devotional expectations. Is it an angel, a holy ghost, a natural fairy, a nature spirit, an ancestor, and so forth? Will you can you notice what is perpetually there spiritually noticing you by a beloved esteem? Intention follows adoration when the pure heart is stirred from within for what is holy is everlasting only through God(dess) alone.
Shining as a spirit reborn upon the world permits you many graces as both wonders and responsibilities to hold a higher standard of conduct both humanely and spiritually. First, do no harm. Meaning do not condemn the foreigner or your neighbor for how they commune or not with the celestial divine upon the world. Paradise is an Inclusive metaphysical reality of the afterlife for all faiths. Each one is a sacred trust as religions, spiritual traditions, and philosophies of ancient bygone civilizations, contemporary ones, and ones yet to be invented. Not just by humanity on earth but by intelligent semi-sentient species out beyond in the cosmos.
Like-kind spiritually as pulses or energetically will always attract each other where space and time aren't real to the metaphysical afterlife. A spiritual holy enshrined magnetism occurs by a person whose devout is akin to Being calibered or harmonized to the divine like a tuning fork at a specific frequency beyond what is audible alone dimensionally.
So vibrating with benevolence in your heart, mind, and soul of God in you welcomes like kind of the holy ones. A circular loop of constant grace is enshrined through you as if you are a bead being strung on a loop of great affection to be adorned by God as if wearing you like a necklace of precious diamond-like jewels.
However, if you hate with anger with toxic vibrations as pulses of ill-will both as a person and a spirit reborn you will stir up metaphysically not just poor conduct but Hell on Earth as well. Such disruptive outbursts that are sustained are the worst kind of danger wherever possible on a spiritual basis.
Your world is awash with a Contrast of goodness, neutrality, and evil each with a native spectrum of metaphysical frequencies all its own kind. Humanity often calls them the Virtues and Vices each expression is an intonation much like the aforementioned tuning fork at a marked dedicated frequency. How you balance your decorum signifies your stature not just on earth with the maturity of personal character but also in the afterlife simultaneously.
The divine is enmeshed with your mundane common ordinary world it is a layered stratified existence of the extraordinary wonders unto the plain and benign phenomena of all circular dynamical realities. What you pour of yourself personally out of you and into you from other sources spells the difference of health or disease upon you physically and spiritually in tandem.
There are many avenues to commune with the benevolent spiritual realities whether by prayer, meditation, and contemplations as forms of worship. There are also devout songs, dances, and solitary exercises of the Intuitive mystical arts just to name a few. Do you have a pure open heart and mind without being jaded of what is divine and what is clearly not?
Do you succumb easily to hardship complaining that your life is stressful without practicing self-improvement? What maladies of the human condition are beyond your control and which ones can you influence privately or with the help of other trusted souls? Do you practice Mercy and Forgiveness upon yourself and extend it to all others be they human, creature, and ecological?
Heaven on Earth and Hell on Earth are two sides of the identical reality each sharing a spectrum of dimensional constants that can distinguish the weak from the strong in the world. Your attributes as your personal conduct signify this treatise between you and God personally and privately that no other person be they well-meaning or not should have any authority to interfere with truly. Please know which master you obey predominantly in the world and act accordingly by faith in God(dess) always and forever more. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

3317) The Soft Stillness of Being Within feeds the doing moreso profoundly. The Deeper the Being, the Deeper the Mindfulness of your cherished wholeness which fulfills true Being. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.
Personal Character:
3318) To the one who feels much for his/her own behavior as an outlet of justified actions. Be not afraid to live a finely righteous demeanor given if the circumstances are in your favor or not. Sometimes difficult choices must be made with careful analysis as to the ramifications of the highest and best good that is possible for all concerned. Regardless, if the highest good is yours or not given the potential array of outcomes.
There are moments where a personal sacrifice is called for as a form of practical character building for the upliftment of the spiritual self upon this world in terms of karma. This isn't to say to suffer needlessly at every possible turn as a martyr, masochist, and so forth. No tend to what is rational and behave with honour as to what is expected from you in that moment of time wherever possible.
Then follow the trail of the sensible claim of following decisions based on reason, common sense, logic, and if necessary by sheer Intuition as required. Always moving at your pace and if not at what the moment dictates in an orderly fashion even if the pace can seem hectic at first blush. Do not be bullied into making rash decisions by peer pressure with an incomplete assessment of the facts at hand.
Moreover please trust your Intuitive heart foremost when the decisions are serious. Silence the racing thoughts, take a deep breath or two, and release the anxiety. Listen emotionally to the Stillness within feel for the moments between moments and there you will have found your Intuitive Heart alive with your Guardian Spiritual Angel present in your Divine midst.
Give yourself leeway to make mistakes without crucifying yourself too harshly to be a fallible person in the world. Humanity was never meant to be perfection, that is an irrational glitch of the human ego. Do celebrate your minor with larger successes in your life personally. Since so few well-meaning people will do so on your legitimate behalf as friends, loved ones, and even strangers.
Sincerely welcome the plights that will challenge your mettle in order to rise to the occasion by living your convictions as best as you can even if you falter repeatedly. Courage requires stamina to continue despite the odds. Compassion spells the difference between the holy ones and the brutal animals of the world. Be dignified in a manner that best suits your personality, not the generic canned responses your elders may demand from you earnestly.
Cherish responsibility in order to hold yourself to a better standard of living. Society will have expectations of you and not all of them are considerate. Sometimes being the misfit is better company than the dogma of the era that is politically and culturally hysterical and flawed in humane esteem. To know this difference takes personal Inner humility to truly understand your motivations and that of the illness of psychology of the societal masses.
Not every aggressor is wrong so discern accordingly and not every victim is innocent either. Comprehension beyond the situational facts on the ground but truly the untold truth takes a practical understanding of the human condition. With a spiritual fortitude to do your best always without being lazy and cheating at another person's expense.
Predicaments will occur that are chaotic as accidents and emergencies beyond the ordinary of the commoners day. Allow your Inner Stillness to guide your steps with sensible approaches that allow for minor confusion to be later clarified with reason and logic from trusted authority figures. Even if their personable values differ from your own in life and dogma. It is not the place to adjudicate the peace at that very instant of chaos that can come later when disaster strikes profusely.
Do live with the strength of personal character and compassion for the stranger, foreigner, and your kinsfolk as your neighbors. This includes for yourself foremost and all other persons known and unknown in the world. For your thoughts, words, actions, and even your inactions do matter spiritually and moreover upon this reality of the Earth.
Whether there is earnest allowance of what must be earned, shared by privilege, and gifted as charity. The original sin is withholding your grace from the world when it is dearly needed and otherwise wanted by mutual fellows and the masses in question. To serve another sincerely with virtue is to serve God silently in the constant eternal stillness of what matters most can be unspoken with a cherished internal embrace by the divine. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.
Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 28 plus years of his life to the pursuit of clairaudient-inspired automatic writing channeling the Angelic Heavenly host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also utilizes a unique channeled angelic divination method called the Multi-Deck Divination System. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 18 years plus online. You're welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.
Channeled Angelic Wisdom of the Jewels of Truth Series on Rainbows and Being

Hello All,
Color me surprised to be blogging so soon right after my last posting for May 30th. I often find for my Inner tempo that a recent blog entry a few days later I have enough steam as in willpower to keep up the momentum. I have jumped randomly into my notebooks to look for 2 random statements neglected by me from the angels through past sessions via Inspirational Psychic Clairaudient Automatic Writing.
Using another psychic technique known as Stichomancy. Basically, it's opening up a book, magazine, or other periodical of printed media randomly and seeking a message. It can be done with the Bible and that psychic technique is called Biblomancy. I'm sure it'll work with any other Holy Book of other faiths or what have you as a principle.
So today's duo of Jewels of Truth channeled statements are on Rainbows and Being. I can already sense the holy fae cheering from the sidelines. So without further adieu may you enjoy today's angelic range in terms of topics. Namaste.
3272) With every smile in the world an upside-down frown also duly occurs. However such frowns are redeemable when they become remarkable arches as rainbows across the celestial dome of Father Sky. Here is where beauty after a storm shines with natural feminine brilliance. That only a prismatic optical illusion can stir the romantic hearts in each of us who cares about the world.
To be aware of such a wonderous rationale spells a caring spirit body usually that this world isn't quite yet doomed. Regardless, of the doom and gloom on the News media sources reported otherwise in their constant barrage of sensationalized horrors across the globe afar.
The human world has always been fractured in pieces with a struggle for justice here and there. The Preeminence of Being Alive is often easily misplaced by the hardships of the day and of the society at large in question. To be the leader of the pack as tribal gyrations go forces the followers en-masse into silos and corridors of future heresy and other manipulated talking points. Regardless of who is impacted along the route, the incessant chatter rises to the heavens with political and cultural rhetoric.
All Fairness is a form of sanctified divinity by means of Internal balancing in terms of adjudicated boundaries of decency. When you witness a rainbow in the sky you see the Smiles of the Heavenly Host upon the fragile living Earth. Be this deemed as your spiritual ancestors, the holy fairies, blessed exalted angels, greater nature spirits, and ultimately God(dess) consciously in your midst.
A rainbow is a godsend (please pardon the pun). A rainbow is a beautiful natural array of the spectrum of light refracted via the prism of atmospheric life. The sublime spiritual beneficence extends its grace upon the world for those willing to shine internally with an equal brilliance of significance by sheer conviction in God.
A rainbow can also exist at night often they are referred to as a Moonbow. With an audacity of near equal luminous splendor on complete exhibition for the mystical devout eye to wonder at its intricate beauty upon the night skyline of Holy Mother Nature herself.
To be of the resolve to enact harmony into one's sacred life when a natural wonder is encountered. Expels the notion that a rainbow is merely just a plain ordinary yawn to observe and move on without appreciation. The Omens of Goodwill as a form of Anism of this world for the planet is celebrated truly.
Please take heed that the formidable creative soul can hear the unspoken in complete deep silence. Than any cacophony of crows can ever muster by the faculty of the sublime Intuition within. The Great Mystery is all around us often side-by-side is the ordinary and extraordinary parallels of the other as natural phenomena constantly present.
Can you the spiritual inquisitive seeker fathom such a realization of wonders? To be spiritually enlivened streaks beyond the intellectual conundrums of dogma and theology. Where often the Inner stillness of Being still speaks volumes without analysis being necessary. This is the bread of the soul within to come away with Joy in order to embark on the cosmic dance of life. May these understandings intrigue you the child of God to awaken your native grandeur within as the divine in expression. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

3156) All of Life is a Mystery best shared as a known constant of the multiplicity of continually Being Alive. What is dead simultaneously is released spiritually from this world as this is the Will of God. All of Life and Death is constantly in a cycle present without ascribing the emotional and mental anguish of the constraints of being good, neutral, and evil upon this world.
Life and Death just is and it is not in its most diluted principle of the entire Being. All is here for you who knows how to understand these precepts without convoluted formulas for existing and/or thriving in one's localized environment(s). What is not real eventually ebbs away stirred elsewhere about the confines of the Infinity of unrealized Creation(s).
One can become more by expending very little energy from oneself. In just surmising what they care for in an abiding manner and then become that over time and the space of continuity. Where all other pertinent dimensions of Inner Being slip away as if a simultaneous death of the superfluous.
Existence is akin to switching mechanical gears cycling one function onto another prealigned set of actions onto another plateau or circuit. Allowing momentum to flow at an even pace without the need to accelerate unnaturally. A relaxed tempo distills the equilibrium necessary to function where it permits its own natural cadence of Being.
The continuum of Being is a spectrum of Totality. Allowing for a poised comprehension of the eternal and the Infinite to be joined with many other varied dimensions of Creation akin to an array of multiplicity. The eternity of Now the Omni-presence is timeless forever. Where finite linear time is unfurled like a zipper it too becomes subsumed into non-linear substrates of nothingness. A paradoxical flip as the holdover constant nature of Time is triggered expanding itself like a musical accordion. A modulation of the dimensional Constance expands like a lung and collapses again similar to the aforementioned musical accordion.
Again we the Angelic Heavenly Host remark the identical iota for every other dimension under its own auspices of Being expressed in a near dynamic of its native continuum. Such as Infinity is a constant principle of spacelessness. Where finite space as confined environments collapses before nothingness subsumed into a paradoxical shift akin to a binary cause and effect.
Now again to reiterate a 3rd time that any and all truisms persist for all other dimensions of Being. Each is here and none are present simultaneously through the fostering Omni-Presence of God. As the Originator of all apex totalities be they beyond the nano sub-particle well into the gargantuan of the macro of all fluctuating Super Universes as One Quantum Cell Structure.
The Essence of Everything is beyond matter and anti-matter itself it heralds from the spiritual ethereal astral realms. The Great Spirit is beyond that still as its own dominion of Being unto its own native self akin to a stand-alone principle of a universal super-structure. Beyond that dimensional spiritual realm lays the Soul of God a conundrum that is constantly ebbing and flowing like the ocean. With tidal waves of life and death reborn across all universes known and unknown of Being forever. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.
Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 28 plus years of his life to the pursuit of clairaudient-inspired automatic writing channeling the Angelic Heavenly host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also utilizes a unique channeled angelic divination method called the Multi-Deck Divination System. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 18 years plus online. You're welcome to visit his website "" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.

Four Years - (2024)
It’s now been 4 years since we lost Chadwick Boseman. 😔
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“Secret Garden”
Acrylic on foam board.
1st work in a new art series.