I am a character artist who you can call Aura. Hello there fellow Tumblrs! Hsien-Ko and Mei-Ling are my favorite characters of all time and mean everything to me. :) He/Him/They/Them Creator of Cryas Darkstalkers and Cryas Chronicles. Pursuing to dedicate this blog to all lore and images relating to both this elseworld and OC mythos that I am crafting. If you wish to just see reblogs, my thoughts, and art check me out here: https://www.tumblr.com/auranovabloggers
45 posts
Fundamentals Of Magic And Magi Artes
Fundamentals of Magic and Magi Artes
In the Cryas Chronicles reality, magic is a phenomenon that is known by many civilizations throughout the different realms. While many had their own ideas of what this phenomenon was, magic in due time was studied and understood what it was at its core by some. Magic is understood as the ability for an individual to manipulate different forms of energy and forces in the universe to perform different effects. Over many, many millennia, several forms of magic described as 'Elementals' were discovered and documented. The Elementals are as such: Fire, Ice, Terra, Wind, Lightning, Water, Dark, Light, Energy, and Aura. Each elemental has a connection to a different form of energy or force:
Fire and Ice both deal with the ability to manipulate heat energy, but in different ways. Fire is the ability to concentrate heat into a targeted area while Ice is the ability to rapidly remove heat from a specified area. Interestingly, the use of Ice magic does cause areas around the field of effect to feel increased temperatures as the energy cannot be destroyed and must be placed elsewhere. Many tend to throw the heat into the air.
Terra is the manipulation of the force of gravity. Historically, many have made use of it to manipulate the ground and rocks to cause many effects as they manipulate their position in order to attack. Fundamentally though, Terra magic is not reliant on dirt or rocks to be around in order to be used. So long as one's ability to concentrate gravity is excellent, then they can still make things work.
Wind is the manipulation of the atmosphere to move air in a desired way. So long as the caster is in an area where air is present, Wind magic can be used.
Lightning is the manipulation of electrical energy.
Water is the manipulation of water particles in the environment. The power and effects of such artes is dependent on the environment, both in terms of water being in the soil or atmosphere.
Dark is the use of energy to manipulate soundwaves. Historically, Dark had been associated with the perceived notion of evil, negative emotions, or dark energies. But eventually, it was discovered that Dark Magi Artes had an affinity for soundwaves. While many things can produce sounds, the way sound is manipulated via Dark Artes has been noted to be particularly dreadful.
Light is the manipulation of electromagnetic radiation. In the past, Light Artes were associated with perceived notions of good energy, positive emotions, or even the stars. However, with scientist discovering the existence of electromagnetic radiation, a fundamental understanding of Light Magi Artes came to be for the masses.
Energy is the manipulation of energy in its most pure, raw state. Devoid of the typical understanding of the elementals, Energy Artes tend to be rather destructive and difficult to perform as the ability to manipulate such force requires a keen mind and deep understanding of energy manipulation.
Aura is the manipulation of a special form of energy that is both corporeal and ethereal in nature. In a sense, it is a form of energy that is connected to an ethereal essence that many call 'life force'. While all complex life forms have auras to a degree, it is strongest in animals and intelligent lifeforms.
Making use of Magi Artes requires one to train themselves to understand the basic fundamentals of energy manipulation. In some cases, some people will have an affiliation for one elemental in particular, but some might be more gifted to be able to understand multiple. Even with that in mind, study and training is required. While each elemental has other applications outside of combat, the many Magi Artes that exist have been documented and tiered in a way to give an understanding of not only their power, but difficulty in use. The tiers of Magi Artes as follow:
Tier 1 = Neophyte
Tier 2 = Intermediate
Tier 3 = Master
Tier 4 = Arcane
Tier 5 = Mystic
Tier 6 = Ultima
Not only does each tier indicate power, but also gives an idea of the stamina required by the caster in order to make use of such artes. As the caster practices more, they can better improve their use of stamina in order to cast Magi Artes more efficiently. While taking time to focus on casting artes can be risky in battle, some casters found a way around this with the use of Spell Charges. Inducing a Magi Arte into an object, casters can instantly make use of Magi Artes in battle with not time wasted on incantations. However, they are limited and based on the power of the Arte, can take time to properly induce into an object.
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I am beyond excited!!! Commissioned an artist I have commissioned quite a bit in the past to make a logo for my Cryas Chronicles mythos and they did a banger of an incredible job!!!😭💙💛💙💙😍 Here is the artist in question: MasterMaind Designs-Open Commissions (season 5)👀 (@MastermaindD) / Twitter Please, I highly recommend commissioning them or donate to their ko-fi!

I'll also shoutout the artist that made this logo for Cryas Darkstalkers. Elsie Gray 🍒 (@Elsie_gray007) / Twitter Give them a look as well. 🫡
Since I am in a mood, I do want to explain about a very important thing to the Cryas Chronicles mythos:

''For as long as the people of Umbralus and Illumalus have called those two realms their home, there has always been the constant fear of a substance that exists in both realms. Some saw it as a sick creation of a deity, others saw it as just a natural plague of the world. Whatever they believed of its origin, one thing was clear throughout history: its horrific effects on animals and their fellow kin.''
Corriyami as it is more understood in the modern times is an extremely dangerous mutagenetic organic substance. It has been recorded in coming in two states of matter: an extremely dense fog and as a semi-fluid liquid state. The fog form of Corriyami is significantly denser than air, so tends to be found relatively close to the ground. The fog state tends to be most commonly observed in caverns, low level areas on the surface, or leaking out of victims. If enough of the fog state is present, it will condense down to the liquid state. The liquid state can range in size from puddles to massive lakes, generally the most common form of the substance. Typically, researchers and inhabitants have noted its tendency to exist in areas where rainfall cause the substance to move down, eventually collecting into many areas such as valleys, caverns, or below sea-level lake beds. Corriyami in of itself is denser than water, so will fall to the lower level of bodies of water as the water pushes it down. The color of the substance tends to be that of a primarily violet-blue hue. Many have noted a very pungent, musky, rotten like scent in areas where Corriyami has been noted to be present.
What makes Corriyami so dangerous and feared by all is what it does to its victims. As mentioned, Corriyami specifically targets lifeforms that have blood in their systems, so the likes of plant life and insects are immune to the substance. Thus, all manner of animal and intelligent life-forms that require blood, like Umbrians, Illumins, and Aunakins are susceptible to Corriyami. For it to infect a victim, the fog or liquid state must be absorbed into the body via contact with the skin. When it enters the victim's body, the substance will travel through the victim's body, seeking a pathway to the individual's brain via the victim's nervous system and bloodstream. As soon as Corriyami makes contact with the skin, the body does two things. The first is to alert the victim via pain receptors firing off to alert the individual. Once the alerts are sent, the body then creates adrenaline in order to give the individual a fighting chance to escape from the source of the Corriyami and fuel the immune system in order to seek and destroy the substance. Due to the co-existence of Corriyami and life-forms on Umbralus and Illumalus for hundreds of millions of years, the immune system of the lifeforms there are quite capable of combating and destroying the substance. But in return, the Corriyami has grown resilient and persistent, more or less brute forcing its way through the body.
When enough can make it to the brain, the Corriyami will infect the victim's brain, sending signals to the body to cease the immune system's attempts to further combat the invasive substance. This begins what many know as 'Corruption'. The first step of Corruption is the shutdown of the pain receptors, carefully manipulating the victim's nervous system in order to do so. The individual for the time being will still have control of their body as the Corriyami allows the body time to heal from the initial assault. As the body heals, the Corriyami will slowly set the foundation for the next big step by eating at non-vital fluids and organs of the body. This allows more Corriyami to form and spread throughout the body as it is being carried through the blood stream. As it does this, it begins to supplant the immune system, consuming and converting white blood cells. Should any diseases begin to enter the body, the Corriyami will merely consume them. A cruel form of protection for the victim. Once the immune system is fully taken and enough of the substance has moved throughout the body, inserting into areas where the muscles of the body are, the terminal stages of Corruption can commence.
Full Corruption, as it is diagnosed as, begins with Corriyami hijacking the motor controls of the victim via their muscles. As it does this, it will then begin the process of supplanting the blood cells in the individual. Despite the destruction of blood cells, the Corriyami will take on the role of the blood cells via carrying vital air molecules and nourishment thought-out the body where it is needed. The substance still needs the victim alive for as long as possible. Once all the blood in the victim has been converted, the victim is no longer in control of their actions. Unable to talk, unable to move of their own accord, they merely exist now as a living incubator for Corriyami. At this point, the Corriyami will start to move the victim around. While it does need to infect other organisms in order to continue the cycle, it is careful at how it interacts with other lifeforms. While pain receptors have been completely destroyed at this point, the Corriyami is careful with how it engages.
As the victim, dubbed 'The Corrupted', are moved around, their body will begin to secrete out bits of excess Corriyami that is made in the body. Should the Corriyami determine that a lifeform poses a threat to the victim, it will do what it can to keep the victim from being killed via mutating parts of the body to defend itself. Aggressive tactics are implemented to either scare off would be attackers or to attempt to harm and spread the substance. However, should this not work, the body will begin to create liquid blisters of Corriyami laced fluids upon the skin, where they will eventually burst and spread some of the substance onto attackers. If all else fails, the Corrupted will retreat. In circumstances where the Corriyami can happen upon a harmless lifeform, it will secrete Corriyami from the body to then spread to another victim. This process of multiplying in the victim's body and spreading the substance to others while also keeping the Corrupted alive goes on for days. During this time, the Corriyami begins to eat at more and more fluids and organs in the body. Once it is nearing the end of running out of parts of the body to consume, the Corriyami will seek to find an area close to populated areas or an area with high concentrations of Corriyami. Once there, the victim remains motionless as the Corriyami finally kills the victim. From there, the rest of the organic matter is consumed from within at a rapid pace. With this rapid consumption of the body, gaseous Corriyami is expelled from the with much force, spreading as much around. Once it is done, all that remains is the skeleton of the victim. The cycle has been complete and the Corriyami can begin anew.
The highly volatile and high energy nature of Corriyami makes it relatively difficult to destroy. While the immune systems of life forms on Umbralus and Illumalus have evolved overtime to create special antibodies that exist solely to destroy Corriyami, they are not full proof and can be completely overwhelmed if too much of the substance enters into the body. Even if an individual can escape and not suffer Corruption, the individual is left in a sickened state for quite some time as the body gets weak from expending so much energy to have the immune system fight in overdrive to destroy any trace of the substance. Corriyami has been found to be immune from any sanctioned, conventional means to fight bacterial and viral infections. However, it does not mean it is fully immune from being destroyed. From what few tests have been allowed under the strictest guidelines, some chemicals have been found to be able to destroy Corriyami. However, those tended to be chemicals of extreme danger in themselves to lifeforms and even then, required a high amount as the substance will still prove resilient from chemical attacks as the Corriyami would merely try to convert whatever chemical particles tried to breach its structures. Effectively, the substance has to be overwhelmed. Radiation is the most effective means of destroying the substance, but once again, still requires a high amount as the substance's structure is resilient enough to stand strong.
Primordial Origins
In Cryas Darkstalkers, there are three ancient deities that are responsible for the creation of major aspects of the universe. They are known as Genesis, Primordial, and Ethereal. In a sense, they don't truly have a form that we could comprehend. The best way to describe each one's appearance is that of a sentient nebula or something akin to Beta Arceus: A mass of energy that has a mind and soul. With that said, allow me to share an excerpt about each deity and their role in creation. Genesis: "Before the aspects of anything, there was merely the endless void. From the void however, an aspect would not only begin to take shape but also thought. From this being, the first soul and mind would be born. As they gazed upon the endless void they were cradled in and then at their own amorphous form, ideas would come to form in them. When their thoughts were finished, their own form would condense down to a singularity until it couldn't hold. From the body of the first aspect, the seeds of creations had been forged and a cosmic explosion of unfathomable proportions had occurred. Many aspects were being created right before the original one's sight: energy, forces, clouds of cosmic dust, light, celestial bodies, space, time, matter...everything. The original aspect marveled with curious joy to see all that was happening before them. While their form was no more as it served the foundation for all, their essence would continue to exist. Sight that reaches all continually growing aspects of reality, the 'Genesis' of all only wished to witness how all will continue to create, grow, and change."
Primordial: "Between the weaves and waves of space-time was the nexus. Beyond the nexus was the void. In a pocket of the void, the seeds of creation bundled together into a mass of dust, energy, and light. This mass eventually moved as the first thought came to be. A soul and mind were born in an area beyond the nexus. As this primeval sentience was beholden to their surroundings, they looked upon themselves. Thoughts flowed as they began to paint the void with the aspects of creation. Clouds of energy laden dust would be the nursery for stars. Celestial bodies of different compositions were grown among the cosmic dust. Nebula rivers would flow through the void as energy and light spread. This sentient nebula was gleeful at seeing all the various aspects they were able to create. In their joy, silence and contemplation would occur. They were the only ones to bear witness to the marvels that were flowing before them. As they thought more and more, their mind slowly went to rest. As this cosmic titan would drift into slumber, their mind would slip evermore. The energy and dust of their form would eventually solidify into a mass of truly cosmic proportions. The star that served as the 'heart' of the sentient nebula would cool and create many different forms of matter. Near the end of all of this, their essence would slowly break apart as their eternal slumber marked their death. Despite no longer existing, this 'Primordial' essence served to create a realm with land that stretched beyond all idea of boundaries. Lifeforms would grow from the pieces of the star in time. Many of these beings eventually began to also gain a sense of awareness, with their own thoughts and 'souls'. Though with no idea why, they would gaze up towards the sky, beholden to the majesty of the cosmos before them."
Ethereal: "Much time had passed since the seeds of creations spread throughout the universe. Within a cradle in between the fabric of space-time and the nexus, a sentient nebula would be born from the bundles of dust and energy. Passing through a point in the nexus, this sentience bared witness to the vast universe before them. They were in great awe at all they saw. As they glided across the cosmos, they couldn't eventually help but feel lonely. All the wonderful celestial bodies they saw looked empty in their mind. With thought, parts of their aspect were taken and molded into various forms. These forms were able to develop thought and looked towards the vast cosmos with their creator. Compelled, these forms would glide across the various bodies across the universe, leaving behind the essence necessary for what would be life... souls. As the aeons passed, the celestial essence saw how life would live and then die. While countless saw the sky, in death they no longer could bear witness. Their minds were still, eternally in a never-ending slumber. Unpleased with this, the cosmic form set back to the cradle where they were born. Their creations following, these 'angels' were beholden to their creator using their body and essence to create a realm for the endless sleeping souls of the universe. Never would they sleep in the void, never would they truly die. Understanding, these children of the 'Ethereal' essence would go to bring the departed to the final resting place. Allowing them a chance to bear witness to the universe before them for all of the foreseeable future." Genesis was responsible for the creation of everything. Primordial, in a layer of the universe, was the creator of the realm of Makai along with Inkai, the afterlife of Makai. Ethereal was responsible for the creation of 'souls' and thus life as we think of it. Not only that, but they also created angles and the afterlife that would serve for all those in the universe, Reikai.
Dark Embrace/ Xié è De Yōngbào(邪恶的拥抱)

During the 'Hunters of the Dark Saga' (around the late 1900s), events lead to Hsien-Ko and Mei-Ling coming across an unusual disturbance in China: a portal. After discussing with one another, they decide to investigate as they have had no solid lead to saving their mother. Unknowingly, they end up traveling into a brand-new reality. In this reality, the Cryas Chronicles reality, they end up on the word of Umbralus. In an initial battle with a strange creature, Hsien-Ko becomes afflicted with a strange substance of this world. Through intel, they learn this substance that bled onto Hsien-Ko is a dangerous substance known as Corriyami. Corriyami is dangerous to lifeforms as it causes them suffer Corruption, leaving them as nothing more but an erratic, dangerous victim of the mutagenetic substance. In time, it eventually kills the victim, using their bodies to eventually fuel its simple needs to multiply and survive. However, Hsien-Ko is different since she is an undead being of which do not exist on Umbralus nor Illumalus.
Over their journey to make it to the world capitol, Lunalos, in order to see if the portal there can lead them home, Hsien-Ko deals with the very real fear that this substance might do something to her, possibly something that even Mei-Ling can't save her from. Afflicted with nightmares and even being taunted by her inner darkness, it all comes to a critical point during a battle with a large group of Corrupted, beings who fall victim to Corruption. In a near death situation, the Corriyami in Hsien-Ko, which had been festering and mutating in her during their travels, awoke and caused a new power to awaken in both her and Mei-Ling. This new power... nay new form gave them the advantage they needed to win. Upon having a chance to rest and take stock, they found that on Mei-Ling's talisman form, the phrase '邪恶的拥抱' was written on her rather than the typical phrase. They would refer to these forms as Xié è De Yōngbào, though would also use the phrase 'Dark Embrace' as well. From then on, the sisters would practice their use of these new forms to give themselves an edge in battle as they saw the potential they had with these otherworldly powers bestowed by the Corriyami. However, upon their initial return to Earth, they decided to keep these powers a secret to their friends and allies till they felt the time was right to explain how they got it.
Felicia Rose

I want to go over some lore and facts regarding Felicia in Cryas Darkstalkers.😺 First things first, you might have noticed the last name of 'Rose' for her. Well, one thing I am changing regarding this mythos is Sister Rose. In Cryas Darkstalkers, she is now known as Ramona Rose. While she does run a small orphanage, it is not one in connection with Christianity. Simply put, I am removing any hint of Christianity/Catholicism in Felicia's backstory for quite honestly personal reasons. The orphanage is located in a rural town in New Mexico, one that will likely take inspiration from Taos, NM. Ramona Rose in this mythos is in fact a kind, hardy Mexican woman who made a life for herself in the states.
Speaking of ethnicity, one big thing for Felicia in Cryas Darkstalkers is that she is Hispanic, with part of her heritage being Mexican. This is in part that her biological parents are both of Hispanic origins, with her mother being a Mexican Catfolk and her father being from a country in Central America. I have yet to actually decide which one, but just know her biological father is from somewhere there.
'Catfolk' you say? Yeah, in this mythos the whole 'Catwoman' thing is just being changed to where this race of cat like humanoids are just known as Catfolk. There are female and male ones because quite frankly the lore of the Catwomen in the OG lore was really fucking stupid. Another thing that is being changed that can be seen with Felicia's design her is the change of the fur to make them feel more cat like rather than naked women with some bits of fur here and there. In the case of Felicia, her fur even grows in a way where it looks like she has a skirt and a crop top. Her hair is changed in a style to more express her Hispanic/Mexican heritage. Another neat detail is how her eye isn't white, but a color similar to her iris. Was a neat detail an artist did with a commission they did of Felicia.

(Credit: Beck (Slots Open) (@ViewtifulBeck) / Twitter)
Do her parents have names? No, cause quite honestly, they are not too important to her backstory beyond her being born and the circumstances of how she ended up in the US, in New Mexico, and eventually at the doorsteps of Rose's orphanage. Basically, her parents sought to move the US for a better chance at life, as many from Central America are one to do. However, before they could cross the border, they were spotted by guards. While her mother could outrun the guards, her father couldn't. Despite not wanting to leave him, he begged her to go as who knows what they would do to her or the baby since they were non-human. Having crossed in the state of New Mexico, Felicia's mother contemplated on things such how she is gonna support the child, the loss of her husband, and these new circumstances in a new country with no support. Eventually, passing through a town, she decided the best thing was to leave her daughter in the hands of an orphanage as she believed she couldn't provide well for the baby. That was the last her mother ever saw the child.
When the baby was found, it was taken in. The orphanage was small, only being aided by her friends who volunteered time, but Ramona did her best to make sure the children were cared for and found good homes. When the wrappings were unfurled, all were surprised by the appearance of the baby: it was a Darkstalker! There was an argument that unfolded as Ramona and her friends disagreed about what to do for the child. Ramona refused to abandon the baby because despite it being non-human, she saw it as a poor, lost child that needed guidance. She was adamantly against putting it back on the streets for the elements to take care of. While her friends couldn't convince her on that, they did bring up a good point: who is gonna adopt a monster? Maybe some rich folk if they want an exotic pet or those freak show organizers. Ramona was revolted by those thoughts, but that was a good point. After thinking about it, she decided she would raise the little baby as her own daughter. Deciding on the name Felicia, little Felicia Rose would grow up in a modest, but loving home. Always aiding her mother around with chores and the orphanage, she got to make a lot of friends with the kids that came in. Overtime, Ramona's friends, neighbors, and eventually the community grew to accept the Catfolk as part of the community, to varying degrees.
As she grew up, she would be introduced to all sorts of forms entertainment, like television shows, cinemas, comics, festivals, and plays. Felicia loved seeing all these as she got to see all kinds of people and characters not only put on an entertaining show, but also see how she, her mother, and others connected with these performers. While Felicia's home life was generally a loving household, she was made aware of the general bias people have against those who aren't human. In a way, she was lucky. Even with her luck, she felt her life still shows that connection with humans and Darkstalkers was possible. 'We might be outwardly different, but we all have dreams, emotions, aspirations, and a desire to connect with others', Felicia would think. As this dream kept burning in the adolescent to adulthood, she eventually decided that she would become a star. Inspired by her hero 'El Santo', she was aware how the famous luchador was loved by the entirety of Mexico. With such status, she could hold influence to show the world that Darkstalkers are not just monsters but living beings with hearts and souls who also want to live. So, she set out to make her dream a reality. It was going to be tough, but she was willing to put her all into achieving this dream!
Some other notes about Felicia:
Felicia is bilingual in Spanish and English. With Spanish as her first language, she has an accent.
As mentioned, she is a mega fan of the luchador El Santo. So strong is her admiration, she went out of her way to watch his films, collect comics, and any memorabilia she could with her allowance.
Felicia in Cryas Darkstalkers is quite tall at 5'11'. Not only tall, but very fit and strong considering her catfolk genes.
Felicia's Birthday is held at around the month of February as that was when she was found at the orphanage. As for the date, it is held on the 5th. She was born in the year 1967.
Her tongue is like that of a cat, so thus is covered with papillae.
When thrown into pure rage, Felicia can go into a feral state like a big cat.
She is incredibly fast on her feet, with her kicks hitting incredibly hard.

(Credit: MasterMaind Designs-Open Commissions (season 5)👀 (@MastermaindD) / Twitter) A girl can dream.