BTS When Youre Pregnant:
BTS when you’re pregnant:
Kim Seokjin:
Week 15 of pregnancy meant many things. Things like constantly feeling nauseous, your nose being annoyingly stuffy, and a small baby bump starting to form. It also meant cravings. So much cravings.
You shovel another spoon of peanut butter into your mouth, frowning slightly when you realize the jar is almost empty. You're pretty sure it's the second jar of PB you finished this week, and it's only Tuesday.
You're spread on the couch like a burrito, a huge fluffy blanket wrapped around you tightly, the television playing some cheesy drama, the kind you've been watching for the past weeks religiously.
Throwing away the now clean jar of the spread aside, you don't even hesitate to call your husband, Seokjin, pressing the ringing phone to your ear as you feel another wave of hunger cursing through your body like a hurricane.
"Hey, sweetheart", a small smile makes its way to your face at the sound of Jin's voice, and you feel your body relax for the first time today, curling a bit more into your gray couch.
"Hey", you mumble, blaming your pregnancy for the way your heart suddenly increased its pace, and you grip the phone even harder, trapping it between your ear and the white pillow supporting your back. "Where are you?"
"I'm on my way home. Like, two minutes away.", Jin answers, and despite being very happy to finally see your lover after a long, lonely day, you really need your peanut butter.
"Well…", you bite your lip before smiling sheepishly, despite Jin not being able to see your face. "Can you turn around? We ran out of peanut butter."
"You finished another jar?", your boyfriend asks, his voice somewhere between exasperated and disbelieving. He never quite understood your weird craving for the spread, mostly because it's such an American food.
"Yeah.", you say bashfully, and Seokjin sighs against your ear. "Baby, it's all you are eating for the last few days. You need to keep your body healthy.", he says gently, and you huff, crossing your arms over your chest defensively.
Of course, Jin was right. You had indeed been eating mostly peanut butter since your cravings started a few weeks ago, and your husband was going crazy seeing you sit on Reese's cups and peanut butter sandwiches all day long.
"But I want peanut butter", you whine into the phone, not caring the least about your childish behaviour, and Jin's silent for a second before he responds.
"How about this? I come home, make you some real food, and if you don't want it, I'll go and buy peanut butter.", Seokjin suggests, and you wonder how the hell did you fall on this perfect man, who was so patient with you, but also firm, taking care of you in the best way possible.
You hesitate for a second, not really liking the idea, but something about Jin's tone tells you he won't take no for an answer, and making him turn around after he's practically here is plain cruel, even for your pregnancy-induced mind.
"Fine.", you agree reluctantly, and you hear the other sigh in relief, a slight chuckle in his voice when he says: "Good, because I'm already in the elevator of the building".
When Jin steps into the apartment, you're still sprawled all over the sofa, your hands on your small baby bump and legs extended carelessly.
"Sweetie", Jin walks over to you with a soft smile, a short chuckle escaping his lips when you tilt your head up for him, silently asking for a kiss.
He looks exhausted after a day of practicing nonstop, his slightly long black hair falling over his eyes carelessly, wearing a plain gray t-shirt with long sleeves and ripped boyfriend jeans. His eyes are red from lack of sleep and his lips look swollen, and you know it's because of his habit to bite them whenever he's stressed.
Your heart clenches painfully at the sight of your husband, and you feel bad for being so selfish, even if you're carrying a living human inside of you. Jin was struggling to juggle his busy life as an idol and dealing with his pregnant wife, and you knew it.
You wrap your arms around Jin's neck when he leans down, pressing his lush lips against yours, and sigh into his mouth contentedly, momentarily forgetting about the need to vomit and your angry appetite, and just enjoying the affection you've been missing the whole day.
"How's my baby doing?", Jin mutters when he pulls back, keeping his forehead pressed to yours, and you exhale dramatically, tucking your face in the juncture between his shoulder and his neck. "Not good. I'm tired, and hungry and-"
"I meant the baby in your stomach", Jin says teasingly, letting out a high-pitched laugh when you pull away from him and send him a glare that could kill, your husband's humor existing even in times like this.
"Make me food, peasant. And it better be good.", you say flatly, raising an eyebrow at your lover, who simply shakes his head at you, muttering under his breath: "Nobody said pregnancy is like slavery".
You continue to stare at the TV blankly while your husband busies himself in the kitchen, humming to himself tunes and throwing around pots and pans loudly.
It must be around half an hour when Jin's head peeks out of the entrance to the kitchen, the apron tucked around his small waist covered with patches of flour and an assortment of colorful spices.
"It's ready!", he says with a toothy grin, wiggling his eyebrows at you. "Get ready to get your mind blown.", He adds confidently, and you get up from the couch, hearing your stomach rumble as you get closer to the source of the amazing smell filling your apartment.
Jin always makes you food, and has always cooked for you since the two of you started dating, so you were very familiar with his food, but whatever was on the white porcelain plate on your kitchen table, you haven't seen before.
"What is that?", you ask curiously, eyebrows furrowed with confusion as you inspect the omelet/pancake, unidentified red and green vegetables and pieces of seafood inside of it. There's also some sort of dark dipping sauce in a small bowl.
"That",Jin says proudly, his eyes twinkling the way they did when he was talking about something he was passionate about. "is my mother's famous Haemul Pajeon recipe. Our family's been eating this for years during cold winter nights. It's the best kind of comfort food."
You hum with interest, Jin's enthusiastic reaction lighting up some excitement inside of you, and sit down by the table, licking your lips as your boyfriend cuts you a slice of the large pancake, handing it over to you with an expecting grin.
You can't help but moan when you bite into the perfectly spiced Korean dish, closing your eyes with satisfaction as your taste buds enjoy for the first time in a while something that wasn't peanut butter.
"So?", Jin says mischievously, "Should I go buy some peanut butter to go with this?", he asks sarcastically, and you roll your eyes, too focused on the delicious food in front of you to answer him.
Later, when the two of you are cuddled up on the sofa, the fuzzy blanket wrapped around your bodies and Jin's warm hand rubbing circles onto your slowly-growing belly, you tilt your head back to meet your husband's soft brown eyes, sending him a small smile. "Thank you, baby. For the food. And I'm sorry for being a brat all of the time."
Jin laughs, pressing a warm kiss to your forehead and pulling you even closer to him. "It's okay. I love you no matter what. And our baby girl, of course."
You lay there for a few more minutes of content silence, enjoying the warmth of each other after a long day for both of you. You can't help but laugh, shaking your head when a sudden thought comes to your head, and Jin lets out a questioning noise against your nape. "What is it?"
"Nothing", you snort, trying to silence your giggles in the palm of your hand, before turning to look at your husband, a mischievous glint in your eyes. "I just realized I found my new craving."

Min Yoongi:
Waking up to yourself in week 28 was sort of like waking up to your pet elephant. You were huge now, your stomach and boobs blocking everything in front of you.
Yoongi was still asleep beside you, one hand thrown lazily across your thick waist, the other tucked behind his head. He looks peaceful, like he always does when he's asleep, his dark hair falling over his forehead messily, his small mouth closed and letting out these deep breaths, indicating he was sound asleep.
Sighing, you brush your husband's bangs away from his face, admiring his fair skin and soft facial features. How the hell was this perfect human being here with you, when you look like this? When you feel like this?
Not able to take the sudden wave of emotions, you get up from your shared bed slowly, biting your lip when your body screams at you to stay in bed and not move until you go into labor. Your boyfriend stays unmoving, as expected, and for once you're thankful for his deep slumbers. You don't want him to see you like this.
You walk out of the hallway slowly, padding out of your shared bedroom in your fuzzy white socks and one of Yoongi's old white T-shirts and shorts, which is sadly the only thing that fits you right now.
Making breakfast is the only thing you want to do right now, the best way to take your mind off of things, and you walk determinant to the kitchen, bracing your hand against the wall as you do.
Unfortunately, the long golden body mirror at the edge of the hallway catches your attention, and you can't help but stop in front of it, feeling your heart drop as you look at your reflection.
Pregnant women were supposed to have some sort of natural glow, right? They were supposed to feel like goddesses, like they were thriving. But you just felt like a wretched mess, and nothing more than that.
You were always an athletic person, and maybe also a little weight conscious. Suga gave you more self-confidence, helping you in his subtle actions and words, but right now, you felt like you were losing control over your own body, and you hated it. What if you stay like this forever?
You feel a wave of panic surge through you, tears brimming in your eyes as you stare at the girl in the mirror, with the blood-shot eyes from uncomfortable sleeping, the messy bun of dark hair and the pale skin from staying home these last few weeks.
"Babe?", you turn at the sound of your lover's voice, still hoarse from sleep, meeting his brown eyes with your own watery ones. At the sight of your trembling bottom lip and quiet sniffling, Yoongi's previously half-shut eyes widen, walking over to you quickly with a concerned expression.
"Hey, hey, what's going on?", he asks with an uncharacteristically soft voice, his warm hands coming up to cup your face, wiping the small teardrops from your cheeks. His eyebrows are furrowed cutely, his face so close to yours you can smell his breath, still minty from brushing his teeth not too long ago.
You sob, the embarrassment of being caught like this only intensifying your feelings, and avoiding your husband's eyes, who turns your face back to him, gently yet firmly, his eyes showing no intent to back down.
"I just… I feel so ugly, Yoongi. And I'm so scared. Scared I'll stay like this forever, scared you think I'm not good enough…", the last words come out in a whisper, your cheeks burning bright red as your boyfriend stares at you incredulously, mouth slightly open.
"Y/N, I know you're pregnant and have all sorts of weird moods right now, but this… this is straight up ridiculous. I love you, I'm your husband, and I'll never leave you.", Yoongi says firmly, grabbing your shoulders tightly as if trying to pass his sincerity to you, and you feel ashamed now for making the love of your life look like this, so worried and sad over something so meaningless.
"I'm sorry", you whisper, because you have nothing else to say, and Suga clicks his tongue, shaking his head as he brings one hand up to tilt your chin, forcing you to look him in the eyes, now much softer than they were seconds before, holding love and affection that's meant only for you.
"Y/N, it's okay to feel ugly. You don't have to feel like you're a failure and a horrible person for not enjoying every second of your pregnancy. It's hard, and I love you so much for going through this. I love you so much for giving me our child.", he finishes, pressing a warm kiss to your hand, and you can't help but sob, the unexpected speech from your husband making you feel so much things, especially because you know how hard it is for him to say what's on his mind, even to you.
Yoongi doesn't say anything, simply wrapping his arms around your large figure carefully, pulling you closer until your face is buried in the crook of his neck, his hands stroking your hair slowly as you cry your heart out, letting out weeks of hidden fears and insecurities wash away with your tears.
Maybe you don't feel like the prettiest human right now, but it doesn't matter because you'll have the most beautiful child in the world, exactly like his father.

Jung Hoseok:
You're on the sofa in the living room, texting your mother, who you think is more concerned about your pregnancy than you are, when you feel something strange in your stomach, almost like gas bubbles, or a growling tummy.
You make a face and set your phone aside, squirming a bit on the blue-colored couch in an attempt to get comfortable. This feeling has been happening for a few weeks now, these little flutterings in your stomach, but now it's much more distinctive, and you place a hand on your curvy belly, trying to calm down the strange movements inside of it.
And that's when you feel it. The smallest of kicks against your palm, just above your belly button, like the wings of a butterfly, and you gasp, feeling tears well up in your eyes at the feeling that you now know is your baby moving in the womb.
How didn't you think about this possibility? You're already at your 25th week, just around the time when you can start feeling your baby's "quickenings".
"Oh my God. I have to tell Hoseok.", you whisper to yourself after a few seconds of complete shock, still a little bit delirious, before rolling into a seating position, your elbows supporting the weight of your unnaturally heavy body.
"Hoseok!", you shout, waiting impatiently as you hear cabinets closing hastily, and then the sound of hurried footsteps running down the hallway, before your husband's head pops out of the corner, eyes wide and worried.
"I was just making you a bowl of cereal, like you wanted. Are you okay?", your boyfriend asks gently, coming closer to you and crouching in front of the couch to be at eye level with you, his eyes scanning you for any reason of discomfort.
Hoseok's wearing an oversized dark grey sweater, light grey shorts and his favorite purple sandals, and there's cute black round glasses perched on his nose that make you feel all kinds of things, especially matched with his hot messy brown hair, but you don't let yourself dwell on his attractive appearance at the moment.
"Hobi", you whisper, not even knowing how to tell him about the fact that you've just felt your first child move for the first time.
Hoseok's eyes furrow, looking even more worried than before, and he reaches his hand out to squeeze yours gently, his skin warm against yours. "I'm here. Talk to me, baby."
You don't talk, but you do reach out to take your conjoined hands, and place them on your stomach, right where you felt the baby move a few seconds before.
It's quiet for a few seconds, your poor husband's expressions growing more confused by the second, but you know he feels it as well when his eyes suddenly widen, his jaw dropping and the hand against you jolting with surprise.
"Oh my God.", he breathes out, voice slightly shaky when he looks at you, his expression excited but also a little unsure, as if he didn't want to get his hopes up. "Was that-"
"Yeah", you bite your lip, bringing up your interlocked hands to kiss J-hope's palm. "That's our baby boy, Hobi.", you say with a tone of disbelief that matches your husband's expression perfectly.
You're not really surprised when J-hope jumps up, knowing your boyfriend's energetic personality, but you still laugh when he starts dancing in front of you, matching his cries of happiness to his impressive popping skills.
The baby seems to feel your excitement and happiness, too, because you're pretty sure he moves even more than before, kicking even harder against your stomach, almost as if he was dancing in the womb as well.
"It looks like this kid will be a musician just like his dad.", you mumble later, when you and your husband are curled up on the sofa together, your hands wrapped around Hoseok's torso tightly and your head placed on his chest, the steady beating of his heart setting you in a dreamlike state.
Hoseok laughs under you, and you feel the ripples underneath you, sending waves of warmth in your chest. He leans downwards towards you, pressing little butterfly kisses all over your face; your eyelids, your nose, cheeks and mouth.
He stops only when you're giggling like a teenage girl and pushing him away with your hands weakly, leaving one last peck on your lips before pulling away with a satisfied smile on his face, pulling you even closer to him with his hands around your waist, caressing your baby bump carefully.
"Well, he might be a dancer like his dad, but that's not the most important thing", he says nonchalantly, and you raise your head to look at him, slightly surprised that Jung Hoseok, who loves music more than all the people you know combined, is saying that. "What's even more important, is that he'll be an angel like his mom."

Kim Namjoon:
When Namjoon walks through the doorway, you're already standing in front of it expectantly, two hands on your pudgy waist while your left leg is tapping on the floor steadily, a habit you have gained whenever you're nervous or stressed.
"Um… Hi, baby.", your husband says carefully, easily reading your body language and knowing something's wrong. "What's going on?"
He's dressed like he's been at work, which makes a lot of sense considering he was busy composing and producing the songs for the upcoming BTS album the whole day. His caramel hair is slicked back, pushed away from his face with hair gel, there are golden specs placed on the bottom of his nose, and he's wearing fashionable khakis tucked into a mint button up.
He looks tired, and what he really should be doing right now, instead of staring at you with a worried expression, is go take a long nap, but the growing panic in your chest is overwhelming, and you can't help but let it control you.
"We need to get the nursery ready", you announce, watching as Namjoon freezes on his way to you, his concerned expression changing into a more confused look, eyebrows furrowed over his brown eyes and his mouth pulled into a small frown.
"The nursery is ready, though?", Namjoon replies, but it sounds more like a question than a statement, uncertainty tainting his voice as he seems to run through all the things you bought for the room since you discovered you were pregnant almost 36 weeks ago.
"It's not!", you reply, and maybe it's the unexpectedly sharp tone of your voice, or the slight shake of your hands that seems to jolt your husband awake, understanding filling his gaze as he scans your face carefully, his expression not as lost as before.
The past week or so, you've had these weird jolts of inhuman energy, followed by the need to organize and clean everything in sight, otherwise known as, the internet so generously explained to you, nesting. Namjoon had come home too many times to find you cleaning some old cabinet you never opened, folding loads of laundry for no apparent reason, and rearranging furniture in the middle of the night.
Your husband was slightly confused by the phenomenon for sure, but didn't try to stop you from cleaning as much as you like, although he did warn you to be careful not to wear yourself out, and tried to help as much as he could to take some of the pressure off of you.
"Okay, baby.", your boyfriend starts carefully, stepping towards you slowly as if he was scared you'll run away. "Why don't you tell me what needs to be done so we can figure it out, hmm?", he asks gently, finally reaching you, and his strong arms come to wrap around your waist, pulling you closer to him until your large belly meets his hard torso.
You let yourself relax slightly, your own hands dropping to your sides uselessly, the tension in your shoulders slowly decreasing, and exhale loudly. "We need to paint the room, and fold the clothes in the closet, and maybe buy more toys-"
"Okay, okay.", Namjoon's palm comes up to cup your face sweetly, stopping your frantic rant, and he sends you a dimpled smile that you can't help but smile back to, because you were always a sucker for the deep holes in Namjoon's cheeks, pregnant or not. "We'll do everything, I promise. Everything will be perfect when our baby comes along."
You nod, letting Namjoon press a soothing kiss to your temple, before he pulls back, leading you to your shared bedroom with a hand around your waist, taking off his shirt when you enter the room as well, clueless.
"What are you doing?", you ask, not hiding your confusion when Namjoon throws on himself one of his old, worn out t-shirts he never wears anymore, before tossing a similar one to you.
"Well, if we're going to paint the nursery today, we should probably wear something comfortable.", your lover says with a wide grin, and you can't help but grin back, changing into the huge shirt and taking off your pyjama shorts, before following Namjoon to the nursery, your heart feeling lighter than it was the whole day.

Park Jimin:
You whimper when you vomit again, lurching over the toilet as you empty your stomach, which you're legitimately surprised has anything left inside of it at this rate.
You can hear Jimin say something above you, but it sounds far away, like your head is underwater. You can feel his hand in your hair, pushing the sticky strands away from your face, the other one rubbing your back soothingly as he continues to mumble sweet assurances in your ear, even if you can't quite understand them.
Morning sickness was apparently just a name, because you were getting sick at the most random hours of the day, and it was definitely not limited to the early hours of it.
Just a few minutes ago, in fact, you were perfectly fine, helping Jimin cut some vegetables for a healthy salad before you suddenly felt a strong wave of nausea course through you, sprinting to the bathroom without another word to your husband, who followed you immediately, calling you name worriedly.
And now you were here, bent over the toilet for the last five minutes, letting out whatever food you ate today or maybe your whole life, with Jimin supporting you from behind, holding you through it.
Your knuckles are white from grasping the edge of the toilet in a death grip, when you finally let out a shaky breath that's been caught in your throat since you got here, letting your head fall between your shoulders as you try to catch your breath.
"Baby", Jimin's voice is soft and steady, but you can hear the worry and sadness tinging it. He hated seeing you like this, and you know he's blaming himself for not being able to do anything to make it better, even if none of this is his fault. "Do you think you can get up?"
You manage to nod, but don't make any move to straighten up, instead letting your husband's strong hands wrap around your shoulders, picking you up and spinning you around gently to face him, every movement calculated and careful, making sure not to trigger your vomiting all over again.
Your boyfriend's brown eyes are filled with pity when he sees your state, your eyes teary and red, face pale and body weak and motionless against him. "Oh, sweetie", he mumbles, brushing away the teardrops staining your cheeks, his skin warm against yours.
He looks so beautiful right now, with his blonde hair, which you insisted on combing today just because you find it so soft and fun to play with, and Jimin could never really resist you. He's wearing a simple black sweater, gray sweatpants, and fuzzy white socks, and his soft skin is shining under the harsh light of the bathroom, giving him an angel-like halo.
You would kiss him, but you feel like the taste of your mouth is probably deadly right now, and you don't even have the energy to cross the two inches left between your lips.
Jimin seems to understand you perfectly, because he wraps a hand around your thin waist, pulling you close until your face is tucked comfortably into the crook of his neck, leaving a soft, fleeting kiss on your dark hair. "Do you want to take some medicine, babe?", he asks, murmuring the words against your head, and you nod against him, too tired to answer.
You shriek when you suddenly find yourself in the air, Jimin lifting you bridal style as it it's not big deal, still making sure not to jostle you too much, and wrap your hands around the blonde's neck to steady yourself, glaring at him when he giggles cutely. "Yah, you should've warned me!", You scold him, but your cheeks are already heating up from the romantic gesture, and Jimin seems to realize, sending you a cheek grin.
"Sorry, babe.", Jimin apologizes sweetly, pressing another warm kiss to your red cheek as he continues trekking down the hall with you in his arms, not stopping until he reaches the kitchen, where the vegetables are still waiting to be eaten.
Placing you on the gray counter, Jimin shuffles through the different cabinets in the room, throwing out different ointments and medical supplies until he fishes out what he was looking for with a small victory cry, a container of pills your doctor recommended you to take whenever you suffer from morning sickness.
"Here, take this", Jimin passes you the box, before walking over to the kettle and switching it on, the machine immediately starting to let out soft whistling noises. "I'll make you some camomile tea, okay?"
You mumble a gentle 'thank you', your whole body filling with warmth when Jimin passes you a glass of water to down the pill with, watching you when you swallow it with cautious eyes.
You can't help but feel like you're the luckiest girl in the world, to be married to this amazing man, to carry your shared baby with this angelic human, and it feels like your heart is expanding when you watch Jimin blow on your tea, making sure it's not too hot, before handing it to you, standing between your legs and rubbing the inside of your thighs soothingly.
So you set the hot beverage aside, instead wrapping your arms around Jimin's neck, and pull your lover as close as possible, pressing your lips to his soft ones, smiling when you he lets out a surprised noise, but still wraps his own arms around your lower back, the action already natural to him by now.
You kiss for a while, these lazy, loving kisses that you enjoy even more than the hot, heated ones, and you can't help but whine when Jimin pulls away, biting your bottom lip gently as he does.
He presses his forehead to yours, his eyes opening to meet your own, and there's this soft, dreamy smile on his face that makes you want to kiss him again, to tug him even closer to you. "That was nice baby, but you should drink your tea. Don't want you getting sick again."
You sigh, pouting with annoyance, but grab the mug of tea reluctantly, deciding not to make Jimin's life harder than it already is. "Fine, but only if I get cuddles."
Jimin laughs at that, pressing another peck to your pouty lips with a fond mumble of 'cutie', before pulling away and helping you off the counter, the grip on your waist steady and firm. "I wouldn't have it any other way."

Kim Taehyung:
"I'm nervous", you whisper to Taehyung, squeezing his hand a bit tighter as you continue to walk down the hallway, getting closer and closer to the doctor's room at the end of it.
"Everything's going to be okay, don't worry.", your husband responds, sending you a soft smile, but you don't miss his slightly sweaty palms, and the nervous fluttering of his eyes. He was just as jittery as you.
Breathing through your nose, you stop in front of the tall door, gulping at the sight of the small sign mentioning the purpose of the room: "Doctor Choi Jisoo- Ultrasound and Pregnancy". It somehow made everything even more real.
Noticing your hesitation, Taehyung reaches in front of you, tapping the door with his knuckles before backing up, pulling you even closer to him before a soft feminine voice calls from inside. "Come in!"
You let out a shaky exhale, sending your lover another helpless look, and he smiles again, this time more genuinely, before pulling you to him to press a gentle kiss to your lips. "I'm right here", he whispers, forehead pressed against yours, his thumbs stroking your cheeks soothingly, before he pulls away and opens the door.
The office is neat and pretty, light streaming in through large glass windows, a large white desk in front of them covered with organized piles of files, writing tools in a tall cup, and a small plate of mints.
The woman sitting behind the desk fits the feeling of the office perfectly, a woman around her thirties, with shiny brown hair tucked into a tight bun, delicate features, and a slender figure clad in a white doctor's robe and a tight black pencil skirt reaching under her knee.
"Hello", the doctor sends you a small, yet kind-hearted smile, motioning you to sit down with a wave of her manicured hand. "You must be Kim Y/N. I'm Doctor Choi Jisoo, and I'll be doing your first ultrasound."
"Nice to meet you.", you reply, sending your own soft smile before continuing: "This is my husband, Kim Taehyung", you point at Taehyung, who bows his head towards the doctor respectfully. "Nice to meet you.", he says in his charmingly deep voice, still not letting go of your hand, placing it on his lap even after you sit down.
"Okay, let's get straight into it", the doctor says with a more formal voice, pointing at the clean, white bed in the edge of the room. "If you could lie there, please."
You get up, Taehyung following close behind you, and lie down on the hard mattress, watching as the doctor puts on gloves and takes a tube of clear-looking gel. "You're in your 12th week, right?", the doctor asks, lifting up your purple knit-sweater to reveal your tanned stomach as she gets ready to apply the gel.
"Yeah", you wince slightly when the cold gel touches your skin, and your boyfriend's by you in a second, holding your hand and rubbing his thumb along your knuckles to get you to relax.
"I'm fine", you promise when you see the worry in Taehyung's dark eyes, squeezing his hand two times to reassure him, and he squeezes back, obviously holding back from saying something to the doctor.
You hold your breath when the doctor puts the transducer on your stomach, and you feel Taehyung still beside you as well, the feeling almost like the whole world was holding its breath, waiting for your baby to appear.
"There it is!", the doctor says, and you can't help but let out a gasp, bringing your hand to cover your mouth as tears well up in your eyes, because even if the picture is grainy, and the baby is so small, not bigger than a plum, you already know he or she is the prettiest child in the world.
You vaguely register Taehyung beside you, mumbling something like 'the most beautiful thing I've ever seen', but you're too caught up in your own feelings, you don't even register it, nor the assurances of the doctor, promising you the baby is in perfect health and shape.
There's a light tap on your shoulder, and then you're turning around to meet the doctor's smiling face, her eyes bright, twinkling with something that looks like pride, and she's patting your head gently, whispering: "I'll give you two some time alone".
The seconds after the doctor exits the room are filled with so much unspoken words, the only sound in the room being the steady breathing of the two of you. It's Taehyung who speaks first, his voice filled with emotion and love.
"Our baby is beautiful", he mumbles, looking down at you, and you want to run your hand down his cheeks and wipe the glistening tears that lay there, but you also want to keep this image of him in mind, so beautiful, with his slightly curly black hair, his nose red from crying, deep eyes shiny from unshed tears, and lips stretched into a boxy grin so wide it blinds you.
"Yeah", you say back, your own voice sounding so filled with love and indescribable joy, and you let Taehyung wipe the tears off your cheeks with his lips, kissing all over your face as your grasp him tightly, afraid that this is all some amazing dream that'll slip through your fingers.
Later, when the two of you are home, Taehyung admiring your not-so-noticeable baby bump with a gaze so loving it melts you inside, running his hand up and down your stomach and telling you stories of what he thinks you should name him (he was sure it was a boy), you can't help but let out a disbelieving laugh, your boyfriend raising his eyebrows at the sudden action.
"We did that", you breathe out, your mind running back to the first picture of your first baby, which was now tucked safely in the drawer by your body, another copy already sent to get framed.
Taehyung laughs at that, leaning up to hover over you, his legs tangled with yours, and he runs his hands up your sides, smiling when you squirm from the ticklish sensation. "Yeah.", he replies, his eyes soft like melted caramel. "We did."

Jeon Jungkook:
"Y/N!", the sudden shout jerks you out of your thoughts, and you turn around to your boyfriend, who's looking at you with raised eyebrows, his eyes showing confusion and slight worry. "I've called like two times already. What's gotten you so focused?"
"Sorry", you sigh, rubbing the space between your eyebrows. Now that you think about it, it seems like you've been on your laptop for a long time, judging by the fact that Jungkook's already home and the sun is setting outside, coloring the world in hues of orange and pink.
Jungkook doesn't answer, simply sliding his black duffle bag off his shoulder and walking over to the chair you're sitting on, standing behind it, close enough that you can feel the warmth emitting from his skin.
"What are you doing?", he asks, staring at the open tabs in your laptop, numerous websites that range from "the size of your baby on week 23 of pregnancy", "ways to keep your body healthy during pregnancy", and "complications during labor".
You shrug, feeling slightly embarrassed at your boyfriend finding you surfing the internet like some crazed hag, and Jungkook seems to notice the change in your behaviour, because he turns the chair you're sitting on effortlessly, so you're facing him.
"Is everything okay?", Jungkook asks carefully, squatting down to your level and staring at you in the eyes, his expression slightly nervous like it always was when it came to talking about feelings.
You nod, but Jungkook doesn't seem to buy it, tilting your head up gently with a slim finger on your chin, so you have no choice but to look him in the eye. "You know you can tell me anything", he whispers, intelligent doe eyes holding so much sincerity and care that your heart stutters in your chest, and you sigh, running a distressed hand through your messy dark hair.
"I know, Kook.", you answer, pecking your husband's lips gratefully, and he hums against your lips, greatly satisfied by the gesture, before you pull back, biting your lip nervously while Jungkook stares at you, patiently waiting for you to say what's on your mind.
"I'm just", you start, your cheeks growing red at the thought of saying your cursed thoughts out loud, but you know better than to keep secrets from your husband, especially when it comes to your own child, so you grit your teeth and continue. "I'm scared I won't be a good mother. Like, what if I'm not responsible enough? I'm still so young, and so are you. Maybe having a kid at this age is crazy. What if we'll ruin his life?"
The silence that follows your ramble is deafening, Jungkook's mouth open slightly in surprise, his dark eyes wide, and you open your mouth to say something, anything to take back what you said, but Jungkook's already talking before you manage to.
"I don't know", your lover says, and you snap your head up on surprise, expecting some words of wisdom, or at the very least a clueless assurance. Jungkook seems to catch your shock, because he sends you a small, loving smile, reaching his hand out to stroke your cheek gently with the back of his hand, something akin to awe in his eyes as he stares at you.
"All I know is, I love you.", Jungkook continues, his voice completely confident and firm, yet also soft and loving, and he reaches out to grasp your hands tightly, almost desperately, in his own warm hands. "I want to learn these things with you, Y/N. I want everything with you. The good and the bad, and everything in between."
You feel your eyes water at your husband's sincere words, his effect on you still the same even after years of marriage and dating, and you bring him forward to kiss him, even though it's more of a desperate clash of tongue and teeth than anything else.
You pull back after a few seconds to stare at Jungkook, stare at the man you love so dearly, the man you cherish in a place so deep in your heart that no one could ever replace. The human bunny you fell in love with all these years ago, with his soft black hair, his cute button nose you love to kiss, his plush pink lips that curve into that gorgeous smile of his, the shiny eyes that crinkle whenever he laughs at something silly you say.
"I Iove you too, Jungkookie.", you whisper in the soft atmosphere between you, pushing away the dark strands of hair from his forehead so you can drown even more in the eyes that hold all the secrets to the universe. "I'm sorry for all the stupid things I said."
"There's nothing stupid about being scared, love.", Jungkook mumbles, his own hands running down your long hair before pushing a loose strand behind your ear. "I'm scared too, but it's okay, because I have you. Don't be afraid to lean on me."
"I won't", you promise, letting Jungkook sweep you down into another lingering kiss, the taste of his lips so familiar to you, yet just as sweet as always.
You can't help but giggle when Jungkook's lips leave your own, instead sliding down your throat, leaving little butterfly kisses on the way down, and stopping at your stomach, just where the baby is, and leaving another gentle kiss there. "I love you too, my little baby".
"Hey", you whine playfully, staring down at Jungkook with a fake glare, "I'm your baby", you complain, crossing your arms in front of your chest dramatically.
Jungkook laughs, bunny grin back on display, and you feel your heart explode from the tremendous amount of love you feel, hugging the older man's broad chest to you when he says: "You're my big baby, and they're my little one. I love you both, my babies."

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More Posts from Avmisworld
BTS on your first date:
Kim Seokjin:
"How do I look?", you send your reflection another weary glance before turning to your best friend, who looks at you judgingly, looking rather unbothered while chewing a fat piece of gum loudly.
"For the last time, perfect", she says with a sigh of exasperation, lifting her hands up in the air when you still don't look satisfied, biting your lip and pulling on the bottom of your short flowery dress. "Damn, you really like the dude, huh?"
You blush, tucking a strand of your dark hair behind your ear, avoiding your best friend's examining eyes as you mumble a bashful: "Maybe?"
Y/F/M's eyes soften slightly at your nervousness, and she reaches out to tug you into a warm hug, making sure not to smear the makeup she finished applying mere moments ago. "You have nothing to worry about, he's going to fall for you for sure.", she says sweetly, pulling back to look you in the eye.
Before you can say anything else, a knock on the door startles the both of you, and you send your friend a panicked expression, ready to bolt for the bathroom and flush yourself down the toilet. Before you can do that though, your friend's grabbing you by your shoulders and leading you to the door, her firm grip not letting you escape.
With one last shaky breath, you tug the door open, a small smile spreading on your face when you see Seokjin standing in the doorway, a nervous expression on his face and holding a beautiful red rose in his hand.
Jin was actually your boss in the restaurant you worked at, and you've had the crush on him for the longest time before you accidentally confessed to him at a group outing where you had a little too much to drink. To your surprise, he told you he felt the same, and asked you with the sweetest smile if you would like to go on a date with him. Obviously, you said yes.
And here he was, in all his handsomeness, wearing a semi-formal outfit, a crisp white button-up clinging to his broad shoulders and black slacks hugging his long legs, his soft brown hair styled away from his forehead and a shy smile gracing his plump lips.
"Hey", you say shyly, playing with your fingers the way you always do when you're nervous, your best friend already closing the door behind the two of you and disappearing in your shared apartment.
"Hey", Jin responds, scratching his neck for a second before handing you the single flower in his hand. "This is for you", he says, a light blush dusting his cheeks when you take the flower, your fingers brushing against each other as you do.
"It's beautiful, thank you", you say gratefully, feeling like a teenager all over again, and walk down the two steps until you and Jin are both standing on the pathway, the other towering over you with his height.
"Let's go then, our table is reserved for 20:00", Jin says, leading the way to his sleek black Mercedes, his body close enough to yours so you can feel the heat he is emitting, but he doesn't touch you yet, his hand hovering over your lower back.
Jin is a gentleman and nothing less, holding the door open for you when you slide into the passenger seat, saying that 'you look gorgeous tonight, by the way', and engaging in some small talk on the way to the restaurant he reserved you. It feels too good to be true, really.
When the GPS announces that you reached your destination though, you look around in confusion, waiting for Jin to say that you reached the wrong location, but to your shock, the young man opens the driver's door, sliding off the soft leather seat before walking around the vehicle and opening your door with an all-knowing grin.
"You can't be serious", you say, staring at the other in bewilderment, not even trying to get out of the car as Seokjin laughs, enjoying your disbelieving expression.
"Did you seriously reserve a place at a 5 Michelin star restaurant? Are you out of your mind?", you gape at him, forgetting all the shyness you felt moments ago, too busy thinking how the hell you're going to pay for this meal tonight.
As if reading your mind, Jin smiles gently at you, reaching his hand out to you. "Hey, I asked you to go out with me, so I decide where we'll go. Trust me, okay?"
You hesitate for another second, still feeling angry at the other for bringing you to a millionaire's restaurant, but you take his hand anyway, trying to ignore the warmth flowing through your body at the simplest touch from Jin.
"I couldn't bring a girl who works at a restaurant to Panda Express, you know?", he explains jokingly, and you try your best to stop from laughing, keeping your glare on determinantly.
"You're unbelievable", you mutter, punching Seokjin's arm half-heartedly as he laughs, making a big deal of limping the rest of the way to the grand entrance of the building, where two well-dressed bodyguards are standing by the doorway.
After you confirm your reservation, the two of you get led inside the restaurant, and you can't stop gaping at the marvelous architecture, your eyes bulging as you walk past dozens of round tables covered in silk white tablecloths, shiny silverware placed placed carefully and glamorous chandeliers giving the room a fairy-like glow.
Jin chuckles a bit at your amazement, endeared by your innocent behaviour, and pulls back the red velvet chair when you reach your table, placed in an intimate corner where no one can pry too much, pushing you down gently when you don't even realize you need to take a seat, his eyes crinkling from smiling.
"You look so amazed, I'm afraid the food will be a disappointment", he says teasingly, and you blush, unable to stop your racing heart at all the kind gestures you're receiving from the other, and the evening just started.
The two of you start looking at the menu, both of you knowing most of the foods on the menu thanks to your job, and talk in between, the two of you filling each other in on everything you don't know about each other as co-workers.
You like talking to Jin. Even before you started crushing on him, he was a role model to you, and probably, to everyone in the restaurant. He came from a very rich family, and he could easily have lived his life doing absolutely nothing, or continuing the work of his business-man father.
Instead, he chose to open a restaurant, and work as a chef, ignoring what everyone said about him and pursuing his dream from a young age. He became successful and respected, but not because of his parents, because of his own hard work, and you always admired that greatly.
"Oh my God", you moan around another bite of ratatouille, closing your eyes as a symphony of flavors explodes on your tongue, and you hear Jin hum in agreement, the shared dishes you bought quickly running out as you take bite after bite, drinking sips of expensive wine and continuing your conversation as well.
When it's time to go, you don't miss Jin sneakily trying to push his credit card into the waitress' hands, and you frown, fishing out your simple black purse and pulling out your own black card.
"Hey, why didn't she take mine as well?", you ask with confusion lacing your voice, noticing immediately the way Jin avoided your eyes, taking a too-long sip from his now almost empty glass of wine, before setting it down with a small smile.
"How about you pay next time?", he suggests, voice nonchalant, but you notice the nervousness underlining it, Jin's slim fingers wrapped too tightly around the glass, his knuckles turning white.
"Next time?", you say, feeling your own cheeks heat up, momentarily forgetting the fact that your crush paid what must be a huge amount of money on your first date, too busy clinging to the 'next time', which you so desperately want to happen.
"Yeah", Jin says, lifting his soft brown eyes up and meeting your own wide ones, his smile now slightly more confident. "I really like you, Y/L/N Y/N."

Min Yoongi:
You tug your bottom lip between your teeth, staring at the tall wooden door in front of you. You've been here a hundred times before, but this time felt different, and the thought set a flock of butterflies in your stomach.
You knock on the door before you can overthink it, retracting your hand quickly and tucking it behind your back, rocking on your heels as you listen to the sound of footsteps approaching the entrance slowly.
You smile when the door opens, revealing your life-long childhood friend, and now, your date for tonight. You don't know how many times you've seen Min Yoongi like this, with his messy black hair and pale skin, a small smile on his face, wearing a hoodie two sizes too large on him and basketball shorts, brown eyes concealing his happiness at the sight of you. The only difference is, usually, he doesn't look this nervous.
"Hey", Yoongi scratches the back of his neck, pushing the door open even more to allow you to come in, and then moving aside, and you try not to think too much about his arm brushing yours when you enter, the weird thoughts making your cheeks warm.
"Hey", you hug your friend gently, and even though you've done this many times as well, it feels different, the arms wrapping around you holding a new protectiveness and care. You can't say you don't like it.
"So", you follow Yoongi into the apartment, already knowing this place by heart, and slip into the kitchen to grab a cup of water. "What are we doing today?"
"I thought we could just watch some Netflix, you know. If you want.", Yoongi responds, disappearing in the living room, probably to set up the huge flat screen TV he owns, and you return the glass water bottle to the fridge, entering the living room as well.
"So just Netflix and chill?", you ask, enjoying the way your friend's fingers freeze over the keyboard, before he shoots you a sly smirk that sends shivers down your spine. "If that's what you want."
It's your turn to blush now, and you curse Suga under your breath, choosing not to respond, instead slipping onto the soft blue couch, covering yourself with one of the many fluffy blankets your date prepared beforehand.
Being Yoongi's friend since preschool meant you two were very open with each other. He knew all your problems, fears, secrets, desires, and you did too. It was scary to suddenly feel shy next to the one person you always felt comfortable with, but you can't blame anyone but yourself for falling in love with your best friend.
You don't know when you started looking at Yoongi like a potential lover instead of a friend, but realizing it was the scariest moment in your life. You felt ashamed for feeling like that about your childhood bestie, and alienated yourself from him in hopes it will get your mind to work properly.
But Yoongi, being Yoongi, didn't let you hide away, and after you wouldn't answer his calls or texts for two weeks, he came to your house, surprising the shit out of you, and demanded to know what this was all about.
You knew he wouldn't accept a lie, so you went for the truth and hoped that he would somehow forgive you and your friendship will overcome this obstacle. What you didn't expect however, was Yoongi mumbling a tired 'pabo' before he pulled you close, pressing a searing kiss to your lips that had you gasping for air. 'I like you, too. More than a friend.', he said. And now you were here.
"You good?", Yoongi's curious voice shoots you out of your thoughts, and you snap your head up to meet his amused, yet somewhat concerned expression. "Yeah, sorry", you mumble, shooting him a small smile, and he nods, passing you a bowl of popcorn before sliding into the spot next to you, close enough to feel his body heat, but not quite touching.
The movie starts after that, the two of you concentrating on the plot. Yoongi chose a random action-thriller and it was so good you completely forgot about the popcorn in your hands and the now-cold pizza on the table, your mouth agape and eyes wide as you stare at the blaring television screen.
In the corner of your mind, you're aware of Yoongi shuffling next to you, as if something's bothering him, and you almost turn to snap at him for ruining your concentration when there's a sturdy arm pulling you closer to a warm chest, and you feel your cheeks burn. Oh my God.
You try not to breathe when Yoongi pulls you even closer, albeit hesitantly, until you're practically cuddling, both of you wrapped in fuzzy blankets and Suga's arms wrapped around your stomach firmly, his lips so close to your hair you feel light-headed.
"Is this okay?", he whispers after a few more seconds of silence, and you gulp, the older's deep voice giving you goosebumps and sending chills down your spine.
"Yeah", you answer, because it is, it's perfect, even if your body is tense like a ruler and you can't quite get yourself to relax into Yoongi's hold.
"Y/N.", Yoongi's firm voice, not leaving you a choice but to turn and look into his mysterious dark eyes, his pink lips hovering over yours. "Can I kiss you?", he asks simply, not beating around the bush, and your heart combusts in your chest, your breath quickening.
"Yeah", you answer, voice shaky, and it seems like everything disappears, the movie long forgotten and fading in the background as Yoongi reaches for you, tilting your chin up gently until your lips brush slightly, like the touch of a butterfly.
And then he's kissing you harder, his hand sliding higher to cup your cheek, and you turn around even more in his hold, until you're practically sitting in his lap, your own arms locking behind his neck.
"Let's not make this weird", he breathes out when he pulls away from you after a few seconds, slightly panting, his lips tainted bright red from your little make out session. "I want you, Y/L/N Y/N."

Jung Hoseok:
Blind dates were never really your thing. You hated the feeling of insecurity that came with blind dates, the burning curiosity in your chest and the awkwardness.
Which is why the first time your best friend suggested you go out with a guy she met at her new zumba class, who also happened to be the instructor, you were quick to say no.
You were laying on her lap, the two of you sprawled on your ratty blue couch in your shared apartment, and you were complaining to her about your exams this week, and how you were positive astronomy was going to kill you.
It took you a few minutes of angry rambling to realize that your friend was hardly listening to what you had said, nodding half-assedly and humming at random times, her mind obviously busy with something else.
"What are you thinking about?", you demanded to know, sitting up so the two of you were face to face and pointing at her accusingly. "You hardly heard a word I said."
"I did.", Y/F/N defended herself quickly, "Your life sucks", she elaborated, wincing when you raise an unconvinced eyebrow at her, not buying the whole innocent facade.
"Okay, fine, I was thinking about something.", she admitted, smiling at you sheepishly before moving to hold your hands in hers, an action that only succeeded in raising your suspicions even more.
"I know you don't like this kind of thing", she started slowly, and your confused expression turned into a frustrated one, already knowing where this conversation was headed.
"But you know how I started taking a dance class recently?", she asked, and you nodded despite the urge to cover your ears and ignore this conversation.
"Well, my dance instructor is super cute, like a literal sunshine. And the fact that he's super hot and an amazing dancer is just the cherry on top to his perfect personality.", Y/F/N said so enthusiastically, it almost broke your heart to interrupt her fantasies.
"So I thought, if you want, I could set the two of you up for a blind date? I already checked if he's single.", your friend asked hopefully, puppy eyes on full display, and you sighed, shaking your head.
You were thankful to Y/F/N for always taking care of you, you really were. Since she started dating her boyfriend a year and a half ago, she's been trying to set you up with lots of guys, maybe because she didn't want the moment she moves in with her partner to be hard on you, which you knew was getting closer judging by the increased amount of guys she talked to you about.
But you just weren't looking for a guy right now. The last thing you need this year is another distraction from finally getting your degree and finishing uni.
"Y/F/N, he sounds great, but I'm just not interested, okay?", you said gently, but your tone left no room for argument, and judging by the way the light in your friend's eyes dimmed slightly, a small pout growing on her face, you knew she understood there's no point to continue this conversation.
"Okay", she sighed defeatedly, and you smile at her thankfully, returning to your previous lying position, and the two of you ditched the topic, moving on to see some cheesy rom-com on Netflix.
Unfortunately, your best friend ditched the topic for exactly two days. Since then, she brought up that freaking dance instructor every day for the next two weeks, stopping when you called her out for it only to continue the next day.
Maybe it's the annoyance that brings you to say yes, or the notion that actually going on a bad date will prove to your best friend that there's no point to meddle in your life. Either way, much to your best friend's happiness, you agree to go on a coffee date with him.
You tug on your ripped blue jeans, feeling slightly uncomfortable in your unusually attractive fit. You don't even remember when was the last time you dressed up for someone, although you had to admit it was refreshing to look good for once, and not feel like a couch potato in the same sweatpants and blank t-shirts.
It's a pretty day today, the perfect day to grab a coffee at a local coffee shop with a friend or a significant other, and it's kind of sad that you're going to be wasting your time on some guy who will never want you for another date.
You cross the street, heading towards the cafe where you know Hoseok is waiting, and ignore the painful churning in your stomach and the constant buzz of your phone, signaling becoming messages from your BFF, who's probably reminding you to be nice and text her the second you get out of there.
The cafe is one you visit many times with your friend, a cozy shop with small round tables, potted plants and soft jazz music in the background. You push open the door to the store, the familiar bell signaling your arrival, and wave at the workers you already came to know, who smile back at you before continuing with their jobs.
Your friend described Hoseok as tall and lean, with brown hair and eyes that crinkle when he smiles, so you look around, searching for a matching face and freezing when you spot it. But that can't be him. He's way too hot to be on a blind date with you.
The man is sitting in the far end of the coffee shop, the golden light streaming through the large glass windows giving his tanned skin an angelic shine. He's scrolling through his phone, a small pout on his full lips, and his hair is a dark brown, almost black, parted in the middle and streaming down his face in shiny waves.
There are silver glasses perched on the edge of his nose, and he's wearing olive green wide denim pants, tucked into an oversized t-shirt that did nothing to hide his small waist and bulging biceps. All in all, he was a total snack. And way out of your league.
But another glance at the cafe proves to you that, despite the absurdity of the situation, this guy was your only option, unless Y/F/N set you up with a grandma or a black-haired teen, which wouldn't surprise you as much as it should.
You feel your heart practically beat its way out of your chest, the need to run out of the coffee shop and back into your safe apartment growing the more you look at the handsome man. But that wouldn't be fair, not to your friend or your date. So you stay.
Gathering all the courage you have left, you walk hesitantly towards the table, the young man not noticing you yet, his eyes still fixed on his phone where he is typing away furiously. You clear your throat awkwardly. "Hello."
The dark-haired man in front of you startles from his daze, snapping wide brown eyes to you, before breaking into an unexpectedly bright grin, showing off two rows of straight white teeth and an adorable dimple.
"You must be Y/N!", he exclaims, getting out of his seat to shake your hand enthusiastically, the glimmer in his eyes not disappearing for a second. "I'm Jung Hoseok, but you can call me J-hope if you like."
You nod shyly, the other's bright attitude and overflowing charisma taking you by surprise, and let the young man pull your chair out for you dramatically, a small smile making its way on your face as you slide into the comfortable seat.
"I'm sorry I didn't notice you, I was just taking care of some work-related things", he explains with a guilty expression, and you shake your head quickly. "It's all good", you say, waving your hand dismissively, and your heart beat rises slightly when the other's worried expression turns into a wide smile once again, J-hope sighing in relief.
"So, you're a dance instructor, right?", you ask as a way to start the conversation, noting the way J-hope's eyes turn impossibly bright at your question, an unmistakable passion glimmering in his eyes.
You listen as J-hope explains to you all about how he got to his career, why he loves it so much and where he wants to go with it in the future. To your surprise, you listen with fascination, J-hope's excitement and sincerity captivating you completely. It was obvious dancing was the only career for him.
You have to admit that he's adorable, with his cute hand gestures and face expressions, and he's a complete gentleman as well, ordering for you first and asking you about your major and what you want to be doing in the future with so much interest, you actually start to believe that you have something to tell.
The conversation never seems to die down, the two of you talking passionately about the most random topics for what seems like hours, the sun slowly setting without you even noticing, the food you ordered also forgotten.
You think it's the most you've laughed for a while with someone who wasn't Y/F/N, and the most you've talked about yourself so openly, but you can't seem to mind when Hoseok smiles at you like that, leaning his head on the palm of his hand as he stares at you with something scarily close to fondness.
When you finally exit the shop it's already pretty late, the last birds chirping their goodbyes and people already coming back home from work, the roads filled with cars and crowds of fast-walking men and women.
The two of you walk side-by-side after Hoseok insists on escorting you to your car, despite his being the opposite direction, and it dawns on you that you actually would really, really like another date with this charming man.
"Actually…", you're already in front of your small red Jeep when Hoseok speaks up, and for the first time today he looks insecure, his gaze flitting away from your face and to the black asphalt. "I was wondering if I could get your number?"
There's a hidden meaning behind his question, a hope for more than just one date, and you're so happy you could dance right now, but you stop yourself, instead smiling so wide you think you break your jaw. "I was hoping you'd ask."

Kim Namjoon:
"Are you sure you're okay with this?", you ask Y/F/N hesitantly for the tenth time, your hand hovering over the doorknob as you await her response.
Your best friend snorts, rolling her eyes slightly at your overly worried behaviour. "For the last time, it's okay. I'm honestly surprised he asked you out only last week considering he's been drooling all over you since we became friends.", she says sarcastically, a mischievous smile on her delicate face, and you blush furiously, pushing her weakly as revenge.
Going on a date with your best friend's brother was pretty awkward, but it seemed like you were the only one sharing that thought. Y/F/N looks scarily nonchalant right now, standing by the door in her unicorn onesie, her brown hair tied into a messy bun, sipping on her cup of coffee, like she always does in the morning.
Namjoon and you met when your best friend invited you over to a family barbecue a few years ago. It was the first time you were going to meet her family, and you already knew she had an older brother and two more younger siblings. But your excuse of a best friend never told you that her older brother was amazingly attractive and a perfect gentleman.
The fat crush you have on Namjoon was probably there since the first day you set eyes on his face, with the adorable dimples and the melanin skin, but you pushed it down, knowing that falling in love with your best friend's brother was just plain wrong.
But how could you not fall in love with him, when he was everything you ever wanted in a guy? Intelligent, a good listener, handsome, a hard worker and a family guy, always looking out for his parents and younger siblings.
Honestly, you had no idea he felt the same, even if you caught him sending you soft smiles when he thought you weren't looking, or staring at your lips when you talked, but you ignored these moments, excusing it as attraction and nothing more.
When Namjoon asked you out, after two and half years of you knowing each other, your best friend already knew about it, since he wanted to ask for her permission to take you out. Just when you thought you couldn't be more in love with him.
You hug your friend one last time, tightly, as a sign of gratitude and maybe also apology, and she hugs you back just as tight, even if she laughs and says teasingly: "Just go already."
So you go, shutting the door behind you and walking towards the elevator of your building, your stomach filled with butterflies as you enter the empty elevator, pressing on the first floor.
You stare at your reflection in the large mirrors, anxiously tugging at your checkered plaid skirt, which you thought went well with the cream-colored sweater you had on, but now doubts fill your head, and you curse silently, turning away from your image.
Rushing out of the elevator, you spot Namjoon waiting in the lobby of your apartment building, rocking on his heels as he whistles a tune absentmindedly, his hands tucked in the pockets of his slacks.
He looks handsome like always, wearing beige slacks that compliment his long legs, a white shirt and a green denim jacket to top off the look, and his dirty blonde hair is perfectly combed to show his forehead, soft strands framing his sculptured face.
Before you can even reach him, Namjoon notices you, his brown eyes widening and a smile adorning his lips, the deep dimples in his cheeks popping out. "Y/N!"
You smile when you reach the other, walking into his outstretched arms, the gentle, protective hug he gives you warming your heart, and you let your own hands wrap around his strong torso, standing on your tiptoes and burying your face in his neck, so you can smell the nice scent of his cologne, sandalwood and blueberries.
"Hey", you say when you break the hug, still standing close enough to feel the body heat radiating from the taller man, see the warmth twinkling in his brown orbs. "Where are we going today?"
"I thought we'd just take a walk. I know a really nice place not so far from here, and I bought sandwiches in case we get hungry", he adds with an adorable smile, waving a small metal container, and you laugh at the pride in his face, knowing Namjoon was literally banned from the kitchen in his family's house, since that one time he made the toaster explode.
"I love that idea", you say honestly, your own wide grin splitting your face, and you can't help but add with a teasing tone: "And I can't wait to taste your sandwiches."
The two of you start walking then, and it's the perfect weather outside, a beautiful morning in the fall, when there's this chilliness in the air, but the sun is still shining from above, so you can still walk peacefully without worrying too much about a coat or heavy clothing.
You walk for something like ten minutes until you reach a pretty park you've never seen before, despite it being so close to your home. It's quiet, with a simple brick trail leading into it, wooden benches and an assortment of trees, the green almost blinding in the midst of the hustling city around you.
The two of you spend time talking, something you would gladly do all day with Namjoon, his smart takes on life and his opinions on the most trivial matters all fascinating to you, giving you whole other points of view you never considered.
When you get tired and hungry, you sit down on one of the benches, and Namjoon opens the small container he brought, taking out two delicious looking sandwiches with salami and a bunch of vegetables, the bread almost bursting from the generous amount.
The two of you eat, the conversation not ceasing for a second, and you're enjoying this way too much, loving the peaceful atmosphere surrounding you two, the chirp of the birds and the absence of people.
"I hate to do this, but I have a shift soon, so we should start heading back", Namjoon says sorrowfully when the sun is already in the middle of the sky, his eyes showing actual sadness at the thought of this date ending, and you can't help but feel the same, a small pout growing on your lips.
"Of course. It's been hours anyway.", you say, putting on a cheerful smile that probably seems forced, because Namjoon smiles at you fondly, getting up from the bench before taking your hand hesitantly in his, the warmth of it seeping through your skin, tightening his hold around you when you don't pull back.
"I'll take you back home", the older says gently, and you let him pull you up, trying to hide the blush on your cheeks with your dark hair as you start walking again, back to the entrance to the park.
When you reach the entrance of your building, it seems like there's many unsaid words hovering between the two of you, Namjoon avoiding your eyes while you bite your lip shyly, playing with your long fingers.
"I had a great time today", Namjoon says after a few more moments of silence. "And I'd really like to take you out again.", he continues, a cute blush forming on his cheeks as he stutters nervously. "If you'd like to, of course."
"I'd love to", you breathe out, and Namjoon grins, relieved, pulling on your interlocked arms to close the space between the two of you, before leaning down and pressing a gentle kiss to your cheek, so soft you think you might have imagined it.
When he pulls back, you're pretty sure the two of you look like some teenagers in high school, blushing furiously. Namjoon studies you for a moment, eyes warm, before saying: "I'm really lucky I met you, Y/L/N Y/N."

Park Jimin:
When your best friend said her friend, a music major like her who she met through the university, was coming over to study, you expected a shy young man, maybe with round glasses, lean and tall, wearing plaid shirts and baggy jeans.
You didn't expect him to have silver hair, a muscular body easily seen through his purposely tight clothes, and full pink lips that curved into a flirty smile. Said music major knocked on your front door wearing a dangerous all-black outfit, skinny jeans, a tight golf sweater and a leather jacket, and he looked like a mafia leader in a drama, if it weren't for the colorful notebooks in his hands.
"Hi, I'm Park Jimin. Is Y/F/N here?", the young man said with a surprisingly sweet voice, his dark eyes examining you closely before flitting back to meet your wide eyes.
You gulp, hating yourself for answering the door wearing freaking checkered sweatpants that you should probably burn, and a loose gray shirt that made you look like a sack. And let's not even talk about the bird nest on top of your head.
"Uh- Yeah, yeah, she's in her room", you stutter, feeling your cheeks burn when the man smirks at your awkward behaviour, his eyes twinkling like he knew exactly what you were thinking.
"Thanks", he says simply, sending you an adorable eye smile, the complete opposite of the sexy smirk from seconds ago, before disappearing down the hallway, with you staring at his broad back dumbly until he disappeared from view.
Since that day, Jimin came to your apartment frequently, Y/F/N smiling slyly whenever she mentioned how eager her classmate was to come over, something he never wanted before.
You and Jimin's talks were limited to the usual greetings and the occasional small talk when your best friend would get stuck in the bathroom, something she seemed to do more and more frequently as time passed.
You did learn however, that the intimidating aura Jimin first gave off when you met him, was nothing like his personality. Sure, he was flirty, randomly throwing you compliments about how beautiful you are that make your face explode, but he was mostly a giggly softie, almost baby-like in his behaviour, with his cute gestures and way of talking.
Apparently, unlike your best friend who specializes in a variety of instruments, Jimin was a dancer and a singer, and you actually saw him performing one time, from a video Y/F/N sent you when he was practicing, and it was honestly jaw-dropping. The more you knew Jimin, the more you liked him, and it was a big problem considering he was way out of your league.
So when Jimin shows up one evening at your apartment, wearing a huge green bomber jacket and ripped jeans, his nose red from the cold and now-brown hair covered in a black beanie, you can't help but be slightly confused.
"Y/F/N's not here right now", you say apologetically, concealing your surprise that Jimin came here without talking to your friend beforehand, the opposite of his usually organized behaviour.
"Actually, I came here for you", Jimin says with a sly smile, and you blanch, staring at him for a second dumbfoundedly before saying dumbly: "Oh."
Jimin seems to notice your helplessness, because he smiles at you gently, motioning vaguely at the inside of your house. "Can I come in? It's really cold outside."
"Oh! Of course, sorry.", you blush, muttering more apologizes as you move aside, letting Jimin enter the house and trying to ignore the way his hand brushes yours on the way in.
Jimin entered the house, sitting down on the comfortable gray couch in your small living room, and looked at you almost nervously before clearing his throat, his fingers fiddling restlessly on his lap as he waited for you to take a seat in front of him.
"So… Are you coming to the music major performance next week?", Jimin starts, his voice hopeful as he looks at you with wide brown eyes, the sight so adorable you almost coo.
The end of the year performance of the music majors is basically the biggest event of the year, to them and to everyone else. Their participants and their performance is crucial to their grade, so it's a really big deal. Y/F/N had been practicing day and night for weeks now, walking around your apartment like a zombie who lives on espresso. You assume that Jimin wasn't any better.
"Of course I am. There's literally no excuse except death that'll make Y/F/N forgive me for not coming.", you snort, and Jimin laughs, his eyes crinkling. "Right, stupid of me to even ask."
You talk for a few more minutes about the performance before Jimin seems to get nervous again, the continuous movements of his hands returning, his mind wandering elsewhere.
"You good? It looks like you're hiding something.", you ask, voice teasing but tinged with worry, and Jimin sighs heavily, cracking his knuckles before looking up at you.
"Actually, I wanted to ask if you'd be my date? For the after party. All the music majors go to a nice bar in the city, and I thought if you'd like to come with me…", Jimin's nervous rambling turns into a quiet murmur by the end of the sentence, his cheeks sporting a light blush as he avoids your eyes.
You stare at him, not quite understanding the situation. Park Jimin, the heartthrob of the campus, your best friend's friend, and the most talented man you've ever met, was asking you out.
Jimin's awkward cough is what snaps you out of your shock, meeting his expectant eyes with your own wide ones. "Yeah, I'll go with you.", you manage to say, your cheeks reddening when Jimin breaks into an attractive smile, letting out a relieved sigh.
"Damn, you really had me worried there", he says with a breathless laugh, running a hand through his shiny brown hair, the strands falling over his eyes messily, and you giggle, looking down at your lap.
The two of you end up talking some more, the night flying by as you Jimin tells you about the upcoming performance, which is rumored to be the best one since the university was first opened. When he finally leaves, sending you a sweet smile as he exits your apartment, you can't wait for next week to come.
And now you were here, your throat hurting from all the screams that came out of it during the performance, the images of a sweaty black-haired Jimin, wearing a see-through white mesh shirt and black dress pants, hugging his strong thighs perfectly, not leaving your mind for a second.
Y/F/N was amazing as well, obviously, and you gave her a bucket of red roses she probably already saw that morning as a congratulatory gift, but she still smiles gratefully and hugs you tightly, her face practically shining with happiness.
"Y/N!", you turn at the sound of the soft voice, grinning when you see an excited Jimin skipping his way to you, now changed into a loose denim shirt and his familiar black skinny jeans.
You don't hesitate to leap at him, ignoring the smell of sweat still clinging to his skin or the fact that any other day you would never act so bold. "You were amazing today. Seriously, Jimin I'm speechless", you mumble into his chest, your arms wrapped tightly around his torso as he laughs, his own hands encircling your small waist.
"Thank you. I'm really happy you're here.", he says honestly, pulling away slightly to look into your eyes, his arms not leaving your waist.
The two of you go with the rest of the music majors to a bar in a bus the school rented for the night, the whole ride filled with excited chatter and scream of happiness. You sit in the back between Jimin and Y/F/N, happily listening to them talk about the performance, still high on the adrenaline.
The bar is a small, nice place, with good music and clean wooden tables, formally dressed barmen treating customers with an assortment of different alcohols.
Y/F/N goes to sit with the rest of her classmates, after sending you a not so discreet wink and a pat on the ass, leaving you and Jimin alone by a table in the side of the room, Jimin ordering the two of you bottles of soju and glasses of champagne.
You spend the night talking with Jimin, and then after you get drunk, laughing stupidly about nothing and everything, leaning on the young man's shoulder when you get tired, the late hour having its effect on you.
"Let's get you home, hmm?", you hear the older mumble next to your ear, and then there are strong arms picking you up carefully, making sure not to jostle you too much, and Jimin's sturdy figure supports you gently as you walk out of the bar slowly.
The ride home is rather quiet, with you leaning on Jimin the whole way home, your head buried in the crook of his neck and his hand wrapped around your shoulder gently, humming a soft tune into your hair.
Jimin takes you all the way to your apartment, going as far as opening the door for you, before he brings you in for a sweet hug, rubbing your back gently. "I had a lot of fun today", he mumbles above your head, and you hum, pulling back to look him in the eye.
"I hope this isn't a one time thing", your tipsy self says with confidence you could never have, and Jimin chuckles, brushing a dark strand of hair away from your eyes carefully. "I wouldn't dream of it."

Kim Taehyung:
"So, where are you going to meet the guy?", Y/F/N asks curiously, following you out of the bathroom where you were combing your wet black hair and into your bedroom, trying to match her walking to your hurried strides.
"He suggested we go to some famous art gallery in the city", you say half-mindedly, struggling to pull up your leather knee high boots as your friend whistles lowly with appreciation beside you. "Damn, he's a man with taste."
You nod, barely hearing your friend as you look at your reflection in the mirror, biting your lip as you contemplate whether you went too far with your outfit, the short black dress and long beige trench coat suddenly feeling like too much.
"You look great", your friend interrupts your thoughts, her excited expression now changing into a more understanding one, her eyes glistening with comfort. "First online dates are always nerve-wracking.", she adds knowingly, patting your hair gently with a soft smile before exiting the room and letting you finish freaking out by yourself.
Online dating was terrifying, you have to admit. When you first saw the picture of the model-like man on your Tinder, asking for you to swipe right, you were hesitant. Men like this don't need dating apps to get girls, that's for sure, so you were scared he was just another guy who uses a picture of some hot dude as his own, trying to lure women into his trap.
You probably would have let him go too, if it wasn't for his bio that piqued your interest. Apparently, the guy did modeling as a part-time job, and he was also an "independent artist", knowing how to sing and play a few instruments. He was a dog person and his dream is to design clothes, and his other hobbies are: sightseeing, photography, and painting.
Anyone who has just a bit of sense would never miss out on a guy like that, so you swipe right on this Taehyung guy and hope that he's not a fraud. The two of you start talking through the app, and he sends you a lot of selfies of him and his dog, Yeontan, giving you more confidence that he was actually who he said he was.
Now, after you've been talking for a few months, he finally suggested going out for a first date, which made you extremely stressed. From texts alone, Taehyung seemed like a talented, kind, funny young man, and you had great chemistry, your conversations always filled with passion, even when it came to the weirdest topics, but that can change completely when you actually meet.
You sigh, making your way out of your apartment building, hugging your coat closer to you when another wind raises goosebumps on your tanned skin as you wait for a taxi to arrive.
The ride to the gallery takes a bit of time, so you text Taehyung quickly, telling him you're on your way and he responds saying he's already there, suggesting you meet by the entrance of the museum.
When you reach the destination, you thank the taxi driver, quickly handing him the money you owed him before exiting the car, your eyes immediately searching for Taehyung's tall form while you walk towards the fancy building, the interior lit with bright lights.
"Taehyung-ssi?", you ask hesitantly when you reach a man with a white mask on his face, fluffy dark hair barely showing thick eyebrows and soft brown eyes. He's wearing something you would imagine Taehyung, the fashion expert, would wear: mustard-colored slacks, a light gray knit sweater, a checkered scarf and a long dark-grey coat, nearly brushing his ankles.
"Y/N?", the man says with a voice so deep it sends shivers down your spine, and you gulp, nodding shyly at the man, who takes off his mask to reveal his face after hearing your positive answer.
Somehow, Taehyung is even more handsome face-to-face, and you feel yourself blush even more when you're met with the guy for the first time, merely a feet away from you. You can't help but admire the golden skin, the pretty mole on his nose, the perfect nose and the inviting heart-shaped lips, awed by the fact that you met this god through a dating app.
"It's nice to finally meet you, Y/N", Taehyung says with a small smile, and the only thing you can do is agree, still mesmerized by the other's sheer beauty. "Shall we go in?", he asks, pointing at the museum with a slender hand, and you nod once again, following him into the large building.
The two of you walk slowly, talking in hushed voices as you enter the gallery, where more people are already admiring the variety of works, from art critics holding pen and paper to couples walking with hands interlocked, flitting from piece to piece with admiring eyes.
To your relief, there isn't an awkward atmosphere, the conversation between the two of you going great once you loosen up a bit. Taehyung asks a lot of questions you didn't discuss online, and also brings up topics that he wants to know your opinion about, along with saying his thoughts on the different art works, where Taehyung got to show off his obviously wide knowledge, talking to you about textures, and colors, and more things you don't understand, but interest you nevertheless.
Taehyung tells you about how he also paints here and there, amongst his other interests, going by the artistic name 'V', a symbol of success and victory, and you're fascinated by the man in front of you, who seems so thoughtful and intelligent, yet somewhat innocent, with his sparkly puppy eyes and curious nature.
When you finally exit the gallery, it's close to closing time, and the two of you head down the street, not wanting the night to end quite yet, so you go buy a cup of green tea from a small, cozy store close to the museum. You sit on one of the empty tables in the shop, sipping on the piping hot liquid and letting more time pass by as you laugh and chat.
"Text me when you get home, okay?", Taehyung says when you slide into the cab, a small frown on his face, clearly not pleased by the fact the two of you are parting ways. Not that you're any better, but his worry warms your heart, and you smile, an idea popping in your head.
"How about you give me your number?", you suggest shyly, before adding stupidly. "In case something happens… It's faster, you know?"
Taehyung chuckles at that, and the sound is so hot and lovely you can feel yourself burning up, the other nodding his head with a boxy smile you came to be obsessed with. "Definitely. That's a great idea."

Jeon Jungkook:
"Are you ready to go?", the soft voice makes you raise your head up from where you're packing your things into your small leather bag, meeting Jungkook's slightly nervous doe eyes, a shy smile on his pink lips.
"Yeah", you smile at the other gently, slinging your bag on one shoulder before walking over to the young man, admiring the way Jungkook's eyes sparkle when he looks at you, following your movements carefully, a habit of his since you met.
When you first started your chemistry class, you didn't understand why the university's bad boy was staring at you all the time, with dark eyes and a serious expression. It was rather intimidating, especially after you heard the whispered rumors of him breaking girls' hearts wherever he went, so you immediately thought he hated you.
Jeon Jungkook was the typical hot emo guy, the kind who girls love to fall for, even more because it seems hopeless, every woman wanting to be the one to steal his heart and get him out of his private bubble. He always came to class with earphones deep in his ears, ignoring the looks from the rest of the thirsty, or just plain curious, students, wearing all-black outfits, his long dark hair falling over his eyes in soft waves.
He hardly spoke in class, and it didn't seem like he listened too much either, most of the time with his earphones in, or doodling something on his notebook. Yet, you accidentally saw his test once when the teacher was passing by, and it was a straight A. Basically, Jeon Jungkook was a mystery, one you did your best not to fall for. The last thing you wanted was to be like the rest of his crazy fangirls on campus.
So imagine your surprise when Jungkook came up to you after class, running a hand through his black hair, probably a nervous habit of his, as he stopped in front of your desk, his aura screaming discomfort.
"Um… hi", you said when the young man didn't make a move to say anything, instead just staring at you with wide eyes, feet tapping against the floor as if he was ready to run any second now.
Your voice seemed to startle the other from his daze, and he blinked owlishly, gulping hard before blatantly asking: "Do you want to go out with me?"
You stared at the other, frozen, eyes wide and cheeks blushing, your beating heart proving to you that despite how much you tried, Jeon Jungkook still managed to slither his way into your feelings effortlessly. "Excuse me?"
"Do you want to go out with me?", Jungkook repeated, more confidently now, his eyes locked with yours, hard on the outside but also showing vulnerability, fear of rejection, and everything suddenly makes sense.
The fact that Jeon Jungkook avoided you even more than he avoided others, the constant staring, the blushing when your eyes accidentally met or when you sat next to him in the back row. It was all because he liked you. How ironic.
And the thing is, you now fully understood that you like him, too. Talking with him solidified the feelings you were pushing away, so you took a deep breath before smiling gently and saying: "Yes."
Jungkook's eyes widened then, as if he didn't actually expect you to say yes, as if you were the university's heartthrob and not the other way around, as if he wasn't the most endearing person on the planet, with his surprised Pikachu face and his tattooed hands clenched into a small fists, his nerves getting the best of him.
And then Jeon Jungkook broke into a smile, one that you hadn't gotten the opportunity to see since the start of the year, and your heart positively melted in your chest, the cute bunny teeth and the crinkling eyes too much to handle.
"Okay", he breathed out, playing with the strap of his black backpack for a second before raising his head to you. "So… I'll see you tomorrow?", he asked hesitantly, and it felt like the awkward air around you finally cleared away, after half a year of stolen glances and hidden thoughts.
"Yeah.", you smiled widely, and Jungkook eyes seemed to soften even more, the high walls around them finally crumbling down, and he waved at you one last time, almost shyly, before disappearing in the hallway, leaving you alone with your frantically beating heart and blushing cheeks.
And now here you are, after a two more weeks where you and Jungkook sat next to each other every class, managing to attract the attention of the whole campus, who wondered how Y/L/N Y/N, the most average girl, succeeded in winning over Jeon Jungkook. Honestly, you were wondering the same thing.
Jeon Jungkook was nothing like the cold-hearted lone wolf everyone made him out to be. He just happened to be really shy, but he had a few close friends who he introduced to you one day at lunch, and next to them he was another person, one that laughs a lot and acts silly and gets babied all the time for being the youngest in the group.
Jungkook takes you on your first date to a fair, which is perfect for both of you, since you both happen to like thrills and competitions rather than a candle-lit dinner. You go there in Jungkook's black Toyota jeep, singing to the pop music playing on the radio and talking about what you'll do first when you reach the fair.
You fix your striped black-and-white crop top and denim shorts when you exit the car, the heat of mid August hitting you the second you get away from the refreshing air conditioner in the vehicle, and you huff, thankful for your short clothes.
Jungkook is dressed comfortably as well, adding a pop of color to his usually all-black fit by matching his oversized black shirt with ripped blue jeans that hug his thighs in all the right ways, and brown Timberlands.
"Where should we go first?", he asks you after closing the car door, the sun reflecting on his shiny hair as he walks towards you with light steps, his eyes twinkling with undeniable excitement.
You look at all the attractions in the fair: a huge ferris wheel, various food stands, a stage for musical acts, horses, all sorts of games and arts and crafts. "Everything looks fun", you say honestly, and Jungkook hums in agreement before grinning at you. "Let's check it out!"
The two of you enter the fair, walking close enough for your hands to brush, going to whatever happens to catch your eyes, with you pulling an amused Jungkook to pet a bunch of fluffy rabbits, cooing softly at the adorable animals while your classmate stares at you fondly, a small smile tugging at his lips.
You do every game in the park, and because Jungkook is a competitive ass, he wins you every prize in the fair, your hands filled to the brim with plushies and keychains. You go the different rides, sitting close together on the Ferris wheel, your thighs pressed together, looking with awe at all the ant-people scurrying around and the orange sun starting to set in the horizon.
The atmosphere is light and humorous, Jungkook being the funniest person you've ever met and a crackhead in disguise, and there isn't a full moment, Jungkook going as far as participating in a hot-dog eating contest, beating a bunch of 5 year old kids with a trumphiant expression.
"I'm so tired", Jungkook comments when the two of you are sitting on the soft grass, eating cream doughnuts sold only in the fair, the sun already halfway drowned in the ocean, the last rays tickling your skin gently.
"Me too", you agree, brushing the powdered sugar off your fingers, and staring at the slowly emptying park, the different stands already starting to close, ready to open again tomorrow.
"Y/N…", Jungkook starts hesitantly after a few more minutes of silence, and you turn to him expectantly, meeting his soft brown eyes with your own. "I just wanted you to know… I really like you. And I hope you'll let me take you out again."
You think about Jungkook, who was acting like the perfect gentleman the whole day, making sure you weren't too hot, making you laugh continuously and paying for everything. "I like you too, Kookie. A lot."

ATEEZ when you have a nightmare:
Seonghwa furrows his eyebrows when you shift in his arms again, burying your face in his neck and letting out a shaky exhale, your small arms tightening around his torso slightly. You've been rolling from side to side for the past half hour, and your observant boyfriend couldn't help but open his eyes when you let out a quiet whimper, his soft brown eyes scanning you with worry despite the sleepiness swirling in his irises. "Baby?", he shakes your shoulder gently, his voice soft and soothing as he watches the small pout decorating your pink lips, your eyes screwed shut tightly. "Seonghwa", you whisper, still asleep, and said man becomes more alert, eyes widening at the sound of your soft plea, pulling you even closer by your waist and holding you close, petting your dark hair as you cling to him, burying your fingernails in his shoulders, but he doesn't seem to mind, singing lullabies into your ear and rubbing your back until your nightmare passes and your breathing steadies.
"This is how I feel about you twilight~"

Hongjoong wakes up to the sound of your soft crying, every trace of sleep disappearing from his eyes when he sees you laying on your back, warm tears sliding down the soft skin of your cheeks, your eyes shut and pitiful sobs escaping your full lips. He sits up immediately, his large hands reaching for your face, wiping the salty tears from your face with his calloused thumbs, before brushing your bangs away from your forehead. "Wake up, sweetheart. You're having a bad dream." Hongjoong keeps calling you, leaving sweet kisses on your forehead and eyelids until you open your eyes slowly, your boyfriend's heart breaking slightly at the sight of your glassy gaze, your eyelashes clumped and wet. You don't say anything, instead leaping at Hongjoong and wrapping your arms around his waist, and he sighs in relief, not bothering to ask you about the contents of your dream, afraid it'll only make you feel worse, instead talking to you mindlessly, telling you stories and tales until you fall asleep in his warm embrace.
"I'm right here, baby. I got you."

Yunho groans when he feels something pushing him, trying his best to fall back to sleep and ignore the consistent pushing at his shoulder. "Yunho", the soft whisper makes your boyfriend furrow his eyebrows in confusion, not understanding what you're doing awake at this hour, and another push at his broad chest makes Yunho blink blearily, his eyes slowly coming to focus on your face. It takes a few seconds for your lover to fully recognize you, but after he sees your wide, panic-filled eyes, your wobbly bottom lip and the tears staining your cheeks, he seems to sober up in seconds, sitting up quickly and cupping your face in his warm hands."Y/N , what happened?", he asks gently, looking at you with a worried expression, and you look down, feeling embarrassed at your childish behaviour. "I had a nightmare", you answer, playing with your fingers nervously, still not able to fully stop the frantic racing of your heart, and Yunho raises your chin gently, forcing you to look him in the eye, his face filled with guilt. "Oh baby, I'm so sorry I didn't wake up sooner", he apologizes, anger and frustration at himself tinging his voice, and he hugs you to him, whispering more apologizes and stroking your hair until you fall back asleep.
"I should've been there for you, but you're safe now, don't worry."

Yeosang's eyes snap open at the sound of a distressed scream beside him, and he sits up quickly, turning to look at your hunched up figure, your knees pulled close to your chest and your eyes wide and teary, glistening in the dim light coming from the hallway. Putting two and two together, your boyfriend understands you had another nightmare, and pulls you closer to him, placing your shaking figure on his lap. "Hey, Y/N. Look at me.", he commands with a silky voice, raising your chin up to meet his soft brown eyes. His heart breaks a little when he sees your pained expression, but he stays calm, hugging you close to him and reminding you that you were fine, that nightmares aren't reality and it's just your mind playing tricks on you. He listens to your fast breathing steady slowly as he continues talking, a small smile spreading on his face when you let out a little snore, and he places you back on the bed, watching you for a few more minutes to make sure you won't wake up again, before lying next to you and closing his eyes as well, his hand wrapped around your slim waist protectively.
"Dreams aren't real, baby. But I am, and I'll protect you from anything."

San twitches slightly when he feels the mattress shift underneath him, his hand unconsciously searching for the usual warmth beside him, only to be met with an empty pillow and a rumpled blanket. Opening his eyes, your boyfriend lifts his head tiredly, immediately noticing your petite figure sitting on the edge of the bed, your legs crossed and head buried beneath your hands as you let out shaky breaths, your hair streaming down your back in messy waves, hiding your profile. "Hey, hey", San whispers, now wide-awake, and you jerk your head to look at him, your haunted expression making your boyfriend's eyes soften significantly as he crawls to you quickly, his hands reaching out to you. "Another bad dream?", he asks in his soothing voice, pulling you into a hug and petting your hair gently as you nod into his chest, letting your boyfriend's loving behaviour calm you down slowly. San already knows exactly what to do in these situations, getting up to give you a cup of water he always made sure was available on the drawer beside your bed, acting funny to make you smile so the dreams don't invade your mind, and in the end, after you finish the glass of water while San continues to pet your hair with supportive comments, he pulls you down into your regular cuddling position, with him spooning you from behind, pressing kisses to your shoulders and neck until your eyes close and you enter dreamland, the memory of San's soft smile and sparkly eyes etched in your mind.
"I'll beat all the monsters, princess, don't worry. They don't know I have a black belt in taekwondo."

Mingi enters his room slowly, taking off the sweaty t-shirt clinging to his skin tightly and running a hand through his damp hair as an exhausted sigh leaves his mouth. He'd been practicing Ateez's newest choreography all night, and the only thing he wants to do right now is dive into his comfortable mattress, pull you into his arms and sleep till the morning. After taking the quickest shower in his life, your boyfriend finally walks towards your king-sized bed, excitement thrumming through his veins as he watches your curled up figure, your small hands hugging one of the white pillows to your chest, like you always do when you miss him. But the sound of a broken sob stops him in place, his expression confused as he stares at you writhing on the bed, as if fighting off some invisible monster. Panic fills Mingo's chest as your cries become louder, and he speed-walks towards you, sitting by your side and rubbing your arms helplessly, trying to get you to calm down. "Y/N?", he calls your name as he continues to shake you gently, wiping the tears streaming down your face. "Y/N…" A surprised yelp leaves your lover's mouth when you spring to an upright position, your own scared scream leaving your mouth. Mingi freezes for a moment, letting his racing heart calm down as you slowly come back to reality, turning to look at your shook boyfriend. Not knowing what else to do, Mingi pulls you into a gentle hug, your head placed right over his heart, still beating quickly so you can hear the sound in your ear. "Sorry", you whisper after you calm down slightly, placing a soft kiss on Mingo's right shoulder, and he hums, tightening your hug and pulling the two of you down, and you fall asleep like that, limbs tangled and hands intertwined.
"Y/N, please wake up, you're having a bad dream."

Wooyoung yawns, rolling to his side and burying his face in his soft, white pillow as he tries to block out the noises coming from beside him. 'Wait. Noises?', the thought that it's the middle of the night surfaces your boyfriend's bleary mind, and his eyes flutter open, turning his head slightly to look at your sleeping face. But it's not your usually peaceful face, instead, your eyes are shut tightly, creases covering your forehead and your eyebrows furrowed. Wooyoung stares at you for a few more seconds, wondering if he imagined the noises, before another gasp escapes your mouth, and Wooyoung gets up completely, not hesitating to shake you awake. "Y/N, angel, wake up.", he says firmly, watching with worried eyes as you cling to his embracing arms, fighting off your night terrors. Wooyoung keeps holding you, whispering into your ear that everything is going to be okay until your eyes open, revealing dilated pupils and tear-flooded eyes. Wooyoung sighs in relief, pulling you even closer and letting you sob into his chest until you calm down, raising your head to look at him. "Do you want to talk about it?", he asks, rubbing your nape soothingly, his warm eyes making your body go slack in his hold. You probably seem terrified, the idea of replaying the horrible nightmare making your eyes widen slightly, because Wooyoung kisses you lovingly, pressing his lips to yours until you close your eyes, melting once again in his hold. "Babe, you don't have to tell me, but the best way to deal with problems is sharing them with someone else", he mumbles, stroking your long hair away from your forehead. Maybe it's the care in Wooyoung's eyes, or the fact that you were so desperate to get rid of the stupid thoughts in your head, but you let out a shaky breath and tell your boyfriend everything, stopping every few minutes when your throat clogs up, Wooyoung squeezing your hand gently to bring your back to reality. When you finally finish talking, it's like a heavy weight falls from your shoulders, and something like peace fills you, another yawn escaping your full lips. "Go to sleep, baby", Wooyoung mumbles against your temple, and your eyes close before you can even respond, falling into a dreamless sleep.
"The nightmares will only haunt you if you let them, love."

Jongho's eyes open slowly when he feels a sweaty hand pull at his t-shirt, fisting the thin material tightly. The room is completely dark, so Jongho spends a few seconds staring at the ceiling and letting his eyes get used to the lack of light, before turning to look at you, taking in the sight of your damp skin and fluttering eyelids, like you were trying to wake up. Your boyfriend immediately understands what's happening, having dealt with your nightmares many times before, and gets up from the bed to take off all the blankets covering your petite body and making you sweat even more, tying your messy hair back, making sure not to jostle you too much as he does. When he's done, he goes back to bed to sit next to you, rubbing your back and sides while he sings to you softly, knowing his voice soothes you more than anything else, and watches with a soft smile and loving eyes as you slowly calm down, your quick breathing slowing down and your grip on the white mattress loosening as time passes by. When he's sure you fell back asleep, your boyfriend lets the tiredness consume him once again, lying back on the mattress with a stifled yawn, and pulls you closer to lie on his strong chest, your hands wrapping around his torso on instinct. He smiles sleepily at your clinginess and presses one last kiss to your hair before finally closing his eyes and letting himself fall into a deep sleep.
"I'll protect you, Y/N. You have nothing to be afraid of."

WayV when you're insecure about your body:
Kun will furrow his eyebrows when he sees you fixing your brand new skirt in front of the mirror for the fifth time today. "Babe, what's up?", He'll ask, his eyes confused when he comes closer to you, winding a gentle arm around your waist and making you face him. You sigh, looking embarrassed when you ask him with a small voice: "Does this skirt make me look fat? Be honest." Kun can't help raise his eyebrows at that, shocked by your question, but his eyes soften when you bite your lip, avoiding his eyes. "No, you look beautiful. You always do. And even if you did happen to gain some weight, it wouldn't change a thing.", He says as honestly as possible, internally clapping himself on the back when you smile shyly at the compliment, looking much happier and sure of yourself. He'll still be a lot clingier that night, making sure to stay close to you and keep reminding you how amazing you are.

I feel like this baby will be much more emotional, his heart breaking slightly in his chest when he sees you missing another meal, shaking your head silently when he asks you if you want to eat the tasty kimbap he made. "Y/N, this is not okay, you've hardly ate anything these past few days.", your boyfriend mentions worriedly, holding your hand in his tightly as he stares at you desperately. "I've just... I've gained a little weight lately.", you mumble, playing with your fingers absentmindedly, and your boyfriend's eyes turn pained, his grip on your hands tightening. "Oh, baby. You're perfect the way you are, don't you know? I love every single thing about you. And the most important thing is that you're happy and healthy." This guy will be so worried about you, making sure you eat well and constantly thinking about you, to the point where it'll make him visibly sad and troubled.

Winwin is completely clueless as to why you've been refusing to meet his parents for the last month, making up excuses over and over again when he brings up any suggestion. But he'll be even more shocked when you tell him that the reason you were so afraid was because you think you aren't pretty enough to be his girlfriend. This boy will straight up stumble over his own words as he tries to explain to you how beautiful you are, hugging you tightly as if he can convey his emotions through his embrace. "Y/N, I can't believe you think that. You're so beautiful baby, you are the perfect match for me." He doesn't say much, but the way he's holding you and staring at you with honesty and love in his eyes is enough to make you relax, your eyes closing as you feel embarrassment coursing through you at your own stupidity. "You're right, I'm sorry.", you say, making your lover shake his head as he hugs you tighter. "There's nothing to be sorry for. I just want you to be happy."

"Here, try this babe.", Lucas grins when he hands you a tight black mini dress, the silk garment so small it can fit in the palm of your hand. "Oh my God, no, are you crazy?", you ask, pushing the erotic clothing away with your hand as you blush, avoiding your boyfriend's smirking face. "I'm not sexy enough to wear that, anyway.", You mumble, almost to yourself, making to go back to the changing room when a strong hand wraps around your wrist, stopping you. "Hey, you're literally the sexiest girl I've ever seen in my life, baby. I don't ever want to hear you say otherwise.", Lucas says confidently, his eyes no longer teasing as he look into your eyes intently, making you blush even more than before, but the comment still makes you smile bashfully, Lucas' own grin coming back to his face as well when he sees your cute response. "Whatever, I'm still not wearing that though.", you reply, making your boyfriend groan in defeat as you giggle, your laughter changing into a shriek of surprise when Lucas lunges at you, leaving kisses all over your face. "Please, please wear it~"

When your boyfriend noticed that you weren't wearing shorts and skirts anymore, he didn't think much of it at the start. It was only when he saw you throwing away your favourite pair of pants that he understood something was wrong. He'll sit you down and ask you what's wrong, and when you'll tell him that you've been feeling anxious lately, that the stress of being a university student and missing home was starting to affect your health, he won't be too surprised. Xiaojun will be clam and collected, holding your hands in his as he assures you that you have nothing to be ashamed of. "Love, I fell in love with the pure soul that you are, not with your body. Everyone gets stressed sometimes, it is just another obstacle that you'll overcome eventually. Believe in yourself and love yourself like I love you." He won't just talk, he'll promise to help you deal with what you're going through, making sure you eat healthy and constantly cheering you up by writing you songs and offering to go with you to the gym.

"I don't get it, why don't you want to go swimming?", Hendery asks you again, looking genuinely confused as you sigh, trying not to get irritated. "I just, I don't want people to see me in a swimming suit.", you say quietly, hoping that your boyfriend will just let it go and go without you. "Why? You don't want them to get jealous?", Hendery asks, and you snort, raising your eyebrows in disbelief when you see your boyfriend is dead serious. "What? I can't think of any other reason why you'd be embarrassed to put on a bathing suit.", Your lover says honestly, not an ounce of hesitation in his eyes as he throws you the cute blue bikini you bought together last week. "Come on, I want to show off my gorgeous girlfriend." You bite you lip, thinking back to when you first wore the garment at the store, how Hendery's eyes widened so much you thought they'll fall from his sockets. You felt good wearing that swimsuit then, so what's different now? "Okay", you finally let out, smiling when Hendery kisses you with excitement.

This baby will be a bit helpless when he finds out that you don't feel good about your body, after seeing you cry in front of the mirror one day when you thought he was at practice. He can't believe he didn't see the signs before and he'll feel like a horrible boyfriend for not being there for you. "Y/N, I don't know what to do except tell you that you're so amazing and beautiful, every part of you. I'm sorry that I didn't make you feel like you're worthy enough, but I'm so lucky to have you, I really am.", he'll say, cupping your face gently and brushing the tears off your cheeks with his calloused thumbs. He'll be much more attentive after that too, looking after you silently because he doesn't want you to feel pressured, going as far as asking his teammates for help and looking in the Internet for ways to make you feel more confident.

NCT when a member catches you making out:
The two of you are probably sitting on the bed in his room, just kissing slowly and sweetly, when Haechan barges into the room, most likely going to ask for cuddles from the oldest member, catching the two of you red-handed. Taeil will probably be pretty straightforward despite his embarrassment, pulling away from you before sending the awkward member a smile that doesn't seem to match the situation, asking him to leave the room. After Haechan leaves, he'll probably laugh it off and the two of you will resume the make out session, but he'll be more alert, keeping his eyes slightly open in case another youngster walks into the wrong room.
"Can you please leave? And close the door behind you."

The two of you are probably on the couch in the living room of the dorm, kissing lazily, when Mark walks through. "Yo, Johnny, you won't believe-", Mark's excited speech gets cut off in the middle when he sees the two of you making out, and he coughs violently before turning around, mumbling apologies on his way out. Johnny on the other hand, doesn't care less, continuing to kiss you without hesitation, tightening his hold on your waist and pulling you closer when you try to push him away, your face bright red from the embarrassment, promising that nobody else will catch you, saying anything just to keep kissing you.
"Mark Lee isn't going to distract me from 'dem lips."

Oh no, this baby. When Doyoung walks in the bedroom, where you and Taeyong are lying on the bed, you on top of him and his hands around your waist, holding you close, Taeyong practically leaps off the bed at the sight of his friend, pushing you off of him in the process. "I'm so sorry, sorry-", your boyfriend says frantically, trying his hardest to smooth down his messy hair while walking towards Doyoung, who looks like he regrets everything lmao. "It's okay, hyung. I'll just-", Doyoung points to the door awkwardly before rushing out the room, leaving you and your red-faced boyfriend alone. You sigh playfully, reaching forward to hug your boyfriend, placing your head in the crook of his neck. "Well, that sort of killed the mood." Your boyfriend apologizes to you, and he'll be extra careful from now on, always locking the door or making sure the dorm is empty when you want some time to yourselves.
"Are you okay? I think I yeeted you off of me."

When Taeyong enters the kitchen to grab a cup of water, it's already the middle of the night, the only reason you'd ever agree to making out with your boyfriend at such a public place. Taeyong lets out a strange giggle when he sees your compromising situation, with you perched on the marble counter and Yuta between your legs, his large hands on your thighs as you kiss passionately. The two of you break apart at the high pitched sound, and you turn red immediately when your eyes catch the leader's embarrassed face. Yuta doesn't seem to share your thoughts, smiling cockily at his member, almost like he wanted to be seen, his hands not moving an inch from your smooth skin. It probably motivates him to kiss you even more intensely after the older leaves.
"Are you going to keep standing here and watch the show?"

When Jungwoo skips into Doyoung's bedroom, saying something about going out to eat, he doesn't expect to see the two of you sitting on the edge of the bed, kissing languidly, your boyfriend cupping your face gently. "Oopsie", the tall man says with a smile, and Doyoung sighs before the younger can start teasing him, shooting the gleeful guy a glare. "Please leave.", he says, pointing at the door, and Jungwoo swings around, walking out the room with a light-hearted laugh and a not so sincere apology. After that the two of you will probably go back to making out, but Doyoung would probably be a bit out of it, murmuring complaints between kisses about rude members who barge into rooms without knocking and how Jungwoo will never let him live this down.
"Is my room a free estate or something? These kids, seriously."

Kun's bedroom door opens slowly, and you pull away from your boyfriend, who you were making out with for the last few minutes, soft, playful kisses that left butterflies in your stomach. Kun doesn't look too bothered by Winwin, standing awkwardly at the entrance to the room. He apologizes to the younger and asks him what he needs, to which the other responds by pointing at his black backpack leaning by the door, grabbing it before scurrying out the room quickly. After he gets out, your boyfriend shrugs, a slight blush on his cheeks before he goes back to kissing you slowly. It probably doesn't affect him too much, he's rational, he lives with twenty other grown guys and knows that these things are bound to happen.
"Is it really that weird that couples kiss?"

Ten is kissing you gently, hands on your waist, and you're too lost in the feeling of his lips, moving so gracefully against yours, to notice the maknae of WayV entering the room, probably to annoy his older member. Yangyang stops walking when he sees the two of you, but doesn't move just yet, obviously wanting to tease your boyfriend, who still doesn't move from you, ignoring the younger boy. When the brown-haired boy still stays in his spot, your lover pulls away, glaring at the younger and telling him to get out of the room in the most straightforward way possible. The member leaves then, giggling to himself slightly, and Ten simply sighs before going back to kissing you, even more passionately now, as if he already managed to miss you during this short time.
"Get out. We're in the middle of something here."

You're in Jaehyun's lap, your thighs splayed on either side of him, his hands on your waist and his lips on yours, kissing you passionately, when Johnny jogs into his room, skidding to a stop when he sees the scene in front of him. Your boyfriend doesn't even notice, too in the moment to realize the presence in the room, and he furrows his eyebrows in confusion when you detach your lips from his, following your gaze to his friend, who has a small smirk playing on his lips. He would probably be a bit annoyed, not to the point of actual anger, but he'd throw a snarky remark, watching as Johnny leaves the room before going back to kiss you, rougher this time, making sure you forget about the distraction.
"Do people not knock on doors nowadays?"

You're sitting in the living room of WayV's dorm, cuddled into Sicheng, who's hands are wrapped around you, holding you close to him. His lips are on yours, moving gently, almost shyly, and you tilt your head up to kiss him better, your boyfriend letting out a soft noise at your sudden neediness. "How cute~~", Win-win pulls away from you at the sound of the fond voice, face changing color to red rapidly at the sight of Ten, who seems to think it's not such a big deal, crossing the living room and heading to the kitchen while your boyfriend splutters, explaining himself to no one in particular. After that he'll probably still be super embarrassed, and you'll have to tell him you love him and cuddle him to calm him down uwu.
"I didn't think he'd come back from recording so fast…"

You don't know how the two of you went from a pillow fight to a make out session, but you're now propped on your side with your boyfriend doing the same in front of you, kissing you messily, his hands running over your sides before tangling in your hair. The sound of a door opening knocks the two of your out of your daze, Jungwoo releasing you immediately with a squeak of surprise, letting out a nervous laugh when he sees Yuta standing at the doorway to his room, his eyebrows cocked and a teasing glint in his eyes. Before Jungwoo can start talking, Yuta is already leaving the room, yelling behind his back a teasing, "Just be safe!", and your boyfriend turns red, burying his face in your neck. You won't continue making out after that, but Jungwoo would be very concerned about you, continuously apologizing for what happened and acting sweeter than usual the whole day.
"I'll lock the door next time, I'm sorry!"

Your boyfriend is kissing you hungrily, hovering over you on his bed, his hands on either side of your head and his long legs tangled with yours. The two of you are too caught up in the moment to notice anyone or anything, Lucas' kisses leaving you a breathless mess while he devotes his attention to you, moving his lips almost fiercely. "Lucas, let the girl breathe", a teasing voice says from the entrance to the room, and Lucas pulls away from you, turning his head to look at a cocky-looking Hendery, his eyes glinting with mischief. Your boyfriend blushes immediately, pulling away from you with a shy smile, and Hendery winks slyly before grabbing a white towel hanging on the doorknob and walking out of the room, yelling behind him a teasing 'Have fun!' Lucas starts laughing after his friend is gone, the tips of his ears now completely red and a shy expression on his face, and you laugh as well, placing one last kiss on his now-swollen lips before pulling away, understanding that he is too shy to continue your session.
"He just walked in on us!" *giggles*

Mark's going to panic for sure lmao. This dude will never dare to kiss you in front of the members, always saving the affection and skinship for when you're alone, so when Jaehyun walks into his room, calling him to come eat dinner, only to find the younger and you sitting on the bed, holding hands and kissing passionately, your boyfriend is very flustered, pulling away immediately and stumbling over his words. Jaehyun doesn't seem too fazed, smiling teasingly as he watches Mark stutter, his face bright red as he promises to be there in a second, trying his best to act like nothing happened. When Jaehyun finally leaves the room, taking pity on the younger, Mark collapses against you, too paranoid to continue your session.
"Did I make things awkward?"

You were listening to Xiaojun play on his guitar, his soft voice seeping through your bones, before you couldn't take it anymore, leaning in to press a kiss to his tempting pink lips. Your boyfriend doesn't seem too surprised, kissing you back immediately, so romantic it seems like you're in some sort of K-drama, his lips enveloping yours perfectly. You've been doing this for a few minutes now, but a sudden noise causes you to pull away from each other, turning to the bedroom door where Lucas was trying to creep out, walking on his tiptoes to not disturb you, but he accidentally caused a charger to fall off the desk, and he was now smiling at the two of you sheepishly, a nervous giggle leaving his lips. Your boyfriend glares at the older member, pointing at the door in a silent command to leave the room, and the taller man mumbles an apology before closing the door behind him quietly. Sighing to himself, Xiaojun turns back to kiss you, a bit harder now that he was pissed off by the interruption.
"Basic manners, is that too much to ask for?"

You're lying on top of Hendery, cupping his face gently as you make out, Hendery kissing you excitedly, moving from sloppy kisses to tickling pecks that leave you with a smile on your face. The two of you hear the door to the bed room opening, but your boyfriend doesn't seem to care at all, reaching a hand up to move your face back to face him when you try to sneak a peek at the intruder. The door closes soon after, and you pull away from your lover momentarily, asking him who came in, and he says it was Win-win, laughing slightly when he thinks about how embarrassed the older must have been. The two of you laugh for a bit before going back to kissing, not thinking too much about the incident.
"At least he knows you're mine now."

Renjun is kissing you slowly, his hands cupping your cheeks gently, thumbs running over the soft skin, when Chenle barges into the room, racing frantically, probably running away from one of the older members who he managed to piss off. Your boyfriend pulls away, coughing loudly to get the younger boy's attention, who's still giggling into his hand, not noticing that he intruded something. "Oh", Chenle raises his head, finally noticing his hyung's glare and your blush. "Sorry." Renjun groans in annoyance as his fellow member leaves the room, mumbling something under his breath before going back to kiss you, but his kisses are probably harder now, conveying his concealed anger, and so are the hands on your waist.
"Do I have to go back to China to have a second of privacy?"

When Renjun enters the bedroom, Jeno has you on your back, his broad body pressing you deep into the soft mattress, your lips connected as you kiss gently, a result of you trying to tackle your boyfriend, and failing, obviously. You try to push your boyfriend off of you, your now open eyes catching a glimpse of Renjun's slowly reddening ears and obvious wince of regret, but Jeno leans even more into you, mumbling against your lips a soft "pretend he's not here", and you let out a breathy laugh, wrapping your hands around your boyfriend's neck and watching as Renjun leaves the room, saying under his breath: "Who needs shoes anyway. I'll just walk barefoot to the practice room." When the door closes behind him, Jeno laughs into your mouth, and the two of you keep kissing, while making sure not to take it farther.
"It'll be even more awkward if we stop now."

When Taeil walks into your boyfriend's bedroom, he can't help but smile at the sight of you and Haechan, sitting on the floor of his bedroom where you were previously gaming, your crossed legs touching and the younger's hands tangled in your dark hair. You know your boyfriend noticed the intruder, his lips stopping their movement momentarily, but he doesn't pull away, keeping his mouth on yours until you hear the door closing, signaling Taeil left the room. The second he leaves, Haechan snorts against your lips, his face flushed red as he pulls back from you, giving away his embarrassment despite him trying to act unbothered in front of you. The two of you are probably too busy laughing to continue your make out session, but it's okay.
"Ohmygod, I didn't know what to do!"

You were playing with Jaemin's hair, his head in your lap, when he suddenly sits up, kissing you gently on your lips, his hands pulling you closer by your small waist. The cute kiss somehow turned heated, and now you were practically making out, your legs thrown on either side of your boyfriend's body, fingers tangled in his blonde locks. "Jaemin, do you know where my comb is?" Jeno asks as he flings the door open, and Jaemin doesn't even try to answer, continuing to kiss you as if nothing happened before pulling away and shooting his frozen friend a mischievous smile. "What was that, Jeno?", he asks nonchalantly as you laugh at the older's disgusted face, burying your head in your boyfriend's shoulder. After the older leaves, your boyfriend would go back to kissing you, softer this time, leaving little pecks all over your face and mumbling compliments against your lips in a soft voice, the sexy mood now gone.
"My Jagiya~~"

"Yangyang!", Xiaojun bursts into the room, making your boyfriend pull away from your lips, stopping the passionate make out you were having, your legs thrown over Yanyang's lap and his hands on the small of your back, pressing you closer to him. Your boyfriend isn't too fazed, but he's impatient, asking the older what he wants but still holding you to him, his hands not leaving you for a second. Understanding the maknae isn't in the mood to talk right now, Xiaojun leaves the room, and your boyfriend doesn't even wait for the door to close entirely before he's back to kissing you, desperate and and even more passionate than before.
"This better be a life-or-death situation."

You and Shotaro are in the practice room, sitting on the shiny floor and kissing softly after you watched your boyfriend work on the choreo to NCT's newest song, admiring his amazing dance talent. Shotaro is timid in his movements, almost innocent, giggling against your lips cutely and holding your hands. You pull away from each other when the door opens suddenly, Sungchan walking in. "Oh… I thought Haechan hyung was here", the younger says with an apologetic tone, turning around swiftly and walking out the room, leaving you and your shy boyfriend behind. Shotaro apologizes to you for not being careful enough, asking if you want to continue, but his face is red and he lets out little giggles out of embarrassment, so you don't resume your actions from before, choosing to coddle him instead, laughing fondly at your boyfriend's adorable behavior.
"This is so embarrassing! I'm sorry~"

You're trapped between the wall and your boyfriend, one of his hands cupping your cheek, while the other strokes your hipbone. Sungchan kisses confidently, like he does everything else, his lips moving naturally against yours like they were meant to be there. The two of you pull away when you hear the door opening, Shotaro's head sticking into the room carefully, before seeing your position and blushing slightly. Sungchan isn't too embarrassed by being caught, greeting the other nonchalantly, but he moves away from you, playing with his fingers in slight awkwardness. "Taeyong hyung told me to ask you if you want him to make you lunch?", the older member asks shyly, and Sungchan smiles, nodding in thanks as he watches the other leave the room. He probably won't continue the make out session after that, waiting for a more private time.
"Oh, hyung, do you need something?"

Chenle leaves another kiss on your mouth, giggling into the kiss as you laugh as well, curling even more into his warm body and pulling the soft blanket around you even more. The two of you were supposed to be watching a movie, but you've been spending more time kissing each other and laughing at nothing. You pull away from your boyfriend's lips when the light in the living room suddenly comes on, blinding the two of you and making Chenle pull away with a confused noise, eyes blinking rapidly as he tries to see the person who disturbed you. Jisung is standing in the entrance to the room, his hand still on the switch and his face bright red as he understands the situation he caught his best friend in. "Yah, can't you see we're on a date here?", Chenle scolds him, and Jisung seems to snap out of his trance, mumbling apologies as he backs up, almost crashing into the wall. After that you don't go back to making out, settling for cuddles on the couch until you fall asleep.
"Jisung, you’re lucky you’re cute."

Jisung wraps an arm around you, pulling you closer to him while you wrap your own thin arms around his neck, burying your fingers in your hair. After not seeing your boyfriend for a long time due to the previous comeback, a good make out session is exactly what you needed. "Oh, sexy~", the two of you jump away from each other at the sound of the deep voice, turning your head to meet a grinning Jaemin, his arms clasped in front of his chest and fondness evident in his eyes. Jisung turns red when he sees his member, immediately stuttering and stumbling over his words as he tries to explain the situation, before understanding it's hopeless and staring at the ground until his hyung goes away, still cooing and talking about 'young love'. He'll probably be shy for the rest of the day afterwards, and he'll need lots of affection from you to get over his embarrassment.
"H-hyung! Me and Y/N were j-just-"

BTS pick up lines:)
Kim Seokjin: Well, here I am. What are your other two wishes?
Min Yoongi: Aside from being sexy, what do you do for a living?
Jung Hoseok: Did the sun come out or did you just smile at me?
Kim Namjoon: I'm learning about important dates in history. Want to be one of them?
Park Jimin: Somebody better call God, because he's missing an angel.
Kim Taehyung: I must be in a museum, because you truly are a work of art.
Jeon Jungkook: I'm no photographer, but I can picture us together.