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This is just k-pop lmao

77 posts

ATEEZ When You're On Your Period:

ATEEZ when you're on your period:


Honestly, this is Seonghwa's time to shine. I see him as such a caring, attentive boyfriend. The kind that'll track your periods and will probably know that they're coming before you do lol, so don't be surprised when everything you need is already at your apartment a week before, from tampons, to chocolates, to heating pads. Not only that, but this cutie will also be super patient and understanding, giving you all the space you need when you're moody, and of course happily giving you as much cuddles as you need when you feel emotional or just in need of some affection. But don't get him wrong, he will not let you get away with skipping breakfast or talking bad about yourself. Basically, you've got nothing to worry about when it comes to your menstrual cycle, Seonghwa already planned everything to the smallest detail.

"Here's you favorite chocolate bar, babe, and also your favorite stuffed animal. And I made you a warm bath, I know you always get cramps during the first day."

ATEEZ When You're On Your Period:


Hongjoong is definitely the type of guy to be sort of clueless the first time he sees you in your apartment, wrapped in twenty blankets and surrounded by chocolate wrappers. But after you timidly ask him if he can go buy you some more tampons/pads, he'll mentally face-palm himself for not understanding sooner, before rushing to the supermarket, determined to make you feel better. He's that boyfriend who gets lost in the feminine care aisle and ends up buying one of each kind because he had no idea what's the difference between all these colors and package sizes lmao. But he'll also be super sweet, lingering around you to the point it gets irritating, because he just wants to be there when you need something, and offering as much kisses and cuddles as you like, because according to him, hugs fix everything uwu.

"Why are there so much types of pads??? Aren't periods the same thing for all women??"

ATEEZ When You're On Your Period:


Aww, this boy is shy shy shy. I feel like Yunho will turn fifty shades of red when you ask him to buy you some tampons and painkillers on his way back from work uwu. But he'll want to appear like a dependent boyfriend, so he'll swallow down his nerves and go buy you everything you need, even if he'll remember an hour after he enters the supermarket that he has absolutely no idea what to buy and he needs to call you so you can help him differentiate between all the brands and types lmao. I can also see Yunho being the kind of guy to look online for 'remedies for period cramps' or 'how to pass that time of the month', and just randomly throw suggestions in the air when you're moody or in pain until you shut him up and the both of you settle down for a cuddle session lmao.

"Do you want to do yoga with me? I heard that it helps increase the blood flow and reduces period cramps."

ATEEZ When You're On Your Period:


Yeosang will be that one protective boyfriend uwu. I can see him being so bothered whenever he sees you sad or annoyed, he'd fight those stupid cramps of yours if he could lmao. He'll buy so much chocolates, put on a movie to distract you, wrap you in heating pads and he'll also give you a massage, anything to see you comfortable and content. Even if you ask him to leave you alone, he'll stick around, not being able to let you suffer alone uwu. Will probably make you cry because he's just so sweet and who did you save in your past life to deserve an angel like him? But don't worry, he'll be there to console you and cheer you up with kisses and hugs, no matter how silly you think you are.

"Y/N, why are you crying? Shh, I'm right here, baby, I don't want to see anything but a smile on your face, okay?"

ATEEZ When You're On Your Period:


This baby will baby the hell out of you. San has absolutely no problem running to the nearest store to buy you anything you need, no matter the hour or the absurdity of it. I can see him as the type to cling to you the whole time you're on your period, and he'll definitely use this time of the month to spend every moment he can with you, preferably cuddling in bed with his plushies. This sweetie will be so understanding when you get mood swings, listening to you ramble about the stupidest things and cooing at you when you cry over an animated movie lol. He'll also massage you when you get cramps and feed you ice cream and sing you lullabies and just be the perfect boyfriend in general uwu.

"Babyy~~ stop cuddling with that plushie and hug your boyfriend instead~" *pouting intensifies*

ATEEZ When You're On Your Period:


Another flustered baby to add to the list uwu. Mingi is going to be so lost and helpless when you tell him that you're having period cramps. I think he might be the type of dude to call his mom and ask her what helps a girl on her period lol. I don't think Mingi will necessarily be clingy, but he'll definitely stop whatever he's doing whenever you want the smallest thing, not complaining once, even when he has to massage your abdomen for the fifth time in four hours. His naturally innocent and happy behaviour will distract you from the pain and the mood swings, even on your worst periods, and he'll try his best to keep you smiling and calm, humming to you as he cards his fingers through your hair gently.

"Did you order another massage, my lady? Song Mingi is here to make the pain go away!"

ATEEZ When You're On Your Period:


I can definitely see Woo being the type of boyfriend to cheer you up by being his goofy self and making you laugh so much lmao. The second you'll tell your boyfriend that the time has come, he's already on your way to your apartment with loads of snacks and sweets (it's his excuse to finally end that diet lol). Wooyoung won't let you even think about the pain, immediately putting on a movie and getting the two of you blankets and pillows before collapsing onto the sofa with you in his arms. The two of you will probably just goof around, but if you do get sad, Wooyoung won't hesitate to kiss away all of your tears, encouraging you to let it all out uwu.

"It's okay, sweetie, cry as much as you need. I'm right here with you."

ATEEZ When You're On Your Period:


Even though he is the maknae of the group, I feel like Jongho will be the most unbothered one, at least from the outside, probably because he doesn't want you to feel embarrassed about your periods. He just wants you to feel as comfortable as possible uwu. I can see Jongho as the kind of boyfriend to do whatever you ask him without questions, and also as the type to have everything ready beforehand, no matter how weird and uncommon it may be lol. But I also think that this baby boy will get quite awkward and helpless if you start crying for no reason, pulling you into a gentle hug and just standing there with his mind racing, not knowing what to do lol. Also, if you cuddle him super close, he'll turn all blushy and embarrassed and will probably bury your head in his chest so you won't see uwu.

"Why are you looking at me like that? It makes sense that you'll want to eat pickled radish, that's why I bought it."

ATEEZ When You're On Your Period:
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More Posts from Avmisworld

3 years ago

Stray Kids when you accidentally curse:

Bang Chan:

I feel like Chan won't be able to stop himself from snorting when he puts a band-aid on the small cut on your ankle, which your clumsy ass got from brushing against a sharp rock, and you suddenly let out a curse at the stinging pain, your quiet 'shit' ringing in your boyfriend's concentrated silence as he patches you up. Chan will freeze for a second, his fingers hovering over your bruised skin before he breaks into a huge grin, managing to stifle the chuckles threatening to rise before clearing his throat and scolding you half-heartedly. But you know he's not really serious when his small smile keeps peeking out every few seconds, along with him repeating the curse you used in a whisper every now and then, followed by a fond giggle and a shake of his head.

"Hey, I know it hurts, babe, but you shouldn't curse."

Stray Kids When You Accidentally Curse:


Minho is that asshat boyfriend that will probably be the reason you curse in the first place lmao. When you let out a shriek followed by a 'holy shit!' as Minho pops out from behind the wall of the hallway, his eyes shining and an evil grin lighting up his face, your boyfriend's smile will change into pure shock as his mouth drops open, before he starts cackling uncontrollably, to the point he's literally crouching down and holding his stomach so it won't spill all over the apartment floor. Lee know will literally never let it go, constantly reminding you of the situation and mimicking your high-pitched shout and terrified face until you storm away, only to grab your wrist gently and tug you back to him, kissing your pout away with his own huge grin, and yes, you can't resist his annoying ass.

"Holy shit!! Minnie, you scared me~~" *cue the chipmunk voice*

Stray Kids When You Accidentally Curse:


I don't think Changbin will make a big deal out of you cursing, to be honest. It's just a word after all. He'll probably hear you curse for the first time when the two of you are jamming to some hip-hop songs on the radio, and you suddenly bust out some rap verse with a shit-ton of curses lmao. And then your boyfriend will just be like, damn. He'll probably be more impressed than anything else, just cheering you on the whole time, and he'll find you super cute and squishy even when you say foul words lol. In fact, I think that you cursing will just spure him to curse more as well, because he was always uncomfortable and careful next to you, not wanting to teach you bad words. So let's say it's a win-win situation for both of you haha.

"Wow~~ Y/N, you should debut as a rapper!"

Stray Kids When You Accidentally Curse:


I think that Hyunjin won't mind you cursing, as long as there's a good reason for it. When you tell him about the new guy that tried to touch you during work, using an assortment of interesting words to describe him, your boyfriend doesn't even comment on the matter, too busy consoling you and trying to calm down the bubbling anger in his chest at the thought of someone touching you without permission. After you tell Hyunjin how you cussed the man off, warning him you'll report him to the police the next time he gets close to you, your boyfriend is undeniably proud, hugging you close to him and mumbling about how cool you are and how well you handled it. He'll even teach you more curse words to expand your vocabulary in case you ever get into a similar situation lol.

"You're so amazing, jagi, so strong and brave. I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you."

Stray Kids When You Accidentally Curse:


Jisung is surprised by the fact that you even know how to pronounce these words lmao, as if he isn't the one prancing around your apartment and cursing ninety nine percent of the time. When your boyfriend comes home to hear you spewing foul words one after another as you try to rescue your phone from where it fell between the sofa cushions, he can't help but find the sight hilarious, to be honest, and Han couldn't help but let out a laugh before coming to help you retrieve the electronic device. Jisung doesn't mind at all that you curse, even if he's constantly shocked that someone so angel-like can say such filthy things lol. But he'll definitely tease you a lot as well, just because he loves seeing you blush cutely uwu, and yes, your duality drives him crazy lmao.

"I need to buy more soap to shove into that dirty mouth of yours smh."

Stray Kids When You Accidentally Curse:


Felix is possibly the chilliest out of all the members when it comes to cursing. Like, he's not cheering you on hysterically nor scolding you, but I feel like he's the type to like girls that look angels on the outside but are actually savage and badass when people get in their way. When your boyfriend sees you cussing out JYP and anyone else who has the slightest connection to the company after seeing the line distribution for Stray Kids' latest song, he'll smile slightly and stay quiet, letting you calm down on your own. Although he likes it when you get protective and defensive over him, he really finds you cute more than anything else, but he won't say that, instead choosing to pull you into a tight hug, mumbling encouraging words in your ear.

"Don't worry, bae, you know that I'm living my dream. I can't ask for more than what I already have."

Stray Kids When You Accidentally Curse:


Seungmin is straight up cackling when you start cursing, especially when you're so excited that you just can't control all the 'fuck' and 'shit' coming out of your mouth. It usually happens in situations where your boyfriend is involved, like when Stray Kids' got their first win, or when they won some other grand prize. Seungmin doesn't seem like the type to curse a lot, but he doesn't mind you doing it, and actually finds it hilarious when he sees you jumping around like a rabbit, eyes sparkling and a huge smile on your lips. Obviously, he can't say anything to that addicting grin on your face. So he'll just smile and shake his head instead, showing his own happiness by pulling you in for a tight hug.

"Oh my god, Y/N." *cue flustered laughter*

Stray Kids When You Accidentally Curse:


Okay, so the maknae is not having it lol. When you go backstage to see your boyfriend before his performance, you can't help but tell him how he's 'so fucking handsome', and then you quite literally have to save him from death by choking as I.N. starts coughing loudly, his face turning too red for your liking as he covers his mouth, eyes wide. Your boyfriend will need a few seconds to recover before he'll start investigating you to understand who teaches you these words, since he never curses next to you (it'll probably be Han and Changbin lmao), before he'll scold you gently, telling you that these words aren't nice, but also making sure you know how much he loves you by leaving a soft kiss on your hair and smiling at you fondly.

"You're too beautiful to say ugly words like that, love."

Stray Kids When You Accidentally Curse:

Tags :
3 years ago

Enhypen reaction to your bad eating habits:


Heeseung won't know what to do when he sees you starting to eat junk food and skip meals. Initially, he won't want to approach you because he genuinely believes that you can eat whatever you want, and he won't want you to think that he cares how much weight you gain or lose, he loves you just the way you are. But when your boyfriend will see you sneaking out of bed more and more to eat ice cream and chips, and refusing to eat the lunch he makes everyday, he decides that your health is the top priority. Heeseung will be the sweetest, coming over to you and holding your hand gently as he asks you what's wrong. When you admit that you've been missing your hometown more than usual lately, and you've been eating your feelings away, he'll be quick to hug you to his chest, saying that he'll always be there for you and you can come cry on his shoulder whenever you want.

Enhypen Reaction To Your Bad Eating Habits:


Jay is a really observant boyfriend, so he'll know something's up immediately when you start skipping your meals, even if you try to hide it by moving your food all over the plate and eating a few bites before saying you're 'full'. Your boyfriend won't hesitate to confront you, questioning you on why you haven't been eating lately. After trying to avoid answering and make up excuses with no success, you'll admit that you've been feeling insecure lately and you don't like how your body looks. Jay will be so betrayed at the thought that you don't think you're beautiful like he does, that he might even get a little angry, scolding you for letting these stupid thoughts enter your mind. But if you'll start crying, he'll soften quickly, reaching out to pull you into his embrace while apologizing, smoothing down your hair with the palm of his hand and leaving sweet kisses all over your head.

Enhypen Reaction To Your Bad Eating Habits:


Jake is really worried when he sees you start to limit your meals to a measly salad during lunch and a cup of coffee in the morning. Your boyfriend is used to you being in the kitchen most of the time, experimenting with Korean food or baking cookies for fun, and he can't help but feel concerned at how empty the kitchen came to be. Your boyfriend will be shocked when the answer to all his questions appears one night, when he catches your phone open on a bunch of hate comments on one of your Instagram posts. Jake won't be able to stop the tears from forming in his eyes when he understands that these disgusting people online hurt you to the point of dieting, and he'll run to you, gathering you in his arms and kissing you all over your face, mumbling over and over again how beautiful you are and that you don't need to change a single thing about yourself.

Enhypen Reaction To Your Bad Eating Habits:


Sunghoon will be quite shocked when he'll walk into your apartment only to see you sitting inside a small mountain of chocolate wrappers and empty bowls of store-bought ramen. Your boyfriend hasn't seen you in a while since you're really busy with exams and haven't really had time to meet up, so your communication was limited to Facetiming and phone calls, and Sunghoon didn't know that you were so busy studying you didn't even have time to make food, skipping meals and eating snacks or fast-food you could make in a few minutes. Your boyfriend will scold you for not setting your priorities straight and will remind you that being in good healthy is necessary for acing your exams and staying in focus. This sweeties won't hesitate to rush to the supermarket and buy your groceries for a healthy, filling meal, and will take it upon himself to send you text everyday from then on, reminding you to stop studying and eat.

Enhypen Reaction To Your Bad Eating Habits:


Sunoo will be very surprised and sad when you announce to him that you're going to start a diet. Your boyfriend knows that you don't really like how you look, since you were constantly complaining about being too chubby and not fitting in your clothes, but he always did his best to get your mood up by complimenting your looks and telling you not to compare yourself to people on social media or idols. Sunoo, being the sweetheart he is, will feel like a failure for not being able to reach out to you and erase your insecurities, and he will get very emotional and might even cry to you, feeling despair that he can't get his point across and make you understand just how amazing you are, inside or out. Still, if you choose to diet, he'll be the most supportive boyfriend, making sure not to eat unhealthy food next to you and cooking you nutritional, creative meals.

Enhypen Reaction To Your Bad Eating Habits:


Jungwon is very protective of you, always making sure you eat three meals a day, whether he is making you food himself or calling you to make sure you ate, so you will make sure to hide the fact that you're dating from him, eating all your food when you're together, but on days he was too busy to meet up, you wouldn't eat at all, lying to him. Jungwon will find out about your diet accidentally, when he'll make a surprise visit to your apartment, finding you lying in bed with your phone, a few minutes after texting him that you're busy making supper now. Your boyfriend will understand something is up, and will question you about it. When you'll admit to being on a diet, avoiding Jungwon's eyes shamefully, your boyfriend will be quick to raise your chin, forcing you to face him, and will assure you that he's not mad, and that you can tell him everything, even if he might not like it.

Enhypen Reaction To Your Bad Eating Habits:


Ni-ki won't notice you're on a diet, too busy getting ready for Enhypen's upcoming comeback to eat with you, your communication limited to texts and phone calls. But when he'll invite you over to the dance studio, wanting to show you the choreography for the main track, he'll notice how big your shirt looks on you, the jeans that used to cling to your thighs now looking undeniably looser. Your boyfriend will question you immediately, his face dropping when you admit that you've been dieting for the past few weeks. Ni-ki won't know what to say at the start, opening and closing his mouth in shock, but then he'll try to talk you out of it, explaining to you about his own personal stories that he heard from idols and trainiees that starved themselves, and how important it is to put your health first. He'll also mention that he thinks you're perfect the way you, smiling shyly when he does.

Enhypen Reaction To Your Bad Eating Habits:

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3 years ago

TXT when you're short:


I feel like Yeonjun is the type to be so clingy with you, because he just loves how small you are, how the top of your head just barely grazes your chest, how easy it is to wrap you up in his arms like a human burrito. He's also naturally protective over people he loves, and the fact that you're so adorable and squishy will make him a hundred times more. He'll always be by your side, ready to lift you up or reach for something high up if you need it. But he also sort of likes seeing you trying to reach the peanut butter jar on the top shelf, and watching your cute, frustrated pout for a few seconds before coming up behind you and easily taking the jar from it's place in the cupboard, trying desperately to hide the smile growing on his lips, but also failing miserably. And when you pretend to get mad at him, he's quick to hug you from behind, swaying the two of you side to side with his chin on the top of your head as he mumbles apologies.

"Aw, don't worry babe, I'll help you, what do you need?"

TXT When You're Short:


I can see Soobin as being absolutely obsessed with how small you are, like he'll literally talk about it all day, even if it makes the tips of his ears burn bright red and his cheeks grow hot, he just can't help it. He'll constantly compare your hands, everytime you'll intertwine your fingers he'll start cooing and blabbering about your hand that's swallowed completely in his larger one. Soobin is also likely to love seeing you in his clothes. At the start he'll be more subtle about it, leaving his hoodies and sweaters strewn purposely around the house so you'll have easy access lol, but eventually he'll be super shameless, asking you to wear his sweatshirts because you look so tiny and it's adorable sksskf. He'll also baby you so much omg, as if he isn't a giant toddler lol. He'll constantly pet your head and squeeze your cheeks, but he's so happy while doing it, you can't even get mad.

"How are your hands so small and adorable?? It doesn't make sense."

TXT When You're Short:


Okay, Beomgyu is going to be a little shit and tease the hell out of you sorry lmao. But I can also see him as the type to be super protective and love babying you sooo. It'll be like, him putting your favorite food on the highest shelf and watching you struggle while laughing silently, and then forcing you to give him a kiss before finally giving you your Oreos (and stealing some on the way). But then at the same time, if any of the other members, who are your good friends, say anything about your height, he's already sending them a death glare, pulling your closer to him and cooing at you about how adorable and lovely you are, making sure to keep his scrutinizing stare on whoever dared tease his baby. He'll also love watching you stand on your tiptoes to kiss him, definitely the kind to purposely make himself taller just to see you struggle to reach his lips, before making a big deal of bending down to reach your height, kissing your pout away.

"You're so tiny lol. Can you even see me from so far away?"

TXT When You're Short:


Taehyun is used to being the shortest in TXT, so he never really considered the fact that there are people out there that are shorter than him, or in your case, way shorter than him. He'll honestly be so endeared by how your whole body is covered by his own when you cuddle, or how you need to stand on your tiptoes to hug him properly. So yeah, he'll talk about how short you are, and he'll laugh when he'll see you sitting on his gaming chair with your feet dangling above the ground, but it's not really because he wants to tease you, more like he's just so observant, always noticing literally everything about you, and he just finds it so cute and lovable, that he can't help but point it out lol. And if you do happen to say shit about yourself, he'll be the first to stop your insecurities, explaining to you how he couldn't care less about your height, that he started dating you because of your amazing personality, and by the way, he finds you even cuter because of your shortness.

"Princess, your height is just another thing that makes you unique."

TXT When You're Short:

Huening Kai:

Save this man please lol. Kai is dying inside, he just finds you so freaking cute, he's not just endeared, he's literally trying his best not to squeal when he sees you walking around with your adorable sweater paws or when he sees you jumping to reach the cereal from the top shelf. And of course he's going to baby you, placing his chin on the top of your head, giving you piggybacks everywhere, petting your hair cutely, pecking your cheek and then proceeding to turn tomato red from his own actions uwu. He'll literally do everything for you, to the point where you'll tell him to stop because what the hell, you're still tall enough to pour your own water. But it's just because he really does adore you so much, and he feels the need to protect and cherish you (he almost gets a heart attack when you let go of his hand in public lmao), so you can't really stay mad, especially when he sends you that big smile of his and pecks your nose gently.

"I have the cutest girlfriend, look at you, so small uwu"

TXT When You're Short:

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3 years ago

Got7 when they're missing you on tour:


I feel like Mark isn't the type to show just how much he misses you, and if anyone asks him about it, he'll let out a nonchalant 'yeah, of course.' But don't let that fool you, because Mark is literally counting down to the moment you'll meet again. He's super professional about it, even though he's dying to see you, and he won't let it distract him, rehearsing and preforming and rehearsing again without hesitation. But the second he's done with his duties, he's running back to his room in whatever hotel they are now, his phone already on dial, and he can spend all night talking to you, or even just listening to you breath, and he probably will, if you won't tell him to go to sleep because he has a freaking concert tomorrow. Mark also probably has the date you'll meet again highlighted in his calendar, with two different countdowns as well lol.

"Babe, only 38 more days until I see you again!"

Got7 When They're Missing You On Tour:


Unlike the former, I feel like JB will be quite obvious about how much he misses you. He won't whine about it, no, but he won't be able to help the way his whole aura changes, from his dull expression in the mornings, to the way he seems to drag his legs to the venue, as if he doesn't want to be there at all. Next to you, he seems to radiate happiness, determination, and positivity, but now, he's quiet, finishing the rehearsals as quickly as possible, his eyes flying to his phone every few seconds before practically sprinting back to the hotel, making sure you're not sleeping before calling you. And if anyone happens to catch him at that moment, well, they'll see the old JB, smiling uncontrollably the whole conversation with you, his eyes sparkling like fairy lights as he drinks up every dumb story you tell him.

"No, keep talking, I just want to hear your voice."

Got7 When They're Missing You On Tour:


I feel like Jackson is the type of guy to go visit you every free day he has, even if it means flying for 13 hours for a 5 hour meeting with you, even if it means cramming all the recording and writing he has to do in the few spare hours on the plane, even if it means being absolutely exhausted before coming back to another concert only a day after. Jackson literally couldn't care less, he has the opportunity to do it, so of course he'll go meet you, it's worth everything. But if for some reason he can't fly to see you, he'll be super whiny about it, complaining to the members the whole day about how much he wants to see you. He'll also make sure to buy you souvenirs from every place they visit, because he just thinks about you all the time and everything cute reminds him of you, so that explains how he comes back from tour with two suitcases filled with little nick-nacks he thought you'll like.

"Look how small and adorable it is! It reminded me of you, so I had to buy it."

Got7 When They're Missing You On Tour:


I feel like Jinyoung is the type to deny how much he misses you, glaring at the other members when they laugh at how he checks his phone every few minutes, hoping to see texts from you. Your boyfriend will probably not want to admit just how much he wants you back in his arms, thinking that saying it out loud will only hurt more. So he'll distract himself instead, practicing till late at night and recording the same chorus seven times so he won't have to think about the person he wants here so dearly. The only time it'll slip out is when he's preforming, staring at the thousands of faces in front of him, and wondering how is it possible that among all these people, you're not here. He'll probably spend a good amount of time after the show staring at pictures of you in his phone, before deciding to call you, ignoring the fact that he's exhausted and sweaty.

"Hey princess, I just thought I'd check if you're awake..."

Got7 When They're Missing You On Tour:


Youngjae is the kind of boyfriend to take your absence rather hard, without even realizing how much it affects him. He's just so used to holding you in his arms, to laughing with you, to seeing your face first thing in the morning. He'll deal with his sadness by talking to you whenever he can, he'll have your whole weekly routine planned out, so the second he knows the two of you are free, he's already pressing the phone to his ear, jumping in place with unconcealed excitement. He'll also try to make you feel as if you're right there beside him, sending you recordings of whatever song he was working on right now, or videos of the members fooling around during rehearsal. But despite all this, he still has bad days, where he simply wants to hide in his bed and do nothing but cry and stare at selfies of the two of you.

"Jinyoung hyung and Yugyeom, say hello to Y/N~~ We miss you so much, jagi~~"

Got7 When They're Missing You On Tour:


Bambam is the kind to bombard your phone with meaningless texts all day, no matter the hour, just because he misses you, but also the type to not answer his phone when you call because he's so busy rehearsing choreography or getting some well-deserved beauty sleep. I think Bambam himself will be surprised by how much he misses you, and he'll probably complain to Yugyeom about seeing your face everywhere and how it's distracting him from having fun during the tour. I can see him face-timing you at the most random times and just talking non-stop, trying his best to fit all the time he's been away in the video call, and when he's done, he'll probably spend another hour just watching you walk around the apartment and get your studies done or whatever, not ending the call until he falls asleep or he needs to go.

"And you won't believe what Jackson did yesterday during the concert-"

Got7 When They're Missing You On Tour:


Yugyeom will try his best to take his mind off of you, filling his whole day up to the brim so he won't have to deal with depressing thoughts about your lips, your pretty eyes, your soft giggles- But the second he collapses on the hotel bed, ready to go to sleep after working non-stop, he opens his phone to see his lockscreen- a selfie of the two of you- and his heart burns in his chest. He'll call on the spot, and you'll spend hours talking, going over every possible topic and repeating the same sentences just so you won't have to hang up, but when he starts to get sleepy, your boyfriend won't be able to help the way he whines into the small device, gripping it tightly as if it'll transport you here, into his arms, where you belong.

"Y/N, I need you here, I miss you so much, baby~"

Got7 When They're Missing You On Tour:

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3 years ago

BTS when you work out with them:


Despite his usually silly nature, I can see Seokjin as being serious when it came to the gym, always checking up on you and making sure you're not overworking yourself. The two of you will be rather quiet during your workout, each of you deep in your own thoughts, but your boyfriend will still have all his attention on you, handing you a water bottle every few minutes, or sending you thumbs-up from the other side of the room. Jin knows how careless people can be when they work out, and he has his own personal experience from his trainee days, so the last thing he wants is for the same thing to happen to you, always making sure your healthy and happy.

BTS When You Work Out With Them:


I can see Yoongi as being the type to try to convince you to workout less lol. The two of you will go to the HYBE gym to burn some calories, but soon enough your boyfriend will drop to the floor lazily, an ice-cold water bottle in his hand, watching with barely-concealed admiration as you continue the tiring exercise without stopping, despite your slowly-reddening face and sweaty forehead. Yoongi will jokingly try to make you stop, but he secretly loves how determined and strong you are, and he'll reluctantly come back to join you for the rest of the workout after a few minutes of cool-down, understanding you're not going to back down.

BTS When You Work Out With Them:


I feel like Hobi will be the kind to hype you up so much during your couple workouts, even when you are struggling for air and he is acing all the exercises easily due to his amazing stamina, he'll still encourage you, shouting out your name loudly and cheering whenever it seemed like you were giving up and in need of a boost of his addicting energy. Still, your boyfriend won't go easy on you, making you do round after round of cardio workouts and weights, and he'll be so enthusiastic about everything it'll make it even harder to say no to him, no matter how tired you are, one pout from him and you'll be collapsing on the workout mat once again, wondering when this torture will end.

BTS When You Work Out With Them:


Joon is too busy looking at your booty to workout lmao. Honestly, when you first suggested to your boyfriend the idea of working out together, Namjoon was quick to agree, not thinking too much about the fact that he was going to have to stay completely focused, while you were standing in front of him, wearing a sports bra and leggings that left no room for imagination, your hair pulled into a tight ponytail revealing your beautiful, sharp features. You'll probably have to shake him awake more often than not, while he mumbles apologies and turns bright red, picking up the weight to hastily and making all the other fall down.

BTS When You Work Out With Them:


Working out with you will make Jimin want to work even harder, driven by the fact that you're looking up to him and see him as hardworking and in shape. Your boyfriend will want to impress you, lifting heavier weights than usual and turning around every few seconds to make sure you're looking at him. And if you're not, this baby won't hesitate to call you, requesting for you to look at him. You'll probably spend more time in the gym checking Jimin out than actually exercising, but you can't really seem to mind when your boyfriend's cheeks turn such a pretty pink whenever you compliment his muscles and stamina, embarrassed even though he was the one who was so desperate for your attention.

BTS When You Work Out With Them:


You and Taehyung working out will be more jokes and laughter than anything. No matter how hard the two of you will try to be serious, one look at each other and you're already giggling, and pretty soon you're sitting on the floor, imitating each other's concentrated faces teasingly, the weights and treadmill long forgotten. Since it's so hard to concentrate next to Taehyung, the two of you usually work out alone, or do something rather easy like jogging or walking together, either spending time talking to each other or plugging in your shared earphones, catching up on each other's favorite songs at the moment.

BTS When You Work Out With Them:


Working out with Jungkook is a nightmare lol. This muscle bunny will not let you breathe, adding more and more sets and making the exercises continuously harder every few minutes, and your own pride won't let you lose to him, forcing yourself to keep going until you collapse on the floor, unable to move a muscle. The two of you are naturally competitive, so what is supposed to be an hour workout can turn into two or more, only ending when the two of you are completely breathless. Jungkook will also be a major distraction, sauntering around the gym wearing nothing but a tight tank top and jogging pants, and he knows it, smirking whenever he catches your gaze on him.

BTS When You Work Out With Them:

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