TXT When You're Short:
TXT when you're short:
I feel like Yeonjun is the type to be so clingy with you, because he just loves how small you are, how the top of your head just barely grazes your chest, how easy it is to wrap you up in his arms like a human burrito. He's also naturally protective over people he loves, and the fact that you're so adorable and squishy will make him a hundred times more. He'll always be by your side, ready to lift you up or reach for something high up if you need it. But he also sort of likes seeing you trying to reach the peanut butter jar on the top shelf, and watching your cute, frustrated pout for a few seconds before coming up behind you and easily taking the jar from it's place in the cupboard, trying desperately to hide the smile growing on his lips, but also failing miserably. And when you pretend to get mad at him, he's quick to hug you from behind, swaying the two of you side to side with his chin on the top of your head as he mumbles apologies.
"Aw, don't worry babe, I'll help you, what do you need?"

I can see Soobin as being absolutely obsessed with how small you are, like he'll literally talk about it all day, even if it makes the tips of his ears burn bright red and his cheeks grow hot, he just can't help it. He'll constantly compare your hands, everytime you'll intertwine your fingers he'll start cooing and blabbering about your hand that's swallowed completely in his larger one. Soobin is also likely to love seeing you in his clothes. At the start he'll be more subtle about it, leaving his hoodies and sweaters strewn purposely around the house so you'll have easy access lol, but eventually he'll be super shameless, asking you to wear his sweatshirts because you look so tiny and it's adorable sksskf. He'll also baby you so much omg, as if he isn't a giant toddler lol. He'll constantly pet your head and squeeze your cheeks, but he's so happy while doing it, you can't even get mad.
"How are your hands so small and adorable?? It doesn't make sense."

Okay, Beomgyu is going to be a little shit and tease the hell out of you sorry lmao. But I can also see him as the type to be super protective and love babying you sooo. It'll be like, him putting your favorite food on the highest shelf and watching you struggle while laughing silently, and then forcing you to give him a kiss before finally giving you your Oreos (and stealing some on the way). But then at the same time, if any of the other members, who are your good friends, say anything about your height, he's already sending them a death glare, pulling your closer to him and cooing at you about how adorable and lovely you are, making sure to keep his scrutinizing stare on whoever dared tease his baby. He'll also love watching you stand on your tiptoes to kiss him, definitely the kind to purposely make himself taller just to see you struggle to reach his lips, before making a big deal of bending down to reach your height, kissing your pout away.
"You're so tiny lol. Can you even see me from so far away?"

Taehyun is used to being the shortest in TXT, so he never really considered the fact that there are people out there that are shorter than him, or in your case, way shorter than him. He'll honestly be so endeared by how your whole body is covered by his own when you cuddle, or how you need to stand on your tiptoes to hug him properly. So yeah, he'll talk about how short you are, and he'll laugh when he'll see you sitting on his gaming chair with your feet dangling above the ground, but it's not really because he wants to tease you, more like he's just so observant, always noticing literally everything about you, and he just finds it so cute and lovable, that he can't help but point it out lol. And if you do happen to say shit about yourself, he'll be the first to stop your insecurities, explaining to you how he couldn't care less about your height, that he started dating you because of your amazing personality, and by the way, he finds you even cuter because of your shortness.
"Princess, your height is just another thing that makes you unique."

Huening Kai:
Save this man please lol. Kai is dying inside, he just finds you so freaking cute, he's not just endeared, he's literally trying his best not to squeal when he sees you walking around with your adorable sweater paws or when he sees you jumping to reach the cereal from the top shelf. And of course he's going to baby you, placing his chin on the top of your head, giving you piggybacks everywhere, petting your hair cutely, pecking your cheek and then proceeding to turn tomato red from his own actions uwu. He'll literally do everything for you, to the point where you'll tell him to stop because what the hell, you're still tall enough to pour your own water. But it's just because he really does adore you so much, and he feels the need to protect and cherish you (he almost gets a heart attack when you let go of his hand in public lmao), so you can't really stay mad, especially when he sends you that big smile of his and pecks your nose gently.
"I have the cutest girlfriend, look at you, so small uwu"

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More Posts from Avmisworld
Superm reaction to you kissing them out of nowhere:
The two of you will be taking a few selfies, Baekhyun's arm slung around your shoulder protectively when you decide to be a little bolder than usual, leaning up to press a gentle, sweet kiss to your boyfriend's cheek, his eyes widening when he feels the press of your warm lips against his soft skin. Your confidence will disappear quite quickly though, when said boyfriend will turn to you with a smirk, his eyes mischeviouslly seductive, until you can't help but blush, avoiding his eyes and making him let out a fond chuckle. But despite his arrogant attitude, Baek will be positively melting on the inside, staring at you lovingly when you push him away, admiring your red cheeks and shy smile.
"You can kiss me in an another place if you want, don't be shy, babe."

Taemin will just be cooking the two of you some late-night ramen, standing in the kitchen in all of his sleepy glory, wearing loose sweats and an old shirt, looking so goddamn adorable with his messy hair and puffy eyes, that you can't help but lean up to him, pressing a loving peck to his round nose. Your boyfriend will smile at the soft, cute gesture, a pink blush coating his round cheeks as he stops stirring the half-cooked noodles to sling his arms around your waist, leaving his own gentle kisses all over your face, cupping your face with his warm hands. You'll probably end up burning your midnight-snack because you'll be too caught up in each other, giggling like high-schools students as you sway from side to side, embracing each other.
"Don't worry about the ramen, dear. You taste better than anything else."

It'll probably happen when the two of you are watching a movie together, your bodies entertwined under the covers, a thick, wool blanket covering the two of you. You're lying on Jongin's chest, admiring his handsome features more than you were looking at the screen of the television lol, and you can't help but lean down and leave a soft, fond kiss on his temple, before leaning your head back down on his shoulder. Kai will tense underneath you the second your lips will touch his skin, practically holding his breath as you go back to cuddling him, and his face will be beet-red, his inner fanboy practically screaming as he finds it impossible to erase the goofy grin surfacing his lips and go back to concentrating on the long-forgotten film.
"Sorry... I didn't really notice what the movie was about."

Taeyong is driving you to your house after a dinner date at a restaurant in Seoul, one of his hands placed on the black, leather steering wheel while the other is intertwined with your hand, stroking the back of it absentmindedly. You've been spending the last few minutes just staring at his face, admiring the sharp line of his jaw and the gentle slope of his nose, before you bring his hand up to your lips, leaving butterfly kisses all over his bony knuckles. Your boyfriend will giggle immediately, turning slightly awkward as he stutters over his words, saying random things, the wide grin not leaving his face for the rest of the ride and probably the rest of the day as well.
"Hahaha, what was that for? I mean, not that I didn't like it, but it was just so random-"

Ten would just be getting out of a concert with Superm, his sweaty, black hair sticking to his forehead, still wearing the fancy, ruffled white shirt and black dress pants from the performance, when you rush over to him, pressing a long, passionate kiss to his lips. You were just so impressed and shocked from how amazing Ten was, and it seems like words could never quite describe how talented he really is. Your boyfriend will freeze momentarily, his cheeks turning red as his arms wrap around your slim waist on their own accord, pulling you closer. But when he'll recover from his initial shock he won't hesitate to ask you to kiss him again, smirking slightly when it's your turn to get flustered, burying your face in his neck at the bold question.
"I like that. Can you do it again, princess?"

It would be morning and you're in the kitchen making some pancakes, humming to the pop song playing on the radio. You woke up with a good mood today, which might explain why the second your boyfriend stumbles through the doorway, still rubbing his eyes tiredly, his chocolate hair sticking in odd directions, you walk over to press a gentle kiss to his cheek, mumbling a morning greeting against the tanned skin before pulling away, smiling shyly. Lucas will stop mid-yawn lol, his hand coming up to trace the spot you just pressed your lips to, the sleepiness disappearing from his big eyes. Then he'll laugh shyly, averting his eyes from yours before leaning down to press his own kiss, this time to your lips.
"Good morning, beautiful."

It'll be after a long day of studying, when the only thing you want to do is go back home, eat some unhealthy snack, and spend the night in Mark's arm, cuddling. But of course, the second you come home your boyfriend will surround you, asking about your day, telling you about his day, and just generally being the sweet, enthusiastic lover he was, which you usually loved, but right now you just needed some quiet. So you lean up, pressing a kiss to Mark's lips in order to shut him up, and it works like a charm, the other stopping his story mid-sentence, a blush coloring his cheeks. He'll completely forget everything, his mind just filled with thoughts about how adorable you are, and he'll voice them out loud, causing you too blush as well, so the two of you are just two shy tomatoes lol.
"Why are you so cute, oh my god? What was I talking about?"

BTS when they miss you during tour:
I feel like Jin will be fine at the start, getting swept away with all the rehearsals and the organizations for the tour, and the two of you will mostly keep in touch through pictures you send to each other, with Jin saving each and every one of them, even if it's just a picture of the cup of coffee you drink in the morning or a blurry, half-face selfie. It'll only be when things will finally start calming down that he'll realize that he doesn't have your encouraging smile or warm, bright eyes to energize him. It'll probably be just before he goes to bed after a long, tiring day, when the only thing he wants is to be back home in your apartment bed, hugging you to his chest. He'll call you immediately, not caring how tired he is, and won't be able to stop the relieved smile spreading on his face when he hears your soft, sleepy voice greeting him.
"Hi sweetheart, how are you feeling?"

Despite what some people tend to say about him, I can see Yoongi as being the one to miss your presence the most. To him, you are his anchor, his ray of sunshine, and it was hard for him to be kept away from his own, personal happy pill. Still, he won't want to worry or bother you too much, so he won't call a lot, at least not in the start, instead messaging you every hour or so to see how you're doing, but it won't be enough. He'll probably survive for two days max before giving in to his desires and dialing your number, unable to stop his knee from jumping nervously. When you'll answer, he'll forget everything else, every muscle in his body relaxing as he goes back to his own, personal heaven, closing his eyes as he gets lost in your soft, loving voice. He'll be reluctant to hang up, preferring to stay on the line with you even while he eats or you go to sleep.
"Honestly, I didn't think it'll be this hard, but I really miss you."

Hoseok will try to be his usual, cheerful self, constantly cracking jokes and lifting the spirit when the other members were too tired to do so themselves, while staying the same trustworthy, patient teacher, going over the steps a million times until no one is the tiniest bit confused. Yet at the same time, he can't deny the hole in his heart, the ache in his chest that made his smile dimmer and his eyes sparkle less than usual. He'll text you all day, everyday, constantly asking you when you can finally face-time him, and the second you'll respond positively his while face will light up, not even caring what he's doing at the moment as he immediately calls you, cheering with excitement when your face appears on the screen, slightly blurry and delayed because of the distance, but he couldn't care less, telling you everything that's been going on with him until you or him have to go.
"Aigoo, my Y/N, I wish you were with me right now."

As the leader, Namjoon often has to be the boulder of team, offering a strong shoulder to lean on for the other members even when his own legs feel weak and shaky. So when BTS are on tour, Namjoon can't let it show how much he wishes to be near you now, how hard it is for him without you, even if inside he feels gloomy. But despite being the busiest member of the seven of them, constantly involved in the production and directing of the tour, Joon will still make sure to message you every hour or so, asking what you are up to and how you're feeling and just generally reminding you he cares. He also makes it a part of his day to call you at least once a day, even if it's just a five minute conversation, and honestly just hearing that lovely 'Joonie!' through the speaker is enough to give him energy for the rest of the week.
"How was your day, love? Tell me everything."

I think that Jimin will be the most obviously bummed out, constantly pouting and complaining to the members about how much he misses you. His eyes will be continuously locked on his phone, waiting impatiently for every update from you, his eyes lighting up beautifully whenever your name pops up on his screen. He'll also call or face-time you every second he can, even if it's a five minute break between rehearsals or right before he goes to sleep. When he isn't able to talk to you directly, he'll make sure to film everything he does, making cute, little vlogs with the rest of the members when they're sitting down for lunch, or drenched with sweat after practice. He really just loves you so much and appreciates every second he gets to spend with you, even if it's not face-to-face, and his gallery will be filled with screenshots of you falling asleep during your video calls because you're just too adorable in his eyes.
"My beautiful Y/N, I can't wait to come back to you already."

Taehyung is the type of boyfriend to miss you a lot, but also like to live in the moment and enjoy the tour, not spending too much time sulking over you. But that doesn't mean he won't text you all the time, and keep perfect track of the timezones so he knows when you go to sleep and when you wake up to greet you. He'll facetime you whenever it's night wherever you're at so he can help you fall asleep to the sound of his voice, singing to you "Sweet Night" until he hears your snores from the other side and sees your closed eyes and slightly parted lips, a grin coming up on his face slowly. Also, if he'll feel a bit depressed or moody, you'll be the first he contacts, taking out his phone and calling you just to hear you're excited 'hello', the sound of your cheerful voice enough to make him feel a thousand times better.
"Y/N, my flower, I just really needed to hear your voice."

Jungkook is that oblivious boyfriend that forgets that you're on the other side of the world, calling you when it'sfour in the morning at your place, because he just really needs to hear your voice right this second. Of course, your boyfriend will apologize profusely whenever you answer the phone with half-closed eyes and messy hair, telling you to call him when you wake up, but he'll still miss you dearly, so he'll browse through his photo gallery, filled to the brim with pictures of you, many of them without you knowing, whether you're sleeping, eating or just staring into space. Seeing your pretty face will make a smile creep onto his lips, and he'll spend some more time looking through your messages, hearing all the voice messages you sent him, even if it's just a simple 'okay, see you at home'. And when you'll finally call him back, he'd be enchanted, hardly even speaking as he drinks up the sound of you, wanting to cherish it as much as possible.
"It's so good to hear your voice, princess."

TXT when they meet your ex:
Yeonjun is not amused at all, to say the least. When your ex comes over and rudely interrupts your date at a small, cozy café, not even batting an eye towards your interlaced hands on the table, your boyfriend will stand up, making sure to block your ex's path so he won't even be able to look at you, much less to touch you, and puts on the fakest smile as he shakes the other man's hand, probably squeezing his fingers more than necessary as he introduces himself as your boyfriend, pretending not to know him and staring the other man down until he runs away from how uncomfortable the atmosphere is.
"Oh hello, I'm Yeonjun, Y/N's boyfriend. And you are?"

Soobin is amused by the whole situation, to be honest. When your ex comes over to you in the middle of the street, catching you on your way back from the mall with Soobin by your side, he probably thinks Binnie is your friend or just doesn't care he's your boyfriend, and he starts to suck it up to you, saying how much he misses you and all you had. Soobin won't be able to stop his lips from twitching into a smile, quite shocked by how shameless this man is, and his laughter will finally erupt when he catches your disgusted face. When your ex asks Soobin what's so funny, your lover won't hesitate to explain, causing the other to walk away, cursing the two of you under his breath.
"I'm sorry for laughing, but you should really stop embarrassing yourself."

Beomgyu is the type to actually yell at your ex for coming over to talk to you. The two of you would be in the supermarket, gathering what you need for the upcoming week, when your ex would bump into you, his whole face lighting up when he notices it's you, and he'll wrap his arms around you, hugging you tightly and ignoring the fact that you're frozen in his embrace, or the death glare targeted to the back of his head. Luckily, Gyu won't hesitate to tell him to step back, just before he'll call him off for invading your privacy, ranting for a few minutes while your ex's face turns redder with every passing second, until he apologizes and runs away lol.
"You can't just come over to her and hug her as if your friends! You-"

Taehyun is the embarrassed one we both know lol. When your ex comes over to the door of your shared apartment and pours his heart to you, practically crying over how much he misses you, your boyfriend will stand beside you, staring between the heartbroken guy and you, feeling bad when he sees your red face, with you clearly being uncomfortable in the situation. After a few minutes Tae will understand that you're not going to say anything, so he'll excuse the two of you politely before closing the door without another glance, the two of you staring at each other for a few seconds before erupting in giggles, still shocked by what just happened.
"Um, sorry, but she has a boyfriend, bye."

Huening Kai:
Kai is a possessive baby uwu. He'll be in the bathroom after leaving you alone at the bar for two minutes when he'll recieve a text from you, telling him to come ASAP. Worried, your boyfriend will sprint out of the bathroom, only to find you sitting in your seat, smiling awkwardly at a man he recognized as your ex. Huening Kai heard more than enough about the guy to know he's a douche, so he won't hesitate to walk over to you, completely ignoring the flirting man and leaning over to wrap you in a protective backhug, leaving a kiss on your red cheek as well, before turning to look at your ex with a look that can make anyone's legs turn to jelly. It's safe to say you don't see your ex again.
"Are you looking for something?"

TXT when you're a clingy, whiny drunk:
Yeonjun loves babying you, and you like it too, but usually you would get too shy to ask him to take care of you or give you cuddles, so he would be making the best out of your clingy, adorable behaviour lol. Your boyfriend would coo when you would hold his hands tightly in your lap the whole way home from the bar, and when you refuse to unwrap your hands from his waist on the way to your apartment, forcing him to stumble to the door while you cling to him like a human-sized koala. He would also be the most caring, already placing a cup of water and some aspirin by your bed for tomorrow morning's hangover, before crawling under the covers and pulling you to his broad chest, a smile fluttering on his full, pink lips.
"Aw, does my little cutie want a kiss?"

Our leader will also love your clinginess, even if it makes him undeniably flustered. Since he was used to being the bolder one in the relationship, he can't help but blush when suddenly he finds you prepping kisses all over his face, soft, endearing giggles leaving your mouth as your small hands cup your boyfriend's face gently. Still, Binnie won't be able to stop the soft smile pulling at the corner of his lips when he sees you making grabby hands at him when he enters your shared bathroom, after leaving for a few minutes to clean up the living room, where the two of you left a mess consisting of empty bags of chips and bottles of soju. He would sigh with happiness, feeling his heart melt in his chest when you cuddle into him, soft snores already leaving your lips.
"Aish, you're going to give me a heart attack if you continue being so cute."

In your relationship, Beomgyu is probably the clingier one, always hugging you from behind and placing his chin on your shoulder, or placing your hands in his lap and playing with your fingers, so when you're the one sticking to him like glue, he finds it refreshing and amusing, completely different from your usual dynamics, with you being shy and giggly whenever you engage in skinship. Your boyfriend won't be able to hold back his laughter when you glare at him cutely, annoyed at him for releasing his hold on your hand to open the door of your apartment. He'll tease you half-heartedly for suffocating him with your unrelenting hugs and cuddles, but he'll probably be just as mad if you were the one letting him go, even if it's to run to the bathroom to puke your guts out lol.
"Does my clingy baby really miss me that much? I just left to bring you some water."

A tsundere king lol. Taehyun will be really good at pretending he doesn't like it when you cling to him all the way to the car after he picks you up from your friend's birthday party, complaining that the two of you will never reach your apartment if you'll be so clingy, but he secretly loves it, slightly disappointed when you reach the passenger door and are forced to let him go. He'll also be super amused by you stumbling through your house and blabbering nonsense, occasionally having to grab your waist to prevent you from falling, and he won't hesitate to take out his phone, the wide grin not leaving his face as he films your hilarious state, already imagining your bright red cheeks when he shows you the footage tomorrow.
"She's going to choke when she sees this video lol"

Heuning Kai:
Kai is the worried one, watching with wide, brown eyes and an open mouth as you prance around the kitchen, singing on the top of your lungs and attempting to dance along to 'I Know I Love You'. Your boyfriend won't know how to react, in the end deciding to gently taking your hand and lead you to your bedroom, his cheeks burning when you start to leave multiple kisses on his face, wrapping your arms around his torso and cooing. When he'll finally manage to get you into bed, he'll help you change into a pyjama, and sit next to you one the bed, listening to you blabber about your night out with your friends. He'll probably reprimand you softly for being so drunk, even if he does love it when you're being clingy.
"I'm glad you had fun, but maybe you shouldn't drink so much next time, sweetie."

Enhypen when you have trouble sleeping:
I can see Heeseung as the type to suggest singing you to sleep the second he sees you struggling, your eyes closing for a few seconds only to open up again. He's so damn happy, pulling you into his tight embrace without another word, your head placed on his broad chest and his hands running through your soft hair slowly, and he'll start singing to you, his melodic voice making your eyes droop almost immediately. And when he'll look down at you a few seconds later, his voice lowering into a hushed whisper, he won't be able to stop the smile growing on his face at the sight of you snuggled deep in his arms, your face peaceful and breathing steady.

Jay will probably watch you fiddle around a bit before deciding to ask you what's wrong, his heart melting a bit in his chest when you whisper that you can't fall asleep, looking slightly guilty for keeping him up. He'll be quick to pull you into a hug, patting your head gently as he does, and will try to help you by humming songs into your ear or just talking to you nonstop, telling you what he's been doing today, funny stories about the Enhypen members, or just random thoughts that pop up into his head. It'll most likely end with Jay's voice slowly growing slower as he becomes more and more tired himself, until the two of you will fall asleep, still intertwined.

I feel like Jake will actually enjoy these times during the night, cherishes those magical hours where the whole world is asleep except for the two of you. He'll cuddle you close, keeping your head on his chest so you can feel his soothing, calming heartbeat against you ear, and he'll talk to you. But unlike Jay, Jake will tell you about things that are bothering him right now, what he misses in Australia, will share parts of him that only seem appropriate to share in these special, treasured hours, and when you fall asleep he'll kiss your forehead lovingly, before letting his own eyes fall shut, a weight in his heart now gone.

Sunghoon will probably think the best way to help you fall asleep is changing the atmosphere. When he'll see you changing sides every few seconds, mumbling under your breath in annoyance, he'll be quick to flip you around so your heads are pressed together and ask you what's wrong. When you tell him you can't fall asleep, he'll get up and switch on the Aircon, trying to make the room warm and soothing. Then he'll play some slow, relaxing piano songs before slipping back in bed with you and pulling you closer to him, his hands rubbing slow circles over your arms and back, until your breathing evens out eventually, signalling you fell asleep.

Sunoo doesn't really know the scientifics of helping someone fall asleep, so when you poke him gently, telling him you're having trouble falling asleep in that soft, tiny voice of yours, he'll simply coo, pulling you in for some warm cuddles, before deciding that the best way to pass the time is to watch something on your phone. He'll put on some anime or a movie and you'll watch together, and he'll probably get too into it to notice that you've already fallen asleep, talking with you excitedly about the plot only to notice towards the end that you're far gone, your eyes shut and soft snoring sounds leaving your lips, letting out an embarrassed chuckle before pressing a kiss to your nose.

Jungwon is more of the worried type, his dark eyebrows furrowing and a frown settling on his pink lips when you tell him you can't fall asleep. He'll be quick to ask why, trying to figure out if something's bothering you. If there is something, he'll talk it out with you, warming you with loving words and calming you down, but if it's just because, he'll be just as helpful, back hugging you tightly and playing with your fingers as he hums your favorite songs to you, pressing gentle kisses along your nape and shoulders until your limbs relax against him, making him smile gently. He'll still wait a few more minutes to check you're not waking up, before succumbing to his own sleepiness.

This cute baby boy uwu. Ni-ki will be so helpless and confused when you shake him awake, mumbling that you can't sleep, looking like a teddy bear in your fuzzy pyjamas. He'll try to help you, asking you if you need anything, and when you shake your head no, he'll still get up, bringing you another blanket, the softest one he has, and a cup of water, before lying back next to you, holding your hand gently and rubbing your knuckles with his long fingers, before going ahead to tell you about his day, talking about the new dance he's been learning and the love for his fans and career, until he sees your eyes close, a proud smile twitching on his lips before he closes his own eyes, falling asleep while holding your hand.