Iland Sunghoon - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

meant to be I.


pairing: sunghoon x reader

bulletpointed series

word count: 1.4k

genre: fluff only (for now), non-idol au!, high school au!, shy! sunghoon, f2l???

warnings: none only fluff for now but im sorry for my english since it’s not my first language pt 2 will be up if this will do well lol

sunghoon was not good at math

it was a well-known fact to all of his friends at this point

he was an athlete so he did not have so much time to study for math and to be fair he had too many skating practices which made him miss some of his classes

but he had to pass geometry in order to graduate 

and that was why he was at where he is right now

next to your seat in the small classroom waiting for himself to gain the courage to ask you for help

he was a confident boy however when it came to people out of his friend circle, he became shy

(and you were extremely cute, smart, pretty and amazing so it made things SUPER hard for sunghoon)

taking a deep breath, he cleared his throat to catch your attention

you looked up from where you were seated correcting some notes you took for the previous class

“hi” muttered sunghoon without being able to make eye contact with you

“hey sunghoon, what’s up?” you asked while giving him a warm smile which made him ease a little bit

“i was wondering if you could help me with geometry sometime when we are both available and if it’s not a burden to you, i really hope it’s not because i really need help with this and you are literally the first place in class and i get it if you don’t-”

you caught him off with a small giggle and said “yes of course i can help you. what about this saturday at 10 am? we can meet up at a coffee shop nearby and i could bring my notes to go over together.”

sunghoon gave a sigh of relief and finally smiled while looking at your eyes

“sounds good, thank you” he said and took his phone out to type your number to make sure to text you later. 

sunghoon left his home at 9:30 am on saturday to go to the address you texted him

when he arrived he realized the coffee shop was actually located inside a book store which was great since it was quite

he checked his hair for the last time from his phone camera (to make sure he still looked good cuz even tho this was not a date HE WANTED TO LOOK GOOD IN FRONT OF HIS CRUSH SHHH)

he looked up from his phone and spotted you waiting for him


he was embarrassed,,, you probably saw him checking himself out with his front camera,,,, BYE

he tried to act sleek and walked towards where you were seated, waving at him with a huge smile

“hey, did i make you wait? i’m sorry i took the bus to here” he said in a single breath

you shook your head and said:

“no, i actually just got here”

sunghoon put his backpack down on the seat across from you

“what would you like to drink? my treat” said sunghoon and gave you a small smile

you told him your coffee order and watched him go to the cashier to order for you guys

once you started studying, it was just you explaining the concepts and formulas to him while he listened to you carefully and took small sips from his iced coffee from time to time

you were drinking a white chocolate mocha from a mug unlike sunghoon who went for an iced drink IN WINTER

(as expected from the ice prince yk ;))

“here, try this problem on your own” you said while you pushed your notebook in front of sunghoon so that he could see it better

while he was working on the problem you wrote, you took a big sip from your drink

once he put his pencil down and pushed your notebook back at you he looked up to see your face (he was actually praying on the inside to not look stupid in front of you and that his answer is correct)


he realized you had some whipped cream on your lower lip

by the way you were focused on his solutions, he realized that you probably did not notice it

(you looked so cute he couldn’t stop his smile from forming on his lips)

he took out a napkin from his bag while you checked his answer 

instead of giving the napkin to you, he waited for you to finish checking his answer

“it’s correct! i think you got this part” you said happily and looked at sunghoon’s face

he nodded and said:

“you have some whipped cream on your lips”

now it was your turn to be embarrassed

you were looking for a napkin when sunghoon held up the one he was holding and wiped the whipped cream off for you


you hoped he did not hear the sound of your heartbeats CUZ YOU ALMOST DIED

(sunghoon almost died on the inside too cuz he is too shy for these kind of stuff)

“thank you” you said without looking into his eyes

he noticed you started blushing but did not say anything 

flashforward to 2 months later

you guys have been studying together because you helped sunghoon a lot and you also realized teaching someone else helped you review the material

you guys became closer and you could actually call each other good friends

(both of you had to put your crushes aside for the sake of your new friendship)

sunghoon was actually more comfortable around you now

same goes to you

you trusted each other and valued each other’s opinions

things  started to change one night when sunghoon came over to watch movies together

you guys were celebrating that the exams week was over and you both did well on your exams

you prepared your snacks and your laptop and waited for sunghoon’s arrival

your parents met sunghoon and trusted him

your mom let him in to the house and sunghoon knocked on the door before entering your room like the real gentleman he is

“come in” you said

“hey, i got us cupcakes” he said while walking to your bed where you were seated, waiting gor his arrival

“omg i love you” you said and took the box of cupcakes he was holding

sunghoon stared at you for a bit too long while you opened the box and took one of the red velvet cupcakes to eat

he was thinking about the words you just told him

and how sweet they sounded to his ears coming from your mouth

(i’m gonna cry someone help this boy)

you guys started watching the movie while laying down on your bed together

when the movie was finished sunghoon was getting ready to leave but it looked like he wanted to tell you something for the whole night

he couldn’t even focus on the movie at some point

“okay, i know you are trying to tell me something but you couldn’t. tell me now or you can’t leave my house” you said with a determined look

he sighed and took a deep breath

“i hate that you know me so well… okay… um… i was going to ask you if you would like to come to my figure skating pratice this sunday and maybe we can skate together? yes? no? maybe?” he asked you in a single breath

he looked like the first time when he asked you to tutor him


“of course i would like to watch you skate and embarrass myself in front of you while i’m trying to stand on ice” you said and gave him a reassuring smile

he laughed at your words and nodded

you walked him to the door 

your parents were asleep already

he put his jacket on and you opened the door for him

“see you tomorrow in class” he said and patted your hair

“see you hoon” you said 

and you don’t know where it came from but you got on your tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek

the poor boy literally stopped functioning

his eyes were wide and he was frozen

you closed the door before he could say anything


sunghoon shook his head 10 secs after you closed the door and came to his senses

he walked to the bus stop but he couldn’t stop the stupid smile on his face

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4 years ago
You Helped Sunghoon With Doing The Dishes After You Guys Had Dinner With His Family. You Dried The Plates

You helped Sunghoon with doing the dishes after you guys had dinner with his family. You dried the plates after Sunghoon washed them and gave it to you. It wasn’t your first time having a dinner with his family considering the fact that you and Sunghoon have been together for 10 months now.

After he gave you the last plate for you to dry, he took his cleaning gloves off. He put his hands on the counter and waited for you to finish drying it. Once you were done, you put the plate down. That’s when you felt Sunghoon’s hands sneaking around your waist. He put his chin on your right shoulder and kissed the side of your head while giving you a tight back hug. You leaned your head back onto his shoulder and closed your eyes.

“Thank you for coming today” he mumbled to your ear. You tilted your head a little to give him a kiss on the cheek.

“I enjoy spending time with you and your family Hoon” you said. He made you turn around to face him so that he could cup your cheeks and look at you in the eyes. He rubbed his thumbs on your cheeks and by the way he was smiling like a kid, you felt those butterflies in your stomach that never left your body for the past 10 months.

He leaned over to connect his lips with yours while putting one of his hands on your waist. Both of you smiled into the kiss while you put your hands in the back of his neck. That one kiss followed by four more until you heard someone clearing their throat. You immediately pushed Sunghoon back and turned around to see who caught you two.

You saw Sunghoon’s little sister grinning at the both of you while Sunghoon and you started blushing like crazy.

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3 years ago

Enhypen when you have trouble sleeping:


I can see Heeseung as the type to suggest singing you to sleep the second he sees you struggling, your eyes closing for a few seconds only to open up again. He's so damn happy, pulling you into his tight embrace without another word, your head placed on his broad chest and his hands running through your soft hair slowly, and he'll start singing to you, his melodic voice making your eyes droop almost immediately. And when he'll look down at you a few seconds later, his voice lowering into a hushed whisper, he won't be able to stop the smile growing on his face at the sight of you snuggled deep in his arms, your face peaceful and breathing steady.

Enhypen When You Have Trouble Sleeping:


Jay will probably watch you fiddle around a bit before deciding to ask you what's wrong, his heart melting a bit in his chest when you whisper that you can't fall asleep, looking slightly guilty for keeping him up. He'll be quick to pull you into a hug, patting your head gently as he does, and will try to help you by humming songs into your ear or just talking to you nonstop, telling you what he's been doing today, funny stories about the Enhypen members, or just random thoughts that pop up into his head. It'll most likely end with Jay's voice slowly growing slower as he becomes more and more tired himself, until the two of you will fall asleep, still intertwined.

Enhypen When You Have Trouble Sleeping:


I feel like Jake will actually enjoy these times during the night, cherishes those magical hours where the whole world is asleep except for the two of you. He'll cuddle you close, keeping your head on his chest so you can feel his soothing, calming heartbeat against you ear, and he'll talk to you. But unlike Jay, Jake will tell you about things that are bothering him right now, what he misses in Australia, will share parts of him that only seem appropriate to share in these special, treasured hours, and when you fall asleep he'll kiss your forehead lovingly, before letting his own eyes fall shut, a weight in his heart now gone.

Enhypen When You Have Trouble Sleeping:


Sunghoon will probably think the best way to help you fall asleep is changing the atmosphere. When he'll see you changing sides every few seconds, mumbling under your breath in annoyance, he'll be quick to flip you around so your heads are pressed together and ask you what's wrong. When you tell him you can't fall asleep, he'll get up and switch on the Aircon, trying to make the room warm and soothing. Then he'll play some slow, relaxing piano songs before slipping back in bed with you and pulling you closer to him, his hands rubbing slow circles over your arms and back, until your breathing evens out eventually, signalling you fell asleep.

Enhypen When You Have Trouble Sleeping:


Sunoo doesn't really know the scientifics of helping someone fall asleep, so when you poke him gently, telling him you're having trouble falling asleep in that soft, tiny voice of yours, he'll simply coo, pulling you in for some warm cuddles, before deciding that the best way to pass the time is to watch something on your phone. He'll put on some anime or a movie and you'll watch together, and he'll probably get too into it to notice that you've already fallen asleep, talking with you excitedly about the plot only to notice towards the end that you're far gone, your eyes shut and soft snoring sounds leaving your lips, letting out an embarrassed chuckle before pressing a kiss to your nose.

Enhypen When You Have Trouble Sleeping:


Jungwon is more of the worried type, his dark eyebrows furrowing and a frown settling on his pink lips when you tell him you can't fall asleep. He'll be quick to ask why, trying to figure out if something's bothering you. If there is something, he'll talk it out with you, warming you with loving words and calming you down, but if it's just because, he'll be just as helpful, back hugging you tightly and playing with your fingers as he hums your favorite songs to you, pressing gentle kisses along your nape and shoulders until your limbs relax against him, making him smile gently. He'll still wait a few more minutes to check you're not waking up, before succumbing to his own sleepiness.

Enhypen When You Have Trouble Sleeping:


This cute baby boy uwu. Ni-ki will be so helpless and confused when you shake him awake, mumbling that you can't sleep, looking like a teddy bear in your fuzzy pyjamas. He'll try to help you, asking you if you need anything, and when you shake your head no, he'll still get up, bringing you another blanket, the softest one he has, and a cup of water, before lying back next to you, holding your hand gently and rubbing your knuckles with his long fingers, before going ahead to tell you about his day, talking about the new dance he's been learning and the love for his fans and career, until he sees your eyes close, a proud smile twitching on his lips before he closes his own eyes, falling asleep while holding your hand.

Enhypen When You Have Trouble Sleeping:

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3 years ago

Enhypen reaction to your bad eating habits:


Heeseung won't know what to do when he sees you starting to eat junk food and skip meals. Initially, he won't want to approach you because he genuinely believes that you can eat whatever you want, and he won't want you to think that he cares how much weight you gain or lose, he loves you just the way you are. But when your boyfriend will see you sneaking out of bed more and more to eat ice cream and chips, and refusing to eat the lunch he makes everyday, he decides that your health is the top priority. Heeseung will be the sweetest, coming over to you and holding your hand gently as he asks you what's wrong. When you admit that you've been missing your hometown more than usual lately, and you've been eating your feelings away, he'll be quick to hug you to his chest, saying that he'll always be there for you and you can come cry on his shoulder whenever you want.

Enhypen Reaction To Your Bad Eating Habits:


Jay is a really observant boyfriend, so he'll know something's up immediately when you start skipping your meals, even if you try to hide it by moving your food all over the plate and eating a few bites before saying you're 'full'. Your boyfriend won't hesitate to confront you, questioning you on why you haven't been eating lately. After trying to avoid answering and make up excuses with no success, you'll admit that you've been feeling insecure lately and you don't like how your body looks. Jay will be so betrayed at the thought that you don't think you're beautiful like he does, that he might even get a little angry, scolding you for letting these stupid thoughts enter your mind. But if you'll start crying, he'll soften quickly, reaching out to pull you into his embrace while apologizing, smoothing down your hair with the palm of his hand and leaving sweet kisses all over your head.

Enhypen Reaction To Your Bad Eating Habits:


Jake is really worried when he sees you start to limit your meals to a measly salad during lunch and a cup of coffee in the morning. Your boyfriend is used to you being in the kitchen most of the time, experimenting with Korean food or baking cookies for fun, and he can't help but feel concerned at how empty the kitchen came to be. Your boyfriend will be shocked when the answer to all his questions appears one night, when he catches your phone open on a bunch of hate comments on one of your Instagram posts. Jake won't be able to stop the tears from forming in his eyes when he understands that these disgusting people online hurt you to the point of dieting, and he'll run to you, gathering you in his arms and kissing you all over your face, mumbling over and over again how beautiful you are and that you don't need to change a single thing about yourself.

Enhypen Reaction To Your Bad Eating Habits:


Sunghoon will be quite shocked when he'll walk into your apartment only to see you sitting inside a small mountain of chocolate wrappers and empty bowls of store-bought ramen. Your boyfriend hasn't seen you in a while since you're really busy with exams and haven't really had time to meet up, so your communication was limited to Facetiming and phone calls, and Sunghoon didn't know that you were so busy studying you didn't even have time to make food, skipping meals and eating snacks or fast-food you could make in a few minutes. Your boyfriend will scold you for not setting your priorities straight and will remind you that being in good healthy is necessary for acing your exams and staying in focus. This sweeties won't hesitate to rush to the supermarket and buy your groceries for a healthy, filling meal, and will take it upon himself to send you text everyday from then on, reminding you to stop studying and eat.

Enhypen Reaction To Your Bad Eating Habits:


Sunoo will be very surprised and sad when you announce to him that you're going to start a diet. Your boyfriend knows that you don't really like how you look, since you were constantly complaining about being too chubby and not fitting in your clothes, but he always did his best to get your mood up by complimenting your looks and telling you not to compare yourself to people on social media or idols. Sunoo, being the sweetheart he is, will feel like a failure for not being able to reach out to you and erase your insecurities, and he will get very emotional and might even cry to you, feeling despair that he can't get his point across and make you understand just how amazing you are, inside or out. Still, if you choose to diet, he'll be the most supportive boyfriend, making sure not to eat unhealthy food next to you and cooking you nutritional, creative meals.

Enhypen Reaction To Your Bad Eating Habits:


Jungwon is very protective of you, always making sure you eat three meals a day, whether he is making you food himself or calling you to make sure you ate, so you will make sure to hide the fact that you're dating from him, eating all your food when you're together, but on days he was too busy to meet up, you wouldn't eat at all, lying to him. Jungwon will find out about your diet accidentally, when he'll make a surprise visit to your apartment, finding you lying in bed with your phone, a few minutes after texting him that you're busy making supper now. Your boyfriend will understand something is up, and will question you about it. When you'll admit to being on a diet, avoiding Jungwon's eyes shamefully, your boyfriend will be quick to raise your chin, forcing you to face him, and will assure you that he's not mad, and that you can tell him everything, even if he might not like it.

Enhypen Reaction To Your Bad Eating Habits:


Ni-ki won't notice you're on a diet, too busy getting ready for Enhypen's upcoming comeback to eat with you, your communication limited to texts and phone calls. But when he'll invite you over to the dance studio, wanting to show you the choreography for the main track, he'll notice how big your shirt looks on you, the jeans that used to cling to your thighs now looking undeniably looser. Your boyfriend will question you immediately, his face dropping when you admit that you've been dieting for the past few weeks. Ni-ki won't know what to say at the start, opening and closing his mouth in shock, but then he'll try to talk you out of it, explaining to you about his own personal stories that he heard from idols and trainiees that starved themselves, and how important it is to put your health first. He'll also mention that he thinks you're perfect the way you, smiling shyly when he does.

Enhypen Reaction To Your Bad Eating Habits:

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