Don't even try to look up the word. You won't get the actual meaning.Tired...☆chill out my friend you're in a safe space☆ ☁️ 19🌈
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Awesomespiritcat21 - Faratholoriazin
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Better Scrooge doodles from school 🎩🪙

Au time!
Alright so here's the idea for this one. Kano and Bioshock's roles get switched in this one. Interesting concept as Bioshock is usually the underdog looking for money in a place he shouldn't be in. HOWEVER! if roles are switched a funny imbalance in power happens. Tired of being treated like dirt; Bioshock goes off and finds other ways to make ends meet behind Kano's back. Eventually coming across forbidden magic techniques and other things that mages aren't supposed to learn (for their safety) he comes back and tests his new identity on Kano. Now Kano, being beat(shockingly), he runs off in search of Ruth(cue the whole chasing the Flamesmoore Circus train backstory) to ask for assistance in this imbalance of power. Bioshock eventually forces BlackJack to follow in his steps and be his assistant to getting into the Eye of the Psychic. This whole ordeal sets off a thing where like in the original story, both Ruth and Kano go back in time to find Henna(except it might be Bioshock this time) to get help on why this all happened. This could also cause some cool time loop sequences or something so yall should have fun with this if you want to go haywire once I finally get my point across for the original story(ies)

Ruth sat down on the large beat up wall to think for a while. Lost in his thoughts; the sound of thunder caught his attention and He looked up to see the clouds were a heavy grey color. It was oddly comforting to him to hear the sounds of magic fire beating and fighting against the cold, soft, rain while he sat. He listened for the wind to howl before whistling along with. The rustling trees adding to the symphony of sounds during the storm. Thinking of his family and the crew only made him smile as countless memories rushed through his head. Many people considered him odd for letting the blue fire magic he uses to keep himself noticeable waste away in the rain, but to him it was somewhat calming. They'll understand someday...right?

Enjoying the rain. -A.s.c.21

Had to keep coming back to add their official names lol. More tags on the reblog