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host/main fronter: what if Im faking, what if the other guys r just silly little personas Im roleplaying for fun or something like how little kids pretend to be wolves or horses. literally any other facet: I am,,, literally so fundementally different from you, in internal appearance, ideology, hobbies, personality. let's be honest you could not roleplay this good if you TRIED.
annoyed because a friend i trusted, someone i thought to be the authority on plurality, recently decided he doesnt believe in it anymore at all despite he himself spending years identifying as a system. we're only recently discovered and i was hoping to get some validation or something out of him only for it to be a slap in the face as soon as i brought it up.
he tried to get me to read more about his theory that it's all just various forms of cptsd and to not think about it further for the sake of not pushing my parts further from each other, but i have absolutely no intention of going back to repressing myself- recognizing what's been going on with me and letting red do his thing has made me feel more unblocked emotionally than ive felt in pretty much my entire life.
Ive been looking for a system term to describe myself for a while, and decided fuck it we ball and made one myself

A lockhost is an alter in a system that seems to be the 'main' host, and is almost always fronting. They may also decribe themself as 'front-locked' or 'front sticky,' but this may not always be the case. They may be able to leave front or the front area, but are usually aware of whats going on with front anyways, and they are quite often pulled back to front within a short period of time. Because of this, they usually become the bodies 'main identity' in a system.
Other alters may use the identity of the lockhost as a mask in the case that they do not want to show themself, and may also interact with or control the body via the lockhost. In the case of a lockhost being an introject, it would not be uncommon for several doubles of the lockhosts source to also be present in the system.
Lockhosts may also act similarly to 'Observers,' in that they are always aware of the body to some degree, and can quickly be pulled to front in the case that they happen to not be fronting in the traditional sense. The lockhost may also serve many other roles in the system, but not always.
In the case of a lockhost also being part of a subsystem or side system, they may or may not be a lockhost of those as well.
We are aware that there is a similar term to this that was made by an anti endo, however this term was coined without knowledge of the post existing. Do with that info what you will, keep us out of discourse. And like we said before, we don't care who uses this term, but we ask that anti endos not reblogged so we don't get dragged into discourse.
im a DID system with STPD and it's really disappointing you believe in non-traumagenic origins
if it's not rooted in trauma it is not systemhood. hearing voices isn't the same as having distinct personalities.
‼️ This Is A StPD Blog, Not A System Discourse Blog. Do Not Send Any More Asks About This Or You Will Be Blocked ‼️
Firstly, I’m a DID system with StPD, and I run a blog where I provide information that’s sourced from scientific and medical literature, and I’m disappointed that you refuse to acknowledge that scientifically and medically speaking, non-traumagenic origins for systems are possible, because it doesn’t confirm your personal bias. This blog exists to A.) help form a community around the experience of having StPD (via the concept of “StPD culture”, and what that means for a pwStPD) and B.) educate people on StPD either by providing links to study journals and medical essays, or to explain study journals and medical essays as best I can.
Secondly, what a gross oversimplification of DID and StPD.
A.) I understand that you believe the only way to be a system is through trauma, and due to that belief you’re comfortable stating something as misleading as “DID = distinct personalities”, but, like or not and agree with it or not, it’s possible to have alternate identity states without having DID, and insisting that the only way to have differing and distinct identity states is through DID will leads those who do not have DID to diagnose themselves with a disorder they do no have, because they know they’re a system.
B.) DID isn’t the only way to be a traumagenic system. There’s also: OSDD, UDD and P-DID. And according to the diagnostic criteria, under OSDD 1a, distinct personalities is NOT part of the diagnostic criteria, and that’s what separates it from DID. So your insistence that DID is the only possible way to be a system is already gatekeeping other disorders on the dissociative disorder spectrum.
C.) Implying that DID is the Distinct Personalities Disorder does a horrible disservice to the parts of DID experience that are actually distressing. DID is largely considered a trauma response. It’s part of the Structural Dissociative Disorders, along with PTSD and C-PTSD, both of which have symptoms overlapping with DID (flashbacks, nightmares and night terrors, trauma triggers, dissociation). This trauma response combined with the systemhood of DID also results in symptoms like: negative front triggers, being unable to control who’s in front, fragmented memory, etc. THAT is what DID is. DID is NOT just “distinct personalities”, it’s a trauma response in which the distinct personalities exist to cope with trauma.
1.) Similarly, schizo-spec disorders are NOT just the “Hearing Voices Disorders”. In fact, excluding the other schizotaxic personality disorders, pwStPD are the least likely to hear distinct, separate, individualized voices consistently compared to schizophreniform, schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorders. PwStPD are more likely to hallucinate what sounds like conversions being had in the room over, the sounds or a radio or tv playing, and other “background” noises. I know when I do hallucinate a single voice, it usually speaks a single word (often my name being called) or a sound (coughing or v*m*ting). I have never once been able to have a conversation with my hallucinated voices. They just don’t work like that for me. This isn’t to say that pwStPD can’t hallucinate voices the way the other schizo-spec disorders do, as we can experience brief reactive psychotic episodes, we’re just not as likely.
2.) StPD is known for odd, strange and eccentric behavior more than it is Hearing Voices. Our quasi-psychotic way of thinking paired with ipseity disturbance means the way we perceive and experience life around us Isn’t Fully Rooted In Reality. That may include reacting to auditory hallucinations, but StPD isn’t solely defined by auditory hallucinations. Magical thinking and ideas of reference inform our every day behavior way more than auditory hallucinations do (for the most part, generally speaking, with the exceptions of brief reactive psychotic episodes).
Thirdly, schizo-spec disorders and DID both experience dissociation and altered identity states. Psychotic states are very much an altered identity state that is also marked by dissociation and DP/DR. The psychotic identity state vs non-psychotic identity state may present more as OSDD 1a, with the psychotic identity state not necessarily having its own identity (but may). Also, the Theory Of Ipseity Disturbance states that schizo-spec disorders have a disturbance of the minimal self, while DID, like the other Structural Dissociative Disorders, are disorders of the narrative self, and the minimal self is the foundation in which the narrative self is formed. I’ll not rehash that, since you’re obviously not interested in the scientific literature anyways.
And finally, StPD plurality is going to be different than DID plurality. You’re right, hearing voices isn’t the same as having distinct separate alternate identity or ego states. That doesn’t make one experience any more or less plural. Just because StPD plurality may not align with the DID experience in a 1:1 way doesn’t make it any less real or plural. Not everyone who claims to be a system is claiming to have DID.
You’d think someone with StPD would understand the world is so much weirder than it seems, and not everything fits into nice, neat, easy-to-understand boxes.
intro post
hi, im rein, the host of the spaceship system. i use he/him and so does the system collectively. in my 20s. carrd for more info https:/
Hey, you! You who suspect you might have PTSD, DID or another trauma disorder, but you think you didn't experience trauma "bad enough" to have developed a mental disorder from it? Let me suggest looking at it differently:
"If there's smoke, there's fire"
Do you experience symptoms of PTSD, such as hypervigilance, trouble sleeping, flashbacks, memory problems, dissociation, ect? Then yes, it was "bad enough". Maybe you don't remember anything "really bad" happening or you don't "feel like" it affects you, but listen to your body. The body remembers and the body doesn't care if you think it is "stupid" or "weak" to have a panic attack when someone touches you or that you still have nightmares about that thing you saw when you were 4 years old
Trauma isn't what happened. Trauma is the reaction to what happened. So what I'm trying to say is that if the reason you think you can't have PTSD/DID/OSDD/ect is because you didn't go through anything horrific enough for that, then maybe forget about what happened to you for a moment and just look at the evidence your body and mind are showing. And then, most importantly, be compassionate with yourself. You're going through a lot and it's gonna be okay in the end. Take it easy, okay? <3
some facts for you, since i know you're gonna go back through this when you're alone in front again feeling fake:
you have MASSIVE emotional amnesia, which is most of why red even exists
we have greyouts, and i know you aren't going to remember everything i do while i'm out today, just like how i can only sort of remember what you did yesterday
you fit the criteria for osdd-1b, and should not try to get diagnosed because we have enough psychiatric red flags already and i don't think you want that on yuor record
stop being so hard on yourself! and eat better!!
Something that I haven't seen a lot to be talked about in the CDD community is how strange amnesiac barriers can act sometimes
One moment you're talking with the others at front and you're aware of the system, and in the other you feel completely alone and stop knowing about the system and alters like 1-3 months and suddenly they pop up again and make appearance just like nothing happened
When this happens is when I usually get into the denial episodes and start thinking I'm faking, but then they return and I'm more confused than ever
Or when you're normal and suddenly you become hyper aware of your system and start hearing alters that you never heard but aren't new, just the barriers didn't let you know them before
This are just some of the most common experiences we have with the amnesiac barriers and I think it should be talked a little bit more, after all is a primordial part of the complex dissociative disorders
If you want reblog and/or comment your own experiences and thoughts regarding amnesiac barriers!
mmm another term...behe
this term was made by an anti endo, anti radqueer, and pro good faith. please follow our DNI, and we would prefer you dont use this term!
term and flag made by me!
keyhost : a host of a system that is the "key" of the system. they are extremely important in the functioning of the system itself. the keyhost can very very rarely if ever voluntarily leave front. it may be hard or even painful for the keyhost to actually leave front voluntarily.
EDIT: i redid the key symbol since it was REALLY low quality:]

without key symbol

i havent seen any terms like this, other than a pro endo one that has some similarities so i made my own thing! tell me if this has already been done aha..
Found something from my drive

It's old as hell so there was a base used but yeah... this is the image origin of Skull, Rein, and Pyro!

Some whiteboard fox doodles with slight Rein, Skull, Pyro, Moti, and Sketches lore :D

Had to keep coming back to add their official names lol. More tags on the reblog