ayyeitssarahh - Malfoysbbg


73 posts



James: *Gently taps table* Sirius: *Taps back* Y/N: What are they doing? Remus: Morse code. James: *Aggressively taps table* Sirius: *Slams hands down* YOU TAKE THAT BACK-

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More Posts from Ayyeitssarahh

2 years ago


“You say, forgive me father for I have sinned.”

“Forgive me father, for I have sinned.”

“What would you like to confess?”

2 years ago

Hey guys!! So I’m superrr late to Kinktober. And I’ve decided bc I am so late but want to write spooky/sexy Halloween stuff! Imma do a Halloween request week! If you’d like to request anything Halloween related to any of the characters in my Masterlist! Go ahead! And they will be posted the Day before and Day of Halloween! It’s super short notice but I’m in the mood to write! SO PLS REQUEST!!

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2 years ago

Hey! I love your writing!! Could I maybeee request a Henderson|SisterxEddie imagine where she helps Eddie study cuz Dustin begged her to and she has pretty tensed neck/shoulders and he massages it for her and she let’s some moans slip cuz it feels good and he get’s really turned on by it and has to hide his boner cut she‘s oblivious. After a few study-dates and massages they maybe kiss and the rest is up to you! This would be amazing!!!!

A/n: Thank you so much for being my first request! Sorry for taking forever to do it but I finally had the energy, so here you go! It’s a little different from the request, but besides that, I hope this is to your satisfaction!


One hell of a Study Sesh!

Eddie Munson x Fem!Henderson!Reader

Warnings: 18+ Fingering, Handjob (I don't think there's more but if so, please let me know!)

Word Count:2.5k


“Please Y/n?!” Begged Dustin, following me down the hallway to my locker. It was lunch which means I have 3 more hours until the weekend. 

“Why are you asking me?” I asked, opening my locker, putting my books in and then grabbing my English book, shutting my locker and leaning against it, finally sparing Dustin a glance. 

“Because he really needs help! He just needs to pass this exam and he's good to finally graduate this year!” He exclaimed. 

“Plus, you’re like the smartest person I know!” He added, with a smile on his face. 

I rolled my eyes, starting to walk to the cafeteria, Dustin once again following me, “You’re just saying that because I’m your sister.” I said. 

“Finee, ok, yes, that's true but I don’t know anyone else who’s a senior and good with english!” He said, throwing his hand up. 

“Well, what about steve?” I asked my younger brother. 

He ran in front of me, opening the cafeteria door for me, “He can’t, he's busy this weekend and the test is Monday. And he’s not that fond of Eddie” he said, walking beside me. 

I walk towards the lunch line, seeing what they have, my eyes immediately falling on a Turkey sandwich, a bag of lays and a coke. Putting them on my tray and waiting for the 4 people in front of me to pay so I can finally sit down and eat. 

“Please please please Y/n?! Just this once!” He begged, putting his hands together in a prayer motion. 

I sighed, “If I do it, what's in it for me?” I ask, pulling out my wallet as I'm the next person in line. 

“I'll clean your bathroom for 2 weeks?!” He asked.

“Add my half of the dishes to it and I'll do it!” I said, paying the lady and grabbing my tray. Walking over to Robin and Steve. 

“Yes! Thank you! Love you, you’re the best sister ever!” He yelled, hugging me and rushing off to the Hellfire club table where Eddie is moving his hands around dramatically and the guys are laughing. 

Finally sitting down, I close my eyes for a second before opening them and digging into my sandwich. 

“What was that about?”Asked Robin. 

“D wants me to tutor Munson for English. I guess his exam is Monday and he needs a bit of extra help.” I said, opening my chips and shoving a few in my mouth. 

“Oh yeah, Steve was telling me how Dustin asked him but he can't because, get this, he has a date Sunday!” She exclaimed, elbowing steve. 

He rolled his eyes and shrugged, “Yeah so? I like this girl, she's cool and nice and so I asked her out. She said yes and now we’re going out on Sunday.” He said nonchalantly, hiding the smile that was trying to come out. 

I smiled and leaned over, giving his hand a squeeze, “Congrats Steve, I’m glad you found somebody.” I said with an encouraging smile. 

He nodded in thanks and continued eating. 

Robin got up and threw her trash away, grabbing her bag and swinging it over her shoulder. “I gotta head to history early, I need to do some extra credit to bring my grade from a C- to a B-. See ya!” She said, kissing my head and waving at Steve. 

Finishing my lunch as well, I stand up to throw it away and grab my bag as well, “The bell rings in five minutes and I gotta go see when Munson wants to do this. I'll see you after school.” I said to Steve, waving bye as he got up and threw his trash away.

Walking over to the Hellfire Club table, it was rowdy as hell, I cleared my throat making it known I was there. 

They all stop and look at me. I nod, “Munson” I said as a greeting. 

He smiled, nodding as well, “Older Henderson! What can I do for you on this fine afternoon?” He asked. 

“Dustin asked me if I could tutor you in English or something, I just want to know when you want to do it. I'm free today after school.” I said, “Or we can do it this weekend, I don’t really care when we do it” I said, looking bored and just wanting to get to class. 

He nodded and looked at Dustin who smiled awkwardly at him, “How about tonight at 7:30? My place?” He asked, standing up as the bell had rung. 

I nodded, “Sounds good.” I turned to Dustin, “Still want me to pick you up from Hellfire tonight?” I ask him. He nods. 

I smile and kiss his cheek, ruffling his hair. “Alright! See you later little bro!” I said. “Hellfire Club members!” I nodded. Turning away and walking out the cafeteria to my English class. 


*After School*

I sigh and walk out of class and towards the parking lot. Not needing to stop by my locker since I'm tutoring Eddie later. 

I spot Steve waiting next to my car with Robin. I'm giving him a ride to the auto shop so he can pick up his car and take him and Robin to work. 

“Alright guys! Let's get going, I have 4 and a Half hours to study after dropping you off before I have to head to Munsons and tutor him” I said, unlocking the car and getting in. 

They get in as well, “Where’s this place again?” I asked Steve. 

“Up the road and then take a left, then when we hit the light, turn left again, there should be a parking lot, thats where it's at.” He said. I nodded and started driving. 

Steve leaned over and pushed in the CD that was already in my radio, Separate Ways by Journey starts playing. 

He shakes his head, lowering the volume, “I can’t believe you like this crap.” He said. 

I look at him offended, “Journey is NOT crap!” I said. 

He just laughs and sjakes his head. 

A couple minutes later I pulled into the parking lot, pulled to the side and put the car in park. 

They get out. Shutting his door, Steve leans down, “I'll call you later ok?” He asks. I nod, saying bye to him and Robin. 

Heading home, I walked into the house, put my keys on the table and then, walked upstairs and into my room, dropping my bag on the floor and falling face first on my bed, groaning. Looking at the clock I see it's only 3:30. 

Deciding since I'm gonna have to study Munson later, I'll take a small nap instead of studying. I can do that tomorrow. 

Setting an alarm for 5:00pm, I get under the covers and relax my body, feeling my muscles ache for some odd reason. 


Hearing my alarm go off, I groan and turn over, turning it off. I layed in bed for a good 10 minutes before I decided to get up and take a quick shower before eating some dinner. 

Walking to the bathroom, I turn on the water and step in, quickly washing my hair and body. 

Stepping out and into a towel, I go to my room and change into a matching dark gray lace set. Then I throw on some gray sweatpants and a plain white shirt. Looking at the clock I see it's only 5:30, so I make some dinner and then head up to my room to study for a bit. 


Getting lost in my History book, I look over at the clock and see it's almost 7. Setting it down, I open my backpack to make sure everything to help Eddie is in there and then head downstairs, grabbing my keys off the table. I walk out, yelling to my mom that i’m going to pick up Dustin and that I’ll be back later. 

Getting in the car, I throw my bag in the back seat and head over to the school. Pulling into the parking lot 10 minutes later, just in time to see Dustin walk out with Mike and Lucas. 

“Hey Y/n, can we give a ride to Lucas and Mike too? I know it’s last minute but Nancy was their ride and she had to do something.” Dustin asks. I nodded, “Sure D. Get in dorks, I gotta be at Eddies in 15 minutes.” I said as they all piled in the back seats, Dustin in the front. 

Pulling out the Parking lot, I dropped Lucas off first since he was the closest and then Mike a couple minutes later. 

Finally pulling up to the house, I put the car in park and turned to Dustin, “Tell mom I’ll be home around 9 or 9:30.” I said, he nodded and gave me a thumbs up. 

He gets out of the car and waves bye, rushing up the steps of the house. Once I made sure he was inside, I pulled out and made my way to the trailer park. 


10 minutes later, I’m standing in front of his door just about to knock when it opens. His uncle stops for a sec before walking around me and down the steps, “Hey Y/n, he’s in his room. Goodluck!” He jokes, I laugh and walk in, towards what I think is his room. Well hearing Metallica playing on the other side of the door, I can only assume. 

I knock, waiting a sec. Hearing a slight ‘Come in’ over the music, I open the door and walk in. 

He’s sitting on the bed in sweatpants and his Hellfire shirt getting his English book out of his backpack along with his notebook and a pen. 

“Hey” I said, sitting next to him and pulling out my own notebook. 

“Hey” He mumbles, eyebrows furrowing, trying to figure something out. 

I smile a little, thinking how he looks kinda cute when he does that. Handing him my notebook with notes, I tell him to copy them and when he’s done I'll explain them to him. 

While he does that I walk around his room, admiring the posters on his wall and his beautiful guitar. 

Moving my arm to lightly graze over the strings, I hiss, rubbing my shoulders to ease them. 

“What’s wrong?” Eddie asks, putting the notebook down and walks over to me. 

“Oh nothing, my shoulders just ache and little. Must be from my backpack” I said shrugging it off. 

“Hmmm, I could massage them for you?” He says, “Not if that’s weird or something but when I was little my mom used to do this thing with her thumbs to help me fall asleep.” He quickly added. 

I thought about it for a moment before nodding. Walking back over to the bed and sitting down. 

He crawls up behind, slowly moving my hair to the side and putting his hands on my shoulder. 

Right when he starts messaging my shoulders, I feel a sense of relief and let out a small groan. 

He pauses for a second before continuing, digging his thumbs in but not too hard. My eyes roll into the back of my head, not realizing I let a little moan slip out. He tenses, and slowly comes to a stop. When I open my eyes back up, I realize he hasn’t moved from his spot behind me. When I go to turn around, he quickly grabs my shoulders, stopping me. 

“Wait, I- hold on” He says, his voice sounding strained. 

“Are you okay Eddie?” I ask, feeling concerned and turned around anyways only to see his eyes closed and a pillow over his lap. 

Taking a moment to look at him, I realize why he looks like this. Slowly and carefully, I grab and remove the pillow from his lap. He opens his eyes and looks at me with wide eyes. 

“Y-Y/n, wait, I can explain,” He started but I cut him off my leaning towards him, lightly bruising my lips against his, nervous if I'm going too far. But when he leans in the rest of the way, smashing his mouth on to mine, I know I didn’t. 

Crawling into his lap, still kissing him, I move my hands down and start to palm over him, he groans against my lips, moving his own down my neck, sucking on my collarbone. 

Tugging his pants down a little, just enough for his dick to pop out, I start to pump him up and down slowly, using the pre cum that leaked out to help. 

He jerks in my hand, moaning against my neck as I slowly start to move my hand faster. I lean down a little, pressing little kisses to his neck. 

“F-Fuckkk” He moans, spilling his seed all over my hands and shirt. 

I keep pumping him slowly until he’s done, he leans against me for a few seconds to catch his breath.

“God, that was so good.” He whispers, lifting his head to look at me. I smile and lean towards him a little. 

He leans in and rests his forehead against mine. His hands move down from my hip to the top of my sweats. 

He looks into my eyes as his hand slides into my pants and rubs me over my panties. I moan, jerking in his hand. 

“So wet for me Y/n.” He says, circling my clit. 

“O-ohhh” I can’t even get any words out. 

He moves my panties to the side to rub his thumb up and down my slit. 

Feeling it graze over my hole, I whimper, clenching around nothing. 

He smirks, noticing. Leaning back, he turns me around and pulls my back against his chest. 

Putting his hand into my pants again, he uses his other hand under my shirt and pulls down my bra cup, rolling my nipple between his fingers. 

I lay my head back, resting it on his shoulder.

His hand in my pants grazes over my hole again, slowly pushing a finger inside. 

I groaned, turning my head to face his neck, lightly biting it. 

Adding another finger into the mix, he moved the hand from under my shirt to circle my clit. 

Trembling under him, I feel my orgasm start to build up. 

“Eddie! Oh my god! I'm gonna cum!”I said loudly. 

“You’re gonna cum? Ohhh such a good girl. Cum for me Y/n.” He encouraged me. 

One more thrust of his fingers and I'm coming undone all over his hands. 

Jerking my hips up and down form overstimulation, he slowly takes his fingers out, bringing them to his lips and sucking them clean. 

 I couldn't help but watch in amazement. He hums in approval. 

“So good babe.” He says, looking down at me. 

Feeling my face flush, I go to sit up, only for him to pull me back. 

“Now hold on a second. How about, you call Dustin and tell him you’re staying with Robin tonight, I’m not done with you yet.” He says, a smirk on his face. 

I can only nod, standing up of trembling legs and going to his phone. 

He looks down at the abandoned English book and notebooks, chuckling. 

I look at him and then the books and laugh, “That was one hell of a study sesh!” He exclaims. 


Please don't be afraid to send more request! Any ideas on who to write about will be awesome! Im aiming to write about Bucky Barned next, what do you think?! <3

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2 years ago

Hey y’all! I need some people and ideas to write about! Please send in requests! On my page is a link to my masterlist and all the people I’ll write about. But if there is someone you want that’s not in the list let me know and I’ll see if I can do it! Please please please send requests! Thank you!!🥰🥰

Tags :
2 years ago

Hey! I love your writing!! Could I maybeee request a Henderson|SisterxEddie imagine where she helps Eddie study cuz Dustin begged her to and she has pretty tensed neck/shoulders and he massages it for her and she let’s some moans slip cuz it feels good and he get’s really turned on by it and has to hide his boner cut she‘s oblivious. After a few study-dates and massages they maybe kiss and the rest is up to you! This would be amazing!!!!

A/n: Thank you so much for being my first request! Sorry for taking forever to do it but I finally had the energy, so here you go! It’s a little different from the request, but besides that, I hope this is to your satisfaction!


One hell of a Study Sesh!

Eddie Munson x Fem!Henderson!Reader

Warnings: 18+ Fingering, Handjob (I don't think there's more but if so, please let me know!)

Word Count:2.5k


“Please Y/n?!” Begged Dustin, following me down the hallway to my locker. It was lunch which means I have 3 more hours until the weekend. 

“Why are you asking me?” I asked, opening my locker, putting my books in and then grabbing my English book, shutting my locker and leaning against it, finally sparing Dustin a glance. 

“Because he really needs help! He just needs to pass this exam and he's good to finally graduate this year!” He exclaimed. 

“Plus, you’re like the smartest person I know!” He added, with a smile on his face. 

I rolled my eyes, starting to walk to the cafeteria, Dustin once again following me, “You’re just saying that because I’m your sister.” I said. 

“Finee, ok, yes, that's true but I don’t know anyone else who’s a senior and good with english!” He said, throwing his hand up. 

“Well, what about steve?” I asked my younger brother. 

He ran in front of me, opening the cafeteria door for me, “He can’t, he's busy this weekend and the test is Monday. And he’s not that fond of Eddie” he said, walking beside me. 

I walk towards the lunch line, seeing what they have, my eyes immediately falling on a Turkey sandwich, a bag of lays and a coke. Putting them on my tray and waiting for the 4 people in front of me to pay so I can finally sit down and eat. 

“Please please please Y/n?! Just this once!” He begged, putting his hands together in a prayer motion. 

I sighed, “If I do it, what's in it for me?” I ask, pulling out my wallet as I'm the next person in line. 

“I'll clean your bathroom for 2 weeks?!” He asked.

“Add my half of the dishes to it and I'll do it!” I said, paying the lady and grabbing my tray. Walking over to Robin and Steve. 

“Yes! Thank you! Love you, you’re the best sister ever!” He yelled, hugging me and rushing off to the Hellfire club table where Eddie is moving his hands around dramatically and the guys are laughing. 

Finally sitting down, I close my eyes for a second before opening them and digging into my sandwich. 

“What was that about?”Asked Robin. 

“D wants me to tutor Munson for English. I guess his exam is Monday and he needs a bit of extra help.” I said, opening my chips and shoving a few in my mouth. 

“Oh yeah, Steve was telling me how Dustin asked him but he can't because, get this, he has a date Sunday!” She exclaimed, elbowing steve. 

He rolled his eyes and shrugged, “Yeah so? I like this girl, she's cool and nice and so I asked her out. She said yes and now we’re going out on Sunday.” He said nonchalantly, hiding the smile that was trying to come out. 

I smiled and leaned over, giving his hand a squeeze, “Congrats Steve, I’m glad you found somebody.” I said with an encouraging smile. 

He nodded in thanks and continued eating. 

Robin got up and threw her trash away, grabbing her bag and swinging it over her shoulder. “I gotta head to history early, I need to do some extra credit to bring my grade from a C- to a B-. See ya!” She said, kissing my head and waving at Steve. 

Finishing my lunch as well, I stand up to throw it away and grab my bag as well, “The bell rings in five minutes and I gotta go see when Munson wants to do this. I'll see you after school.” I said to Steve, waving bye as he got up and threw his trash away.

Walking over to the Hellfire Club table, it was rowdy as hell, I cleared my throat making it known I was there. 

They all stop and look at me. I nod, “Munson” I said as a greeting. 

He smiled, nodding as well, “Older Henderson! What can I do for you on this fine afternoon?” He asked. 

“Dustin asked me if I could tutor you in English or something, I just want to know when you want to do it. I'm free today after school.” I said, “Or we can do it this weekend, I don’t really care when we do it” I said, looking bored and just wanting to get to class. 

He nodded and looked at Dustin who smiled awkwardly at him, “How about tonight at 7:30? My place?” He asked, standing up as the bell had rung. 

I nodded, “Sounds good.” I turned to Dustin, “Still want me to pick you up from Hellfire tonight?” I ask him. He nods. 

I smile and kiss his cheek, ruffling his hair. “Alright! See you later little bro!” I said. “Hellfire Club members!” I nodded. Turning away and walking out the cafeteria to my English class. 


*After School*

I sigh and walk out of class and towards the parking lot. Not needing to stop by my locker since I'm tutoring Eddie later. 

I spot Steve waiting next to my car with Robin. I'm giving him a ride to the auto shop so he can pick up his car and take him and Robin to work. 

“Alright guys! Let's get going, I have 4 and a Half hours to study after dropping you off before I have to head to Munsons and tutor him” I said, unlocking the car and getting in. 

They get in as well, “Where’s this place again?” I asked Steve. 

“Up the road and then take a left, then when we hit the light, turn left again, there should be a parking lot, thats where it's at.” He said. I nodded and started driving. 

Steve leaned over and pushed in the CD that was already in my radio, Separate Ways by Journey starts playing. 

He shakes his head, lowering the volume, “I can’t believe you like this crap.” He said. 

I look at him offended, “Journey is NOT crap!” I said. 

He just laughs and sjakes his head. 

A couple minutes later I pulled into the parking lot, pulled to the side and put the car in park. 

They get out. Shutting his door, Steve leans down, “I'll call you later ok?” He asks. I nod, saying bye to him and Robin. 

Heading home, I walked into the house, put my keys on the table and then, walked upstairs and into my room, dropping my bag on the floor and falling face first on my bed, groaning. Looking at the clock I see it's only 3:30. 

Deciding since I'm gonna have to study Munson later, I'll take a small nap instead of studying. I can do that tomorrow. 

Setting an alarm for 5:00pm, I get under the covers and relax my body, feeling my muscles ache for some odd reason. 


Hearing my alarm go off, I groan and turn over, turning it off. I layed in bed for a good 10 minutes before I decided to get up and take a quick shower before eating some dinner. 

Walking to the bathroom, I turn on the water and step in, quickly washing my hair and body. 

Stepping out and into a towel, I go to my room and change into a matching dark gray lace set. Then I throw on some gray sweatpants and a plain white shirt. Looking at the clock I see it's only 5:30, so I make some dinner and then head up to my room to study for a bit. 


Getting lost in my History book, I look over at the clock and see it's almost 7. Setting it down, I open my backpack to make sure everything to help Eddie is in there and then head downstairs, grabbing my keys off the table. I walk out, yelling to my mom that i’m going to pick up Dustin and that I’ll be back later. 

Getting in the car, I throw my bag in the back seat and head over to the school. Pulling into the parking lot 10 minutes later, just in time to see Dustin walk out with Mike and Lucas. 

“Hey Y/n, can we give a ride to Lucas and Mike too? I know it’s last minute but Nancy was their ride and she had to do something.” Dustin asks. I nodded, “Sure D. Get in dorks, I gotta be at Eddies in 15 minutes.” I said as they all piled in the back seats, Dustin in the front. 

Pulling out the Parking lot, I dropped Lucas off first since he was the closest and then Mike a couple minutes later. 

Finally pulling up to the house, I put the car in park and turned to Dustin, “Tell mom I’ll be home around 9 or 9:30.” I said, he nodded and gave me a thumbs up. 

He gets out of the car and waves bye, rushing up the steps of the house. Once I made sure he was inside, I pulled out and made my way to the trailer park. 


10 minutes later, I’m standing in front of his door just about to knock when it opens. His uncle stops for a sec before walking around me and down the steps, “Hey Y/n, he’s in his room. Goodluck!” He jokes, I laugh and walk in, towards what I think is his room. Well hearing Metallica playing on the other side of the door, I can only assume. 

I knock, waiting a sec. Hearing a slight ‘Come in’ over the music, I open the door and walk in. 

He’s sitting on the bed in sweatpants and his Hellfire shirt getting his English book out of his backpack along with his notebook and a pen. 

“Hey” I said, sitting next to him and pulling out my own notebook. 

“Hey” He mumbles, eyebrows furrowing, trying to figure something out. 

I smile a little, thinking how he looks kinda cute when he does that. Handing him my notebook with notes, I tell him to copy them and when he’s done I'll explain them to him. 

While he does that I walk around his room, admiring the posters on his wall and his beautiful guitar. 

Moving my arm to lightly graze over the strings, I hiss, rubbing my shoulders to ease them. 

“What’s wrong?” Eddie asks, putting the notebook down and walks over to me. 

“Oh nothing, my shoulders just ache and little. Must be from my backpack” I said shrugging it off. 

“Hmmm, I could massage them for you?” He says, “Not if that’s weird or something but when I was little my mom used to do this thing with her thumbs to help me fall asleep.” He quickly added. 

I thought about it for a moment before nodding. Walking back over to the bed and sitting down. 

He crawls up behind, slowly moving my hair to the side and putting his hands on my shoulder. 

Right when he starts messaging my shoulders, I feel a sense of relief and let out a small groan. 

He pauses for a second before continuing, digging his thumbs in but not too hard. My eyes roll into the back of my head, not realizing I let a little moan slip out. He tenses, and slowly comes to a stop. When I open my eyes back up, I realize he hasn’t moved from his spot behind me. When I go to turn around, he quickly grabs my shoulders, stopping me. 

“Wait, I- hold on” He says, his voice sounding strained. 

“Are you okay Eddie?” I ask, feeling concerned and turned around anyways only to see his eyes closed and a pillow over his lap. 

Taking a moment to look at him, I realize why he looks like this. Slowly and carefully, I grab and remove the pillow from his lap. He opens his eyes and looks at me with wide eyes. 

“Y-Y/n, wait, I can explain,” He started but I cut him off my leaning towards him, lightly bruising my lips against his, nervous if I'm going too far. But when he leans in the rest of the way, smashing his mouth on to mine, I know I didn’t. 

Crawling into his lap, still kissing him, I move my hands down and start to palm over him, he groans against my lips, moving his own down my neck, sucking on my collarbone. 

Tugging his pants down a little, just enough for his dick to pop out, I start to pump him up and down slowly, using the pre cum that leaked out to help. 

He jerks in my hand, moaning against my neck as I slowly start to move my hand faster. I lean down a little, pressing little kisses to his neck. 

“F-Fuckkk” He moans, spilling his seed all over my hands and shirt. 

I keep pumping him slowly until he’s done, he leans against me for a few seconds to catch his breath.

“God, that was so good.” He whispers, lifting his head to look at me. I smile and lean towards him a little. 

He leans in and rests his forehead against mine. His hands move down from my hip to the top of my sweats. 

He looks into my eyes as his hand slides into my pants and rubs me over my panties. I moan, jerking in his hand. 

“So wet for me Y/n.” He says, circling my clit. 

“O-ohhh” I can’t even get any words out. 

He moves my panties to the side to rub his thumb up and down my slit. 

Feeling it graze over my hole, I whimper, clenching around nothing. 

He smirks, noticing. Leaning back, he turns me around and pulls my back against his chest. 

Putting his hand into my pants again, he uses his other hand under my shirt and pulls down my bra cup, rolling my nipple between his fingers. 

I lay my head back, resting it on his shoulder.

His hand in my pants grazes over my hole again, slowly pushing a finger inside. 

I groaned, turning my head to face his neck, lightly biting it. 

Adding another finger into the mix, he moved the hand from under my shirt to circle my clit. 

Trembling under him, I feel my orgasm start to build up. 

“Eddie! Oh my god! I'm gonna cum!”I said loudly. 

“You’re gonna cum? Ohhh such a good girl. Cum for me Y/n.” He encouraged me. 

One more thrust of his fingers and I'm coming undone all over his hands. 

Jerking my hips up and down form overstimulation, he slowly takes his fingers out, bringing them to his lips and sucking them clean. 

 I couldn't help but watch in amazement. He hums in approval. 

“So good babe.” He says, looking down at me. 

Feeling my face flush, I go to sit up, only for him to pull me back. 

“Now hold on a second. How about, you call Dustin and tell him you’re staying with Robin tonight, I’m not done with you yet.” He says, a smirk on his face. 

I can only nod, standing up of trembling legs and going to his phone. 

He looks down at the abandoned English book and notebooks, chuckling. 

I look at him and then the books and laugh, “That was one hell of a study sesh!” He exclaims. 


Please don't be afraid to send more request! Any ideas on who to write about will be awesome! Im aiming to write about Bucky Barned next, what do you think?! <3