Edmund Pevensie X Reader - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

The Magic Inside of Us Series Masterlist

Edmund Pevensie x Reader; Harry Potter/Narnia cross over.  masterlist | read on ao3


The room of requirement is known to help those in need. 


Tags :
5 years ago

titles [e.p]

word count: 2.4k

pairing: edmund pevensie x fem!reader

warnings: its kinda long

a/n: this was over 2.4k words and i hadn’t even got the whole request in, if you want a part 2 (it will be the angsty part) please let me know!

request: Edmund who has a crush or best friend that really likes him, but they keep lying about who they are in order to try and get his attention/affection? and then Edmund finds out about it? figured a little angst would be appropriate for our angsty boy 😂


as king, edmund had his fair share of responsibilities. sometimes that included visiting other lands in an effort to form a treaty or a trade with those lands to help benefit narnia. usually, susan was the one to travel and negotiate with the other lands; she was much better at bartering than the rest of the pevensies. 

today she was meant to visit archenland, one of the closest allies, to re-negotiate a treaty the country seemed unfair. she was ill, however, and because her trip was already planned, edmund was forced to go in her place.

he didn’t really mind the travelling; being cooped up in the castle for months at a time wasn’t healthy by any means, and he did enjoy the sight seeing he got to witness on trips like these. besides, archenland wasn’t too far of a travel, and he was sure getting out and visiting the land would be good for him. 

the travels passed much quicker than he anticipated, and soon enough, he arrived at the castle.

you were in your room, preparing for the arrival of queen susan of narnia. you had met her before, and the two of you had become quite close friends. you were excited to see her again, and put on your most casual gown. 

you were assigned to collect susan and bring her to her room, and help her adjust into your kingdom. though you were a princess, you told your father that you would much prefer to be the one to help and to spend time with an old friend. he hesitantly agreed, knowing you had never been one for traditional ‘princess’ stereotypes.

you glanced in the mirror, satisfied with your appearance. you skipped through the halls, eager to meet her at the entryway. “your majesty!” you heard behind you, and you turned, smiling as you saw your lady-in-waiting, hannah, running towards you. 

“hannah, what have i told you about titles?” you scolded, shaking your head. she apologized, taking a second to catch her breath. 

“we’ve just received word from queen susan. she will not be attending the meetings due to her being ill. instead, her younger brother, king edmund will be visiting.” she explained, and your smile dropped. 

you hadn’t met edmund yet, nor any of the rest of susan’s siblings. from what she’d told you though, edmund was going to be the hardest one to impress. he took his responsibilities a little too seriously (according to susan’s exact words) and lacked having fun. 

you smiled, an idea forming in your head. you were going to give him the most fun experience in archenland you could possibly give him. “thank you hannah, you’re free to go.” you dismissed her, and she gave a small curtsy before scurrying off. 

you made your way through the large doors, being just in time for the arrival of the carriage the young king rode in. you took a deep breath, smiling warmly and walking over, waiting patiently for the carriage to stop and for him to exit. 

after a moment, the door was opened by the driver, and you watched as the younger king stepped out, his eyes scanning the beautiful land that was your home, your jaw almost dropped. 

there he stood, raven hair messily styled on his head and beautiful brown eyes that held curiosity and an air of fascination. freckles littered the bridge of his nose and cheeks, and you were sure you had never seen someone so.. beautiful. why hadn’t susan cared to mention her brother was so attractive??

you finally snapped out of your stupor as the king’s eyes finally landed on you, you throwing on a bright smile and walking over, curtsying as you arrived in front of him. “my liege. it is my greatest honour to have you visiting our kingdom.” you spoke politely, your head still bowed and hidden from sight. 

“rise.” he ordered, though his tone was soft and welcoming. you did as told, the smile never once faltering. 

“my name is y/n, should you need anything during your stay here, please report to me.” he nodded, reaching into the cart and handing you his bags. you blinked, but didn’t comment and took them anyways. you were sure he meant no harm by the action and figured it was better not to say anything.

you took edmund to his chambers, giving him a brief tour as you made your way through the castle. it was nothing compared to that of narnia’s (or so you assumed, based off of susan’s descriptions), though he still seemed thoroughly impressed by the architecture. you smirked proudly in front of him, your face out of view from his line of sight. 

you arrived at the room he’d be staying, asking permission to enter with him; the way you’d always been taught. he allowed you to put down his bags, and you curtsied to him one final time. “i must go check on the kitchens in preparation for dinner, is there anything else i can help you with my liege?” you asked, and he only shook his head, unspeaking. 

he had barely spoken a word to you since you had arrived, and you were starting to lose your endlessly happy spirit. suddenly you were very aware as to why susan spoke so lowly of her brother. you tried your best to mask your sadness and dismissed yourself politely, promising to fetch him when it came time for dinner. 

you frowned the whole way to the kitchen, every passer-by looking at you in mild concern. it was rare for their princess to be caught without a smile, though no one dared approach her in fear of further upsetting her.

you arrived at your destination, checking on the catering and got a time for dinner, thanking your staff. you then carried on with your day, your mood slowly returning as you did your daily rounds of the castle. you were not going to let a stubborn teenage king ruin your spirits. no matter how cute he was.

you didn’t see the king for a few hours since you’d left him, and when the time finally came to collect him for dinner, you forced a polite smile, knocking gently. “king edmund?” you called, and he opened the door, and your heart fluttered. his hair was somehow messier, and he was rubbing his eyes tiredly. you blushed deeply as you realized he must have been sleeping. “i-i am so sorry, my liege. i didn’t mean to disturb you.” you faltered, guilt flooding you. 

for once since you’d met, edmund smiled kindly at you. “it’s quite alright.” you gulped, still feeling horrible for waking him and keeping your gaze on the floor. 

“hey, y/n is it? i mean it. you needn’t feel bad. i am quite hungry though, shall we head to the dining room?” he joked, and you felt your blush deepen, but it wasn’t from embarrassment. 

“uh, yes. of course, right this way.” you began walking to the dining hall, edmund hot on your heels. the walk was silent, though it was mostly you scolding yourself. not necessarily for waking him up- his earlier treatment should’ve evened it out. you were upset of yourself for feeling so drawn to him. 

sure, you wouldn’t deny his obvious attraction; though there was something unexplainable that had you wanting to know everything about him. maybe it was his easy change in attitude from earlier to now, maybe it was because of the stories susan had told you and your own need to find out more. maybe it was because you’d known him for so little time, and he seemed to be able to read you well (not that you were great at hiding it), and you knew nothing about him. 

walking the final steps to the hall, you hesitated before turning to edmund. “fair warning, my liege. this is going to be the most boring dinner of your life.” he looked at you confused, but before he could question you, you gently pushed open the doors to the dining hall, announcing your arrival to the rest of your family and guests. 

in your kingdom, when one was here for royal business, your parents and the lords of archenland ate with the guest, while the ladies and yourself ate in a separate dining room. there was no real reason- other than the fact you all got quite bored with the business chatter and you found no reason to be there. 

you stood tall, straightening your back as you felt all eyes turn to you, and you smiled formally. “by honor, i give you king edmund the just, of narnia.” you curtsied once again, everyone standing and bowing/curtseying respectfully. 

edmund simply waved them off, and you walked him to his seat, pulling it out and gesturing for him to sit. he seemed taken aback, but gratefully smiled at you as he sat down.

a sudden confidence overcame you and as you went to push in his chair, you bent close to his ear and only for him to hear you whispered a small “good luck” and his eyes widened at your words; though he covered it well, so it was an action for only for you to see. you gave a discreet wink, seeing a small redness rise to his cheeks before you dismissed yourself, closing the grand doors behind you. 

you ate dinner much less formally, chatting with hannah and your fellow ladies; these types of dinners were the few the lot of you got to chat without the worry of titles and it was your favourite thing. 

sooner than you’d liked, dinner was over and you dismissed everyone, making your way back to the dining room the great king of narnia was currently suffering in. you sit on a bench outside of the dining room, until finally the doors were opened and the king was excused.

your parents and the lords exited first, quickly dispersing in each direction. your parents bid you a quick goodnight before slipping off themselves. edmund left the dining room last, glancing around until his eyes finally found yours, and you watched as a relieved look overcame his expression. 

he gently offered you a hand, surprising you; but you took it gratefully. he smiled, pulling you to your feet, and tugging you against him so his ear was against your ear, your face immediately heating up at the contact. “you know, you weren’t kidding. that was the most political dinner i’ve ever experienced.” he muttered, and a small silence followed until you burst out giggling, him following suit. you playfully pushed him away, rolling your eyes; this only sparked more laughter from the just king. 

you began walking away, knowing he’d follow you. “come on, don’t be like that.” he prodded, barely making out the words between giggles. you decided to drag it out, turning around exaggeratedly with a pouty expression. 

“i haven’t the slightest clue what you’re talking about.” you pursed, smirking before swiftly turning, continuing on towards his chambers. he shook his head, his laughter finally dying down and a small, amused smile rested on his lips. an idea popped into his head, and though he knew it was unkingly, at the moment, he was having too much fun to care. 

he began running down the hallway, taking you surprise when he sped past you. “race you!” he called, and you gasped offendedly, taking off after him. 

“this is unfair! i’m wearing heels!” you complained, though you continued to run through the corridor after him. he slowed to a stop as you finally arrived at his chambers, you not noticing and running right into him. 

“woah!” he stumbled, his hands grabbing hold of your waist firmly and your hands reaching out to his chest, steadying you. 

you both looked into each other’s eyes, time seeming to slow for a split second. you enjoyed the small shared moment before your position registered to both of you, blushes rising on both your cheeks before you broke apart; him letting go of your waist with an awkward cough and you taking back your arms and crossing them over your chest, rubbing one to try to distract yourself from embarrassment. “sorry.” you both stated genuinely, looking at each other. 

you couldn’t help yourself, and began giggling. his expression changed to one of confusion, clearly not really understanding the humour, but secretly appreciating the sound of your laugh. “sorry, sorry.” you tried catching your breath, “it’s just, it is your fault. i told you i was wearing heels; they aren’t exactly great for running, let alone slowing down or stopping” you managed, and at this, he cracked a smile and let out a chuckle. 

“my apologies, love.” he bowed dramatically, grabbing your hand and pressing a kiss to it formally, watching with a proud smirk as your face lit up bright red. “do forgive me?” he continued teasing, and you decided that you’d return the favor.

 “i suppose i could do that, my king.” your tone became slightly seductive, taking edmund off guard and you quickly reached up, your lips brushing his cheek oh-so-gently. you watched as colour flooded his cheeks quickly, and you felt pride swell in you. 

“well, i suppose it is getting quite late. i shall see you tomorrow, my liege.” you sent one last final wink, and still, a respectful bow, before sauntering off, edmund’s eyes never leaving your retreating figure. 

you arrived at your door, sending a small look his way, seeing him watching you. you smiled, genuinely, before disappearing. 

edmund finally shook his head, opening the door to his chamber and entered, his mind reeling as he undressed and changed into his nightwear. who was this woman, really, and why did she have such an effect on him? 

they hadn’t even known eachother a day. a mere hour or two at most they’d spent together, and he felt something with her he hadn’t felt in a long time. he felt happy; almost like a kid again. he hadn’t felt that since they were in finchley, before the war. he shook his head; he didn’t even know you. though he surely intended to. 

you weren’t much better. you couldn’t get the image of the just king out of your head. you hated formalities, and he seemed to forget all about them. you didn’t notice him address you as a royal all day, and it felt amazing. 

you thought maybe, just maybe, you would find a friend in edmund, like you did susan. you longed to spend time with someone who understood you well; hannah was your lady-in-waiting and a friend, sure, but she was forced to address you as her princess. 

you wanted someone who didn’t care for titles, and just maybe, edmund would be that person.

Tags :
5 years ago

fate [e.p]

word count: 3.5k

pairing: edmund pevensie x fem!reader

warnings: like one curse word, cheeky edmund

a/n: this is so long so i made a cut to save ur timelines

request:  How about an Edmund pevensie x reader where she and Edmund are dating and when the pevensies return to Narnia so does she, but Edmund and the reader are in different areas so they don't know that they both went. Then because reader is a daughter of Eve, a neighboring kingdom accepts her as their princess, as the king sees her as a daughter. Then one day they have to marry to unite the kingdoms, but Edmund doesn't know it's the reader, and the reader doesn't know it's Edmund? Thx! (requested by @technolilly)


you awoke with a start, a sudden sinking feeling washing over you as you didn’t hear the blaring of your alarm. you slowly turned over, seeing you had slept in an extra 30 minutes. “shit!” you cursed, jumping out of bed and swinging your legs over the side of the bed, running over to your closet and pulling out your uniform. 

you were most definitely going to miss your usual train, so you wouldn't be able to take the train with your boyfriend and his siblings as you typically did. with a huff, you quickly brushed through your hair and threw on your clothes, grabbing your bag and rushing out the door. 

you were running down the street, muttering “excuse me” or “pardon me” to whoever stood in your way, pushing through the crowd. you knew a shortcut through an alley to the nearest station, so you quietly slipped into it, changing your route. 

you began slowing your run to a walk when you heard a small noise; almost a buzzing. you glanced around the usually dead-silent alleyway, seeing nothing but hearing the buzzing increase in volume. it began to get unbearable, and a tightening feeling wrapped itself around you. you wanted to move, desperately, but it was as if some force was holding you in your spot. 

all of a sudden, the buildings around you began to crumble. you watched in fear, mouth agape, as your surroundings morphed into something entirely different. you now stood in a great forest, and you did what anyone in your situation logically would’ve done, you screamed. 

you heard a few birds distantly fly away, and you slid down the nearest tree, your back resting against it. you leaned your head between his knees, and began to cry. where were you? would you ever see the people you loved again? your friends? family? edmund? 

the thought of edmund worrying about you not arriving at the station filled your mind. he hadn’t even known you were going to be late, he was probably searching for you as you spoke. meanwhile, you weren’t even sure where you were, somehow in a foreign forest when only minutes ago, you were in an alleyway in london. 

you were brought out of your thoughts when you heard the sound of hooves against the ground. you shot up, grabbing the nearest object- which happened to be a stick- and held it protectively in front of you. 

out of seemingly nowhere a horse appeared, a man clad in metal armor sitting atop it gracefully. “who are you? what is your business here?” he demanded, and you only stood and stared, fear in your eyes.

“speak!” he commanded, and you flinched. 

“y-y/n l/n, sir.” you managed, and he looked at you absolutely dumbfounded. 

“are you saying you’re a daughter of eve?” he asked, his tone now one of wonder and curiosity. 

“a what?” you asked, furrowing your brows. 

“a human.” he clarified, and you tilted your head, confused. 

“are you not human?” you asked, taking a small step back. the man in armor slid off his horse, and you took yet another defensive step back, stick raised high. 

“my lady, forgive me.” he spoke, bowing to you. you frowned at him, and he sighed. 

“you have no idea what is happening, i assume?” he spoke, and you shook your head. “we’d better get you out of these woods.. you’re lucky you landed here, and not somewhere else.” he muttered, the end mostly to himself. 

you weren’t sure what prompted you to allow him to take you elsewhere, maybe it was that your fear of the forest was greater than your fear of the stranger. he seemed to know a lot about you, and something was telling you to trust this man.

so you did, he helped you onto his horse and you held tightly onto his torso, watching the many trees fly by until you came across a clearing, and the sight took your breath away. 

“wow.” you whispered, and the man in front of you chuckled. 

“beautiful, isn’t it?” he asked, and you made a hum of agreement, not able to tear your eyes from the beautiful mountains in the distance and the bright blue sky above you. the war in london was still going strong, and you never got to see the sun anymore. 

no matter where you were, you definitely appreciated the change in scenery. you only wished edmund was with you to experience this.

you arrived at a castle, unlike anything you’d ever seen. you were immediately escorted by a maid to a beautiful bedroom, with a giant four-poster bed and a magnificent balcony. you were in awe, and the maid assisted you into a proper gown. 

you looked at yourself in the grand mirror as the woman fixed your hair, brushing out the few twigs and doing a simple half-up half-down hairdo. you smiled and thanked her, and she curtsied to you. you returned the curtsy, and upon seeing her look of pure surprise, you told her you were unsure of her customs and apologized again. 

she seemed nice however, and briefly explained you only curtsied to the titled. (you found this kind of strange, but you keep that to yourself).

you were brought to a grand room, it almost looked like a courtroom with a panel of important looking men sitting behind it. there was one man and one woman who wore crowns, and you had quickly put together that they must be the king and queen of where it was you were. 

you curtsied, and they both smiled at you, telling you to rise. you made a mental note to thank the maid later, as their moods seem to lighten a bit at your actions. you straighten your back a bit as you saw the other men at the panel eye you with judgement and some with curiosity. 

you were scared to speak, but luckily before you had to, the man in armor who had brought you here entered the room, bowing to the panel. “rise” the king called, and he did so.

“i do hope there is reason for you calling a council, marcus.” the king said, and you figured marcus must be the name of the man who found you. 

“yes, sire. i do believe so.” he looked at you with a reassuring and hopeful smile, and the attention was brought back to you. 

“this is y/n, she is a daughter of eve.” gasps filled the room, and you suddenly wanted to shrink as every eye in the room, even those of the guards, turned to you. 

“a daughter of eve?” the queen spoke, her voice soft, but excited. 

“yes, your majesty. i found her in the woods, alone and confused.” whispers launched around the panel, only to be silenced when the king held up a hand, effectively quieting the room. 

he stood, the queen following and the two making their way to face you. they stopped in front of you, glancing you up and down before the king bowed, and the queen curtsied to you. you were ultimately confused at this point. 

“i thought you were only meant to bow to those with titles?” you questioned quietly, mostly speaking to yourself. the king chuckled wholeheartedly, and suddenly a feeling of welcoming washed over you. 

“you are of a title, child. you are a daughter of eve, which means you are to be our new princess.” at this, you blinked. 

“a princess?” you questioned, eyes blown wide. he laughed again, taking his wife’s hand in his own. 

“walk with us, child. we shall explain everything.” and so you followed, too curious to think twice about it.

“i’m sure you’ve figured out that my wife and i, we are the king and queen of this land. archenland, to be specific.” he began, you nodded along to let him know you were listening. “my wife and i have tried for years to bear a child, though it was simply not possible for us.” he stated, and you smiled apologetically. 

“i’m so sorry.” the queen smiled softly, shaking her head. 

“it is quite alright child, we have come to accept our fate. however, as you’re here now, we do need an heir to our throne. we wish for you to be that heir.” she finished, and before you could question, the king continued for her. 

“you see, the daughters of eve and sons of adam, or humans from your world, are known royalty. it is your destiny to rule.” you saw the pleading looks in their eyes, and though they wouldn’t admit it, you could see the dire wish to have a daughter both their irises. 

you didn’t know how you got here, or how you’d get home, but right now, all you were thinking about was what he said. “it is your destiny to rule.” something in you seemed to unlock at those words, and suddenly, you’d agreed. 

[ three months later ]

much time had passed since you’d last seen the place you once called home. you missed your old life dearly, though nothing could compare to what it has become now. you felt more loved with the king and queen of archenland than you had ever felt with your real family, save for maybe edmund. 

god, how you missed him. 

if he were here, you were sure he’d make a great prince, or even a king. your (new) father had reminded you much of edmund, their personalities were quite similar and it served as a constant reminder that he wasn’t with you. he probably thought you were dead by now. the thought caused a shiver to run down your spine.

being a princess was much harder than you’d originally anticipated. you were forced to travel with knights and nobles to various lands, to negotiate trades and several issues throughout other kingdoms. 

you didn’t particularly mind travelling; each land was so different and each held unique landscapes, ones you could’ve only imagined in your wildest dreams back in london. there was one land you’d never had the honour of visiting that you longed to see. narnia. 

everywhere you seem to go, you could hear chatter about the beauty of narnia and their unmatched architecture, with their new defeat of the telmarines and coronation of king caspian, their land was simply incomparable to any other. 

when your father had first mentioned you were to visit narnia, you were ecstatic. you’d spent days preparing yourself for the journey, even having several new dresses made for the occasion, by request of your father. you could not contain your excitement for the trip.

you eagerly made your way down the stairs the morning of your visit, skipping your way to the dining room to eat one last meal with your family before you were to leave. you opened your mouth to greet the royals, but instantly frowned when you saw your father and mother at the table, looking ashamed. 

“is everything alright?” you asked instead, nerves rising in your stomach. 

“y/n, there is something we must tell you before you leave.” your mother, the queen, stated. you slowly approached, sitting in your regular seat with your back perfectly straight. your father swallowed, turning to you. 

“this trip you are taking to narnia is not for negotiations.” you must’ve looked confused, because he sighed before continuing.

“y/n, you are not going to negotiate anything because everything has been sorted. you are to marry the youngest king of narnia. you are going permanently.” you paled, a sudden panic setting in. 

“please tell me i’ve misheard you.” you whispered, your voice shaky. 

“i wish it could be different, dear, but our kingdoms are close to war. if you marry, we can prevent this.” the queen said, not looking at you directly. the thought of marrying someone other than edmund struck your heart, and a single tear slipped out of your eye, you wiping it quickly. 

“don’t cry, please. you know we wouldn’t make you do this unless it was crucial.” you shake your head, refusing to let anymore tears fall. 

“i’ve got to go. the carriage is waiting.” without waiting for a response, you stormed out.

the ride was long, though you didn’t mind it much. you sat in the carriage alone, enjoying your quiet. it allowed you time to think. you were getting married to a complete stranger. you were going to meet your husband, and it wasn’t edmund.

the thought of marriage scared you as is, let alone to someone when your heart belonged to another. you imagined the look on edmund’s face if you ever saw him again, only to see a ring on your finger and his heartbroken expression. you eventually fell asleep, only waking when you arrived.

the door was opened gently, and a hand was held out for you to use, and you gratefully took it. you were immediately welcomed by several ladies, who quickly brought you to your seperate chambers to freshen up. you looked like you’d been crying, unsurprisingly. 

each lady assigned themselves a task, you had one styling your hair, one picking out a gown, one gently splashing water on your face to reduce the crying residue and one picking out jewelry and accessories. 

before you fully had time to mentally prepare yourself, you were standing in front of the mirror, admiring your appearance. you smiled slightly, despite the circumstances you would admit, you looked beautiful. you only wished edmund could see you like this.

shaking the thought off, you were carefully lead through the corridors until you reach a set of grand doors. “it is a tradition for the bride to wear a veil before you meet your king.” one of the maids told you nervously, but you smiled kindly and nodded, allowing her to place the piece of fabric over your face. 

you could only make out the ground in front of you, but there was no way you’d be able to see anyone in front of you. you heard the doors open, and the maid helping you gently tugged you forward. 

edmund sat boredly on his throne, waiting impatiently as his bride-to-be was getting ready. he didn’t want this. he never asked for a marriage, but he and the narnians couldn’t risk another war right now, they were still recovering from their battles against the telmarines. 

edmund grumbled under his breath, why did it have to be him? why not high king peter, or king caspian? “she’s too young for us.” they’d said. 

he didn’t care about that. he loved another, and he would do anything for her to be there, ruling alongside him in narnia. he’d always dreamed of you coming to his kingdom; maybe if you’d actually arrived at the train station that day, you’d be sitting next to him ruling. 

he was snapped out of his thoughts when the doors swung open, and the girl he was to marry entered. a pained gasp left his lips. though he couldn’t see her face, she was so familiar to him. everything about her, from her posture to the way she was fidgeting nervously with her fingers; she was so much like you. 

as if this wasn’t going to be painful enough, it had to be someone just like you. of course it did. 

edmund swallowed hard, recomposing himself before making his way down to you. he gently took your hand in his own, kissing your knuckles. “my lady. it is an honour.” he spoke monotonously, as though reading off a script. he could already sense the look of disappointment radiating from peter.

you almost gasped out loud when you heard his voice. it couldn’t be him, you were sure your mind was playing tricks on you. he had to be him though, you’d spent way too many nights listening to him reading to you, or too many mornings chatting over cheap coffee not to recognize him. 

your heart sped up as you felt his lips on your skin, and a fire illuminated your body; one you hadn’t felt in far too long. you couldn’t wait any longer, and ripped the veil off your head, hearing gasps from the various lords and ladies in the room, though nothing else mattered when your eyes met his.

“ed.” you breathed out, suddenly launching forward into his arms, burying your face in his neck. he tensed, grabbing your shoulders and pushing you back to his arms length, his eyes dancing over you, as though he wasn’t entirely sure you were real. 

“y/n?” his voice broke, and you nodded, fresh tears springing to both your eyes before you both moved forward, embracing each other tightly. 

“what are you-” “how are you-” you both started, and began laughing happily. 

“ahem?” a voice boomed, and you and ed turned to see an irritated peter, whose expression changed to one of shock once edmund’s body no longer blocked your figure. 

“y/n?” he exclaimed, dropping all sense of formalities and running to engulf you in a hug, susan and lucy following promptly after. 

you exchanged greetings with them all, and realized all other people in the room had now vanished; not that you cared anyways. you had so much to catch up on. “y/n, how did you get here?” lucy asked, excitedly. 

“well, lu, that’s a funny story, really. i’d love to ask how you ended up here as well.” you winked, and a sudden realization washed over you. “wait, you’re the great kings and queens of narnia?” your jaw dropped, and they all blushed a little bit, peter awkwardly rubbing his neck. 

“and you’re the princess of archenland?” susan quipped, you all giggling at the turn of events. 

“let’s discuss this over dinner, shall we?” peter offered, and you all agreed. 

for the rest of the evening, you told them about how you’d slept in late and found yourself in the woods, and your adventures in archenland. they’d told you about the wardrobe, aslan, and the war against the telmarines. they informed you of the other king, caspian, who was out for business in calormen. 

you finally all finished, and edmund asked you to join him on a walk after dinner, which you gladly agreed to. you walked hand in hand into a beautiful garden, sitting on a bench and watching the narnian sky. 

“so. king edmund the just, huh?” you teased, breaking the calming silence. he chuckled, “it’s cute. i think i should start calling you that from now on.” you continued, eyes never leaving the blanket of stars above. 

“i’d like that.” he said shortly, making you smile. “it sounds hot coming from you.” this earned him a prompt slap to the arm, and you both broke out into a fit of giggles. you leaned your head on his shoulder, and he wrapped his arm around your waist. 

you two sat in silence, simply enjoying the missed company you longed for during those three long months apart. 

“i can’t believe we’re both here.” you whispered, and he didn’t respond, only pulling you closer to him. you shifted to face him, and he did the same. he quickly leaned forward, catching you in a much-needed kiss. 

you missed this most; times where the two of you were alone, nothing but you and the love you held for one another.

he pulled away much sooner than you would’ve liked, but before you could protest, he stood up abruptly. “ed?” you asked, frowning at his strange behaviour. 

he sighed, turning to face you and taking one of your hands into his, before slowly kneeling in front of you. he looked you dead in the eye as his other hand pulled out a beautiful ring, and you gasped when you saw it. “edmund..” you were speechless, and he chuckled. 

“y/n l/n, though this is not quite how i imagined us getting engaged, fate brought us to this point in time. i’ve always known you were the one for me, ever since you spilled your coffee on me in the train station.” this had you giggling, fresh tears running down your cheeks and you making no attempt to stop them.

“this situation only proved to me that it doesn’t matter what world we end up in, we will always find each other. through thick and thin, i want you by my side. i know we don’t have much choice in this marriage, but i genuinely want to do this with you. i love you so much, y/n. so tell me, will you marry me? willingly?” he sounded confident in his words, but you knew edmund better than that. he was terrified of your answer. 

“yes.” you squeaked, barely able to manage that much. edmund smiled bigger than you’d seen in far too long, slipping the ring on your finger gently and pulling you to your feet, capturing you in another passionate kiss. 

this was the man you were going to spend the rest of your life in, in london or in narnia. you didn’t care, nor did he. you trusted fate would take you where you belong, and as long as he was by your side, you were happy with anything.

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5 years ago

lonely [e.p]

word count: 1.8k

pairing: edmund pevensie x fem!reader

warnings: a lot of angst, sappy edmund.

a/n: shitty ending - sorry.

request: Hi, I’m wondering if it’s ok if I can request an Edmund x reader? Perhaps reader had entered Narnia and has been there for a while, but they began to feel lost and begins to think they have no purpose in Narnia. Edmund catches them sitting somewhere alone, just reminiscing their past before entering the magical world while humming a lullaby from Home then he starts talking with them. You can write whatever you feel comfortable doing. Srry if I was too picky. Thanks & peace and love💖☮️ (requested by anon)


you sat in the gardens of the castle, on a bench placed next to the intricate fountain that complimented the assortment of greenery that surrounded you. you were deep in thought, a frown etched on your face, not a single trace of happiness found in your expression. you were tired of being a waste of space.

back in england, you were a nobody. you were a number amongst the crowd of children. no friends at school, no siblings. sure, there was the occasional person who took pity on you and chatted for awhile, but they never stuck. 

your parents were never around - your father was fighting in the war, and your mother missed him so much, she was either always out with friends to distract herself, or drinking away her sorrows. you were alone, in every sense of the word.

until one day, you had hope that would change.

you’d been walking home from school one day, when you decided you were feeling adventurous and took the long way home. you were walking through a park, which at this time, was nearly empty, save for the old couple strolling around casually. you were crossing the small bridge when you heard splashing in the water, and you looked over the edge of the bridge, only to see the water shoot up and engulf you completely.

you suddenly felt your weight being lifted, and your eyes shot open, only to see you fully submerged in a body of water. you swam to the surface, confusion washing over you when you saw that you were no longer at the park, but on a beach. one you had never seen before. 

confusedly, you swam to the shore, only to be met with an even more beautiful view. atop the hills, an extravagant castle sat perched above the waters, and your awe was quick to turn to confusion. where the hell were you?

the sound of rushed hooves against the sand snapped you out of your thoughts, and you cowered upon seeing the target destination was none other than yourself. you froze as the horse slowed to a stop, turning so that the rider could get a good look at you. 

you took in a sharp breath as the boy looked you up and down, and frowned. he looked about your age, and boy, was he gorgeous. a mop of messy raven hair dripping small droplets of water every few seconds, beautiful brown eyes that seemed to sparkle in the sun and clothing that seemed perfectly tailored to his body type.

“you’re a human.” he stated, and you had never been more confused in your life. had you hit your head? you didn’t remember, but surely it was possible - you must’ve been dreaming. you saw the boy looked expectantly at you, and he quirked a brow at you. you swallowed thickly, a sudden sinking feeling swarming you.

“are you not?” you quipped, trying to sound confident and failing miserably. he sighed, muttering something under his breath. he looked around him, and upon seeing you two were the only ones on the beach, his eyes widened and realization seemed to wash over him.

“did you- did you come out of the ocean?” he asked, and you only nodded slowly in response. he sucked in a breath, before reaching a hand out to you. “come with me.” he all but demanded, and you were too scared to deny his authoritative tone. it wasn’t like you have anywhere else to go - and besides, it was only a dream. right?

wrong. turns out, you definitely weren’t dreaming. narnia was very real. shortly after you’d mounted the boy’s steed, he’d taken you to the beautiful castle - cair paravel, he’d called it - to meet his siblings. you found out he was a king, ruling alongside his sisters and his brother, the high king. they had told you the stories of their lives prior to narnia, and told you of their time here.

“aslan is the true king of narnia,” peter explained, a distant smile on his face, reminiscing the days spent with the great lion. “he controls who comes in and out of this world. he brought us here to help with the war against the white witch.” you listened intently, hanging onto his every word. 

“if aslan brought you here, he must have a reason. no one comes here without a purpose.” he smiled kindly at you, and for once, you were hopeful you’d found somewhere you belonged.

that was months ago, however, and you had not since met aslan, nor found any purpose for your stay in the beautiful land. you promised yourself you wouldn’t force your place in cair paravel, though it was getting harder and harder each passing day to ignore the pang of guilt in your chest. 

the pevensies were some of the kindest people you’d ever met, and were very patient with you. they considered you a friend; or so they’d told you. you didn’t know how honest that was, though you’d appreciated the sentiment.

truth was, friend or not, you did not belong in the castle. the pevensies were siblings, close as could be, and though they considered you just as much royal as themselves, you were not. they had duties, and were constantly chatting about them - you typically sitting in silence as they conversed happily. 

you may have been a ‘daughter of eve’ as they’d claimed - which in their eyes made you their equal - but to yourself, you were still just a waste of space. and that’s all you’d ever be.

you had had enough on this particular night, and decided to distance yourself. you skipped dinner, instead spending the night gazing lovingly at the beautiful narnian sky. you figured they wouldn’t miss you too much; they were only nice because they felt they had to be. 

why would anyone willingly be friends with you? it’s never happened before, so why should you believe this time was any different?

a defeated sigh escaped your lips, you leaning forward to bury your face in your hands. you peaked through your fingers, looking up at the sky. “aslan, if you’re out there..” you began to whisper, feeling very vulnerable. “could you just give me some sort of sign? some reason for being here..” your voice cracked, and a tear slipped down your cheek. you let the tears flow freely after that, no longer caring.

little did you know, one of the pevensie siblings had missed your presence at dinner, and had immediately set off to find you, a small basket of food for you held tightly in his grasp. he had never seen you skip a meal, and he was worried. 

he had searched the entire castle, he was sure, until he caught sight of the beautiful red gown susan had lent you blowing softly in the slight narnian breeze. a relieved smile took over his expression as he stepped outside, but he frowned as he heard your broken voice speaking freely into the wind. 

he hadn’t meant to intrude, or hear your words. but he had - and his heart panged at the thought of you feeling so alone.

when he’d heard you start to cry, he sucked in a deep breath, and made himself known. he very slowly approached you, careful not to startle you in this state. he lowered himself gently onto the bench next to you, waiting for you to acknowledge his presence when you felt comfortable.

you felt the weight of the bench shift, and you had a sinking feeling you knew exactly who it was. you didn’t even bother trying to stop your crying at this point, he already saw you like this. 

“you don’t have to stay you know.” you sniffled, shifting so you were turned away from him. you felt his intense gaze on you, and you sighed, wiping stray tears. “i know you’re here because you pity me. not because you care.” you muttered, your breath beginning to even out.

edmund sat shocked by your statements, blinking rapidly in an effort to process them. “you think really think that we- that i don’t care?” he asked, his eyes and tone disbelieving. you flinched slightly at his shock, and cowered back into yourself. 

“y/n, look at me.” he said gently, and despite your better judgement, you listened and did as told. his eyes were gazing fiercely into your own, trying to convey his honesty through to you. “i have never lied to you about our friendship. i genuinely enjoy your company, as do my siblings. you belong here, y/n. i don’t care if you think so or not. sometimes aslan doesn’t always make things crystal clear - though he knows what he’s doing. he doesn’t make mistakes.” 

you smiled sadly, his words comforting you, though you still had doubts. it wasn’t edmund’s fault, you’d spent so many years alone it was your initial instinct.

“if anything,” edmund spoke again, though he seemed to hesitate. “i’m glad you were brought here.” he avoided your gaze at these words, though you were sure he could sense your questioning gaze. 

“you know, i don’t exactly fit in with my siblings. i’ve made mistakes, y/n. when i was younger, i did some really stupid things and put them in danger. they tell me they’ve forgiven me, but i still haven’t forgiven myself. they’ll always see me as a traitor. you being here, however, has made me feel less lonely than i have in years. so if anything, i have aslan to thank. i needed you, and i didn’t even know it until i had you.”

you were speechless. you had no idea he’d felt that way, and suddenly, your worries melted away. edmund cared about you, a lot. and you cared for him just as much. in the spur of emotions, you very quickly leaned forward, tugging his chin to face you and pressing your lips to his without warning. he hesitated, causing you to panic slightly, before you felt him returning the kiss and grasping your hips gently.

you pulled away, burying your head in his chest as you pulled him into a tight hug. you felt his arms slowly wrap around you, and felt him let out a shaky breath. “i need you too.” you whispered, and he gently rested his chin atop your head.

the two of you sat in a comfortable silence, enjoying the feeling of each other’s arms wrapped around the other. for once, the two of you felt complete. for a moment, you were no longer the invisible girl from london, and he was no longer the king with the dark past. you were simply two people, filling the gaping hole of loneliness in each other’s hearts.

and for once in your life, you felt like you had found your purpose.

Tags :
5 years ago

could you do promts 58, 36, 42, 81 and 27 for edmund pevensie? where edmund and the reader are at a ball or something and they step outside for a moment and edmund decides it's finally time to confess his feelings? please and thank you!! sorry if it's a bit too much

prompts: 58, 36, 42, 81, 27

58. “i’ve waited for this moment for a long time.”

36. “you’ve shown me what love feels like.”

41. “don’t be afraid.”

82. “just breathe, okay?”

27. “kiss me.”


there wasn’t much to complain about living life as a lady in narnia. you had your duties, and sure, sometimes they sucked, but at the end of the day, you were eternally grateful for the life you’ve been given.

there was one thing, however, that proved to be an issue for you. and that was the social aspect of it all.

you were never one for crowds, and you hated having to interact with so many strangers at once. you were very easily overwhelmed, and the hectic nature of social gatherings was not your scene. hence why you weren’t a fan of susan’s infamous balls she so dearly loved to hold.

even so, you were still expected to attend said balls due to your status and close friendship with the pevensies. you’d asked them several times if you could make up an excuse to miss, though they always brushed it off. in edmund’s words, “how will i ever make it through this insufferable night without you?”

so that’s how you found yourself alone in the ballroom, back pressed against the wall; as far as humanly possible from anyone near you without leaving the room. you froze when you were approached by a prince from archenland. you didn’t have the heart to deny his offer to dance, so you allowed him to guide you to the middle of the grand ballroom, slowly leading you in a dance.

you were actually faring quite well, until he spun you out gently, and your eyes caught sight of just how many people were around you. your body went rigid, panic flooding you instantly as you watched couples dance spin past you. you vaguely heard the prince asking you something, but you blocked it out. “i have to go.” you told him, leaving him no time to reply before you dashed out of the crowded area.

edmund watched the whole ordeal; one second he was glaring daggers at the boy who’d asked you to dance, and the next, he watched you freeze up and run out of the room without any warning. he quickly weaved through the crowd, keeping his head low as to avoid possible conversation. he stepped out of the room only to see you nowhere to be found; though he knew exactly where you were. he was your best friend after all.

you leaned your elbows against the railing of the balcony, your face resting in your hands as you desperately tried to grasp reality. your breaths were ragged, and you were quickly getting lightheaded. you felt a presence running up behind you, and you flinched; though you knew exactly who it was. you made no move towards him, simply standing vulnerable, scared to look up at him.

“y/n. look at me.” he stepped forward, so he was standing directly beside you. you closed your eyes, sighing deeply before standing up and facing him. the moment your eyes met, you felt yourself getting choked up, and you were very aware of how little oxygen you were intaking as tears began cascading down your cheeks. “hey, it’s okay. don’t be afraid. i’ve got you - focus on me. just breathe, okay?” he coached, and you nodded hesitantly, following his instructions. “breathe in, and out with me - just like that.” he praised, and you felt your muscles relax as you gratefully accepted the fresh air into your burning lungs.

once you had completely regulated your breathing, you stood in silence for a few moments. edmund waited patiently, making no sign of discomfort. you were sure at this point - you did not deserve edmund pevensie. without further warning, you launched forward, pulling him into a tight hug and letting out her emotions into his perfectly fitted formal attire. he held her tightly against his chest, and subconsciously, he began to run a hand gently up and down her back in an attempt to soothe her.

it was at that moment that edmund knew he wanted this to last; the feeling of you in his arms was a surreal feeling, and though he wished it was under better circumstances, he knew he had to tell you how he felt. it was now or never.

he waited until your tears had subsided completely, before gently pushing you to hold you at arm’s length. you frowned, confused, but tensed slightly as edmund stepped forward, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear. “ed-” you breathed, and he shook his head, cutting you off effectively.

“look, y/n..” he started, and you swore, you’d never seen edmund so nervous. you reached for his hand, grasping it tightly in your own, smiling reassuringly at him - giving him the boost he needed. “when i met you, i didn’t know what i’d be getting myself into. you were just the quiet girl who no one knew too well. i remember when you surprised us all when you kept up with my sarcasm in that one meeting - the one about the archenland visits.” you smiled, nodding to show you remembered, but you had no idea where he was going with this.

“that was the day i realized you were so much more than just another lady. after that, we became best friends, and i swear out of everything narnia’s given me, you were-, no, you are the best part. i don’t know what i’d do without you, y/n.” he hesitated, cursing under his breath. “fuck it, i hate speeches. what i’m trying to say is, y/n, you’ve shown me what love feels like. i just needed you to know that, i can’t keep pretending otherwise.”

you stood speechless, looking into edmund’s eyes softly. you saw nothing but sincerity in his beautiful brown orbs, and you smiled sweetly. “i’ve waited for this moment for a long time. what took you so long?” you teased, and he chuckled, shaking his head. you both stepped forward, and he reached out, cupping your cheek gently. “hey ed?” you started, and he quirked a brow, urging you to continue. “kiss me.”

spoiler alert: he did. and that was only the first of many kisses to come.

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1 year ago

I just finished reading the most gut wrenching, heartbreaking fic of all time

I don’t think I’ll ever recover

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2 years ago


Firelight and Starshine

(Edmund Pevensie x Reader Smut)

Firelight And Starshine

[ Requested by @duxpuella - I have a edmundxreader smut (while he was still a king, by his 21 birthday or something) where he falls for a fire witch? I have the scenario in mind, would probably be his birthday or something and the witch would sing along the fauns and make the fire "dance"(??)- (it's not exactly how you imagined, I think, but I hope it's okay!)]

Edmund hardly ventured to the revels in the woods. He knew they were quite fun and turned rowdy by the time night fell- Lucy was a constant guest at these revels, and she would regale her siblings with tales of what fun had happened- but he avoided them.

It wasn't because he was all work and play- he quite liked playing, in fact- but he knew that revels meant inebriation, and inebriation meant losing control of oneself.

And he did not ever intend to lose control of himself ever again.

Which made his current predicament all the worse.

His feelings- blech- were out of control.

And he couldn't stop them.

Worst of all- these feelings were regarding a witch.

She wasn't a bad witch, Susan had hastened to assure as she'd accompanied her into the ballroom- but Edmund had been wary.

She was from Galma- a witch of fire and the Duchess of Galma's primary advisor- and she was the island's chosen representative for that week's council.

She'd been supposed to stay only for a week, but she'd chosen to remain there for good, saying- with a not-so-subtle glance at the Just- that she belonged more in Narnia, amidst the magic and the fantasy, than she ever had in Galma.

She did not move into Cair Paravel- thank Aslan for small mercies, or Edmund would've clawed his hair out by the end of one week- but in a cottage near the Dancing Lawn.

But she visited, often- Susan and Lucy were quite taken with her- and made Ed's skin crawl and his blood thrum every time he caught sight of her.

The name is Y/N, she'd spoken with a shy smile as she'd come face-to-face with the younger King for the first time in the ballroom. She'd curtseyed, her (H/C) hair falling over her bare shoulders, and Edmund- transfixed- had taken her hand, and pressed his lips to it. Her smile had turned sultry, her eyes alight with flame and desire, and she'd walked away.

She had left his presence, but she hadn't left his thoughts.

And it was driving him mad. He couldn't concentrate. He couldn't sleep- and when he could sleep, he would dream of her, and would wake up hard and in agony. He hated her already- how could he possibly be so infatuated with someone- and that too a witch?

He would've forgotten it was his twenty-first birthday, too, had it not been for Lucy's cheery wish that morning.

“Your Majesty?” Someone was speaking.

He was startled out of his thoughts, and he looked beside him to see- her.

It was her.

Speak of the devil...

“Lady Y/N.” He bowed his head stiffly. He was out in the Gardens, resting on one of the benches after a particularly strenuous sparring matches with his brother- he'd won, of course, but Peter had laughed it off, saying he'd gone easy on him because it was his birthday.

He usually would've gone in to bathe, but he wanted to enjoy the cool breeze while he could- and he was certain that as soon as he entered the castle, Susan would descend upon him and demand that he decide on a 'theme' for his Ball, which was to be the next weekend. “I was not aware you were visiting.”

“I'm not- I was just on my way to Owlswood.” Her tone was cold, as she could sense the Just King's checked animosity. What had she ever done to him in the few months she had know him? Smiled? “I was looking for Queen Lucy- she likes to come with me to the revels-”

“Lucy and Susan are busy, at the moment.” He said- and at her questioning gaze, he continued, “They- they're planning my- my birthday Ball.”

“Oh! Is it your birthday?” Despite her coolness towards him, she managed to smile and take a seat next to him. “Happy Birthday, Your Majesty, and my best well-wishes for your future life.”

“Thank you, my Lady-”

“I'm not a Lady.” She shook her head- she hadn't had the heart to correct anyone else, but she didn't want be false in front of the young King. She snapped her fingers, and a flame bloomed at the tip of her index finger. “I'm just a lucky witch.”

“You're the Galmese Duchess's advisor-”

“Yes. I advise her. But even to her, like I am to everyone, I'm just a sinful creature, a beast- but with one saving grace- my intellect. I have no noble position, no eminent title.”


She was sinful.

But not in the way she thought- not to him.

“You're not-”

“Please, Your Majesty. I'm not stupid. I know why you look at me the way that you do-” The fire in her eyes had dimmed, as she looked to the ground, “I know you have an especial hate towards the White Witch, and that your wariness towards other witches is justified.”

“Yes.” He would not lie. She was bewitching, but he did not want to be bewitched. She enamoured him, but he wanted free of her beguiles. “You're quite right. I mistrust witches far more than the average person does.”

She nodded, accepting his words, but couldn't not say, “There's something more than just mistrust when you look at me.”

He swallowed, and ran a hand through his hair, “You're close with my sisters. I'm protective of them.”

“I wasn't aware that lust for me comes from being an overprotective brother.” Y/N said calmly, before getting to her feet. She could feel how hot his temperature was, despite the pleasant spring day- how it always was when she was near- and it made her ache to feel his warm body against hers. The fullness of his lips, the freckles of his cheeks- oh, she wondered if the rest of him was freckled as well- the leanness of his legs and shoulders- she had felt drunk just looking at him.

But his curt tone had sobered her, and before he could respond, she curtseyed again, saying, “I'll take your leave now. One mustn't be too late, even to revels.”


Edmund was in distress. Her words had alarmed him- did she know how much he wanted her, and how he longed to tear her clothes off and have her? Did she know she drove him crazy?

Most importantly- did she feel the same?

He was so lost in his thoughts that he did everything absently- he walked up to his room absently, narrowly avoiding his elder sister; he bathed absently, getting more soap on the floor than on him; and it wasn't until he'd tried to put boots on his head that his reverie broke.

He couldn't take it anymore. This confusion, this bitterness, this unwanted desire- he had to get rid of it. Somehow- anyhow- he had to get it out of his mind and out of his life.

The world had darkened, the sky now a purplish-black- and he heard the revel before he saw it- he could hear laughter and dancing hooves, and the crackling of flames, and his heart beat just a bit faster.

Fire meant Y/N.

He bade Phillip to wait, and he slipped into the clearing where the fauns and nymphs and humans- humans had migrated to Narnia from the other countries, after the coronation- danced and laughed and drank and kissed.

Hiding behind a tree- he wasn't sure how they would react to seeing the Just King there- he spied on the party, his eyes searching for the captivating witch. He could see dwarves, he could see dryads, he could see- was that Mr. Fox!?- but he couldn't see the one he craved.

His heart began to sink- but then he saw her, almost hidden by the bonfire.

She was standing to the right of it- she'd discarded the cloak she'd been wearing earlier, and now was clad in a plain, sleeveless gown, the same colour as cherries. She was singing and laughing, her hair open and cascading down her back, and she was twirling her fingers at the fire, which swayed in tune to the music of the faun-flutes.

She looked beautiful.

And Edmund knew he must leave. Whatever he'd been planning to do- he wouldn't yell at her just to vent his own sick urges. He was not the hateful boy he had been, and he put others' feelings before his own satisfaction.

He'd been about to turn and leave, when suddenly the flame rose higher, taller than the trees, and there was a collective yelp from the crowd.

He was about to jump and help however he could, when the fire calmed and so did the people.

She wasn't singing anymore, and her hands had dropped to her sides- she was staring right at him, her expression grim.

Oh, hells. He hadn't meant for her to see him- he'd been about to go away!

And now she was- fuck, she was walking towards him-

“Why are you here?” She asked, wrapping her arms around herself. She'd felt warm by the fire, but she felt warmer still in his presence. That never happened. She was warmer than normal beings- they usually cooled her down, not heated her up!

The Just King had an effect on her, that no one had ever had.

She didn't know she felt about it.

“I-” He swallowed. He'd always been smooth and silver-tongued in his reign- but now he felt horribly tongue-tied. Her gown was low-cut, and he had to work to not let his eyes drop to her chest. “I don't know.”

She snorted, “I doubt that there is anything in the world that you do not know, Your Maj-”

“Edmund!” He spoke without thinking- he wanted to hear her deep, lovely voice say her name. She was so close to him- there was hardly a sword's-length between them. “Please- call me Edmund.”

She looked at him, her eyes wide and irises blazing.

She licked her lips, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear, and he hated her more than ever.

He hated her, because he didn't hate her.

“I- Edmund-”

He couldn't take it anymore- he couldn't hold himself back anymore- she was so dazzling and so scintillating, and her lips were parting, and- and he pulled her into his arms.

Their lips were an inch from each other, and it was unbearable to both that they weren't kissing already.

But Edmund wasn't about to kiss her without her consent.

“If you don't kiss me right now, Edmund Pevensie,” Her voice was low and trembling, “I will literally light you on fire.”

And there it was, her consent.

So he dipped his head low, and pressed his lips to hers.

The kiss began tentative and chaste- Y/N was cautious, and Edmund was struggling- but as she pushed her tongue into his mouth, and he moaned, pushing her against a tree- whatever inhibition, whatever reluctance, whatever apprehension there had been disappeared.

“Y/N.” He murmured, as if her name was a prayer and a divine song- kissing her jaw, before slipping his hands inside her blouse and cupping her breast. He rubbed his fingers over the nipple, which hardened as he touched it, and he wanted to lick it. “Y/N.”

She could feel herself get hotter and wetter all at once, and it took everything she had in her to not rip his garments off and have her way with him.

Her fingers danced along the hem of his tunic- pesky clothes- and then she tugged the shirt up, wanting to- no, needing to feel more. She broke away from the kiss long enough to pull the tunic over his head and drop it onto the grassy floor, and running her hands over his smooth stomach. He had freckles over his shoulders, continuing over to his back, and a thin trail of hair began from his navel, disappearing into his breeches- a trail she yearned to follow.

Her toes curled as she met his lips in another kiss- he was soft and furious and caring and bold all at once, and she moaned his name again, the most beautiful name she'd ever heard, as he traced circles around her breast.


She was much too clothed, he couldn't help thinking as he brought his hands out to rest on her waist- he wanted to touch her, he wanted to kiss her all over, but everywhere his hands went, there was fabric-

“May I?” He murmured, ghosting his fingers over the bows at the back which held her gown together. One jerk, and the dress would go tumbling down...

“Don't want to be the only naked one?” She asked teasingly- he wasn't fully naked, yet, but she intended to change that soon- before nodding. Immediately, he tugged the bow, and the top loosened, falling from her torso, and he pulled her close to him, their chests pressing against each other, and he wrenched her gown down, so that it lay on the ground in a scarlet puddle.

She was firelight and starshine brought to life, he thought, captivated. The curve of her hips and breasts, the arch of her back- he gazed at her, drinking her in- from the scar at her collarbone to the thin piece of cloth covering her most intimate part.

He pushed her against the tree again, harder, their lips crashing against each other- she didn't even care about the bark of the tree digging into her back, as he slipped his hand into her knickers, rubbing her clit until her juices coated his fingers- she was panting, “Faster,” wound tight and driven to the edge, and- although neither of them were aware- the fire in the clearing rose ten feet into the air with every flick he gave her nub.

“Sto-stop.” She didn't want to come like this, she didn't want to unravel before him, she wanted to be inside him when she exploded in bliss.

He paused the movement of his fingers, and looked at her, alarmed.

Her eyes were fluttering, and she was gasping, and her chest rose and fell heavily, as though she was having trouble breathing.

“Are you alright?” Had he done something- wrong? Had he gone too fast, too soon? He'd been intoxicated off the sound of her breathy moans- and he'd forgotten who he was, that she was a witch, that they were in a bloody forest- all he knew was that she was, in his arms, her lips on his, and that was that mattered. “Should I stop-”

“No!” Her eyes glowed orange, and she fumbled with the belt of his breeches. If he stopped, if he pulled away, she would explode. “Just- need you-”

He caught at her hand, and lifted her chin up to look at him. Her mouth was trembling, fire flickering in her eyes, and he knew she could feel how hard he was, just as how he had felt how wet she was- but he was not going to fuck her against a tree, two feet from a crowded revel.

“Not here.”

She wanted to whimper.

He looked behind him- there was nothing but trees and darkness, but- aptly for someone decreed to the Woods- he knew that, not far from here, they would find a smaller clearing, bathed in moonshine, where they could make love and lie clasped together.

He bent and picked up her gown, and arranged it around her shoulders as a cloak, and Y/N managed to scoff, saying, “I won't catch cold. I'm a fire witch. I can keep myself warm even in the iciest of winters.”

“It's not to keep you safe from the cold.” He pointed out, as he took her hand and they began walking. “It's to keep me from losing control and ravishing you on the way.”

They strolled in silence, with only the hooting of the owls breaking through their soundless bubble.

Y/N couldn't help but notice that he had failed to put on his tunic and was trembling due to the coolness of the night. She made her palm grow hotter, not enough to scald him but enough to comfort him, and he squeezed her hand tighter, as he led her ahead.

Finally, they were there. A clearing, beringed by trees and covered in wildflowers, the size of a small council-room.

He had spent time in the first years after his coronation here- reading, or practicing swordplay on his own, or just sitting and trying to soothe his mind and soul amidst nature.

And now, as a twenty-one year old, he'd be sating his body's desires.

Seemed about right.

Y/N shrugged, the gown falling off her shoulders, and in another instant, they were in each other's embrace again, fumbling to take off her knickers and his belt, kissing and giggling as they tumbled onto the ground.

Edmund kissed down her neck and chest, sucking and licking- she gasped as she felt his teeth on her skin, and she knew when she would look in the mirror the next day, she'd be covered in love-bites-

Somehow, the thought made her quiver with rapture.

She rolled her hips against him as his mouth reached the top of her breasts, and he groaned, the friction making his erection harder than ever.

“Torture.” He murmured, as her fingertips flitted over his back and slipped inside his breeches, resting on his ass. “You, you witch, torture me.”

She raised her brow, and moved her hand to cup his cock- and he let out a shaky breath.

“You seem to like it, my King.” She whispered, stroking him- his dark eyes darkened even more, like a night sky without the moon and stars. “But I think you'd like it more if you were inside me.”

She hastened the speed of her stroking.

“If you were thrusting into me.”

His eyes closed in ecstasy.

“If we came undone as one.”

She pulled out her hand.

“Witch.” He hissed, as he knew he had fallen as deep for her as a child would into a well. He hooked a finger into her knickers, dragging them down, just before she pushed down his breeches with her feet- and he wanted to bury his face between her legs, tease her with his tongue, watch her lovely face as she orgasmed, but his cock was twitching, and she was biting her lip, her cheeks flushed and her hips bucking, and he knew there was time for that later.

He brought his head down and kissed her, just as he entered her, her slickness and tightness and moans making this the best birthday he'd ever had.

Y/N didn't have to tell him to go faster this time, which was probably good because she couldn't even think right then, much less say anything, as he started pumping in and out, and her walls clenched and throbbed around him, both of them not far from the sweetness and bliss of orgasmic ecstasy.

He dug his nails into her hips and she fisted her hands in his hair, their tongues dancing together- until both of their eyes closed and mouths opened in euphoria, clutching each other as they shuddered apart as one.

Witches, he mistrusted- he mused soon after, as she wrapped her legs around his waist and he kissed her clit- but Y/N, he rather liked.


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2 years ago

Hey y’all! I need some people and ideas to write about! Please send in requests! On my page is a link to my masterlist and all the people I’ll write about. But if there is someone you want that’s not in the list let me know and I’ll see if I can do it! Please please please send requests! Thank you!!🥰🥰

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2 years ago

25 Days of Kinkmas! Ahh

I would like to say that any underage character I write smut for is aged up to 18. There are some characters that are on this list that in the movies/show, are underage, so when I write for them, they will be 18.  


Should I? Am I? Yes, Yes I am. 😩🤭

Day 1: Steve Harrington(Marking)

Day 2: Billy Hargrove(Spanking)

Day 3: Eddie Munson(Dry Humping)

Day 4: Jim Hopper(Boots)

Day 5: Robin Buckley(Public/Semi-Public)

Day 6: Nancy Wheeler(Thigh Riding)

Day 7: Hermione Granger(Stockings)

Day 8: Harry Potter(Praise Kink)

Day 9: Pansy Parkinson(Body Worships)

Day 10: Draco Malfoy(Voice Kink)

Day 11: Ron Weasley(Edging)

Day 12: Sirius Black(Voyeurism)

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1 year ago
*These Fics Won't Be Long Because I Am In A Writers Block. However I Still Want To Do This So I Am Sorry

*These fics won't be long because I am in a writers block. However I still want to do this so I am sorry in advance, but I do still hope you enjoy.


Day 1: Finger Sucking (Tony Stark)                      

Day 2: Biting/Scratching (Peter Parker)

Day 3: Mirror Sex (Peter Pevensie)

Day 4: Cockwarming (Remus Lupin)

Day 5: Sleepy/Somnophilia (James Potter)

Day 6: Wax (Thor Odinson)

Day 7: Costumes;) (Fred Weasley)

Day 8: Nudes/Phone sex (Bruce Banner)

Day 9: Handcuffs (Loki Laufeyson)

Day 10: Caught (Edmund Pevensie)

Day 11: Threesome (Natasha Romanoff & Wanda Maximoff)

Day 12: Knife Play (Eddie Munson)

Day 13: Double Penetration (Steve Rogers & Bucky Barnes)

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Edmund One-Shot (Modern) - How You Met


Omg I haven’t posted in sooo looooong. Well, here ya go.

E/C = Eye Colour

You walked down the corridor in your favourite worn out jeans, a red and black flannel shirt , and your signature brown ankle boots. It was the first day back at school, and you were carrying your books for the next period, your backpack haphazardly thrown on your right shoulder. You didn't really care what people thought of you; all you cared about was getting to the lesson before that damn bell. Since you were looking down, you didn't notice someone was in front of you until you found yourself on the floor.

"I'm so sorry, are you okay?" a male voice exclaimed. You looked up, your heart stopping for a millisecond. It was Edmund Pevensie. The most popular boy in your year, and arguably in the entire main school. You immediately felt uncomfortable. You didn't have much of an opinion on him, but you always preferred to stay in the shadows, and were perfectly happy to go unseen.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry, it was my fault. I wasn't looking where I was going." You replied, collecting yourself. You thanked the stars that the corridor wasn't full. You looked down, not noticing Edmund quickly turn around and glare at his older brother, who held his hands up as if to say "what?" before turning around and walking away, trying to suppress his laughter. With a sigh, Edmund turned back round to you, extending his hand.

"I'm Edmund. Edmund Pevensie" He said.

"I know." a beat passed. "Sorry, that sounds weird, I just mean that I know your name because most people do, and I've seen you around, and, yeah I'm going to stop talking now." You got out in one breath, blushing in embarrassment as he you accepted his hand, and you were pulled from the floor.

"I'm Y/N." you said in a small voice, finally introducing yourself.

"I know." You looked up to see an impish grin on the young Pevensie's face. You stared at each other, and a second passed before you both chuckled, albeit awkwardly, as you bent down to collect your things.

As you checked over everything, you noticed you were missing a textbook. Then, it came into your line of eyesight, attached to Edmund's pale hand. You looked up, noticing he was observing you with a small smile on his face. Muttering a quiet thank you, you took the book, but your eyes widened seeing the watch on his wrist.

"Oh god! It's almost time for class!" you exclaimed. The ebony-haired boy looked at his watch, his eyes widening too as he saw the time.

"Shit!" he cursed, turning back to you. "Sorry for bumping into you Y/N, I'll...see you around?" he asked, his hazel eyes bright and...hopeful?

"Oh, um, yeah, I...I guess so." you replied, unsure of yourself.

"Great!" he exclaimed, excited, "Bye!" you close-enough-to-waved back until he turned around. Just then, the bell rang, and you took off down the corridor, just making it in time and almost forgetting about your encounter with the dark-haired Pevensie. Almost.


Edmund silently copied down what was on the board, his thoughts centred on the E/C girl for around the 1000th time. He'd liked her since Year 9, when she moved up a year from Year 8. He was also mentally cursing his older brother and his sixth-form free periods, which he seemed to think was a perfect time to visit his younger brother and push him into his year-long crush. He had to give himself some credit though – he handled the situation pretty well. The door opened and he looked up, and who should enter but Y/N. She turned to the teacher and explained that she had a music lesson. The teacher nodded.

"That's fine. Your seat is over there next to Edmund." Y/N's head snapped over to him before turning back to the teacher and nodding. Edmund's heart raced as she made her way over, before forcing a strange sounding "Hi" out of his mouth. She quietly greeted him back before opening her exercise book and started copying down the notes on the board.


"Okay everyone, your homework is a project with your desk partner. It's only small, and has no point other than to help you get to know each other. All the details will be on Google Classroom." the teacher said.

As you left the classroom, Edmund gave you a crumpled piece of paper.

"Here. Text me when you know when we can start working."

"O-okay." You replied gaining a small scrap of confidence, though still internally freaking out at the prospect of doing a 'bonding exercise' in the form of a history project. "Will do." you swallowed.

"See you then!" he said flashing his perfect, white teeth and turning around, jogging over to his siblings.

"See you," you replied quietly once he was out of earshot.

This might not be that bad. He seems nice – and smart, you thought.

I still hate people though, you firmly told yourself, before walking home.

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Edmund One-Shot : Few Smiles


Though this is set in The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, for plot relevance, I'm going by the film ages so Edmund is 12. Also, sorry it's kinda shit...

Y/P – Your Pronoun

"Hey Ed!" you said as he walked into the classroom. Instead of the usual hello, he acted as though you weren't there and sat in the spare seat on the opposite side of the classroom. Your smile dropped as he did so - this wasn't like him. Smiles from him were few and rare recently, but this was different. You hoped you hadn't upset him. You had grown up together after all - your friendship couldn't end when you were 14.

Alas, the day continued in this foreign way. He didn't sit next to you in lessons and acted as though you didn't know each other. Any time you attempted to go near him, let alone speak to him, he immediately walked away.

By the end of the school day, well, it was safe to say that you'd had enough.


The corridor was empty, or so Edmund thought. He yanked his locker open and began ramming the contents in his bag, filled with anger. He cursed every Government Worker he knew the name of while fumbling with the straps of his bag.


He froze. Slamming the locker closed, he slung his bag over his shoulder. Spinning around, Edmund made to walk down the corridor, away from you.

But you'd had enough. You covered the space between you and him in three long strides, and grabbed his arm, making him turn to face you.

"Hey! Get off me!"

"No!" You cried back. "What is going on Edmund? Why are you avoiding me? Did I do something wrong?" You had tears in your eyes on the last question.

"Nothing's wrong, except that I'm being bugged by an annoying little nobody!" Edmund yelled. As soon as the last word left his lips, his faces morphed into one of horror and regret.

"Oh." You whispered, the tears in your eyes escaping, and trailing a cold, lonely path down your cheeks.

"Y/N, no, I didn't mean-"

"It's okay Edmund, I understand. I'm sorry if I did something wrong." You sniffled, "but, I'll leave you alone now. Bye Eddie Bear."

After the familiar nickname escaped your lips, you turned around and fled the hallway, and Edmund's heart broke upon hearing your sobs fade down the corridor as you ran off, away from his harsh words, away from him.


The door of the Pevensie's home slammed shut as the youngest, ebony haired boy stormed into the house. His older brother's head snapped upwards at the abrupt noise, and he exchanged a worried glance with his mother as Edmund ran upstairs.

"I'll go." Peter said, motioning for his mother to stay in the living room.

As he approached him and his brother's room, he heard the unmistakable sound of crying. Sighing, he carefully opened the door, and, receiving no backlash for doing so from his brother, entered the room.

"Ed? Edmund, what's wrong?" Peter asked, concerned for his sibling. He sat on the edge of Edmund's bed.

"Ed? Please tell me what's going on?"

"It's Y/N." Peter's eyes widened at this. Y/N and Edmund has known each other since they were babies.

"Is Y/P hurt, what happened?"

"I did. I-I can't believe I said that to Y/P." Edmund said, his voice breaking.

"Said what?" Peter said softly.

"I called Y/P a nobody..."

"Why?" Peter said, shocked.

"I ignored Y/P for the whole day..." Edmund continued, sobbing.

"Oh Eddie," Peter sighed, pulling his little brother in for a hug. "Why? Y/N's your best friend."

"I guess, I was so upset about dad that I didn't want to talk to anyone in case I was mean. I'm just so angry, and I didn't want to take it out on Y/N..."

"Look," Peter began, " You two have known each other since you were three years old. Anything that you did or said, just explain why, and I'm sure Y/P will understand. Okay?"

"Yeah, thanks Pete."

"Always." Peter replied, rubbing Edmund's shoulder, before his younger sibling abruptly shot up, and ran to the door.

"Where are you going?" the eldest Pevensie yelled.

"To talk to Y/N," he said, running down the hall.

"Good luck!" Was the reply he got, as he bolted out of the door, one thought running through his head.

Please Y/N, please forgive me...


Part 2?

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Preference (Modern) : Your Favourite Disney Movie


Tangled. You and Peter had liked each other for a while, and you were both nervous when a movie night was arranged. Before the lantern scene, Susan excused herself to go and take a phone call, Edmund was called to tidy his room by his mum, and a scheming Lucy conveniently decided to go and refill all the food bowls. You both started to sing along to 'I See the Light' and before you knew it, the song had ended and you were kissing.


Frozen II. While you both enjoyed the first one, you liked the ancient/mythic route the second film took. You also love hearing Susan openly sing along, because she's normally quite shy about her singing voice, however many times you insist that it's amazing. You're both waiting for a third film where Elsa finally get a girlfriend.


Beauty and the Beast. Edmund gets very cynical and sarcastic about Disney romance films, but whenever you start to put this DVD in the player, he's already on the sofa with crisps and chocolate. It's not the film itself that you two love (though it is amazing), it's the memories. About a month into your relationship, you went to watch a re-release of Beauty and the Beast in a local cinema. You really wanted go to it so Edmund took you, and that was the moment you both realised that what you felt for each other could be love. After the film, you went to a secluded area in the snowy, cold park and had your first kiss.


The Lion King. This film is special to Lucy because it reminds her of Aslan, and anything that makes her happy makes you happy. The neighbours sometimes get annoyed hearing you singing along to the soundtrack but you two couldn't care less.


Moana. Caspian has an obsession with the sea. He loves to sail on holiday, and was beyond excited when a Disney film came out that challenged the stereotypes made by its predecessors as well as making fun of them, while putting one of his favourite things on screen.

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Preference : Your Nicknames For Each Other

A/N Y/N/N = your nickname


His for you: My Queen/My King – My Love – Milady/My Lord

Yours for him: Pete – Love – Bear


Hers for you: Beautiful – Love – Y/N/N

Yours for her: Su – Love – Gorgeous


His for you: Y/N/N – Juliet – Cuddle Bug

Yours for him: Eddie Bear – Romeo – Snuggles


Hers for you: Y/N/N – Sunny – Sunshine

Yours for her: Lu – Lu-Lu – Smiley


His for you: Star – Y/N/N – My Dear – Amor

Yours for him: Moon – Cas – Dear

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ye of little faith | e. p.

nav. | m.list

summary: eustace doesn’t believe that edmund has a girlfriend.

wc: 800

pairings: edmund pevensie x fem!reader

warnings: VERY unedited. also it’s 1am and i just wrote this in a burst of inspiration, so please don’t expect it to be good.

a/n: i don’t really know if this will make sense to anyone lol, i think i wrote it in a confusing way, but hopefully it’s okay. it’s mostly eustace’s pov, i wanted to try something new. also, this exact scenario has been in my head for months now.


“There’s no way he has a girlfriend,” Eustace tells Lucy, barging into the room. She immediately knows who he’s talking about, able to hear Edmund on the phone downstairs, voice softer than it usually is, taking the tone he automatically opts for when he speaks to Y/N.

“Why?” Lucy asks, half-heartedly entertaining her annoying cousin while she thumbs through the pages of her book. Unfortunately for her, Eustace Scrubb brightens at the attention, straightening up and launching into a rather well-thought out spiel.

“First of all, it’s Edmund we’re talking about. He’s awkward, way too hostile and bad-tempered. Not to mention, he’s barely of average height, and his hair? Absolutely ridiculous.”

“Y/N likes it,” Lucy says mildly, earning a scoff from Eustace.

“Y/N.” he says with disbelieving scorn, “As if she actually exists. You expect me to believe that a woman as beautiful and intelligent as you lot claim she is would actually be interested in Edmund? And so interested that she calls and writes to him multiple times a week? Yeah, right. I bet that Ed’s hired an escort to help him forget about how lonely he actually is. Or he’s paying some poor girl to play the part of a caring partner.” Eustace has had many such theories, the more creative ones dealing with blackmail and holding family members hostage, but so far, monetary imbursements seem to be the most likely.

“Sure, Eustace,” Lucy mumbles, having checked out of the conversation a while ago. He shakes his head at her disinterest, convinced that he is right, and leaves the room, muttering to himself disbelievingly.


Keep reading

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Ugh hes just so—ugh 😍😍

I love him <3

Hi! I saw your requests were open and I was wondering if you could do a fic with Edmund Pevensie and very shy reader? Thanks!

Prima Donna ~ Edmund Pevensie

Ahhhh, thank you so much for requesting! Shy!reader is a new one for me, so I hope you like it (even though it took me forever to finish it)

Word count: 2.3k


“Whose fabulous idea was it to throw this dinner?” Edmund grumbled, wrestling with the buttons of the wretched jerkin Susan had told him to wear. “I’d like to throw them a dinner in the royal dungeons.”

“It was yours, if I recall correctly.” Peter stood beside him, the perfect picture of composure. “Shall I warn the dungeon master of your impending arrival?” 

“I merely suggested that relations with Calormen could be improved by allowing the opera tour to come through Narnia,” Edmund protested, still trying to get the buttons to cooperate. “Nowhere in there did I say anything about hosting a banquet in their honor, and certainly I didn’t say a thing about myself having to attend.”

Lucy laughed from her place on Edmund’s bed. “Ed, if you’re not going to go to the opera tomorrow, it’s all the more important that you attend the dinner.”

“Pete isn’t going tomorrow either,” Edmund said, with a perfect imitation of the pout his little sister used to sport when asked to do the dishes back home.

“And Pete’s going to dinner.” 

 Edmund frowned and did not deign to answer her, returning to the confounded jerkin. 

“You know, in Calormen, the opera season is the height of court,” Lucy said, sliding off the bed to stand beside Peter. “Everything of note happens at the opera, all marriages arranged, alliances formed, grievances aired, it all happens at the opera.” 

Edmund snorted. “The fact that the attendees don’t go to the opera to watch and listen to the opera itself should tell you something.”

“Oh, Edmund,” Lucy said with a sigh, shaking her head. “Have you no appreciation for the arts?”

“Now, now,” Peter stepped forward. “Ed is a great connoisseur of art.”

Lucy raised a skeptical eyebrow. “Oh, really?” 

“Well, swordfighting is an art, is it not?” 

The two burst into giggles, and Edmund scowled. “Shut up.”

“Ready?” Susan asked, floating into the room in the flowing, graceful way of hers. “They’ve just arrived.” 

“Ready,” said both Peter and Lucy.

“If I have to be,” Edmund grumbled. 

“You’d better be,” Susan said. “Because the director will be seated beside Peter, and the prima donna will be beside Edmund.”

“What is a ‘prima donna’, and why do I have to put up with it?” Edmund demanded. 

“The prima donna is the main female singer in an opera,” Lucy said, clearly exasperated. “Honestly, Ed, do you never listen when I’m talking?”

Edmund opened his mouth, ready to defend himself when Susan cleared her throat. “We don’t have time for this. Now, smiles on.” Susan turned and walked out of the chamber, Peter and Lucy close on her heels.

“I’m not scared to meet the Calormens,” Edmund muttered to himself as he tried to multitask walking and trying to keep his jerkin from flapping like a flag in the wind. The small clasps slipped through his fingers, and he cursed. “I won a war and had to lead a country at the age of 10! Prideful divas don’t compare to the Witch.”

Edmund swallowed his pride and looked up, intending to ask one of his sisters to come to his aid when he saw he was alone in the corridor, save for a servant girl lingering at the end of the hall. Her plain, Narnian clothing and the jug of water she carried indicated her to be a servant, but the way she carried herself…

Heat bloomed in his cheeks. Had she overheard him?

He straightened his back. “Are the arrivals from Calormen waiting?” The woman’s eyes flicked up to Edmund’s crown with a little apprehension before she nodded. “Can you help me with this?” he asked. “I cannot get these blasted buttons to button.”

The woman didn’t say anything, but set her pitcher down on the nearest windowsill and came forward, dexterous fingers accomplishing what he couldn’t with ease and efficiency. 

“Thank you.” Edmund straightened his jerkin, still feeling morbidly embarrassed. She was unfairly pretty and clearly new to Cair Paravel. He didn’t know her, he would’ve remembered her, for sure.  “Er…what’s your name?”

The woman blinked, momentarily meeting Edmund’s eyes with a startled expression. “Y/N,” she said in a mellifluous tone. Her eyes kept darting around, never staying long on Edmund or anything else. Was she uncomfortable? Or was he keeping her from something important? 

If Susan were around, she would’ve ordered Edmund to dismiss the girl so she could carry out her duty, but he couldn’t squash the urge to talk to her more. “Have you ever been to Calormen, Y/N?” 

“Yes, your majesty.” Her quiet voice was so endearing that Edmund couldn’t keep himself from smiling. 

“What was it like there?”

She looked up, nervously pulling at her fingers. “Hot.” 

Edmund laughed, and the smallest of smiles flitted across her lips. “Thanks again for your help.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “Um…as you were.” And before he could embarrass himself anymore, he took off. 

Hopefully the next time he ran into Y/N, he was composed and in possession of the wit he was so famous for. 

He passed the horrid purple curtains Susan insisted be hung over the windows of the banquet hall, trying to get himself back under control before he joined his siblings. 

“Ah, Edmund,” Susan said, grabbing Edmund’s arm and pulling him forward towards the group of dark-skinned people dressed in the odd fashion of Calormen. “This is Lalnon, the esteemed director of the show Lucy and I will see tomorrow evening.” Susan indicated the man in the front who wore a glittery coat and upturned shoes. 

“It’s wonderful to meet you,” Edmund said, forcing a smile and extending a hand to the director. “My royal sisters cannot wait to see the show, they’ve been talking about it nonstop.”

“Thank you,” the director said in a heavy Calormen accent before pushing past Edmund’s hand and walking over to the table, clearly done with the conversation.

Edmund tried not to roll his eyes as he turned back to the others in the group. Why did the creative types have to be so sullen and withdrawn? If Edmund had to be here and be polite, the least the guests could do was acknowledge how very polite he was being. 

Another Calormen man stepped forward with a bow. “I’m Ishdu, I’m the conductor. I lead the orchestra and instruct the singers.”

The siblings all nodded with regal airs, offering smiles.

The conductor brought forward each member of the crowd, outlining their names and their role in the show. Instead of following the director’s lead and seating themselves at the table, they awkwardly stayed standing, bumping into each other to allow certain members to the front of the group for their moment of recognition. 

Edmund bit the inside of his cheek, wishing he could be anywhere other than here. Could he come up with some sort of excuse that the Calormens and his siblings would believe? 

Ishdu, who was still talking, gestured to the group with a grander flourish than he’d yet used. “I’m also delighted to introduce our prima donna.”

Edmund steeled himself, trying to prepare himself for some overweight, gaudy woman to come trotting through the crowd to receive her demanded praise. But when the crowd parted, there was no such woman.

Edmund’s mouth fell open as none other than Y/N, the woman who’d helped him with his buttons, came forward and swept into a deep curtsy. “Your majesties.”

“You’re the prima donna?” Edmund asked before he could help himself, earning a glare from Susan.

For a split second, a shy smile flashed on Y/N’s face, but it quickly left as she said: “Yes, your majesty.” 

How could she be from Calormen? Why was she wearing Narnian fashion when everyone else in her group wore fashion from their own country? And what had she been doing in the corridor with a water jug? And why had she helped him with his buttons instead of announcing herself?

Edmund tried to form words, but she was scrambling his brains, even though she was doing nothing but shifting, looking as uncomfortable as he felt.

Shooting an odd look at her brother, Lucy stepped forward to rescue the situation. “Y/N, we’re so glad you’re here, let me show you where you’ll be sitting.”

With a glance at Edmund, Y/N followed his sister further into the room, smiling to humor his sister’s conversation, leading the other performers towards the banquet table. 

Susan’s hand clamped down on Edmund’s arm, pulling him towards her and Peter. “What was that?” she hissed. “That was not being hospitable!”

Edmund buried his face in his hands, wishing the ground would swallow him whole. “I mistook her for a servant.” He half-heartedly hoped they wouldn’t hear him, but his brother’s guffaw quickly dashed that sentiment.

“You did what?!” Susan almost shrieked.

“What was I supposed to think? She was in the corridor, wearing Narnian clothes and carrying a pitcher of water!”

“What did you say to her?”

“I asked her to help me with my buttons,” Edmund mumbled, causing Peter to laugh harder.

“What are you, twelve?” Susan snapped before massaging her temples. “You’d better do some damage control during dinner, before it’s irreparable!” With that, Susan walked in her floating way over to the banquet table to take her seat. 

Edmund sent his older brother a hopeless look. “How on earth can I fix this?”

Peter clapped a hand on Edmund’s shoulder. “You’re the witty one, I’m sure you can come up with something.” Then Peter went to sit beside Lalnon, the director, leaving Edmund to trail behind him.

Y/N was already seated, with her hand neatly folded in her lap on top of her napkin. The glimpse of her delicate fingers served as a reminder of how easily and contentedly she’d helped him.

He felt hot as he finally took his seat beside her. “Y/N,” he immediately began, “allow me to extend my sincerest apologies for my mistake.”

“Unnecessary.” Y/N took a dainty sip from her wine goblet, but the way she avoided his gaze made him nervous.

“It is necessary. I swear, I never meant to offend you in any way.”

“No offense,” Y/N promised.

Edmund winced. “Not even when I called you a prideful diva?” 

She didn’t answer, leaving Edmund to wonder if she really was offended or just didn’t feel like talking. But the silence that stretched on made Edmund’s discomfort rise, and he refused to let it go on. “So…” he said, searching for something, anything to say, “I hear Calormen is hot.”

The tiniest of chuckles broke through Y/N’s lips, but she still didn’t say anything. 

“Why were you in that hallway?” he asked. 

“Lalnon insisted he be allowed to wash his feet before setting foot in the banquet hall, and the servants looked frazzled already.”

Edmund cast a glance in the director’s direction just in time to see him sniff the bite of food on his fork and then promptly set the fork down on the plate. “But you’re one of the guests of honor. Why would you risk missing an introduction with the kings and queens?” Edmund asked, finding it hard to believe that someone as beautiful as her would prefer to notice than to be noticed.

“As it turns out, I got to meet one of the kings anyways,” Y/N said with a sideways smile. “I even got to help him with his buttons.”

He gaped at her.  “Er…yes, well, I guess you did, didn’t you?” She turned back to her meal, but Edmund had lost all interest in eating. Instead, he propped his arm up on the table and rested his chin on his hand. “How long have you been performing?”

“I’ve been the prima donna for a year and a half, your majesty, but I’ve been a part of the opera company for as long as I can remember.”

“What does it mean to be a prima donna?” He remembered what Lucy’s answer was, but he wanted to hear it from Y/N.

Y/N lowered her fork. “Being a prima donna means the primary female roles fall to me.”

“That’s quite the privilege,” said Edmund, wondering what it must feel like to know that she would always have the opportunity for center stage. 

“And quite the responsibility, your majesty.”

Edmund furrowed his brows. “Why’s that?”

“If a show goes poorly, there’s only so many ways to split the blame.”

“But that doesn’t make sense. Shouldn’t more blame fall on the writer rather than the prima donna?” 

“Well, sure, but when the writer and the prima donna are the same, it gets complicated.”

It took a moment for Edmund to understand what she was saying. “Wait, you write the operas too?”

Y/N nodded. 

“Did you write the opera you’re performing tomorrow night?”

Y/N nodded again.

Her shyness endeared her to him. All he wanted was for her to talk, to share more of herself with him, but she wasn’t. “What is it about?”

“Love,” Y/N said, and the spark in her eyes made Edmund go a bit speechless. “Most powerful thing ever.”

Edmund felt his heart bounce in his chest, as if it was reminding him of its presence. “L-love?” Edmund stammered.

She nodded, and her eyes went faraway. “The opera is a story of a young man and woman who do whatever they can to be together.” Her distant smile was dazzling. “Their parents don’t approve because the young woman is a priestess-in-training at the temple of Tash, and priestesses swear never to marry.” An adorable crinkle appeared between her eyebrows. “So the young man’s father sneaks a venomous snake into a bouquet of flowers and gives it to the young woman, pretending it’s from her lover. The snake bites her, and she dies, leaving the young man heartbroken…” 

Y/N trailed off, lowering her eyes to the napkin in her lap. “Sorry,” she said with a bashful chuckle, “I just told you the whole plot for act one when you probably have zero interest.”

Edmund stared at her, certain she’d just said more words than all her previous words combined. “No, don’t apologize.” He took a breath. “You love what you do.”

“Is it that obvious?”

Edmund nodded.

“Sorry,” Y/N said again, ducking her head.

“No, don’t apologize, it’s a good thing. In fact, I envy you.”

Y/N tilted her head, studying Edmund in a way that made him feel exposed. “Does the king of Narnia feel wasted in the life he’s in?”

Edmund blinked, unsure how to answer such a question. “He feels wasted at big parties where he’s expected to be charming,” Edmund mumbled. 

Y/N’s chuckle made Edmund smile. “Well, hopefully, you won’t feel that way at the opera tomorrow,” she said, picking up her fork once again. 

Lucy, sitting across from Y/N, looked up. “Oh, no, Ed’s not–” Lucy started to say, but Edmund kicked her under the table.

“I’m sure I won’t,” Edmund said with a smile.

Lucy looked confused. “But you said–” 

Edmund stomped square on her toes, and Lucy let out a little yelp. “I will be at the opera,” Edmund said slowly, hitting every syllable as he turned back to Y/N. 

He’d only been trying to make sure Lucy got the point, but Y/N’s face broke into the biggest smile he’d seen from her all evening. “Yeah? You’ll be there?”

Edmund smiled back. “Yeah, I will. With flowers.”

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4 years ago


status: open

welcome to my requesting rules! i’ll try to write any request i get as fast as possible, so please be a little bit patient, if you decide to request.

i will list the fandoms [ characters & people ] i write for in the following. if you want to check out, who i’d prefer writing romantic ships with, check out my masterlists but you don’t have to!



teen wolf

the 100

the maze runner

the walking dead

skins uk

and here are my rules

where — you can request under this post, in my dm’s and in my wattpad dm’s ( @/heartybubs )

smut — i do not currently write smut because i feel very uncomfortable doing it

minors — i do not romantically write for real people, who are under the age of 18 unless you have evidence of them stating that they are comfortable with it. i’ll still write platonic though

serious issues — i do not romanticise abuse, mental health issues, s*lfh*rm and assault. i will only include these details, if your request revolves around them as a serious issue because i deal with most of them and feel educated enough to spread awareness

pronouns — please include pronouns or i will naturally go with she/ her pronouns and he/ him pronouns for gay male characters. i will also not change a characters/ persons canon! sexuality ( newt, tara, etc. )

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1 year ago


hi and welcome to my masterlist. here you’ll find some of my work or links leading you to other masterlists. my requests are open and i’d love it, if you could give me some ideas to put into one shots/ blurbs/ headcannons!

!if you’d like to request something involving a character that i haven’t listed, you can go ahead. if you give me some plot to work with, i might just write about them anyway!

last updated: 01/07/2023

star wars

anakin skywalker

the 100

bellamy blake


john murphy

jealousy jealousy


jj maybank

coming soon!

rafe cameron

kiara carrera

the maze runner




the walking dead

carl grimes

daryl dixon

rosita espinosa

tara chambler

teen wolf

stiles stilinski

isaac lahey

theo raeken

liam dunbar


edmund pevensie

coming soon!

peter pevensie

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6 months ago

If you do Narnia fics, can you do one about Edmund Pevensie with !enemy reader? Ty <3

A/N: I just want to say thank you so much for the request! You are my second one and I really hope you enjoy this. This is a oneshot fanfic but if you want me to do a series for this prompt, I will do it just for you!

{~Between Shadows and Steel~}

If You Do Narnia Fics, Can You Do One About Edmund Pevensie With !enemy Reader? Ty

Summary: In the midst of a fierce battle, you confront your sworn enemy, Edmund Pevensie, determined to end the war between your people and Narnia. But as your swords clash, Edmund’s unexpected words and actions challenge everything you thought you knew about him—and yourself. With the chaos of war surrounding you, a moment of vulnerability leads to an undeniable connection, forcing you to question whether you’re truly enemies or something more.

Characters: Edmund Pevensie

Pairing: Edmund x GN!Reader

Warnings: None

Word Count: 1178

If You Do Narnia Fics, Can You Do One About Edmund Pevensie With !enemy Reader? Ty

The battlefield stretched out before you like an endless ocean of chaos. Warriors clashed with brutal force, their weapons ringing in the air, the ground beneath them soaked in the blood of the fallen. The cries of the wounded mingled with the roar of battle, and somewhere in the distance, you could hear the chilling shriek of a centaur as it fell to a barrage of arrows.

You stood on the edge of the fray, your chest heaving, sword in hand, watching as the skirmish raged on. In the midst of the melee, a single figure caught your eye. He moved like the wind—swift, agile, and utterly determined.

Edmund Pevensie.

The Just King of Narnia. And your enemy.

To you, he represented everything you’d fought against for years. Narnia’s expansion had forced your people into a corner, and you had sworn to resist. To fight until there was nothing left. But as you watched him now, cutting through your soldiers with practiced precision, doubt flickered in the depths of your mind.

You hated him—or so you told yourself. Yet, every time you crossed paths with Edmund, it felt as though there was something more beneath the surface. Something that made your heart pound in ways you couldn’t explain.

You gripped your sword tightly, the leather of the hilt biting into your palm as you steeled yourself. Today, you would confront him. Today, you would end this, one way or another.

With a deep breath, you charged toward him, weaving through the chaos, your eyes fixed on his form. Your footsteps were light but swift, your sword slicing through any obstacle in your path. The moment you reached him, you swung your blade, aiming for his unguarded back.

But Edmund moved faster than you anticipated. As if sensing your presence, he spun around, his sword meeting yours with a resounding clang. Your eyes locked, and for a moment, time seemed to stop.

“You again,” he muttered, his voice strained with exertion, but not without a hint of recognition.

“Don’t act so surprised,” you shot back, pushing against his blade with all your strength.

He smirked, his eyes gleaming with something that was neither fear nor anger, but something you couldn’t quite place. “I’m not. I just didn’t expect it to be this soon.”

You narrowed your eyes. “Then you should’ve been ready for me.”

The two of you danced across the battlefield, swords clashing with each strike, the sound echoing in the din of war. He was a skilled fighter, and you found yourself struggling to keep up with his speed. But you refused to back down. You had trained for this moment—prepared yourself for the inevitable confrontation.

Yet, as you fought, there was something different about this battle. Each time your swords connected, there was a spark in the air—an electricity you couldn’t ignore. Every time you stepped closer to him, it felt like the world was closing in, leaving only the two of you in its wake.

“You don’t have to do this,” Edmund said suddenly, his voice low, as if he could speak to you alone amidst the chaos.

You growled, frustration building in your chest. “And you don’t have to keep pretending you care!”

He blocked your next strike with ease, his eyes flickering with something unreadable. “What makes you think I’m pretending?”

That stopped you for a moment. Your sword hovered in the air as you stared at him, the words catching you off guard. His expression softened slightly, and you noticed that he wasn’t attacking as aggressively as he could have. In fact, it seemed as though he was holding back.

“You don’t know me,” you snapped, stepping back to regain your composure.

He sheathed his sword, making you pause. “I know enough.”

Before you could retort, a nearby explosion rocked the ground, sending dust and debris into the air. The shockwave threw you both backward, and you hit the ground with a grunt. For a moment, your vision blurred, the chaos around you fading to a dull roar.

When the dust settled, you found yourself staring up at the sky, dazed. But then, a shadow fell over you, and you blinked up to see Edmund standing above you, his hand outstretched.

“Let me help you,” he said, his voice steady despite the battle still raging around you.

You glared at him, but the strength in your arms had fled. Reluctantly, you took his hand, allowing him to pull you to your feet. His grip was firm, and for a moment, neither of you moved, your hands lingering together a little too long.

“Why are you doing this?” you asked, breathless. Your heart pounded, but it wasn’t just from the exertion of battle.

Edmund’s expression softened. “Because I don’t want to see you hurt.”

The words hit you harder than any sword could. You stared at him, confused and conflicted. “We’re enemies,” you whispered. “You’re supposed to want to see me fall.”

His hand remained on yours, warm and steady, grounding you in a way you hadn’t expected. “Maybe we don’t have to be enemies anymore,” he said softly. “We’ve fought for so long, but what if there’s another way?”

You wanted to argue, to push him away, but his words—his gaze—cut through your defenses. There was a sincerity in his eyes, a raw honesty that you hadn’t been prepared for. Your breath caught in your throat, and for a moment, you let yourself wonder if he was right.

Edmund stepped closer, his voice barely a whisper now. “You don’t have to fight this war alone. You don’t have to carry this burden anymore.”

You swallowed hard, your pulse quickening as he inched nearer. The battlefield, the chaos around you—all of it seemed to fade away. There was only him. And for the first time, you realized how much you had been fighting against yourself, not just him.

“Why do you care?” you asked, your voice trembling.

He hesitated for a moment, his hand brushing against your cheek. The touch sent a shiver down your spine. “Because… I think I’ve been fighting against myself too,” he admitted. “I’ve hated this war as much as you do.”

You stared at him, searching his face for any sign of deceit, but there was none. Just vulnerability. A rawness you hadn’t expected to see in him.

Before you could stop yourself, you leaned in, your breath mingling with his. His eyes flickered down to your lips, and for a heartbeat, the world stood still. Then, slowly, cautiously, he closed the distance between you.

His lips met yours in a tentative kiss, soft and warm, like a promise. Your heart raced, and for a moment, you forgot everything—the war, the pain, the years of hatred. All that mattered was this. Him.

When you finally pulled back, your breath was shallow, and his eyes were filled with a mix of relief and something deeper. “We don’t have to keep fighting,” he whispered, his forehead resting against yours.

For the first time in years, you let yourself believe him.

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