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Just Out Of Curiosity, Why Do You Consider Doctors To Be The Easiest To Seduce And Keep? What Factors

Just out of curiosity, why do you consider doctors to be the easiest to seduce and keep? What factors make them easy? Don’t they prefer to stick to their own kind? (nurses, other physicians, hospital secretaries). I don’t know much about doctors so I’m curious

And I totally understand your viewpoint when you stated “businessmen can rise and fall but doctors are employable in any economy”. But my only concern is that doctors also tend to have LOADS of student loan debt and are likely to be hardcore frugal penny pinchers because of that. And I don’t wanna constantly have to deal with that :/

iykyk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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More Posts from Beauteaful

9 months ago

4 Benefits of Working in Upscale Areas



In December 2019, I was at a dinner party, speaking with a friend of mine about his first time coming to California. As he recounted his first memory of his first job, we both quickly realized that we had something in common. We had both attributed our success in entering the wealthy community to a single trip to Beverly Hills. As I began to tell him about my first time down Rodeo Drive, it occurred to me that we were both sharing stories in a billionaire’s home. It was one of those “full-circle” moments in my life.

This memory prompted me to think about what else I have done to inch my way closer to the wealthy. I started thinking about when I was in college, and how Starbucks was such a big social culture and I quickly remembered how much I hated it. Now, don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against Starbucks, but I was against sitting there for hours with a thousand other students trying to focus on work and being my best self. I decided that it was not worth my energy being there. I figured that finding a more suitable place to work would make me feel more satisfied, and began looking into places around me that fit the ambiance that I was looking for. This is how I found my love for tea rooms, and begin to understand how they became a symbol of independent women.


Research has shown that working inside of a positive office interior, or even a positive outdoor environment, can improve morale in the workplace. I don’t know about you, but this is especially true for me. We all have our different work styles, but you can’t tell me that working in a high-rise with the view of the city doesn’t sound amazing. I remember spending time with my mentor, when I received a request for a last minute coaching session with a client. Little did I know that by taking this call, I would change my life in such an impactful way. During this call, not only Dif my client have an extraordinarily incredible breakthrough, but so did I. As I spoke with her, I was watching myself from another view and just admiring the woman that I had become. I chose to take this call on the balcony of one of his guest suites, and honey it sure felt like I belonged there. That was one of the first moments that I truly believed that I deserved to own a house as beautiful. I felt unstoppable, and I began working even harder. Working in tea rooms offers me the same feedback, just in a different way. I don’t work extremely hard in tea rooms. Instead, I remain focused on my writing and developing my vision.


Being around people that are unhurried, and in an environment that is calm and not penetrating, I found that people are more kind and open. Yes, I am sure that if I paid a compliment to a woman in a Starbucks, she would be thankful, but she would likely rush off to work. This doesn’t really happen in the tea rooms. The women that I speak with are likely on their lunch break that they designed, or they are not working that day because they decided not to. These were the women that I wanted to be like, and because I was there, I had the opportunity to learn from them and gain insight. It allowed me to put myself in a state of gratitude and contribution, which is extremely important with manifesting. It also opened those lines of communication.


I have made some great connections with women and men by frequenting more affluent areas when working, and I have met incredible people through them. I discovered that the more I did this, the more comfortable I became with making connections with everyone and just commanding attention naturally. Thanksgiving of 2018, I decided to check into a hotel to relax and get away. We were still experiencing the fires, and with all of the chaos going home no longer seemed ideal. As soon as I walked inside, an attendant named Richard approached me asking if I needed assistance with my bags. And though I only had one bag, I allowed him to assist me and said “Thank you Richard,” being sure to make eye contact and shared a brief smile of approval. “You know, I just love your shirt,” I said smiling, “where’d you get it?” Thankfully he understood my sense of humor, and he definitely knew I was being charming. He just laughed and followed me to the elevator. After escorting me to my room, he asked if I’d like anything else, and before I could say anything, he asked if I like Champagne. I insisted on having a glass of wine, to which he delivered a bottle and a bowl of strawberries complimentary. When I went downstairs to the bar, the bartender tried to offer me a free drink, to which I told him that Richard had me covered and so instead he offered me free food. Now, of course, it helps to be attractive and charming, but I do believe that it helped that in between I inquired about their lives and family (since it was a holiday). Never underestimate the power of talking to people. The more you do it, the better you become. I definitely had no idea that this vacation would save me hundreds of dollars by getting to know Richard.


The more I dine at five star restaurants, the more I become accustomed to it. It becomes my reality, and no longer simply a vision. Visualization is a powerful tool when it comes to manifesting, but it means nothing if you can’t associate your vision with the feelings and emotions of having achieved you vision. This is why luxurious atmospheres are a part of my rituals. Prior to COVID, I would be sure to go to a place that represents luxury at least once a week. It helps to paint the picture so clear, that it not only feels real, but it is now a part of my experience that I can use to help me associate with more.

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9 months ago
This Is The One. New From Potter Clarkson And James Beard Award Winning Wine-director Le Bernardin, And
This Is The One. New From Potter Clarkson And James Beard Award Winning Wine-director Le Bernardin, And
This Is The One. New From Potter Clarkson And James Beard Award Winning Wine-director Le Bernardin, And
This Is The One. New From Potter Clarkson And James Beard Award Winning Wine-director Le Bernardin, And
This Is The One. New From Potter Clarkson And James Beard Award Winning Wine-director Le Bernardin, And
This Is The One. New From Potter Clarkson And James Beard Award Winning Wine-director Le Bernardin, And
This Is The One. New From Potter Clarkson And James Beard Award Winning Wine-director Le Bernardin, And
This Is The One. New From Potter Clarkson And James Beard Award Winning Wine-director Le Bernardin, And
This Is The One. New From Potter Clarkson And James Beard Award Winning Wine-director Le Bernardin, And
This Is The One. New From Potter Clarkson And James Beard Award Winning Wine-director Le Bernardin, And

This is the one. New from Potter Clarkson and James Beard Award winning wine-director Le Bernardin, and partner in the eponymous Aldo Sohm Wine Bar, Wine Simple: A Totally Approachable Guide from a World-Class Sommelier, by Aldo Sohm, with Christine Muhlke.

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9 months ago

For younger women interested in hypergamy:

Hypergamy (noun): the action of marrying a person of a superior caste or class.

Hypergamy, in it’s simplest form, is marrying “up” in term of socioeconomic class.

The easiest way to do this — to climb the social ladder to put yourself in position to marry up — is to go to a 4-year college. This would be an Ivy League institution, a liberal arts college in the northeast (where most legacy students come from old money), or a large research institution. For ladies outside of the US, this would be the top-rank school in your countries.

If you’re past college age or aren’t planning to go to school, you can still take the advice below! There are plenty of successful, hypergamous women who did not go to school.

However, this advice is coming from my perspective.

I am a Black American woman, born and raised by a single mother. I lived in poverty most of my life, but — I went to great schools and this opened up my world. In school, I gained the cultural and social capital that has put me on the path I am on today. I have a looong way to go still, but I am happy and what I would consider financially successful (considering my age).

Here are some ways you can start your hypergamous journey. You can do all of these things, even with limited financial resources. These tips come from a mix of what I did and what I wish I had done.

Network, network, network — Make friends! Build authentic connections early on. Always be polite and never be shy. If you’re in a room, you belong there. I don’t recommend befriending people solely because they are afluent, but it doesn’t hurt to have these friendships. If nothing else, you will learn from their mannerisms and attitudes. Also, network with your professors and alumni. You never know who can make an introduction for you to land the perfect internship, job opportunity, or other relationship.

Take pride in your apearance — This is a great time to begin caring for your appearance, if you haven’t already. Most young women have fast metabolisms and don’t have to “watch” what they eat. Definitely have fun and live life, but being younger (under 25) is a great time to start building life-long healthy habits. Excercise. Take a course or read a book on nutrition. Your metabolism will eventually slow down and life will get busier; lay the groundwork now. Learn about hair, makeup, and fashion. Wear what suits you. Trends are fun; don’t be afraid to dabble in them if you wish, but know that few trends ever become classics. If you want a polished look, find classic, timeless beauties who look like you and borrow from them. How do they style their hair? Do their make up? What clothes flatter them? Take what you like and adapt it for your style. You don’t have to dress like you’re 55 at 22. You can look beautiful and classy at any age. Pay attention to detail. I recommend always having your nails painted and your hair done, at a minimum. This could be a nude polish and a sleek bun. Even on the causal days, look put together. High value men do notice the details.

Join a Greek life organization — This varies by school and by organization, but overall, Greek life is a great move if you want to date up. Most people in these organizations are legacy students — their parents, grandparents, and even great grandparents were members of these organizations, too. Typically, members will look out for each other on the job market. Sometimes just seeing your letters on your resume is enough to get the interview, and sometimes the job. You’ll rub shoulders with a higher class of people just by joining, especially if you don’t come from that world. Some people view this as paying for friends. I view it as an investment for your future. College is usually just 4 short years. After that, you have the rest of your life to live. Being a member of a Greek organization can benefit you for the rest of your life.

Continue to learn — Hypergamous women are smart women. Most high caliber men enjoy the company of a smart woman — not a smart ass. Read that again. I would recommend: reading the newspaper (politics and business sections, especially), other leisure reading, and learning a new language. You do not need to be in school to learn. Never stop learning. Have a passion for life and growth. Push yourself to get better each year. Try new hobbies and don’t be afraid to suck at something.

Hobbies of the elite — Now, this may be more difficult due to limited financial resources, but this could be where your network comes in to save you (so don’t forget to network). A few hobbies that the elite enjoy are: travel, skiing, sailing, golf, and fine dining. If you already gravitate towards one of these, pick up that hobby. Or maybe you want to learn more about one. This short list is not inclusive and there are other hobbies that could be becoming of a young hypergamous woman (like painting). Never do something you dislike to impress others, but also never be afraid to try something new. You can travel on a budget and have amazing experiences. Travel makes you more interesting; you’ll have more stories to share and it’ll show how cultured you are. Skiing, sailing, and golf are all sports. Typically, you do these activities with others. Fine dining I put on the list because for some, it is a hobby. It’s more about the dining experience than it is about the food (though the food is always amazing). Take an etiquette class and learn how to properly dine at upscale establishments. Do you know which side your drink goes on and which side your bread dish goes on? How do you pass the salt to someone on on the other side of the table? When wine is ordered, who tastes it first? When can you start eating your food if you’re in a party of 5 people? If you don’t know the answers to these questions, you need to learn more about dining etiquette. There’s also the complexities of American and European dining (and yes they are different). I took a free elective course on this in college. There’s also Youtubers who can help you learn and free articles online.

I hope this helps! Take what you need and leave the rest. ❣️

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9 months ago

Downloadable Pdfs for Research:








Quantum Physics

The Quantum Structure of Space and Time

The Fourth Dimension: Sacred Geometry, Alchemy, and Math



536 Puzzles and Curious Problems

Complete Works of Leonardo da Vinci


Ancient Greek Philosophy

Music Theory 101

Timelines of History

World History

World History 101

World History: Ancient Age to Digital Age

History’s Greatest Lies

World History of Slavery, Volume 3

Military History

Dirty Secrets of WWII

The Decisive Battles of World History

The Art of War - Sun Tzu’



Ancient Egypt





History of Africa

Ancient Ireland

Ancient Greek History

Ancient Rome

Renaissance Italy

Medieval History

History of Art

Renaissance Art History

History of the world in 1,000 objects


Pagan Origins of Christianity

The Dead Sea Scrolls

The Darkening Age: The Christian Destruction of the Classical World

The Dark History of the Popes

Dark History of the Kings and Queens of Europe

The Illustrated Book of Signs and Symbols

The Secret Teachings of All Ages

Hidden History: Lost Civilizations and Ancient Secrets

The Book of Secrets

The Secret History of the World

The Element Encyclopedia of Secret Societies and Hidden History

The Emerald Tablet: Alchemy of Personal Transformation

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9 months ago


The Gift of Fear.

ďżź Billionaire Babes Club.

How to Date like a Courtesan.

Ho Tactics.

The Sugar Daddy Formula.

Smart Girls Marry Money.


The Seduction Mystique.

How to talk to Hot Guys.

Men Don't Love Women Like You.

Why Men Love Bitches.

The Hesitant Mistress.

The Mistress Manual.

<3 <3 <3

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