Fast And Furious - Perfect Popcorn Picture
Fast And Furious - Perfect Popcorn Picture
The fast and furious franchise is by no means one of the greatest of all time and the films are never of astounding acting or revolutionary direction however they forfill their purpose perfectly. This franchise reason for continuation is that it’s a popcorn flick which suits the summer movie season. It has mass appeal because of its gigantic action scenes which they manage to continuously up the anti of. Each next instalment has you wondering how they will make an even bigger spectical.

Whilst the acting isn’t going to get any Oscar nominations the cast has a great chemistry (when they aren’t fighting one another backstage) which pushes the running message of family. The film also has a clear understanding of who are its stars (The Rock, Vin Diesel, Paul Walker [may he rest in peace] and the newcomer Jason Statham) yet it doesn’t let them overshadow the secondary characters (Tyrese, Ludicrous, Michelle Rodriguez). I do believe they have added too many characters into the franchise making it hard for everyone to be unique and have character development. Yet having so many characters means their is more representation of each demographic, this means more people are going to show up to watch your movie as they are reflected in it. I think that this franchise shows Hollywood how you can have diversity (in both race and gender) without it feeling like tokenism.

From the first film which focused on the realistic aspects of the world of underground street racing it was Fast Five which breathed life into this B rated franchise. It did this by making it unrealistic; and by adding The Rock. These impossible aspects is what turned the franchise into a popcorn series and made it reach the heights that it has today.

Being a popcorn picture is not a bad thing after all the Fast and Furious franchise just keeps making more and more money with the mose recent instalment (Fate of the Furious) earning over a billion at the box office, guaranteeing the franchises future. Also by being a popcorn picture you’re more likely to have a fanbase which means more movies, more money. Who wouldn’t want that?
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Why Nobody is talking about Pitch Perfect 3
Rather then being an analysis of the film this piece examines the marketing of a movie, so no spoilers here.
This film came out during Christmas time, obviously different countries mean different dates but for the majority it screened during the festive period. Yes it’s true that films released very close to the big day tend to not earn as much due to people busy with other activities. However there is always a rise in ticket sales after the 25th (when people have free time on thier hands) yet Pitch Perfect 3 still couldn’t make an impact. Why is this?

Overcrowding In that week of release Pitch Perfect 3 was contending with Jumanji: Welcome To The Jungle, Star Wars - The Last Jedi and The Greatest Showman. If that wasn’t enough this years awards season films Mollys Game, All The Money In The World and Shape Of Water were also competing. Most people cannot afford to see all these films so they chose one and Pitch Perfect 3 wasn’t alot of people’s choices.

No Hype While the film most certainly has an fanbase shown by it’s great hype for the first and second movie. For this release the fans just didn’t seem to care as much with the film not being as talked about as the previous two instalments.

Wrong Date, Wrong Time Not only was this film released at one of the most crowded periods of time it also isn’t a festive film. On the other hand neither is any of the other movies that were in cinema but unlike those movies Pitch Perfect 3 had a last minute marketing switch up which using the 12 days of pitchmas song left audiences confused as to wither or not it is a festive movie. Then there is also the factor of demographic which for the franchise would be blanketed as teen girls or musical fans. The teen girl demographic would of had more fun if the film came out in summer when they are on holiday and can go with all thier friends. Whilst musical fans had The Greatest Showman which had a lot of hype due to its star studded cast and unbelievable music so they were more likely to see that film.

Conclusion All in all this isn’t an assessment of the movie but why some films, big or small, franchise or solo, don’t do as well as anticipated or fall under the radar. Whilst the cast did talk about a possible fourth instalments with those box office numbers it isn’t likely but you never know what will happen on the ancillary market.

Why I already love the joker movie
This is based on the trailer alone and I am well aware of the fact that the real movie could be garbage.

The movie is so clearly inspired by iconic films of the 70s like all of Martin Scorsese work (Taxi driver) which is interesting because at one point he was in talks to direct this movie. The directing and cinematography looks absolutely beautiful. The way the music swelled when the joker was running down the tunnel was beyond beautiful. The pilled up trash by the dinner showing how disgusting Gotham is but also a reflection of the jokers inner mind and feelings. I was truely surprised when I recalled that Todd Philips us directing considering his previous body of work (Hangover, Due Date, War Dogs) this comes right out of left field and does so in the greatest way.

All the lines said in the trailer were so powerful particular what the joker writes in his notebook "The worst thing about having mental health is having to pretend that you don't" which speaks to a discrimination that still exists in society today. Joaquin Phoenix truly comes across as someone who has zero control because of his own illness and the world's treatment of him, as shown by him getting beaten up numerous of times. Gotham makes joker into a villian just how it made Batman in the hero it deserves it got the villian it deserves with the joker. Also I hope that little boy is Bruce Wayne.

I was very much reminded of movies like American Pyscho, Nightcrawler not from a stylistic perspective but when it comes to analysing these horrible evil people and seeing inside their minds, thier perspective. This idea of hearing a mask, forcing a smile because the joker cannot smile himself is an incredible idea and what makes the arc of the trailer alone where in the final shot he finally smiles.

The tragedy of the everyman as popularized by Death of A salesmen is taken to the full extreme here and I cannot wait to see how it plays out. Especially is they do the infamous talk show scene from the dark knight returns plus it was a good nod to the 70s by having Robert de niro be the host. I have many many thoughts on this trailer that I could spend hours typing away but all in all I am very excited for this film and cannot wait to see it opening night.
Ps - Heath Ledger did an amazing performance as the joker as did Jack Nicholson and Mark Hamill and there can be many actors who give different performances so don't just not like this movie because Heath Ledgers joker is the only joker because that is simply not true and you could be missing out on another great joker performance.

Three Billboards - Jason Dixon
Three Billboards Outside of Ebbing Missouri is a complex ensamble movie based around the three billboards our protagonist Mildred sets up about the death and rape of her daughter. Eventhough it is an ensemble piece and every ones acting is incredible, due to an great script written by Martin McDonagh, however Sam Rockwells character Jason Dixon stood out the most to me because of his character arc.
At the beginning of the film I hated him so much, I honestly wanted him to die. His racist, homophobic and pure aggression made him seem unredeemable to me yet as the film progresses we see him change. When he receives that letter from Chief Willoughby there is this moment where he becomes vunrable, he’s lost his idol, friend and his career. The words of his dead partner strike him so much so that he wants to change.
We see this first when the fire breaks out and he saves the rape case file rather then just saving himself showing how he does care.
Then in the hospital he breaks down into tears when facing Red Welby who he mercilessly beat to a pulp. He cries not only due to the guilt of his actions but also that Red still shows him kindness despite his actions.
His character arc ends in the last third where we see a man who hated minorities now being a minority (due to his burns). We are also taught a lesson about not jumping to conclusions as we find out that Jason never burned the billboards and so was scorned for no reason. Yet it is this scarring that has now made him a decent human being.
The last thing that made me forgive him was the beating that he took in order to criminalise the rapist, risking his life in order to do so. It showed that he was a man who believed in justice and was willing to go the extra mile to get it.
Jason’s influenced by his mother who has these beliefs about the world so his ability to overcome this poisonous views and become a better person us extremely powerful. He is by no means a great human being as we all have our flaws but the fact that this movie was able to make me do a completely 180° on someone who I thought I could never change my mind about deserves my utmost respect and applause.