Post Inspiration From The Song Healing. By Riley Clemmings. Linked Here If Anyone Is Interested!
Post inspiration from the song “Healing.” by Riley Clemmings. Linked here if anyone is interested!

“I-I really thought I wouldn’t make it out of this one, ya’know? I just gave up, sitting in that dark alley. I didn’t think anyone was going to find me. And if someone did, what would they do? Turn me in, leave me to rot? I couldn’t take that chance. And… and then you found me.”
A hand squeezed theirs reassuringly.
“I couldn’t do anything. Too weak I guess. I just prayed I could trust you. And I guess I was right.” A smile graced their lips, they hiccuped.
Hero gave Villan’s hand another squeeze. Apparently when they left the room to get something for them to eat, the villain had taken it as ‘the morphine controller is free game’ and gone to town with it. Hero reminded themselves to never leave it in plain sight again as the villain went from thanking them to singing an off-key version of an old nursery rhyme.
It was only slightly humorous.
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More Posts from Bleeding-letters
Writing Prompt #2

“Hey wait a minute, aren’t you supposed to be one of the good guys?”
“Well yes, but—Well technically— I suppose so? Look kid, don’t make me question my morals. At this point, all I’m doing is my best.”
Snippet #4.01
TW: description of wounds, use of medical equipment

“As fascinated as I am watching you work with this kind of expertise, I am curious as to how you know to stich someone up so professionally. Do you work for Hero, or Superhero perhaps?”
’Twas but an awkward situation, that one. Supervillain had been in the process of fleeing leaving a fight downtown between a few of the city’s biggest and brightest supers on both sides. When they had taken to the air, they didn’t realize how bad their injuries had been. Their vision turned black within moments- and miraculously -Supervillain crash landed on a balcony instead of plummeting to their untimely demise. When they came to hours later, they had been brought indoors and set on a couch, apparently owned by this civilian.
The supervillain had been surprised. This person had an opportunity to do anything. Call the cops, flag down a hero, even unmask them. But they hadn’t. And since Supervillain considered themself as a slow-to-destruction kind of person, the civilian wouldn’t be killed on sight.
Then Supervillain noticed their injuries, treated and either bandaged or stitched, save one rather nasty gash over their ribs.
And it was only after that did they noticed the civilian crouched on the floor. Frozen in place, holding a string-like fiber and a hooked needle in their clutches. This civilian was not normal, that was for certain.
Said civilian, now, shrugged and continued their work. “I don’t work for any super in this city. Maybe once however, I was a super living in a different city. It would have been years ago, obviously. I would have learned how to use sutures to patch myself up because it was the only way I could survive, because there was no one I could go to for help,” They paused to look them in the eye.
Or maybe,” They tugged the thread a little too harshly, getting a hiss out of the supervillain. “I’m a paramedic who does this kind of procedure nearly every day, because ya’know, it’s my job.” They tied the last knot and set the hook-like needle down.
“Speaking of going to some one for help, stitches should come out in two weeks. I assume one of your villain friends can help you with that?” The civilian helped Supervillain to their feet before leaving them in favor of cleaning their equipment.
Supervillain didn’t acknowledge them as they made their way to the balcony, testing their flight abilities and then leaping off the fourteen-story balcony ledge. Today must’ve been their lucky day.
Part 2
The pain begins young, with an incurable and wretched disease that brings only an agonizing death to some, and a helpless death to others. At this point in life, I am too young to know what any of that means, but it still takes its toll. I learn what my limitations are rather quickly.
While I struggle with the deadly blow life has poured out to me, I am shunned by my peers because of it. As the years go by I drift further away from those around me. My pain is silent for only me to know, and before I know it, the world around me is too.
Then one day, knowledge calls with siren sweet lullabies. There in her arms I learn it all, spiraling towards my purpose without any clue as to how long before I land.
Poisons, chemicals, and nature’s deadliest being among the few lessons I learn, with more than a few scars to prove such. My love for information has only added an accelerant to the pile- the only thing missing; a match.
As I look at the world around me, I see brokenness. I see how greedy people with power are, letting hundreds die just so they can make their quick, fat buck. I see those with the authority to stop the suffering don’t because they can only see the ceiling. They have become too stuck up to do anything about it. It sickens me. And with that, the inferno begins. They will be the first to go.
I am a con artist, a thief. I steal so others who suffer won’t anymore. I am dangerous, a pyromaniac. I destroy so the corrupt cannot continue their wicked deeds. I am a threat to the world around me.
I am a villain.
Dear Heroes, Villains, Sidekicks, Superheroes, Supervillains (including retired ones) Civilians, Witches, Wizards, even Whumpers, Whumpees and Caretakers (if you find the following question interesting) and literally everyone else,
If you were a villain, what would your backstory be?
I’m tagginggg:
@kitsunesakii @letthebodyfall @livingforthewhump @corruptedtwibunny @creweemmaeec11 @amethystpath-writes @a-blue-comedy @avvail @akawrites000 @bleeding-letters @coffeewritesfiction @chocomarsuniverse @deckofaces @defectivehero @enemies-to-idiots-to-lovers @epiclamer @equestrianwritingsstuff @esperosisdoeswriting @flowerypeaches @gingerly-writing @galaxy-mermaid-musi @gwenapple @itsleighlove @kaiwewi @kactus-loves-writing @larinzz @letters-unsending @literally-just-kirby @morallygreyprompts @mirohtron @nuttynutcycle @nightfrostshadow @obsessed-over-hot-villains @omegaventus @phoenixisdabestwriter @paperburrows @playssilly @romancepromptsforthevillainous @rainy-knights-of-villany @some-messed-up-writing-for-you @the-modern-typewriter @the-tsar-unanswerable @thepenultimateword @token-homosexual @the-luminol-writer @undeadnotunreasonable @vigilantetendencies @villainsandcivilians @watercolorfreckles @wisteria-whump
Feel free to tag more people I’m dyinggg to know ><
Reasons why not to visit a group of thieves or vigilantes hangout
It’ll take you hours to find the street their base is on— due to the cryptic message directions —and another hour to find a lever to open a trapdoor. This will let into a 2 by 4 foot crawl space that will lead you into a pitch black basement. Then you’ll realize the nagging feeling that you’re in the wrong place was indeed right, because you know they don’t have a guard dog. And you’ll definitely know it took you less than 3 seconds to get back out the window.
At that point, you might be ready to give up and go home. But then you’ll get a text from an unknown number. It’ll say you have to go down another two streets. You’ll ask how they knew where you were. They’ll say they could hear Mrs. Masrani’s doberman from the hideout.
However, if you do find yourself still wanting to go:
1. Know they never have any food. Well, they do, but it’s all hidden. Living on the streets all those years taught them to cherish all food they come across, and to be the only person to know where their stash is. To get food, you must either ask or bring your own.
2. Make sure you show up at the exact time they told you.
3. NEVER, under any circumstances, mention you have ramen at home. Unless of course you have enough to feed all 20 of the teens and preteens living in the hideout. Ramen is a sacred thing.
4. Never take anything of value to the hideout.
5. Never ask where the swords hanging on the wall came from. In fact, never ask about any of the decorations.
6. Don’t ask how much any of the decorations cost either. You might have second thoughts about your profession.
7. And finally, never promise to visit again soon. When you say soon they think you mean tomorrow. And they will hunt you down if you don’t show. Say you’ll come whenever you have some spare time. Which is almost never.
Your Boss warns you,
I made my first writer designs!
What do you guys think? I was first inspired when I saw the Halloween x Writer designs that @writing-prompt-s made. I just loved the idea of making some writer-themed designs. These first ones are simple with none of my actual drawings on them, but that will change! I have ideas for a couple more designs coming up soon :3
I'd also love to hear any suggestions you guys have!
Reblogs help a lot <3