Writing Prompt #4
Writing Prompt #4

“I’m sure it’ll work this time! What do I always say?”
“I’m leaving and I’ll either kill or be killed, don’t come looking for me?”
“Not that, the other thing!”
“Sticks and stones may break my bones but Hero’s flirts won’t get to me?”
“I- When did I say that?”
“Yesterday. You literally said that yesterday.”
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More Posts from Bleeding-letters
A hero and a villain (or their sidekicks?~) trapped in a small space (and maybe crushing on each other)? (@creweemmaeec11 just made a list with situations and they seem cool, in case you feel like writing something like that!)
Have a nice day✨
I’m going to give the sidekicks names so the writing flows better, is that alright? Hero’s Sidekick can be Ember, and Villain’s Sidekick can be Riptide I guess. Those are cool names, I think? But fire and water have a… tendency to make a little steam, do they not? Anyway, hope y’all enjoy!
Anyone But You
“How long have we been trapped here?”
“5 minutes, Em. It’s been 5 minutes since the power went out.”
If someone had told Ember an hour ago they’d be trapped with the one person on the planet she shouldn’t be in love with, she would’ve laughed and walked away.
But here she was.
How was she supposed to explain this to Hero? Hey Boss, don’t worry about where she’d been or why she hadn’t bothered to even clock in. No worries, yeah, she was just with her sworn enemy checking on a hunch that an even bigger sworn enemy had evil plans in their mansion. Yes, the one on the outskirts of town where the next closest house was a quarter-mile away. Yup, that’s the one. No no, it’s all good. Nothing to worry about.
Riptide had started searching right away, his face scrunched in concentration as he threw papers through the air. Ember walked off to look in another part of the house, silently searching for Supervillain’s plans. The pair had not been searching for thirty minutes before Riptide came running in to the kitchen, a panicked mess. He said he heard the front door open. And that was how the two of them— albeit without thinking — ended up in the tiniest hiding place possible.
A dumbwaiter.
A freaking dumbwaiter.
Oh, and then the power went out.
So here she was, stuck in a dumbwaiter, with her crush laying in her lap, in the dark.
“Would you mind um, getting off me, for a second?”
“Oh right! Sorry, I’ll um… I, uh-” Ember stopped listening for a hot second as the other continued to mumble and go on. Why all of a sudden was Riptide, a normally brash and cocky charmer, now a bumbling mess?
Cold air filled the space where he’d been. And as much as she wanted him close, Ember had to shake off that feeling. Her priority right now was escape, not Riptide. She called upon her powers, feeling that familiar heat flood through her veins and up her arm, igniting a small flame in the palm of her hand. Now she would be able to see.
Well, she would have been able to see… if Riptide didn’t immediately put out the flame. Ember tried again, only for her nemesis to do the same thing. A hissing noise filling the air as the two elements made contact. Why was he acting so strange? It was really starting to get on Ember’s nerves. “I’m trying to get us out of here. If you shoot out my flame with your freaking water blast again, I’ll make you regret it.”
And suddenly one of Riptide’s hands slammed into the wall beside her. “Will you now? Do tell me, how do you plan to do that?”
She would’ve come up with some snarky or witty comeback, but her brain stopped functioning. He was flirting with her. Actually flirting with her. Was that why he’d been acting strange? It was the only reason, right? Well, two can play at that game. And so she brought her hand up in front of her face, and ignited the tips of her fingers.
Was that— Was that a blush on his face? Before she had another moment to contemplate, his hand wrapped around hers and the flames died with a quiet hiss. He pulled her forward, right into a searing kiss. Slow. Claiming. Possessive. Everything she’d ever imagined and more. And when he pulled away, she realized how badly she had really wanted him.
She’d give just about anything to see. The walls, her suit, him, anything other than the dark. She could feel his smile though, cool against her burning skin. Taunting her.
“You put out my flames. I can’t let you go unpunished, now can I?”
“Mmm, I suppose not.”
His lips found her neck in a breaths notice, leaving a trail of kisses in its wake. She gasped when he hit a soft spot, his grin then turning feral against her. “You might want to cool it down, darling. Your fingertips are sparking.”
She lost control of her emotions. Crap. She needed to get him away. If she hurt him with her fire…Ember tried to push him back, only for him pin her wrists over her head.
“Ah ah ah, I don’t think so,” He was close again, his breath fanning over her neck. “You’re not running from this. You know I can take the heat~” As if that wasn’t the cheesiest thing he could’ve said. Ember shivered at the sudden drop in temperature as Riptide took over.
“My my, I didn’t think you were supposed to feel that way about your nemesis. Aren’t you supposed to hate the bad guy?” She rubbed circles into his palm, biting back the reply held on the tip of her tongue. The dumbwaiter rumbled to life through the wall behind her. Something was happening. “Rip-”
His fingers brushed the hem of her shirt, Ember bristling at his touch. “Rip. We’re— someone’s coming! Rip listen, I’m serious, the powers’ back. We’re going up. And if it’s-” The dumbwaiter door flew open.
“Well well well, what do we have here?”
Oh, they were in trouble. And it wasn’t the kind either of them wanted.

Would it be possible to get a continuation of Snippet 2?
Guess what’s coming soon!
And I assume you’ll want to be on the taglist? If not just let me know.
The pain begins young, with an incurable and wretched disease that brings only an agonizing death to some, and a helpless death to others. At this point in life, I am too young to know what any of that means, but it still takes its toll. I learn what my limitations are rather quickly.
While I struggle with the deadly blow life has poured out to me, I am shunned by my peers because of it. As the years go by I drift further away from those around me. My pain is silent for only me to know, and before I know it, the world around me is too.
Then one day, knowledge calls with siren sweet lullabies. There in her arms I learn it all, spiraling towards my purpose without any clue as to how long before I land.
Poisons, chemicals, and nature’s deadliest being among the few lessons I learn, with more than a few scars to prove such. My love for information has only added an accelerant to the pile- the only thing missing; a match.
As I look at the world around me, I see brokenness. I see how greedy people with power are, letting hundreds die just so they can make their quick, fat buck. I see those with the authority to stop the suffering don’t because they can only see the ceiling. They have become too stuck up to do anything about it. It sickens me. And with that, the inferno begins. They will be the first to go.
I am a con artist, a thief. I steal so others who suffer won’t anymore. I am dangerous, a pyromaniac. I destroy so the corrupt cannot continue their wicked deeds. I am a threat to the world around me.
I am a villain.
Dear Heroes, Villains, Sidekicks, Superheroes, Supervillains (including retired ones) Civilians, Witches, Wizards, even Whumpers, Whumpees and Caretakers (if you find the following question interesting) and literally everyone else,
If you were a villain, what would your backstory be?
I’m tagginggg:
@kitsunesakii @letthebodyfall @livingforthewhump @corruptedtwibunny @creweemmaeec11 @amethystpath-writes @a-blue-comedy @avvail @akawrites000 @bleeding-letters @coffeewritesfiction @chocomarsuniverse @deckofaces @defectivehero @enemies-to-idiots-to-lovers @epiclamer @equestrianwritingsstuff @esperosisdoeswriting @flowerypeaches @gingerly-writing @galaxy-mermaid-musi @gwenapple @itsleighlove @kaiwewi @kactus-loves-writing @larinzz @letters-unsending @literally-just-kirby @morallygreyprompts @mirohtron @nuttynutcycle @nightfrostshadow @obsessed-over-hot-villains @omegaventus @phoenixisdabestwriter @paperburrows @playssilly @romancepromptsforthevillainous @rainy-knights-of-villany @some-messed-up-writing-for-you @the-modern-typewriter @the-tsar-unanswerable @thepenultimateword @token-homosexual @the-luminol-writer @undeadnotunreasonable @vigilantetendencies @villainsandcivilians @watercolorfreckles @wisteria-whump
Feel free to tag more people I’m dyinggg to know ><
Hmm how about a hero x villain thing where hero realises villain is actually a good, caring parent?
Or something that has to do with telepathy?
I am out of ideas ;-;
Your writing is amazing though, keep it up and thank you so much for posting it!
What Are We, One Year from Now?
“So… where have you been? It’s been a week since we last fought and— wait, you’re not avoiding me, are you?”
“Why are you here, exactly?” The villain stood on the front steps of their home, thoroughly annoyed by their unwelcomed guest. They held a stack of unopened letters in one hand, the other on the doorknob, a clear sign they wanted out of the conversation.
“You didn’t answer my question. Why are you avoiding me?”
“Wouldn’t it be easier just to take the answer from my brain?”
“Thought it would be better to ask first,” The hero gave them a small but genuine smile. “Figured I’d get more results that way then dealing with mental walls and making you angry.”
Villain wasn’t avoiding them per-say, they had just been a little busy. But they couldn’t say that out loud because well, if the hero asked what they were doing they couldn’t lie, Hero would know. Having a nemesis with telepathy really was the worst.
“I- Something came up.“
“For an entire week?”
“Y-Yes. Look, I’m not making plans or hiding out or anything. I should be back to doing my criminal deeds by the beginning of next week. But for now-”
A little child that couldn’t be any more than four years old appeared at the pair’s feet, wrapping her arm around the villan’s leg. The little girl looked up at Hero, rubbing the sleepiness out of her sapphire eyes. And for the first time since Hero met Villain, the criminal looked truly afraid.
“Yeah baby, you need something?” The villain crouched down to her level, the hero momentarily forgotten. His voice became laced a level of with care and concern Hero didn’t know was possible.
“My tummy still hurts daddy.” The girl coughed.
“I know baby. Do you want to try some soup? C’mon, I’ll go make you some.”
“What about— *cough*—what about them?”
The villain turned to Hero, his face a mix of pleading, concerned, and terrified at the same time. I’d never dare harm them, you know that
Villain seemed to relax slightly at the hero’s message, opening the door to let them pass into the house. Villain led the way to the kitchen, only pausing once to ask the child to go wake her brother. And she did, leaving the two adults in the kitchen alone.
Villain knew Hero would have a lot of questions for them. How old are they, is the home safe, who’s the mother, is she alive or dead, are they really his kids—
“Do they know?” Hero started softly.
Wow, out of all of the questions they could’ve asked... “No. If I can help it, they never will,” Villain grabbed a small pot and a can of chicken noodle soup. “Her brother starts school in a year, and I plan to be out of the villain life by then.”
“A year? You mean-”
“Yes. A year from now I will be a normal civilian living a normal life being a normal father. I’ll have a normal job and live in a normal house.” Villain’s vision blurred as the tears began. “A year from now you and I…”
Villain’s voice cracked and Hero’s heart wrenched in two. They knew him, Villain was giving up everything they’d ever known for these kids, even if he didn’t have to. “That doesn’t have to be true. I’m still here, we could work something out.”
“Like what? There’s no idea or plan I haven’t thought up where this ends well for us. It just-” And suddenly Hero was beside him, a finger hooked under his chin. His breathing nearly stopped at Hero’s sudden proximity. Villain wanted this. They wanted Hero to hold him in their arms and tell him it would be all right. To look him in the eye and he know it would turn out okay. But… they couldn’t do this to them. There was no situation where they could be together, not without putting someone in danger. They couldn’t do that to them.
It took a moment to register the arm snaking around his waist, pulling them closer, closer, closer, until their chests were touching. “What if,” The hero’s voice was a hushed whisper as they removed their finger from under Villain’s chin, bringing it up to their own face. To their mask. “I did this?” And with deliberate slowness, the mask came off.
The villain started when a high pitched gasp came from across the room. The noise was soon mixed with muffled giggles and the sound of small feet running. The villain turned just in time to see a little boy turning down the hall and out of view. Moments later his daughter appeared, all wide-eyed and excited, tentatively coming up to the pair. Her brother came up behind her, peeking over her shoulder shyly.
“Mx. Hero, —*cough*— aren’t you supposed to be in love with —*cough*— with Villain?”
“I was supposed to but… I fell in love with your dad instead.”
And Villain was sure the blush taking over his face was warmer than the soup cooking on the stove.

I meant to post this yesterday sorry ;-;
Snippet #3.02
First part here!
TW: description of wounds, needle, held down, explosion

All they knew for certain was their leg was in pain. No, that wasn’t the right word. Burning, aching… throbbing? Yeah, those were better descriptions. All three fit the agonizing feeling that made Hero want to scream.
They knew the walls were a dark green, the cabinets were a shiny silver color. The hero tried to focus on the things around them. It’d keep them from full blown panic.
They swallowed— though their throat was sandpaper —when they noticed a cut about mid-thigh too clean to be accident, right where the searing seemed to originate from.
Upon closer inspection it almost looked like someone slashed their suit then stabbed them. But there wasn’t blood anywhere? Just a blackish-blue bruise the size of a fist?
Hey, wait a minute, that was the same mark an epipen would leave. Wait a minute, did an epipen do that? Did their epipen do that?
It was at that moment the door swung open. The hero froze as two people walked in. Lab coats, one in a turtleneck, the other in a set of off-blue colored scrubs.
They immediately categorized them as civilians, medical workers. The two kept their heads buried in their tablets, effectively not noticing the hero’s awakened state. That was until one of them pulled out a needle and reached for the IV.
The only way Hero could describe what happened when they grabbed the medic’s arm as pure chaos. The medic shrieked, scaring the other nurse who in turn tossed their tablet. The scream apparently alerted others, and now there were more people flooding through the door.
The command for someone to hold Hero down came from the first nurse, and moments later their arms, legs, and shoulders were pinned down. They couldn’t get up. They couldn’t fight them. No, nononono.
“Getoffgetoffgetoff. Get off me!”
“Let them alone,” A new voice rang, calm, but yet still commanding. It was enough that the nurses backed off, thank goodness.
“Its morphine, if that’s what you were so dearly frightened about. You were afraid of it being poison?”
Did they just-? How did they know that?
“Or was it something else entirely … You’ve been quite on edge, even before the doctors arrived…” Oh, they’re a mind reader. Great, just what Hero needed.
“Now now, that’s no way to greet your savior,”
Who is this, who do they think they are?
“You’ll call me a concerned party. If I may ask, do you remember what happened that landed you here?”
Hero couldn’t seem to remember anything. The last thing they could remember was sprinting across rooftop after rooftops towards a bank vault heist in progress. They could see a figure in the distance, but Hero was too far away yet to see who. Was it Supervillain or Thief, perhaps?
No, it was someone they’d never seen before. Hero made note of the stormy grey body suit, a deep green glow illuminating from lines carved into their suit. They couldn’t tell for certain, but it looked like the suit was the expensive stuff— fireproof, bulletproof, the works.
Whoever this was, they had deep connections. And money. Lots of money.
Hero made their presence known as they approached. The figure swiveled, eyes wide. They took a step back. And another. Then they were running into the bank? Despite the questionable action, Hero gave chase.
When the person took a left turn down a corridor, Hero didn’t expect them to come barreling back at an inhuman speed. Hero crashed into the figure, falling face first to the ground. They looked up.
Oh, so that’s why they were running like they saw a demon. That’s a bomb.
Well, it was close enough to a demon.
The last thing they could remember was running. The other person was nowhere in sight, so they must have already made it out, right?
“Hey.” Someone shook Hero’s shoulder, effectively bringing them back to reality. But what about the epipen bruise? They couldn’t explain where the mark came from.
Their savior chuckled. “I’ll let you alone for a moment. There’s someone waiting, they can clarify I do believe.” And without answering Hero’s question, they left.
The next person to enter the room sent Hero’s heart in a frenzy.
“I’m told you recognized me,” They held out a hand to shake. It was them. They were alive! “I’m Villain. And I believe we have a few things to discuss.”
Taglist: @chaoticgoodandi , @dovahcourts
I apologize for how long this took to write!