Breaker of minds and bones since the beginning of time
418 posts
Whumptober Prompt #28- Beaten
Whumptober Prompt #28- Beaten
This is my last story that’s not back on track with the Michael!whump in my Villainous verse (better title still in progress). This should be the last bit that focuses on Michael and Fayelin’s backstory, and after this, we’ll continue with our regularly scheduled whump story. I’ve got some good stuff planned for Michael and Endeavor returns and... I don’t want to spoil it :)
@winedark-whump This is the one I’ve been dying to show you! I’m so excited. Okay, here we go.
A crash in another woke Michael from his light sleep. He sat up slowly, trying not to put any stress on the nothingness that was his left arm. Arrow had patched him up, crying the entire time. She had sobbed apologies, both fully coherent and utterly nonsensical. He could barely acknowledge her, whether it was from the drugs she had snuck for him or the grief that overwhelmed him, he wasn’t entirely sure. He did remember her saying since it was her fault that everything had happened the way it did, the least she could do was make sure he had a place to stay, saying he could crash at his place until he was strong enough to move. He hadn’t really responded to her, unable to form words of reassurance or defiance. Mostly, he had just wanted to go back to sleep, where he could pretend that his fiance wasn’t dead, where he still had both of his arms, and where he wasn’t crashing in a Heroes apartment. That had been a week ago.
A hard thump followed the crash. That concerned him, Arrow had said that no other Heroes knew where she lived as it was against their policy to reveal information that could potentially be tortured out of someone. Once he was upright, he put his feet on the cold floor. Her apartment wasn’t much really, it was just a bedroom with no furniture except a mattress, a kitchenette, and a bathroom, with no carpeting, or even drapes on the window (she had told him, embarrassed, while working, that she used foil in order to trap the heat in winter) so he knew it wouldn’t be robbers. Who would rob somewhere on the bad side of town, with no drapes, and foil on the windows? Absolutely no one, and he was sure of it.
So he made his way into the kitchen, grabbing first the baseball bat underneath her bed. He knew she had one, all girls who lived on this side of town did. He didn’t have the strength to charge it up but, in a pinch, he could do some damage with it. He toed open the door, and dropped the bat. Arrow was spread out across the floor, fallen pots and pans from the stove around her.
“I told you we could just share the bed.” Michael joked listlessly. “You don’t have to sleep on the kitchen floor.”
A watery chuckle was his reply.
“Don’t think I could move even if you wanted me to.”
Michael frowned. Arrow then shifted, lifting her head up with great effort, and horror flashed through his veins. Arrow’s face was badly beaten, eyes almost swollen shut, blood everywhere, lips split and cracked, and her nose looked broken. It had taken him a moment to see that Arrow was even under what was left of that face.
With a burst of adrenaline, he grabbed her shirt with his good arm and dragged her over to the bed he’d just been sleeping on. She didn’t protest the entire time.
“You weren’t this beat up the last time I saw you.” Michael said. “What happened?”
“It doesn’t matter.” Arrow replied.
“It matters.” Michael insisted, latching onto the first emotion he’d felt in days. “Did they give you another mission? Did someone hurt you because of the Explosion?”
Arrow flinched. “Just drop it, okay, it doesn’t matter!”
“It matters!” Michael shouted. Arrow flinched again, tears welling up in her eyes, and he forced himself to calm down. “Please, who did this to you?”
The dam burst and Arrow dissolved into tears. Michael sat on the bed beside her.
“I thought they were my friends.”
“What?” Michael asked in horror but Arrow misunderstood.
“I thought they were my friends!” She shouted. “I trusted them! They said I was no different from the very criminals I hunted!”
Michael just stared at her. Arrow choked back her tears as best as she could.
“I killed your Mirror.” She whispered, as if admitting it aloud were physically painful to her. Knowing her ethics, it probably did. “It was an accident but it still happened. And I blew off your arm, and I brought you to my own fucking apartment, and they screamed at me for not capturing you!”
A pit of dread crept into Michael’s veins.
“I didn’t tell them you were here.” Arrow sighed, noticing Michael’s discomfort. “They called me a traitor. Said Killian’s death changed me too much. Wait- fuck! You know what? I don’t care. Yes, Soldier’s name was Killian. I’m a traitor anyway, may as well stop fighting it.”
In a move he never could’ve predicted, Arrow took off her blood-stained mask, revealing the very young face underneath it.
“You’re just a kid.” Michael breathed.
Arrow shrugged. She slowly sat up to match his posture, wincing.
“Look, Arrow-”
“Excuse me?” Michael asked.
“You’ve seen me without my mask, you’re staying in my shitty ass apartment, and you know Killian’s name, so you may as well know mine. My name is Fayelin. Fayelin Skye.”
“Michael Winters.” Michael stuck his hand out on instinct.
Arr-Fayelin shook it easily.
“I’m sorry.” She whispered.
“I know.”
“No, I mean, fuck, I am so, so sorry for what happened.” Fayelin tentatively wiped away her fresh tears. “You lost someone more important to you than your own life and it’s all my fault and I’m so, so sorry for that in a way I can’t put into words. But that’s not what this one was about.”
She turned to face him, grunting as she shifted, clearly trying to work through the pain.
“I’m sorry I believed them.”
Michael frowned, confused.
“I’m sorry I believed their lies. I’m sorry I let them brainwash me into thinking you were basically subhuman. I’m sorry I thought that all of your kind was the same and couldn’t be trusted, and because of that mistrust you lost someone you loved. I thought none of your kind was capable of real love. Seeing what you’re going through, I know now how truly wrong I was. I let them twist me up to be as bad as they were and I was proud of it. To have my own kind turn against me for the wrong reasons, I’m… I just can’t. I was wrong in what I did but what they’ve done to me just confirms everything you Villains have been saying for years. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry I was apart of that system. I have done horrible things to you, I will never stop apologizing for that. I’m going to try for the rest of my life to wipe out the red in my ledger. I wish I could’ve seen sooner, what they were doing to me, what I was turning myself into. I’m sorry I let my grief after Killian turn me into a weapon of propaganda and destruction for them. I’m not asking for your forgiveness, I’ll never ask that of you, what I did was unforgivable. I just… I just need you to know that I’m sorry. For everything.”
They sat in silence for a while.
“Look, Fayelin, you fucked up. You fucked up in a way that can’t be undone. And it hurts, it’ll always hurt… I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to forgive you… I don’t even know if I’ll ever want to forgive you… but maybe, just maybe… we can fight against their lies together. We can fight against their fucked up system… so it never happens again. Not to me, or anyone else.”
“I’m in.”
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More Posts from Bloodyfeverdreams
Hey you're an amazing writer
Awwwwwwww thank you soooooooooo much! I’m sorry this took so long, it’s been a long few days for me. But you’re amazing too! Thank you so much I cannot even!
that feel when you’re watching a show and you’re getting to the whumpy bit and a character collapses and tHEN IT’S FUCKING RUINED BECAUSE THERE’S A FUCKING AD FOR ANOTHER SHOW WHERE THE CHARACTER’S FACE SHOULD BE
Whumptober Prompt #23- Bleeding Out and Prompt #29- Numb
My wonderful readers, who I adore, I have bad news. I’m sick, like really sick. I’ve got a fever, nausea, tremors, weakness, fatigue, the whole shebang. While I do have this one done, I know it feels kinda unfinished. I can work on it later, when I’m not going to pass out by standing up. So here’s some Lucifer
tw: suicide attempt, self hatred
Dying takes too long. Having died before, Lucifer remembered bleeding out on the cold hard ground but he had only been shot in the stomach. Now Azrael’s blade had torn up his skin, and the blood wasn’t flowing fast enough anymore. He had had enough strength to hide the blade where humans wouldn’t find it but his brother or mother would, before he had collapsed behind the bar, savoring his last drink. Time now felt so strange, almost like it was slowing down, but he knew Amenadiel wasn’t causing this. He had thought for a moment that one of his other siblings had come but he had already slit his own wrists so there would be no need for them to get involved. Revenge couldn’t be any sweeter than the knowledge that the great Devil himself, Lucifer Morningstar, has finally had the guts to punish the one person truly worthy of it. The Apple, the rebellion, Hell, Uriel, it had all added up. He was the only constant. It had all been his fault. Now the murderer, the rebel, the lost and scared little boy who had always desired far more than he was worth, was going to be erased from existence. Maze, Chloe, the spawn, Doctor Linda, even Dan, they would have to learn how to live without him. Not that that was hard, really, Dad had always said that Lucifer had more talent making messes than cleaning them. He thought he could prove his father was wrong about him. But He isn’t called the All-Knowing, All-Powerful Almighty for nothing, Lucifer supposed. Why did he have to take so long to die? Pain had faded a little while ago, now it was just a matter of waiting. Waiting for this stupid humanesque form to finally bleed out and for the final punishment to end his damn bloody life.
The elevator dinged.
At least, he could’ve sworn he heard it do so. He wanted to look over and see but he found he didn’t have the strength. He apparently had lost the strength to open his eyes as well, he wasn’t sure when they had closed but they weren’t opening any time soon.
“Hey Lucifer, I have to go over some paperwork with you.” It couldn’t be. Anyone. Anyone else. His mother, Amenadiel, Maze for bloody’s sake, but not him!
Dan walked around, Lucifer could hear his footsteps, and the barest hint of guilt settled into his stomach. He may not have been the biggest fan of Detective Douche but he didn’t want the man to be the one to find him, slumped against the side of the bar in the dim light, bourbon glass that once held his last drink, blood staining his Prada. They were just starting to develop a small rapport together. After Dan fought off Azrael’s blade, Lucifer realized there was more to the human than he had first seen. Dan had been so happy the last time he’d seen him. But of course, Lucifer couldn’t even get his death right. Always had to screw something up.
Dan’s step faltered. “Damn it. Lucifer! Wake up! How can you own a bar and pass out after, like, one drink?” He was walking towards the bar, instead of back to the elevator.
Dan must’ve rolled him over because he moved, but he couldn’t feel Dan’s touch.
“Oh god!” Dan shouted, and if Lucifer were more lucid he might’ve said the detective sounded scared, even terrified. The sound of removing clothing filled the air and then something pushed into his wounds and he felt the tiniest bit of pain. That made no sense, the pain should’ve left him by now.
Detective Espinoza yelled into his radio, calling for an ambulance to Lux.
“Hold on, Lucifer, please, hold on.”
Now that was an idea! Why didn’t he just let go? Should’ve done it ages ago. He gazed into the abyss, and jumped.
Dan sighed. He had no idea how he was supposed to tell Chloe. They had gotten so close since Lucifer had first crashed into Chloe’s life. Dan had been jealous, he’ll admit, anyone would be if someone like Lucifer crashed into their ex-wife’s life. Especially since Dan still had feelings for Chloe, but he never would’ve suspected Lucifer would do something like this.
“I know you’re out there, Mister Sniper. Shoot me!”
Lucifer’s words had been ringing in his head on a loop. It had been a few weeks since Lucifer’s unbelievably stupid attempt at drawing out the killer in that case but now it felt like yesterday. Dan paced around the hospital waiting room. He had ridden in with the ambulance, using his badge to get in, as they tried to stabilize Lucifer, unfortunately, he hadn’t been able to answer many of their questions. He knew Amenadiel could do a better job but he hadn’t arrived yet. Dan had just been pacing, not calling Chloe, going over every interaction with Lucifer recently in his head. The scars on his back, the trying to put a hit out on himself, admitting he hurt the people he loved most, the… the suicide attempt. Stepping out in front of a murderous sniper. He had just thought Lucifer was acting out, or just plain crazy. He never would’ve guessed Lucifer was actively suicidal, not after the conversation they had. All he had was flashes of it, he wasn’t sure why, but he knew he and Lucifer had squared a lot of their problems away. He wondered how a man like that could go from character development to attempting to take his own life.
Biting the bullet, he dialed Chloe.
“Dan, what’s going on?” Chloe’s voice was tinted with sleep. “Another case? Did they find the weapon?”
“Chloe, there’s been… you need to get to Good Samaritan.” Dan said. “It’s Lucifer.”
“What happened?” Chloe asked, and he could hear her racing around the room, probably putting on shoes. “Trixie’s asleep, I don’t want to leave her alone.”
“I went up to Lux for his statement after the case.” Dan said. “So he could corroborate the self-defense story? I found him passed out… Chlo, his arms were all cut up. He tried to kill himself.”
A shocked cry sounded over the phone. “I’ll call Trixie’s sitter. I’ll tell her it’s a family emergency. I’ll be there as soon as I can. Call Maze. Do you have Amenadiel’s number?”
“I already called him.” Dan said. “He’s on his way now.”
“Okay.” Chloe said. “Call me the instant you get news.”
“I will,” Dan said, seeing the familiar face but with a terrified look he’d never seen on Amenadiel. It was so unsettling, made Lucifer’s suicide attempt seem so much more real. “Amenadiel’s here. See you soon.”
“Dan!” Amenadiel ran to him. “Where is he?”
“In surgery.” Dan said.
Amenadiel went to burst through the hospital doors but Dan just barely managed to hold him back.
“They won’t let you back there.”
“I need to see him!” Amenadiel said, his voice sounding as terrified as Dan felt.
“Let the doctors do their jobs.” Dan said. “I wanna see him too, but if we go in there, we’ll just distract them from saving his life.”
Amenadiel deflated, and let Dan lead him back to the waiting room secretary.
“There is something you can do, though.” Dan said, handing Amenadiel the same medical chart Dan was given before Lucifer’s surgery. “Medical history. They need it.”
Amenadiel stared at it. “I don’t know the answer to these.”
“You don’t?” Dan asked.
Amenadiel shook his head. “No. Many of these conditions, he’s never had before but, he’s never been this… sick before.”
Dan understood Amenadiel’s hesitation. He couldn’t imagine it if a family member of his tried to commit suicide.
“Has he been acting unusual lately?” Dan asked. “Out of his normal character?”
Amenadiel thought for a while, as if carefully forming words. “Our brother, Uriel, died. Lucifer blames himself. I wasn’t there, I don’t know the full story.”
“Oh my God, man, I’m so sorry.” Dan pulled Amenadiel into a hug. He knew Amenadiel wasn’t the biggest fan of physical touch but he figured the man could use a hug after losing one brother and being so terrified of losing another one.
Amenadiel surprised him by hugging back. They stayed like that for a while.
“Chloe is going to be here as soon as she can.” Dan whispered as Amenadiel finally pulled back. “I was about to call Maze.”
Amenadiel nodded, and slumped into a waiting room chair.
Dan took that as his cue and called Maze.
“‘Sup, Douche?” Maze laughed, she sounded like she was outside. “Got anything for a bounty hunter?”
“Maze, do you know the hospital Good Samaritan?” Dan said.
“Uh, no.” Maze said, her entire tone changing to defensive. “Why would I need to?”
“Get directions and get over here.” Dan said. “It’s Lucifer.”
Maze laughed. “Lucifer, in a hospital? That’s a good one.”
“Maze.” Dan said, and Maze stopped laughing. “They think he tried to kill himself.”
“He can’t.” Maze said. “There’s no way he can.”
“I found him, Maze.” Dan said, the memory hitting him like a freight train. He tried to choke back tears. “You gotta get here now.”
“I’m on my way.”
Dan put his phone back in his pocket, finding that Amenadiel had gone back to staring at the hospital forms. Dan sat next to him, seeing that Amenadiel had answered at least some of the questions. It wasn’t much, but it was a start.
Chloe arrived about forty minutes, followed quickly by Ella, who Chloe must’ve called on the way.
“How is he?” Chloe asked, running to them.
“In surgery.” Dan replied, giving the same answer he’d been given for the last hour. “They’ll let us know when he’s out.”
“Did they tell you if he was gonna make it?” Ella asked, looking almost like a frightened child. In that moment, he was reminded of Trixie, safe at home in bed, blissfully unaware of the tragedy her family was dealing with.
“They said the outcome looked good but he lost a lot of blood by the time I found him.” Dan replied, and Chloe burst into tears. Dan pulled her into a hug, which Ella soon joined in.
“Where’s Maze?” Chloe said, getting ahold of herself.
“On her way.” Dan said.
Chloe nodded. “I’m going to get us some coffee.”
“I’ll go with you.” Dan said. “Ella, this is Amenadiel, Lucifer’s brother. Amenadiel, this is Ella, she works with us.”
Ella then proceeded to slam Amenadiel into a hug.
“He’ll be okay.” She whispered, though they all heard her. “I’m sorry we had to meet like this, I love your brother, and there’s no way he’s not coming back from this. I won’t let this be a part of the Big Guy’s plan.”
Amenadiel looked at Ella in surprise, and gently ran his fingers over her rosary.
“I don’t think it’s part of His plan, either.” Amenadiel said, as if on the verge of tears.
Dan and Chloe took that as their cue. As they were filling up the five coffee cups, Dan finally spoke.
“His brother died.”
“What?” Chloe asked, wiping away at silent tears.
“Amenadiel told me their brother died, and Lucifer thinks it’s his fault.” Dan said. “That’s why he’s been crazier than usual. I don’t know what happened, but Lucifer thinks that his brother’s death was his fault. And it’s killing him.”
Chloe turned to him in shock, nearly spilling hot coffee all over herself. “I told him to talk to someone. I knew something was wrong but I didn’t want to push him. And now, he’s, he’s-”
Chloe burst into tears all over again. Dan went to hug her again but she pushed him away.
“We have to be strong for him.” Chloe said, trying to stem the flow of tears. “We can’t be breaking down every two seconds.”
Dan nodded, and together they carried up the five coffees. Maze was there by the time they returned, trying to threaten the hospital staff with her knives.
“Either you let me see him or I’m going to prove to you what Hell’s number one demon can do to a human!” Maze shouted.
“Maze! Maze!” Dan shouted right back. “Let these people do their jobs. Right now that’s all we can do.”
With one last nonverbal threat, Maze plopped down next to Amenadiel. He barely noticed her presence.
After an agonizing three hours, a doctor in scrubs finally called out, “Family of… Lucifer Morningstar?”
They all jumped up, as if racing each other to the news.
“We’re his family.” Amenadiel said. “I’m his brother.”
The doctor cocked an eyebrow but said nothing about it.
“Well, Mr. Morningstar, your brother is going to make it.” Dan saw Amenadiel flinch at the name but they all sighed in relief when they heard the good news. “He did lose a lot of blood, but we were able to repair the damage and gave him some transfusions. He’s very lucky, we were losing him for a while but, somehow, he pulled through. It was practically a miracle.” Again, Dan saw Amenadiel flinch. “It’ll be a long road to recovery, and he’ll have to stay here until a psychologist clears him, but in time, his physical wounds will heal.”
“Thank you, Doctor.” Amenadiel said, ever the polite brother. “May we see him?”
“I’m afraid it’ll be family only, at the moment.” The doctor said. “He’s still under anesthesia, so don’t be surprised if he doesn’t recognize you, if he wakes up at all.”
“They’re his family too.” Amenadiel lied, surprising everyone though they tried to not let it show. “Our Father created them as well.”
The doctor nodded, as if something had been made clear. Probably thinking that either they were half-siblings or adopted.
“Then I’ll have to limit it to three.” The doctor replied. “Normally it would be two, but I see how close your family is.”
Maze and Amenadiel automatically stepped forward.
“Go, Dan.” Chloe said, gently nudging him forward.
“Chlo.” Dan breathes, shocked. He knew she was much closer to Lucifer than he was.
“Dan, you’re the one who found him.” Chloe whispered. “You need to see he’s alive more than I do.”
“I’ll trade places with you soon.” Dan kisses the side of Chloe’s head, trying to appear brotherly. Chloe squeezed him lightly in return.
“You found your brother?” The doctor asked.
“I was the one who found him, yeah.” Dan replied, trying to not give the whole thing away while answering honestly.
“Did you find the weapon he used next to him?” The doctor asked, trying to be gentle. “We couldn’t figure it out. It was a very unusual wound.”
Dan shook his head. “No. Only thing I found was a glass that used to contain bourbon.”
The doctor nodded. Then, he should really get her name, she led them down the corridors to Lucifer’s room. “Be very quiet and don’t try to wake him. Just let him wake up on his own.”
Dan nodded for all three of them.
Lucifer slept on, completely unaware of them entering his room, but a flood of relief surged through Dan’s veins. After seeing Lucifer so pale, so still, so lifeless, seeing him breathe under his own power made Dan’s knees weak with relief. He was wearing a nasal canula, as many patients often do, but he didn’t have a ventilator. Dan thought it the best he’s ever seen Lucifer. He was still pale, still very still, his eyeliner still smudged, but his chest was moving up and down, his heart was beating, and that was all that mattered to Dan.
“Bastard.” Maze muttered, tightening her grip on a knife she’d snuck in. “How dare you?”
“Mazikeen.” Amenadiel snapped. “That is not helping.”
“How dare he?” Maze whirled on Amenadiel. “He doesn’t get to run away like this. Leaving me here. No way of going back. Leaving you with no way of going back to the Silver City assholes. He can’t just leave us here without him!”
Dan put a hand on Maze’s shoulder, ready to yank it back so he didn’t lose it.
Maze snorted, shoving him off. She perched onto one of the uncomfortable hospital chairs, as if waiting for someone to attacking him. Dan figured that made sense, Maze had once been his bodyguard.
“I’ll go get Chloe in here.” Dan said.
“No.” Maze said. “She’ll make it worse.”
“Lucifer was wounded when she was at home, Maze.” Amenadiel said. “He must’ve used Az- our sister’s blade. That’s the only thing I could think of that could do this damage to him.”
Maze growled. “Fine.”
Dan nodded, unsure of what had just happened, and simply left to get Chloe.
AO3- https://archiveofourown.org/works/21153110/chapters/50345237
Whumptober Prompt #20- Trembling
Okay I gotta admit, I lost my way about halfway through this. Maybe a quarter into it. I thought I had a good idea and then it spiraled and it is no longer a good idea. Especially the ending. So I’m posting it because it’s done but it’s not good. Know that going into it, it’s Coldflash trash. By the way, I haven’t proofread this. Like at all.
Len never minded the rain, in its proper place and time. Len always enjoyed the days when he could curl up under a blanket, make himself some hot coco, and find a nice documentary on Netflix. But sudden storms? Sudden storms, such as the one from the night the Particle Accelerator exploded, changing the very fabric of his city? Storms that flew in on clouds that had no business going that fast, bringing a humidity he couldn’t stand, mystifying the weather reports so no one knew to bring an umbrella, suddenly going from dry as a bone to soaking wet in a matter of seconds? Those he hated with a burning passion.
Len all but threw himself into Jitters, he didn’t really do coffee shops where people he didn’t trust handled his food, but it was open and he could sit for a while without having to do much. Plus, Jitters did have some famously good hot chocolate and in this weather, he was willing to hover like a hawk while they made his drink. Anything to warm himself up. The line was longer than he expected for three in the afternoon, but he didn’t care. Jitters was warm, and it felt good against his damp, shivering skin.
The barista was a young woman, with a name tag that read Iris, who took his order for the biggest hot chocolate they could make with a smile. He thanked her, paid, and picked a spot right where he could see everything the baristas were doing. An unfamiliar heaviness pulled at his eyelids, but he fought it, unable to trust that no one recognized the new villain Captain Cold and could potentially hurt him. Thankfully, there were no issues with his drink when they called out the false name he’d given the barista. After that, he tucked himself away in a quiet nook in the back, where he wouldn’t be disturbed.
“Are you alright?” A familiar but nameless voice asked, sending a chill down his spine.
Len looked up and saw an attractive young man, tall, lanky, with green eyes, and a concerned smile on his face.
“You’re just, ah- you’re dripping wet.” The man continued when Len didn’t answer him. “I thought you might want a jacket.”
He held out a jacket that clearly belonged to himself, one that wouldn’t fit around Len’s shoulders if he tried. It was a sweet gesture though, and he could appreciate the thought.
“Thanks, kid, but I don’t think that’ll fit me.” Len replied. “Maybe my sister.”
The kid laughed, blood rushing to his cheeks. “I’m know I look skinny. Got struck by lightning, can’t gain weight on me to save my life now.”
That piqued his interest. The kid had muttered it lowly, as if chastising himself. “Struck by lightning?”
The kid nodded. “The night of the Particle Accelerator. I ended up in a coma for nine months. And now I’m like a whole size down.”
“Shit, kid.” Len said, now noticing the skinniness did seem a little unnatural. The kid seemed almost gaunt, with pale cheeks and deep bags under his eyes. Being in a coma must’ve completely changed his body type. A bit of pity entered Len’s heart. “I’m sorry. I can try on the jacket, couldn’t hurt.”
He wasn’t sure why he was trying on a jacket that wouldn’t fit him. But the kid perked up immediately, and Len decided this was no mortal, it was an adorable puppy in a human suit, and well, he had always liked dogs.
So he peeled off the jacket he’d have to wring out when he did get home and took the offered clothing. Surprisingly enough, the jacket wasn’t too tight. It fit around his shoulders, but he couldn’t zip it up, though it came close. How much weight had this kid lost during this coma?
“Thanks.” Len nodded. “Have a seat.”
The kid smiled, and joined him at the table.
“You got a name to go with the outfit?” Len asked.
“Oh, I’m an idiot, I’m Barry.” Barry said, blushing again. “Barry Allen.”
“Len Winters.” Len offered his hand and Barry eagerly shook it.
“Good to meet you, Mr. Winters.” Barry said, laughing lightly, completely oblivious to Len’s actual name.
“Just Len. No need for formalities when I’m literally in your clothes.”
Barry outright laughed at that. Len allowed himself to join for a moment.
“So what brings you over here?” Barry asked. “I know like all the regulars around this time, and I’ve never seen you here before.”
“Oh, you work here?” Len asked.
“My sister does.” Barry explained. “Iris, she works here to help pay for her journalism degree. My job has unusual hours, so I hang out here on my break and just chat with her. I’ve gotten to know all the regulars here, it’s really nice.”
Len smiled, of course this kid would make it a point to get to know everyone at a workplace he didn’t work at. Seemed very in character for what little he knew of the kid.
“And your job with unusual hours?” Len asked, entertaining himself with this kid.
“Oh, I’m a CSI with the CCPD.” Barry replied cheerfully.
Man, Len had the shittiest luck. Of all people who could’ve offered him a jacket, who he would’ve allowed to sit with him, it had to be a literal cop.
Len’s years of practice kept his face neutral. Though he had to find an extraction quickly, lest this kid begin to realize who he’s just shared his jacket with.
“What’s that like?” Len asked, before coughing away from the kid. The cough was real, but he timed it so he could easily claim he wasn’t feeling well so he could get home.
“It’s really fun, using science to solve crimes.” Barry frowned at him. “I mean, it’s kinda just like being on TV except we don’t cut the corners or work the magic they do. Are you okay?”
“I’m fine.” He denied on instinct, unused to the kid’s freely shown concern. This kid was putting a lot of effort into a stranger. “Probably just the weather.”
Barry pursed his lips but went along with it. “What do you do?”
“I freelance.” Len replied with his usual answer to anyone new. “Odd jobs here and there, but they pay well.”
“That’s really cool.” Barry smiled, a smile Len found entirely too infectious. “What was your last one?”
“Uh, I worked with the train system.” Len said, the lie slipping off his tongue easily. “I made them more prepared for another attack should some villain attack again.”
Technically, that was true.
Barry’s eyes lit up. “That’s so cool. Do you do security or tech?”
“Bit of both.” Len replied. “Like I said, odd jobs.”
“Wow.” Barry said. “What do you think of the new safe that Mercury labs just designed? Because I was looking at the schematics they released for public production and I thought that it was impenetrable but I’m sure you know more than I do.”
The kid had seemed so relieved to ask, like he’d finally found someone who understood what his life was like, understood his passions, and he hated to break the kids heart but a known thief talking about safes was not a good idea. Not when his parka and gun were still plastered all over the news.
He forced a cough a little more, which set off a reaction and his lungs actually tried to escape his chest.
“Are you sure you’re alright?” Barry asked, his voice laced with such unease and worry. “You’re trembling.”
“I said I’m fine, kid.” Len said, ignoring the tremors in his hands. “Let me give you your jacket back. Think I’m gonna head home.”
Barry opened his mouth to protest but Len simply took off the now damp jacket, though it sent a shiver down his spine. He didn’t realize it had been so cold in here.
“Thanks for the jacket.” Len made to stand up but his legs didn’t work as well as they should’ve and he stumbled.
Barry gently pushed him back into his seat. “I’m really sorry, but you seem really sick.”
Barry put a hand on his forehead, and Len flinched at Barry’s cold hands.
“You seem warm.” Barry muttered. “Did you drive here?”
Len shook his head, cursing his own weakness. “Took the subway.” He was a goddamn supervillain, the number one nemesis of the Flash, and he couldn’t even go out into the rain without getting sick.
“Look, I know you don’t really know me and I don’t really know you but can I offer you a ride home? I can steal my sister’s car.” Barry offered.
“You don’t drive?” Len found himself asking.
“Nah.” Barry said. “I like to run. Can’t afford a car anyways.”
He knew he shouldn’t get in a car with strangers, knew he definitely shouldn’t get into a CSI’s car, even if it was his sisters, but he was feeling worse by the minute so he decided to screw logic and accept the generosity of the strange young man before him.
“Well, I suppose I have always depended on the kindness of strangers. Lead the way.”
Barry smiled, relieved. “Wait here, I’ll get Iris’s keys.”
Len watched as Barry walked over to his sister, the lovely barista who had taken his order, and he pointed back at him. The woman frowned. If Len had the strength, he would’ve run right then and there. The kid had to have recognized him, or maybe something had been left at the train station- no, he was careful, he never left evidence, was the cold gun traceable?
“Whoa, you okay?” Barry asked, returning with keys in hand. “You look like you’re about to be sick.”
“‘M fine.” Len muttered, squashing the nausea that had been building in his stomach. He couldn’t outrun any cop like this, no matter the adrenaline in his system. His legs felt weak, his chest hurt, and fatigue pulled at his eyes. Mick would have to break him out and he hated when Mick had to do that. It always left such a mess.
“Okay, well, her car is parked back in the employee lot.” Barry explained. “Come on. Let’s get you home.”
Barry offered his hand and Len took it. May as well not tell the kid he knew the kid was onto him.
“So Len, where do you live?” Barry asked, gently wrapping Len’s arm around his shoulder. The kid had some strong muscles underneath the pale skin, so he wondered if even the coma story was true.
“On Grand.” He answered. Grand was one of the main streets he used to get home so it was a safe enough answer.
“North Grand or South?” Barry asked.
Barry nodded. “Got it. So I’m taking the seventeen to exit on what, Tower Street?”
“The seventeen just past Tower.” Len replied, answering honestly so he had less of a walk to lose the cop. “On Crimson.”
Barry nodded and they arrived at a beater car.
“This is her car?” Len asked, before his mind could tell his mouth to shut up. “It’s older than you.”
Barry laughed. “Yeah, this is Gloria. She’s a 2002 but she’s still going strong.”
Len nodded as he got into the car. Inside was kept in good condition so this Iris did try to take care of what she had.
“Gloria was the cheapest car her dad would let her buy.” Barry said, still going on. “Joe is really protective, her mom died in a car accident.”
“Joe?” Len asked. “You call your father by his first name?”
“Joe isn’t my real dad.” Barry blushed. “Well he is. Actually, Joe adopted me after something happened to my dad. My dad is Henry Allen, but Joe took me in when I was eleven.”
Henry Allen, that name rang a bell. A bell in Iron Heights, a doctor he’d often seen in solitary to protect him from the gangs and families.
“That was nice of him.” Len responded simply.
“Yeah, Joe’s a really good guy.” Barry said, getting onto the freeway. “He treats me like his own so Iris is my sister and Joe is kinda my dad but I call my dad Dad so it gets a little confusing.”
“Makes sense.” Len answered, his nose stuffing up. He wasn’t sure if he’d already been sick before the rain or something in his hot coco was making him sicker. This cold was coming on almost unnaturally fast.
For someone without a car, Barry drove pretty well, easily managing talking and driving. The constant chatter was keeping Len awake so he was grateful for it. He hated to give up his safehouse off grand but what was necessary was necessary.
“What about you?” Len realized that Barry had now focused his attention back to him. “Do you have any siblings?”
“A brother.” Len lied. He and Mick could be called brothers in a decent light, had passed for family numerous times. It had always worked. “Older. Dominic.”
“Is he an asshole?” Barry asked, chuckling. “I’ve heard that older brothers are always assholes.”
“He can be.” Len allowed himself to answer honestly. Dominic Winters didn’t exist so it didn’t matter how Mick was described. “Sometimes he’s the biggest dumbass in the world, making too many decisions out of spite instead of thinking things through, but he always gets my ass out of trouble so I can’t hate him too much.”
Barry smiled, getting into the correct lane for their exit. “I know what that’s like. Iris fights Joe on a lot of the overly controlling stuff and I get dragged in more often than not but they’re my family. I wouldn’t trade them for the world.”
“What about your mother?” Len asked, trying to get the conversation off himself. “You haven’t mentioned her.”
Barry’s eyes went solemn, his body slumping slightly. “She’s dead.”
“I’m sorry, kid.” And he was. He knew what it felt like to lose your mother at a young age.
“It’s okay.” Barry replied, making his way to Grand. “She died when I was eleven, it’s been a while.”
Ah, that was why he remembered Allen’s name. The doctor that murdered his wife but now suddenly couldn’t harm a fly. Copying a fifty year old movie would not get him out of prison, no matter how “original” Allen thought the move.
“Still, I know what it’s like to lose your parents.” Len said, casually omitting that his father was still alive. Though, if he had his druthers, it wouldn’t be for long.
“You do?” Barry asked, sounding relieved and guilty and sad all at the same time. “I’m sorry for your loss.”
“Likewise.” Len said, seeing the shortcut to his apartment pass by. “This next one is me.”
“Cool.” Barry pulled into a gated driveway. “Will it open?”
“I’ve got my keys.” Len said. “Thanks for the ride.”
“Of course.” Barry said.
As Len was getting out, Barry shouted, “Wait!”
Len froze, ready to run at any moment.
“Can I… can I give you my number?” Barry asked, blushing wildly.
Len stared at him. That had not been the direction he’d been expecting.
“Okay I gotta be honest, I didn’t exactly just come over out of the goodness of my heart.” Barry admitted. “I was checking you out and Iris made your drink and she said if I didn’t go over and talk to you, she was writing my number on your cup.”
Len gaped at him. “That… was a surprise.”
“Oh my god, I told her you weren’t into men!” Barry groaned, hitting his head on the steering wheel. “I’m so sorry, just forget I asked, I can’t believe myself-”
“I didn’t say I was straight, I’m just married.” Len said, hating to break the kids heart but he wasn’t going to date some CSI. He knew the rules better than that. “I’m flattered though. My husband would adore you.”
That was true. If he and Mick were married for more than legal reasons of spousal privilege, and Barry weren’t a CSI, Mick would’ve loved to bring Barry into the mix. Young, naive, puppy dog eyes, that was Mick’s entire type.
Barry sighed. “I’m still sorry.”
“Don’t be, kid.” Len said. “Word of advice from an old man. Always shoot your shot. You never know who’s gonna say yes. I thought my husband was straight for the longest time.”
Barry managed a small chuckle.
“Thanks for the ride, Barry Allen.” Len said, finally getting out of the car for real this time. “Maybe we’ll see each other again soon. Next time, hopefully my sinuses won’t be trying to kill me.”
“Goodbye Len Winters.” Barry said as Len closed the door.
Len headed to the gated community, easily and discreetly picking the lock. He knew this community, there were two entrances. He could easily fool the CSI into thinking this was his apartment. As he walked home, still shivering, still coughing every little while, he thought of the cute CSI and what his life could have been like if his name had actually been Len Winters.