+18/ professionell Yapper/ headcanon creator /I love flowers/I talk alot during movies or in generell watching / reading something / I have a lot of thoughts I want to share

162 posts

Thats So Real.

Thats so real.

I need William James Moriarty in every way possible. I need to breathe him. I started talking to walls pretending it’s him.

I Need William James Moriarty In Every Way Possible. I Need To Breathe Him. I Started Talking To Walls
I Need William James Moriarty In Every Way Possible. I Need To Breathe Him. I Started Talking To Walls
I Need William James Moriarty In Every Way Possible. I Need To Breathe Him. I Started Talking To Walls
I Need William James Moriarty In Every Way Possible. I Need To Breathe Him. I Started Talking To Walls
I Need William James Moriarty In Every Way Possible. I Need To Breathe Him. I Started Talking To Walls
I Need William James Moriarty In Every Way Possible. I Need To Breathe Him. I Started Talking To Walls
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More Posts from Briefpeachdinosaur

6 months ago

Mori would hate asagiri for making him a pe**0 and would have hated how his and Yosanos friendship wasn't included. (They were really close friends) and hate him for giving everbody trauma.

Dazai would hate bsd dazai for the way he treated aku. (He was a big Fan of aku in real live)

Tanizakis and akus friendship also wasn't included in bsd.

Chuuya would have hated the bsd Fans who ship him with dazai and dazai would also hate them and cry because in real live they didn't got along AT ALL.

Yosano would like her character but dislike how mori is portrayed.

They would have hated the fanfics about them.

I can imagine some of them to just be confused too bc some Aren't at all like the IRL authors...

Imagine if the real bsd authors looked at what the Fandom is saying abt them. "Fem Nikolai has big boobs", if Gogol saw that he would have a stroke. Chuuya would be mad about people making fun if his height, because he actually was really short. Idk if Dazai would be ecstatic or even more suicidal after seeing that. Fyodor would definitely write a book anylising his character's philosophy and motivations. DONT GET ME STARTED ON SOUKOKU

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6 months ago

Mtp the remains ending was beautiful

I'm really exited for part 2 of the story

It makes me so emotional that these 2 had another child after all the suffering and I liked how it is Shows and proved that Williams Actions weren't just spilling blood but also acually being abel to help the people who he helped.

Mtp The Remains Ending Was Beautiful

I also liked how they insisted that they have to make another family picture with everbody in it this time.

Mtp The Remains Ending Was Beautiful

Plus I'm sooo happy for my girl Helena I love her so much !!! And that she and her father are back togehter made me so happy!!!! But I wonder if she will show up again just like the other Helena.

I loved remains alot but I thought it was way to short but it makes sense, it was only meant to be a small series on a few events that happend but were Importend thats why I'm really exited for part 2 of mtp.

I hope we get to see more of the characters themselfs as individualls and there feelings, views and more specially the ones that didn't had alot of screentime or we don't know alot about.

Tags! @wolliak @viiper1 @diveintovortex

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6 months ago

guys i love sherliam sm im going to collapse but why did they make shely so ugly in anime

7 months ago

We should always try our best, however small our deeds may be. The most courageous, manly act should be to feel no shame to offer a single flower of a dandelion as a gift.

Dazai Osamu, “The Secret Lover” from Tales of a Lascivious Gentleman

We Should Always Try Our Best, However Small Our Deeds May Be. The Most Courageous, Manly Act Should
7 months ago

Bsd Theories that I don’t believe

Discussing the "Naomi isn't real theory" and "dazai can't die".

Ppl who want to Baby atsushi.

Dazai and chuuya at 15.

Including: Naomi, Tanizaki, atsushi, chuuya and dazai.

I accidentally put this Clip here but I wanted smt else, how the hell do I remove it???

Bsd Theories That I Dont Believe

So I saw this theory that Naomi isn't a real person and Tanizaki created her with his ability.

But why would he create an illusion of her?

I read that it was because Naomi is death and he couldn’t handle it, so to not go insane he created the illusion of her.

I do get why people think that she isn't real but here is why I think she is real.

So first we should look into the work of the real Tanizaki Jun'ichirō: the irl Tanizaki published a book with the Titel "Naomi" Naomi was a character in the book, a very importierent one. The story basically follows Naomi and the main character who is a man (and I forgot his name) they met at a Restaurant (if I remember correctly) and Naomi is a waitress there, he falls inlove with her and they became boyfriend and girlfriend but to not be judged from others (bc they Aren't married and it was back in the day) they just said they are siblings but they are NOT siblings. I think in the book they also started to live togehter (again if I remember correctly).

In the book Kirako Haruno also Shows up who is also a character in bsd and is mostly known as Fukuzawas Assistent. In the book she is (again if I remember correctly) an stage actress.

So Haruno and Naomi are both not acual people who lived in real live but characters based on the work of Tanizaki.

(This is Haruno)

Bsd Theories That I Dont Believe
Bsd Theories That I Dont Believe

(Very cute and pretty)

It's normal in bsd that some of the characters Aren't inspired from real life and are characters from books from the irl authors. Or are ppl who had something to do with them.

So like I said the "Naomi isn't real theory" is a theory I don't really believe, why?

Well first of if Naomi was an Illusion created by his ability then why would he worry all the time about her ? You guys remember how he was ready to kill higuchi when she almost killed her? If she was truly just an illusion created by him then he would have known that she wouldn't die and she wouldn’t have been bleeding from her attack.

We also saw him being worried about her in season 4.

It's just like with Elis, when mori and Elis (whom is his ability) fighted with Fukuzawa and mori basically lost and Elis was disappearing he wasn't worried or something because he knew nothing would happend to her.

Or when he and Elis almost died in the car that was meant to kill them Elis saved him in time and he also didn't ask if she is alright he knew she was because she is his ability, so he naturally knows that she is alright.

But it was never like that with Jun'ichirō and Naomi. He was very often worried and she did things that suprised him like the time when Higuchi almost killed her he was taken aback.

While I do recognize that it also could be that he believe that so much that she is alive and well so he subconciously made her so "real" thats why she is injured sometimes.

I think they must have meet in school or a little before.

Asagiri properly wanted to add his work in this way and it was mostly meant to be a funny way to include the work of Tanizaki.

Was it really funny? Not really.

Is it a little strange that he did that like this? Yeah it is.

And also:

Jun'ichirō is obviously unconfortable with all the physical Touch Naomi gives him in public. He often tells her something like

"Naomi we're in public not now" and she dosen't really Listen to him. Which makes it even more uncomfortable to watch because he’s often very uncomfortable with it. She is definitely overstepping a boundary with that which isn’t okay. We always see her being very close or having her arms around him but that isn’t what he minds it’s that she is doing too much and also touching him too often on purpose to get this reaction of him being nervous.

I really don’t know why asagiri did that to Naomi.

However, we can clearly see that they both really care for each other (even though they can be very uncomfortable to watch).

I do admit its strange that she talks in 3 person but it’s only when she is with him.

I think both are very good characters but often a pain when they are together, separate from each other they are definitely more comfortable to watch not only because they aren’t touching each other but also because we get to see a very positive side on both of them and that they also care for there fellow friends around them.

Also in real life there was an actress for Naomi whom was Tanizakis sister in law.

What is funny is that the irl chuuya, at some point, fell in love with her and called her his Ideal wome in the poem he wrote about her.

Yep He even wrote a poem about her (thats kind of cute tbh)

So would Naomi be chuuyas ideal women in the bsd universe? Well... I don't know but I guess so.

I also wanted to say that I think It's pretty obvious that Tanizaki and Naomi Aren't siblings.

And I'm 100% sure that there not siblings.

BTW : The real Tanizaki was WILD he tried to rizz up his DAUGHTER IN LAW and he had a Sex game (I can't) with his sister in law ( Naomis actress) and his wife...

Also I don't think dazai can't die or that he is the book.

Listen if dazai was on that one Thing last year where some rich ppl tried to go to the Titanic I swear he would survived that somehow but I don't think he is unkillable.

When he was shoot by fyodors Assassine he was injured and could have died but fyodor didn't plan for dazai to Die, I think he knew atsushi was there to save him.

Also remember how chuuya shoot him in the shoulder? Well that was unplaned and he was really pissed (chuuya) so he took revenge so no, dazai also dosen't know "everything" and literlly not everything is in dazais "perfect plan" and chuuya could have acually died in the 'Prison break arc' when he and fyodor where " drowning " And I'm pretty sure that dazai didn't tell chuuya abt that, that he and fyodor will take a swim in that strange water they were in and yosano, kenji and Tanizaki could have died too while he was away (how did they even survived that long? I guess there plot armor is pretty good too)

If chuuya didn't pull that "one trick that they did all the time back then" with the gun shoot he could have really died so yeah.

And if chuuya really was a Vampire back then fyodor could have easily killed him tbh.(how did Dostoevsky didn't get that chuuya isn't a Vampire I thought he had an almost or same IQ as Ranpo ?)

And why I don't think he is the book or that he knows everything? Well in the one chapter where he found out about fyodor Dostoevskys Real ability he looked so suprised so if he knew about everything he would have know that all along.

(Dostoevsky that mother f**ker is the real unkillable man lol)

(I'm tired of hearing ppl say "it was dazais plan all along thats why they didn't die" like what-?😭🙏)

Anyway lets also talk about how the fandom wants to baby atsushi + the sexualisation of Chuuya and dazai when they were 15.

I think it’s SO problematic that the fandom is basiclly sexulaising chuuya and dazai when they are 15.

Sorry but if your older then 16 you shouldn't be thinking that when they where 15 that they where "hot" or whatever. Dazai is shown to be very unstable at 15 and chuuya dosen't even know who he is at 15 because he had zero memory's of his past.

Only after stormbringer he knew who he was and what happend to him and alot of traumatic stuff happend to him and by the way just bc you know your past dosen't mean you now know who you are.

He was 16 in stormbringer and still had to process what happend to him which was btw alot.

Remember the one Clip where he shot that guy and keep shooting even though he was already dead? Well, many find that hot.

However, dazai (in the anime) is speculated to have had a Breakdown and you can notice that when he said: this is more then you deserve

And his eyes where very dark in that moment and the artist of bsd herself said that the eyes are a reflection of there mental well being.

In the novel it was : what a luxury!

While shooting and is described to have a "bizzarly childlike" expression. So in the novel he knew what he was doing, if anything.

But I noticed that everbody is simping over that secne or using it to show how insane he can be or how his voice was so hot and all.

Guys please, if you take the Text with the acual context of the secne I feel like we get to know more about him.

Why is that such a Luxury for the dying man? Probably bc he wanted to be the dying man but that is just what I think.

Why is it more then he deserved? Probably because he was the one who wanted what he had and maybe because he thinks he deserved it.

I do have to say that bones made them look much older then 15.

It's like simping over kenji who is also 14. Thats just strange.

Kenji and kyoka acually look 13-15.

Both chuuya and dazai were at a bad place at 15, and sexualising them in Fan arts is not okay.

Both of them there past are very traumatic (if the bsd dazai had the same past as real dazais Osamus. The irl dazai (and chuuya too) had quit a traumatic up bringing that explained alot of there views in there work and lives but it would also explain why the bsd dazai is how he is)

It's the same when ppl who are older then 15-16 simp over Ranpo in his backstory Episode when he was like 14??

Anyways, what I also wanted to point out is that It's so SO weird that ppl want to BABY atsushi who is an 18 boy, okay he might be come across as naive but that dosen't mean he is stupid or acually naive.

It is the same with Armin of aot.

He had a VERY traumatic past (man literlly Has PTSD )and anyone who has been trough abuse is naturally a little more mature then ppl there age or knows how to take care of themselfs and while I do recognize that atsushi wants acuall love and affection from others I don't think making him seen like a Baby and wanting to Baby him is what he wants lol.

He isn't a Baby who can't take care of himself so why are yall acting Like he is?

Also atsushi is ruthless and he can be really mean.

All the ppl who say : atsushi would NEVER say anything mean!!!

Yeah he would never with YOU (🫵) but he would with akutagawa whom he lets his inner mean side out and is basiclly letting him 90% of there interactions very much known that he isn't quit found of him.

Anyways I hope you liked this Post and thankyou all so much for reading ❤️


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