Albert James Moriarty - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Moriarty the Patriot Fanfic




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2 years ago

Moriarty the Patriot OCs

Evelyn Jane Lawrence

Charlotte Jane Lawrence

Adela Jane Lawrence

Louisa Jane Lawrence

Lysander Holmes

Eloise James Moriarty

Lì Huìzhēn

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2 years ago

Moriarty the Patriot Love Interests

Evelyn: William James Moriarty

Charlotte: Albert James Moriarty

Adela: Louis James Moriarty

Louisa: Eloise James Moriarty

Lysander: Sebastian Moran

Eloise: Louisa Jane Lawrence

Huìzhēn: Sherlock Holmes

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6 months ago

i just realised tha albert adopting william for his intellect and not william himself might've fucked up william at least a little? like at some point he probably thought that albert only cares for him cus of the plan and cus of his intellect.

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2 years ago

a menace

I Love How Albert Just Appears With A Glass Of Wine Out Of Nowhere, Bullshitting Moran And Enjoying His

I love how Albert just appears with a glass of wine out of nowhere, bullshitting Moran and enjoying his late-night stand-up comedy

I Love How Albert Just Appears With A Glass Of Wine Out Of Nowhere, Bullshitting Moran And Enjoying His


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2 years ago

Yknow thinking abt drawing some mtp chars in silly or pretty outfits,,,

example 1: among us ykyk

example 2: idk man something cute i found on pin

Silly doodle of my babygirl<33 *i have exams next month im going to cry*

ALSOOoo first time posting my art here :D

Silly Doodle Of My Babygirl

#how does tumblr works im still a bit confused #help

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Moriarty the patriot reminding me of the pure brainrot that Sherlock Holmes gives me, I will be started bbc Sherlock sooner than planned I’m not waiting till I’m done with spn anymore bc I actually desperately need to watch it.

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1 year ago

These last pages of the recent chapter are just so damn wholesome!!

These Last Pages Of The Recent Chapter Are Just So Damn Wholesome!!
These Last Pages Of The Recent Chapter Are Just So Damn Wholesome!!
These Last Pages Of The Recent Chapter Are Just So Damn Wholesome!!

For some reason I didnt expect the flashback to end (don't ask me) so when I saw these gems they had me like

These Last Pages Of The Recent Chapter Are Just So Damn Wholesome!!
These Last Pages Of The Recent Chapter Are Just So Damn Wholesome!!

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1 year ago

Alrighty! I have a few so let's get into it.

1) (I have a post about it but imma write it again) Louis one time had a heart episode so painful he thought he might actually (only fainted though). He didn't tell William the extent of the pain cause that day his brother wasn't with him and he knows that would throw William off/increase his already big fear/concern

I have actually written a fanfic based on that headcanon on AO3, it is called "my most hidden secret". You can check it out if you like ☺️

2) Louis oftentimes likes to joke about not "having" any involvement in the whole scheme. He is like:"they just found me in an orphanage, I don't know what you're talking about🤷‍♂️"

3) regarding languages that they might know

Moriarthree : French

Moran: French and very little Norwegian (learnt a song so he could impress someone, *cough*Louis*cough*that song Loki sang in the series*cough*)

Bond/Irene :Spanish

Patterson: Italian

Sherlock: German

(I haven't thought about the rest 😔)

4) When Albert sleeps, he sometimes makes an angry frown (reason: Who knows?)

5) Sherlock break-dances

6) Louis actually curses more than he lets others believe (entertaining? Worrisome? You choose.)

7)Louis can sing very well. When younger and accompanied by William in the piano, they provided entertainment for guests in the Rockwell mansion (I believe I forget their name but oh well😭)

8) (in the context of a relationship) Moran is very fond of Louis' scar. It is one reason why, when sharing a bed, Moran insists he sleeps on the left side so that when they face each other, he can touch/kiss/caress it

9) Fred brings cats home every two weeks

And that concludes my presentation ✨

What are some of your favorite headcanons for Moriarty the Patriot characters?

What Are Some Of Your Favorite Headcanons For Moriarty The Patriot Characters?
What Are Some Of Your Favorite Headcanons For Moriarty The Patriot Characters?

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7 months ago

Albert is handsome but in the same time really not that Handsome. Same with william

I'm starting to think that Louis is the acually really handsome one of these 3.

Albert Is Handsome But In The Same Time Really Not That Handsome. Same With William

Yeah Louis really does looks the best, but you know what?

Albert Is Handsome But In The Same Time Really Not That Handsome. Same With William

I have to say William looked majestic in this pic I love this one alot. He eat ngl.

But what really bothered me about wills and Alberts looks are that there jaws are drawn too big sometimes.

Don't get me wrong there jaws are beautiful but sometimes too big or differently drawn but Louis always stayed the same and always looked good.

I think Louis had the best glow up too (mostly because he started to show us is whole face and he looks really really good)

And why does Alberts hair looks so all over the place all the time 😭?

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6 months ago

Mtp the remains ending was beautiful

I'm really exited for part 2 of the story

It makes me so emotional that these 2 had another child after all the suffering and I liked how it is Shows and proved that Williams Actions weren't just spilling blood but also acually being abel to help the people who he helped.

Mtp The Remains Ending Was Beautiful

I also liked how they insisted that they have to make another family picture with everbody in it this time.

Mtp The Remains Ending Was Beautiful

Plus I'm sooo happy for my girl Helena I love her so much !!! And that she and her father are back togehter made me so happy!!!! But I wonder if she will show up again just like the other Helena.

I loved remains alot but I thought it was way to short but it makes sense, it was only meant to be a small series on a few events that happend but were Importend thats why I'm really exited for part 2 of mtp.

I hope we get to see more of the characters themselfs as individualls and there feelings, views and more specially the ones that didn't had alot of screentime or we don't know alot about.

Tags! @wolliak @viiper1 @diveintovortex

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6 months ago

William and Albert have such a fake smile

William And Albert Have Such A Fake Smile

(Alberts hair look so bad here lol)

Anyway this is the smile they most of the time carry around, it never reached there eyes because they don't smile they just put on a grimace, a mask to hide whatever must be hidden and they look really awkward + fake with it.

Louis dosen't smile often too but when he does It's a genuine smile but there was once this time skip chapter were he faked it.

William And Albert Have Such A Fake Smile

Guys it really lookes like Albert has a Mole near his jaw on the neck or something please tell me you see it too and I never saw it before!!!!

William And Albert Have Such A Fake Smile

This picture is a very great example, there smiles look more happier I'd say. Specially the first one, after all the sadness there finally togehter again. And also the first one is when they did business as lord of crimes.

However the anime did bring more effort in some ways to make there smiles look more geniuen more times.

There smiles look less awkward and less forced.

(Here maybe It's because there also alone and not doing Business)

William And Albert Have Such A Fake Smile

I have to give the anime credits for making Alberts hair look better they look wayyyy more in place but they looked chaotic only when he had his hat on. Acually they looks chaotic all the time sometimes in the anime too.

However they sometimes made Williams hair look wayyy too big, for examples when we see his side Profil his hair looks so damn big on the back like what.

Louis honestly has the best hair from all of the characters there.

James and Sebastians hair looks too chaotic sometimes, freds hair sometimes reminded me of a hedgehog (I still love there hair and this is no hate)

But I also really liked Von herders hair and patterson his hair.

Anyways lets go back to there smiles again-

William And Albert Have Such A Fake Smile

Here we can see him looking at william and his smile looks so fake again plus he is quit angry and he destroyed a little from the glass, It's likely he did that out of his own Anger and it mustn't have anything to do with the picture.

But maybe, maybe, mabye he saw trough that smile and saw the pain he hide, all the crimes and sadness and was so angry that they and most Importenly his little brother had to do that too.

He wanted to change the World but at what cost? At the cost of there happiness.

Or he was angry that it wasn't already changed?

Or he just didn't like the pic who knows ?

Also In that one chapter where Louis was on a Mission he had the Name "Lucas J. Morgans" as if no one could tell that the names could be connected somehow.

But Louis is really over looked even now after everything and he became in Charge of everything.

I think ppl see him as the cute boy and he is cute just like fred but lets not forget what they're capebale of.

William And Albert Have Such A Fake Smile
William And Albert Have Such A Fake Smile

He looks so matured and good in here like wow, he is so Handsome.

(Ig those old clichy movies are right, change your hair just a little and remove the glasses and your a whole new person)

Thankyou all for reading


Tags!!! @viiper1 @wolliak @diveintovortex

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5 months ago

All your fictional crushes are suddenly teleported to a room with no information or context as to why, how would they react? What would they do?

Yeah I hope they got teleported in a group therapy Session room...

Well I think they'd all be like : wtf am I doing here?

And some of the real smart once are about to figure it out (some are in denail and some Aren't)

There is probably gonna be a fight too-

How about you? What abt your crushes?

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2 years ago

Little reminder that the Moriarty brothers went out of their way to make sure no one but them made it out of the fire alive, as seen in these panels from chapter 63.

Little Reminder That The Moriarty Brothers Went Out Of Their Way To Make Sure No One But Them Made It

But I just want to know. Did these literal children really get away with dragging a bunch of giant wooden beams through the halls in the middle of the night without waking anyone?


Where did they even get these?

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