bubbleteatae - 제시카

Jess | 28 | aussie | blog dedicated to reading + writing about 7 South Korean boys (although you can probably tell who my bias is..) | Masterlist

55 posts

I Love You Most Through 2am Tears

I Love You most through 2am tears

25 Days of Christmas Challenge

Prompt: Day 5 - Christmas Argument

Warnings - language



“Tae..?” I softy opened the door to his studio seeing he was still hunched over his computer, working on lyrics. It was nearly 11pm, and he had been working all day, only taking a break for dinner - which he ate quickly without saying much, in order to return to his desk. 

“Tae” I repeated “it’s getting late, why don’t you come to bed and rest.”

He threw his head back, groaning “I can’t Y/N, this needs to be done!”

“But you might feel more refreshed tomorrow” I pushed.

“Management needs them by the end of the week and I barely have anything good” he complained, obviously stressed.

“I’m sure what you’ve got is fine, you’re just stressed and overworked. I really thin-”

Taehyung cut me off “I’m stressed because you keep pushing me to come to bed when I’m trying to work!” Annoyance in his voice.

“I’m only pushing because I care about you, and your health” my own voice starting to raise at him.

“If you cared so much about me you’d leave me alone to get this fucking work done then!” 

Taehyung and I had our fair share of couple disputes, but they were usually about trivial things, easily solved with a quick apology and a good cuddle session.

“Maybe if you stop acting like a spoiled brat! You’ve done nothing to help all day!”

“No, I’m just trying to earn money so you can have a good Christmas!” he yelled.

“Which I chose to spend with you, Taehyung! Over my family.”

“Fuck Y/N, then go and spend Christmas with your family! I couldn’t care less.” 

Taehyung’s eyes widened, immediately regretting the words leaving his lips, but the damage was done. Tears began to form in my eyes, and to avoid him seeing me cry I stormed out of his studio, shouting how self-absorbed he was. One part of me wanted to embrace him and help him de-stress, but that was overpowered by how frustrated I was with him. This was the first he had ever really hurt me, and I couldn’t even stand to look at him right now. I eventually fell asleep on top of the bed covers, my eyes heavy from crying. 


I awoke a few hours later to find that I had been covered with a blanket. I turned to find no Taehyung next to me, but could hear muffled crying downstairs. I swung my legs out of bed, pulling down Taehyung’s shirt, which sat much larger on me. As my bare feet pressed against the carpet, I found him sitting in the lounge, his head in his hands. I sat down next to him, enveloping him into a hug, his head pressed above my chest. 

“I’m sorry jaji” he sniffled, defeated. “You know I didn’t mean a word of what I said.”

“It’s fine baby, we both said things we didn’t mean”

“You know I wouldn’t want to spend Christmas with any one else. I regretted those words as soon as I said them” he sighed. 

“It did really hurt me” I said, causing Taehyung to hang his head, ashamed of what he had said. “But I know you were just frustrated” I soothed, rubbing his arm. 

“It was no excuse for yelling at you though, you only wanted what was best for me. And I knew that”

“I did. But I also shouldn’t have been so insistive when I knew you were stressed. I’m sorry I made it worse. Do you feel any better” I asked 

He nodded “I’m sorry I made you cry yourself to sleep as well. I hate that I was the reason for that.” 

I kissed his tear stained cheek. “If you feel like you’ve got too much pressure on you, you should speak to someone. At least talk to me. Please?” 

“I put the pressure on myself. I wanted these lyrics done before Friday because.. I’ve had flights book for Saturday morning..” 

“To where? What for?” 



“I’m happy we get to spend Christmas with my family, but I also want us to spend time with your family. Maybe have an early Christmas Day with them.” he smiled. “What I said earlier about not caring couldn’t be less true.”

“I can’t believe you did this” I could feel the tears forming in my eyes once again, but this time out of happiness.

“This wasn’t the way I wanted to tell you. It was suppose to be an early Christmas present” he laughed, sighing. “Your parents helped me organise it. We’re staying with them for a week.”

“I don’t know what I did to deserve you” unable to wipe the smile off my face “you truly are the most thoughtful person.” 

Taehyung pulled me onto his lap, and I brushed his wavy hair away from his eyes. He softly pressed his lips against my own. We didn’t need a passionate make out session, we just needed to feel the other person, to know we were there for each other. 

I rested against Taehyung’s chest, as he laid back on the couch. Silence enveloping us in the dimly lit room, allowing us to just be there together.

“Did you finish the lyrics” I asked softly after a while.

“I did actually” he laughed “I think all the emotions I was feeling inspired some creative flow or something.”

“What’s the song about?”

“Us” he smiled.

I didn’t answer, worried our fight had led him to write something negative.

“It’s about how much I hate fighting with you and how depressed I feel when we’re not talking.”

“Can I hear it” I quietly asked.

He grabbed a small pile of paper from the coffee table, I could see areas had been crossed out and written over until the perfect lyric was found. He quietly sang in his soft, deep voice, exactly how he felt, fully vulnerable in front of me. 

I didn’t think it was possible to fall even more in love with him, but here we were on the couch at 2am, the only light coming from the lamp behind us. Both our eyes red from crying, and I had never loved him as much as I did in this moment. 

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More Posts from Bubbleteatae

5 years ago

Mine or Yours?

25 Days of Christmas Challenge

Prompt: Day 3 - Deciding where you’ll spend Christmas



It was late afternoon, Taehyung was engrossed in one of his video games while I was attempting to catch up on some reading, only to keep getting distracted by the screen. Taehyung’s phone started buzzing on the coffee table in front of him.

“Oh. It’s my mum” he said, bringing the phone up to his ear, answering in Korean. 

Since dating, Taehyung had been teaching me Korean, while his English had continued to improve due to my own speaking background. However, I was far from being a fluent speaker of the Korean language! I got up to grab a drink while Taehyung was on the phone to his mum, only catching the occasional word I recognised as well as my own name a few times. I continued to do a few small tasks while Taehyung caught up with his mum.

“How is she?” I smiled, once he hung up the phone.

“Good. She actually rang to ask what we were doing for Christmas.”

This was our second Christmas together, spending the previous year with my own family. Even then, Tae had already felt at home and a part of our family. I had assumed it would only be fair to spend Christmas with his this year, but we had yet to discuss it.

“I guess we’re still yet to decide. What are you thinking?” I asked.

“Mum said she’d love to have us come visit for a bit.”

“That sounds wonderful!” I had only met Taehyung’s family a handful of times, but always felt welcome around them. Plus the idea of spending Christmas in the town where Taehyung grew up really excited me.

“Really?” he smiled. 

I sat down next to him, nodding.

“I guess I would just feel bad, you don’t get to see your family. I know how close you are.” He was always so considerate.

“They’ll be disappointed, but I know they will understand. You spent Christmas in Y/Country last year, so it’s only fair if we visit your family. And I would love if you showed me around where you grew up.”

“They’ll both be overjoyed, especially mum!” He smiled, pulling me in for a hug. “I can’t wait for your to experience a Korean Christmas!”

“Me either!”

“Maybe we can drive up a few days before?” He suggested.

“If the road trip involves Christmas carols then I’m in!”

“For sure! I’ll ring back mum and let her know we’ll be there” Taehyung smiled, as he scrolled to his mother’s contact on his phone, one of his arms still wrapped around my waist.

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5 years ago

That’s the Alcohol Talking

25 Days of Christmas Challenge

Prompt: Day 4 - The Last BTS Show Before Christmas



I was sat side stage at the last BTS show of the tour, my boyfriend and his band performing their final song to the Seoul crowd. The audience cheered as the boys said their thank yous and goodbyes, embracing each other as they came off stage. Myself and a few other girlfriends clapped for the talented group, beaming at how proud we all were.

Once they had finished congratulating each other I ran over to Taehyung and embraced him in hug, not caring how sweaty he was!

“Do I even have to tell you how amazing you were, and how proud I am of you” I said, placing a kiss on his lips.

“Yes, because I never tire of hearing you say it” he smiled, his cheeks still flushed from performing. “Sorry I’m so sweaty by the way.” He said, causing me to hug him tighter.


“Management has organised a meal to celebrate?” Namjoon informed the group.

“Sounds good!” Hoseok replied, as we all followed each other back to their dressing room for the boys to freshen up.

I sat down, talking to Taehyung while he got changed “how do you feel that another tour is over?”

“It’s always a little sad, but it will be nice to finally have a break for a bit” he replied, unbuttoning his white shirt and slipping it off. I couldn’t help looking down at his fit, caramel figure, even after two years of dating. He didn’t have the six pack that most girls would drool over, but he was perfect to me. If he noticed me staring he didn’t say anything, spraying himself before slipping a simple white shirt over his head. 

“Everyone ready?” Hoseok asked, slinging his bag over his shoulder, a mumble of ‘yes’es from the boys. I stood up, grabbing my own bag from the table as Taehyung did the same. As we started walking he slipped his hand in my own, giving me a small smile as we headed out to the vans.


Their management had hired out a function room at a very expensive restaurant in the city, kindly supplying a meal for the band, their girlfriends, management and the tour crew. Everyone was enjoying a couple of drinks, following the very filling meal. I was sat catching up with Jimin’s girlfriend, when I felt the couch dip next to me and a head resting on my shoulder.

“I should probably go and see where Jimin is at” she said looking at Taehyung and then back at me, smiling, before standing up to find her boyfriend.

Taehyung lifted his head, as I turned to look at him. “Hello you” he smiled, a mixture of sleep and intoxication evident in his eyes.

“Hello there” I smiled. 

“You know something, you’re the most beautiful person in this room” the smell of vodka hinted on his breath.

“I think that’s the alcohol talking” I laughed.

He took my own drink out of my hand and placed it on the table in front of us, grabbing both my hands and shaking his head “No. I could lose my vision tomorrow and you will still be the most beautiful person in any room.”

Before I even had the chance to answer his lips were pressed firmly against my own. Alcohol always seemed to make Taehyung more confident and become overly affectionate in public. Thankfully the room was dimly lit, and everyone else was too invested in their drinks and conversation to even notice us in the corner.

His lips tasted of a mix between the alcohol and the fruity flavoured lip balm he had recently put on. When we pulled away he placed his forehead against my own “I love you, Y/N” he whispered.

“I love you too, Tae.”

He smiled, resting his head on my shoulder, closing his eyes. I looked down at my phone which showed it was 2:30am. “I think it’s time we got you home” which received a sleepy nod in reply. 

We said our goodbyes to the boys and thanked their management for the meal, before quietly slipping out to a waiting taxi. 


It was after 3am when I had finished removing my make up and changed into my pyjamas. I walked out of our en suite to find Taehyung already in bed lightly snoring. I climbed in next to him, turning off the bed side lamp. Without waking up, he wrapped his arm around me as he felt me lie down next to him, always needing something to hold when he slept.

“Goodnight my super star” I whispered, before closing my eyes and snuggling into him.

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4 years ago

Puppy Love - Part 1

pairing: idol!Taehyung x female reader

warnings: none.


I had grown up in the same place my whole life, and over time it felt less like a small, humble country town, and more like being sealed inside a giant wall. As I grew older, I knew that if I didn’t leave that comfort and see the world, my life would stay exactly as it was.

It took me years, and even more courage, but the day finally came when I took that leap of faith (others might say ludicrous) and moved across the ocean to a new country where I knew nobody. Ensuring that I had a place to live, and a business to work in, I purchased a one-way ticket for myself South Korea, my best buddy(and dog), Kanna by my side. Thankfully, working for a large animal welfare company back home allowed me to apply for positions offered in other countries, South Korea included. 

I went to see if I could set up my own life there. Something for myself.


A month had gone by before I started to feel that this could be home. I had made friends in my apartment building, and the feeling of longing for my old town had settled.

I tried to make the most of my days off by getting out of my apartment and appreciating my new city. I was sitting outside a cafe, sipping on a warm latte with my head in my phone, Kanna sitting nicely as always by my side.

Suddenly she started pinning and began furiously wagging her tail as a small black and brown dog appeared under our table. Neither dogs looked threatening towards each other, both seeming like they wanted to play.

“Hey there little guy, where did you come from” I asked, holding out my hand to the small dog.

I looked up as a young man appeared in front of me. I immediately noticed how well dressed he was in a grey turtle neck, hidden under a large brown coat. As if it were some form of disguise, he removed his sunglasses and black facemask, bowing his head and frantically speaking in Korean.

“Mianhajiman hangug-eoleul jal moshaeyo. Yeong-eo.” I smiled apologetically. (I’m sorry, but I don’t speak Korean well. English.)

The young man smiled in return “Oh! I also speak a little English” his accent immediately charming me. “I am so sorry about my dog! We were walking by and he must have been interested in your dog and he jumped out of my arms before I could even react! I hope we didn’t startle you..”

“Oh no no, it’s fine! Kanna is more than happy to make new friends, she is very good” I smiled, rubbing her back as she continued to sniff at the her new friend.

“Kanna, what a sweet name. What type of dog is she?”

“She’s a Japanese Akita”

“May I?” He asked, holding his hand towards her.

“Of course! She’s very friendly”

As the young man knelt down to say hello to my dog I came to notice just how handsome he really was. His dark, wavy hair, fell around his face and framed his soft, yet masculine features. The way his ears showed from under his hair, multiple earrings catching the sun’s rays (were they Chanel?) His lips curving into a boxy smile that spread across his face, and the way his eyes scrunched as Kanna licked his caramel skin.

I only realised I was staring when he looked up at me laughing, and I was met with his dark brown eyes. I couldn’t help but notice how kind they were.

I was snapped back into reality when his own dog yelped out playfully.

“Yeontan, don’t be rude!” They young man laughed, ruffling the fur of his small dog.

“Aw hello Yeontan” I cooed, allowing him to sniff my hand.

“He’s a bit of an attention seeker. Especially around pretty girls” he laughed, and I couldn’t help but notice he seemed more nervous.

I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks and immediately tried to change the subject. “He’s a pomeranian?”

He nodded, before raising his eyebrows “how rude of me, I haven’t even asked your name!”

“I’m Y/N” I smiled.

The young man held out his large hand, his wrist decorated with simple bracelets and two small rings on his fingers.

“I’m Taehyung”

His hand was instantly warm to touch, and completely enveloped my own.

“Your accent? Is that Y/Country?” He asked.

“It is!” I beamed “I actually just moved here about a month ago. New scenery, you know?”

Taehyung opened his mouth to answer, but something across the street had caught his eye, and I turned to see a group of people muttering among themselves in his direction, causing him to shift his weight uncomfortably. 

He looked at the silver watch on his left wrist “Ah! I’m sorry, but I have to get going.”

A wave of sadness washed over me and I mentally slapped myself out of it - I hadn’t known this guy for more than five minutes.

“That’s okay” I nodded “Um.. it was nice to meet you and Yeontan” I gave his small dog a scratch under the chin as Taehyung scooped him up in his arm.

“Maybe we could meet up again..?” He quietly asked, quickly to add “I’m sure the dogs would love to have a proper play!”

“That sounds really nice.”

I exchanged numbers with Taehyung, something I probably would never had done back home, and we said our goodbyes.

As I watched his tall figure walk away, I looked down to my dog and smiled, giving her a pat on the head and feeling very glad she was with me today. 

And I could have sworn I heard him say “good job, Tannie.”

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4 years ago

Thanks so much to everyone who has followed this blog so far! 💜 Your likes, reblogs and comments mean so much! I made this blog at the end of last year as lover of BTS and writing, and wanted it to be my creative outlet, and I already love the community it has opened me up to.

I have a list of prompts, and will try and write as much as a can. However, I am doing my Honours at uni this year, so I don’t know how frequent I’ll be able to update. Lack of motivation to write and perfectionism is also a downfall for me 😅

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5 years ago

Keep Me Warm

25 Days of Christmas Challenge 

Prompt: Day 15 - Building a Snowman Day 17 - Messing Around in the Snow



“Taehyung!” I shouted, even though morning had just arrived. I had made my way downstairs, our glass kitchen door catching my eye as it revealed our back porch blanketed in white snow. The first snow of this December.

“Whaaat?” I heard a grumpy voice call back, clearly not wanting to get up.

“You have to come see!” I called back.

Bare footsteps made their way down stairs, dragging a sleepy boy with them. His hair was still a mess, as he rubbed his sleep riddled eyes.

“Look” I squealed, pointing to the kitchen door.

Taehyung stared outside until realisation dawned on his sleepy face.

“It’s snowing!” He announced excitedly.

I stood next to him next to the door and looked out at our white garden, the strong wind blowing the snow sideways. “Do you think the storm will settle down and we’ll be able to go outside later?”

“Let’s hope so” Taehyung smiled down at me. “I think a snowball fight is in order” he said, nudging his shoulder into mine.

“Ha! You don’t know what’s coming for you” I teased, going to switch on the kettle and make the two of us a hot drink while enjoying the storm from our warm kitchen.


The storm began settling throughout late morning, and after lunch it looked as if it had finally passed. Taehyung and I stopped the movie we were watching, to rush upstairs and put warm clothes on.

Taehyung pulled open to kitchen door, both gasping as we were met with the lingering freeze in the air. I run passed him outside, bending my knees to feel the snow in my glove covered hands. I squealed out suddenly as a heavy force banged against my body, pulling me onto the cold ground, Taehyung’s loud laugh in my ears.

“Tae! You’re such an ass!” I yelled, laughing, his grip tightly around my waist. 

“Maybe. But it’s an ass you love” he smirked, winking.

I couldn’t help but laugh, playfully rolling my eyes. He was right, and he bloody knew it.

“Let’s build a snowman” Taehyung suddenly announced, as he pulled me up from the wet ground. 

I giggled at him, reaching up to brush snow from his cheek. “Good idea.”

Having experienced many more snow days and trips than myself, Taehyung taught me how to build a snowman. We rolled up mounds of snow for the body, stacking it on top of each other until we had three spheres of snow ready to decorate. 

“I’ll go inside and get a carrot” I said, as Taehyung searched the garden for any rocks to use as facial features.

I was about to open the door, carrot in hand, when I noticed Taehyung was focused on perfecting the shape of the snowman. The perfect opportunity for attack. I slowly and quietly slid the door open and knelt down to the ground to form my weapon quickly. 

“Gotcha!” I shouted, as I hurled the snowball towards Taehyung, smacking him in the shoulder. 

He shouted out in surprise, my gloves covering my mouth as I laughed. He looked at me in utter betrayal, before a cheeky grin appeared on his face. He bent down to form a snowball in his hands.

“No!” I shrieked, as the ball of snow hit me in the arm, Taehyung laughing at my reaction.

“Oh-ho you are dead, Kim Taehyung!”


We spent a good portion of the afternoon messing around in the snow together, finally deciding to come inside when the sun started to disappear and the cold was no longer bearable. Taehyung and I walked back inside, the two of us wet and shivering from being covered in snow. I took off my gloves and beanie, chucking them on the kitchen table only to be greeted by a pair of hands snaking around my waist.

Taehyung hummed into my ear “you know what I could really go for right about now? One of your relaxing hot baths.”

I raised my hand against his cheek “I’ll go run you one now.” I said, his boxy grin forming a reply.

I ran the tap until the perfectly warm temperature was met, pouring in some scented bubble bath and adding a soothing bath bomb. While the bath filled, I lit the candles on the side, as well as a few placed near the sink. Once I was happy with the level of the water, I placed a towel on the bench and turned off the lights.

I didn’t need to call for Taehyung as he was already waiting against the door frame, a satisfied smile sat on his face.

“There you go, love. I’ll have a shower while you’re in there so I can warm up too.” I began to walk when he moved in the door frame, blocking my way.

“You’re not going to join me” Taehyung smirked “seems like a waste otherwise.”

My stomach began to flutter at his forwardness, the heat already returning to my face. “Well, I would hate to pass up an offer like that” I smiled, struggling to keep eye contact.

Taehyung wasted no time removing his clothes, myself following his lead and doing the same. There was a different tension present. More intimate and vulnerable than sexual. We had slept together plenty of times, but there was something different about being exposed to each other this way. Once we were fully undressed, Taehyung walked passed me into the dimly lit bathroom and dipped his hand in to test the water. I stood behind him as he slipped into the water, and fully emerged into the bubbles.

He turned to me and smiled, beckoning me to join him. I lightly stepped into the warm bath and began to sit facing him, only to have him hold out one arm towards me and pat his chest with the other. I shuffled in the water to move to sit between his legs, my back pressed against his bare chest. I would never get used to how beautiful he looked in any situation. His cheeks were flushed pink and the hair covering his forehead was already beginning to become damp from the condensation.

He gently rubbed his hands up and down my thighs, and I immediately closed my eyes, humming in satisfaction. I didn’t know what was making me hotter, the temperature of the water or our naked bodies pressed together.

I rested my head back on his shoulder. His deep voice vibrated against me “we should definitely do this more often.”

And I couldn’t agree more. 

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