caregiver-to-all - Care Giver To All
Care Giver To All

Just a nerdy lady wanting to help people. My inbox is open day or night to anyone. You’re never a bother so don’t hesitate to to say hi if you need to! My asks are open as well if you would like advice or help with anything specific (21 years old; snapchat:AskCashapp: Floss0427Insta: DommeSatisfaction)

36 posts

Safe Words!

Safe words!

We’re talking safewords words today kiddos. In my opinion, they are one of the most important aspects in this community next to communication but they also go hand in hand. A safeword is a word used during a scene or 24/7 sub/dom (and the nsfw side of cg/l) dynamic. It needs to be something you would never accidentally say while in the moment or just in everyday life.

Common Safe words-

* green for go

* Yellow for slow down or need a break

* Red for stop immediately

I refer to this as coloring out and I’ve seen the term used a lot in the community. I believe that while doing an intense scene or pushing your subs limits you should check on them throughout by asking their color.

Other Safeword suggestions

* pineapple

* Unicorn

* Dragon

* Freeze

* Mango

* Phone number (from a book. It’s actually sad)

* Ladybug

* Apple

* Drop

The list could go on and on and on. It just has to be a random word that will get your doms attention quickly. Doms who do not listen to safe words are to be avoided at all costs. This is very bad and very dangerous for the submissive, safewords are there to protect you. Not to be taken lightly.

Those are verbal safewords, if the sub can not speak for this or that reason then there are still ways to give them the ability to safeword.

* hold a ball in your hand. Drop it to safeword.

* A small metal bar, drop to safeword

* Tap a designated spot on your body

* Clap( if possible)

* If not, shake your hands(like jazz hands)

* A button strapped to the subs palm, press it so it makes an alerting noise

These can also go on and on. It is really just what works for you and what will get your doms attention efficiently.

A fair amount of new subs or subs with a new dominant do not like to safeword because they feel it makes them look weak, this is absolutely not the case. Safewords are always appropriate whenever they are needed! Do not force yourself to do something you are not comfortable with to please anyone! They are meant to keep you safe, comfortable, and happy.

That’s all for today. Be good, be safe, and have fun!

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More Posts from Caregiver-to-all

7 years ago

Valentine’s Care!

Hi everyone! Happy Valentines Day! Love it or hate it, it’s Valentine’s Day. Not the happiest of days for a lot of people. If you’re lucky enough to have a caregiver or little take the time today to show them how much you care! Treat them like the adorable little princes and princesses that they are. And Little’s take time today to show your caregiver how much you appreciate what they do. Be on your best behavior, color them a picture or make them something cute! Don’t think I forgot about all you single caregivers and Little’s. As much as you may or may not hate today, take this time to pamper yourself! You’ve earned it! Take a bubble bath or have a cartoon marathon with your stuffies. Just relax and take a day for yourself. You deserve it. Just a friendly reminder to everyone. My inbox is always open if you need it, I don’t bite I promise ☺️

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6 years ago

Well don’t you think you’re so sly

Let’s see

- my eyes

- my waist line

- my handwriting

- my hair sometimes

- my patience

I don’t know my followers so I don’t really have anyone to tag so I guess I tag no one but feel free to do this if you see it and keep it going.

whenever you get this you have to say five (5) things you like about yourself, publicly. then you have to send this to ten of your favourite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool) (:

| My ears

|The color of my ayes 

| My hair 

| My patience for do crafts

|My imagination

And i tag my fovorites followers

@chaotic-cat @d-structive @valkyreskye @silverwolffangirl @em-stem @septicuniverse @aceofspades-lena @septiceyecrew @andymp-blue @mai-violet

6 years ago

Be safe little ones. I have yet to run into him and hope I never have to


The user @purgatory666 will get angry and harass/defame you if you don’t acquiesce to his advances. Please block him and his side blogs ( @mkxb1, @bos-fo4, @daddys-kawaii-kitten, @assassins-creed-unity and @vault111-faullout4) which he uses to continually harass people from. @purgatory666 is also known to use slurs frequently so please be careful.

Please reblog this message and help spread the word and keep the community safe.

6 years ago

Self Care

Self care is so important for caregivers/doms and Littles/subs alike. It is important for doms because subs depend on you to take care of them and you can not do that without taking care of yourself first. Think of it like this, an empty battery can not power something else. You need to feel good to make sure they feel good. Subs need to care for themselves because you can not always count on a dom to be able to completely care for you especially if you don’t have one.

Dom selfcare.

- let yourself relax. Take a day to just give yourself a re charge

- Take a warm bath

- Jam out to music

- Make yourself a nice meal

- Order take out and laze around in sweats with Netflix or Hulu

- Take a mid day nap

- Binge your favorite show

- Talk to someone and just let out your frustration

Sub selfcare

- Drown in your headspace and let your problems float away.

- Cuddle with your stuffies

- Make a pillow fort

- Take a bubble bath

- Stay in your jammies all day

- Eat an okay amount of sweets and junk food(something not detrimental to your health)

- Color to your hearts content

- Dance around the house to music

Everyone needs to take the occasional personal day to work on themselves and recharge. No matter what helps you do that, it’s worth it if it helps to better yourself. You can not help others if you can’t help yourself.

I know this is shorter than usual but it’s something that I felt needed to be said. Until next time Be good, stay safe, and have fun!

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6 years ago

Another list of rules and suggestions since a lot are not on mine. Still making my next post so this is all for today. I’m just skulking around cgl blogs for the night for things that need to be s said. Be good, be safe, and have fun!

Master List of Rules for Littles

A follower of ours asked us if we knew of a master list of rule Ideas for Caregivers to enforce for their littles. So we are going to post this and hopefully those of you starting out in a CGL relationship helpful.

Why are rules important for littles?:

Sometimes when a little is deep in their little space they forget to do the every day things that need to get done. SOMETIMES we need reminders of the things we need to do. Having rules helps us know what needs to be accomplished and with a reward system in place it can be super productive.


 Clean your room

 Make your bed daily

 Clean up Dishes

 Brush your hair


 Drink Water

 Eat 2 healthy meals (follow diet plan if one is in place)

 Color 1 picture

 Read 2-3 chapters in a book - work on reading list

 Finish Homework

 Make sure Work is done


 Clean up after Pet


 Plan outfit for the next day

 Work on DIY project/craft project

 Make a weekly calendar/schedule 

 Make sure bills are paid

 Cook a Meal

 Do Laundry

 Finish Chores

 Completing Errands

 No Play time without Caregiver’s Say So

 Wearing certain Clothes/styles

 Diaper Time

 Paci Time

 Taking Medication daily

 Self Care

 Keeping up with Therapy

 Going to Appointments

 Brush your Teeth

 Put away clothing/folding laundry

 Go for a walk

 Track Food Diary

 Log fitness App information

These are all suggestions, and hopefully these help you come up with some of your own!  xoxo The Caregiver & Little Advice Team