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BNHA Characters As Things I've Said Part 3

BNHA Characters As Things I've Said Part 3

Part 1 • Part 2

Small note, everything a rando is saying is not something I've said.

Bakugo : You're stupid.

Bakugo : That's right, pout.

Note : I said this to a dog but Bakugo would probably say it to anyone.

Eri : Look at my freaking cat's butt.

Eri : Touch it for strength.

Note : Most likely Aizawa's cat.

Midoriya : I don't have braces anymore. Now what? Braces were part of my character design.

Rando : What?

Rando : Small world isn't it?

Aizawa : No.

Bakugo : I'm allergic to kindness.

Jiro to Kaminari probably : Speak your words.

Kaminari : I like that song.

Kaminari : I like that song real good.

Kirishima : He was trying to show off but it didn't happen, so that's funny.

Shigiraki : Shut up. No one likes laughter.

Shigiraki : Laughter is disgusting.

Bakugo : Just sit there in your sad, miserable existence.

Rando : I'm not sad, I'm watching Markiplier play Among Us.

Bakugo : Markiplier is a lie.

Todoroki : Betty White's dead.

Todoroki : She looks like a gravestone.

Note : I love Betty White, she was great.

Alexa : *Starts talking randomly for the millionth time*

Uraraka : Alexa shut up. You're stupid and no one cares about your opinion.

Note : I headcannon Uraraka hates Alexa. It's like a rivalry.

Rando : What would you do if I—

Dabi : Nothing.

Rando : What? But I didn't even—

Dabi : Nothing because I don't care.

Kaminari : Butt is no longer funny, anus is.

Kaminari : See.

Kaminari : I've grown.

Mina : Jeez, you scared the tits outta me.

Bakugo : I identify as not to be trifled with.

Rando : *Slaps him really hard*

Todoroki : *Unaffected and uncaring* Thank you.

Kaminari : Kiwi? More like kiwaii *excessive laughter*

Note : It's pronounced : Key-why-E A cute kiwi.

Jiro : *Sarcastically* In my defense, Ben and been sound kinda similar.

Rando : Are you having a good time?

Kirishima to his dog : I thought she was talking to me and I was like, ‟I'm sitting in a chair doing nothing, soo...

Kirishima : Yeah.‟

Bakugo : You do you.

Bakugo : I'm still gonna insult you though, when I think of good ones.

Mina or Kaminari : What in the nicknack pattywack ballsack are you talking about?

Shinso : Cat, you just need to understand that you cannot get food whenever you're hungry.

Shinso : You're not a human being, you don't get fat privileges.

Rando : This actually hurts me—

Bakugo : Then be hurt.

Rando on TV : America runs on Dunkn'!

Jiro : No it doesn't.

Jiro : America doesn't run.

Aizawa who probably had ten shots of expresso : I am existing in a different plane of existence.

Bakugo : Glad you told me so I can do nothing about it.

Kaminari : I'm not stupid, just mentally incapable.

Aoyama : I don't need others to recognize me because I know my worth and it's priceless.

Rando : You're worth nothing.

Aoyama : *Unfazed* Priceless.

Rando : Don't kick me!

Monoma : I didn't. I hit you with me shoe and my foot just happened to be inside of it.

Bakugo : I refuse.

Rando : You can't refuse it's—

Bakugo : Yet here I stand, refusing.

Cascade (@Cascade05)
I write stuffs... Do... Do you read stuffs? Cause like, what if you read my stuffs??? (^///^) ____________________ Fol...
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More Posts from Cascade05

3 years ago

I said…

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The quotes are from my book btw

I Said
I Said
I Said
I Said

And my phone plus Spotify…

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It all matches, please, why am I so satisfied?

Cascade (@Cascade05)
I write stuffs... Do... Do you read stuffs? Cause like, what if you read my stuffs??? (^///^) ____________________ Fol...

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3 years ago

BNHA Characters as Things I’ve Said

Mina : That's a t-pose ma'm. The audacity you have to use it in my presence is appalling.

Aoyama : I cannot breath because I will smell you.

Random Person : I just saw my life flash before my eyes.

Monoma : That must've been hard. Seeing something so pathetic—

Aizawa : I stayed up till one.

*Rando gives a really look*

Aizawa : Just kidding. I stayed up till two.

Bakugo *Looking at Ida, Momo, and Todoroki* : The Brittany club isn't responding.

Midoriya : It's called overachieving. Now sit there and be quiet.

Kaminari : I smash more than fingers guys.

Bakugo : Can I beat people for things I want?

Random Person : Then you'd be a thug.

Kaminari remembering the part in star wars where Yoda hits R-2 with a stick : Or Yoda.

Shigiraki : Sit over there and be quiet you stinky dirt child.

Aizawa : I didn't go to sleep late. I went to sleep early.

Aizawa : In the morning.

Aizawa : At three o'clock.

Shinso pointing to his cat : I love you. Don't ever change for nobody.‟

Uraraka calmly pressing a chocolate bar to an angry person's cheek : Have some chocolate.

Bakugo : Put those tits in a bag and let's go.

Yaoyorozu : The only issue is my Gucci thighs.

Uraraka : He might've been a hunk, but he was a butthole.

Tsu : She... wasn't pretty, but she tried.

Rando : I'm hungry.

Bakugo : Then starve.

Midoriya : Eri, cover your ears.

Midoriya : *proceeds to scream the f bomb*

Aoyama : I am a celestial body. I too am made from stardust.

Jiro : How's it peaceful if you're doing physical activity?

Kirishima singing to the beat of Can't Stop the Feeling : I got this feeling, inside my balls.

Shigiraki : Don't talk about my emo boy band like that.

Bakugo : I'm allergic to dumb bitches.

Monoma : I despise you. You're such a lesser thing.

Rando : I have big stuff going on.

Midoriya pouting : *mumbles* I'll kick you in the big stuff.

Rando : I'm offended.

Bakugo : Good. Be offended.

Mineta : Your phone listens to you and gives you adds based on what it hears.

Mineta with his phone next to his mouth : Boobies.

Kaminari : I act on impulse.

Todoroki or Sato : How much sugar can I eat before I'm allowed to die?

Rado : People get married for different reasons.

Dabi : To ruin their lives.

Mina : *in Russian accent* You are not badass. You are bad and you have bad ass but you are not badass.

Kaminari : Don't hump a whale cause it'll humpback.

Kaminari : *Proceeds to do a weird finger-gun chair wiggle*

Sero : My burger is so juicy I almost don't need a drink.

Kaminari : Flair up like my butthole.

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3 years ago

He so would, probably in a mocking way at first. Then he’d catch feels and it would stick. Yes. Yes, I like that quite a lot.

i love how we, collectively as a fandom agrees that bakugo would call his female s/o "princess"

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3 years ago

Bakugo x Reader

[Insert Argument]

Bakugo: Fuck you!

(Y/N): So do it.

Bakugo: Wha-

(Y/N): Fuck me. Coward.

Cascade (@Cascade05)
I write stuffs... Do... Do you read stuffs? Cause like, what if you read my stuffs??? (^///^) ____________________ Fol...

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