cc-cobalt-1043 - CC-Cobalt-1043

201 posts

When Sonic Catches You Snacking On Mints Past Your Bedtime:

When Sonic catches you snacking on mints past your bedtime:

When Sonic Catches You Snacking On Mints Past Your Bedtime:
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More Posts from Cc-cobalt-1043

6 months ago


*Joey and Daniel first meet*

Daniel: sorry for bothering you, I'll just leave

Joey: *already dragging him home* oh no you don't, my parents are going to adopt the hell out of you

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9 months ago


Tech: Apparently Scientists are working on turning stress into eletricity

Cobalt: I'd volunteer for that experiment

Tech: *confused* what

Cobalt: Tech, I live with three angsty teenagers who have literally no self preservation instincts, if stress was currency I'd be rolling in it

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6 months ago

Bad batch summer

Ice cones:

The triplets try ice cones for the first time:

Lyana, James and Cynthia were heading to the market planning on showing the recently arrived cadet triplets, Mox, Stak and Deke Ice cones after the three cadets told them they'd never had it before.

"I still can't believe you guys have never had ice cream before." James said to the triplets as they walked.

"I mean, they never really had anything like that on Kamino." Mox said.

"Or with the empire either." Stak said.

"Well believe me you guys are gonna love it, there's so many different flavours, vanilla, strawberry, chocolate, pecan, almond.." James said beginning to list of the many different flavours of ice cream.

He continued for a few minutes before Cynthia put a hand on her brother's shoulder.

"Ok James, I think they get it." Cynthia said trying to calm down her little brother.

James nodded.

"Are the ice creams good?" Deke asked Lyana.

"They're so good, Priscilla makes the best ice cream in all of Pabu." Lyana said.

They soon got to the ice cream stall, Priscilla looking up when she heard the approaching kids.

"Hi kids." She said.

"Hi Priscilla." Lyana, James and Cynthia said while Mox, Stak and Deke simply waved.

"What can I get you kids?" Priscilla asked.

Lyana, James and Cynthia ordered their usual flavours and after a while the triplets chose their own flavours, the group sitting down to enjoy their treats.

The triplets all eyed the ice cream with slight caution before digging in.

"Wow, this is amazing." Deke said.

"The best thing I've ever had." Mox said.

"I told you guys." Lyana grinned.

The group all sat and enjoyed their treats, the sun shining over them.

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9 months ago

The Medic:

*Rex's clone rebellion squad are fighting the empire*

*Nemec gets shot*



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6 months ago

I just noticed this:

I Just Noticed This:

My personal little headcannon is that she painted it after his death to remember him

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