Bad Batch Cobalt (oc) - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Crosshair cried over lost toothpicks:

*Cobalt was playing with his pet frog Packwa*

*Crosshair came over*

Crosshair: what are you doing

Cobalt: playing with Packwa

Crosshair: and also watching Thomas the tank engine, aren't you a little old for that

Cobalt: says the one who cried for twenty minutes straight cause he lost his toothpicks

Crosshair:............ sometimes I really hate you

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2 years ago

Time traveling Daniel:

*Cobalt gets a call from Tech*

Cobalt: Stryker residence, go for Cobalt

Tech: *absolutely terrified* CobaltImayhaveletDanielnearmyexperimentaltimemachineanditshortciriutedandsenthimnineyearsinthepast

Cobalt: speak up Tech, I can't hear you

Tech: *gulping nervously* Cobalt I may have let Daniel near your experimental time machine and it short circuited  and sent him nine years into the past

Cobalt: *angry dad mode activating* YOU DID WHAT

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2 years ago

Bad batch chores list:

Crosshair: alright, Hunter is having a day off and he's left me this chores list on these datapads for the ship's maintenance check this afternoon, Tech, carry out the daily maintenance check on the ship

*Tech nodded and left*

Tech: Wrecker, make sure all your fitness equipment is put away properly and then make sure Gonky is charged

Wrecker: do I get candy after

Crosshair: no

Wrecker: awww *he walked away*

Crosshair: Cobalt, check the on-board systems in the ship are working

Cobalt: okay *he left*

Crosshair: okay last, and least in my opinion, Trix

Trix: *sarcastically* what is thy bidding my master

Crosshair: *not amused* go into the forest and never come back

Trix: HEY, what does it actually say

Crosshair: help Tech with the maintenance check and make sure we're fully stocked with the right supplies

Trix: it will be done my lord *he quickly left*

Crosshair: *rolling his eyes* no wonder Hunter enjoys his days off, everybody here is impossible

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2 years ago

Cobalt got into a fight:

*eight year old Cobalt came into the barracks a bit roughed up from a fight*

Hunter: *protective big bro mode activating* Cobalt what happened

Cobalt: *shuffling his feet* I uh, kinda got into a fight

Hunter, Tech and Wrecker: *fretting over Cobalt like a bunch of mother hens*

Crosshair: did you win

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2 years ago

Hugs from Crosshair:

Crosshair: given you are injured I will allow you to hug me for four to five seconds


Crosshair: *quickly* no no, I said four to-

*Cobalt quickly hugs him*

Cobalt: too late

*Crosshsir just sighed and patted Cobalt's head awkwardly*

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2 years ago


*Cobalt and Hunter were training but Cobalt hurt his knee during training*

Cobalt: *groaning in pain* kriff

Hunter: *angry* watch your language young man

Cobalt: sorry, it slipped out, besides it really hurts

Hunter: I know vod, but where did you even learn that word anyways

Cobalt: Crosshair taught me

Crosshair: *scowling* snitch

*Hunter groaned and threw Lula at Crosshair's face*

Hunter:  and consider that a warning Crosshair

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2 years ago

I'm going to hell for sure:

Crosshair: don't worry, if I die I'll be looking up at you very fondly

Cobalt: looking up

Crosshair: oh yeah, I'm going to hell for sure

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2 years ago

No more swearing:

Hunter: no more swearing, if you swear you're grounded for a month

Cobalt: heck

Crosshair: you're on thin kriffing ice

Hunter: Crosshair you're grounded for a month

Crosshair: kriff

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2 years ago

Okay sir old as hell:

Crosshair: you are forbidden from calling me the word boomer

Cobalt: okay sir old-as-hell


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2 years ago

Self restraint:

Cobalt: what did you do today Crosshair

Crosshair: prevented a murder

Cobalt: a murder, who's

Crosshair: Wrecker's

Cobalt: someone tried to kill Wrecker, how'd you stop them

Crosshair: self restraint

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2 years ago

If I punch myself:

Wrecker: if I punch myself and it hurts am I weak or am I strong

Hunter: strong

Tech: weak

Trix: an idiot is what you are

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2 years ago

When Wrecker babysits the Stryker twins:

*Wrecker is babysitting the Stryker boys *

Wrecker: *carrying Joey and Daniel* okay kids, let's go blow some stuff up

Joey and Daniel: *excited as hell to blow stuff up with Wrecker*

Cobalt: *watching from afar and facepalming already regretting his decision*

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2 years ago

The batch playing monopoly:

Crosshair: I HATE ALL OF YOU

Tech: science is all mine, IT'S ALL MINE




Trix: *picking up the box* I think that's enough monopoly for today

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2 years ago

Ding dong the witch is dead:

Trix: if you guys ever died, what song would you have played at your funeral

Cobalt: before you go by Lewis caprildi, it's my favourite song

Hunter: well I'm not sure what I'd have played at my funeral

Crosshair: *grinning at him* ding dong the witch is dead

Hunter: *scowls at him*

Hunter: shut up Cross

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2 years ago

Crosshair reading for sick children:

Crosshair: I hate all children

Cobalt: don't you read at the hospital for sick children

*Crosshair is reading a book for a sick little girl*

Crosshair: and now luara was no longer a girl *tears up* she is now a woman

*End flashback*

*Crosshair puts Cobalt in a headlock*

Crosshair: if a single word of this gets out you're dead Cobalt

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2 years ago

These things are collectors items:

Cobalt: my god

Boba: Cobalt, what happened

Cobalt: why didn't I figure this out before

Boba: what Cobalt what

Cobalt: always take the aluminium wrapper off your burrito, before you put in in the microwave

*The burned burrito he was holding in his hand turned to ashes*

Cobalt: which brings me to this question, what's the problem with the New car

*They walked over to a shiny delorean standing proudly in the garage*

Boba: 15 on the highway 12 in the city

Cobalt: FLASE, if I park it on the street, it's bound to get ripped off

Boba: well sure, because it can fly

Cobalt: *slamming his hands on the hood with an excited glint in his eyes" Cause it's a delorean! These things are collectors items

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2 years ago

It's supper time:

*Cobalt and Daniel are talking in the garage when an alarm goes off*

Cobalt: good lord, do you know what that means

Daniel: no

Cobalt: *grinning broadly* IT'S SUPPER TIME

*He dashed out the garage followed closely by Lucky the dog*

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2 years ago

Where's Daniel:

*Cobalt, Winston and Joey were preparing for dinner*

*Cobalt was about to tuck in when Martha slapped his hand*

Martha: ah ah, aren't we forgetting something

Cobalt: yeah, I'd better wash my hands before we eat, sorry honey

*He went over to the sink and started washing his hands*

Martha: Cobalt, where's Daniel

Cobalt: *looking out the window seeing Daniel in the delorean* I believe he's in the car about to...CRASH INTO THE HOUSE

*He dived on the floor holding his hands over his head*

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2 years ago

Crosshair's worst nightmare:

*Crosshair's nightmare*

*Crosshair enters the kitchen of a huge mansion where Hunter, Tech, Trix, Wrecker and Cobalt are having breakfast*

Crosshair: huh

Cobalt: greetings commander Crosshair, hope you slept well

Trix: are we talking the new nebulous on our next mission

Crosshair: let's see, I'm squad leader, no women gossiping, no loud kids, luxury ship, *cheers happily* I HIT THE JACKPOT

*He sits at the table*

Crosshair: Tech brother, would you please pass me a toothpick

Tech: toothpick, what's a toothpick

Crosshair: AAH! AAH! AAH!

*he quickly runs out the room screaming*

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2 years ago

I'll make you all disappear:

Daniel: *wandering around the kitchen in the dark trying to get a glass of water*

*He accidentally bumped into the fridge making wobble*

Daniel: *pleading* don't fall over, don't fall over

Joey: *on the stairs also going to get a drink* a ghost

Boba: (who's with him) *sarcastically* yeah Joey, it's a ghost

Joey: I heard they take people away to their hideouts and they disappear forever

Cobalt: *woken up the noise* go back to sleep or I'll make you all disappear

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