cervenakoviny - Červenákoviny

Fan tvorba, zamyslenia, humor, súvisiaca história a mýty, aj hocičo ďalšie, čo sa zamanie...

208 posts

Koej: Slun Pln. No Mohli By Sme Tam Zapracova Aj Niektor Z Npadov, Ktor Som Pred Chvou Navrhoval.

Koščej: Slušný plán. No mohli by sme tam zapracovať aj niektoré z nápadov, ktoré som pred chvíľou navrhoval.

Iľja: To neboli nápady, ale samoúčelné násilné činy.

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More Posts from Cervenakoviny

9 months ago

This took me a moment what with determining what came before what and how strong was my fixation and I am still not sure, so here's a list. Contestants Winnetou (Karl May) - Adventures, friendship, locquaciousness, trickery, high resilience, friendship, friendship, friendship... I cried some at the end and wanted to visit praeries and cherished it deeply. And I kid you not, I believed it was recollection of real events, until a classmate informed me of its fictionality during school lesson in 3rd grade or sometime around then. Prísaha, príbehy o Vimke (Alexandra Pavelková) - I loved the cover the moment I laid my eyes upon it and I was enchanted by the style and worldbuilding I haven't seen before. Like damn, here is a wandering healer with traumatic past and strained family relations revealed bits by bits in dialogues and flashbacks. Here is delightful down to earth late roman/early medieval environment with vladykas (petty rulers), zhreci (pagan priests), igrici (travelling bards), squirrel skins for money and mead for drink, myths permeating the world without much explanation ranging from greek (warring Amazonianns and centaurs (with helluva tasty explanation and resolution)) to pagan slavic (lady middday, dancing samodivas, Morena) tu universally fantastical (unicorns, dragons, vampires) but always with its own spin. Here are hints at sexuality, complicated dealings with other people, lyricism of nature. I remember lying on my bed and thinking I need, need, need more stories about vampires like the ones Alexandra wrote. In retrospect there is some Witcher in the book's DNA, but it is also very much its own thing, savoury atmospheric somewhat melancholic thing. His Dark Matterial (Phillip Pullman) - Very interesting idea with daemons - physical manifestations of a part of one's psyche, very interesting idea with particles of sentience and alternative worlds and devices for scrying, travelling, what you have. I loved watching a child heroine being stubborn, feisty, resourceful and guile and growing on her path from a brat with sense of friendship loyalty to a mature person with broadened horizons and capacity for empathy and sacrifices. I loved her relationship with a deuteragonist from another world who had to do adulting since being too young, how they grow closer, how they deal with adversity, how they change the world without seeing the whole picture. There is this sort of flowing shift on macrocosmic and microcosmic scale facillitated by actions of individual towards individual, grand paradigms, all those journeys of other people who crossed paths with the main pair, got entangled in the process, finding of one's heart beyond constraints of whichever misguided authority, the fight between fullness of life and inner deadness/spiritual deadness/disconnect. It was only later that I became aware of how much campaigning against some real-world structures/outlooks there is in that trilogy. At first it existed for me as a thing in itself with compelling characters, interesting wide-spanning journey and inspiring touching vision and I was invested in it regardless of references.

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9 months ago

Hey, what about actual research papers and monographies? They tend to be more about slavic in general or eastern area, but you can come across specifically western topics. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0305440321000030?fbclid=IwAR03XfY2LE7EwlrjaD2rY1YGyhxNgfetmfFXRJb6qp_p-UzYweR2NovR79k Don't underestimate archeology. Nor linguistics and comparative methods. Also if you know slovak language... Lumyd is nice popularization web - https://lumyd.eu/

Which makes me wonder how much of local research and publishing gets translated for people abroad...

your options for trying to read anything about prechristian (western) slavic culture really are like

wikipedia (only vaguely sourced)

a website that's antivax modern "witches" at best, fascist conspiracy theorists at worst

texts from the 1800s/1900s heavily influenced by panslavism and conflating russian culture with all other slavs

source: trust me bro (ranging anywhere from baby name websites, lifestyle blogs, or chronicles by medieval monks who filled in the blanks in sources by simply making shit up)

9 months ago

Magdaléna: Usmíváš se. Co se přihodilo?

Joachim Stein: Copak se nemohu usmívat jen tak?

Bohdan Jaroš: Notář před chvíli zakopl a spadnul ze schodů.

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9 months ago

A do detailov. Napríklad aj kremnický štvrťmajster z Pre hrsť dukátov bol skutočný. Potom ešte občas robí postavy podľa ľudí z okolia - v Lovcovi čertov dal cameo archivárovi, čo mu pomáhal so zdrojmi, od ľudí na fb pýtal trnavské priezviská...

Trutnovský kolorit

Existuje taká knižočka, volá sa Tajemná magie středověku, kouzla a rituály starých cechů a napísali ju Aleš Česal a Roman Herzinger.

No a jedna kapitola je venovaná aj katovskému remeslu. Človek sa tam napríklad dočíta aj to, že...

Trutnovsk Kolorit

...takže tohto týpka...

Trutnovsk Kolorit

...si Ďuro z prstu nevycucal.

Klobúk dole, človeče, klobúk dole.

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