Howlers; H.p.
howlers; h.p.
pairing: harry james potter x fem!reader
synopse: everytime harry fucks anything up and gets in trouble, there is a bet: which howler will he be receiving?
warnings: everything’s fine au, howlers, james and sirius being an iconic duo, just fluff
word count: 1.4k
a/n: this idea is from a pin i saw (can’t link it here), so credits to its owner! hope you enjoy it :)
Harry James Potter's life was no easy task, but in the best way possible.
Voldemort had been defeated on the fateful 31st October of 1981, within the dark sky of halloween night. No one knew exactly what happened; just that he went to the Potter's to kill the youngest of them, and the curse, apparently, backfired. There was also a rumor about a stag and a black dog, but we will not get into detail. All that mattered was that Voldemort was gone. For good.
Most of his followers went to Azkaban, including Peter Pettigrew, for his betrayal and hidden devoted passion to the dark side. There were some rebellions in the following years, but nothing too big, as their leader had fallen. And because there were such good aurors taking care of everything.
So, having James Potter as his father, Sirius Black as his godfather, and Remus Lupin as his, basically, second father and godfather, growing up was eventful, to say the least.
Don't get him wrong; he absolutely loved them with all of his might. He just wished that they made it easier for him sometimes. Like now, for example.
It was a typical wednesday morning. Everyone was in the Great Hall, as breakfast time was still going and there would be no classes for another half an hour.
You were currently almost completely in your boyfriend's lap, eating your cereals and talking happily to Ginny and Hermoine.
Harry, however, was not very happy; in fact, he was dreading every minute of this breakfast.
He had his arms wrapped around your waist, and his head was buried in your shoulder, eyes closed. He was trying his best to ignore his friends' teasing, the glances from people around and, mainly, the big windows.
Why? Because Hedwig would enter the Hall any minute now. Why was he dreading it? Howlers, of course.
He had pranked Snape along with the Weasley twins the previous day. It was pretty good, if you asked Harry. All of the cauldrons had exploded, and confetti was thrown at Snape, as it was his birthday. They just had to do it. One week of detention and McGonagalls lectures were more than worth it. But there was a little detail that Harry always seemed to forget; the howler he would get the day after.
There were just three options:
1, James and Sirius congratulating him and wishing they were there;
2, Lily wanting to beat his arse;
Or 3, everything mixed together and the complete chaos.
So, here he was; trying to hide in you, hoping you would save him. "Harry, love, I swear to Merlin, I loved your prank-"
"Hey!--" Fred and George yelled from somewhere.
"- but what were you expecting? They do this all the time. You better be hoping that my mom won't be in that howler, then it would be embarrassing," you grinned at him. In all honesty, you usually were involved in the mess (growing up with Harry would do that to you) and your mom was a troublemaker along with the Marauders in their years- the only voice of sense being Lily (even though we all know that Lily secretly loved it all). So, this didn't really faze you; it was actually amusing.
You weren't part of this prank because Harry wanted it to be a surprise. And one hell of a surprise it was.
You too got a week worth of detention because you couldn't stop laughing. Ron and Dean got 3 days. The rest of the students got all one night just because.
"Why can't they just be normal people?" Harry's muffled voice asked.
You rolled your eyes, still smiling. "We are talking about our families here, Harry. Nothing less should be expected."
A few moments passed. Everyone was talking with their friends, and the High Table was still full with all of the professor's and staff. The noise in the Great Hall was full of life, and it was strangely comforting.
Suddenly all the chatter died down, and everyone was looking at the windows. Harry immediately seated upright and snapped his head to the windows direction.
The motion almost made you fall, and that made Harry wrap his arms tighter around you, and pull your body flushed against his well-built chest.
A snowy owl majestically flew around the room with two letters in its beak. One of them was bright red.
Harry loudly groaned which got several chuckles from around. He could swear that Hedwig did this every time for attention. Sirius probably bribed her to do it; fly in the most attention-bringer moment. Fucking Padfoot.
The letters fell into your lap, as you were still on Harry. You cackled loudly as you picked the howler up and wiggled it right in front of Harry's face.
Harry pouted and took the letter, sighing. Looking around, he saw every single pair of eyes on them, the silence defining.
Harry closed his eyes tightly in exasperation, taking one last deep breath, and opened the howler.
"HARRY JAMES POTTER, WHAT THE HELL--" Lily's voice bellowed.
"James Fleamont,"
"PADS, THE PRANK ON SNIVELLUS, BRILLIANT! He learned it from me--"
"Actually, if he learned it from someone it was from me. Remember that time, Remus and Sirius were--" your mother's voice echoed through the letter.
"NO! Out of here!" Remus' voice yelled in the background.
"And he got what? One week worth of detention? AMAZING!" Sirius laughed.
"Minnie's getting soft, honestly--"
"Harry, please behave; I love you- James you get back here right this second or I swear to Godric."
"Lily-flower, darling, hey--!" James yelped after a big metallic bang!.
"Goodbye, Harry, " Remus chuckled.
"Don't forget to write to us! And you too Y/N!" your mother excitedly said.
And the howler ended.
For ten solid seconds, no one said anything.
And then, the chaos started.
Yells and money was being passed around. At this point, it was regular free entertainment for everyone. Harry wanted to at least pretend that he was embarrassed, but really, he couldn't.
You yelled out a 'yes!' before jumping from Harry’s lap and running to the High Table.
Once you reached it, you slammed your two hands right in front of Dumbledoor and McGonagall. "Well, professor, it seems like you have a small debt to pay, isn't it?" you smirked.
Dumbledoor sighed. "Very well. Ms. Y/L/N," he gave you a small bag full of galleons. "Minerva," he gave McGonagall another one.
"Yes, Albus, Ms. Y/L/N is quite right, I reckon. And I believe you also owe me something, no?" Minerva raised her eyebrows with a small proudful smile.
You high-fived McGonagall, who rolled her eyes, and put your galleons in a hidden pocket of your robe. "Nice doing business with you. Headmaster, Minnie," you started to walk run back to her table.
When you got there, everything was still the same. Yells, laughs, bickering, the usual. You took place in your boyfriend's lap again, this time facing him and grinned as you wrapped your arms around his neck. "Hello there, my love!"
Harry bit his lip, trying to contain his amusement. "How much did you get this time?"
You eyed him suspiciously. However, you quickly gave in when Harry raised an eyebrow. "...20 galleons," you answered proudly.
Harry grinned. "Why do they keep betting with you?"
"Maybe they still haven't memorised the sore taste of loss?" you sighed dramatically.
"Merlin, I love you so much," Harry laughed and brought your face closer.
"Of course you do, doesn't everybody?" you teased.
Harry deadpanned.
"I'm kidding! I'm kidding, I've been spending way too much time with Padfoot, haven't I?" you tried again. No response from Harry. You then beamed. "I love you."
Harry brushed your lips together, a soft smile adorning his face. And when you were sure he would kiss you, he suddenly smirked. "Doesn't everybody?"
"Harry James Potter!"
Yes, his life really was not easy, but he wouldn't have it any other way.
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More Posts from Cherrynott

(remus lupin x reader)

all of you had sat in a large circle in the common room and passed around all your christmas gifts to eachother, everyone was loving it, no matter how big or small the gift they had received, everybody was so grateful.
everyone except remus had given out their presents and once all eyes were looking to him, you noticed he seemed a bit flustered and nervous, playing around with the rings in his fingers.
“um, i know these aren’t the best gifts, i just couldn’t afford anything big for all of you, i wish i could-“
“remmy..” you interrupted, “marlene got us all a bracelet made of sticks and leaves from outside that she enchanted to bend all together, and we all love it because she took the time to make it herself-“
“well i didn’t actually do it-“ marlene laughed quietly, thinking about the time she spent reading on how to get branches and leaves to make a bracelet of themselves by themselves just so she wouldn’t have to do it.
“marlene put in 5% effort on her gift, but we all love it anyway, i’m positive we’ll all love yours” you told him
he smiled gratefully at you before pulling out multiple gifts all wrapped in newspaper from the daily prophet and all your names written on the paper so he wouldn’t forget who’s was who’s, all a fairly similar rectangular shape, and he passed them out to each of you.
you all began unwrapping and once you’d opened yours up you had to hold yourself from blushing tomato red, so you instead looked up at him with a wide smile to find him already looking at you, with soft anxious eyes, biting his nails to stop him fidgeting with his hands.
“rem.. you did this for all of us?”
you’d all been given one of remus’ books from his large book collection, he’d taken so much time not only picking which book should go to who, but putting in a message on the first page.
“well , yeah, is that okay? i didn’t know what to get and you guys always seem to find looking through my notes in all the books amusing so-“
he was interrupted by you smashing into him with a great hug hug.
“thankyou so much rem, i love it so much”
you could feel him smile into your neck, “i’m glad you like it” he responded quietly for you only to hear.
“moony this is great!” you heard james, you pulled away from remus and gave him a little smile before going back to your spot in the circle.
sirius was flicking through his book with a boyish smile, and turned to remus “moons this is awesome, it has all your thoughts in it, now i’ll get to find out just how your mind works huh?” he ruffled remus’ hair with a laugh
“this is really sweet rem, thankyou so much” lily told him, looking through her own book of romeo and juliet, from what you could see, the message on her first page may or may not have had the name ‘james’ written somewhere in it …
and as you looked around, at all your friends skimming though rem’s annotated gifts, with grins up to their eyes chatting quietly to themselves, you realised there was nowhere else you’d rather be.
this is perfect what
no way home spoilers ahead!
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐲 𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐛 andrew!peter x avenger!reader | fluff
summary: imagine being tom!peter’s bestfriend while having a crush on andrew!peter. [witch!reader, fem!reader, mentions of smut (?)]
based off this request and this writing prompt.
This one has all Peters, so for less confusion,
pete - tom!peter.
peter - andrew!peter
ben - tobey!peter (cause its peter benjamin parker)

“SLOW DOWN!” you yelled.
“No! It’s day three of Super Spidey Week!” Pete, your bestfriend, shrieked as he started swinging across the town even faster. You clung onto him with fear written over your face.
Super Spidey Week — otherwise known as a weeklong break for the three Peter Parkers — was something they did every three months. They meet up in a particular Earth, and take a much needed break from fighting monsters and instead catch up on each other’s lives. It was exclusive to the three of them.
Well, the three of them and you. Pete never had any fun without you, which was part of the Bestfriend Pact you made in third grade. If he knew the real reason you went along with him, he would freak out.
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this is my navigation! any important links will be in here.
please, respect any boundaries and informations.
˗ˏˋ masterlist ´ˎ˗
about me & boundaries
hi, my name is elle! nice to meet you :)
i am a minor! my pronouns are she/her.
I'm new to tumblr so please, don't judge me if i just can't keep this app working because i am hella confused right now.
to be aware of:
english is not my first language.
there will be no smut, as i don't feel comfortable writing that stuff. all of my fics are pure fluff, maybe some angst.
curses and suggestive / mentions of mature themes will be used.
this blog was previously solely dedicated to the harry potter universe, both golden and marauders era. now is completly free (even though it will still be mainly about harry potter...)
i don't know how asks and requests and taglists work so put up with me please. maybe in the future.
please be respectful under any circumstance and with anyone. racism, homophobia, transphobia and any other type of dishuman ideals / behaviours will not be tolerated here. feel free to block me if you have to.
thank youuu <3
saw this a few months ago, saw this again now, still one of my absolute favourites <3
Dance Lessons | Harry James Potter
Pairing: Harry Potter x fem!Gryffindor!Reader
Wordcount: 12200 words (Yes, really. Do you ever just start to write a little oneshot and then it turns out as a fic with over 10000 words?)
Warnings: swearing, mentions of underage drinking, sexual tension but no smut, fluff, slight angst, slow burn i guess
Summary: Harry asks you to teach him how to dance for the upcoming Spring Ball.
a/n: Set in Harry’s sixth year. English is not my native language, so there might be spelling/grammar mistakes. (The beginning is inspired by this oneshot)

Not many could say that they had faced Voldemort more than once and had survived, but Harry Potter was one of the few lucky ones that had gotten away every time. And if that wasn’t enough, Harry had defeated horrifying creatures, had broken into the Ministry and had saved the wizarding world several times – more or less accidentally, but hey. He had dealt with Umbridge and fought Death Eaters.
To the world, he was a hero, he was the Boy Who Lived.
So yes, his record of fighting the evil was quite impressive for a sixteen-year-old. But there was one thing he knew he would never impress anyone with and that were his dance skills.
Because Harry Potter couldn’t dance for shit.
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Jamie crawling into the huge hoodie you're wearing when its cold and just laying down on you with his head in your chest under the fabric
Rain beats against the windows of Gryffindor tower causing you to worry about James, who would let no weather stop him from playing quidditch. You however are curled up in front of the fire in the common room, toasty and warm in your favorite sweatshirt.
The portal to the common room swings open and the quidditch team steps through, all of them equally soaked to the bone, though James seems to be the only person with a smile on his face. His eyes scan the common room before landing on you.
"Y/N!!" he nearly squeals as he bounds towards you. He jumps onto the couch and shoves his head under the bottom of your sweater and wriggles up so his head and broad shoulders are under your sweater, his damp hair peeking out from the collar.
You squirm away from him, screeching and giggling, shocked by not only his wet hair but his freezing skin. "Fuck! James! That's so fucking cold!" you shriek.
A chill runs through your body as James rubs his wet hair against your chest as he gets comfortable, "Don't worry I showered" James assures.