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957 posts

One & Only - Peter Pan

One & Only - Peter Pan

Peter Pan x Fem!reader

Warnings: none

Word count: 1,781

Requested:Can I request a Peter Pan OUAT imagine? Reader has been the only girl on the island for a while and is very cold to her the moment she sees her. She goes ballistic in the middle of the camp when she sees Pan kiss Wendy on the beach or something. A few of the lost boys try to calm Y/N down before she hucks a drinking glass at a tree and yells, "THAT STUPID FUCKING BLONDE BITCH!!" And runs to her treehouse. Felix knows about her feelings for Pan but swore he'd never tell anyone. When Pan gets back he can hear Y/N crying in her treehouse and goes "Which one of you did it?!" Not realizing that it was him because he didn't know she was anywhere on the beach. - @anon

Authors Note: Thank you for requesting! I did change some things minorly but not much. I enjoyed writing for Once Upon A Time again. Especially for Peter Pan.


Once Upon A Time Masterlist


One & Only - Peter Pan

“Y/n” Felix greeted as the y/h/c-ed girl walked over to him.

“Felix.” Y/n smiled, greeting back the tall boy. Y/n nodds towards the new boys. “How are they doing?”

“Not bad for newbies.” Felix shrugged his shoulders. Y/n and Felix were just 2 of the ones that helped train, but not always.

“Maybe we’ll have to toughen the training.” Y/n scanned the group of new lost boys.

“I believe you're right.” Felix agreed as he noticed a few mistakes the boys were making that he was sure she did as well.

“Have you seen Pan?” Y/n asked, looking around and not seeing the boy in green anywhere.

Felix shakes his head with squinted eyes. “Not since earlier. Have you tried his thinking tree?”

Y/n shook her head ‘no’ and let out a frustrated sigh. “Yeah, he wasn’t there.”

Felix nudged her before saying. “He’ll come around sooner or later.”

Felix knew Y/n has had feelings for Peter for a long time. But he’d never say anything unless they were alone, because even though some of the lost boys were pretty sure Y/n and Peter had mutual feelings for eachother it wasn’t their place to say.

“Yeah.” Y/n nodded looking around making sure there wasn’t anything for her to do before telling Felix. “I’m gonna go down to the beach, I’ll be back later.”

Felix nodded watching her as she left knowing that the beach was her thinking place. Before turning his attention back on the boys.

So Y/n went walking her normal route down to the beach. When she got to where the trees end right before the beach Y/n stopped. She saw Peter standing there on the beach, but he wasn’t alone. He was with Wendy Darling. A girl that the shadow brought but she wasn’t lost, she didn’t belong on Neverland.

But what really shocked her was what happened next. Peter pulled Wendy into a heated kiss. Y/n instantly reached up to cover her mouth, out of shock and to keep her gasp from being heard. Y/n had to turn around and she ran back to camp not wanting to watch it any longer. As she ran back to camp Y/n could feel tears welling up but she wouldn’t let them fall. Not yet.

Once she got back to camp she picked up and threw a drinking glass that was nearby against a tree. Watching it shatter. The lost boys noticed her distress, so two of the older ones, Felix and Devin went over to Y/n. Being two that are very close to the lost girl.

“Hey. hey Y/n.” Felix reached out to her laying a hand on her shoulder guiding her to the edge of camp so no one could eavesdrop. “Hey, what happened?” he asked with worried eyes.

Y/n shook her head not wanting to look at them and possibly break in front of them.

“Y/n please. Tell us what happened?” Devan pleaded, not liking to see her this way. Like she was gonna either murder someone or break down crying.

Y/n could barely even glance at them. So Felix tried again.

“Y/n/n.” Felix called her name again and this time get’s her attention. Once Y/n finally looked at him he asked her. “What happened?”

“I went down to the beach, and I saw him kissing that little Darling bitch!” Y/n told them with a low angry voice. But Felix and Devan could tell she was more hurt than angry.

“He what?” Devan asked with raised brows in shock, looking towards Felix. The two thought Peter liked Y/n.

“He was kissing that bitch.” she repeated herself, this time though her words sink into her own mind and Y/n can’t help it when a tear falls.

The boys look at her with sympathy.

“Why don’t you go get some rest.” Felix wrapped his arm around her shoulders pulling her into his side. Trying his best to provide her with comfort. 

“Yeah” Y/n sighed defeated, before heading back to her own treehouse. The boys watched her walk off sadly.

Hours later Peter showed back up at camp after leaving Wendy back in her cage. He looked around and saw someone was missing.

“Where’s Y/n?” Pan asked after looking around the camp and he did not see her.

“Her treehouse.” Devan spoke up after silence was all Pan was met with. Obviously no one wanted to be the one to tell him about the day's events and only two knew the reason.

Once Peter nodded and left off to go see his lost girl Felix scoffed, pissed off.

“I wouldn’t have even gave him that much.” Felix grumbled pissed off at how his leader hurt his friend.

As Peter Pan got closer to Y/n’s very own treehouse he heard her crying. It made him stop in his tracks, and the longer he heard her cry the more enraged Pan got. So he headed back to the campsite.

“Which one of you did it?” Pan growled with anger in his eyes looking at every single lost boy.

“Did what?” Devan questioned why they were suddenly getting a look that could kill.

“Who made Y/n cry?” Peter elaborated with narrowed eyes.

“It wasn’t any of us.” Felix scoffed with his back facing Peter.

“What?” He raised a brow at his second in command.

Felix turned to face Pan with his own set of narrowed eyes. “It wasn’t any of us that made our lost girl cry. You did.”

Pan furrowed his brow in confusion. “I did?”

Felix wanted to speak his mind but also knew now wasn’t the time. “Have you forgotten that Neverland only has one lost girl?”

“Of course I haven’t.” Peter gave him an observed look. How could he possibly forget that.

“Well you could’ve fooled all of us, with how much time you’ve been spending with Wendy. You know the girl that doesn’t belong here!” Felix stood up to give Pan a piece of his mind, not all but a piece. He was pissed that Peter had been neglecting their lost girl in favor of a girl that shouldn’t even be on Neverland.

The two stood there for a few minutes as Felix watched Peter realize his mistakes and left to go console his lost girl. Felix sat down again and muttered under his breath. “I’d grovel if I were you.” Felix’s anger wasn’t going away anytime soon. Even if Y/n forgave him.

Once Peter reached the treehouse he could hear that Y/n’s sobs had died down so he approached the door.

“Y/n.” Peter called out after knocking. “Can I come in?”

There was a silent sound of a mumbled ‘yeah’ once he heard that Peter entered.

“Why are you asking? Isn’t it your island, you can do what you want?” Y/n said with a roll of her eyes from where she sat on her bed.

“It’s called respecting your privacy.” Pan says as he leaned to the side to see her face and he noted the tear stains on her cheeks.

“That's a new one.” She scoffed. Normally he just entered when he pleased.

“Please.” Peter said it in hopes of getting her to look at him.

“What do you want?” Y/n said, finally turning her head to look at Peter.

“I want to apologize.” Peter could now see clearly the tear tracks on her cheeks and her eyes were also red from crying.

“For what?” Her voice almost sounded like a whimper to Peter’s ears.

“For ignoring you and being to busy to give you my attention as of late. I’m sorry for neglecting you.” Peter aplogized as he moved into the space further and sat next to her.

“That's nice and apology expected.” Y/n gave him a small smile and a nod.

Peter smiled, letting out a relieved breath. “Good. I hated hearing you cry.”

“That’s not why I was crying.” Y/n looked back down at her hands in her lap, when she noticed he was looking at her confused Y/n let out an awkward laugh. “Don’t get me wrong it was part of it but not what set it off.”

Now he was concerned again. What hurt his lost girl? “What made you cry? What set it off?”

“Do you still love me?” Y/n asked meekly, honestly scared of his answer. Yes they told each other they love each other but they never put a label on what they were.

“Of course! You’re mine. You're my lost girl, my Y/n. Why would you ask that?” How could she think he didn’t love her anymore? How could she think he’d stop?

“If you feel that way then why were you kissing Wendy?” Y/n looked at him with wide teary eyes.

“What?” Pan furrowed his brow, caught off guard.

“I saw you. On the beach.” She mumbled looking back down to her lap once again. Y/n felt embarrassed at catching him and telling him about it.

“Love, it’s not like that. It’s the farest thing from love between me and Wendy.” Peter moved to kneel in front of her grabbing her hands in his tilting her chin up to look at him after a moment.

“Pirates were not far off the coast, my guess trying to spy. They're always looking for a weakness. I can’t have them try to hurt you.” Peter moved his hand from under her chin to cup her cheek before he continued to explain. “I wanted them to think I care about Wendy. If they try something I’d rather they think she’s the one with a place in my heart not you. Wendy’s expendable. You're not.”

“You’ve just been spending all your time with her since she got here.” She didn’t want to seem needy but she went from having Peter all to herself all the time to not even seeing him every couple days, sometimes not even talking.

“I need her and her brothers to do my bidding. That's all.” Peter tell’s her, brushing her hair back and scooted closer. “I’m sorry that I’ve neglected you. I promise that’ll change from this moment forward.”

“I hope so.” Y/n gave him a sad but hopefully smile.

“Hey, Peter Pan never fails.” Peter stated as he got up off the floor and sits back on her bed and lifted Y/n up and onto his lap.

“I hope it continues to stay that way.” Y/n smiled nuzzling into him extremely tired from crying and the emotional stress.

Taglist: @padawancat97

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More Posts from Chloe-skywalker

1 year ago

Opposite Sides - Pietro Maximoff

Peitro x Fem!reader (flirting?)

Warnings: none

Word count: 240

Summary: Fighting Pietro when he worked with Ultron.

Authors Note: This was fun


Avengers Masterlist


Opposite Sides - Pietro Maximoff

“You’re pretty princessa” Pietro smiled michevoulsy as he flashed in front of Y/n. But Pietro only knows her by her code Avenger name.

“Thanks.” Y/n smiled at the speedster before longing at him and knocking him on his ass. It was a nice compliment. “Too bad you're on the wrong side.”

“Am I or you?” Pietro questioned tilting his head looking up at her from the floor before he super speeded up onto his feet.

“We’re on opposite sides. I’m with the good guys. Your on the bad guys side.” Y/n explained blocking hit’s as the two fought.

“That depends on how you look at it.” Pietro shrugged his shoulders.

“What have the Avengers done that’s bad?” She asked as she put him into a headlock.

“You should know. You're one of them.” He flung her off and Y/n hit the wall, disorienting her for a moment.

The two just stood there, staring at each other. You could tell him hatred for the Avengers was fueled by something emotional. It saddened her. All they ever did was try to do their best but sometimes people got hurt. No matter how hard they tried.

“Well, if you change your minds you and your sister. There’s always a place for you both. With a family of misfits.” Y/n left the offer open before teleporting out to where the others were. Hoping the two would change their minds.

Taglist: @gruffle1 @padawancat97 @starkleila

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11 months ago

Not My Decision - Stiles Stilinski

Stiles x reader sister

Derek x reader-ish

Warnings: none

Word count: 1,085

Requested: TW imagine the reader is Stiles sister and u get into an accident and Derek turns u into a wolf and Stiles goes against ur wishes and u get pissed at him for doing so and Peter actually takes care of u - @cokecola4211

Authors Note: I enjoyed the concept behind this request, it was ajoy to write. Maybe a Part 2?


Teen Wolf Masterlist


Not My Decision - Stiles Stilinski

“Help!” Stiles yelled out carrying Y/n into the hospital. She was covered in blood and therefore so was Stiles.

“Stiles what happened?” Melissa asked as she called a team over with a gurney.

“Just please help her.” Stiles pleaded as he placed her on the rolling hospital bed. He had to watch as they rushed into emergency surgery. Scott had come running in after he had parked the Jeep for his friend. They Both sat down in the waiting room. It didn’t take long for the others to hear about what happened and soon pretty much the entire pack were in the waiting room.

Melissa came out a few hours later with a sad expression. “She’s stable for now.”

“For now?” Stiles asked with extremely worried eyes.

“I don’t know how long she’ll stay stable for.” She hated having to tell Stiles that his sister was basically dieing. Two kids she’s known their whole lives and practically considered her own at times.

“Mom?” Scott stood up with eyes that begged his mom to not say what he thought she was going to say.

“Its not looking good, hunny. I’m sorry. We should probably call your dad, Stiles.” Melissa bit her lip in solace that they’d probably all have to say goodbye.

“What if I could help? The bite.” Derek spoke up, he was very close to the female Stilinski. They were really good friends and if he was being honest he had a bit of a crush on her. Maybe he could save her.

“No. That could still kill her.” Scottt shook his head protesting, not liking the idea at all.

Derek shrugged his shoulders, trying not to show how much the possibility of Y/n dying affected him. “I’m just suggesting. It would be better to try then do nothing and lose her anyway.”

“That’s not what she would want.” Scott argued back. Truthfully he didn’t know if Y/n would want it or not but she would make comments about how it'd be hard being one would make life. Wasn’t that enough? “Stiles, you know that.”

“Do it.” Stiles didn’t care at the moment what anyone thought. He just couldn’t lose his sister.


“No Scott.” Stiles turned his head to look at his best friend. Stiles glanced down for a second before he continued. “I know it’s not what she’d want but I don’t have a choice. We don’t have a choice. Plus she trust’s Derek…”

Stiles knew Y/n probably wouldn’t want the bite, not without real thought put into it. But there was more of a chance for her to live. If they don’t do it, she dies. If Derek at least tries she might live.

“We have to try. I can’t lose my sister, Scott.” Stiles pleaded with his eyes.

“If the bite doesn’t take, then we still lose Y/n, Stiles.” Scott tried one last time, but truth be told Scott did think it was worth a shot. Y/n was like a little sister to him, he didn’t want to see her die either.

“At least we tried, because Scott we’re gonna lose her anyway if we don’t.” Stiles stated before turning his attention back to Derek. With a nod he stated. “Do it.”

“Follow me.” Melissa nodded at Derek and he followed her.

It was around 45 minutes before they came back out of the room. This time their faces looked more relieved.

“She's stable and improving.” Melissa smiled, happy to be sharing good news.

“The bite worked?” Lydia questioned the older wolf. Hoping she didn’t have to bury another friend.

Derek nodded with relieved eyes. “It worked. I can sense it. Feel it.”

After all, she was his beta now.

“Good. Good.” Stiles nodded, running his hands through his hair.

“You know she might be pissed.” Lydia looked to Stiles with a knowing look.

“Oh she’s going to be pissed.” Peter stated tauntingly, although he too was glad the girl was going to live. She didn’t treat him like the others.

“Then at least I made the decision that saved her life.” Stiles knew he made the right decision. But he really just hoped she would eventually forgive him.

Eventually everyone went home to get some sleep. Derek stayed and eventually Mr.Stilinski showed up. He showed up just in time when Y/n woke up. He was in there for a while before he asked Derek to come into the room. Which really made Stiles nervous.

Derek left the room not long before their dad did. The two shook hands and Derek left the hospital. Stiles was finally told by his dad that he could go see his sister. For a while the two siblings just sat in silence. Till Y/n spoke up.

“I’m different now. You made that choice for me.” Y/n stated looking down at her hands placed on her lap.

“I didn’t have any other choice.” Stiles stated back. Y/n nodded in understanding and Stiles was grateful that she did. But he still had a bad feeling.

“I need a break Stiles.” Y/n said looking at him with eyes Stiles couldn’t dechirer.

“What do you mean?” Stiles asked, confused, now sitting up in his uncomfortable hospital chair.

“I’m going to stay with Peter and Derek for a while. I already talked to dad about it.” Y/n explained biting her lip. It wasn’t an easy decision for her to have made but she needed space right now, and she needed Derek to help her learn to control her new abilities. Peter too, oddly.

“Y/n-” Stiles tried to interject but Y/n shook her head.

“I need time to adjust Stiles. To get used to my new life, the changes to my body and mind.” Y/n told him hoping he’d get why she was doing this. Why she had to do this. Y/n loved her brother but this? She needed time. “I also need time to understand your choice for my future. To calm down and be able to control myself. I don’t want to get angry at you and hurt you. You're my brother, we’re closer than close Stiles. We alway have been. But right now, I’m afraid I’m gonna hurt you.”

“Ok” Stiles couldn’t say anything else. She was angry at him and was afraid she’d hurt him because of her anger. Anger at him for the choice he made for her. Even though she was pissed, she was still protecting him.

Taglist: @padawancat97

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1 year ago

I Won't Leave You - Cal Kestis

Cal x Fem!reader

Warnings: none

Word count: 240

Summary: Cal proves he loves you by saying he would never turn to the Darkside because of her.


STARWARS Masterlist


I Won't Leave You - Cal Kestis

“What’s wrong?” Cal asked as he comes to sit by Y/n. He noticed her acting off since they got back to the Mantis, and Cal wanted to know why.

“They gave you a good offer.” Y/n said not lifting her gaze from the floor, as she played with the rings on her fingers.


“You have to admit it’s an enticing one. No more running, no more hiding.” She let out a non amused laugh.

“I would never join the Empire. I’d never turn to the Darkside.” Cal speaks up, he knew that he was getting a little defensive but how could she think after they’ve been through he’d join the Empire and become a sith? “Why do you think I’d take their offer?”

Y/n sighed, still not looking at him. “It’d make your life easier.”

“I won’t leave you.” Cal stated grabbing her hands, making her look at him. “I could never leave you, and I’d never turn to the Darkside.”

“You mean that?” Y/n asked, looking at him with pleading eyes, hoping he truly meant that. That he wouldn’t leave her, or be taken from her like so many had been already.

“I mean every word.” Cal promises her, pulling her into him wrapping his arms around her tightly. He’d never become a Sith, he’d never join the Darkside of the Empire. Most of all he’d never leave Y/n. Not for anything.

taglist: @gruffle1 @padawancat97

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1 year ago

Expecting Twins - Poe Dameron (Part #1)

Poe x Fem!reader Solo

Warnings: none

Word count: 856

Summary: Y/n has been feeling sick lately so Poe and her mother Leia suggest she go to the medbay. Poe has to go on a mission so Leia goes with her. Turns out their expecting. With twins.

Authors Note: Part 2 will include telling Poe


STARWARS Masterlist


Expecting Twins - Poe Dameron (Part #1)

“Sick again?” Poe asked coming into the bathroom in their shared room, kneeling down next to Y/n. He held her hair back out of her way.

“Yeah.” Y/n groaned, she was sick of being sick.

“I’m sorry.” He grimaced, wishing he could do something to help.

Y/n shook her head, he wasn’t to blame for her being sick. But it was nice that he sympathizes for her. “Not your fault.”

Poe sighed watching her get up and wash her mouth and face. Poe had been worried for awhile now, watching Y/n throw up for weeks. “Y/n/n I really think you should go to the medbay.” 

“It’s just a stomach bug.” Y/n waved him off.

Poe sighed, he’d been trying to get her to go for a while now and she just keeps refusing. “We got a meeting with your mom.”

“Ugh.” Y/n groaned at having to leave the comfort of their room.

^     ^     ^

“Poe. Y/n.” Leia greeted the young couple as they entered the command bay. Leia instantly noticed how her daughter didn’t look very well.

Y/n lifted her hand at her mom the best she could do to acknowledge at that moment since she had a sudden dizziness come over her for a second. Poe stopped beside her, resting a hand on her back just in case.

“Hey General.” Poe smiled and greeted his mother in law once they made it up onto the platform.

“Mom.” Y/n nodded trying to smile but she still feels a bit sick.

“Still not feeling well?” Leia raised a brow. Even though she was asking she already knew the answer, she is Y/n’s mother after all.

“No she’s not.” Poe answered before Y/n could speak. Which made the woman in question roll her eyes at their behavior.

“You need to go to the medbay.” Leia stated in her stern mom voice she used to use when Y/n was a child.

“Told you.” Poe smirked in a ‘I told you so way.’

“Well I’m making it an order.” Leia smirked as well. Y/n couldn’t refuse a direct order from her general or mother.

“Fine.” Y/n grumbled, annoyed that her mom and husband were ganging up on her.

“I’ll go with you.” Poe smiled happy that she would finally have to go and get checked out now.

“You can’t. I have a mission for you.” Leia spoke up, it was easy for her to notice the conflict on Poe’s face. “You won’t be gone long, it's a quick mission but you leave before lunch.”

Poe nodded, he hated that he wouldn’t be there but he’d be back as soon as possible. Poe tilted his head down to kiss her forehead. “I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

“Okay, love you.” Y/n smiled at him in understanding. She hates when he has to go but she knows it’s necessary.

“Love you too.” He smiled back before he left to go prepare his X-Wing.

That afternoon Poe took off and Y/n stood there watching him leave. He sent one last wave which Y/n returned before he left.

“Let’s get you to the medbay.” Leia offered her arm to her daughter as they turned to leave the hanger.

Once they got there the mother and daughter were put into a room, and there they sat and waited for the doctor to come in. Which didn’t take long.

“So, what are your symptoms?” The doctor asked.

“Achey, tired, puking all day.” Y/n listed, even though she hadn’t wanted to go she did kinda wanna know if something was wrong.

The doctor nodded with a smile. “I think I know what’s going on but let’s double check, okay. So how long has this been going on?”

Y/n glared at her mom, then her shoes before back at the doctor and she stated biting her lip. “If you ask Poe a month, if I tell you the truth about 2 an half.”

Y/n could feel her mother’s eyes on her but she choose to ignore it.

“Okay. Lean back for me. This is gonna be cold.” The doctor said as she squeezed some gel onto Y/n’s stomach, before moving a handle kind of thing around on top of her tummy.

“Well this is the reason your feeling sick.” The doctor started as she moved the wand thing away and wiped clean Y/n’s stomach. She smiled at Y/n before saying. “Your pregnant.”

“What?” Y/n raised her brows, jaw dropping in shock. Sure her and Poe had sex and sex create’s a baby but they’ve been very careful. The two wanted kids but not during such a dangerous time.

“Your pregnant Mrs.Dameron. And it looks like twins.” The doctor shared the news with the mother and daughter with a smile. The doctor left the room after to give them some time to digest the news.

As Y/n sat there with the news of being pregnant she couldn’t help but joke with herself that Poe was at fault for her being sick.

Taglist: @gruffle1 @padawancat97

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1 year ago

Both Lost Something - Peter Parker

Peter Parker x Fem!reader Stark

Warnings: mention of Tony’s death

Word count: 483

Summary: Peter & Y/n comforting each other after Tony’s death.


Avengers Masterlist


Both Lost Something - Peter Parker

“Are they going to be okay?” Sam asked out loud to the people around them as they all turned to look where Sam was looking. And there by the lake were the two teen’s most affected by Tony’s death.

“I sure hope so.” Steve sighed sadly as they watched Y/n and Peter from afar.

“At least they can lean on each other.” Bucky pointed out. He felt really bad for Y/n. She was always kind to him and while he was gone due to the snap Y/n had.

“He lost his mentor and she lot her father. Granted for the first 8 years of her life Tony was pretty absent. But once he became Iron Man he was there for her as much as he could be. Even canceling things to spend time with her.” Pepper told them with a watery smile as she watched the girl that became like a daughter to her.

“Peter lost his parents young. Then was moved into the custody of May and his uncle. But not long after his uncle passed. Tony was more than a mentor to him.” Happy added with a tight sad smile.

Sam shook his head, running a hand down his face. “These kids have been through enough.”

“Agreed.” Bucky nodded and it shocked Sam and Bucky that they agreed on something. Shocked the other’s as well, but not as much as normal considering the topic and they all knew Y/n was pretty close to Bucky. And they could all agree with Sam.

Over by the water down at the edge of the lake. Y/n and Peter stood together looking out towards the water. It was peaceful.

“I’m sorry, Peter.” Y/n said to him as she leant her head on his shoulder. Y/n knew her dad meant more to Peter than just a friend or mentor. So she knew it had to be hard for him.

“I’m sorry too, Y/n. He was your father.” Peter spoke, wrapping his arm around her shoulders to comfort her.

“He acted like one to you as well.” She squeezed his hand and nuzzled her head into his neck. “At least you knew the best version of him.” 

Peter grimaces a little. “I guess it sucks that he wasn’t always so close to you huh?”

Y/n nodded with a sad smile on her lips. “Yeah, it did. But he more than made up for it.”

Peter smiled at that. Knowing how good the father and daughter relationship had gotten over the years.

“I believe he loved you more than anything. You and Morgan.” Peter pointed out while placing a kiss on her temple.

“Me too. And I think you can include yourself in that as well. He saw you as a son.” Y/n sighs contently. They both turned their heads to look at each other with small smiles.

Taglist: @gruffle1 @padawancat97 @starkleila

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