Peter Pan X Reader - Tumblr Posts
I’m trying to find this Peter Pan imagine where he comes to storeybrooke and he crosses the town line and doesn’t understand why everyone is afraid of him and I think he was just really friendly but I’m not sure, though I saved it but now I can’t find it. Literally begging for it pls
Who are you to them? - Peter pan (Part 1 /?)
Peter pan x reader
Warnings: mentions of sleeping together and sex slave ( in a way )
Word count: 925
Requested: can you do one where a king is looking for the reader and the reader is newish to Neverland but Peter has taken a liking to her and her to him and the people the king sent be Killian and his brother, and you can do the rest, thanks
A/N: Originally posted on my other blog, because that was gonna only be stuff that I write but that ended up being this blog and that blog. If this has a part 2 it will be posted on my other blog ( @sociopathic-winchester )
( Do you guys want a part 2 ? )

P.o.v - Peter
I woke up extra early cause I felt the presence of some people enter Neverland. Getting up out of bed I tried not to wake y/n, my new and only lost girl. I got to know her a little before I brought her to Neverland, she’s been here for a little over a month. I’ll admit I’ve fallen in love with her, I’ve been having her stay with me in my treehouse and bed.
Once I put my shirt on I walked over to y/n and brushed my hand across her forehead and down her cheek. Her eye’s fluttered open she looks me up and down noticing that I’m dressed, “ where are you going? “ she asked with her voice really soft and quiet, laced with sleep. I squat down next to her “ there are some unwanted guest on the island I’m gonna find out who they are and what they want. Ok, now go back to sleep I’ll be back shortly. “ I told her and she nodded, then I kissed her forehead and got up and left.
“ Anything I could help you with? “ I asked, the two men.
They turned around in shock, preparing themselves for any possibilities of a battle. Not that, that would help them against my magic. Exchanging a look, one spoke with a hint of curiosity in his voice.
“ We’re here by order of his majesty, the king. State your name boy.” I raised an eyebrow at his request.
“ I’m Peter Pan. As far as any dweller of Neverland would know, theirs no royalties here… just me. “ I chuckled lightly, as one of the men rummaged in his satchel, before unfolding a crumbled paper, holding up a sketch of y/n.
“ We’re sent to look for this girl. Tell us boy, have you seen her? “ the same man asked. Of course, I’ve seen her but I’m not gonna tell them that.
“ She looks quite lovely, but unfortunately no. “ I tell them. As the two men left to continue their search, I chuckled before grinning smugly. When I get back I’m gonna have to talk to y/n about this, see why they want her.
When I got back y/n was looking through a magic book that she brought with her, given to her by the evil queen. She was sitting on the end of the bed with her legs crisscross, I came up behind her and started to kiss the back of her neck and shoulder. She jumps a little cause she didn’t notice me come back. She turned me and smiled and turned her attention back to reading, “ so did you find out who was on the island? “ she asked.
I started to get up and pulled up the chest near the bed and sat in front of her and I took the book out of her hands and set it down, “ yes I did, they're here actually looking for you, on some kings order-” I stopped when I saw her getting uneasy. I grabbed her hand and intertwined our fingers, “ hey, hey whats wrong? “.
“ how much did they offer you? Let me guess it’s quite a lot… when do you hand me over huh? “ she said rather quickly, but I heard her.
I cupped her cheek with one hand “ what are you talking about? Who are you to them? “ I asked her, she seems to get more uneasy by the second.
She stopped looking down and looked up at me “ I was a servant in the king's castle, my farther Killian and his brother are in the king's army. The king wanted slaves to do more then just serve food if you know what I mean... so my father helped me escape. Once I was far enough from the kingdom that’s when I met the evil queen, she took me and was teaching the stuff in that book. “ she said in a soft quiet tone.
I couldn’t believe what she just said he sent men to find a girl just so she could be a slave again. She put her head done I tilted her chin up so she would look at me, she had a couple of stray tears going down her cheeks.
“ Hey, listen to me I’m not gonna let them take you, ok? I told them I didn’t know who you were. I wanted to talk to you about it first. “ I told her while using my thumb to wipe the tears off of her cheeks, she looks at me and the next thing I know she’s straddling my lap and hugging me with her face in the crock of my neck. I hugged her back and said “ your my lost girl their not taking you away from me. “ I moved one hand under her thigh and my other hand to her lower back, we went and laid done on the bed.
“ later when I go talk to them again… do you want to come? “ I asked her she lifted her head from my chest and nodded ‘yes’.
Angry ? - Peter pan
Peter pan x reader
Warnings: cursing, heated moments
Word count: 1194
Requested: pan hasn’t attempted to capture you for the last few days. Can it be in between smut and fluff and can she be angry at him at first and like doesn't want to admit that she likes him too, oh yeah and peter like likes her ( @secretlyshamelesspersona )
A/N: Originally posted this on my other account because I was gonna only post things I write personally on that one but I am gonna post it here to

Peter Pan, what can I say he's a pain in the ass. He has been to the better word lets say... hunting me. But all of a sudden he’s stopped, it’s a relief but I’m getting suspicious. Why would he just stop?
Shrugging off the hint of curiosity, you kneeled down, scooping up some water to my palms before drinking it. As you gulped the last drop, you felt your body suddenly slam against the rocky ground by the waterhole. Pinned down and being practically straddled, with my wrist suddenly tight grip of two strong hands.
You're shocked and panicked eyes caught the sight of his lustful and devious orbs. The sight of his smirk was noticeable, but soon faltered when he leaned his lips towards your ear. His voice sounded seductive, and you shuddered beneath him.
“ Surprised to see me, love?” he said as he quirked an eyebrow. God did I hate him, I mean I kinda liked him… but he has always been a jerk. “ I am… and I’m not.” you say and roll your eyes. “ aw princess, are you at least happy to see me? We haven’t seen each other in a while ”. He said with a smirk looking down at me with lust in his eyes.
“ Well let me think… NO! You're practically hunting me, all of a sudden you stop! And now your here… well… straddling me and you think I'm gonna be happy to see you? All you have been to me is a jerk, so no I’m not happy to see you? ” I yelled up at him. He looked a little shocked at my outburst maybe even a little hurt, but then of course his smirk came back. “ ok, one I wouldn’t need to you say hunt I say find you if you would just hear me out, two I am actually liking this position I have you in, and three I’m sorry I’ve been a jerk to you, although if you would just hear me out I can explain why. ” he said, I looked at him and said “ fine “.
I tried to sit up but he didn’t move “ do you mind? “ I said and looked at him with a very annoyed look. “ actually I do cause if I get off of you, you might run and like I said before I am fond of this position. “ he said with a smug smirk, although he is right I would probably run. Wait did I just say he might be right? I must have hit my head.
“ fine, fine. Well...speak “ I said as I laid back down and looked up at him waiting to hear him out. “ ok, look I have realized I haven’t been the nicest to you, and I regret th-”
And I cut him off “ regret, WOW almost an apology from Peter Pan. I must be special “ I said in a condescending tone. “ Do you ever shut up? “ he asked, I shook my head ‘no’ and he nodded then continued “ like I was saying I regret that, I don’t hate you. Actually, I think I might like you, I don’t know how to express that so being a jerk to you sounded like a good idea and then maybe I wouldn't like you anymore but see how you just always seem to have a come back for whatever comment I send your way. It just made me like you more and then you decided to leave camp and when I sent the boys to retrieve you, you just kinda beat them up. I thought the best approach would be to give you some space before trying to talk to you again. “
I looked at him and I couldn’t tell if he was lying or not “ no, no you're lying Peter Pan doesn’t love. He’s cruel and abusive! “ I yell at him, he’s shocked from what I said and I flip him over and get up and move away somewhat. “ How so? Please tell me why don’t you believe me. “ he said while getting up, if I didn’t know any better I would say he looks hurt. “ Because your impressive, bossy and cocky. You're annoying and you just...ugh! You make me so angry all you ever do is say mean comments or play games on me and I’m starting to feel more lost than before I came here! “ I have to admit, when I came to neverland I was lost but with everything going on lately I feel more lost now then I did.
Peter slowly walked up to me and when he was close I started banging and hitting my fists on his chest, and was crying I don’t know when the tears started but I couldn’t seem to stop them now. He grabbed my wrist with one hand and wrapped the other arm around me and pulled me to him. Slowly he sat us down on the rocky gravel, “ I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry, I didn’t realize. I was brought you here so you wouldn’t feel lost anymore and all I did was make it worse on you. Give me a second chance, I’ll make it up to you, come back to camp? “ he said, rocking me in his arms trying to calm me enough to stop crying.
I lift my head from resting under his chin against his chest and look up at him “ everyone deserves a second chance. Plus it's not like I can leave the island. “ I say looking up at him. Peter looks up then back at me and moves a strand of hair from my face and smirks “ is my princess still angry? “ he says chuckling, I laughed a little to.
“ well I’ll probably always be angry at you… but maybe the anger can die down a bit and maybe other feelings can come up “ once I finished we both laughed for awhile. “ oh what kind of other feelings may theses be... Mmm? “ he said as he raised his eyebrows and his smirk turned into a playful one. I moved in between his legs kneeling, I tilt my head to the side and put my hands on his shoulders and push him back so he’s laying down. I move up and straddle his waist “ well you did say you were fond of this position, didn’t you? “ I said with a smirk and playful eyes. Peter put a hand on the back of my head then next thing I know he flipped us over so he was on top straddling me...again. “ No I said I was fond of this position me being on top “ he said with a smirk “ don’t get me wrong it was and is nice you being on top of me but I rather be on or in control. “ he finished and leaned in and we kissed. I really do hope things do change in a better way.
Why Don’t You Call Me Peter? - Peter Pan
Peter Pan x fem!Reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 619
Summary: Y/n always calls Peter “Pan” and even when they get together so Peter asks her why. “Call me Peter”
Authors Note:

Peter sat on a log by the fire looking across it, through the flames at Y/n. The only girl on his Island. His girl. There she is talking to Felix across from him, as the rest of the boys dance around the fire to the sound of his flute.
But Peter wasn’t enjoying it like everyone else. He had a couple things on his mind, but the one that was clouding his mind the most was about who he has his eyes set on.
Ever since Y/n got to Neverland she had only ever called him Pan. Which was ok for a while but now that they have been together for months. He couldn’t help but wonder why. Why not call him Peter? Why stick with Pan?
And that is what he’s gonna ask her tonight when they head to his treehouse.
“Alright boys! Time to sleep so your ready for hunting tomorrow.” Pan yelled out, standing up. Smirking at the thought of tomorrow.
As all the lost boys groaned they still did as they were told. Felix and Y/n nodded to each other as they got up and went separate ways. Felix with the rest of the other boys. An y/n smiling heading towards Peter.
“You ready to head back?” Y/n asked smiling up at him wrapping her arms around his neck, leaning into kiss him on the cheek.
“Yeah.” he replied after kissing her back.
Once they’re back in the treehouse they both changed. When Y/n turned to head over to her side of the bed but Peter stood up and reached out for her arm, catching her elbow.
She turned to look at him with a questioning look. Silently asking him what he wanted.
“I have a question that I need you to answer.”
She nodded ready for whatever he might ask her, or of her. With Peter Pan, it could be anything. For her, it could be good or bad. Unlike with the lost boys normally when he’s being this serious its bad.
They moved over to the bed and sat down, holding hands Peter asked “why do you only call me Pan?”
“What do you mean?” she asked puzzled
“I mean, you only call me Pan. I get when you were new to the Island. But you’ve been here for a year now and we’ve been together for months and that’s still all you call me… Why don’t you ever call me Peter? I remember the night you came to Neverland. I introduced myself you repeated my name. That’s the only time you’ve ever called me or ever said Peter.” he explained standing up. Y/n could tell this was really frustrating him. The y/n/c haired girl knew something had been on his mind lately but she wasn’t expecting it to be this.
“Is this what’s been making you zone out lately? Oh me and Felix have been worried.”
Y/n sighed and got up, looking at him with relief this time and wrapping her arms around his middle “ I only call you Pan because everyone else did to I thought that’s what you wanted to be called. That’s all anyone ever calls you. If you want me to call you Peter, I will.”
“I do want you to call me Peter. I like the way it sounds coming from you and I can’t wait to hear the way it sounds when your mad at me. You get an accent when your firey. And you know-” Peter said moving her back to the bed having stood up earlier.
“-you like fire. Yeah, I know.” she laughed, which got louder when they fell over on the bed.
Punishment - Peter Pan
Peter Pan x fem!reader
Warnings: mention of punishment
Word count: 453
Summary: Lost Girls have different rules than Lost Boys

“Ow, Felix light up” Y/n yelped at Felix’s harsh grip
Which instantly caught Peter’s attention. Peter always kept a close eye on his last girl, and hearing her in pain didn’t sit well with him.
“What’s going on over here?” Pan asked as he approached the two. Looking up his right hand lost boy and then down to his lost girl. Looking for an answer from one of them.
“Nothing” she whispered from the obvious still too tight grip Felix has on her arm.
“She broke the rules I’m just taking care of punishing her for it.” Felix said smugly. Which wasn’t the best thing to do.
Seeing the look on Felix’s face only fueled the anger inside Peter. He nodded before grabbing Felix by his shirt collar and shoved him up against the nearest tree. Which caused the tallboy to let go of her arm.
“You do not touch her.” Pan snarled in his face.
“I’m just doing as I’m suppose to Pan” Felix answered while the only thing Y/n could do was look at the confrontation and feel scared. Did this mean Pan himself wanted to punish her?
“I do not want you to touch Y/n. Ever. At all.” Peter stressed, making sure he gets his point across.
His statement though caused the lost girl to feel even more anxious.
“Got it?”
Felix nods “Yes, sir?”
“Go attended to the boys.” Peter dismissed. Felix and left the two, deciding it’d be better not to question.
Pan turned to Y/n “You don’t have to look scared”
“Aren’t you gonna punish me?” her voice cracked
“No.” he answered turning to face her
“But I broke a rule.” Y/n said shakingly
Peter sighed before moving so they were standing chest to chest and cupped her cheek. “There are different and fewer rules for you. So no you aren’t getting punished.”
“Why am I different? Shouldn’t I have the same rules as the lost boys?” she questioned, not understanding why she suddenly wasn’t in trouble.
“No, because you’re my lost girl. Your not like a lost boy to me. You are my girl. You shouldn’t and won’t be treated the same.” Pan smiled moving his other hand up to cup the other cheek. He shook his head, how could she not understand what she meant to him?
“Thank you.” y/n leaned up to kiss his cheek trying to show her gratitude.
“For what?” he raised an eyebrow in question
“For always protecting me, giving me a better life.” she smiled up at him
“No thanks needed love.” Peter smirked but it ended up turning into a big smile. He pulled her into him, kissing the top of her head.
Not All Mermaids - Peter Pan
Peter Pan x Fem!reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 299
Summary: mermaids aren’t all evil

“Your back again. Miss me already?” Y/n winked coming up from under the water? After seeing Peter fly over to the lagoon.
“Well, it is my island.” Peter smirked, moving to sit down on a couple rocks by the mermaid.
She tilted her head and squinted “from what I heard you use to never visit the lagoon because of things like me.”
Peter nodded “you mean mermaids. Yes, usually your kind only try to kill. Your different.”
“How so?” Y/n asked tilting her head the opposite side as before
“You haven’t tried to kill me.” he quirked his lips giving her a lopsided smirk
“Not all of us like to kill.” Y/n muttered looking down. She hates that, that’s what her kind is known for. Peter saw her start to close up, he could tell by how she answered that it bothered her how her kind is known. So he splashed her to cheer her up, change the mood. “Hey!” Y/n squealed in shock and then splashed him back.
After a while of splashing eachother and laughing Peter just watched her smiling “why do you stay here?”
“What do you mean?” she asked wondering what he meant
“I know mermaids can travel through dimensions, Love. Why do you stay in Neverland?” he clarified moving a stran of hair behind her ear.
“I think I’ve fallen in love with the King of Neverland.” Y/n explained, looking down to hide her blush.
Peter tilted his head. “There are no Kings in Neverland just me.” he smirked.
“I know” she murmured under her breath turning away from him
Peter turned his smirk into a smile, putting his forefinger under her chin to tilt her head up to meet his eyes “I believe I’ve fallen for you to.”
But - Peter Pan
Peter Pan x fem!reader
Killian Jones/Captian Hook x daughter reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 421
Summary: Peter Pan wants Killians daughter, but Hooks not gonna give her up easily.

Peter sighed shaking his head before speaking “You’d be stupid not to take my offer, Killian.”
“No, it’d make me smart.” Killian stated turning away from the demon boy.
“I’m offering you a way to come and go from Neverland as much as you please.” Peter said smiling at the pirate, hoping he would take the deal.
“For a price.” Killian mumbled under his breath.
“It’s a small price in the scheme of things.” Peter shrugged not seeing why the pirate wouldn’t jump at his offer.
“My daughter is not a small price to pay, you demon!” Killian turned around yelling at the boy in green.
“Are you sure about that.” Peter asked calmly as he watched the Captain fume.
“I’m sure.” Killian stated through gritting his teeth.
“Then what do you want.” Peter sighed. ‘What was it going to take’ he thought.
“She’s my daughter, Pan. not just some trinket you can trade to make a deal. She’s my flesh and blood. I love her. An becuase I love her there’s no way I’m giving her over to you.” Killian spoke poking Peter in the chest with his hook.
“I will find a way to keep her here.” Peter told the on handed pirate. He wants Y/n but Hook just won’t give her up. But Peter’s not gonna give up without a fight. Peter Pan never fails. Peter wants y/n as his Lost Girl it ay take a while but he’ll get her.
“But you know if you want her to like you, you can’t hurt me. Or my crew. Because that would be hurting her family, the ones she loves. Then she wouldn’t see you the same way.” Killian smirked at the devil boy. Hook knew every word he said bugged Peter cause he knows Hook’s right. Y/n would never forgive him for hurting someone she cares about or loves.
“She already has a crush on me-” Peter spoke looking away from Killian for a moment. Trying to regain the upper hand.
“But now you have to keep it that way. You can’t do anything to jeopardize it.” Hook countered. He could tell it bothered the boy to lose his upper hand in this conversation.
“Peter Pan never fails.” Peter stated looking him dead in the eyes.
“You may never fail, Pan. But you might not have the patience to wait for her or me to come around.” Hook stated before walking out of the forest to head back down towards his crew, ship, and daughter.
Separated - Peter Pan (1/6)
Snow x reader (friend)
Charming x reader (friend)
Jefferson/Mad Hatter x daughter reader
Peter Pan x Fem!reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 1,407
Summary: Y/n is the daughter of Jefferson a.k.a The Mad Hatter. A soon to be godmother of Snow and Charming’s baby girl. But with the curse coming she won’t get to stay long, although will she be sent to Storybrooke with the rest?
Authors Note: Peter comes in at the end. This is a series and it will have 6 parts to it, some longer than others. “Were more a like than you think.” - Pan (comes in at sometime). Should I make the series there own little masterlists?
Once Upon A Time Masterlist

“I’ll be fine dad. I promise.” Y/n smiled back at her father’s concern, not letting it sway her in the slightest.
Jefferson shook his head stressed. An that’s saying something for the Mad Hatter. “Something just doesn’t feel right about this.”
Y/n turned to face her worried dad, walking over to him in their little home. She smiled trying to ease her worries. “I’m just going for the birth of Snow and Charming's baby. They want me there for it. Apparently, I’ll be the little one’s Godmother.”
Jefferson let out a breath turning his eye’s attention towards his daughter. He let out a sigh. “Just please be careful, Hunny. Please I already lost your mother, I can’t lose you.”
Y/n smiled “I’ll be back before you know it. I love you, Daddy.”
Jefferson smiled at him at her hoping his feeling is just that, a feeling. And nothing happens. “Be safe.” With that being said the two hugged and Y/n left to go on her journey to Snows and Charming's castle.
# # #
“Snow! Charming!” Y/n greeted with a big smile on her face
“Y/n! Oh, Y/n we’ve missed you so much.” Snow greeted back wrapping the young woman into her arms. Having missed her the past couple of months.
“I’ve missed you guys to.” Y/n smiled hugging the pregnant woman back, having missed her as well.
“I just wish she wasn’t coming now.” Snow mumbled in a very concerned tone.
“Little one giving you trouble?” Y/n asked with humor trying to lighten the mood Snow seemed to be in.
“The Evil Queen is planning something and she plans to do it tonight.” Charming explained with a grimace but did greet the y/h/c haired girl with a hug as well.
“And the baby wants to come tonight.” Y/n concluded, nodding in understanding now why the couple was so worried.
Snow sighed with a tight lipped-smile. “Y/n, its not safe for you to be here. You should go back to your father and you both need to get out of here.”
“Get somewhere far far away. "Charming stated in agreement with his wife. Both referring to her father’s hat.
“I’m not gonna leave my future goddaughter, my niece. During her birth.” Y/n stated stubbornly
“Y/n-” Charming started but Y/n quickly cut in.
“I’ll leave as soon as she’s here.” Y/n gave her word. Snow and Charming still looked hesitant so she added. “I promise.”
Shortly after the Charming's agree with a very stubborn young Hatter, Snow quickly went into labor. Not that she could control the spread. With that little baby Emma was born.
An keeping her word Y/n was saying her farewells.
“Be safe, Y/n.” Charming spoke as he gave her a big hug knowing if he’ll see her anytime soon or not.
“You too. Both of you, and take care of my daughter.” Y/n smiled hoping to ease the nerves at least a little, if possible.
“We will. Now go find your dad and get out of here before it happens. Before the curse hits.” Snow smiled back before nodding and urging the young woman to go find her father before whatever the Evil Queen had planned happens.
An with that Y/n nodded and left the castle in a rush to get home to her father and warn him. Maybe they could get away before the curse hits. If not at least they’ll be together.
# # #
“Dad!” Y/n yelled as she jumped off the horse Charming insisted she take. To get home as fast as possible. She bolted inside, having seen the purple smoke coming over the hills by the castle she took the horse with a thank you hoping to beat the purple smoke home.
“Y/n!” Jefferson came bolting out of the house having heard his daughters distress. “What’s wrong, Y/n/n?” He asked once they were right in front of each other, Jefferson cupped Y/n’s cheeks in his hands, searching her face for clues.
“We need to get out of here. Now.” Y/n spoke with wide eye’s and a panicked voice.
“Why? Y/n, what’s going on?” Jefferson asked getting more concerned by the minute, but doing his best to not let it show.
“Regina, the Evil Queen. She’s cast a curse to take away everyone's happiness. We need to get out of here before it takes us too. Go to another realm or something.” She explained quickly, staring directly into her fathers eyes.
“I think it might be to late.” He sighed nodding his head slightly towards where Y/n had come from and seeing the purple smoke coming their way.
“Daddy” Y/n whimpered looking back up at him with teary eyes, scared for what’s about to happen.
“Hey, hey we’ll be ok. Ok? I promise. If this separates us I’ll find you. I’ll never stop trying to find you. I promise on my life.” Jefferson comforted his little girl. Making sure she knows that no matter what happens, he loves her and will do everything in his power to find her if this curse separates them.
“I promise I’ll try to find you too.” Y/n promised back to her dad, still hoping though that it won’t come to them being part. Seeing the Evil Queens curse getting closer Y/n wrapped her arms tightly around her dad’s torso, burning her head into his chest. “I love you, Daddy.”
Jefferson wrapped his arms tightly around her to and leaned down to place a kiss on the top of her head, whispering back. “I love you to, Sweetheart.”
After both father and daughter got surrounded by the amethyst colored smoke it was dark. Completely dark. At first at least. Once Y/n realized she no longer felt her fathers embrace she opened her eyes. Only to see that she was all alone. An not somewhere she recognized at all.
Looking around it looked beautiful. The scenery is gorgeous. All the nature was captivating. But the fact that she didn’t recognize any of it was concerning. Y/n kept taking in her surroundings, but didn’t see in all her observing the boy around her age watching her.
Peter felt a presence on his Island that he didn’t know. When he got there down by the shore where he had felt the disturbance come from he found a beautiful young woman standing by the water. She was taking in all of his precious Island. But she didn’t just seem to be enjoying the view she also looked concerned.
“How’d you get here?” Peter wonder out loud to himself before coming out from behind the tree he was watching her from. “Hello there, Love.” To find out who this mysterious girl could be.
Y/n spun around quickly at the sound of someone else. “Who are you?”
“Shouldn’t I be asking you that?” Peter quirked an eyebrow at the girl. “I’m Peter. Peter Pan. And you are?” He introduced himself, trying to get this girl to believe they could trust him.
“Y/n” She nodded in acknowledgment
Peter smiled “How’d you get here, Love?”
“Why should I tell you?” Y/n asked a question right back.
Peter smirked “It was just a question, Darling.”
“Where is here?” Y/n asked skeptical about not only the boy in front of her but also her surroundings.
“You don’t know?” Peter wondered how she got here if she didn’t already knew where here was.
“Didn’t exactly come here willingly.” Y/n muttered under her breath glancing around at the scenery.
“Did the shadow bring you here?” Peter questioned
“What shadow? What part of the Enchanted Forest is this?” She asked the boy dressed in green, very confused.
“This place, this Island it’s not in the Enchanted Forest.” Peter looked around with a smile. Admiring his Island.
“So am I in a different realm?” Y/n let out a breath nodding. It’s ok she could deal with that. She’s been to many realms thanks to her fathers ‘job’. “Which one? Its obviously not Wonderland, been there enough to know that. Is it OZ? Arendalle in the summer time? Really far in Agrabah? Its obviously not the Land without color.”
Peter shook his head at all of her guesses. “Its none of those.”
Y/n let out a sigh getting annoyed with this boy. “Then where am I?”
“Your in Neverland.” Peter smirked
Part 2
Separated - Peter Pan (2/6)
Jefferson/Mad Hatter x daughter reader
Peter Pan x fem!reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 963
Summary: Y/n is the daughter of Jefferson a.k.a The Mad Hatter. Although she wasn’t sent to Storybrooke like everyone else. Can she trust a boy she just met? She might just have to.
Authors Note: She has powers but she’s seen how people use her father in both the Enchanted Forest and Wonderland. So why trust a boy that she just met in a realm she’s never been to but heard of, and they weren’t good things. I know this sounds like an extra summary and it kinda is but it’s for a reason.
Once Upon A Time Masterlist
Part 1

“Neverland?” Y/n questioned, she had only heard of it a couple of time. As a dreamland for kids.
“Heard of it?” Peter asked, trying to get a read on the girl. Also wondering if she had heard of Neverland before. Maybe thats how she got here.
Y/n nodded “twice”
Peter smiled at her vagueness. He took a few steps closer, tilting her head. “Love, how’d you get here? Since it seems you weren’t trying to.”
“No, I wasn’t.” She grumbled frustrated. Then Y/n had a thought that she might as well ask. “Do- do you know if anyone else besides me came here?... Like I did.” Y/n asked shyly asked before glancing down, digging her foot around in the damp dirt like sand.
Peter grimaced, knowing he couldn’t give this girl the answer she was looking for. “No. No one steps foot in Neverland with out me knowing. Sorry Love, your the only one.”
Y/n’s expression dropped with his reluation. She was all alone. Where was everyone else sent? Where was her father sent? “Crap.” She mumbled under her breath in a deafted tone.
“Let’s sit. Talk.” Peter offered, trying to change the subject off the fact she was alone in a strange place. An more on the topic of how she got there. Peter guided Y/n over towards a few rocks close by that they could sit on and relax a bit. “What happened?”
Once seated Y/n sighed trying to think of how she could explain it to him when he probably doesn’t know who she’d be talking about. So she said screw it. “The Evil Queen, she cast a curse on the Enchanted Forest.” Y/n told him, looking at his face for clues. He seemed to understand about the Enchanted Forest, maybe he was from there before here? “All of it.” she added sadly.
“What did the curse do? Do you know?” Peter asked gently. He needed to know and understand about what happened, and get her to trust him.
“It was suppose to take away everyone's happiness. Transport them all to a land without happy endings, without magic. I imagine so she can control the environment, control whether everyone is happy or miserable. To a land where there are no happily ever afters.” Y/n explained a little bit of bitterness in her voice at the end.
“Neverland is full of magic. I don’t think you went to the right place. Or she didn’t want you there.” he explained softly, moving a hand to rub her back in a comforting manner.
Y/n shook her head “I don’t know why I didn’t end up with everyone else.”
They sat in silence for a moment before the two heard a splash. When Y/n looked over she saw the water ripple and something under the water swimming away.
“What is that?” Y/n asked standing up to try and get a better look at what it might have been. Maybe just possibly could it have been someone from her realm.
Peter Stood as well, coming up to stand right next to her. “A mermaid. They can travel between realms. Nasty creatures.”
Y/n snapped her head in his direction. How dare he judge all mermaids like that! Y/n happened to know a few good ones. Ones that help people. “Hey!” she exclaimed, in her upset her eyes had glowed a very vibrant swirl of colors. When she gets to emotional sometimes her magic makes a involuntary appearance. Y/n’s magic was similar to her fathers but also very different. She couldn’t travel between realms like he can an she didn’t need a hat. Y/ has to know the place or have to have been there before to travel to the realm of her choice. Not to hard since she’s gone with her dad to most of the realms. An if she concentrated hard enough on it and only if she concentrated could she sense and feel what realm her loved ones are in. That’s how she knew that wherever Regina had sent everyone they must be in a realm she had never gone to before. Which in all honesty scares her more.

“You have magic.” Peter let out a airy laugh of shock and excitement. Now she just became even more interesting to him.
“Don’t even try it.” Y/n spoke backing up from him with two steps. Just to be cautious.
Peter held his hands up in surrender. “I didn’t and don’t plan on hurting you, Love.”
Y/n scoffed “Yeah, that’s what a lot of people say when they find out someone has magic.”
Peter quirked an eyebrow “Your not very trusting are you?”
“I don’t have a reason to trust you. Trust is earned not something that’s giving freely. Its not to be taken lightly.” She warned about the green clad male.
“Let me earn it.” Peter said as if he was daring her.
“What?” Y/n asked confused
“Let me earn your trust.” Peter explained what he just meant.
“Why should I do that?” Y/n asked him squinting her eyes at him.
“Well, for starters your stuck here till you find out where everyone you know is. And I’m the ruler of Neverland, I know everything that happens here. You’ll probably be here awhile…Were more alike than you think.” Peter smiled walking up to her in so few steps.
Y/n didn’t fully trust him, not one bit. If she learned anything in traveling and doing jobs with her dad it was to be cautious of what or who you trust. “Ok.” But Y/n knew he might be right and he might be the only one who could help her. So she excepted his proposal.
“Peter smiled “Let me show you around.”
Part 3
Separated - Peter Pan (4/6)
Jefferson/Mad Hatter x daughter reader
Peter Pan x Fem!reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 557
Summary: Peter finds a way to comfort the reader about who she misses most.
Authors Note: short but this is gonna hit to what Peter’s bigger plan is.
Once Upon A Time Masterlist
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

“Love” Peter called out sweetly
“Hmmm?” Y/n hummed
“I have something I want to show you.” He said as he came up and hugged her from behind. Peter gently started tugging her in the embrace into a room in his treehouse that Y/n had never been in before. Infront of her was a large mirror with a swirl of mist like magic moving around inside of it.
“What’s this, Peter?” Y/n asked turning her head slightly to look at him for an answer.
Peter smiled at her with excitement in his eyes. “I was able to find a way to let you spy on your father wherever he is.”
“Really?” Y/n’s face filled with excitement and shock. “Thank you. Sooo much.” Y/n jumped up wrapping her arms around his neck. Showing him her gratitude.
“Just want you to be happy, Love.” Peter stated in a mumble into her neck. Hugging her right back. He was happy that he could cheer her up.
“You didn’t have to do this for me. Thank you so much. Really, thank you.” Y/n spoke into his shoulder. Willing herself not to cry.
“No, problem Love. You’re welcome.” Peter smiled leaning in to give her a kiss ok her forehead before moving over to use his magic. Peter waved his hand in front of the mirror and behold, it appeared with live images of her father. Showing what he was doing at this exact moment.
Once he saw how happy this plan of his had made her. It made Peter feel very warm inside. Pan decided to leave her alone to watch her father and see that he’s ok. Peter left the room and left the treehouse as well. Once outside of the treehouse Peter approached Felix. As both watched over the rest of the lost boys who were dancing around the fire.
“That was a nice thing you did for her. Although I imagine it’s head. For her to see him and not be able to talk to him or touch him.” Felix spoke from beside Pan.
Peter glanced towards his friend and second in command. “I’m glad I could give her this, to help. But I’m also worried that this will hurt her more. Just in a different way.” Pan sighed, thinking about how this might effect Y/n in a way that he won’t be able to fix as easily.
“What’re you gonna do?” Felix asked. Also worried about the girl who had become a good friend to him and the other lost boys over the time she’d been there.
“I have an idea.” Peter stated with an face that no one could read.
“What’s this idea entail?” Felix wondered out loud. Prepared to help in anyway he may be needed.
“A lot of searching on my part.” Pan smirked looking directly at Felix. “I’ll need you to watch over the boys more often.” He asked of him, knowing that searching for what he’s thinking of will take most of his time up.
Felix nodded in agreement. “No problem. Peter Pan Never Fails. Don’t want the first time to be for a girl he seems to really like.”
Peter glared at him playfully. “Shut up. An your right Peter Pan Never Fails and this is not gonna be the thing that breaks my streak.” He winked.
Separated - Peter Pan (5/6)
Jefferson/Mad Hatter x daughter reader
Peter Pan x fem!reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 1,502
Summary: Peter has a surprise for Y/n, that’ll have an emotional reaction from both of them.
Authors Note: a reunion is in store
Once Upon A Time Masterlist
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

“You set? Get everything you need for however long I’m gone?” Peter questioned, hoping he didn’t forget anything. Not after all his time of planning.
Felix nodded reassuring his leader. “We’re all set, Pan. Don’t worry we’ll be fine.”
Peter nodded “Ok. Lets do this.”
“Have fun.” Felix stated as his farewell. He had helped Pan make all the arrangements. Making sure everything was in place so the Island would be fine, so the lost boys will be fine while Peters gone.
With that Peter nodded and said his leave with Felix and the lost boys. Once that was all said and done, and the explaining that he won’t be gone long. He went to go find his lost girl that won’t be fully just his very soon.
“Love” Peter called out down by the waters shore, where he normally found Y/n over her time on the Island.
Y/n spun around giving Peter a smile before greeting him. “Hey, Peter.”
“I have something for you, Darling. It’s a trip, so pack your stuff and we’ll go.” Peter told her, giving very little details.
Y/n nodded giving him a mischievous smirk. “Ok. I’m not even gonna ask because I already know you won’t tell me if ya haven’t already.”
“Smart Girl” Peter smirked as well before taking her hand and bringing her back to pack up all her stuff.
Once all her stuff was packed up in a bag Peter grabbed it and put it over his shoulder and they were ready to go now.
“Look I know I said I know better than to ask but… Where are we going?” Y/n bit her lip smiling at him, slightly bouncing in front of him. Excited about what Peter Pan had planned.
Peter smiled at her antics giving her a kiss on the cheek. “It’s a surprise, but I promise Love you’re gonna love it.”
Y/n sighed playfully but smiled anyway and wrapped her arms around his torso. Ready for him to take her wherever he had planned. “Ok then.”
An with that Peter wrapped his arm around her as well and they took off. Traveling through the sky has never ceased to scare and excite Y/n. Which after all that time very much amused Peter.
Peter was worried that after doing this he may lose the one person who really understood him and who he could really be content with. But Pan also knew that this is what his lost girl needed. When she first got to the Island Y/n wasn’t lost, just a little scared, but now after being here for years and years of being away from her friends. Loved ones. The people who make a place home for her. She is lost now. She could hear the flute 6 months into being on Neverland. Which started to concern Peter right away. This is what needs to happen. It’s what's best for her. Whether it hurts him or not. Peter just hope’s it doesn’t come to that.
“Where are we?” Y/n asked confused by the fact that they seem to be on some road surrounded by a forest, that looked similar to home for her.
“A little place called StoryBrooke.” Peter stated unwrapping one arm from around her to readjust her bag on his shoulder, while she looked around.
“What realm is this place in?” Y/n turned focusing her attention back on the boy who’s taken care of her when she had no one else.
Peter smiled shaking his head. “Questions, questions, questions Love.”
“Peter!” She exclaimed not believing he was still keeping her in the dark. Even though their at their destination.
“This place is so cute. In a weird way.” Y/n smiled in wonder. They had just walked through such a cute little town, during the sunset no less. Now it was dark and they were walking up a twisting road.
“Yeah, it is huh.” Pan gave a tight lipped smile. He knew exactly what this town is. Where everyone's truly from. Peter would have to considering all he had to search for and through just to find what he was looking for. Peter stopped walking which also made Y/n stop walking having felt him stop, considering their hands are linked. “Lets stop for a minute. Ok, so you asked what realm this place was in, and I evaded the question earlier. I avoided it Love, because I know what happens to us when I tell you.” Pan gave her a sad smile, which left Y/n very concerned. Y/n moved to stand in front of him cupping his cheek with her unoccupied hand, rubbing on the top of his cheekbone. “I know what happens when I show you what's here. What here is.”
All that he’s saying was very confusing to the young woman. An it was worrying her very much. “Peter, what's wrong? What's here? Come on you can tell me. Its been a decade an half, you know or at least you should know you can talk to me. About anything. And yes I figured out how long its been. Its one of the reasons I was so down a while back. An I appreciate you trying to keep me in the dark, first it pissed me off but I get why you did it. So thank you.”
“Welcome.” He let out a sigh before continuing. “Down this road is a big mansion.” Peter spoke softly, glancing behind her where the road continue on.
Y/n shook her head, furrowing her eyebrows. “I don’t understand.”
“There’s a man. He lives there, all alone.” Peters corners of his lips twitched up, but right now he just couldn’t form a very happy expression. Pan is happy knowing how happy she’s going to be when she finds out, but he’s still sad losing her. “In town, all the people- the whole population. Everyone's from the Enchanted Forest.”
“Wha- I-I… How’d you?” She stuttered. Entirely confused but she believed him even though it sounded impossible after all this time. But he hadn’t lied to her yet, so she trust what he’s saying now.
Peter grabbed her hands off his cheek, holding and moving it to hold it against his heart. “I’ve been looking for a while. At first to just see where everyone was sent to. I just didn’t put much effort into it. But with seeing how much you’ve been hurting the last couple of weeks, missing everyone especially your father. I wanted to help, reunite the two of you. Even if it mean you leave Neverland.”
Y/n instantly understood. Peter wanted to help her. Make her happy again. He did all this- searched for so long just to make her happy again. To be with her loved ones again. Her dad again. “Oh, Peter.”
“Love, I want you to be happy. Neverland- I can tell you love it, but I can also tell its not meant to be your home Y/n. you need your friends and family.” Pan smiled at her. It wasn’t big but he did genuinely mean it. He bit his lip before pulling her in for a hug, which Y/n returned.
“Thank you, Peter. So, so much.” She whispered into his chest. The weight of everything was finally hitting her. An what he meant early now made sense to her. “Hey” Y/n called to get his attention, leaning back just the tinniest bit to look him in the eyes. She smiled smugly up at him. “You and the lost boys have become my friends to, ya know. Family. Really. You guys have been all I’ve had for so long.”
Peter let out a laugh which also happened to be a breath of relief she had just proved his worries wrong. “Same, Love. Now lets get you to your new house. Your new home.”
With that all cleared up Peter felt a lot better about what the outcome could be of this. Y/n she felt excited but also anxious. Yes, she was finally with everyone she knows (well with them). Yes, she was about to be with her father again. But it had been so long it scared her a little.
They started up the winding road again. Up to the mansion that Peter says her father lives in. A odd change to where they lived in the Enchanted Forest.
“Calm down. Its a huge house” Pan pulled her closer into his side teasing her lightly.
“What if he doesn’t remember me?” Y/n mumbled looking down, playing with her fingers. A nervous habit Peter noticed she had over the time they’ve spent together.
Pan stopped her fidgeting holding her together before promising. “Y/n, you’ve been watching him for weeks. You know he misses you. Love, even I know without a doubt that he misses you.”
Y/n leaned her head onto his shoulder. “I’m just anxious.” She admitted
Peter nodded in understanding. “I know, but you have no reason to be.”
Part 6 (Last Part)
Separated - Peter Pan (6/6)
Jefferson/Mad Hatter x daughter reader
Peter Pan x Fem!reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 525
Summary: A father and daughter are reunited thanks to a boy who wears green.
Authors Note: Final part. I might make a one shot to add to this series where Y/n and Jefferson catch up and he maybe shows her around town and explains what Storybrooke is and what exactly has happened etc etc. Would you guys be interested in that? Comment of send an ask if you are.
Once Upon A Time Masterlist
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

As Peter and Y/n walked up through the rounded driveway, up to the front door. Standing there was nerve racking to both for different reasons. Despite the nerves Y/n took a deep breath and knocked on the front door.
“Dad” Y/n practically whimpered at the sight of her dad, for the first time in what felt like forever.
“Y/n” Jefferson said stunned. He couldn’t believe his eye’s. Afraid tht this was another cruel joke from Regina like remembering, he had to ask to be sure. “Is it really you?”
Y/n’s face broke out into pure happiness as she nodded. “Yeah. Yes, Daddy. Its really me.”
Jefferson reached forward pulling his daughter into his arms as he stepped out on to his front porch. “H-How? Why? But, h-how?”
She let out a happy laugh, wrapping her arms around her father. Holding him just as tight as he’s holding her. “That’s a long story, Daddy. But I’m back now. I’m here to stay. And I’ll explain it all with time. I promise.”
Peter watched the father and daughter reconnect. It was obvious to Pan that the man before him truly missed his lost girl. Their lost girl I guess you could say. That is a fact that Peter knew comforted Y/n. That her dad obviously really missed her. And now she’s not lost anymore.
After awhile Y/n let go of her tight embrace around her father, on turned to Peter with a smile. Still in her fathers arms. “Thank you, again Peter.”
“Love, you can stop thanking me.” Peter smirked, teasing her with a raised eyebrow.
“Well I’m gonna thank you. For anything and everything you’ve done for my daughter. An thank you for bringing her to me.” Jefferson cut in. Peter could tell how grateful the man was by the look he was betraying in his eyes. Peter gave him a small nodd in acknowledgment of his gratitude.
“I wanted to do this for her, and Peter Pan Never Fails.” Peter switched the focus of his eyes from her father back to his lost girl when he spoke the end of his statement.
Y/n smirked at him shaking her head side to side in amusement. “No, no he doesn’t.”
Peter smiled, teeth showing and all. He took a few steps towards her and placed a kiss on her cheek, leaning down a bit to do so. “Bye, Love.”
With those words Peter gave her one last smile before turning and walking away from the mansion that would now be where his lost girl would be calling home. Before he could get to far away Y/n yelled out. “Hey Peter!” Pan turned around to acknowledge her. Wondering what she might be stopping him for. “I expect for you to come visit.” Y/n smiled at him giving him a knowing look.
Peter nodded, looking down letting out a puff of breath at the obvious reasons as to why she told him that. It was reassuring all the same. “I will, Love. You’ll have to come back and visit as well. We’ll all miss you.”
“Count on it.” She promised
The End....
* Should I write a oneshot or a couple of them to belong to this series about the reader settling into StoryBrooke? Or going back to visit Neverland? Or Peter maybe some of the lost boys coming to visit the ready?
Separated - Jefferson Madhatter/ Peter Pan (3/6)
~ I have to repost this cause I accidentally deleted it.
Jefferson/Mad Hatter x daughter reader
Peter Pan x fem!reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 787
Summary: Y/n’s now been in Neverland for awhile. She feels as if Peter is getting to know her (slowly, not in detail), but she still knows pretty much nothing about him.
Authors Note: kinda a getting to know eachother and breaking down walls chapter.
Once Upon A Time Masterlist
Separated Masterlist
Part 1
Part 2

“Thought I’d find you here.” Peter smiled, approaching his girl as he had started calling her that not long after she arrived in Neverland.
“Yeah, well. You seem to be getting to know me pretty well.” Y/n sighed stressed from all her thoughts. She ran her hands through her hair trying to calm her mind.
Y/n had been stuck in Neverland for what felt like months for her. But in reality it had been a few years. Time pases differently in Neverland.
Peter and Y/n had grown rather close in the time that has passed. You could even say they had become a couple. Peter had grown very fond of the Y/h/c haired girl. Any illwilled plan he originally had for her had gone out the window in the matter of a week. Once he got to know her little. Peter didn’t have it in his heart to tell her how much time, how many years it had actually been since she had been on his Island.
Y/n loved Neverland, it was beautiful. A lovely place but it wasn’t home. It wasn’t with the people she loved. Yes, she had grown to like the lost boys, and she had- something with Peter going on. BUt it wasn’t the same. An recently she had really been missing her dad.
“Now why does it sound like thats one sided.” Peter asked moving closer to her.
“You know a lot about me, Peter. But I don’t really know anything about you now do I?” Y/n glared up at him from her spot seated against the large tree. It was true Peter knew so much about her, but she still didn’t know practically anyting about him. Not about Peters life before they met. And that was his fault.
Peter sighed softly. So he lowered himself down to sit on the forest floor next to her. “What do you want to know?”
Y/n smiled letting out an airy laugh. “Everything. Anything.” she shrugged
“Come here, Love. I wanna show you something.” Peter stood up and hold his hand out to her. Hoping she would trust him to show her something with little to go on. Y/n reached out after a moment, what did she have to lose. Peter smiled and grabbed her tightly around the waist and they flew off to where he planned to show her. Cheer her up an tell her more about him, wither one really. “This place has the best view on the entire Island.”
Once Y/n felt her feet on solid ground again, she looked around. He had taken her to the highest peak/mountain in all of Neverland. The one he showed her had a mini waterfall behind some vines.
“Its beautiful” Y/n smiled taking in the view
“I come here to think. Here and my tree.” Peter admitted. She wanted to know more about him, this was a start.
“I can see why.” Y/n smiled glancing back to him.
“So, what do you want to know?” Peter asked with his arms wide open. A symbol of him being willing to answer anything she wanted to know.
They sat there for hours talking. Peter let Y/n ask anything and everything she wanted to. Y/n learned a lot more about Peter, and Peter was happy to let her.
Peter smiled letting out a happy sigh. Peter lookedat his last girl and bit his lip before asking something he’s been wondering for a while. “You’ve seemed down. Whats wrong, Love?”
Y/n took a deep breath at the question, she looked down to her lap where both their hands were intertwined. “I just… miss someone.”
Peter untwined one of his hands and brushed her hair behind her ear. “Darling, who do you miss? If you don’t mind me asking?”
Y/n smiled sadly she just couldn’t mange to put a happy smile on at the topic. “My father.”
“Oh” Peter nodded in acknowledgment
“Y/n” she sighed, turning her attention back down to their hands. “It’s just, I miss him a lot and I don’t know where he ended up in the curse. If he knows me? If he even remembers me. Or does he miss me?”
Peter pulled her into his lap, so she could cuddle up into him for comfort. “Oh Love, I’m sure he misses you.”
“He can’t miss me if he doesn’t remember me.” She whispered under he breath. Peter caught it. He caught it and he heard her voice break towards the end of her statement.
Peter held his girl in his arms on his lap. He needed to think of a way to ease her obvious emotional pain.
Part 4
Eye For An Eye - Peter Pan
Peter Pan x fem!reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 444
Summary: Being Peter’s lost girl the only thing he cares about and Rumple threatening your life.
Authors Note: I thought of some lines and made this.
Once Upon A Time Masterlist

“Who are they?” Y/n asked standing next to Peter overlooking the odd group of adults arguing. Something told her in the back of her mind that she knew them. But she couldn’t place from where.
“No one to concern yourself with love.” Peter stated, pushing some strands of her hair back behind her ear. Peter smiled at how she nodded just believing him without a second thought. He had fogged her memories not long after they met, he didn’t want her to be against him. He wanted to keep her. “Why don’t you go check on the lost boys.”
“What about you?” Y/n asked tilting her head, looking at him with wide innocent eyes.
“I’ll be there soon, love.” He smiled back, his eyes twinkling which just mistified Y/n.
“Kay” she nodded giving him a kiss on the cheek before heading off to the lost boy’s campsite.
“You can show yourself Dark One.” Peter spoke as he turned around looking off to where he knew the Dark One was watching.
“Hello, Pan.” Rumple greeted with disgust.
“What do I owe this visit to?” Pan smirked holding his arms out, knowing it would annoy the dark one.
“You know why we’re all here, Pan.” he answered with a sneer. He was more than annoyed with the boy in front of him.
“Ah, yes you all want your precious Henry back. Hate to tell you he has something I need.” Peter shrugged his shoulder up in a careless manner. Peter needs the heart of the truest believer, and no one is gonna stop him.
“Not just Henery.” Rumple stated, hoping to find out more about Pan’s plan.
Peter nodded knowing who he meant. A certain Y/h/c-ed girl who was just with him. “Well, you and your buddies are going to be leaving empty handed.”
“I could just kill you and take them back with me. Or I could take your little lot girl, is that what you’re calling Y/n now? I could take her from you and force you to give us Henery?” Rumple played with Pan’s mind on purpose, trying to get Peter to slip up.
“If you so much as think about hurting her I won’t hesitate to kill your perfect little Belle.” Peter rushed up to him, threatening him. Eye for an eye, if he touched Y/n, he’d touch Belle.
Rumple narrowed his eyes but kept his composer. “Why’d you take Y/n to begin with? She has nothing to do with all this.”
“All in due time, Rumple.” Pan smirked before vanishing. Still leaving Rumple with no answers closer than when he first showed up.
Eye's On You - Peter Pan
Peter x fem!reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 373
Summary: Peter watching over you when you sleep because he’s worried about you.
Once Upon A time Masterlist

“Are you seriously still watching me sleep?” Y/n giggled raising her grows as she opened her eyes.
“You have a problem with it?” Pan asked looking down at her laying down form.
“No. You're just worrying me.” she shook her head staring at him with concern in her eyes.
“Why am I worrying you, love? I stare at you all the time.” Peter questioned, brushing back her hair from her face.
“Normally it’s with adoration or lust. This.” Y/n reached up to cup his cheek, biting her lip. “This is with concern. AN I’m not hurt so what’s troubling you?”
Peter sighed looking away but not enough for her hand to leave his cheek. “I don’t know.”
“What do you mean?” Y/n asked sitting up a little more, wanting him to know she was indeed listening.
“It’s just a feeling. Like something’s coming.” Pan shook his head lightly. It had been bothering him for a week now, and he had been keeping it to himself. It felt good to talk about it.
“An you feel I’m going to get hurt when it does?” Y/n asked knowingly, his voice had cracked slightly she knew how much the prospect of her getting hurt bothered him.
Peter nodded ‘yes’ turning to look at her. “I won’t let anything harm you. You know that right?”
Tilting her head to the side giving him a half smile. “Peter, I’m not the one that’s worried here.”
“It’s just a feeling. It’s probably nothing.” Peter shrugged but it convinced no one, at least not Y/n. She knew him to well. It had been on his mind to long for it to not still be bothering him.
“When you get these feelings it ends up being something.” Y/n stated, knowing it wasn’t helpful advice but it was the truth.
“Not helping.” Peter rolled his head to the side looking at her with an unimpressed look.
“I know I’m not easing your mind, but whatever you're feeling if it does happen. Then we’ll deal with it. We always do. Peter Pan never fails.” Y/n stated smirking as she climbed onto his lap to straddle him. They always beat the odds and they’d do it again.
Threats - Peter Pan
Peter x Fem!Reader
Warnings: nothing really
Word count: 411
Summary: Peter getting angry when someone threatens you infront of him.
Once Upon A Time Masterlist

“Peter!” Y/n yells out as she’s grabbed by the Evil Queen with a ball of magic near her face.
“Regina.” MarryMargret worried for the young girl currently being held in Regina's tight hold with a magic ball of purple flames near her face.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” Peter growled with narrowed eyes once he turned towards where his lost girl called for him in distress.
“Give us back Henry and I won’t hurt your little lost girl.” Regina bargained.
“Regina, we don't need to threaten anyone.” Emma spoke up telling Regina, looking at the young girl a couple years older than their Henery.
“I agree Lass. Not a good idea. Especially not a good idea to threaten her specifically.” Hook stepped forward gesturing with his hook to the girl in Regina’s grip.
“And why’s that Pirate?” Regina rolled her eyes at all the pleading to let the Y/h/c-ed girl go.
“She’s not just a lost girl. She’s Pan’s lost girl.” Hook stated to the Evil Queen.
“No duh.” Regina scoffed.
“What KIllian means is she is mine. Let go of her. Now.” Peter walks closer getting increasingly more angry every minute Y/n was still being held against her will.
“Or what?” Regina gripped Y/n tighter, testing Pan’s limits and to see if he’s bluffing.
“You’ll regret it.” Peter grumbled with a really dark look on his face. “Don’t forget this is my island and your son’s life is in my hands. What do you think I’ll do if you hurt my Y/n?”
“Regina” MaryMargaret pleads for her to let the girl go, trying to sound more stern. Not wanting to have Peter hurt Henery in any way as retaliation.
“Let her go.” David added with worried eyes for them, Henry, and Y/n. KNowing what Regina is capable of, they were all worried for Y/n.
Regina sighed and loosened her grip on Y/n and the second Peter noticed he grabbed his lost girl and pulled her into him.
“Don’t lay a finger on her again.” Peter practically snarled at the StoryBrooke gang and he checked Y/n over for injuries. Before giving the signal for them all to retreat.
“Thank you.” Y/n turned around to look back at Emma, Hook, David and MaryMargret with an innocent smile.
Peter smiled at her manners, that's his Y/n. And it was entertaining to see their shocked faces at her thanks.
Taglist: @padawancat97
One & Only - Peter Pan
Peter Pan x Fem!reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 1,781
Requested:Can I request a Peter Pan OUAT imagine? Reader has been the only girl on the island for a while and is very cold to her the moment she sees her. She goes ballistic in the middle of the camp when she sees Pan kiss Wendy on the beach or something. A few of the lost boys try to calm Y/N down before she hucks a drinking glass at a tree and yells, "THAT STUPID FUCKING BLONDE BITCH!!" And runs to her treehouse. Felix knows about her feelings for Pan but swore he'd never tell anyone. When Pan gets back he can hear Y/N crying in her treehouse and goes "Which one of you did it?!" Not realizing that it was him because he didn't know she was anywhere on the beach. - @anon
Authors Note: Thank you for requesting! I did change some things minorly but not much. I enjoyed writing for Once Upon A Time again. Especially for Peter Pan.
Once Upon A Time Masterlist

“Y/n” Felix greeted as the y/h/c-ed girl walked over to him.
“Felix.” Y/n smiled, greeting back the tall boy. Y/n nodds towards the new boys. “How are they doing?”
“Not bad for newbies.” Felix shrugged his shoulders. Y/n and Felix were just 2 of the ones that helped train, but not always.
“Maybe we’ll have to toughen the training.” Y/n scanned the group of new lost boys.
“I believe you're right.” Felix agreed as he noticed a few mistakes the boys were making that he was sure she did as well.
“Have you seen Pan?” Y/n asked, looking around and not seeing the boy in green anywhere.
Felix shakes his head with squinted eyes. “Not since earlier. Have you tried his thinking tree?”
Y/n shook her head ‘no’ and let out a frustrated sigh. “Yeah, he wasn’t there.”
Felix nudged her before saying. “He’ll come around sooner or later.”
Felix knew Y/n has had feelings for Peter for a long time. But he’d never say anything unless they were alone, because even though some of the lost boys were pretty sure Y/n and Peter had mutual feelings for eachother it wasn’t their place to say.
“Yeah.” Y/n nodded looking around making sure there wasn’t anything for her to do before telling Felix. “I’m gonna go down to the beach, I’ll be back later.”
Felix nodded watching her as she left knowing that the beach was her thinking place. Before turning his attention back on the boys.
So Y/n went walking her normal route down to the beach. When she got to where the trees end right before the beach Y/n stopped. She saw Peter standing there on the beach, but he wasn’t alone. He was with Wendy Darling. A girl that the shadow brought but she wasn’t lost, she didn’t belong on Neverland.
But what really shocked her was what happened next. Peter pulled Wendy into a heated kiss. Y/n instantly reached up to cover her mouth, out of shock and to keep her gasp from being heard. Y/n had to turn around and she ran back to camp not wanting to watch it any longer. As she ran back to camp Y/n could feel tears welling up but she wouldn’t let them fall. Not yet.
Once she got back to camp she picked up and threw a drinking glass that was nearby against a tree. Watching it shatter. The lost boys noticed her distress, so two of the older ones, Felix and Devin went over to Y/n. Being two that are very close to the lost girl.
“Hey. hey Y/n.” Felix reached out to her laying a hand on her shoulder guiding her to the edge of camp so no one could eavesdrop. “Hey, what happened?” he asked with worried eyes.
Y/n shook her head not wanting to look at them and possibly break in front of them.
“Y/n please. Tell us what happened?” Devan pleaded, not liking to see her this way. Like she was gonna either murder someone or break down crying.
Y/n could barely even glance at them. So Felix tried again.
“Y/n/n.” Felix called her name again and this time get’s her attention. Once Y/n finally looked at him he asked her. “What happened?”
“I went down to the beach, and I saw him kissing that little Darling bitch!” Y/n told them with a low angry voice. But Felix and Devan could tell she was more hurt than angry.
“He what?” Devan asked with raised brows in shock, looking towards Felix. The two thought Peter liked Y/n.
“He was kissing that bitch.” she repeated herself, this time though her words sink into her own mind and Y/n can’t help it when a tear falls.
The boys look at her with sympathy.
“Why don’t you go get some rest.” Felix wrapped his arm around her shoulders pulling her into his side. Trying his best to provide her with comfort.
“Yeah” Y/n sighed defeated, before heading back to her own treehouse. The boys watched her walk off sadly.
Hours later Peter showed back up at camp after leaving Wendy back in her cage. He looked around and saw someone was missing.
“Where’s Y/n?” Pan asked after looking around the camp and he did not see her.
“Her treehouse.” Devan spoke up after silence was all Pan was met with. Obviously no one wanted to be the one to tell him about the day's events and only two knew the reason.
Once Peter nodded and left off to go see his lost girl Felix scoffed, pissed off.
“I wouldn’t have even gave him that much.” Felix grumbled pissed off at how his leader hurt his friend.
As Peter Pan got closer to Y/n’s very own treehouse he heard her crying. It made him stop in his tracks, and the longer he heard her cry the more enraged Pan got. So he headed back to the campsite.
“Which one of you did it?” Pan growled with anger in his eyes looking at every single lost boy.
“Did what?” Devan questioned why they were suddenly getting a look that could kill.
“Who made Y/n cry?” Peter elaborated with narrowed eyes.
“It wasn’t any of us.” Felix scoffed with his back facing Peter.
“What?” He raised a brow at his second in command.
Felix turned to face Pan with his own set of narrowed eyes. “It wasn’t any of us that made our lost girl cry. You did.”
Pan furrowed his brow in confusion. “I did?”
Felix wanted to speak his mind but also knew now wasn’t the time. “Have you forgotten that Neverland only has one lost girl?”
“Of course I haven’t.” Peter gave him an observed look. How could he possibly forget that.
“Well you could’ve fooled all of us, with how much time you’ve been spending with Wendy. You know the girl that doesn’t belong here!” Felix stood up to give Pan a piece of his mind, not all but a piece. He was pissed that Peter had been neglecting their lost girl in favor of a girl that shouldn’t even be on Neverland.
The two stood there for a few minutes as Felix watched Peter realize his mistakes and left to go console his lost girl. Felix sat down again and muttered under his breath. “I’d grovel if I were you.” Felix’s anger wasn’t going away anytime soon. Even if Y/n forgave him.
Once Peter reached the treehouse he could hear that Y/n’s sobs had died down so he approached the door.
“Y/n.” Peter called out after knocking. “Can I come in?”
There was a silent sound of a mumbled ‘yeah’ once he heard that Peter entered.
“Why are you asking? Isn’t it your island, you can do what you want?” Y/n said with a roll of her eyes from where she sat on her bed.
“It’s called respecting your privacy.” Pan says as he leaned to the side to see her face and he noted the tear stains on her cheeks.
“That's a new one.” She scoffed. Normally he just entered when he pleased.
“Please.” Peter said it in hopes of getting her to look at him.
“What do you want?” Y/n said, finally turning her head to look at Peter.
“I want to apologize.” Peter could now see clearly the tear tracks on her cheeks and her eyes were also red from crying.
“For what?” Her voice almost sounded like a whimper to Peter’s ears.
“For ignoring you and being to busy to give you my attention as of late. I’m sorry for neglecting you.” Peter aplogized as he moved into the space further and sat next to her.
“That's nice and apology expected.” Y/n gave him a small smile and a nod.
Peter smiled, letting out a relieved breath. “Good. I hated hearing you cry.”
“That’s not why I was crying.” Y/n looked back down at her hands in her lap, when she noticed he was looking at her confused Y/n let out an awkward laugh. “Don’t get me wrong it was part of it but not what set it off.”
Now he was concerned again. What hurt his lost girl? “What made you cry? What set it off?”
“Do you still love me?” Y/n asked meekly, honestly scared of his answer. Yes they told each other they love each other but they never put a label on what they were.
“Of course! You’re mine. You're my lost girl, my Y/n. Why would you ask that?” How could she think he didn’t love her anymore? How could she think he’d stop?
“If you feel that way then why were you kissing Wendy?” Y/n looked at him with wide teary eyes.
“What?” Pan furrowed his brow, caught off guard.
“I saw you. On the beach.” She mumbled looking back down to her lap once again. Y/n felt embarrassed at catching him and telling him about it.
“Love, it’s not like that. It’s the farest thing from love between me and Wendy.” Peter moved to kneel in front of her grabbing her hands in his tilting her chin up to look at him after a moment.
“Pirates were not far off the coast, my guess trying to spy. They're always looking for a weakness. I can’t have them try to hurt you.” Peter moved his hand from under her chin to cup her cheek before he continued to explain. “I wanted them to think I care about Wendy. If they try something I’d rather they think she’s the one with a place in my heart not you. Wendy’s expendable. You're not.”
“You’ve just been spending all your time with her since she got here.” She didn’t want to seem needy but she went from having Peter all to herself all the time to not even seeing him every couple days, sometimes not even talking.
“I need her and her brothers to do my bidding. That's all.” Peter tell’s her, brushing her hair back and scooted closer. “I’m sorry that I’ve neglected you. I promise that’ll change from this moment forward.”
“I hope so.” Y/n gave him a sad but hopefully smile.
“Hey, Peter Pan never fails.” Peter stated as he got up off the floor and sits back on her bed and lifted Y/n up and onto his lap.
“I hope it continues to stay that way.” Y/n smiled nuzzling into him extremely tired from crying and the emotional stress.
Taglist: @padawancat97

oh dear peter. louis partridge x reader
summary 📣: in which reader is a mermaid and louis is a foolish boy called “peter pan”
warning/s 🚫: swearing, my lack of mermaid knowledge, a short-short little story with no romance
slater’s note 🗯: i’ve been listening to pirate/mermaid inspired playlists on youtube and i wanted to make a peter pan story so here you go

“you never visit me anymore, peter.”
you gazed up at the young boy who was laid down against the tall rocks from above, his bare back pressed against burning stones while his arms were shoved behind his head.
“a boy has so much to do on this island, y/n,” he didn’t look down to you, “i got things to do and only have so much time for play.”
you rolled your eyes, dramatically flopping down against the rock you were propped up on.
all he did was play and tease the foolish pirate that was floated out all the way on the other side of the island. never work, and even if there was any, he would make his little lost boys do it for him.
“peter,” you whined, rolling onto your side, “you used to have all the time in the world for me... now all you do is fool with that silly pirate with a hook for hand.”
he stayed silent and you almost wondered if he heard you. you assumed he was only ignoring you. peter could never really ever deal with confrontation and either decided to ignore it or tell a silly story.
“i went to neverpeak mountain with a quart of pixie dust the other day and you’ll never guess what i saw here near the lagoon,” he was going with the silly story, a smile running up on his face as his back arched a little, “millions of neverbirds swooping around and picking down on something and you’ll never guess what it was.”
“what, peter pan?” you hummed, your lips pressed into a thin line as you begun to slowly play into his amusement.
“it was a pirate!” he called in a loudness as if rejoicing, his arms swooping up in the air, “they were eating him away, can you believe it, y/n? i wonder how he got all the way out here...”
he voice drew out slowly and lowly as he begun to wonder again like the first time he spotted the bloody and highly unusual boned man that was flat against a rock.
peter could still remember the loud but light and distant screams the resonated throughout the cove. it made him curious as he squinted before flying towards the messy scene.
“i remember that,” you mumbled, “nixie was the one who lured the man out.”
“she’s crazy for it,” he shook his head, tsking before he sat up properly, “but all you fish do silly things when you get lonely.”
you swung yourself up quickly, scowling up at him but he paid no attention to you, a plain smile on his face as he watched the sun begin to set.
“i’ve got to go little fin,” he stood crossing his arms before looking down to you, “i’ll see you when the sun reaches east and the cove begins to sink... maybe i’ll bring a lost boy or two.”
he nodded in fulfillment before flying off into the purple sky. you watched before shaking your head, you knew he was lying, you knew it, he knew it. he wouldn’t be back for at least a couple of months, or however long that was in neverland time, but he wouldn’t be back for awhile.
and when he did, it wouldn’t be for long, but he’d be there and maybe that time he’d kiss you like the first time you met his pretty boyish face.
“goddamn fairy boy.”
join the taglist
@w0nderr @deadbeatbarb @phantompogues @alexmercer-reginaldpeters
kiss or hit.
louis partridge x fem!reader
summary 📰: in which no one can piss reader off quite like louis
warning/s 📬: swearing
slater’s note 📮: i’m just a sucker for bestfriends to lovers for when i write about louis 👩❤️💋👨 idk why you would never really … (edit: did i just not finish this sentence ?)

louis was so much more of a fool in real life than on the television screen.
years has passed and time had filled the empty spots of never seeing each other for years upon years and you had always guessed the silly young boy you had deemed your best friend (well what was as close to a best friend as it would get) would always stay that way.
but you almost second guessed yourself watching his features soften into a relaxation you rarely ever saw them in from on screen with a girl close to his age. he showed so much passion and love for a girl he must’ve barely knew more than he had ever shown towards you.
but you were surely mistaken, and you knew it the moment his lanky yet muscular self hoped off the london train, hauling himself to you before practically body slamming you onto the cold london train station pavement in an attempt to give you a loving hug long over due.
you were jealous of her, the girl on the television set, but you would never admit it. over your dead body, cross your bloody heart.
louis’ head was already big enough, boasting about everything with a high chested pride, making you want to smack him back down to earth. and you would, you really would, because louis never looked at you with as soft expressions as he did with that girl, but rather... hard and teasing.
“you ever heard of the cosmo effect?”
“no, i haven’t.”
“nor have i. i figure we can figure out what it is this summer,” you narrowed your brows as you practically trailed behind louis.
he was moving rather fast with a stupid map in his hands, trying to navigate the outer ridges of london, a part of the city the two of you had never been before. he insisted it’d be fun and much more convenient with a map at hand rather than just going by the smart devices in your hand, it added to the fun.
“louis, we’ve been walking for hours,” you scowled, quickening your pace as he turned a corner, “we’re never gonna find this stupid underground cafe you want to eat at.”
“oh we’ll find it,” it seemed he mumbled it more to himself rather than an answer to you. his teeth gnawed on his bottom lip as he examined the map more carefully than he had been in the past thirty minutes.
if he was being honest with you, he would’ve admitted that he was mostly going off of memory rather than the map. he didn’t really care for the helpful piece of paper in hand, it was more or less for show rather than for tool.
“louis, i’m hungry.”
“i know you are.”
you rolled your eyes. pretty boy didn’t have a clue what you were. you were so close to ditching him in the middle of god knows where for a bus home. you had a low tolerance for louis and his games, always had, and probably always will.
he knew that.
he liked egging you on.
“for god sakes, lou, i’m going to call your sister and have her-“
“you always have your panties in a twist, i swear y/n,” he waves his hand back and forth, dissing you before reaching back and snatching your hand greedily, “my sister wouldn’t even pick you up if you called.”
“shut up, she loves me more than you.”
“i mean i would too.”
“hm?” he continued to look at his stupid map, once again dismissing you and letting your hand go to hold the other side of the piece of paper.
for god sake, you were so close to straggling him-
you pursed your lips before shaking your head dismissing it, “nothing.”
“let’s get going then,” he nodded, then again reaching for your hand to which you took voluntarily yet reluctantly with a sigh, “don’t be so down, just a couple more steps ahead.”
you kept your complaints shoved down your throat as he continued to drag you down the paved road. your feet hurt, your back hurt, and your stomach was beginning to eat itself. but you kept it in for the sake of the teeny tiny part of louis that was excited to eat lunch with you.
the teeny tiny part that he never showed and always denied of existing. he rather would be known as an asshole rather than the sweetheart you always accused him of.
“face it, lou, you’re just a big sweetheart with a big heart.”
“shut up.”
“always doing the sweet little things, so cute.” “shut the fuck up.”
“there it is,” louis stopped in front of a run down looking building, a sign faded and barely hanging on; swinging back and forth with the light wind that soaked the air.
“louis, this underground cafe you talk of is nonexistent.”
he stayed silent, his lips pursed into a thin line as he stared up at the abandon looking building. it was definitely not what he expected to say the least and it was slightly disappointing.
“now, y/n/n,” he was flinching even before you leaned closer to him to smack him on the back of his head, “i didn’t know-“
“louis, you fuck!” you let go of his hand after staring up in disbelief of the non-existent cafe you were so excited about, hitting his arm multiple times, “we walked forever just for this stupid ass building that isn’t even real!”
“settle down! settle down!” he ducked away from your blows that were beginning to sting, “knock it off, love! how was i supposed to know?”
“i thought you’ve been here before!”
you kept hitting him before he caught both your hands, his eyes wide full of such an intensity that begun to slightly scare you for some strange reason, “knock it off.”
“suck my dick, asshole. i’m hungry,” you retorted back, slightly glaring at him as he still held your wrist tightly.
“so am i.”
“well i’m not the one who made us walk around for hours just for something that hasn’t even touched planet earth!”
you were yelling at him but he seemed calm, pissing you even more off. you thrashed at him, trying to rip your hands from his oddly strong grip, your hanger getting the better of you as you continued to swear at him, calling him rude names that didn’t even effect him until finally, done with your bullshit, he pressed his lips against yours.
greedy yet gentle, you were shocked, slightly leaning away despite him falling towards you, his lips swelling and pressing against yours until you finally pressed back, earning a satisfaction filled smirk from him. his hands finally releasing your wrist, now holding you with a light, loving grip.
you hated him, you hated it, but you fell so easily into his bullshit filled kiss just to get you to shut up. so easy because truly, you loved it. he never looked at you soft, never would, never will, but rather he’d look at you with a silly admiration, no matter how hard you hit him.
you both slowly fell from one another’s lips, his eyes fluttering open, still smirking at you as you rolled your eyes, shoving him away from the little embarrassment that ate away at you, turning your cheeks red, “screw you.”
“you mad at me?” he grinned, not so concerned with whether or not you were, but only wanting to kiss you again, his lips going cold as he slowly rubbed them together, swaying back closer to you.
“yeah, asshole,” you glared at him despite also wanting to kiss him once more.
“let me kiss you then.”
you rolled your eyes, then looking to the side before back up to louis who was closer, his arms reaching and holding yours, pulling you closer and closer unit your chest was pressed tightly against his. and finally, falling to his warm hold, you kissed him again, this time softly.
join the taglist
@w0nderr @deadbeatbarb @phantompogues @alexmercer-reginaldpeters

romeo and juliet, part one. hockey!louis partridge x reader
summary 🧿: in which reader hates louis until he seems to be the only person she can talk to
warning/s 👩❤️💋👨: swearing, underage drinking, violence, longer than my usual fics, my lack of hockey knowledge, SLOPPILY WRITTEN
slater’s note 🫐: this is so generic but idgaf.. also i started this so long ago and was planning on giving it up but it’s like i’m just avoiding finishing my wiped out! event 😭

“o romeo, romeo! wherefore art thou romeo? deny thy father and refuse thy name; or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, And I'll no longer be a capulet.”
“shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this?”
“'tis but thy name that is my enemy; thou art thyself, though not a montague. what's montague? it is nor hand, nor foot, nor arm, nor face, nor any other part belonging to a man. o, be some other name! what's in a name? that which we call a rose by any other name- alright i’m done i can’t keep reading this shit.”
“just read the goddamn lines.”
“no, this is stupid.”
“then why the fuck did you tryout?”
“so i could kiss you, romeo.”
he scowled at you as did you right back. his eyes crinkled in the corners as he glared lightly back down his book, pinching the bridge of his nose as he tried to focus.
“alright, let’s try this again,” the drama teacher looked in between the two of you cautiously, not knowing what to say but to have the two of you to continue, “from where we.. left off.”
you rolled your eyes before sighing looking to louis with raised eyebrows. he returned the look, his lips then pressed into a thin line before looking back down to his old crinkled script of romeo and juliet.
“that which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet; so romeo would, were he not romeo call'd, retain that dear perfection which he owes without that title. romeo, doff thy name, and for that name which is no part of thee take all myself,” you say it blandly, keeping eye contact with the boy before you, pretty boy romeo.
“I take thee at thy word: call me but love, and I'll be new baptized; henceforth I never will be romeo,” he returned the tone, almost giving you a sly look that made you glare at him in the annoyance you only felt for him.
louis partridge, someone you weren’t well familiar with until you realized you got the lead right next to him. the two of you destined to play lovers as your drama teacher would say, pulling the two of you close to one another on the first day of rehearsal.
the whole thing was supposed to be a joke, trying out for juliet. but it became far from a joke the moment the costume crew started measuring your waistline and head size. you assumed it was a joke to louis too from the way he always showed up late to rehearsals and was always fucking around with his friends when they came in at random times, which was always and upmost everyday.
he pissed you off, but those reasons weren’t why. hell you’d being doing the exact same thing if your friends were so bold and... assholes.
but it was rather the fact that he was a dickhead. he ticked you off. and nobody could tick you off like louis.
“i got like five bucks,” your hands were stuffed in your back pocket, trying to find your money in attempt to pay your friend for a supposed keg she was trying to buy.
“c’mon, i need more than that,” your friend, emma, whined, her lip popping out as you hand her the five. you shrugged, not knowing what to tell her as your hand went to rummage through your backpack.
“how much is a keg anyways?”
“a hundred bucks.”
your eyes slightly widened, “jesus christ,” you shook your head before pulling out a crumpled ten, handing it to her. “you know i don’t drink…”
“yeah, yeah, whatever, y/n/n, but other people do,” she pulled out a pouch, stuffing your money within.
“am i invited?” an arm slung around you, pulling you in close to the side of their warm body.
you clenched your jaw rather hard, not having to look at the persons face to know it was louis holding you tightly with that generic smirk he always had on.
“of course you are, louis,” emma smiled up to him, admiring his face like she always did, something that annoyed you. she never saw the flawed features you saw, the toxicity and self centeredness of him and all his friends. they were like clones, and emma, like all your friends, ate it up.
“good,” his grin expanded, before randomly handing her a twenty. “i heard your party fund is low.”
he still held onto you tightly no matter how hard you wiggled against him, shrugging and pulling, his grip only seemed to tightened as he continued to speak about the party with emma. she was too infatuated in him to be able to tell you were struggling and annoyed.
“i’ll be late, but save a drink for me,” he winked at her before letting go of you. you scowled, leaning against the locker before he finally looked to you with a snide expression. “i’ll see you tonight, juliet.”
“yeah, yeah,” you diverted your eyes to the side in annoyance with crossed arms. boy you really wanted to sock him in the face with how he got away with that; being him, being an asshole with supposed ‘innocent’ intentions. “cant wait.”
“you’re lucky you get to kiss him,” emma shook her head, turning to her locker before shoving in her binder with the rest of her school supplies. “half the girls at school would pay to be in your position.”
“half the girls who don’t have brains,” you dumbfounded, twisting your head to the side to look at her. “he’s an asshole.”
“he’s not that bad.”
you pushed off the lockers before waving her off, deciding not to waste your energy, “whatever, i’ll see you at lunch.”
dress rehearsal ended faster than expected due to louis showing up half way through. that sent your drama teacher off on a rant about how if he didn’t take practice seriously and kept showing up late, he’d be dropped from production.
you couldn’t help but smile the whole time, knowing it’s what he deserved. but through the whole scene, he had only glared at you with no felt embarrassment.
you couldn’t get out of that hot room faster but louis stopped you from getting you in your car with the grab of your wrist, not even calling your name. it startled you but you stopped with an eye roll realizing it was him.
“relax,” his face scrunched up, lost as to your annoyance. “i need a favor from you.”
“i need you to cover for me,” he squinted at you as if trying to read you better even as it wasn’t hard to tell you were annoyed and full of urgency with the need to get home and away from him, despite his soft cologne coaxing you otherwise. “i’m not gonna be here for practice in the next couple of days.”
“why would i do that?”
“because i’m asking nicely,” he grumbled, now leaning against the car next to yours, “and no one else probably will.”
“maybe if you try begging, someone will.”
“c’mon, you know that whole dweeb squad hates me.”
“what makes me different?”
“because you’re my juliet,” he lightly pinched your cheek before pressing his hand against your car door in support of him leaning, practically closing in on you. it made you hold your breath, studying him and wondering what his intentions were. “and i’ll owe you one.”
louis owing you wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world. he knew people, could get things so easily and without a sweat. he was charming and manipulative, and if he owed you one that’d mean he couldn’t be a dick to you.
your tongue poked into the inside of your cheek as you thought about it before you inhaled, diverting your eyes as if ashamed to mumbling, “yeah, fine.”
“good,” he squeezed your shoulder before leaning away from you, sending you back to your own free will.
there really was no need for emma to beg around for cash since word of her party got out fast and spread to emory university, a small college that was openly more than accepting to the invitation, bring gifts, or in other words; kegs.
your cheeks heated with joy fast and with a little liquid courage you were out on the dance floor with many different bodies, including college boys who were more than happy to get it on. your body on theirs, dancing the night away till you got dizzy and decided throwing back some more drinks would clear your line of sight and thought.
your whole ‘i don’t drink’ claim and rule had been thrown out the window the moment a cute boy offered you a red plastic solo cup and encouraged your underage drinking.
you had swallowed four shots before you felt sick to your stomach, now ready to go home with the way your vision hadn’t cleared at all and became rather clouded and the feelings of sleep consumed your head.
you almost made it out the front door completely disoriented if it weren’t the thick oak opening up revealing another disoriented person, a smirk etching up on their face the moment they saw you.
“juliet,” he yelled over the music, taking steps closer to you. his voice was still low and smooth despite him increasing his volume, and you felt stuck to the floor like his honey voice had oozed over you. “didn’t think i’d see your face here.”
you couldn’t speak nor process till that damn nickname settled into your brain. it made you press your lips into a thin line before you shook your head, “don’t call me that, louis.”
he smiled with a sneer, knowing expression, “why not?”
“you know my name,” you gave him a pointed look, “call me by my name, dillhole.”
he chuckled, patting your arm. he took a step, subsiding you while no longer finding any entertainment in the conversation, “okay, sweetheart.”
you didn’t leave.
somehow the short conversation you had shared with louis sobered you up rather fast with how much hate you held for him.
with another five shots thrown back in the hatch, causing your throat to burn even more and your energy to spike. you took a seat on one of the many couches pushed back to make room for a dance space, no longer feeling excitement or rushes of the good kind of energy you had experienced over an hour ago. you were rather now angered as you watched louis feel up on some girl.
she ate it up as his finger hooked around the belt loop of her skinny jeans, pulling her closer to him. her back arching, causing her butt to further itself and push against his crotch. it made you grumble.
it made you upset that he could have all the fun and you were just stuck on that couch with the mood ruined.
you weren’t going to admit it but you were jealous.
but it didn’t make sense. your sober self naturally hated him and his cocky attitude. he didn’t care. he was selfish and only seemed to go to school to cause trouble and get people all rowdy and anxious with the way he got so close and taunting.
but your intoxicated self missed that kind of company.
“you’ve got a staring problem.”
you almost jumped from your spot as louis sunk into the spot next to you, his tongue poking the inside of his cheek as he eyed you slightly.
you couldn’t meet the concentration he had nor the focus as you tried your best not to crack under the pressure of his stare or all the other things that filled your mind as you avoid his hard brown eyes.
like the way his leg was pressed closed against yours and how his body practically ate away at your own as he seemed to be scooting closer to you, as if overwhelming you with his strong scent of cologne and the smell of tequila was his way of cracking you open like an egg.
“are you jealous, juliet?”
“don’t flatter yourself, romeo.”
he stayed silent, but still stared at you before extending his arm out along the back of the couch and over your head. and although he wasn’t touching you anymore than before, it made him feel closer than ever and maybe that was another way for him to taunt you.
“i thought you would have been more fun drunk,” he mumbled, leaning in close to your ear. you felt your stomach swallow itself as he did so, your heart picking up speed. you couldn’t help but inhale sharply. “but i guess i was wrong.”
you let his words settle before you flipped off of the couch. the feeling of his hot breath and words made your skin itch and you couldn’t deal with the way it made your stomach do summersaults.
louis watched you walk away fast, a smirk carving his lips as he extended his other arm along the top of his couch, now getting comfortable.
he couldn’t help but shake his head before calling out to you, “you can’t just walk away from everything that makes you uncomfortable, sweetheart.”
you didn’t see much of louis after that and mostly due to you avoiding him more than usual. and thankfully he hadn’t showed up to rehearsal just as he said the night he asked you to cover for him, and even as much as you resented him, you still made up an excuse curated just for him.
with how much you despised louis, you still felt your drunken jealously. the type that would do anything to make another girl jealous just so it wasn’t you. the type that you thrived not to be.
you remember the first time you met him and immediately he made an impression on everyone. being the new kid midway freshman year, the attention was already on him, but the fact he was attractive only had his name spread around the school faster. his ego was boosted quicker than you could even imagine.
you hated him. he got everything he wanted. and you hated how he made your head spin and your stomach swell.
you sat at dinner with your parents as they discussed of emma and the party she had thrown. she got caught by her parents sleeping on the couch along with a couple of other kids passed out all around with the house completely trashed and smelling of a strip club the day after.
it has become your parents new frequent topic of discussion ever since they got a call about it letting them know you may have been there, but luckily emma wasn’t a snitch and your parents were pretty gullible people to the point you only had to deny their ask once and they dropped it.
you rolled your fork around the mashed potatoes plopped on your plate before you heard the doorbell ring making you perk up fast and onto your feet, already tired of hearing your parents opinions on teen drinking.
you lightly padded to your front door, letting out a sigh before opening the front door to reveal louis with reddened cheeks and watery looking eyes. he looked disordered with the inability to stay still as he held a beer bottle.
“louis?” you frowned, eyeing him carefully, slightly caught off guard.
“hey, juliet,” louis set down his bottle down on your doorstep, a sloppy grin revealing on his face as he bent back up, “ready for me to pay you back?”
you took a step back, still holding your door tightly as you tried to figure him out a little better, “i’m eating dinner, right now, louis. i kind of can’t,” you were hesitant, now bouncing on your own feet.
“ditch them,” he leaned in close to you, smiling.
“c’mon, y/n, have some fun for once.”
you glanced back to where your parents sat, obviously not concerned as to who was at the door. you inhaled sharply before looking back to him, slightly opening your mouth before nodding.
he smiled genuinely, slapping your door frame before pulling on your bicep. you glanced back one final time before walking rather fast out the door, allowing louis to close your front door for you before jogging to his car along your side.
you felt stupid as you seemed to have dropped all of your hate for him the moment he offered you corona beer bottle, a smile on his face as he had glanced at you many times throughout this trip, watching you loosen more and more up as time passed and your intoxication increased.
“you’re not going to murder me are you, partridge?”
he chuckled a little, shaking his head, “you’re too pretty to kill.”
your cheeks grew hot but he had nothing more to say nor did he look at you.
it was ten minutes till he was parked up on top of the skyline drive, close to the edge of the drop. the sky swelled in different colors of pink and yellows making your mind bloom in content as you tipped your head slightly back, soaking it all up.
“this isn’t so bad,” you whispered, tilting your head and making louis laugh lowly.
“you want to get out of the car or stay in here, juliet?”
you shook your head, mumbling, “don’t call me that.”
he didn’t say anything in return. he only opened his door, suppressing the smile on his face. you watched him round the car before opening your own car door to your surprise, but you stepped out allowing the warm sun setting air swallowing you whole.
“i never knew you could be so nice,” you mumbled as you watched him offer you a hand before you took it, allowing him to boost you up onto the hood of his car.
“i usually keep quite good company,” he spoke back, following you, “you just have a stick shoved so far up your ass, you fail to realize it.”
you scoffed, almost rolling your eyes, “i think you fail to realize you’re an actual asshole.”
the two of you were now both leaned against his car with your backs pressed against his front windshield. he was closer than an arm length away but you didn’t feel bothered nor heated up like the night of the party. you felt comfort in how close he was. it was strange.
“you really think that, don’t you?” he quirked a brow, turning his gaze to the side of your face till you faced him, challenging him with a look of your own, as if asking if he was serious.
“louis,” you scoffed, “please explain to me how you’re not.”
he looked surprised, like your attack was completely unnecessary, “when have i ever been an asshole to you?”
“it’s not the matter of when, louis, you just are one,” you blinked, shaking your head, “you don’t care about anyone but yourself and you’re the generic teenage boy who acts like he’s the shit and the world only revolves around him.”
louis diverted his eyes as if he was thinking about your words before completely processing them.
he then slid off the hood of his car slowly, taking you aback as you watched him, “you’re done?”
“why wouldn’t i?” he reached for your hand, motioning for you to get off the car.
you dodge his hand, hopping off the car yourself, with an almost astounded look on your face, “you cannot be mad.”
you walked after him as it seemed he wasn’t getting back in his car.
“why wouldn’t i, y/n?”
“because you asked.”
he flipped around fast causing you to lean backwards in anticipation, “i asked you when have i ever been an asshole to you, not a general observation that anyone could come up with.”
you almost flinched with how loud his voice got, but you forced yourself in place, forcing yourself not to move, to pay attention to the intensity of his aroma.
“louis, you cannot be mad-“
“i can’t be mad,” he spat, with his eyebrows raised, “let’s try you then, huh?”
you kept your mouth shut, allowing the silence and light breeze to immerse around you, waiting for him to continue on and he almost did as he took a step forward.. till a voice spoke for him.
“i hope i’m not interrupting anything..”
you almost jumped, finding whoever spoke unfamiliar as you slightly turned your head away from louis and toward a group of three boys who seemed entertained by the outing playing out before them.
louis leaned away from you, slowly stuffing his hands in his black sweatpants pockets upon analyzation of the group. his mood seemed to change fast as he tipped his head back, looking behind him before back to the three boys, obviously now even more annoyed with the way he pursed his lips.
you looked between them, consciously taking a step back, a growing nerve of pain forming in your stomach that was telling you to walk away. that something wasn’t right.
“jack,” louis nodded to acknowledgment.
“partridge,” the boy, you presumed was ‘jack’ took a step forward, the two other boys following along as they all had smirks pressed against their lips. “haven’t seen you in awhile.”
louis took a step forward and in front of you, almost as if wanting to shield you from their sight but to your disadvantage, they had already saw you.
after louis didn’t say anything and only seemed to stare with his chest held high and jaw clenched, jack tipped his head as if trying to see you better from louis’ cover, “who’s your friend?”
louis glanced back to you, hesitant as he opened his mouth before looking back to them. he felt his chest tighten, “this is y/n.”
“thought you didn’t do girlfriends.”
“i don’t.”
his words for some reason hurt to hear as you looked up to him from your position behind him. he could feel your stare at the side of his face but ignored it, maintaining eye contact with jack, “well it was nice to catch up, but we were just leaving,” louis turned slightly, taking ahold of your bicep before jack stopped the two of you.
“i’m not here to catch up,” his voice seemed to have went an octave lower, catching louis by his own arm before he could fully walk away. your mouth slightly opened as if to gasp by how fast his demeanor changed. “you have something i want.”
“i don’t think so,” louis shook his head, his lips twitching in an almost mock smile before continuing to walk while pulling you away and back to his car.
you were closer than ever as he had you pulled tightly into his side, still gripping your bicep as he led you back to his car. and you almost reached the nice black cadillac if it weren’t for two of the boys jerking the both of you back roughly.
you ended up on the cement side walk with your back arching up at the sudden harsh impact. you rolled to your side, groaning as your eyesight blurred for a moment before settling on louis who was still on his feet but being gripped at the collar by jack.
louis’ features looked unimpressionable as he blanked stared at jack almost as if they were having a stand down. and it seemed louis was winning with how impatient jack was getting.
“i don’t want to hurt you partridge,” the boy frowned, still gripping the collar of his navy blue sweatshirt. “that won’t do either of us any good, you know that.”
by how flat his tone was, it made you think otherwise. that he wanted to hurt louis. it looked as if he was holding himself back by how white his knuckles turned from gripping the thick fabric.
“what you want,” louis mumbled, “i won’t give you.”
jack’s lips pressed into a thin line, leaning back and away while letting go of louis before he drew back his fist, hitting louis square in the jaw.
“hey, what the fuck,” you got up fast from the ground, quickly making an attempt to push them away from louis but you were only struck across the face hard enough to make you see stars.
“what the fuck,” louis recovered quickly, shoving the boy who had hit you away. “don’t fucking touch her.” louis punched him making you flinch at the loud contact noise.
louis was pulled away from doing anymore damage and almost thrown to the ground if it weren’t for the boy who louis pucnhed, catching him, practically restraining him as he lopped his arms within his.
jack begun to throw punches at louis and before you could make an attempt to get back up and help him, the other boy grabbed onto you, holding you back from trying anything. all you could do was yell and cry out for jack to stop.
and it wasn’t long till blood resonated but louis continued to take it like a champ as he only made small low sounds that connected to his pain.
“stop! what’re you doing? stop it!”
but you were ignored as you continued to struggle against the strong blonde who held you tightly to his chest. but you could feel his hold become looser and looser as seconds past and the reality of the situation became clear as louis’ figure slouched and blood began to form at the corner of his lips.
“jack, stop. that’s enough,” the blonde’s calls joined yours only louder and less struggled as yours. “you’re going to kill him man, this isn’t worth it.”
the boy who held louis looked to the two of you, taking in the desperation that floated in your eyes before connecting eyes with his blonde friend. it was as if they made a silent agreement as he let go of louis, allowing the boys posture to droop and almost lay to the ground, but louis was persistent as he flung himself back up after catching his breath, sending his fist towards jack’s face, catching all of you off gaurd.
he didn’t stop until you were thrown back to the ground and the blonde pulled jack away from the situation, feeling a sudden rush and feeling that they could in a lot of trouble.
they all took off running besides jack who wiped his mouth before pointing harshly to louis, “this is on you.”
you supposed the situation could have been worse and you could have been spitting out blood like louis but you were only graced with a light bruise against your jaw and a not so light bruise on your hip bone.
you couldn’t get the cold cement pressing roughly against your body out of your head nor how silent louis was no matter how much you begged him to speak and at least tell you whether or not he was okay.
you couldn’t fall asleep that night and when you had gotten home, no one was waiting up for you. it had left you even more sick to your stomach as you didn’t even have your parents there to beg you of questions, questions you probably would have ignored, but it would have been nice just because it meant they cared.
the next day you didn’t see louis, nor the next day, or the next day, or the next. the whole week was knocked out and there was no sign of him, just like usual but this time you had actually went looking around.
you begun to run out of excuses for rehearsal.
but a week later, to your shock, louis’ tall figure had appeared out of no where, talking amongst his friends as he was leaned up against the lockers, a smirk on his face as his arms were crossed.
you felt stuck in place as you watched him down the hall, gripping the straps of your backpack tightly, wondering how he seemed so calm and put back into place after all that happened to him. bruises still littered his face and his top lip was still split but he still had that stupid boasting look on his face that made you hate him so much in the first place.
you inhaled sharply before walking up to him, almost regretting doing so as you had no plan on what to say to him once you reached him, but luckily, you could always count on louis to pursue.
“juliet,” he smirked widely at you, making you want to punch him in the face. “you still keeping excuses for me in rehearsal?”
they all smiled in snide ways as they stared at you and it made your cheeks glow red and chest tighten. it made you think back to when he was angered to when you called him an asshole, but this proved he was with how taunting his stare was and how it seemed he practically ignored the fact that you watched him get the shit beaten out of him over two weeks ago.
“louis,” you inhaled lightly, feeling uncomfortable in your own skin. “can i talk to you?”
“go ahead, juliet,” he tipped his head slightly before dragging his eyes along you up and down.
you resisted the urge to lose your nerve at the nickname by biting your tongue, “in private?”
he chuckled a little before looking between his friends.. who also laughed a little, “she wants you, partridge.”
“but what girl doesn’t?”
your chest hurt as they laughed together, “louis, please.”
he stopped his laughing even as his friends continued to chuckle. he felt his own chest twist in ache as your slight beg reminded him of the night blood filled his mouth and his body turned weak with your yells of desperation filling his ears. his face softened as he really looked at you, frowning deeply before taking a step forward, completely dropping his amusement as he flipped your body around with his bruised and cut knuckles, pushing you towards privacy.
his hand was hesitant as it ghosted over your lower back, practically guiding you to the silent corner of the hall.
“what is it?”
“what happened?” your voice was stern as you stared at him with harshness and a hint of worry, something you couldn’t suppress.
“what do you mean?”
you scoffed, “what do i mean? louis, you get the shit punched out of you, don’t say anything about it on the car ride home, then you’re gone for over two weeks, and then just show up. i want to know why.”
“why what, sweetheart?” he frowned, quirking a brow, not giving it up so easy, whatever it was. “shit happens.”
you licked the inside of your cheek, staring at him in disappointment, “shit happens,” you whispered, nodding slightly before turning, not wanting to push it or rather not wanting to receive his dull tone no longer.
“y/n,” he grabbed your bicep quickly, turning you back to face him. his face was much closer than before, his eyebrows slightly lifted, “i’m sorry. you shouldn’t have seen that. they shouldn’t have even touched you,” his eyes slightly twitched to the side of your jaw where your healing bruise was.
he inhaled sharply and couldn’t help but lay his middle and index finger along the pinkish red and yellow mark. you inhaled sharply at how gentle his touch was, your eyes meeting his as he pulled away, straightening his posture while no longer holding any contact with you.
“i thought it’d be worse,” he mumbled, his eyes reaching the floor before looking back into your curious eyes.
“well,” you slightly huffed, “you should see my hip.” he glanced down to the lining of your shirt before meeting your eyes, “how bad are yours?”
he seemed hesitant before reaching for the hem of his white shirt, slightly bringing it up to reveal a large bruise running along his rib cage with the matching colors to your jaw. it made your eyes slight widen as you almost gasped, surprised as you didn’t think they had hit him that much below the neck.
“louis,” you exhaled, covering your mouth as you couldn’t take your eyes off the injury.
“they jumped me after practice,” he laughed a little, but you found no amusement.
“louis, that is not okay.”
“don’t worry about me, juliet.”
“they’re going to kill you,” your voice increased in volume as you took a step closer, “and for what?”
“y/n,” he gave you a pointed look, “it’s not that easy.”
“really?” you were baffled, “because it seems to me like it is. what do you even owe him, louis?”
he seems hesitant as he looks to the side before back at you, “we’re on the same hockey team and i got deemed team captain about two months ago and scouts always look at the team captain, doubling your chances of getting recruited for a college team,” he explained making you frown as you found the lack of connection. “jack wants to be captain because he knows without it, he won’t be recruited.”
you licked the inside of your cheek as you stared at him, “then why don’t you give it to him, louis? if you’re good enough to get team captain, i don’t think you should be concerned about being recruited.”
he scoffed lowly, shaking his head as he looked to the ceiling, “because i’m an asshole, sweetheart.”
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Q | what’s your favorite pet name? (sweetheart, baby, princess, etc.) just so i know for future works.