Poe Dameron Imagines - Tumblr Posts

The Perfect Mix

The Perfect Mix

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Prompts -  "I can't believe you didn't wish me a Happy Father's Day" "We don't have a kid?"

The mission had been long but they had come through it and been victorious, they had taken some First Order members down and gotten the information they needed. Everyone on the base was in high spirits, a welcome change from the dread of what was to come and a cause for celebration. 

Poe and you sat pressed together, shoulder to shoulder, in a booth with your friends surrounding you. There were too many empty glasses on the table for any of you to count in your drunken state but more kept being brought over. Everyone refused to dwell on the future, tonight was a win and you all were determined to enjoy this feeling for as long as you could.

You turned your head to look over towards Poe who was playfully arguing with BB-8 about something you couldn’t quite follow, you weren’t fluent at speaking droid and depended on Poe whenever BB-8 spoke but you were getting better. Still, seeing the smile spread across Poe’s face had you smiling over at him, warmth spreading through you that had nothing to do with the alcohol and everything to do with the man in front of you.

It wasn’t easy, some days things got too much. Some days fighting the First Order was frustrating and long and everything seemed hopeless. There were days when one of you would let the frustration overwhelm you and you took it out on the other, starting fights or shutting them out. You were always there though to help the other work through it, to be the shoulder to cry on when the emotions finally exploded, to hold the other close after a long, unproductive day, to bring a cup of caf and sit by each other’s side silently until the one who was scared about everything was ready to talk.

It wasn’t easy, it wasn’t perfect but it was real and it was everything you could hope for. Poe was amazing, you never wanted for anything when you were with him. Your heart ached sometimes with how much love you felt for him. 

One day this would be over, there would be no more fighting against the First Order, then it would be perfect. There wouldn’t be any worries about Poe leaving and not coming back, about him being hurt or killed. You hated when he left, loved how passionate he was to the cause and ached to have him back in your arms.

Looking at him now, his whole face lit up as BB-8 chirped something you couldn’t make out you were glad he had made the first move all those months ago, glad he was so confident and outgoing that he had no problem walking up to you one day after you’d finished maintenance on BB-8 and asked you on a date. You didn’t hesitate to say yes, you knew you’d liked him from the moment you’d met him however long ago when he was injured badly enough that he couldn’t do the maintenance needed on his X-wing and you had offered to help, being the one to do the maintenance of his ship ever since.

“Hey!” Poe exclaimed suddenly, causing you to snap out of your thoughts and give him your full attention, watching as he turned to face you with a confused look. “Why haven’t you wished me a Happy Father’s Day?” 

A huff of laughter left you as you looked back at him with confusion spreading across your own features, eyes glancing to the table that held even more empty glasses and wondered just how much he had had to drink tonight.

“What,” You began, pausing to laugh which only caused his eyes to widen even more and you had never been able to resist that look, “What are you talking about? We don’t have a kid?” 

The words were slightly slurred, of course they were after how many drinks you yourself had had, but Poe’s eyes still narrowed at them, sitting up straighter in the booth and giving you the most offended look he could muster, looking at you like he could hardly recognise you which only made you laugh some more.

“Are you kidding?” He exclaimed and you were confused for only a few seconds longer before he gestured wildly over to BB-8 who was stood by his feet and chirping away happily, beeps you couldn’t understand as he spun in a circle. 

It took a second before Poe’s meaning registered but you couldn’t help but laugh loudly once they did, leaning against Poe’s shoulder as he tried his best to maintain his offended look but when it came to you he was a weak man and a smile spread across his face at the sound of your laughter.

It really was the best sound in the whole galaxy.

It was a few minutes before you managed to contain yourself, your laughter subsiding though a few giggles escaped and you pushed away from Poe’s shoulder to grin over at him, lifting one hand to cup his cheek before bringing your lips together.

The kiss was messy, no coordination on either side but it didn’t matter, the two of you were more than happy to get lost in it, forgetting about your friends who surrounded you as you bumped noses and forehead.

“Happy Father’s Day.” You mumbled against his lips once the two of you pulled away, “You’re the best dad a droid could ever ask for.” 

Poe couldn’t stop the smile that spread across his face as he brought a hand up to cup your cheek, his thumb brushing across your cheekbone as he drew you into another kiss. This one was slightly more coordinated but softer and slower and Poe drew you closer to him, only pulling away when BB-8 beeped at him and bumped into his leg.

“Thanks buddy.” Poe grinned down at the droid, pulling away from you slightly to pat BB-8 before turning back towards you, his grin softening into a smile as he saw how your face lit up, even under the bad lighting off the bar. 

He couldn’t resist cupping your cheek again and pulling you into him, your lips soft against his own as he took his time tracing his tongue across your bottom lip waiting for you to grant him access and tried to convey just how much love he felt for you in a single kiss.

Finally the two of you pulled away, breathless and smiling, neither of you noticing the way the people around you grinned over at the pair of you, completely lost in your own little world. 

“You really are a good dad you know, one day you’ll be an amazing dad to a little baby Dameron.” You told him as you entwined you fingers with his, looking down and watching your thumb trace his knuckles and completely missing the way his eyes softened, his whole body softened really, as he stared at you with hope shining in his eyes, thinking that nothing could be better than raising a little baby Dameron with you.

“Little baby Dameron, huh?” He said softly, watching you look up to meet his gaze and let his other hand come up to brush a piece of hair that had fallen into your face aside. “I hope they have your eyes.” 

At his words he watched your smile brighten as you leaned into his touch before turning your head to kiss his knuckles. Poe couldn’t wait to start the next chapter of his life with you, desperate for the fight against the First Order to be done and won so that he could give you the life you deserved.

“I hope they have your smile.” You told him just as softly as he had spoken, your free hand coming up to trace his lower lip.

Poe would do anything he had to to make sure the Resistance won, to end this war as fast as possible so that he could be by your side as he watched you hold a baby that was the perfect mix of the two of you. A baby that had your eyes, his smile, your nose and his hair, maybe Poe’s love of flying mixed with your love of tinkering. 

All Poe knew was that he was ready for that, you were ready for that, and it was up to him to make a future where the two of you could raise your own kid together possible.

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Promise Me Forever

Promise Me Forever

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Prompt -  'Promises were a dangerous thing, they were thrown around carelessly, broken easily but he swore he would never break his, not when it meant you would stop smiling up at him like that, like he was the only person in the whole galaxy.’

Whenever Poe was away you always felt some level of anxiety in the pit of your stomach. Some days it was manageable, if he was only gone for a day or two you were fine, there wasn’t enough time to worry too much, but on missions like this, missions were nobody was able to give you a time limit for how long he’d be gone, those were the days your anxiety was at its worse.

You and Poe had been friends long before confessing your feelings to one another, you’d had a long time to adjust to him being gone for missions in that time and yet you never quite got used to watching him leave and worrying about when he’d return…if he’d return.

You always knew when you watched his X-wing leave that there was a chance something could happen to him, a chance that he might not come home to you and you tried, you tried so hard to ignore the thought, to block it out until you were in his arms again. On missions like this though, missions where he had been gone for ten days now, you couldn’t push the thought away, no matter how much you tried, no matter how much extra work you took on, it was always there, lurking in your mind.

There had been no word from the squadron sent out either, none of them had contacted the base with updates and the silence only made you worry even more. You tried to convince yourself he was fine, you knew he was talented, knew it would take much more than this mission to knock Poe down and yet once the work was done for the day and you found yourself alone in your shared bed, one of his shirts covering your body and your face buried in his pillow, you couldn’t stop picturing every bad thing that could have happened to him.

When two more days passed without a word from him you feared the worst. Twelve days of radio silence from the entire squadron wasn’t normal, sure, sometimes it took them a day or two to send a message back home but in the entire time you’d been a member of the Resistance you couldn’t remember a time it had taken this long to communicate with a team and people at the base were trying, every hour of every day, to form some sort of contact with the squadron only to hear nothing back.

Whereas you had taken to working as much as possible in the first few days of Poe being gone, now you couldn’t focus on anything other than the overwhelming fear that you wouldn’t see Poe again, wouldn’t get to feel how safe Poe’s arms felt around you, how grounding the feeling was after worrying about him for days.

“He’ll be fine.” A voice said from behind you, causing you to jump and look away from the window.

Leia was watching you, a comforting but sympathetic smile on her face. You tried to force your own smile but couldn’t find the strength too, instead you found yourself holding back a sudden oncoming of tears. Despite the fact you had worked directly under her for a long time now you still couldn’t let yourself cry in front of her. 

“Trust me,” she said, a look in her eyes that would have had you believing anything she said. Leia always seemed to know if something was wrong, there had been times where a squadron had been attacked, some members hurt or killed, and she always seemed to know. “He’ll be home before you know it.”

As always seemed to be the case Leia was right. 

Fourteen days of the squadron being gone you had finally, finally, received a message from them. They had ran into trouble with members of the First Order, two members had been killed but the rest were ok, a little bruised and beaten but they were ok, they were alive and heading home.

Upon hearing the message, hearing Poe’s voice, you felt your knees give way and had to grip the table tightly in order to stay upright. Your eyes fell shut in relief as you felt a weight fall from your shoulders, though not all of it, you knew it wouldn’t be gone completely until you had Poe back in your arms. 

It took a day for the squadron to return but once it was announced that they were landing, you pushed away from the work in front of you, spared one pleading look towards Leia who smiled and gestured for you to go and took off running towards the hangar.

Poe was already climbing out of the cockpit and off the X-wing, his eyes automatically scanning the room for you and he couldn’t stop the smile that spread across his face as he saw you run into the room. He was making his way towards you before your eyes had found him but he saw the moment you spotted him, your whole body seemed to tense up, tears filled your eyes before you met him halfway.

You practically crashed into Poe’s arms, the man having to take a few steps back in order to make sure the two of you stayed upright, but he didn’t hesitate to wrap his arms around you tightly, burying his face into your hair as he held you close. He could feel how tightly you were holding him, his jacket gripped in your fingers as you rested your cheek against his chest, eyes closed in a desperate attempt to stop the tears that welled in your eyes but you still felt them trickle down your cheeks anyway. 

The two of you stood there for a long time, no words being said between the two of you, the pair of you just needing to hold the other. Poe needed the comforting feel of you in his arms after being away for so long, after the mission resulted in the loss of two members of his squadron and you needed to feel Poe, needed to hear the steady beat of his heart against your ear, assuring yourself that he was here, he was ok, he was home.

Eventually the two of you pulled apart from each other, not going far, Poe kept his arms circled around you but you pulled yours back so that you could cup his head in your hand. Poe brought his forehead down to rest softly against yours, finally letting one hand leave your waist so he could brush away the tears on your cheek, smiling softly at you as he did.

“You’re ok?” You asked him softly, so softly he would have missed it if he wasn’t standing so close to you. 

Poe nodded against your forehead causing your head to move with him and a smile pulled at your lips in what felt like the first time in days and he couldn’t help himself, he leaned down and pressed your lips together.

At first it was nothing more than a soft brushing of your lips, could barely be called a kiss, and he pulled away but you chased his lips, pressing yours back against his in the complete opposite style he had.

The kiss you placed against his lips was desperate, it was messy and you let every bit of fear you’d felt over the past two weeks, every bit of relief you felt now that he was back seep into the kiss. Poe kissed back just as passionately, kissed you back just as wildly, letting you know that he had missed you, letting you know how much he needed you, how seeing you after this mission was exactly what he needed. 

Your hands slid up into his hair, gripping the locks between your fingers and Poe’s hand that rested on your cheek seemed to try and draw you in closer to him, impossibly closer, and his arm around your waist tightened as if he could hold you in that moment forever. 

The two of you remained completely oblivious to the others that were in the hangar, politely averting their gazes though smiles spread across their faces at the reunion. With how stressful things had been getting lately it was nice to have these moments on the base, moments of love and happiness rather than fear and uncertainty. 

Eventually the need for air overcame the pair of you and you both pulled away, again only going far enough so that your foreheads knocked together gently, the two of you panting for air as Poe’s thumb traced your swollen bottom lip.

“I missed you so much, baby.” Poe murmured and you nodded, letting out a laugh that sounded more like a sob causing Poe to lean forward and press a gentle peck to your lips.

“I missed you too,” you told him, swallowing around the lump in your throat, playing with the curls in between your fingers, “I was so scared when you didn’t-”

“Hey, it’s ok, I’m here, I’m ok,” Poe said when you stopped mid-sentence, thoughts of what if’s assaulting your mind, “I’m right here, baby, I’m not leaving you.” He promised and you felt yourself nodding, hoping to anyone that would listen that he was able to keep it.

You were about to speak again when you were interrupted by something crashing into your legs and you looked down to see BB-8 spinning in circles, beeping wildly and you couldn’t help but laugh, leaning into Poe’s chest as you did, Poe looking down at you and smiling himself.

He had missed you so much and as he watched you crouch down and wrap your arms around BB-8, the droid happily beeping, telling you how much he had missed you and you telling him you’d missed him too, Poe couldn’t ignore the way his heart seemed to speed up and a warmth spread through his entire body.

He loved you so much. The only thing that got him through some of his missions, who was he kidding it got him through all of his missions, was the fact that he knew you were going to be here when he got back, knew you were going to be in the hangar waiting for him.

He watched as you smiled up at him from your position on the floor, BB-8 still pressing himself into your arms and he couldn’t help but pull you up, couldn’t stop himself from leading through the hallways until you got back to your room, ready to forget the mission, forgot the tension that seemed to loom over the whole base and instead focus on you.

As the two of you lay in bed, hours later with you asleep on his chest, Poe couldn’t stop his hand coming up, his fingers finding the silver band attached to a chain that lay around his neck and he swore in that moment he would do everything he could to keep his promise to you, he would never leave you.

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6 years ago

Christophsis  - Poe Dameron

Poe Dameron x Fem!reader

Warnings: none

Word count: 997

Summary: General Organa's daughter goes to pick the best pilot in the resistance after he got stranded

Author’s Note: my first Poe Imagine sorry if it ain’t that good (yet)




“Hey mom” I said answering the hologram

“Hey sweetheart, I got to ask a favor of you” she said

“Shoot” I said sitting down in the pilots seat of my J-Type 327 Nubian royal Starship.

“I need you to pick up one of my pilots. His X-Wing crashed on Christophsis. It’ll be him and his droid.”

“Yeah I’m actually near Christophsis so I’ll pick him up and meet you at D’Qar.”

“Thank you sweetie see you soon” she said before ending the call.

See I was coming back from getting supplies from Coruscant. I haven’t seen my mom in person in years, calls all the time but I’ve been recruiting people for the Resistance also supplies for them to; Ships, parts, droids, etc. . .

^ ^ ^

I got to Christophsis, looking around for person and droid that my mom described. Suddenly I felt something bump into my leg, turning around I looked down to see a little BB-8 unit. He started beeping excitedly then it hit me it was the little BB-8 unit I use to fix up and play pranks on people with.

“BB! Oh My-” I kneeled down.

He started beeping excitedly and talking to me when a tall dark haired, handsome man walked up right behind him.

“BB-8 we don’t just run into people. I’m sorry, I don’t know what got into him.” the handsome stranger said

“No problem I actually know BB here. And I believe I’m your ride off of this rock.” I smirked up at him

“What?” he asked confused

“You crashed here, I was sent to pick you and BB up. Granted at the time I didn’t know the droid was BB here but that was a pleasant surprise. . . Ok you still look confused General Organa sent me.” I told him

“General Organa sent you?! Thank the stars” he exclaimed, and I couldn’t help but giggle.

“Yeah, lets leave. The sooner we leave the sooner we got to D’Qar, And you two back to the Resistance.” I told them making a motion for them to follow  me towards my ship.

BB-8 started rolling straight onto my ship and the pilot followed behind me. Once we got on I shut the door and pushed the button for the landing pad to close. Walking over to the pilots seat I sat down and put in the coordinates to D´Qar and started to get us in the air. Once we got into space I put us in hyperspace.

“Ok so do-do you work with the Resistance?“ he asked, that's when I noticed he was seated in the co-pilots seat.

“Uh, yeah. I usually get  supplies, smuggler when needed. “ I smirked in his direction

“You know I never got your name?“

“Thats because I didn't give it to you“ I told him stifling a giggle

“I´m Poe Dameron Resistance pilot. Seems you already know BB-8 here.“ He told me pointing to himself then to BB.

“Well short version my mom really trust me with stuff thatś why I´m in a lot of stuff thats off records and I'm trusted with a lot of classified information.“ I told him getting up to check system controls before we get any closer.

“Your mom. Wait whos your mom?“ he asked turning to look at me.

“Leia, well I guess to you its General Leia Organa.“ I said moving back to the pilot chair. Were coming out of hyperspace soon.“

I looked over to him he looked at me jaw dropped eyes poping out of his head, he looked dumbfounded

“Are you ok there?“ I asked glancing over to him

“General Organa has a daughter?!“ he exclaimed shocked, well more shocked then before

“Yeah, Leia and Han, mom and dad, General Organa and General Solo. They had twins, me and Ben.“ my voice flattering at the memory of my brother

“General Organa never talks about a daughter and Ive never met or seen you before?“ he said

“I - uh , haven't seen her in person in years just calls. So this will be interesting.“ ?I said trying to keep my voice steady

For the next hour or so we got to know each other and we even started flirting together. It's strange I think Iḿ getting feelings for him. I have never had feelings for anyone, crap. What do I do? Does he feel the same? I mean he's flirting back and I have been making him blush.

As we come out of hyperspace and I landed the ship next to some X-Wing. As soon as I opened the door and the ramp touched the floor BB zoomed out and Poe and I started walking off the ship.

“BB-8 nice to have you back. And you Commander Dameron.“ General Organa said before pausing as I poked out from behind Poe

“Hey mom, long time no -“ I squealed when Poe pushed me into the arms of my mother.

“It's great to have you back“ she said into my hair before kissing my head

“I missed you mom“ ?I told her wrapping my arms around her tight

“I missed you to sweetie“ she said, before we pulled away

I stepped back, she looked towards Poe

“I'm gonna need a full report in about a hour, Commander Dameron.“ she said to him, and he nodded. “We'll  catch up later.“ she told me before walking away.

“So I bet your a really busy person Commander so I´ll see you around I guess“ I said awkwardly before I started to turn but then he grabbed my bicep turning me around. I raised my eyebrows at him.

“I was wondering could we - uh - if your gonna stay around awhile, maybe we - uh - could go on a date or hang out sometime?“ he asked in a stuttering mess.

“I get the feeling you don't do this often and that your normally really confident“ i smiled at his nervous face “yeah I would like that“

“Great!“ he said before kissing my cheek and off he went to give a report.

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5 years ago

Can’t Walk Or Something - Poe Dameron

Poe x Fem!reader

Leia & Han x daughter reader

Warnings: none

Word count: 843

Summary: Poe is stubborn and won’t go to the medbay when he’s hurt so Leia sends her daughter

Authors Note: the gif is like the introducing part kinda a little I guess 




“y/n nice of you to show up” Leia mumbled as she saw her daughter enter the control room.

“Sorry, mom. R2 needed a screw tightened but it turned out he actually needed a tune-up and it all took longer than I thought it would.” y/n panted out of breath from running to meet her mother having been running late since R2 needed her.

“Its ok sweetheart.” Leia smiled at her daughter knowing how close her and R2 have been since she was even just a baby.

“Oh” y/n said letting out a breath, feeling better.

“I need you to take one of my pilots to the medbay.” her mother told her with a smile

“He can’t walk there or something?” y/n asked confused. If he was hurt why wouldn’t he got there himself?

Leia laughed lightly at the look on her daughters face “no he can walk but he refuses to go”

The look of confusion didn’t go away on y/n’s face. What did her mom want her to do about it? “So what do you need me to do?”

Leia smirked knowing her daughter would enjoy her idea. “I was hoping you could knock him out with the force and use it to take him there.”

“Against his will?” y/n asked trying not to smile so she stated biting her lip.

“Yeah, pretty much. He’s a lot like your father.”

“Stubborn to the outer rim and back?” y/n asked her mom. It was an inside joke they had when she was little about her father.

“Yeah.” Leia smiled and they both laughed

“Ok then” y/n stated and then left to go find this pilot that her mom said to knock out. Name on the paper he mother gave her said “Poe Dameron”.

Leia smiled watching her daughter. Hoping that her plan would work. One get Poe to the medbay, and two hopefully get the two to finally notice each other.

She was kinda glad that Han wasn’t at the base anymore. He would not approve of her trying to set their daughter up. Especially with a guy that risks his life as much as Poe does.

“Are you mister Poe Dameron?” y/n asked walking into the hanger and over to the pilot with an orange and white droid her mom said would most likely be with the pilot.

“That I am” the pilot smiled before looking at the woman before him up and down. His smile growing.

“Good. finding you was easy.”

Poe at that was confused. “What are you talking-” he started to ask before she lifted her hand up and suddenly his world turned black as he passed out.

“Hmmm, that was easier than I thought it would be.” y/n spoke tilting her head amused at how easy it was to knock out the best pilot in the resistance with the force.

“Who are you? Who do you think you-” one of the pilots nearby started questioning the Jedi knight.

I’ll stop you right there. I’m y/n Organa-Solo, and my mother wants Mr.Dameron here to go to the medbay.” y/n stated

“So she sent you to knock him out and take him to the medbay?” a different pilot asked.Y/n noticed he was the pilot that Poe was talking and joking with before she came over to them.

“Pretty much exactly that.” she nodded before using the force to lift Poe and start out of the hanger and to the medbay.

“I can’t wait to find out how this ends.” the pilot stated, laughing.

After getting him to the medbay they looked him over and stitched him up. Y/n  waited there for him to wake up knowing that he might freak out since he definitely didn't pass out in the medbay.

A ‘umph’ noise came out from the pilot as he started to wake up

“Careful, don't want to pull your stitches.” y/n stated noticing him starting to move around harshly not knowing where he woke up or what happened.

“Why do I have stitches?!” Poes exclaimed looking at the woman that he was talking to before everything went black.

“Because you were hurt.” y/n told him stating the obvious

“I’m in the medbay?” Poe asked after looking around

“Uh, yeah. I brought you here. Direct orders from General Organa.”y/n smirked. Understanding why her mom asked her to do what she did.

“Of course” Poe grumbled laying back down

“You should have just gone when she asked you to the first time.” y/n said smiling at the pilot's frustration and amusement.

“Yeah, but you know I wouldn’t of met you then if I did.” he smirked looking at her

“I knocked you out that isn’t exactly meeting.” y/n laughed at his antics

“My bad. Poe Dameron, best pilot in the resistance.” he smiled introducing himself

“Y/n Organa-Solo, one of the last Jedi, and daughter of General Leia Organa and famous smuggler Han Solo.” She smiled back, introducing herself.

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4 years ago

Flying Lesson - Poe Dameron

Poe Dameron x Solo Fem!reader

Warnings: none

Word count: 1253

Summary: Poe thinks the reader doesn’t know how to fly. So he’s going to teach her. But let’s not forget the reader is a Solo/Skywalker.

Authors Note: Poe talks a lot and is so busy maybe he doesn’t notice you can already fly.




Y/n turned around at the sound of footsteps approaching to see Poe with an excited grin on his face. “Ok, ready for your first flying lesson?” He clapped his hands together, rocking on the balls of his feet.

Y/n sighed. She had tryed to tell him before when he first mentioned teaching her how to fly that she already knew how. “Yeah, but Poe I already-”

“Good. So I’m gonna teach you on my X-Wing.” Poe smiled even wider if that was even possible. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders, pulling her into him before heading himself and her to the hanger.

Once they reached the hanger Poe leads them both over towards where his X-Wing is stationed. Y/n can’t help but think he really needs to shut up and listen more. She’s a Solo and a Skywalker, of course, she knows how to fly. Probably better than him. It’s in her blood. “So climb on up.” Poe gestured to the ladder, smirking at the thought of watching her go up. He always loved that view.

“Yes, commander” Y/n smiled up at him, saluting. If he didn’t want to listen then she’ll play along… Then shock the bantha shit out of him. 

“Ok so…” Poe started as he got in, sitting right behind her in the tight space. Poe got to explaining all the controls, but all Y/n did was hum and nod along. “Got it?” he asked once he was done.

“Yup” Y/n stated kinda emphasizing the ‘p’ in the ‘yup’.

“Good now let’s take it for a test drive.” Poe clapped with his arms around her. Moving them to rest around her waist so they won’t be in the way when she started up and flew the X-Wing.

Y/n started up the X-Wing, one they were in the air for awhile Poe wanted to see how much she really listened to of his instructions. “Ok so now that we’re in the air try turning.”

Y/n sighed but kept it quiet so Poe wouldn’t hear. She turned the X-Wing like he said, it’s hard to not laugh but that would give it all away.

“Poe patted her leg in excitement. “Great. Now the opposite direction.”

“Like that?” Y/n asked him coyly, turning her head slightly to see him out of the corner of her eyes.

“Yeah just like that.” He smiled proudly leaning forward a tiny bit to place a kiss on her exposed neck. Y/n tryed shrugging him off and Poe started laughing. “OK, now I’m gonna keep my mouth shut.”

“Are you sure you’re capable of doing that?” Y/n snarked back at him. ‘Does he know how much he talks?’ she thought to herself. Besides if he actually ever shut up he’d know she can already pilot.

Poe laughed “Haha. But I’m just gonna sit here and you pilot. Let’s see how you do.”

Y/n smirked, “Prepare to be amazed, Dameron.” Y/n started to flip switches that Poe didn’t even explain to her about.

Poe tightened his grip on her slightly. “What? Wait what do you mean-”

“Ah, ah, ah, you said you’d be quiet Dameron.” Y/n tutted at him.

Once y/n stated pulling trick after trick in the air, she could feel Poe’s grip go deadly tight around her waist. Y/n was pulling tricks that her father taught her and tricks she learned from her force ghost grandfather.

^                 ^                ^   

“Wait!” Poe called after her. “Y/n wait up!” He called again chasing after her in the hanger but kept tripping over his own feet.  

“Hey, mom.”Y/n smiled walking into the command center.

“Hey, hun. WHats up?” Leia reached her hand out towards Y/n.

“Well, remember what I told about Poe wanting to teach me how to fly.” Y/n took her hand, tilting her head in a mischievous way.

Leia rolled her eyes. “Yeah. Even though you already know how to fly.”

Y/n bit her lip nodding along. “Well, he just taught me how to fly his X-Wing.”

“I thought you were going to tell him that you already know how to pilot?” Leia questioned her daughter with a knowing look.

“I tryed but he cut me off, again. SO I just went with it.” Y/n shrugged her shoulders turning her gaze to the floor. Hoping her mom wouldn’t catch on to what she might have done.

“You didn’t.” Leia gave Y/n a pointed look but you could see the amusement behind her expression.

“He was so excited to teach me. SoI went along with it. Let him teach me the controls and button.” Y/n explained holding her hands up and shrugging her shoulders.

“y/n” Leia said in a questioning tone.

Y/n shrugged dropping her hands. “Then once we were in the air I might have shown him a thing or two.”

Leia smiled at Y/n “you shocked the Hut out of him, didn’t you?” She asked but it was more of a statement.

“Yu’p’” Y/n nodded confidently

“Y/n!” Poe’s scream came echoing through the hall as he approached the control room.

“Here comes flyboy.” Leia smirked at her daughter. Winking before walking away to give them space.

“Yeah.” Y/n huffed out before turning towards the direction where Poe is gonna appear. “Hey Poe.” she smiled at him innocently.

“Y/n. What in the Wampa was that?!” Poe asked with wide eyes and out of breath.

Y/n shook her head in question. “What ever do you mean Poe?” She let a small smile twitch at her lips.

“You know what! You pulled moves out there that not even I knew how to do.”Poe panted out, waving his hands around trying to get out what he was explaining.

“Well if you would have listened to me. I tryed to tell you that I already knew how to fly.” Y/n crossed her arms over her chest, popping out her hip.

“If you already know how to fly why did you still go on as if you didn’t know?” Poe asked more calmly. Copying her pose. Adding a tilt of his head.

Y/n let out a sigh dropping her arms to her sides. Grabbing Poe’s bicep and pulling him over to a spot in the room that's not so occupied with people. Giving them more privacy. “Because Poe, you were so excited to teach me, and I didn’t want to ruin that. It was adorable and telling you would’ve put a downer in the whole happy mood you were in. So I went along with it. Till you told me to take over for myself.” As y/n explained her side of things she could see Poe relaxing, she could see the wheels turning in his head. Y/n smiled at him, shrugging before continuing. “And honestly, we don’t get to have many carefree moments fighting this war. I had a great time having you teach me how to fly. Even though I already knew how to. It was fun.”

Poe shook his head with a wide smile on his face. He couldn’t help the laugh that escaped him. “What did I ever do to deserve you Y/n Solo.” Poe looked at her with adoration. Placing his hands on her hips, pulling her closer.

Y/n laced her hands together at the back of his neck. “I don’t know Poe Dameron. But I’m sure glad you did.”

Tags :
4 years ago

Star Wars Masterlist


Main Masterlist

By ~ @chloe-skywalker​

* = Requested

Star Wars Masterlist
Star Wars Masterlist
Star Wars Masterlist

Poe Dameron:

~ Flying lesson

~ Can’t Walk Or Something

~ Christophsis

~ Mission Together?

~ Live Without You

~ May The 4th/Force Be With You

~ Injuries

~ Expecting Twins ( Part 1 ~ Part 2 )

~ Parting Scars

~ Grown Up

Han Solo:

~ My Thing (x Daughter reader)

~ Oh Kriff No! (x Daughter reader)

Cal Kestis: (from game “Jedi Fallen Order”)

~ Knew

~ The Right Thing

~ No More Order

~ Its Over

~ I Won't Leave You

Obi Wan Kenobi:

~ Forgotten Feelings, But New Chances

~ Missed Alot

~ But Why?

Darth Vader / Anakin Skywalker:

~ Why Am I Here? (Vader’s Daughter)

Kylo Ren / Ben Solo:

~ Heart Condition *

Tags :
3 years ago

Mission Together? - Poe Dameron

Poe x Fem!reader Solo/Organa/Skywalker

Warnings: none

Word count: 837

Summary: Will Poe Be able to control his feelings when the mission is about a certain someone? They talk about it.

Authors Note: If you guys want me to make a part 2 where the mission happens comment below or in the ask box 

P.S. I turned 21 guys! I find it ironic that when I chose what days to schedule the stories to post on I did not realize that one of them was the 21rst till after I did it. I have one posted on the 21rst and I turned 21 the exact month and year, I found it funny lol.


Star Wars Masterlist



Poe smiled as he left the mall bathroom to see Y/n/n still asleep. What saddened him a bit was that he got back not long ago from talking with Leia, and she requested him to wake her up. Considering they stay in the same room. “Y/n, it’s time to get up.” Poe spoke softly as he gently shook her awake.

“Go away. Sleep time.” Y/n grumbled, digging her head further into her pillow.

Poe chuckled “Well get up and go tell your mom that.”

Y/n shook her head ‘no’, answering with a quick reply. “No way.”

“Why not?” Poe asked raising an eyebrow in the process, confused and assumed by how fast she replied. 

“Cause that would mean I would have to tell her why I want more sleep. That leads to telling her what you and I did last night.” Y/n stated as she turned to face him and moved to sit up in bed up against the headboard. She gave him a pointed look as if to make her point further. “An that’s never going to be a discussion I have with my mother.”

“Don’t want your mom to know about what we do in bed?” Poe smirked leaning in closer to her. He playfully went in to nip at her neck.

Y/n let out a huffed laugh. “Would you want to talk about what we do in bed with my mother? Or better yet, she’s your general.”

Poe stopped once he heard her words. He pulled back from her neck and nodded with a gulp. “Ok, ok I see your point.” 

“Yeah.” She stretched out the word and nodded along with him. “What was the reason she had you come to wake me?”

“We have a mission.” Poe answered with excitement in his voice and eyes.

“Together?” Y/s asked shocked with wide eyes

“Hmmmhmm” he nodded with a smile

Y/n furrowed her brow “Why?”

“Why? What do you mean why?” Poe asked taken back by her response.

“She never pairs us together because we-” Y/n pointed between them. “-Are together. It’s a conflict of interest, it could cause problems with us and the mission. Don’t get me wrong I’m glad we get to have a mission together cause yes they are a rarity. But my question of ‘why?’ still stands.”

“Well, I do think I know why.” Poe said with his head tilted back and up to the side.

She squinted at him before laughing. “Please do share your knowledge.”

But when Poe looked at her once again the look in his eyes wasn’t a playful one. It was serious.

“The mission.” Poe started and Y/n nodded in acknowledgment. “It evolves your brother.” Poe finished and studied her face to see her reaction. After all he’s good at reading her.

“Oh” was all that left her mouth at his words.

“Are you ok?” Poe asked interlacing their hands together.

“Hmmmhmm: she hummed wordlessly

Poe reached up with his unoccupied hand to cup her cheek so she’d look him in the eyes before stating softly. “Hey, you know you can talk to me right?”

Of course, Y/n knew that. She trusted Poe with her life and all her secrets. He is one of the only people that know the story of what happened to her brother and who he is now.

“Are you going to be ok with that? With my brother being involved?” Y/n asked him Ben Solo or as he goes by now Kylo Ren has been a topic that leads to overprotection and a fight once between the couple. Y/n watched as Poe just sat there in front of her looking off at the wall, eyes very blank. “Poe!”

“I don’t like him.” Poe grumbled turning his attention back to her.

“I know” Y/n smiled sympathetically. Kylo had tortured him and all she understood his dislike.  

“Everything he’s done.” he scoffed

“I know” she nodded in understanding

“The way he treats you.” Poes face tinted red thinking about how Y/ns brother treated her and the other members of his own family. “I can’t stand it.”

“I know babe, I know.” Y/n ran her hand that was free through his hair. Trying to soothe his anger and nerves.

“I’m not gonna let him touch you.” his voice was hard but Y/n could hear the vaurinbltliy behind it.

“You can’t control that-” As much as Y/n appreciated his protectiveness and care, she knows he can’t prevent her brother from doing anything. No one can. But maybe her, but she’s still to drained from the last encounter she had with him.

“I can damn well try.” Poe stated with no room for arguing. Doesn’t matter if the guy tortured him before or the fact that he is the brother of the love of his life. Kylo Ren is never gonna lay a finger on her, ever again. Not if Poe has anything to do with it.

Tags :
3 years ago

Live Without You - Poe Dameron

Poe x Fem!reader

Warnings: none

Word count: 543

Summary: Poe has a very special question to ask Y/n.

Authors Note: just some random love between Poe and reader


Star Wars Masterlist



“BB, what's wrong?!” Y/n asked as BB-8zoomed over to her in the giant Rebel hanger. BB-8 started talking so fast but Y/n was able to understand him so she nodded. “Ok, ok. I’m going, I’m going.”

Y/n got up and followed the little orange and white droid. BB ended up leading her outside a good walk away from the base but not to far. Once coming upon an open space where all the trees were surrounding a clearing with her pilot standing in the middle of a romantic little set up around him. “Poe, what's all this?”

“Thanks BB-8.” Poe smiled at his droid who made a beep of acknowledgment before turning around and leaving the couple alone.

“Poe?” Y/n spoke, gaining his attention. “This is beautiful.” She gestured with her hands to the area around them that he had decorated with lanterns, blankets, etc etc.

Poe smiled at her, even blushing a bit at her compliments of his handy work. “I’m glad you like it.”

Y/n walked over to him, raising her hands to cup his cheeks. “I love it.”

After she spoke Y/n noticed how her words seemed to let him relax as he let out a breath of relief. “Ok, Poe. What's going on?” Y/n asked pulling back to look him in the eyes.

“The first order hasn’t been on our ass’s as of late. So I wanted to take this opportunity to do something I’ve been wanting to do for a while now.” Poe stated making Y/n slightly confused, but she kept quiet to listen and Poe noticed. “Y/n, we’ve known each other since we were teens, and we only got closer once I came here to help and to join the Resistance. An since we got together it has been some of the best years of my life.”

Y/n smiled bashfully. “Mine too.”

“I don’t want to live without you. We’ve been through so much. Especially in the last couple of years and months.” Poe stared into her eyes with pure adoration as he got down onto one knee. “I don’t want to ever be without you and I’d love for us to be more than just dating, boyfriend and girlfriend, however you want to put it. I would like to be bonded for the rest of our lives. Family.”

Y/n gasped. “Poe…”

“Y/n Solo, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?” Poe pulled out an all too familiar ring. A ring that Poe's has shown her before. His mothers ring.

“Yes! Poe. Yes, of course!” Y/n nodded, breaking into a huge smile full of pure love, adoration and happiness.

Poe quickly but gently slipped the ring onto her finger before standing up and pulling her into a tight hug, even lifting her off the ground in the process. “I love you Y/n Solo.”

“Soon to be Y/n Dameron.” Y/n giggled brushing his hair back with her fingers gently.

Poe smirked, humming. “Hmmm I like the sound of that.”

“I love you too Poe.” Y/n smiled, leaning down to kiss her now future husband.

Little did the two know that Leia, Bb-s and R2-D2 were watching in the distance.

Tags :
2 years ago

May the 4th Be With You - Poe Dameron

Poe x Solo-Organa reader

Leia x daughter reader

Warnings: none

Word count:

Summary: Leia has a mission for her daughter, where she gets to chose her own pilot. Y/n’s alittle nervous about it and her mom knows how to calm her nerves.

Authors Note: Thought of why not do a star wars my 4th imagine and use the phrase as the title and the purpose of the imagine. Happy May The 4th Be With You Day!

Star Wars Masterlist


Holiday Masterlist


May The 4th Be With You - Poe Dameron

“Poe I have to go!” Y/n laughed trying to get out of the pilots' grip.

“Just stay for a little while longer.” Poe mumbled into her neck, holding her tighter to his chest.

“I can’t! My mom wants me at the bridge now. She needs to talk to me about something.” Y/n stated struggling to pry his arm from around her waist.

“Ugh. Fine.” Poe grumbled letting go of his grip.

“I won’t be long. Promise.” Y/n promised as she got out of bed, turning around to lean down and give him a kiss.

“Just hurry back.” Poe spoke with a graveled half-asleep voice.

“I will.” Y/n smiled at her sleepy pilot. It was still really early but her mom had requested this meeting the day before so there was no choice to get up.

After getting dressed quickly, Y/n headed out to meet with her mother. It wasn’t hard to find her since she is the general after all.

“General?” Y/n smiled coming up to her mother.

“Commander or Jedi.” Leia smiled toward her daughter. She loved to tease her about both her professional titles.

“Mom…” Y/n shied away from embarrassment. Leia knew that her daughter got embarrassed when her titles were used. Especially by her family or friends.

“You are both. Be proud of that. Of those titles.” Leia reminded her with a knowing look.

“I am. I’ll try to show it more. So what did you need me here for?” It’s not that Y/n wasn’t proud of them she just didn’t like all of the attention on her.

“I have a mission for you.” she said as she kept adjusting some backup plans on the holopad.

“Really?” Y/n asked surprised. After her last mission caused her to end up in the med bay for 2 weeks she thought it’d be a while before she sent her out again.

“Yes. It’s a mission only you can do. Due to your credentials.” her mother explained the rest of the mission details to her. It seemed like it should be an easy in n out mission. Wouldn’t take that long either.

“You’ll need a pilot.” Leia told her with knowing eyes.

“Is it my choice? The pilot I mean.” Y/n asked trying not to give away how excited she is that she might get to take Poe with her.

“Yes. Even though I already have a feeling who your gonna choose.” She gave Y/n a mischievous smile. She would’ve done that same with Han back in their day.

Y/n laughed at her mom's look. “Oh, you know who I’m choosing, come on mom.”

“I figured.” Leia smiled laughing lightly along with her daughter. “You leave tomorrow morning. So go tell Poe and BB-8 and pack up.”

With that Y/n headed back to her room to pack and tell Poe about their new mission. While Leia got back into strategy conversations.

^ ^ ^

As Poe and Y/n with the help of Chewie were loading everything that they’d need for the mission. Y/n had stopped for a second just standing at the bottom of the ramp of the ship. Poe noticed as he was coming down the ramp how tense Y/n was, and he knows what that usually means.

“You look happy and nervous. What’s wrong?” Poe asked concerned for Y/n. There wasn’t a reason for her to be nervous about the mission.

Y/n sighed, he could always read her like a book. “I’m happy for the mission, happier that you're coming. But I’m nervous for it as well.”

“Everything will be fine. I’ll be there to back you up. That is if you even need it. Okay?” he smiled teasing her trying to up her mood. Which worked since Y/n started smiling and let out a laugh. “Now let’s pack and get some sleep.”

Now that they were all ready to leave in the morning they could get some rest.

^ ^ ^

“You got everything you need?” Leia came up asking the two just to make sure they weren’t forgetting anything.

“Yes General.”

“Yes, mom.” Poe and Y/n answered at the same time.

Leia smiled at the couple. They often spoke at the same time. And it amused Leia very much. “Poe, can we have a minute?” Leia asked politely folding her hands together in front of her.

“Yeah.” Poe gave a nod in understanding. Before heading back up the ramp Poe gave a kiss to Y/n’s temple muttering a ‘love you’ before leaving the mother and daughter alone to have a minute.

“What's wrong mom?” Y/n asked wondering why her mother wanted to speak alone.

“Your nervous.” Leia spoke softly.

Y/n furrowed her brows together. “How’d you-”

“You’re my daughter. I know you.” She stated. Leia always could tell how her daughter was feeling, if only she could’ve had that with her son. “You’ll do a great job. I have faith in you.”

Y/n smiled moving in to hug her mom. “Thank you, mom.”

“It's no problem. Now, you should get going on your journey.” Leia smiled hugging her daughter back.

Y/n pulled away from the hug with a smile. Turning to go join Poe on the ship.

“Y/n.” Leia called out before Y/n reached the top of the ramp. “May The Force Be With You.” she nodded towards her daughter.

“May The Force Be With You too.” Y/n nodded back as she stood at the top about to close the ramp. Ready to go on this new mission.

Tag: @gruffle1

Tags :
1 year ago

Injuries - Poe Dameron

Poe x reader

Warnings: none (angsty?)

Word count: 1,755

Summary: Can Poe forgive Y/n for something that happened on her last mission? Or will they break up for good?

A/N's : May The Force/4th Be With You


Star Wars Masterlist


Injuries - Poe Dameron

“I’m sorry! Please Poe!” Y/n yelled out tripping after him. She didn’t mean to upset him Y/n just thought why worry him? “Forgive me.”

Poe turned towards her with an angry look in his eyes. “Why should I?”

Y/n let out a sigh before trying to plead with her beloved pilot. “Poe, you have to understand-”

“No! I don’t and I don’t want to hear any excuses you have to say.” Poe stated, shaking his head. He didn’t want to hear any excuses or reasons why she did what she did. He let out a sigh. “This.” he pointed between them. “Whatever we had. It’s done!”

Poe turned on his heels and left her standing in the middle of the mostly empty hanger. Y/n was on the verge of tears watching him leave. Had it really been that big of a deal? She just didn’t want to worry him but now she might have lost the best thing in her life.

“Y/n” Finn said having watched the whole thing with Rey.

Y/n/n” Rey called out at the same time as her and Finn headed over to the Y/h/c-ed girl. Both cautious and worried about her as they approached.

“Wha- no. I-I’m fine. I just need some air.” Y/n spoke wiping tears from her cheeks before she turned and walked between the two, heading outside. Needing to be alone for a bit.

Finn and Rey watched her go wishing they could take away her pain. Finn turned to Rey hoping she could tell him why their friends that were massively in love just had, well that happen. “What just happened?”

Rey turned her focus on Finn to answer her friend. “Remember that mission she was sent on?”

“Yeah.” he nodded

“Well, she got hurt really bad and didn’t report it. She kept with the mission. Apparently it was a life threatening injury.” Rey explained.

“Oh” Finn raised his brows in shock.

“Yeah, that's not the half of it.” Rey nodded also having been in shock at the news. “She didn’t say anything when she got back to base either. Eventually Y/n just passed out from all the blood loss. Scared the life out of Poe.”

“Ok. I get why he’s mad, but. Y/n was just trying to finish the mission. It was so important that no one knew what the mission was about or for but Y/n and Leia.” Finn said trying to understand why Poe would break up with the girl he loved more than flying. “But why’s he taking it out on her?”

Rey shook her head ‘no’ and shoulders. She didn’t have a clue either. “I don’t know but ever since he’s been distant and Y/n has been tearing herself apart. She feel so bad.”

Finn sighed looking off in both directions to where their friends ha disappeared. “You can tell on her face how bad she feels for not saying anything to him.”

^ ^ ^

“Poe, man. Your off lately. Have been for weeks now.” Finn pointed out sitting across from the shaggy haired man.

“I know.” Poe mumbled under his breath rubbing his eyes. He knew he hadn’t been at his best for awhile. Not since he broke up with Y/n. He always slept better beside her and she made his life brighter.

“What's wrong man?” Finn asked with a concerned tone and face. He felt for his friend, even though he had a good idea what was wrong but had Poe figured it out yet?

“I miss her, Finn.” Poe let out a heavy breath before lifting his gaze to Finn’s. “Look… I know I’m the one who ended it, what me and her had. But she scared the bantha crap out of me with that stunt she pulled.”

Finn sighed knowing his next words weren’t helpful. “You broke her heart.”

“What?” Poe’s eyes widened at that statement. He broke her?

“You broke her heart. Poe, I really don’t think she meant to cause herself to be injured or to worry you like she did.” Finn explained looking at Poe with sad eyes. “I think you need to talk to her.”

Poe nodded taking a gulp of his drink. “I will.”

^ ^ ^

“y/n/n, you got to leave your room at some point.” Rey said knocking on her bedroom door. The door opened and Y/n let Rey in before she turned back to as far as Rey could tell, packing.

“I will. Just let me have one more day to wallow in self pity and sadness.” Y/n casted Rey a tight smile before returning to her task at hand. Y/n hadn’t left her room much since the whole hanger incident with Poe. She didn’t want to see or talk to anyone. Well, she at least talked to R2. But that was it. It hurt to much to do much of anything. Her heart shattered that day and she has been trying to pick up at least the tiniest of pieces.

“One more day?” Rey asked a she stepped further into the room, completely puzzled by Y/n’s words.

“Yeah. I leave tomorrow for a mission.” Y/n stated not even turning to look at her friend.

“What?” Rey couldn’t believe what she was hearing. After all the emotional hurt the Y/h/c-ed girl just went through she’s now gonna go on a mission?

“I’m leaving for another mission tomorrow morning. Well, afternoon, but I want to try and leave early.” Y/n shrugged as she continued to pack her bag.

“What about-” Rey was hoping her and Finn had enough time to fix things between Y/n and Poe before either or any of the, had to leave again.

“Don’t say ‘what about Poe’.” Y/n said cutting off Rey before she could even finish the sentence. She let out a sigh before taking a deep breath and continued. “He broke my heart. I don’t need to worry how he feels if I leave.”

“But Y/n, Leia sends you on dangerous missions. What if you don’t get to come back? You don’t want to leave anything unsaid.” Rey tried pointing out. Everyone knew what had happened between the couple but the one’s closest to them knew they needed to talk. Make up, even.

Y/n bit her lip biting back tears. “I have a lot I would like to say to him. But he’s made it clear that I’m out of his life, mind, his everything. So I’m not gonna try. Cause that would be putting myself through unnecessary heartbreak.”

Y/n carried on packing and Rey turned and left her to it. She needed to find Finn so they could plan their next move. They had to get Poe to talk to her, and fast.

^ ^ ^

“Poe!” Finn yelled out running through the hallway with Rey.

“Poe!” Rey also yelled as they got his attention, Poe turning to face the two.

“What?” Poe asked now facing the two who seemed very out of breath.

“y/n’s leaving.” Finn stated catching his breath but there was still urgency in his voice.

“What?!” That got Poe’s attention instantly. What did they mean exactly by ‘leaving’?

“She’s heading out to go on a mission.” Rey explained further to the new panicked pilot. At least if this was his reaction maybe he could fix things.

“When?” Poe asked the two as he started to move around them ready to go find his girl.

Finn and Rey shared a glance. “Well, she’s not suppose to leave till noon but-”

“She’s already almost done with loading up her ship. She wants to leave early.” Rey cut in.

“Is she in the hanger?” Poe rushed out as he and BB started to fast walk backwards down the hall, ready to take off once a location was confirmed.

Rey nodded. “She should be. Go!”

“Go!” Finn shouted as well.

Poe sprinted down the hallways with BB-8 on his heels. Once they reached the hanger Poe headed for the spot where Y/n normally landed her ship. Upon getting closer Poe decided to call out for her. “Y/n!”

“Poe?” Y/n turned around confused as she was halfway up the ramp of her ship. Some people turned at the grown mans yelling but seeing as it was Poe and spectacles were his specialty, they all got back to what they were originally doing. “What are you doing here?”

Poe finally reached her, standing in front of where she had come down the ramp. He was out of breath but the look in his eyes, Y/n knew nothing would stop him. “I heard you were leaving for a mission.”

“Poe-” she shook her head but he cut her off. Poe needed to tell her.

“No, no please just let me explain.” Poe grabbed her hand hoping if he was it would prevent her from leaving before he could get the words out.

“I’m sorry I was so harsh on you.” Poe gave her a guilty sad smile and sent a squeeze to her hand. “I let my emotions get in the way, and that’s my fault. Please, forgive me.”

He really hoped he could get her to forgive him. They had been through so much together and he might’ve ruined it all. He was just scared of losing her. Poe knew her Jedi mind along with her being a Organa-Solo-Skywalker blood meant that she was more stubborn than anyone else in the galaxy. An truth is he would’ve done the same thing to finish the mission. He wasn’t being fair.

Y/n sent him a small smile and reached for his other hand. “Poe I understand you being worried, scared, maybe a little upset. But I can’t go through that again. Your reaction was, well to put it nicely? A lot. I can’t do it again- not if I give us another chance.”

Poe nodded in understanding. “I promise, I’ll be better. That I’ll do better to not react so harshly.”

“An I promise if I get hurt I’ll tell you right away.” Y/n smiled nodding along with him. She was glad to have her Poe back. Then she smiled mischievously at him and Poe furrowed his eyebrows confused. “You wanna come with me?”


Y/n laughed at the look on his face before swaying their hands at their sides. “Leia did say I could pick and bring a partner if I wanted.” she smirked, both knowing they weren’t gonna pass this up.

Tag: @gruffle1 @padawancat97

Tags :
1 year ago

Expecting Twins - Poe Dameron (Part #1)

Poe x Fem!reader Solo

Warnings: none

Word count: 856

Summary: Y/n has been feeling sick lately so Poe and her mother Leia suggest she go to the medbay. Poe has to go on a mission so Leia goes with her. Turns out their expecting. With twins.

Authors Note: Part 2 will include telling Poe


STARWARS Masterlist


Expecting Twins - Poe Dameron (Part #1)

“Sick again?” Poe asked coming into the bathroom in their shared room, kneeling down next to Y/n. He held her hair back out of her way.

“Yeah.” Y/n groaned, she was sick of being sick.

“I’m sorry.” He grimaced, wishing he could do something to help.

Y/n shook her head, he wasn’t to blame for her being sick. But it was nice that he sympathizes for her. “Not your fault.”

Poe sighed watching her get up and wash her mouth and face. Poe had been worried for awhile now, watching Y/n throw up for weeks. “Y/n/n I really think you should go to the medbay.” 

“It’s just a stomach bug.” Y/n waved him off.

Poe sighed, he’d been trying to get her to go for a while now and she just keeps refusing. “We got a meeting with your mom.”

“Ugh.” Y/n groaned at having to leave the comfort of their room.

^     ^     ^

“Poe. Y/n.” Leia greeted the young couple as they entered the command bay. Leia instantly noticed how her daughter didn’t look very well.

Y/n lifted her hand at her mom the best she could do to acknowledge at that moment since she had a sudden dizziness come over her for a second. Poe stopped beside her, resting a hand on her back just in case.

“Hey General.” Poe smiled and greeted his mother in law once they made it up onto the platform.

“Mom.” Y/n nodded trying to smile but she still feels a bit sick.

“Still not feeling well?” Leia raised a brow. Even though she was asking she already knew the answer, she is Y/n’s mother after all.

“No she’s not.” Poe answered before Y/n could speak. Which made the woman in question roll her eyes at their behavior.

“You need to go to the medbay.” Leia stated in her stern mom voice she used to use when Y/n was a child.

“Told you.” Poe smirked in a ‘I told you so way.’

“Well I’m making it an order.” Leia smirked as well. Y/n couldn’t refuse a direct order from her general or mother.

“Fine.” Y/n grumbled, annoyed that her mom and husband were ganging up on her.

“I’ll go with you.” Poe smiled happy that she would finally have to go and get checked out now.

“You can’t. I have a mission for you.” Leia spoke up, it was easy for her to notice the conflict on Poe’s face. “You won’t be gone long, it's a quick mission but you leave before lunch.”

Poe nodded, he hated that he wouldn’t be there but he’d be back as soon as possible. Poe tilted his head down to kiss her forehead. “I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

“Okay, love you.” Y/n smiled at him in understanding. She hates when he has to go but she knows it’s necessary.

“Love you too.” He smiled back before he left to go prepare his X-Wing.

That afternoon Poe took off and Y/n stood there watching him leave. He sent one last wave which Y/n returned before he left.

“Let’s get you to the medbay.” Leia offered her arm to her daughter as they turned to leave the hanger.

Once they got there the mother and daughter were put into a room, and there they sat and waited for the doctor to come in. Which didn’t take long.

“So, what are your symptoms?” The doctor asked.

“Achey, tired, puking all day.” Y/n listed, even though she hadn’t wanted to go she did kinda wanna know if something was wrong.

The doctor nodded with a smile. “I think I know what’s going on but let’s double check, okay. So how long has this been going on?”

Y/n glared at her mom, then her shoes before back at the doctor and she stated biting her lip. “If you ask Poe a month, if I tell you the truth about 2 an half.”

Y/n could feel her mother’s eyes on her but she choose to ignore it.

“Okay. Lean back for me. This is gonna be cold.” The doctor said as she squeezed some gel onto Y/n’s stomach, before moving a handle kind of thing around on top of her tummy.

“Well this is the reason your feeling sick.” The doctor started as she moved the wand thing away and wiped clean Y/n’s stomach. She smiled at Y/n before saying. “Your pregnant.”

“What?” Y/n raised her brows, jaw dropping in shock. Sure her and Poe had sex and sex create’s a baby but they’ve been very careful. The two wanted kids but not during such a dangerous time.

“Your pregnant Mrs.Dameron. And it looks like twins.” The doctor shared the news with the mother and daughter with a smile. The doctor left the room after to give them some time to digest the news.

As Y/n sat there with the news of being pregnant she couldn’t help but joke with herself that Poe was at fault for her being sick.

Taglist: @gruffle1 @padawancat97

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10 months ago

Parting Scar's - Poe Dameron

Poe x Fem!reader Solo

Warnings: mention of sibling abuse?

Word count: 656

Summary: Ben left some parting scar’s on his sister Y/n, that she doesn’t like to show off. But when Poe ask’s her to hand him a tool Y/n’s shirt lift’s up and he sees it and get’s concerned.


STARWARS Masterlist


Parting Scar's - Poe Dameron

“Can you help me for a minute?” Poe asked as he saw Y/n in the halls and walked over to her.

“Sure. What with?” Y/n nodded at Poe and started to walk beside him. Y/n wondered what he needed help with.

“I need to fix some things in my X-Wing and I need someone to hand me tools because I have to use both my hands.” Poe explained, he hoped he wasn’t rambling.

“Okay. Just tell me what to hand you.” Y/n sighed nodding along. If he needed help Y/n would gladly help her pilot, even if it sounded a tiny bit boring.

“Great.” Poe smiled back, the two walked to the hanger and over to Poe’s X-Wing.

“So what’s wrong with the X-Wing?” Y/n asked sitting down next to Poe and the tool box.

“Somethings rattling under the cockpit.” he told her as he shoved his hands further into the open compartment of the X-Wing.

“Hello BB.” Y/n laughed as the little droid rolled over to her beeping happily. The little droid loved her and Y/n loved BB as well.

Helping Poe with the X-Wing took longer than they thought it would. But during Y/n helping Poe, Y/n reached to grab a tool for him Poe noticed her shirt lift up and a ton of scars littered her back. It made Poe become alarmed.

Later the two decided to break and get dinner before it was all gone. ALthough they decided to take it back and eat in the hanger, so they could get to work again when they were done. Y/n and Poe rearranged some cargo cases so they could sit diangle next to each other.

“Y/n can I ask you something?”  Poe spoke up after taking a bite.

“Shoot.” She nodded, taking her own bite of food.

“The scar’s on your back.” Poe nervously pointed out, he didn’t want to upset her or embarrass her.

“You saw?” Y/n put down her food not looking at Poe yet. She had to take a minute to wrap her head around the fact that she now had to tell Poe. Tell him about something that eats away at her constantly.

“Yeah, I’m sorry if this is crossing some boundaries.” Poe apologized.

“You were gonna see them at some point, right?” They had yet to be physically intimate, but Y/n wanted to go there with Poe and she was sure he wanted to go there with her. So eventually she was gonna tell him anyway but not now, not when it was unplanned and out of the blue.

Poe felt guilty for bringing it up, he should’ve waited for her to tell him but he saw and he was worried. “Y/n, what are they from?”

He might as well ask since he brought it up.

Y/n took a deep breath to calm her nerves and gain some confidence. “My brother. When he turned to the darkside and joined the first order.”

“Kylo Ren.” Poe had a moment of PTSD when speaking that name.

Y/n nodded and gulped before she explained further. “Kylo Ren, Ben Solo. I don’t know which. Both most likely. It happened the night he turned. We fought and it was his parting gift I guess. Scar’s that run along my back, some of my arms and torso… I think he was trying to kill me but I’m stubborn and survived.”

Poe had to control his anger, if he didn’t hate Kylo Ren already he definitely did now. But Poe also didn’t want to scare Y/n. Poe pulled Y/n into his arms and rested his chin on top of her head. “If I ever get the chance I’ll get him back for you.”

Y/n wrapped her arms around his waist and smiled at his protectiveness. Y/n nuzzled her face into his neck. “Thanks Poe.”

Taglist: @gruffle1 @padawancat97

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9 months ago

Expecting Twins - Poe Dameron (Part#2)

Poe x Fem!reader Solo

Warnings: none

Word count: 780

Summary: Y/n’s got to Poe about the doctor’s visit. But how to reveal it?

Authors Note: Last Part


STARWARS Masterlist


Expecting Twins - Poe Dameron (Part#2)

“I’m pregnant.” Y/n spoke slowly in shock. She hadn’t said anything since they left the medbay.

“With twins.” Leia smiled at her daughter, excited to be a grandma.

“Guess it runs in the family.” Y/n laughed at her mom, her mom and uncle Luke were twins. Y/n and Ben were twins, it must run in the family. Y/n let out a stressed breath. “I’m gonna have to tell Poe.”

“I think he’ll be very excited.” Leia rubbed Y/n’s arm’s comfortingly as they sat next to each other on Y/n and Poe’s bed. They had gone back to the young couples room after they left the doctor. Leia was sure Poe would be very excited when he heard the news.

“He will be. We’ve talked about kids before.” Y/n nodded, she knew Poe would be excited but how to tell him is the question on her mind.

“That's good.” Leia was happy for them. During this time they could use a happy thing to happen. Something to also remind them what they’re all fighting for.

“I’ll need help mom.” She looked to her mom with some nerves in her eyes. Y/n’s never had a child before obviously but her mom has.

“Telling him?” Leia asked with a raised brow in question.

“Telling him and with the babies when they come.” Y/n nodded with a smile.

“I can do both hunny.” She was very excited to be a grandma, but Y/n wanting her to help? That she’d gladly be there for.

“Thanks mom.” Y/n smiled at her gratefully.

“I’m glad he was sent on a short mission.” She laughed a little, Leia was amused at how things worked out.

“Me to. I can’t wait to tell him.” Y/n was getting more excited by the minute to tell him.

“Now how to tell him.”

“Let’s plan.” Y/n smirked michevoulsy at her mom.

^     ^     ^

“Hey!” Poe greeted running over to Y/n and sweeping her up into a hug.

“Your back.” Y/n laughed, hugging him back. He’d been gone for most of the day. It was dark out now, well almost the sun was starting to set.

“I am.” Poe smiled as he set her back down on her feet.

“Hi BB.” Y/n greeted the little orange and white droid with a bright smile, before looking back at Poe. “How was the mission?”

“Good. Easy. How was the visit to the medbay?” He really wanted to know if she was okay. He really hoped she was. He didn’t want to live without her.

“It went good.” She nodded trying not to smile and give anything away.

“Well, what’d they say? What’d the doctor say?” Poe pressed, he’d been concerned the whole trip.

“Come out here for a second.” Y/n bit her lip as she dragged out of the hanger and into the opening.

“Aren’t you gonna tell me?” he furrowed his eyebrows, getting more worried. Why wasn’t she telling him?

“It’s part of it.” She told him trying to cover her excitement so she wouldn’t blow the surprise.

“Okay?” Now he was just confused.

“Good to have you back Poe.” Leia greeted the pilot as they came to stand by her outside.

“Good to be back, General.” Poe nodded, but now more confused than ever.

“Ready?” Leia asked her daughter.

“Yes” Y/n confirmed

“What's going on?” Poe asked, looking between both women in complete confusion.

“Just watch.” Y/n smiled up at her pilot before turning his head to look in the sky where a few of Poe’s fellow pilots had manipulated their X-Wing’s to let out clouds of smoke behind them to spell words in the sky.

It took Poe a moment to read the words but once he did he turned to Y/n with wide eyes and mouth open. “What?! Are you serious?!”

“Yes.” Y/n nodded with the biggest smile on her face. “I’m pregnant!”

“That's not all.” Leia nodded happily watching the scene before her with adoration. Her heart swelled for her daughter, to have someone to love her like Poe does.

“What do you mean?” Poe snapped his head in the General's direction.

“Keep Watching.” Y/n giggled pointing back to the sky.

Poe watched as they spelt out more words and once they were done Poe turned back to Y/n with an even bigger smile and wider eyes. “Twins?! We’re having twins?!”

“Yeah.” Y/n confirmed before he pulled her into a kiss.

Breaking the kiss Poe leaned his forehead against Y/n’s and smiled at his wife, his jedi, and now the mother of his children. “I can’t wait.”

Taglist: @gruffle1 @padawancat97

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5 years ago


Poe Dameron x Jedi! Fem! Reader.

WARNINGS: a n g s t


It all happened in slow motion.

One minute, you're winning a fight against Kylo, and then the next, he caught you off-guard and his lightsaber went straight through you.

You felt yourself choking for air as you fell to the ground, holding your stomach in an attempt to stop the bleeding but you knew it wouldn't work. Was this it? Was this really how it would all end?

You, dying at the hands of Kylo Ren? Not even able to say goodbye-?

"(Y/N)! (Y/N), baby, baby, baby, I'm here, I'm right here, everything's gonna be okay," Poe just witnessed the love of his life get stabbed right in the stomach with a lightsaber, and felt his heart slowly being ripped apart.

"P-Poe," You heaved out, not knowing that you were crying.

"Ssh, ssh, jus-just save your breath, okay? Finns' bringing the Falcon, you're gonna be okay," He tried smiling as he took off his jacket, pressing it to your stomach and you immediately cried out in pain, which made him feel like absolute shit.

"I'm. . .I'm not gonna make it, am I?" You looked at him, fear evident in your eyes as more tears started to stream out.

"Don't you say that. Okay, don't you dare say that. You're a Jedi, (Y/N). You're the most badass woman that I know, a-and you're gonna live through this. Baby, I just know you will," He was lying to himself. He looked to the sky for Finn so you wouldn't see him start to cry, feeling his throat close up.

He loved you. God damnit, Poe Dameron loved you more than life itself. He never wanted to fall in love, especially during this war, but he couldn't help himself with you. One look at your smile and he was done for.

"Finn! Come on, let's get her on the ship," You screamed out in pain as Poe lifted you up bridal style, hurting him so much more and you felt a tear hit your cheek.

"P. . .Poe. . .I love. . ." You started to say, but then you felt your eyes roll to the back of your head as you started to lose consciousness.

"No, no, no, no. Baby, stay with me, we're. . .there! (Y/N). . .leave. . .me," His words weren't registering with you and they faded in and out until you felt yourself fall into the dark abyss.


You were alive.

Well, barely.

You arrived just in time for the medics to save you, giving you enough blood and you stayed asleep for three days. Poe didn't move from his spot. He didn't sleep, he didn't eat, he didn't shower, and kept his eyes on you.

Your eyes fluttered open and your whole body ached. You glanced around the room and immediately spotted Poe, sleeping in his chair in the most uncomfortable position known to man.

"Poe," You croaked out, and he jolted awake and immediately shot up.

"Thank the stars, you're awake," He breathed out, hugging you but he pulled away when you cried out in pain.

"I-I was so scared," You whimpered. Yes, you knew being a part of the Resistance meant the constant threat of death, but you thought that you were ready for that. But once you felt how cold the world turned, you realized you weren't ready.

"I know, baby, I kno-"

"No," You cut him off.

"I-It felt cold and I couldn't. . .I couldn't feel you, I couldn't see you, b-but I knew you were there. I don't. . ." Tears started streaming down your face.

"I don't want to die knowing that I never got to be with the man I love."

"(Y/N), we're together. Did you get amnesia? How does your head feel?" He went to feel your head, but you grabbed his hand and looked at his gorgeous brown eyes.

"More than just together, Poe. . .Poe Dameron, will you marry me?" You never thought in a million years that it would be you asking the question, but it was now or never.

". . .Wh-what?" He stuttered out.

"You fucking heard me," You chuckled, smiling with your perfect dimples and that smile convinced him.

"Yes. Yes! Yes! Let's get married right now, I'll-"

You grabbed his arm.

"Maybe wait till I'm not limping everywhere I go?" You suggested.

"Oh, yes, of course baby," He pecked your forehead before walking out and all you heard was "I'M GETTING MARRIED!"

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3 years ago

Before You Leave

Pairing: Poe Dameron x Reader

Prompt: "unrequited love, in which i just poured my heart out to you, telling you i love you and you said that you don’t feel the same way, and then you leave, and i’m standing here, not sure what to do, i can’t even cry that’s how shocked and heartbroken i am"

Word Count: 812

Warnings: i cried while writing this so take that as you will

a/n: it's 5 am and i refuse to beta read this so it could be hot trash we'll see

Before You Leave

You weave your way through the massive crowd bustling through the hangar to your friends, sidestepping BB-8 as you approach Poe.

“Hey, can we talk?” you ask, gently placing your hand on his forearm. “Before you leave?”

“Yeah, of course,” he says, following you out of the expansive space, through a few passageways, and into your quarters. The two of you dodge frantic runway techs and pilots on your way - the main hallway is rather busy, people running back and forth helping to prepare the Falcon. After all, this was the mission. The be-all-end-all.

“I’m not sure what’s going to happen when you leave,” you start as you cross the threshold into your room, picking up a sweater from your bed and pulling it on to have something, anything to do with your hands. He nods, understanding the massive collection of anxious feelings that were most likely trying to find their ways into your mind. He always felt the same way before you left - panic about if you’d return, then the numbness that would set if you were even an hour late returning. “And I just needed to tell you something - to prepare for the worst happening.” Your hands are trembling at this point, and he takes them in his, concerned.

“Is everything ok?” he asks, brows knitting together with concern. You smile tightly at him, nodding.

“Yeah, I just- I’ve been thinking a lot about being honest with people lately - you know, what with the large probability that we could, well, die soon,” you say, clearing your throat nervously, and he nods. “And there’s something that I haven’t been very honest with you about.” Your heart races, thumping against your ribcage so hard you swear he can hear it. If someone had given you a cup of water to hold right now, it would be sloshing all over the floor. “I love you,” you blurt out, not knowing how else to say it other than quickly, without allowing any chance for interruption. You glance up at him, relief bursting in your chest as he smiles.

“I love you too, Y/N,” he says warmly. “You mean so much to me. So much.” You smile, thanking every god you can think of. “But you tell me that all the time - was there something else?” he asks, confused.

You kick yourself inwardly. Of course.

“No, I know that we say that a lot, like we care about each other, but I love you, Poe. I’m in love with you.” Knowing that if you stop now, you’ll probably never speak again, you continue on, hands still shaking like a leaf. “I love how passionate you are about flying, and how you always check on me if you know that I’ve had a bad day, and I love the way you always wake me up early to watch the sunrise with you, and I just didn’t want to let you leave without telling you. Because I feel like you might feel the same way, and I’m not letting myself lose that. Not now. Not with you.” You look back up at him hopefully, a smile daring to tilt your lips upward.

Your stomach drops as you take in the look of bewilderment on his face.

“Are you sure?” he asks, pulling his hands from yours. You swallow thickly, nodding. “I don’t know what to say, Y/N, I’m sorry, but I just don’t feel the same way. I love you as a friend, but nothing more. I’m sorry.”

“Oh,” you say, face heating with shame. How could you be so stupid? “That’s ok,” you say, tucking your hands to your sides as a knot ties in your stomach. “I’m sorry,” you murmur, looking down at the floor. The shining tile reflects your fallen face back at you. Mockery at its finest.

“It’s fine,” he responds, his harsh tone slapping you across the face and leaving you breathless, a sharp pain taking root in your chest. Motioning to the door, he says, “I need to go.”

“Please comm me as soon as you get somewhere safe,” you call out after him, but you look up to find that he’s already left.

You aren’t sure how long you stand there, but by the time you draw on enough resolve to move from your spot in the middle of your quarters, Poe is long gone, taking any hope of reconciliation with him.

You want the tears to come, but they refuse to surface. It would be easier if you could be mad, find some fiber of your being that resents him now. But you can’t - how could you? Poe was good. Caring, kind, considerate beyond belief. Loyal.


Shivering, you wrap your sweater tighter around yourself and walk to the door. You can't bear to talk to anyone right now.

As you close your door, you feel another one shut hundreds of parsecs away.

Before You Leave


permanent: @staarshines

poe: @zoriis @obiwns

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3 years ago

Take a Break

Pairing: Poe Dameron x GN!Reader (modern!au)

Word count: 540

Warnings: brief mentions of alcohol

Summary: You and Poe share a much-needed quiet moment together during a party

A/N: Can be read romantically or platonically

Take A Break

The sounds of the party drift out into the cold night air, past where you sit on the small balcony and down into the city beyond. You shiver, wrapping your coat tighter around you as a breeze tickles the back of your neck. Inhaling deeply, you savor the fresh air you slipped away to enjoy.

You love hanging out with your friends, of course. It can just get overwhelming at times, so you like to find small moments like these to savor by yourself.

The sound of the door opening behind you stirs you from your thoughts, and you don’t need to turn to recognize Poe’s footsteps as he approaches and sits beside you, crossing his legs and wrapping an arm around you. You lean your head down onto his shoulder, scooting closer to take advantage of his body heat. He chuckles, sensing what you’re doing and pulling you into his side.

“Just wanted to check on you,” he says, following your eyeline and looking up at the scene that stretches on forever above you, bright stars twinkling against the dark backdrop of the sky.

“I’m all right,” you respond, nodding. “Just needed a break from everyone.”

Poe hums his understanding.

“I can go back inside if you need more time,” he says, and you can tell it’s genuine. You shake your head, smiling softly.

“You don’t count as everyone,” you say.

“I’m honored. Truly.” You laugh, shoving him playfully. The two of you fall into a comfortable silence, the only sound being the traffic far below you and the occasional muffled shout drifting to your ears from the gathering inside.

“I went to that library earlier today,” you tell him. Poe looks at you, smiling fondly.

“The one you read about?”

“Yeah. It was really cool, they had this huge display case with all these old manuscripts. I need to take you there sometime. You’d like it.”

“Definitely,” he says, lifting his hand from your shoulder to brush back a few strands of hair that had fallen in your face.

“What time is it?” you ask, realizing you’d left your watch at home and your phone in Rey’s bedroom.

“8:19,” Poe says, looking down at his phone, the soft blue glow from the screen washing over his features.

A loud cheer from inside draws your attention, and you turn your head to see what caused it. You chuckle softly as you watch Jess and Finn down a row of shots at an alarming rate. Poe’s laugh bubbles in your ear, making you smile even wider.

“I think it’s best if we head back to make sure they don’t do something outlandishly disastrous,” you laugh. As the ones who volunteered to drive people home for the night, you and Poe are the only ones not drinking.

“Probably,” he laughs, standing up. He offers you his hand, and you take it, smiling gratefully at him as he helps you to your feet. “If you need another break let me know and I’ll cover for you,” he says quietly, pulling open the sliding glass door. A loud chorus of laughter and cheers sound at your arrival.

“Thanks,” you murmur out of the corner of your mouth, and he nods.


Take A Break

tags: @staarshines @obiwns @zoriis

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7 years ago
That Moment When A Fic Hits You Right In The Feels...

That moment when a fic hits you right in the feels...

That Moment When A Fic Hits You Right In The Feels...

And ends perfectly, but you still feel like hell because it acts as a reminder that it never turns out that way for you in real life.

It’s Fine

Its Fine

(Not my Gif)

Poe Dameron x Reader, Some Angst, Fluffy Ending

Requested by Anonymous: could you write a fic where the reader has a huge crush on poe but she goes to a party with him and a few other friends and later in the night sees him dancing with and making out with some girl…?

A/N: So this is mostly gender neutral with some mentions of the reader putting on makeup, so take that how you will.  PLEASE REBLOG AND COMMENT IF YOU LIKE THIS! I NEED IT TO LIVE!!!

Word Count: 3.8 K

           You sat at your station filing the last reports of the evening.

Keep reading

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