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Welcome to the deep recesses of my mind. Not a lot happens in here. Enjoy ;]
17 posts
Hannibal Au Where Nothing Hurts And Hannigram Is Canon And They Still Refer To Each Other As 'Dr. Lecter'
Hannibal au where nothing hurts and Hannigram is canon and they still refer to each other as 'Dr. Lecter' and 'My Dear Will/Boy'.
Someone, probably Bev, teases Will about refering to his boyfriend as Dr. so Will convinces Hannibal to get worse.
Suddenly Hannibal is 'Count Hannibal Lecter VIII, last of his line, of the Lecter estate' or something and Will is 'My love, my life and my reason for waking' or some variation of different pet names in every language Hannibal knows until someone, probably Jack, has enough and starts shouting about it and how disgustingly sappy they are.
Bonus if Will acts all formal and Hannibal does nothing but aggressively swoon at Will when he looks at him.
Just petty Will.
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More Posts from Chrrypckd
Rating (some of) star trek characters from tos and aos by whether or not I think they wash their ass.
Jim T Kirk (tos):
Yes absolutely 8/10 very clean as expected from a bisexual man with a lot of gay feelings for his first officer.
Jim T Kirk (aos):
A cursory wipe but he gets better eventually after he hooks up with a girl who likes pegging and discovers his ✨gay feeling✨. 3/10 to like, 6/10.
Leonard 'Bones' McCoy:
Yes. Spotless, both versions original and reboot. This man is a doctor and also just hygienic. 10/10.
Spock (tos):
Quick and efficient, this is a man who showers in five minutes and is still cleaner than the guy who took a three hour shower. 10/10.
Spock (aos):
He's still riding the high of his first act of rebellion and sees his ass as too dirty to touch but still attempts it. I'll give him a 5/10 for effort.
Yes. This is a homosexual, not only does he clean his ass, he values personal hygiene and dedicated Saturdays to taking care of himself. 12/10.
No, this is a teenage boy who's booksmarts have left no room for common sense and he joined Starfleet at fourteen, right at the worst time, puberty wise. 1/10 because he's a clean boy otherwise.
Do I even have to give a reason? This is a women with class. Of course she cleans her ass. 10/10
That's all for now, feel free to disagree and I'm not a coward so if someone gives me a compelling enough arguement to change one of the ratings I will.

Wesley Crusher sweater appreciation
Love villains/antagonists who's backstory isn't used to redeem their actions but add context and nuance.
Characters who suffered and bled and worked to be strong, who were pushed back and fought against and beat for daring to dream higher than their station but reached up with bloodied hands and took it anyways.
Love characters who should never have been put into positions of power, not because they didn't deserve them, but because they were so deeply traumatised by their past that being put in these positions twists them so irredeemably that they can't come back from it.
People who clawed their way up from the muck and placed themselves on pedestals, not because they should, but because they could.
Who started out the lowest of the low and made something if themselves but had to change from the hero of their own story to the villain of someone else's.
Someone who, from someone else's perspective, is a two dimensional, evil person but from an outside perspective was a self fulfilling prophecy.
Someone who was put down by the kind of person they bled to become, who looked at those better off than them and was jealous and became the kind of person they would have despised as a child.
Villains who are evil, who's actions can't be forgiven, who doesn't even want to be forgiven, who killed the part of themselves that would deserve forgiveness.
Who's backstory tells you exactly why they are like this, that strips them of their apathy and hate and exposes every sensitive nerve they have and says, 'This child, this poor beaten child, this is who hurt so many, this is who died to give you your villain, who had to kill every good part of themselves to make your antagonist.'
Who, by all rights, could have been our hero, is a reflection of the hero in all ways that matter, but were corrupted by their experience rather than strengthened by them.
Chocolate flavoured crack
Call that coco-caine
Nah, kids without supervision are just like that and Tim did not have much supervision growing up.
I think it's because we didn't get stranger danger drilled into our heads as much.
Throw back to the fact that one of the most viscious, unruly, dangerous people in the universe who will actively hunt down and kill anyone who tries to boss him around will listen to Tim Drake and do things he Does Not Want To with just a few sentences from Tim. If anyone else in the universe tried to tell Lobo to to not fight someone, Lobo would shoot them and then fight the person. But when Tim did it? It took some arguing but Lobo actually stepped back and followed Tim's lead.
Tim is simply to powerful and it's honestly a shame that DC fucking forgot their sort of friendship now that Lobo is an adult again. I don't want like, a story based around it I just want Tim to mention it at some point and throw everyone for a loop because what do you mean you're casual friends with Lobo?! Or maybe Tim just calls Lobo and is like "hey I need you to take care of something for me. Yeah I have the tea you really like. Obviously I have the saffron cookies to go with it, I have taste. Oh true Cassie is absolutely taste blind, like can you believe she paired Black Tea with strawberry short cake? Honestly so true. Any ways, I'm sending you the details have fun and remember. Do whatever you want where I can't see it, I need plausible denibility about how many skulls you cracked open." And when asked who that was he just says "oh that was Lobo the Space Biker."
YJ98 Tim my absolute beloved I miss you. He got the ability to befriend the most random people from Dick