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Cinnamon Vogue

Exploring the cool way of life with Ceylon Cinnamon. For Health.For Cooking. For Living.

112 posts

One Of Many Causes Of Diabetes And Obesity Is That We Have The Wrong Type Of Gut Bacteria In Our Stomach.

One Of Many Causes Of Diabetes And Obesity Is That We Have The Wrong Type Of Gut Bacteria In Our Stomach.

One of many causes of diabetes and obesity is that we have the wrong type of gut bacteria in our stomach. You can search for the studies pretty easily. In one example when they inserted fecal matter from a thin person into an obese person, they lost weight. In another study showed Fecal microbiota transplantation was effective at improving insulin resistance.  While most people get on a diet program, fasting, cutting carbs and exercising, all good things, they should also pay close attention to changing their gut bacteria. Pickles are a cheap and effective way to get gut bacteria into your stomach. You need a variety of pickles not just one type. Once a week is enough really. Most people eat like 8-9 different types of vegetables only. That won’t give you enough types of good bacteria. Get it up at least twenty in a month. Different food stores have different types of bacteria in their food. Food rotation also helps. Good bacteria need fiber for food while the bad bacteria eat sugar. If you got sugar cravings it could also mean lots of bad bacteria are in your stomach. Which is why Ceylon Cinnamon is also an excellent idea. It takes out the bad bacteria without harming the good bacteria. In Sri Lanka they generally put a pinch of Cinnamon in many curries. They didn’t have refrigerators those days and the Cinnamon was probably a great way to keep any bad bacteria at bay.  They also discovered Ceylon Cinnamon adds a fabulous savory taste with deep flavors to curries, soups and stews when combined with things like tomato, cumin, lime, lemon and the like. 

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4 years ago
I Have Not Taken Any Vaccination, Medication Or Supplements For Over Ten Years. And Not Been Sick Either.

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3 years ago
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4 years ago
Medical Insurance And Costs Are Going Up And Up. We Thought We Would Look At It With Good Humor. I Used

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3 years ago
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