System blog || They/It Collectively || Adult bodied || AuDHD || Endos DNI
207 posts
Happy TDOV, Everyone! I Know Things Have Been Shitty In The Community Recently, But I Hope Everyones
happy TDOV, everyone! i know things have been shitty in the community recently, but i hope everyone’s at least had a decent day. we deserve that at least - 🕷️
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More Posts from Clockworkconstellati0n
Rewatched The Good Place for the first time since s4 dropped and. Oh my god. The Good Place said "people are a result of their environment but we always have a moral responsibility to be better" and The Good Place said "every day the world gets a little more complicated and it gets a little harder to be good" and The Good Place said "even in the face of total nihilism, when nothing you do will matter, you still have to at least try. Because trying is better than the alternative" and The Good Place said "if you have bills to pay and shit to deal with you don't have time or energy to become a better person" and then The Good Place really said "people get better when they get external love and support. How can we hold it against them when they don't " and THEN The Good Place really said "no one is irredeemable. Everyone can try to be better today than they were yesterday" AND THEN! The Good Place said "Heaven is just enough time with the people that you love" OH MY FUCKING GOD.
communicate with your system you fucks
/j, you aren’t obligated to actually tell anyone anything
- 🕷️

Status update or whatever cool kids be sayin these days - 🔦 (and @clockworkconstellati0n)
tip for those who struggle with building up their grimoire:
I'm rebuilding/reworking my own grimoire atm and, in poking around for inspiration here and there, I've seen a bit of a trend regarding indexes and tables of contents.
A lot of posts for Beginner Witches have looong lists of things you Absolutely Must(TM) include in your grimoire. These read almost like a super extensive syllabus that covers what seems like every topic under the sun, and are, quite frankly, completely unnecessary.
This is a friendly reminder that you don't have to include anything in your grimoire that you don't want to.
Not interested in astrology? No problem. Don't include it.
Don't work with herbs or crystals? Why spend time writing notes on them, then?
Don't celebrate Wiccan holidays? No need to include info on the Wheel of the Year.
etc etc.
Part of the reason why I never finished my last couple grimoires were the fact that I felt pressured to write extensive entries on things I wasn't interested in, or on things I already knew and thought redundant to include. I had dozens upon dozens of unfinished pages, and the knowledge that I was expected to write things on each of them filled me with such anxiety and dread that I just... stopped opening my notebook up altogether.
This time around, however, I'm taking a different approach to my grimoire. I have limited time and energy to commit to my craft, and I'd rather not spend it on shit I didn't really care about. In my new grimoire, I have not and never intend to include notes on the 'basics', or overviews of every pantheon and every deity, or summaries of the different types of witches or spells or what have you. I'm including only what I think is important to me.
Your grimoire is supposed to be your personal journal, documenting not only the things you've learned but the things you're actually interested in. That doesn't mean you shouldn't do research -- it's very important to expand your education, especially regarding different worldviews and outlooks to your own. But!!
Don't feel like you've got to write an encyclopaedia, or produce a textbook for future generations to consult, because that isn't the point.
plural xenogender culture is collecting little genders and leaving them as a note for your alters to see later and check them out

[ID: A DNI banner. It says, “Read our BYF/DNI before interacting!” on a background of the xenogender pride flag. /end ID]

Status update or whatever cool kids be sayin these days - 🔦 (and @clockworkconstellati0n)