Eclectic Witch - Tumblr Posts
I didn't do anything for Mabon this year because I was ill and man...I'm sad about it :(
Hi everyone!
We're currently looking to recruit more admins for the Duck Witch Coven discord server! If you would be interested, please head on over and answer the recruitment questions 🥰. We would love to have you!
Much needed splurge on more Crystals today x the collection continues 😍
Witchy Weekly Challenge 10: Honouring Your Ancestors ~

Yes I know, I know, it's been a looooooong time! But your Resident Duck has finally returned with Witchy Weekly Challenge 10! (Don't expect WWC 11 any time soon after though 😂). The challenge is as follows:
Read up on your family history, find the links with you and your personality. Perhaps share with your family if you feel comfortable to do so.
Write a letter to a loved one you've lost, whom you miss. Make a ritual of it and burn it to send it off to them.
Wear something that belonged to a loved one or that reminds you of a loved one today. Document how you feel throughout the day.
Spend the day with a loved one today, doing something that you will both enjoy. Perhaps take a picture to remember the day or create something together!
Share some memories with your loved ones today. Learn more about your family history and your Ancestors.
Get into the kitchen if you can today, cook something that reminds you of your childhood/a lost loved one. Fill your cooking with positive intentions.
If you have time and space, perhaps plan and create an altar dedicated to your ancestors today. Spend time at this sacred space whenever you wish to be close to them.
As always lovely people, you are welcome to share what you do to fulfil the challenges, but you don't have to ❤
Hope you enjoy, your feedback is always welcome! Feel free to leave comments or ideas for future challenges below ❤
Couldn't agree more, self care is the strongest form of magic
Reminder that self care is magic.
Drink water
Connect with nature
Take your time
Sharing something I needed to hear today that may benefit someone else.
Sometimes things that you regularly do in your craft stop working for you and that's ok. When we have a hobby or an interest and it becomes hard to continue because we've lost the interest, we don't force ourselves to continue, we try something new.
You're always changing, so why should your craft remain the same permanently?
You don't have to do daily tarot/oracle card pulls. If you're struggling, maybe try a weekly tarot/oracle pull.
Do what's right for you and your needs.
Buying things I actually need with money I earn = struggle
Buying pretty crystals and more card decks = self care
I see so many people criticizing others over their relationships, or lack thereof, with their deities, so here are some reminders:
Not having deities is okay.
Having just a devotional relationship with your deities is okay.
Having a working relationship with your deities is okay.
Playing games with your deities is okay.
Harmless jokes with your deities are okay.
Doing fun things with your deities is okay.
Doing devotional offerings for your deities is okay.
Giving physical offerings to your deities is okay.
Not being able to do certain offerings for deities is okay.
Having an altar for your deities is okay, no matter the size.
Not having an altar for your deities is okay.
Laughing with your deities is okay.
Crying with your deities is okay.
Having genuine conversations with your deities is okay.
Being unable to hear/see deities is okay.
Being able to hear/see deities is okay.
Not being able to communicate through divination is okay.
Using divination as a key element in communication is okay.
Not calling on deities during spellwork is okay.
Asking deities to help during spellwork is okay.
Asking deities for help in general is okay.
This is your relationship with your deities in your practice. Don't let anyone tell you what you can and can't do. 🫶
It's 2am, please forgive me if there are any mistakes!
Working With Rashoon

Lady Of Lust
Enn: “Taran Rashoon Nanay”
Rank: Dark Lady
Colors: Red, orange, gold, black, yellow, dark pink
Herbs: Tiger lily, damiana, jezebel root, morning glory, strawberry, catnip, patchouli, orchid, poppy, hibiscus, primrose, saffron, cherry, dragon's blood, carnation
Crystals: Strawberry quartz, opal, fire agate, carnelian, ruby, smokey citrine, cherry creek jasper, red tiger's eye, eudialite, orange adventurine, sunstone
Element: Fire
Planet: Venus/Pluto
Zodiac: Scorpio
Metal: Titanium, gold
Tarot: The Devil, the Empress
Direction: South
Day: Friday
Animals: Cats, panthers
Domains: Lust, sex, desires fulfilled, insatiability, pleasure, connection, sex magick, sexual bonding, sexual energy, sacral abilities, animal magnetism, irresistibility, dominance, control, confidence, raising vibration, glamour magick
Offerings: Gold/gold colored items, figures and jewelry, spicey food/drink, perfume, artsy depictions of sex, erotic literature, sexual acts in her honor, sexual fluids, blood

Working With Lucifer

The Morning Star
Enn: "Renich Tasa Uberaca Biasa Icar Lucifer"
Rank: Dark Lord/High Prince
Colors: Red, blue, gold, black, grey
Herbs: Rose, lavender, yarrow, sulpher, cilantro, camphor, hyssop, garlic, patchouli, sandalwood, marigold, mint, lily, lotus, hyacinth, myyrh, frankincense, dragon's blood, cedar, storax, lemon, tobacco, rosemary
Crystals: Ruby, sapphire, emerald, tanzanite, black tourmaline, herkimer diamond, red/blue tiger's eye, obsidian, jet, clear quartz, rose quartz, lapis lazuli, citrine, peacock ore, jade, dumortierite, garnet
Element: Air/light
Planet: Venus/Uranus
Zodiac: Capricorn (Aquarius)
Metal: Gold, meteorite
Tarot: The Emporer, the Devil
Direction: East, South
Dates: December 23rd
Day: Monday
Animals: Goats, eagles, snakes, ravens/crows, dogs, cats, swans
Domains: Justice, equality, revolution, light and darkness, enlightenment, gnosis working, self-discovery, infernal workings, protection, primal emotion, healing from trauma and pain, shadow work, sexual energy, Qliphothic workings, draconic magick, stopping slander and ill intent, transformation/rebirth, empowerment, duality, outcasts, embracing one's authenticity, standing up for what you believe in
Offerings: Whiskey, wine, good chocolate, music, tea, keys and/or locks, flowers, dark feathers, art, poetry, shiney/pretty things, meat, blood, sexual energy, learning/knowledge, rebellion

Hi! If your still doing free tarot readings, i want to ask what things (if any) will change within the next few months. Thank you ! -A
Hello! Hope you are doing well, A!~
For your reading I used my Fairy Deck [by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine; Illustrated by Howard David Johnson]

For your question I pulled Seven of Summer of the minor arcana. The card reads: "No more procrastinating! Your power comes from making a decision. Confusion that arises from overanalyzing the options." This card represents that your future in the next few months will be reliant on whether you will be able to make good, future-changing decisions for the better. Maye you have been bit by the procrastination bug and you think maybe it's time to take action on whatever projects you have started at home or in a work environment. Finish something that makes you happy or apply yourself further in what needs to be done for a possible promotion or just simple recognition! This card is wonderful to help you realize that you have the potential to finish something that maybe you just don't have your whole heart in right now, but later when everything is finished, the satisfaction alone can result in great opportunities in the near future! Being one who is guilty of procrastination myself, I level with myself and think of the rewards that there will be with any finished project; whether it be with artwork, fulfilling Tarot Card Readings, or writing a short story just to pass the time~ Lastly, attempt to not overanalyze things in this future. There may be a project that you think would be easy to conquer but as you begin working it's turned into something of great intricacy and may take your time away from other things that you find more important. When this happens, I to break it down in a simpler light so that everything doesn't revolve around that one thing. Especially in a work setting, if things seem too difficult to do on your own, always ask for help. There is absolutely nothing wrong with getting help when all you want to do is get back on track with your life with other things that mean more to you.
In the end, your couple of months ahead seem to be busying but fulfilling! Don't lose sight of what's important to you and do the things that make you happy! Happiness is the true joy that we all share in this world and it's never too late to celebrate that happiness whenever you feel necessary!~
I hope this helps! Have a wonderful next few months!~

Cleansing Aura Ritual
For protecting yourself and your sacred space from negative energy and spirits and to plan goals for the waxing moon.
Full ritual details and instructions available for Patrons!
Hello! I'm interested on the free reading you offer 😊 I would like to ask if I could have one? How would my future husband court/pursue me? My name is Hanna, an ♈ ☀ and ♌ 🌙 Thank you so much for your time and energy 💕
Hello, Hanna! Hope you are doing well!~
I chose my Fairy Tarot deck for your reading [by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine].

I pulled the Prince of Winter of the minor arcana for your question. The card reads above: "Intellectual, Determined, Focused, Impulsive." So far what this card is already telling me that your future love interest will be incredibly focused and will do anything to make you theirs. Their determination will lead to impulsion, like buying you presents just to make you feel like the most special person in the world. The bottom of the cards reads: "Seek out an intellectual solution to your problem. The need to act quickly and decisively! Sudden or unexpected changes." This card tells me that even in their pursuit for your affection you must be wary for difficult decisions ahead of you as these traits in a person is good for your question in the present, but the future holds more recklessness on your future admirer. Think about not only what your heart wants but think with the mind whether this relationship will be beneficial to you in the far future. Ask yourself questions such as: "Are they the one I want to be with when I'm 60? Will they take care of our children? What about finances?" Don't be afraid of making decisions based on intellectual feelings, some don't have the luxury to just leave a relationship they regret. Just remember this is just advice from a card, it's not always going to seem so bad in the end!
I hope this answers your question, Hanna! I hope you have a wonderful day!
Simple Protection Sigil
One of the things we all think of is protecting ourselves from negative energy whether it feels physical or could very well be mental. We all have to take measures in protecting the mind and body from these forces and to keep a positive outlook for you, your family, and friends.
Today I want to show how something as simple as a paper Sigil can help accumulate that positive energy and protection we all so desperately need in our home and work lives.
Making a Sigil for Protection:
A sigil can be made any way you feel most comfortable with making. A sigil is a symbol that means something to the castor, not necessarily for all to know. I usually always start out by drawing a circle and, going clockwise, I write out each letter of the alphabet until the letter 'z' is near center. Once finished I will circle the first letter of what I want my sigil to mean. For this one I spelled "Protect." I continue by drawing straight lines until the last letter where I will draw another circle.

Once I have the draft done I will then practice drawing the sigil freely and make any changes to my liking until I feel that the symbol not only looks pretty, but also feels powerful.

For the final draft I marked my sigil in blue marker as blue corresponds with protection, safe journey, and intuition. Before using a sigil, I always ground myself for a few minutes thinking of the intention of my newly created sigil, letting the intention flow from you and into the symbol itself.

Now time to place the sigil! One of my favourite places to put a sigil is on the front or back door of my home so that the effects can be felt by all who enter my home including friends, family, and the spirits that wander in. You can place it anywhere you feel like it is necessary and it can be out of sight on your person or somewhere hidden in the office, work, or school that you only know about or even out in the open. The intention of the sigil will last as long as you remember that it is there and if your intentions are still flowing into it regularly.
This method can be used to make any sigil using whatever other words that you can think of and using the colours of your choice for your correspondences.
Happy sigil-making!
Magickal Properties: Peonies

Peonies are very sweet smelling flowers that bloom in late Spring and are perennials (they bloom every year, no need to replant). They can come in pink, white, purple, red, orange, and yellow. They are low maintenance besides the daily or weekly de-weeding process. They do not transplant well so it is always better to plant as a bulb in an area that can handle how big they grow (2-4 ft. in height and 2-4 ft. to spread). Peonies last a long time, some even growing up to 100 years old, a wonderful plant to share with the family for generations.
♥Cultural Symbolism and Legends♥
►Peony roots, seeds, and petals are edible in small amounts but could cause stomach aches if not careful!
►In Japanese culture the peony symbolizes a happy marriage, courage, good fortune, and beauty. The colors of the peony are also different in symbolism as the red peony symbolizes eroticism while the white peony symbolizes virgin purity of maidens.
►In Chinese culture the peony symbolizes prosperity and the embodiment of female beauty. By the Tang Dynasty the tree peony had become a symbol of wealth and status. And then by the Song Dynasty the peony had become a muse for Chinese painters.
►The Greeks believed that the flower symbolized healing. In legend, there was a physician named Paeon that served the Greek Gods who also been a student of Asclepius. Leto, the Greek Goddess of fertility, had told Paeon about a magic root that grows on Mount Olympus and could soothe any pain especially associated with childbirth. When Paeon went to search for this magical root, Asclepius had become angry about this and wanted to kill his student. Leto heard about this and asked for help from Zeus who had turned Paeon into the peony flower.
♥Using Peony in Your Spellwork♥
►Keep a root on you to promote attraction in beauty, wealth, or to protect from any mischievous imps and fairies.
►Boil down the petals to create peony infused water to add to your baths or, for a simple skin care regimen, splash a little on the face and pat dry.
►Keep petals with you to protect the mind, soul, and body from negative energies and allow for better clarity.
►Use in ritual for attraction, money, bonding, confidence, and cleansing.

Cricket Hill Garden / Home for the Harvest / The Sacred Willow Good Witches Magickal Flowers and Herbs / Wikipedia / Three Pagans and a Cat
My spiritual journey has been something of an extremely changing experience. I have been able to reach some level of enlightenment in meditation, I have been able to finally know myself more through my routines and my goals consistently change when I meet them regularly. It can be a difficult journey at times but it is something that is worth it for my own happiness.

Tumblr Live: Friday @ 2pm MDT
The votes are in! I will be conducting a spell live here on Tumblr 3/17/2023 at 2pm MDT.
The spell I will be doing will be based on Spring Cleaning (Northern Hemisphere).
Around this time each year, we find ourselves cleaning up areas that we left untouched since the beginning of Winter and needs a little love and care. During this time, we must shake the dust from ourselves and kickstart better habits and practice daily to keep the bad habits, that we may have formed during the dark months, away from the more positive energies.
During the months of January and February, I felt a great deal of negativity in my life and this will be the perfect spell to help kickstart my new path for the spring and summer months and experiences to come.
If you would like to perform the spell with me, I will be posting the instructions and materials needed for the spell a day before so that you will be able to prepare. You do not have to be exact, bring what makes you feel good, something that has meaning to you and just enjoy the moment. Can't wait to see you all there!
Springtime Restart Spell
Spell is published on my Patreon! (to the public). Please check it out and tell me your thoughts!
