Jesus isn't white. Homura did nothing wrong. Lady Bone Demon is a queen. Shadowpeach is weird. Black Lives Matter. Anyone who ships Stiles with Peter or Derek is sick and twisted. KyouHomu is the best Madoka Magica ship. You're beautiful. Monster High Gen 3 is hot garbage. People who talk in TikTok language do not interact. Side Eye my foot up your behind. Do not tell me I am not funny. I alone decide what is funny. These are not opinions. These are facts. You're Welcome.
26 posts
I Wrote A Short Story From The Perspective Of A Doll.
I wrote a short story from the perspective of a doll.
Toy story is a horror movie now

I need help.
I don’t know where I am, or how I got here, but I can’t stay. One minute, I’m safe. I’m asleep, I’m in my box and the next I’m being dragged around like that loser Raggedy Ann from next door, up and down the walls by this… thing.
It looks like me, but not like me. It’s huge, first of all, it wears it’s hair in two dopey pigtails. It acts like it’s a human, but only a rabid beast would treat me the way it does.
The pretty figure doll it stole from its friend is still under the bed. She talks to me sometimes.
“Your girl is a nightmare,” she says. “How do you handle it?”
I wish I knew how to answer her question. The twin-tailed beast cut my hair, and often draws on my face. The other day she popped off my hands.
The figure doll remains forgotten by the beast. She keeps me company at night.
“My girl’s name was Bai He,” she explained. “I was custom made for her by her mother.”
I would ask if her beast treated her kindly. She chuckled, and gently asked me not to call her “girl” a beast. I suppose that nickname will be reserved for my beast.
The beast’s friend came back. It always wears a pink fishing hat. It seemed angry at the beast. I can’t understand their mindless babble, but it tore the room apart until it found the figure doll.
They wrestled over her, pulling her back and forth like she was a rope until she snapped, right in two.
The beast’s friend never came back.
The beast and I were both lonely after that.
Bai He came to mind first for some reason, didn’t have time to switch, I wrote this in ten minutes, so uh… do whatever you want with that
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They are valid and deserve more appreciation
Macaque: *Checking supplies for the boat* Compass, check. CB radio, check, sunscreen check-
Azure Lion: Do you have the hot dog costumes?
Macaque: I’m sorry, do I have the what?
Azure Lion: Well, what if we get stranded at sea? One of us might go mad with hunger, and if it’s Lady Bone Demon, we’ll put these on and she won’t eat us because she hates hot dogs!
Macaque: Are you saying that Lady Bone Demon would rather eat us than hot dogs?
Lady Bone Demon: I do hate hot dogs.

Au Where Everything is Exactly the Same but The Lady Bone Demon destroys everyone with facts and logic

It’s not even really an au. It’s just me being angry that the show hyped up Lady Bone Demon from the first season just to have her get murked by Sun Wukong.
“Even now, I sense you do not have what it takes to defeat me”. Girl what
So boom, collection of short stories in which I will rewrite scenes with her, and finally the fight between her and Sun Wukong, which will absolutely NOT be written in chronological order!
The first part is here, I will add more as I go.

Macaque: Lady Bone Demon gave me a “get better soon” card.”
Azure Lion: That’s sweet of her!
Macaque: I wasn’t sick. She just thinks I can do better.