coro-chan6 - Coro's Corner of Chaos
Coro's Corner of Chaos

🌈 💗💛💙 | Lover of 2D men | any pronouns

130 posts

Somehow Supernatural

Somehow Supernatural

Summary: What happens when you somehow end up in the Supernatural universe? What happens when you're somehow special in the Supernatural universe? Read on to see the chaos that ensues.

Warnings: poc!character, gn!character, teen!character, heavy cursing, Winchester madness, Dean needs a warning just for himself

Word Count: 2018

Chapter One: What The Fuck and Where The Fuck

Somehow Supernatural

Do you ever feel like time is going slow? I usually don’t because I’m a fast-paced type of person, but lately, I’ve felt like time has come to a standstill. It feels like my 10th-grade year ended three months ago when it’s only been three weeks. I feel like I haven’t seen my friends in 2 weeks and not the mere two days that it actually has been.

I don’t know why my world feels like it’s spinning at half the speed it usually does. Maybe it’s because I’m excited? In August, I’ll start my junior year. My first year in high school that I’ll be an upperclassman. Maybe I’m happy at the prospect of almost being done with high school. Or… is time not going by because I’m not having fun? I haven’t been completely bored, but it hasn’t been the best summer I’ve ever experienced. 

Is there something waiting for me in the near future? Did my world slow because I have something to look out for?

I know this sounds really dramatic. Some 16-year-old goof with an overactive imagination. Perhaps that’s it… but something in me can’t let it go. 

Welcome to my thoughts! They never end, even when I’m asleep. They take me down dark and gorey paths and also wildly stupid would-never-happen-in-a-million-years paths as well. All this shit in my mind flying around at lightspeed is probably why I’m such a good writer. Or, at least I think I’m a good writer. And my mom, but do moms really count? 

I come up with things that are unique and cool. Because I’m a unique and cool person. I don’t know who I’m talking to but I feel like I’m talking to someone so instead of letting you suffocate in the hornets nest that is my mind, I’ll introduce myself.

I’m… actually I don’t want you to know my name, but I’ll tell you other things. I’m 16 and I like anime, and colorful stuff, and reading, and writing, and basically anything. I’m flexible like that. I can deal with people until I run out of battery like most introverted people. I have a severe superiority complex that I like to pretend isn’t a thing, but it’s definitely a thing. It doesn’t affect how I interact with people, but since you’re in my head, um, you’ll see all of it. I thought I’d give you a heads-up.

Anyway, what are you doing in my head? Who are you? It may be my superiority complex talking here but… am I some special being that’s about to save the universe or something?

…I’ll take your silence as a no. 

Could you talk to me though? It’d make me feel much less lonely and a lot less crazy. 




Oh my god, what am I doing? There’s no one in my head. There’s no one listening to my thoughts. I am quite literally just a goofy teenager that thinks they’re gonna gain superpowers but, let’s be honest, what I really gained was a mental illness. 

That’s what this is, isn’t it? I have split personalities like Tobias Hankel in Criminal Minds. Am I gonna start killing people because my alter ego demands it of me? Am I gonna go to prison? I know I’ve talked huge crap about how tough I am to my friends, but I would be deluding myself if I thought I could survive prison. I would be eaten alive!

Wake up!

Be so hilariously for real! I am so awake I can see the words spinning around in my head. I’m so awake that I could pinch my arm - when I find it - and it would hurt as much as my self-harm! I am awake!


Okay, I can’t find my arm. I know I said I would so I could pinch it, but I look down to where my arm should be and there’s nothing there but black. And I’m not saying that because I’m black because I’m not. All black people are brown, let’s get real. It’s a dark ass void. Like, a space of complete emptiness. 

Maybe I’m not as awake as I thought I was.

Wake up!

Dude, I’m trying! It has never been this hard for me to wake up in my life. Even when I was having those dreams about that tall, gnarly-handed fucker chasing me around I still had an out. I had that key that I would find and it would wake me up. And, yes, that sounds like the most made-up shit in existence, but those are my dreams. They’re a fucking acid trip.

“Wake up!” Hold on just a second… I’ve heard that voice before. It’s familiar, at least. 

Not my mom, not my dad, not either of my brothers, none of my friends sound like that. It’s kinda looking like I don’t know this eerily familiar voice and I’m making shit up to sound cool, but I’m not! 

I feel someone shaking my shoulders like I’ve pissed them off or something. I would have been upset, but the feeling in my shoulders means I have to have arms! Right?

“Wake up! I did not hit you that hard!” They continued to shake me like I was a fucking snow globe, “You better not be messing with me, dude!”

The dark void and my thoughts that I could see as words in front of me were starting to fade away. After they did, I was kinda hoping that I could’ve stayed in the darkness forever. I mean, if this was a dream - and it definitely was - this was one of the most realistic ones I’ve had. So realistic that it was practically rude.

The image that replaced the void was a face. A face that I never thought I’d see except for on my calendar and TV. If I wasn’t going batshit crazy, I was seeing the Dean Winchester leaning over me as I was laid out flat on… hardass concrete?

“I swear I taught you how to avoid that move weeks ago. Where’s your head?” My head, Mr Dean Winchester sir is still trying to grasp the fact that you are a living, breathing, hunk of a man that is occupying the same space as me.

My mouth opened and closed like a brainless goldfish until I finally managed to word, “What the fuck?”

Dean looked taken aback. It was the type of face you’d give someone when they do something unexpected and I curse all the fucking time. This shouldn’t be surprising to him. Plus, he shouldn’t even know me in the first place!

“Where the fuck and what the fuck?” I sounded like a psychopath. Wording wasn’t going very well for me right now.

“Okay, let’s get you off the floor, and then we can talk about any brain damage you may or may not have gotten,” The next thing I knew, Dean’s firm arms were wrapped around my torso and my world expanded from just his face to… a storage closet room thing? 

There were those old-looking boxes that looked like fake wood but were really plastic stacked all over the room on various shelves. Toward the edge of the floor-to-ceiling concrete room was an opening through the shelves that seemed to go into another room. In the center of the room we were in - I know, a lot to keep track of - there was a white-painted demon star thing. Dean sat me in the chair that was presumably moved from the middle of the demon star.

“What the hell is going on with you right now?” Dean was now crouched in front of my chair staring at me with half-worried eyes.

“Dean…” I started.


“Where the flying fuck am I?” His half-worried expression went to full-blown worry in a split second. 

“Does your head hurt?” He tried to feel the back of my skull but I quickly shifted away from him, “What’s wrong? Why are you acting like you don’t know where you are?”

“Because I don’t know where I am! I’m not stupid enough to think I’m actually in the bunker!” 

Dean looked as confused as I felt, “Kid, you are in the bunker.”

“And you’re Dean Winchester,” I scoffed, “You may look like him, but that’s kinda impossible.”

I know I said it was impossible, but remember that superiority complex I mentioned earlier? It kept making this whole situation more believable the longer I sat here looking at what looked like Dean Winchester and made me think I was here to save the universe or some shit. 

…look, man, I can’t help it!

“I’m getting Cas,” Dean huffed and turned to see the angel himself standing behind him. He let out an inhuman squawk of surprise that I wasn’t gonna let him forget before he reprimanded Castiel for probably the umteenth time for sneaking up on him.

“Dean,” Castiel said in his monotone voice, interrupting the hunter from his lecture, “Their energy is off.”

Dean quickly turned back to look at me before responding to Castiel, “What do you mean off?”

“It shifted. Like they’re like a whole different person.”

“May I interject?” I said… interjecting, “I don’t know who the fuck you knew before, but I am definitely not them. I’ve never met either of you in my entire life.”

“And they’re not a demon, Dean,” Castiel spoke up when he noticed Dean reaching for something - probably a knife - in his pocket. I owed Castiel one. I was not trying to get stabbed today.

“If they’re not a demon,” Dean stopped reaching for his weapon but was still tense, “Then what are they?”

Castiel and Dean both turned to me thinking I knew what the fuck was going on. I’m just as confused as you two!

“Well, my name is Jenny.”

“Don’t lie or I’ll be forced to look through your mind,” Castiel threatened.

“Maybe you should do that anyway,” Dean stated.

“No!” My voice cracked as I tried to keep my cool, “My real name is Casey. I’m a quirky 16-year-old from the barren land of the Quakers and I don’t mean any harm. I mean, look at me. Do you really believe I could do any harm?”

“They do have a point,” Dean said, “They’ve always been kinda skinny and noodly.”

His saying that made me look down at my body. I was wearing a plain red T-shirt with dark blue jeans and cringe-looking sneakers. I did look pretty skinny. My body - which was most definitely not this one - was more muscular than skinny. I also didn’t have hair scratching at my neck because I cut it when I was 13, but with this person's body, my hair was down to my shoulders. At least I was still my beautiful, golden brown skin tone.

“So… can I get up now or…?” I don’t know if it was a conscious thing or not, but Dean and Castiel had blocked my escape from my chair with their bodies. If I wanted to get up, I would have to push them, and I didn’t want to break the very thin layer of trust we had built up with my cooperation.

They seemed to have a whole conversation in their mind - maybe they did, I don’t know the extent of angel shit - before they eventually gave me space to stand.

I stood. Honestly, I thought I was going to fall over for some reason, but I didn’t. My new, skinny body did what it was told and stayed upright.

“Okay,” I smiled, “Where’s Sam?”

“How the hell do you know Sam? And how did you know my name?” Dean was still a bit suspicious of me. Telling him that he was part of a TV show I watched during COVID would probably make me sound crazy so I just went with:

“It’s a long story.”

Dean squinted his eyes at me as if he could actually see if I was telling the truth or not then, let out a huff, “Fine, come on. We’re going to the meeting room for a meeting.”

Oh boy.

AN: First chapter of my new series. Really excited to see how it goes! I have a bunch of chapters already written. I might post one every week. Hope you enjoyed!

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More Posts from Coro-chan6

1 year ago


I just finished reading this AMAZING fanfic on A03. It litterly blew my mind.

So usually I don't read a/b/o AUs cause they tend to get a little rapey and that’s not fun for me BUT I clicked on this one and it was SO GOOD.

If you wanna check it out it's called The Inverse by SpiderKatana and lemme tell you - author-chan has my heart.

There is a TON of angst and the slow burn is slower than it takes plastic to decompose, but they wrote it so well and I was INVESTED.

200,000 words finished in less than two days. I also really love the Spiderpool ship (and if you don't that's okay but don't flame me I'm FRAGILE) and they wrote it so well. Author-chan said they wrote it as an alpha!Spiderman and omega!Deadpool because it's usually the other way around and I really enjoyed it.

They didn't make the characters (at least the main ones) slaves to their second gender and all like "I have to have sex with you because ITS IN MY DNA".

Naw author-chan preached consent and I was so happy about that. Cause consent IS key.

But yea. Totally recommend. Big shout out to SpiderKatana. They are the realist and I hope maybe after almost 4 years they'll do a sequel but if not that’s totally fine because OH MY GOD they wrapped it up so nice and I loved it and AHHHH.

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1 year ago

A big smut-

Their Punishment

Summary - sequel to "Rules, Rules, Rules"

Warnings - smut, porn no plot, dildo use, threesome, gn! character, poly! relationship, overstimulation, hardcore smut, two subs one dom, queer love, p in v

Words - 2037

A Big Smut-

Francis is squished; squished between the soft skin of her girlfriend’s thighs. She has a tight, almost bruising, grip on Emily’s hips keeping her from wiggling away from her tongue. Her tongue which is working wonders on Emily’s sopping core. 

There are no thoughts in Emily’s mind as she struggles to take what her girlfriend is giving her. Her hands clench the bedsheets and pull at Francis’ hair. Emily’s eyes are squeezed shut; her head thrown back on the fluffy pillow below her. 

Agatha is laying beside Emily on their shared bed. Unlike Emily, Agatha is not feeling mindblowing pleasure. Agatha is only feeling the friction that their own thighs can conjure with their rubbing… which isn’t much at all. They had stopped whining for attention after Emily’s second orgasm and resorted to silently crying.

There’s not enough. Agatha needs more. They are burning for more, but they won’t be getting it anytime soon because they were being punished. They had broken a rule and they were now paying the price.

“Fuck, Frans,” Emily’s wet whimper didn’t do anything to quench the evergrowing thirst Agatha had growing for any type of touch. It only made them tug at their arm restraints in a futile attempt to touch themself. 

Agatha let out a desperate sob that had Francis lifting her dripping chin from between Emily’s thighs.

“Color, Ags?” Francis’ face showed concern, but she didn’t move from the bottom of the bed. She didn’t plan on touching Agatha anytime soon unless their partner used the safeword.

“Green! Ah, please!” At those words, Francis’ concern was gone and she went back to lapping at Emily’s folds. 

Agatha knew that this was nowhere near over, but they didn’t want this to end. Sure, they wanted to be touched. Really, really bad, but with how turned on they were, they could come in a few minutes without any assistance. Plus, they did break a rule and Agatha definitely doesn’t mind being punished.

“Agatha,” Emily moaned. Agatha turned their head to see their girlfriend, sweaty and panting, looking at them with clouded, brown eyes, “I’m gonna - fuck - I’m gonna cum and then I’m gonna ride your - ah - face. Okay, sweety?” Agatha’s mouth waters at the thought as they nod.

“You gonna cum for me, beautiful? Gonna fill my mouth with your sweet taste?” Francis asks Emily in between her sucking and licking on the latters bud. Agatha sees Emily try to respond, but she cuts herself off with a loud cry of pleasure. They don’t have to glance down to know that Francis has finally started using her fingers.

Neither Agatha nor Emily know the secret of Francis’ fingers. They don’t look all that out of the ordinary, no slightly protruding veins or obvious muscles, but she sure knows how to maneuver them. She scissors, twists, curls, and pushes to such perfection that you don’t even know what hit you until it’s already over.

And that’s exactly what happens to Emily. One moment she’s coherent enough to tell Agatha to ready themselves to be suffocated and the next Emily’s pushing off the bed so hard that her back is a flawless arch. 

“Fuuuuck! Ah, Francis, yesss!” Emily screams her girlfriend’s name as her orgasm rolls through her. 

Francis is in heaven. Even though she is not the one cumming, tasting either of her partners’ sweetness is equal to cumming in her eyes. Francis has her eyes closed and is moaning and groaning as loud as Emily while her mouth sucks and her fingers push Emily farther over the edge.

With the sounds filling their ears, Agatha almost releases with the mediocre stimuli from their rubbing legs. Almost. The knot in their belly is wound so tight - just a little more and they could be screaming along with Emily.

“Mm, such sweet nectar for me, gorgeous,” Francis says, finally popping off of Emily’s swollen clit. She slowly makes her way up her girlfriend’s body, kissing and sucking and biting all the way to Emily’s mouth. Agatha could only watch as Emily received a free sample of her sweet juice straight from Francis’ lips. 

“Francis… Em, please!” Agatha begged. Their core had gone untouched for way too long. They felt like they were going to explode! All they wanted was someone to touch them. It didn’t even have to be between their legs, just - anywhere!

“Think they’ve learned their lesson, Em?” Francis cocked her head to the side with a smirk.

“No,” Emily stated. Agatha sobbed, “But I want to ride their face, so… Agatha has learned.”

Francis chuckled and pokes her girlfriend’s nose, “Gosh, Emily! You’ve gone soft.”

“I’m just horny. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to get into position.” Agatha’s tears finally come to a stop as they grin up at Emily’s approaching body. They loved being used, especially by Emily. They opened their mouth as Emily hovered on top of their form.

“Agatha, sunshine, you make Emily feel good and I’ll do the same for you, okay?” 

“Oka-” Agatha was cut off by Emily resting her pussy on their face. 

“Oh, by the way,” Francis seemed farther away than earlier, but they weren’t sure if that was because they were on Planet Puthay or because she had actually moved, “If you stop that pretty, little tongue, I’ll stop too. ‘Kay?” 

Agatha could only moan in response which elicited a whine from the girl on top of them. They started working their tongue as best as they could with their arm restraints still intact. They were nervous that there wouldn’t be enough pressure for Emily’s taste without the use of their arms to pull her hips downward, but Emily seemed exceedingly satisfied.

Agatha had completely forgotten about their own need until they felt something cold drip down onto their entrance. Francis’ fingers came to rub circles around their clit and they almost stopped their ministrations on Emily before they remembered what Francis said. Agatha let out a moan as their girlfriend’s fingers penetrated their core; a moan that was felt in Emily’s pussy. The girl shuddered and rocked faster on her partner's face.

“Be good for me, Ags,” They could barely register what their girlfriend had said before they felt Francis’ fingers exit their hole and a much bigger something push in. Agatha sucked even harder on Emily’s clit in response and Emily had to hold the headboard to stay up straight. 

Agatha knew it was their favorite 9-inch rainbow dildo. They hadn’t been properly stretched, but the burn was so good. All Agatha could do was moan into their girlfriend’s pussy and buck their hips deeper onto their toy. 

Agatha was getting so close. They could feel the knot about to snap and they wrapped their legs around Francis’ hips, trying to keep her as deep as possible. Francis could barely move with Agatha’s legs squeezing hers and with how tight her partner's core was. 

“You close, baby?” Agatha let out a pleasured sob in response, “Yeah, I know you are, sunshine. You’re squeezing my cock so tight.”

Agatha let out a loud whine that had Emily rocking harder against their face. 

Agatha was in heaven. With Emily now sloppily rocking on their face, Agatha was covered in their girlfriend’s juices from nose to chin. Not only that but, they couldn’t even describe the pleasure they were feeling from Francis’ cock. They had taken this certain toy before, but with Agatha’s denied orgasms and them being horny for such a long period of time, they felt as if they had exceeded Cloud Nine.

“...Fran - gonna cum,” Agatha moaned, “Please let me cum! Please!”

Francis smiled down at her partner, “Just keep pleasuring Emily, baby. You can cum when she does,” Francis then looked up at Emily's face. Her eyes were screwed shut and her grinding on Agatha’s face stuttered, “Which won’t be long.”

Emily proved just how right Francis was with a groan so loud that Agatha could feel it through their girlfriend’s pussy. Emily shook and moaned her partner’s names as her cum gushed into Agatha’s waiting mouth. 

“Did so - fuck - good for me, baby.” Emily whimpered.

That bit of praise had Agatha falling over the edge shortly after their girlfriend. Instead of screaming out, they only sucked harder on Emily's clit to ensure she could ride out her orgasm just as Agatha was. Francis’ movements had never stopped in Agatha’s cunt, they were now slow and deep. So, so deep. The dildo hit their g-spot every. Single. Time.

After Emily stopped cumming, she lifted off of Agatha’s face and kissed their lips. Their lips that were sopping with her juices. Agatha kissed back, pushing their tongue into their girlfriend’s mouth so Emily could taste her own release. Francis had finally pulled out of Agatha’s dripping slit causing her partner to let out a muted mewl.

“Ah!” Agatha cried, feeling their pussy being licked by Francis’ tongue. It was almost too much for them.

“Just gotta,” Lick, “Clean my little sunshine up.” 

“Francis-” Agatha whined.

“All done!” Francis said, pulling her head from between their partner’s legs. She then got off their shared bed and headed to the bathroom to clean up the mess on her dick.

Emily straddled Agatha’s waist as she placed soft kisses all over their face. Emily was feeling euphoric; she wanted to share that feeling with the person who had just made her have one of her top ten most intense orgasms.

“You were so good for us, baby,” Emily murmured while still kissing every inch of her partner’s face. Agatha could only smile. They were exhausted. Agatha went to hold Emily’s face when they realized that their arms were still bound.

“Em?” Agatha started.


“Could you, uh, get me out of these handcuffs?” Emily stopped smothering their partner to look up at Agatha’s hands still cuffed to the headboard. A rare snicker left Emily’s mouth.

“Yeah, hold on,” Emily leans over to the nightstand to grab the key, “There.”

Now that Agatha’s hands were free, they immediately started rubbing their wrists. Yes, they could have stopped pulling on their restraints to prevent their wrists from bruising, but if Agatha had the willpower to do that, their girlfriends were doing something wrong.

Emily had been laying on Agatha’s breasts for a few minutes before Francis reentered the room. She had salve for Agatha’s wrists and the now clean 9-inch dildo thrown over her shoulder. 

“Em,” Francis called, tossing the salve to Emily so she could start applying it. Francis then stripped out of her sweaty sports bra and threw on one of her homemade tie-dye shirts before climbing into bed with her partners.

When Francis was securely nestled in the crook of her partner’s neck, Agatha spoke up, “I’m sorry, guys. I shouldn’t have touched myself without your permission.”

“Damn right you shouldn’t have,” Francis replied, nibbling on Agatha’s shoulder.

“I don’t like that you went against the rules, but it ended pretty well for me,” Emily stated, rubbing her face into Agatha’s boobs.

“Em, you’ve gone soft,” Francis teased.

“...I was never hard?”

Agatha giggled, “You just gotta make it weird, sweetheart,” Francis groaned.

“I don’t understand,” Emily began, “How did I-”

“Shhhh, Em. I’m tired and my hips are sore. If I remember, I’ll tell you in the morning,” Francis groaned.

“I won’t remember,” Emily said as Agatha finger-combed her hair in comfort.

“Thata girl,” Francis sleepily smiled, “Love y’all.”

“Love you too, my pretty girlfriends,” Agatha responded, letting out a tired yawn.

“... I love you, Francis and Agatha,” Emily declared, snuggling deeper into Agatha’s breasts.

“If I wasn’t this damn tired… I would yell at you for being so formal,” Francis whispered, “We’ve been dating for… 6 years.”

No one responded to Francis’ final jab. The throuples apartment had fallen silent with all of its residents off in dreamland. Not one of them was under the covers, their mostly naked bodies being the only form of warmth for each other.

Agatha had claimed that they would never pull a stunt like this again, but that wasn’t true. In the end, Agatha sometimes yearned for their punishment.

an: I think that was pretty good. I had my friends read it over and they thought it was pretty good. What are your thoughts?

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1 year ago



1 year ago


coro-chan6 - Coro's Corner of Chaos
1 year ago

Currently questioning my gender. Boy or girl or something in between... idk-

Also- Agatha's name has changed to Jules. One: cause of my friends and two: because the principal from Matilda is named Agatha and... no.

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