A Suicide Meeting
A Suicide Meeting
Bucky Barnes x Reader Warning : Suicidal tendencies Bucky Barnes sat leaning against the railing of the bridge. The water underneath was violent tonight. His fingers woven through his long chestnut hair, eyes tightly shut - Bucky was in pain. He wanted to end it all. He wanted to end it tonight. But he couldnt find it in him to do so. He was mentally debating his chances, when he heard it. It was soft at first, and then it grew louder, more clearer. Bucky opened his eyes slowly, his fingers leaving his hair as he glanced up. It was dark, but he could make out a figure by the opposite railing. When his eyes finally adjust to the darkness, he saw her. She was sobbing uncontrollably, her voice cracking with grief. Bucky sat open mouthed, watching her, almost feeling her pain, on top of his own. "No...no...NO!" She screamed, before hurling her cellphone into the water. And the next thing her knew, she was climbing the railing, and he knew this was his cue. He groaned, before jumping up from his position and running towards her. Just as her hands left the railing, Bucky grabbed her by her waist, almost missing her by inches. She screamed and fought him, as he struggled to pull her back to the bridge. "Let go !!" She screaming, her hands attacking him. "Stop it !" Bucky shot back, pulling in one swift movement, and throwing her onto the brigde. Breathing heavily, he watched her lying on the wooden floor, crying. He crouched beside her, not knowing what to do. When she finally started breathing normally again, she looked up at Bucky. "Why did you save me ?" She asked in a whisper. "I dont know" Bucky said, shaking his head, and looking away. "I just couldnt -" Bucky stood up again, and helped her to her feet. "Are you sure you wont try that again?" Bucky asked, narrowing his eyes at her. "You can never be too sure of that" She said drily. "Lets get out of here before you get anymore ideas" Bucky said, turning to walk back. It was so dark, they werent actually able to see eachother clearly, so when Bucky started walking, he felt her walking very close to him, her hand almost touching his. They walked silently for a while before they reached a more lighted area. Bucky glanced at the girl, and saw that she was quite smaller than him. She wasnt one of most beautiful girls he had seen, but there was something about her that made his insides tickle. "Y/N Y/L/N" The girl said slowly. "Thank you, for what you did" Bucky snapped out of his thought, and nodded. "Im -" he began. "James Barnes" Y/N said, her eyes not leaving the road. "I know" "Well, its not everyday that people recognize me that way - they prefer to call me the -" "You dont have to say it" Their eyes met. "Thank you" Bucky murmured. He saw a hint of a smile on her face. "Are you hungry ? We can stop for a snack" Bucky asked, stopping in front of a small cafe. "Im starving " Y/N said, nodding. They entered the cafe, and gave their orders. "What was the reason ?" Bucky asked. Y/N blushed, and covered her face with her hands. "I was stupid" she said, shaking her head. "So so stupid" "That goes without saying" Bucky agreed, earning a glare from her. "I ran away from home, with this idiot - whom Im supposed to be marrying tomorrow - " Y/N began. "Oh - what happened ?" Bucky asked. "Well, he took off with someone else, breaking up with me over a text - and not to mention taking all my money" Y/N said shrugging. Bucky laughed. "Im sorry, but seriously -" "I already admitted I was stupid" Y/N said, her shoulders drooping. "I cant go back home, James" "Why not ?" Bucky asked. "Because I ran away !! And stole money from my step-mom !" Y/N said, her eyes wide. "I cannot go back and be Cinderella again" Bucky nodded. A middle aged waitress served them their food, and then the table was quiet, except for the occasional clinging and clanging of forks. "Seriously, this is the best Ive felt in days" Y/N said, smiling. "Thank you -again" Bucky smiled. "Dont worry about it" He said. They were walking again, slowly. "So, where are you going now ?" Bucky asked. Y/N shrugged. "I dont know" She said. "I have a friend here in the city. Maybe stay with her for a few days, till I figure out what to do" Bucky remained quiet for a while. Then mustering up some courage, he said, "You can come with me, if you want. I have an apartment, I live alone" Y/N stared at Bucky with her mouth open. "I mean, I can understand if you dont want to - but if you do want to - you can stay for as much as you like - " He was nervous, and he didnt know if he did it right - beacause he had never done it before. Y/N was about to cry again. "Im sorry - I -" Bucky took a step back, staring at the girl in front of him. "Thank you, James ! Thank you so much ! You did so much for me, and you hardly even know me !" Y/N cried. "Well, " Bucky shrugged, blushing. "It comes with some risks..." "What risks ?" "I could go 'Winter Soldier' anytime" Bucky said, "I could end up killing you in your sleep" "Oh please" Y/N dismissed him with a wave of her hand. "Dont have much to lose anyway" Bucky laughed. "Dont be so bitter" he said, "You havent seen anything. Trust me when I say that" "I trust you" Y/N said with a smile. "Lets go then " Bucky said, returning her smile. "Hey, why were you on that bridge anyway?" Y/N asked, suddenly stopping. Bucky gave her an embarrassed smile. "For the same reason you were there" He said. "How ironic"
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More Posts from Craftycupcake27
au!Sebastian Stan x Reader He was perfect. Everything about him was perfect. The way those blue eyes could melt you with just a glance. Like he was doing right now. I felt a shiver run down my spine as Sebastian Stan made his way towards me. I had an urge to run. I wanted to hide from him. Ever since highschool, he has done this to me. I felt weak in front of him, and I wasnt generally a weak person. I was just like my mother when it came to that - I hated showcasing any signs of weakness. But not to Sebastian. He knew the effect he had on me. There was a smirk on his face as he reached me. "Hey, I didnt expect to see you here" he said, with that annoyingly beautiful smirk. "I didnt expect it too" I said dryly. "Its good to see you, Y/N" his voice awoke a lot of emotions, that I had learned to hide within me, which had been untouched for more than an year now. "You too, Seb" I managed to say, as he pulled me into a warm hug. I always found his scent intoxicating. It made me giddy. I pulled away quickly, my lips pressed together in a tight smile. "Where exactly have you been ?" Seb asked, sipping his drink. "Its been an year" An year. Seb and I were together in highschool. We were a thing back then. We were wild and so much in love. Three years. Thats how long it lasted. Thanks to my mother. On my 18th birthday, we had a nice big party at mine, and she discovered us in a rather compromising way, and that was it. She sent me away with my father in one if his social service trips, while she and my step brother Steven stayed home, working on her political career. And this was the first time we met again after all that. But Seb was with someone else now. Madeline Praise, whose birthday party we were attending. "I was with dad" I said. "Vietnam" Seb's jaw clentched. "And of course, you didnt think its necessary to tell me" he hissed. "You just disappeared on me, Y/N" "I was held a prisoner at my own home ! I was locked away not allowed meet even dad or Steven ! And one morning I was thrown into a flight to nowhere !" I said, my voice trembling with emotion. "And besides, not that you grieved a lot - Madeline Praise explains that much !" Seb looked at me, and I saw the pain in his eyes. "My father made me" he whispered, turning bright red. "Just wants to cover up the mess." I scoffed at that. "So where is your girlfriend ?" I asked, turning around to look. "I missed the cake cutting." "Of course you did" His smile was back on. "Seriously, I didnt even want to come" I said, shaking my head. "Thanks to my sweet mother. She has a way of pushing me into things I hate" Our eyes fell on my mother. Tanya Strait ( She took my stepfather's surname after marriage), was trying to make a political career for herself. She was trying her best. She had married George Strait when I was about ten years old. She and my stepfather were both born into filthy rich business families, and thus were always on top of the social ladder. Seb, Steven, Madeline and I, all attended posh private schools , and, Seb and Steven - the most expensive colleges. Madeline's family and mine were linked through family business, and thus this unavoidable party to which I was dragged to, against my will. "I missed you, Y/N" Seb said, his hand caressing mine softly. "So much" I looked at him, not sure if this conversation was a good idea. "I, um...me too" I said, trying to calm down. My eyes darted to the crowd of guests, searching for Madeline. Only she wasnt anywhere to be seen. "Where exactly is she ?" I asked. Seb shrugged. "I dont really care" he said, in a bored tone. "Im here for my father" "Seb ! You're dating that girl !" "Who told you that ?! I am forced to take her to these stupid parties ! Our parents make us go together! Who the hell told you we were dating ?!" He was shaking in anger. "Hm. Mom did" I said shrugging. "Come on, Y/N." Seb said impatiently. "You really think its that easy ?" "It hasnt been easy , Seb. Not for me. But Ive seen the two of you so blissfully happy on magazine covers" I snapped at him. "I was miserable ! I was in therapy ! But of course, you didnt know !" Seb was quiet now, staring at me with wide eyes and his mouth slightly open. "Hello, Sebastian" Seb tried to regain his earlier confidence, as my stepbrother Steven joined us. "Steven" he said, giving him a nod. "Nice to have Y/N back, isnt it ?" Steven said, putting an arm around my shoulders. Steven and I had a wonderful relationship. He never let the fact that my mother had replaced his, affect our bond. He was the only one in the world whom I knew would never hurt me. "Yes it is" Seb said, his eyes burning into me. "I would love to let you two catch up, but mom's kinda looking for you, and shes not going to be happy spotting you with him" Steven said, motioning to mom with his eyes. "Alright, give me a minute" I said, exhaling loudly. "I'll come" Steven nodded and walked off. "Seb, I have to go" I said. "Meet me in the garden at 10" he said. "Please, Y/N" "I dont think thats a good idea" I said, already protesting. "Last year was hell, I dont want to relive it !" "Please, baby" Seb whispered. "Please"
My Brightest Star - 1
Young! Sirius Black x Reader

Sirius Black laughed hard, watching his bestfriend James' face turn a shade of blue. It was something he had eaten.
"I think you should get Lily" Remus said, thoughfully.
"Ok, just a sec" said Sirius, jumping up from the couch and running up to Lily's dorm room."Please stay blue, Prongs ! Evans HAS to see this !"
James shot him an ugly look.
Sirius burst into Lily's room saying, "Evans, you gotta see this-"
He froze to the spot. Lily's roommate Y/N Y/L/N was in there, dressing. His eyes fell on her body, her soft curves, her smooth olive skin, and long wavy brown hair that fell to her waist. Since his was quite a loud entry, Y/N turned almost immediately, covering herself with her shirt, and screaming.
"Black ! GET OUT !" she shrieked, making him stumble back, and close the door in a hurry. He stood there, actually noticing this girl for the first time. He knew Y/N as Lily's roommate, but they never spoke.
Y/N was a half-blood, her father being a wizard and her mother a muggle. She was quite an introvert, keeping herself to her books and few close friends, mostly the reason why she wasnt noticed much.
At least till now.
* * *
Y/N sat on her bed, her burning red face in her hands.
Oh God, it just CANT have happened ! she thought. And that too Sirius Black! The way he stared. The look of shock on his face. Did he really see much ?
* * *
Remus bounded up the stairs, hearing the commotion, and saw Sirius standing in front of Lily's room, his mouth hanging open.
"What just happened?" he asked, shaking his friend.
"I-" Sirius began, but was interrupted by the sounds of James and Lily's quarelling.
"Come on !" Remus said, and two darted downstairs, to the common room.
They were soon engrossed in their conversation, eventhough Sirius found his eyes wandering towards the girls' dorms, every now and then. He saw the door open and close, making his heart race for some reason. Surely, Y/N wasnt the first girl he had seen that way, but there was something about her. His heart was pounding in a strange heavy manner, watching the stairs - for her.
Y/N came down the stairs, her face a shade of pink, and her hair flying behind her.
Lily looked at her roommate only to see her sulking.
"Hey, you ok ?" Lily asked.
Sirius pulled in a breath, causing Remus to give him a suspicious look.
"Why dont you teach your friend some manners, Evans" snapped Y/N, eyeing Sirius, before stalking out of the common room.
"What was that about ?" Lily asked, looking at the four boys.
All eyes fell on Sirius, since he was the only one who had gone upto her room.
"What did you do ?!?" Lily growled, getting up from the couch. "Sirius !"
"I didnt mean to,ok !" Sirius said defensively. "How was I supposed to know that she was -"
"She was what ?" "Well, she was changing clothes or something when I kinda ran into your room...I kinda saw...her..." Sirius stuttered.
"SIRIUS !" Lily said through gritted teeth. Remus and James burst out laughing, followed by Peter.
"Oh come on guys!" Lily said, sinking back into the couch. "Sirius, you have to apologize to her"
"But-" began Sirius. "No buts ! I am not the only one living there ! You just cant go into a girl's room that way !"
A smirk spread on Sirius' face.
"Ok. I will apologize" he said."Only 'coz I like what I saw"
"You pervert" said Lily, flinging a book at him.
* * *
Y/N was on her way back from dinner with Alice, her other roommate, when she was Sirius coming her way. The other Marauders were at a safe distance from them, but still watching.
Sirius approached her cautiously.
"Y/N" he said, stopping her.
She looked at him, folding her arms against her chest. Thats when his eyes fell on her nose. She had her nose pierced, with a tiny stone-studded nosepin.
"Hello ?" Y/N was waving her hand in front of Sirius's face, and he looked back at her, blushing.
"What is it ?"
"I...um...Im sorry" he said, unable to keep his eyes from wandering again.
This time it lingered on her brown eyes.
Her eyes caught his grey ones, and after a moment, she said " Its alright. Next time, you knock" Y/N and Alice walked off, Sirius turning to watch her walk away.
* * *
"Have you seen that thing on her nose ?" he said out loud that night, after the four were in bed.
"What thing ?" Remus asked.
"She has her nose pierced" said Sirius.
"Whats happened to you, Padfoot ?" James asked, squinting at his friend through the darkness.
"Nothing" Sirius replied.
"Oh right" said Remus. "Didnt you see him staring at her all evening, Prongs?"
"I didnt stare" Sirius said, flatly.
"I saw that Moony" James said.
"Mee too" squeaked Peter.
"Shut up" said Sirius, not saying another word.
BLUSH - Part 4
Bucky Barnes x reader
There was only one thing in Bucky’s mind. That kiss he couldnt complete. “Its so UNFAIR !” He said. “Its killing me !”
“Buck, you can try again !” Steve said, trying to calm his bestfriend. “Im almost too sure that she has the same feelings for you”
“I dont know, Steve” Bucky whined. “If we had kissed that day - GOD ! Im gonna kill Romanoff !”
Steve tried his best to supress his laughter.
But it was just so awkward all the time. Y/N would turn bright red at the sight of Bucky, and would be completely on autopilot by then. Bucky would go all sweaty and stammer at his words.
“I feel so guilty” Natasha said, shaking her head.“I didnt expect this”
“They’ll be ok, Nat” Steve said, shrugging. “There is nothing that we can do about this”
An grin spread on Natasha’s face.
“Oh yes there is” She said, trying an evil-witch-laugh.
“That sounds really wierd” Steve said, giving her a look.
“It didnt come off as I expected” Natasha said, clearing her throat. “Come on. We have work to do!”
Natasha (along with a forced Steve), tried in their own way, to actually bring the Bucky and Y/N together.
Natasha made Y/N train when the boys were at the gym. Bucky and Y/N mysteriously ended up seated next to eachother during dinner and movie nights. She would even trip Y/N when shes in a hurry so that she would fall on Bucky.
She tried everything she could, but they just remained silent and awkward around eachother.
“This is hopeless” Natasha said, glumly. “I was just teasing them ! I didnt mean it to be like this !”
“Let them do it their way, Nat” Steve said, squeezing her hand reassuringly.
* * *
Y/N was in her room, flipping through the pages of a magazine, when she heard a knock on the door.
She opened it to find Tony standing there with a smile on his face.
“Hey! Come in” Y/N said, closing the door as Tony stepped in.
“You’ve been busy” Tony said, sitting on the edge of her bed. “No time for me, huh ?”
“Sorry, Tony” Y/N said, sitting next to him. “Had lots to do”
“Well, I cant let Banner torture you in there” Tony said. “Lets go on trip. Just the two of us - like we used to when you were little”
Y/N smiled at the memory.
“That would be great !” She said, hugging her uncle. “Thanks Tony”
He kissed her temple gently and said, “Anything for you”
“I will arrange something and let you know” Tony said, as he walked out. “Be ready !”
“You know I will be”
* * *
Tony’s visit had made her pretty happy. She stepped out of her room, and towards the kitchen, to find something to eat. She almost turned away seeing Bucky there, making coffee.
“Coffee, Y/N ?” he asked, wanting her to stay.
“No thanks, Bucky” Y/N said, giving him a small smile.
She opened the fridge to find something to eat. Her heart raced, having Bucky so close to her. She wanted to reach out to him. Hug him. Tell him she loved him. But this stress made her more hungry.
She found some of Wanda’s big cupcakes, and carried them to the table, sitting as far away from Bucky as possible. Bucky, sighed in defeat, and sat at the other end.
Steve and Natasha sat at the living room, from where they could see the couple. Natasha sighed.
“This is so frustrating” she said, placing her head of Steve’s shoulder.
Bucky sat staring at Y/N, who was stuffing her fifth cupcake into her mouth.He shook his head, knowing that Y/N always ate too much when she was under stress. She took another bite, glumly.
Bucky exhaled loudly as he stood up, and walked towards Y/N.
Steve nudged Natasha a bit too forcefully in excitment that she almost fell out of the couch.
“Y/N, thats enough” Bucky said, taking the cupcake from her hand.
“Give it back !” Y/N said, reaching up for it.
“No, you’ve had enough” Bucky said. “You’re gonna be sick”
“I dont care, give it back !”
She stood up now, wrestling Bucky for her cupcake.
“Oh God, PLEASE just let them kiss” Natasha said, watching them carefully.
“BUCKY !” Y/N whined.
Bucky put the cake in his mouth, and showed his empty hands to her.
“What the hell, Bucky ! That was the last one !” Y/N said, sulking.
“I thought you didnt like strawberry icing” Bucky said, licking the icing off his fingers.
“I dont” Y/N, pouring herself a glass of water. “Wanda made these so that I dont eat them”
Bucky laughed.
“You ate them anyway” He said.
“Yeah I did” Y/N said, shrugging. “I have to go”
She began walking towards the elevator. Bucky clentched his jaws, as he followed her.
“Ok, please tell me they will kiss in the elevator” Natasha said, slapping her forehead.
“You have a way of complicating things, Nat” Steve said. “This could’ve been avoided”
“When am I gonna see the end of it ?!” Natasha whined.
* * *
Sam has created a chatroom.
Sam has added Steve, Nat, Wanda and Clint to chatroom.
Sam : Ok, now whats up with Robo cop and Lil Stark ?
Steve : Whats wrong with them?
Sam : Cap, stop pretending that you dont know
Clint : There is something going on. They were inseparable. Now they barely talk.
Nat : Ok, as guilty as I am, you guys are gonna push me into suicide.
Steve : Natasha Romanoff.
Clint : Keeping secrets from me, Nat ?
Nat : Everyones gonna hate me.
Wanda : Y/N ate all my cupcakes. Again. And shes really upset.
Sam : I think shes upset with Barnes.
Clint : Sam’s right. Wanna talk, Cap ?
Nat : I hate you all.
Nat : Alright ! I walked in on them when they were about to kiss, and I have created this awkward tension between them. And yeah. Thats it.
Sam : Oh.
Wanda : Nat, why did you skip the part where you yelled that you HOPE they would complete the kiss ?
Nat : Thank you, Wanda. And stop reading my mind !
Steve : You know how they are. Both tend to brood on things unneccesarily.
Sam : Well done, Black widow !
Clint : Come on ! They’ll be fine. In fact, I just saw them getting off the elevator.
Nat : Oh please just kiss already !
Steve : Natasha, Im going to kill you if you say that again.
Clint : Is Tony aware of this situation ?
Steve : I dont think so. And we better not talk about it in front of him. Y/N’s gotta figure out how to do it.
Sam : If at all things get better with Barnes, that is. Thanks to B.W.
Nat : You suck.
@mags-moore , @kaiyaisbae , @sgt-jbb-107
, @dreamingonmyown
The Other Guy
Bucky Barnes x Reader x Chase Collins
Bucky sat at the dining table, sipping his coffee, and eyes glued to his laptop. He was determined to keep his eyes off a certain couple sitting at the living room.
(Y/N) laughed yet again at something that guy said, and Bucky clentched his jaw in iritation.
What does she even see in him?!, he thought. The guy had an arrogant look on him, and not to mention a handsome face.
Bucky glanced their way, and saw (Y/N) typing into her laptop, and the guying sitting too close to her, saying something.
He was too engrossed in watching them that he didnt notice the person who had joined him on the table.
Steve smirked, seeing his bestfriend in this state, and cleared his throat to make his presence known.
Bucky almost jumped at that, and quickly regained his composture, and looked back into his laptop.
“Whats the matter, Buck ?” Steve asked.
“What ?” Bucky asked, looking at Steve.
Steve raised his eyebrows, and grinned at Bucky.
“Who the hell is that guy ?” Bucky asked, giving up.
“Thats Chase Collins, (Y/N)’s friend from college” Steve informed him. “They’re on some assignment together”
“I dont like him” Bucky said, and both the guys turned to face the couple, again.
“(Y/N) doesnt seem to mind” Steve said, shrugging. “I think they’re just friends”
“Obviously, he’s trying for more” Bucky murmured, sulkily.
“Buck, Im telling you again” Steve said, exhaling loudly. “You should tell her how you feel !”
“I cant” Bucky said, his metal arm clutching at his cup tightly. “Why would she want me ?! Im the fucking Winter Soldier ! ”
And, his feelings got the better of him, crushing the cup in the process.
* * *
(Y/N) jumped up from the couch hearing a loud cracking sound. She turned to see Steve and Bucky sitting at the dining table.
Bucky’s eyes were tightly shut, and the pieces of the cup, on the table.
(Y/N) rushed to Bucky’s side, relieved to see that it was only his metal arm.
“Are you alright, Buck ?” She asked, touching his shoulder.
She felt his body going rigid on her touch.
By now, Chase was on her side.
Bucky hummed in response.
“I’ll just clean it up” He said in a small voice, not looking at any of them.
“No, just leave it there” (Y/N) said giving his shoulder a gentle squeeze. “I’ll do it”
She looked at Steve and said, “Why dont take him upstairs ?”
“Yeah” Steve, already on his feet and grabbing Bucky’s arm. “Come on, Buck”
* * *
(Y/N) watched as Steve led Bucky to the elevator. She wished Bucky gave her that kind to freedom to hold him, or touch him.
He was always so unsettled and quiet around her. He didnt seem to like her much.
Chase touched her hand, bringing her back to reality.
“(Y/N) ?” He said, in a soft voice.
“Yeah ?” (Y/N) looked at Chase, who was smiling at her.
“You love him, dont you ?”
“What ? No. I dont.”
Her heart was running on a marathon right then, threatening to burst out of her chest.
“Yes you do” Chase said, taking her hand in his.
“He doesnt” (Y/N) said. “He just doesnt like being around me, Chase ! Hes always running away from me ! He never looks at me ! I dont know what to do !”
“Calm down !” Chase said, his hands on her shoulders, holding her in place.
(Y/N), was breathing heavily, trying to calm her mind. There was a storm happening in there, and the only person who could calm it down was not ready to help.
“Have you tried talking to him?” Chase asked.
“Why not ?”
“ ‘Coz he wont stay in the same room as me for like five minutes” (Y/N) said bitterly. “Let alone have a conversation about my feelings. You saw him right now, wont even look at me !”
“Maybe he’s nervous” Chase said.
“Why should he be?” (Y/N) asked, looking at Chase.
Chase shrugged.
“Look, if I hadnt seen this today, I would’ve asked you out” Chase said, giving her a genuine smile. “I think he feels the same way you do. He was bugged that we were spending time together”
“What ?! How can you say that ?!”
“Well, its a guy thing.” Chase laughed. “We were both kinda studying eachother - leaving that aside - you should go, and talk to him”
“Chase, Im afraid, what if he shuts me out ?” (Y/N) said, closing her eyes.
Chase cupped a hand on her cheek, and she opened her eyes.
“Well, thats his loss” Chase said, laughing again. “Im here. If he hurts you, im right here”
(Y/N) laughed, pulling Chase into a hug.
“Thanks, Chase” she said, witha smile. “You’re a great friend”
“I know” said Chase smugly, and started packing his things. “See you in class tomorrow. We’ll finish the assignment then”
(Y/N) nodded, and walked him out.
* * *
(Y/N) knocked on Bucky’s door.
“Bucky ! Please let me in. I have to talk to you” she said, kocking again.
She heard footsteps, and the door opened, revealing Bucky. He was wearing a gray round neck tshirt, and apair of black shorts, his hair done into a messy bun.
“Can I come in ?” (Y/N) asked, carefully.
Bucky nodded, moving aside to let her in.
He stood by the door, not knowing what to do. He watched as she played with her hands nervously.
“Close the door ?” She asked.
Bucky obeyed, nervousness creeping in again.
“Im sorry about the cup. I didnt mean to disturb you and your friend” Bucky said, eyes fixed in his shoes.
“Was nothing” (Y/N) said, shrugging.
Bucky nodded.
“Dont you like me, Bucky ?” (Y/N) asked, all of a sudden. “I mean, why dont you talk to me ? Did I do something ? Or say something ? ‘coz I really dont understand ! I didnt mean to come in here, and attack you, but you really dont leave me a choice !”
Bucky stared at the girl with wide eyes.
“Of course I like you ! ” Bucky said, suddenly feeling a sense of confidence filling himself.
“I adore you, actually” He said, now breathing heavily, hands on his hips. “I have for a long time. Since that day Tony introduced you to us. When he said you’ll be living with us. Since then.”
(Y/N) stared at Bucky, open mouthed.
“Why wouldnt you tell me ?” she asked.
“How would I ?” Bucky asked, as if the answer was obvious. “Im an assasin. I’ve killed innocent people. And you are related to Tony Stark ! And luckily I managed to kill his parents too. So thats a bonus !”
“Bucky, you didnt do any of those things” (Y/N) said weakly. “You were brainwashed. You didnt know”
“But I did.” Bucky said, his head bowed in shame.
(Y/N) ran to him, taking his face in her hands.
“Bucky, you are one of the most beautiful people I’ve known” She said. “And since the day Steve told me all about you, I’ve loved you. I love you, Bucky ! I dont care who says what. I know you. I trust you, and thats all that matters”
“Tony would never agree” Bucky said, his hands moving around her waist.
“Well, he’ll come around one day”, (Y/N) said, a small smile creeping into her face.
Bucky couldnt help but smile. He leaned down to press his lips to hers. They kissed, and kissed again. And again.
“Um, Buck ? One question ?”
“Ask away”
“Why did you break that cup ?”
“That friend of yours, he was getting on my nerves” Bucky said, blushing. “I think he liked you”
(Y/N) giggled, kissing him again.

The Dare !
A Sirius Black x reader story !

Lily Evans sat on the carpetted floor of her dorm room, with her friends Marlene, Alice and (Y/N). The girls sat in a circle, and Lily held a bottle in her hands. “Ok !! Gonna spin it !!” she announced with an evil grin. She spun the bottle. It went round and round for sometime, before halting. It pointed straight at Alice. “Alrighhhttttttt” said Lily. “Alice, whats it gonna be ? Truth or dare ?” Alice thought for a moment and said “Truth !” “Awwww whats the fun in that ?!” Marlene said. “Ok, Lils, ask !!” “Are you and Frank dating ?” (Y/N) laughed. She had caught Alice and Frank snogging once, and Alice had begged her not to tell anyone. “Ive seen thingsss” sang Marlene. “Oh alright !” sighed Alice, blushing. “Yes ! We’re together” “Yay !!” Lily and Andrea said together, laughing. “Ok, spin away ” Lily handed the bottle to Alice. The bottle went spinning, and then stopped, this time, pointing at (Y/N). “Oh YES !” Marlene squealed. “Truth or dare, (Y/N) ?” Lily asked her bestfriend. “This girl has no truths that we dont know about !” protested Marlene. “ (Y/N) - Come on, DARE” (Y/N) bit her lip, thinking. Then gave up and said, “Ok, dare” “YES baby ! I have a nice one for you !” announced Marlene. “Come on” She stood up, and pulled (Y/N) to her feet. She walked out of their dorm, followed by Alice and Lily. They moved towards the stairs, and saw the Marauders sitting down in the common room. “Alright. So I dare you, (Y/N) , to go and kiss Sirius Black. In front of his friends.” “Woah woah woah !” said (Y/N) , raising her hands, and backing away . “No way !” “Sorry, its a dare “said Lily, shrugging. “You have to do it” “Lily !!! I cant !!” whined (Y/N) . “But you people made me kiss James one time !” Lily said. “Just the same now !” “But that was James !!!” said (Y/N) . “He likes you !! This is Sirius Black !!” “So?” Marlene asked, grinning. “Just another boy ” “No !! HE IS SIRIUS BLACK !” hissed (Y/N) . “Half of the girls in Hogwarts fancies that man !” “This girl so likes him !” said Marlene, smugly. “Do not !” said (Y/N) , folding her arms. But of course she did. She adored Sirius Black. And even the sight if him gave her the shivers. She was absoultely terrified about this. She didnt want to do it. “You have to do it !” Lily said again. “You guys planned this didnt you ?” said (Y/N) glaring at her friends. “Totally” said, Marlene. “We’ve been trying to set you up with him for so LONG (Y/N) , and this is perfect ! Now go on !” “We’ll come too” Alice offered, only to recieve a murderous glare from (Y/N) . Lily shoved her towards the stairs. “Im gonna so regret this” said (Y/N) , as she went down the stairs. The girls were in their night clothes. (Y/N) wore a soft pink full sleeved night gown that came up to her knees. Hearing footsteps, James looked up from the book Remus was showing him. “Hey ” He said, grinning at Lily. “What are you doing here this late ?” “Ooohh nothinggg” said Lily. “Hi Sirius !” “Evans” said Sirius looking at Lily, and winking.Then his eyes fell on (Y/N) , who looked like as if she had seen a ghost. (Y/N) turned to Marlene with pleading eyes, and she jerked her head towards Sirius. “Everything ok ?” Remus asked. Lily gave him a thumbs up. “ (Y/N) …” Said Lily, poking her on her rib. “ALRIGHT !” said (Y/N) loudly, and went straight to Sirius, and bent down, pressing her lips to his. Remus dropped his book and James whistled. Sirius was too shocked to move at first. Then, he kissed her back slowly. (Y/N) ’s hair fell forward, which Sirius tucked behind her ear carefully. She felt giddy inhaling his lovely scent. His lips were soft and he tasted a bit like chocolate. It was all too much for her. (Y/N) pulled back suddenly, and bit her lip, embarrased. Sirius gave her an amused look, and sat up straight. Marlene and Lily laughed, along with James. Remus and Peter were too shocked. (Y/N) gave her friends another glare, and ran back up to her room.
* * *
(Y/N) buttered her toast glumly. “ (Y/N) , stop sulking” Lily said, passing her a glass of juice. “I hate you all” said (Y/N) , taking a bite, and chewing slowly. Marlene controlled her urge to laugh. “Dont tell me you didnt enjoy it ! ” she said. “Dont you dare !” (Y/N) growled, stuffing her toast into her mouth all together. “I hope you are aware that you’re stuffing you mouth, (Y/N) ” Lily said, shaking her head. “Shut up” (Y/N) said, trying to chew her depression away.
“Girls” (Y/N) froze hearing James’ voice behind her. She struggled to chew and to swallow, so she covered her mouth with her hands. James sat beside her with a wild grin. Sirius sat opposite to her, beside Lily, and, Remus and Peter beside him. “Hungry, (Y/N) ?” James asked, seeing her struggle. (Y/N) ’s eyes darted to Sirius, who watched her with raised eyebrows. Blushing madly, she looked down to her plate, finally swallowing her toast. “Soooo” Marlene began, nudging (Y/N) . “Black” Sirius smirked as he took a sip of his juice. His eyes were still fixed on (Y/N) . “How boring, you two” Marlene said. “Are you gonna ask her out or what, Black ? The girl kissed you !!” “MARLENE !!” (Y/N) was a bright shade of red by now. Grabbing her bag, she hopped off her seat, and walked out of the hall. Sirius stared at her in surprise. “Great going, Mar” said Lily. “Are you gonna move your arse, Black?” Marlene asked, sending James into fits of laughter. “Just go already, Padfoot ! You’ve finally got your chance !” Remus said. “See you in class” Sirius told his friends, and went after (Y/N) .
* * * (Y/N) felt tears stinging her eyes as she walked towards the Gryffindor common room. She felt so embarrased, and humiliated. It was true that her friends meant well, but yet, she didnt like what she did. Half way through, she was yanked into a different corridor. “ (Y/N) ” Sirius Black’s voice was soft and husky. “Are you ok ?” “Im sorry Sirius” (Y/N) said, now sobbing. “They dared me to” “Hey hey” he said, wipping her tears away with his fingers. “Please dont cry” “But I-” “I loved it” (Y/N) stared at him with teary eyes. “You have no clue how long I’ve wanted it…I was afraid to say it…” He took her hands in his. “You are such a good girl, (Y/N) . Your brilliant and studious and so beautiful ! I was afraid if you will ever want to be with someone like me” (Y/N) was out of words. The one boy she ever fell for was now holding her hands and calling her beautiful and brilliant. “I’ve been in love with you for so long, (Y/N) ” Sirius said, now cupping her cheeks with his hands. “I know Ive been with a few girls before, I always end up comparing them with you, and none of it ever worked out. They could never be you !” “I love you, Sirius” (Y/N) confessed. “I always have” Sirius laughed, touching her forehead with his. “Can I call you mine, now ? He said. "Please, dont make me wait anymore” “You can” (Y/N) replied with a smile. Sirius pressed his lips to hers. It was the best kiss ever. And they have never been happier.