Tmnt 2k12 - Tumblr Posts

2012 girls real


Hell yeah photo booth time

boobs can be hand warmers if you don't give a shit
where do you find the 2k12 storyboards? I've looked everywhere but only found like 3 stills of them </3

oh, boy, let me tell you, the quest for those elusive storyboards has been a wild ride! I've scoured every nook and cranny, I've searched high and low, I've delved into the deepest depths of the internet. I've surfed through countless forums, traversed the darkest corners of obscure websites, and even braved the treacherous territory of forgotten online archives...

lmao, jokes aside, I did a bit too far digging on the internet. some I found on vimeo, Instagram, twitter, tumblr, personal blogs, somewhere on youtube, and even tmnt official facebook page.
it take me a really LONG time to find these, not even an exaggeration. but I did have fun finding it.
I'm pretty sure I got all the available ones online, I think. I got like 52 videos??? and that's only storyboards. I'm planning to also dig down some concept art or just doodles from people who worked on the show, cuz I remember how they tend to share them online back then...

Welcome to my third blog I had to get a new phone cause my old phone was about five years old so I hope you enjoy this pic. Their will be more very soon.
This is so me! Because I'm poly and I feel like I'm in a poly sandwich with all Raphael's.
2003 Raphael:

2007 Raphael:

2012 Raphael:

2014-16 Raphael:

Rise of tmnt Raphael:

OH GOD HELP ME NOW >///////<!

First realized I had a crush - thought nothing of it just thought it was the personality

Knew it was more then a crush - freaked out cause I thought something was wrong with me

"Look at my husband ya'll!!"

(Yes I'm a sucker for him on a motorcycle)

He's just so damn sexy
I thought this was so cute to post.

4 fanarts for 4 super mega brothers
Raph can be a awesome brother sometimes to his other brothers. Even if he has anger problems doesn't mean he's all that bad each single raphael can have a nice side sometimes.
Raphael 2003:

Raphael 2007:

Raphael 2012:

Raphael 2014-16:

Raphael rise of tmnt: (but all we know he's different compared to all the other Raphael's TwT.)

And other Raphael's to me their just still my grumpy turtles ❤🐢.
Please don't tell me that I'm the only that thinks the same thing.
This is so adorable.
Woah Donnie looking awesome. 👌😎
@memes-in-a-half-shell @janna-the-breaker and @zougkageorgia
Someone probably said smth stupid to him, like the dinosaurs evolved into the crocodiles or smth

Dear lord is it just me or does 2012 raphael have a handsome smile. I mean to me each single raphael does have a handsome smile.
Raphael 2003:

Raphael 2007:

Raphael 2014-16:

Raphael rise of tmnt: (his smile is to adorable)

My reaction to 2003 raphael,2007 raphael,2012 raphael,and 2014-16 raphael smiles.

My reaction to Raphael rise of tmnt:

I definitely ship (2012) April 💛and (2012) Donnie💜🐢 together so much.
I think this is the reaction of Apritello shippers Xd

i just like the idea that the different versions would get along </3
*sum 1 on tiktok asked me to do April soo

*I did a lil sum sum

bashful Leo on patrol

doodle of Leo

My boys