cripplingaddictions - Sakusa Kiyoomi’s Wife
Sakusa Kiyoomi’s Wife

I sometimes put my fantasies into words // 19 // Multifandom // Requests: Closed

96 posts

Drabble: Levi X Reader

Drabble: Levi x reader

Prompt: Both of them injured, and them waking up beside each other

Genre: Fluff, angst, comfort (wow, not surprised)

A/N: Depressed + Levi deprived = this


Thumping behind your ears woke you up suddenly, the rumbling of the cart jolti by you around. The bright blue sky above you blinded you, making you squeeze your eyes shut again. Hooves thundered nearby, trailing next to the cart you were being carried in.

The thin sheet across your body helped the warmth cling to you, pain shooting through your body. Stains of red down the sheet caught your attention, noticing the parallels between where you were in pain and the blotches.

Turning your head to the side, you saw him. His eyes were halflidded, blinding slowly fight away the pain coursing through his own body. He lay on his back like you, wrapped in bandages. You wished you could remember what happened but your mind was fuzzy.

Levi coughed beside you, wheezing as he took in a breath.

“Levi?” You whispered, “What happened?”

The man turned his head towards you, furrowing your eyebrows at you. He lifted a hand to place on your head, gently ruffling your hair.

“Hey, brat,” he left his hand resting on your head, “You got us in this mess to begin with.”

“It-it hurts,” you winced as the cart bounced, presumably over a rock.

Levi shifted to get closer to you, cursing under his breath at his own aching body, “I know, it sucks. Keep those eyes of yours open.”

You nodded, holding eye contact with Levi. The hand atop of your head secured you as the cart bounced across the terrain back to the walls. His gaze made you feel safe but the thought of his potential scolding caused you to feel ashamed.

Immediately afflicting the blame on you only made you feel worse, and you wished Levi could see that.

“Levi...” you began.


“Are you going to yell at me when we get back?”

“Probably, you almost getting us both killed wasn’t too smart. But, I know you’ll need some attention. Your injuries are worse than mine.”

You tried nodding but your head thumped painfully. Levi noticed the wince you tried to hide and ran his thumb up your forehead.

“Don’t move, I know it hurts,” he sighed.

He knew that literally anyone could be seeing him like this, but he didn’t care. The only thing he cared about was you getting the proper treatment. You certainly knew - especially because he lay injured beside you - that he went completely out of his way to save you.

Maybe you were too delirious to notice before, but the rhythmic stroking of Levi’s thumb across your forehead burnt into your skin. Never before had he been this close to you or expressed such worry for you.

Before this, you always thought you were another on of his cadets. Now, you felt slightly special.

Maybe you were something special to him.

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More Posts from Cripplingaddictions

4 years ago

Reblog if you're a Slytherin.

gryffindor | ravenclaw | hufflepuff

4 years ago

I'm so sorry for just disappearing pls forgive me.

I'm now on holidays so I can write so much more! I'll be opening requests for haikyuu and mha in a couple days!!

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4 years ago

Please do!! I’d love to read it 👀

I’ll be using those other ideas of yours too!!

Drabble: Tsukishima x Reader

Prompt: thanks to @freyafolkvangr for the idea!

Genre: Fluff, I guess a bit of comfort?

A/N: I couldn’t resist this adorable idea! These drabbles keep getting longer and longer... Here you go!

Drabble: Tsukishima X Reader

Sneaking down to the court was your favourite thing to do, but your boyfriend never enjoyed it to begin with. He insisted you would distract him before the game. Of course, you ignored him and went to wish him luck before running off to the stands.

It had become a habit of sorts to meet Tsukishima before his game. He grew accustomed to it, mainly because the rest of the Karasuno team would be mad if he told you to go away. After all, they were all your friends too.

This game was sure to be big, and Tsukishima seemed unfazed by the intensity of the weighing atmosphere. He never seemed bothered by games, but you could tell that he masked his nerves. Once the two of you had gotten comfortable enough around one another, he opened up about this too.

Hiding around the doorway, you peaked over to find Tsukishima standing a fair distance away from the team. His lanky figure stood above the rest of the team as he fiddled with the tape in order to wrap his fingers.

You could see he struggled, more and more of his fingers taking damage from the intense blocks he stopped so well. The height of his injuries resulted in it being awkward to use his remaining fingers to wrap them. It didn’t take you long to suggest to help him, but it took him even longer to accept the offer initially.

“Kei, over here,” you whisper-shouted, Tsukishima’s eyes darting over to you through his sports glasses.

You wiggled your fingers to indicate you wanted him to approach you, waiting patiently as he strutted to your hiding place.

When he came to stand in front of you, you smiled up at him. To which he scoffed.

“You seem more excited for the game than I am,” he admitted, smirking at you as he handed over his tape.

Gently, you look his hand in yours, turning over his slender fingers. Feeling for the edge of the tape, you shook your head.

“You don’t have to hide that you enjoy volleyball.” You took one of his injured fingers, having memorised which ones required wrapping, and began to wind the white tape around it starting from the base. “Besides, can’t I be proud of you? Or are you too embarrassed?”

Ripping the end of the tape, you sealed the end against his finger, carefully lifting up the second one.

“I don’t care what you do,” Tsukishima kept a keen eyes on your every movement to ensure you weren’t going to hurt him, “as long as you’re happy.”

You let out a large laugh, “As if. You never say anything that sweet unless you think I’m asleep.”

In response, he scoffed as averted his eyes, allowing for you to finish the hand you held.

Once you had finished, you raised his hands to your lips and pressed a delicate kiss to each one. This was a little habit you had gotten into as a simple good luck charm. You enjoyed it so much because of the way Tsukishima’s ears would slightly tint pink.

Releasing it, you took his other hand and readied his fingers by seperating them. The finger you began with was his most recently impaired one and you could tell by the purplish swelling by the base.

Tsukishima flinched as you handled it, causing you to immediately slow your movements.

“Sorry, sweetheart,” you mumbled, beginning to wrap the tape around it and the one beside it to immobilise it.

Calling Tsukishima “sweetheart” always made his heart swell, as it contradicted the “saltyshima” nickname he had also earned for himself.

Finishing quickly, you pressed soft kisses to the newly wrapped fingers. You pulled him down by his neck to place a kiss to the bridge of his glasses, a tiny good luck to prevent a ball to the face. The last thing you wanted was for his nose or face to be harmed after his glasses were hit with a ball.

“I know you like to pretend you aren’t nervous,” you began, handing him back his tape, “but make sure you take deep breaths and pace yourself. You’ll do brilliantly no matter what, okay?”

“Pfff,” Tsukishima laughed at the seriousness in your voice.

“Hey, I’m serious.”

“I know, that’s what’s funny.”

You pouted, flicking him in the forehead, “Let me be sentimental and good s/o once in a while.”

“You already are,” Tsukishima corrected you.

The way he shifted his eyes away led you to believe he was being genuine. Feeling a tiny bit proud, you smiled.

“What is with you being all soft today?”

“I don’t know, but take it while you get because I’ll probably be grumpy after the game thanks to that “king.””

“Stop it...” You hushed him, giving him a slight shove in the chest. “Now, go do your best, Kei.”

“Whatever,” he rolled his eyes, quickly kissing the top of his head before leaving you and joining the team.

You were excited to watch the game, nervous, but excited. Mainly, because you were proud.

After all, when you had such a talented and perservering boyfriend, what more could you ask for?

4 years ago

Just an FYI, posts will start to get more scattered during the week days now with school. Sorry about that...

Love ya! ❤️

4 years ago

Drabble: Hawks x Reader

Prompt: “I’m scared. What if someone finds out about us?”

A/N: First time writing hawks?? 👀 And this is a little all over the place


You knew exactly what you were getting into when you decided to date him. The number 2 hero with a swarm of responsibilities, enemies and fans all at the same time. He was so special and you were a civilian. A nobody.

If you were honest, you knew Hawks liked it better than way. He felt that you couldn’t get hurt, but there was the fear of you getting hurt because you weren’t a hero. When you started dating him, you never realised that you suddenly became an everybody.

No one knew about you, and the both of you wanted to keep it that way. It had been almost a year of you two hiding this secret from everyone you knew, especially the media. Even Hawks warned you of what the Hero Public Safety Commission would say or do if they were to be informed.

The best thing you could do was spend nights together such as this one. With his busy schedule, the middle of the night was almost the only time he could wind down.

When it was time to do so, he’d call you on his way home to tell you how long he was going to be and how much he’s looking forward to see you.

After receiving the call you’d get to work preparing him some chicken to eat and a nest of pillows on the bed. According to him, you never arranged the pillows quite right. However, you just wanted to show that you cared for him.

Right now, he was snug in the nest he had to shift around, playfully scolding you for not being able to do it right. A blanket was folded over you, his wings tucked carefully behind him. A finished bucket of chicken was left abandoned on the bedside table.

Hawks cooed softly in your arms, his handsome face hidden in the crook of your neck. You held the back of his head softly, threading your fingers through his tussled but silky blond hair. His arms were loose around your waist, legs tangled between yours.

“Hawks?” You whispered, unsure if he was still awake.

A soft but low hum vibrated against your throat.

“Do you care if I’m a nobody?” You asked, allowing for your question to slip out.

“Nope,” Hawks mumbled, adjusting how his face pressed against your neck.

“Okay... but what if I couldn’t save myself from villains that came after me knowing they’d get to you?”

Hawks gave another hushed answer, “Then they would have got to me, because I’d come and save you, little birdie.”

You nodded, hesitantly, guilt building up.

“Wouldn’t it be better if I got myself out of the situation? I don’t want you to get dragged into things because of me.”

“And I don’t want you to get dragged into things because of me.”

Hawks drew his face out of your neck, wriggling up to meet your eye level. He lifted his hand up to run his hand up and down your arm.

The shine of the cityscape reflected perfectly in Hawks’s golden eyes through the open window. The sleekness of their hawk-like shape pierced your own as you stared into them. You could sense the seriousness in the hue of yellow. The intense eye contact caught your breath in your throat as your worries poured out.

“Hawks, I’m scared,” you mumbled, “What if someone finds out about us?”

Immediately, Hawks didn’t waste a second in shuffling up to press your face into his chest. The soft circles he ran up and down your shoulder blades ticked through your shirt.

You could hear his rapid heart rate, making it clear the fear that had shocked him into gelding you so tight.

He squeezed you tightly, guilty of placing you into a situation of fear, anxious for what he led you into, and feeling selfish for wanting you anyway.

How could he not when you were all he has ever wanted?

“Call me Keigo,” he whispered, voice light as one of his scarlet feathers.

Your eyes shot open.

“I know I told you that I couldn’t tell you my name but I don’t care anymore,” he confessed, feeling the way you tried to look up at him, “My name’s Keigo Takami, and I promise I will protect you from anything.”

“Keigo... I love that name...” you sighed, getting comfortable against his chest, “It really suits you.”

Hawks couldn’t help but chuckle.

“I know you’ll protect me, Keigo...”

He smiled when you used his name.

“And I promise I’ll do anything to keep us together.”

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