crypticjackal13 - brain go brr
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So True. I Love Philosophy (/lh)

So true. I love philosophy (/lh)

Shadowpeach good

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More Posts from Crypticjackal13

2 years ago

I'm about to watch Nezha:Reborn on Netflix. I will be back when it's over with notes on what the heck I'm looking at :0 wish me luck


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2 years ago

Hi I was wondering if you were ok doing Nezha x Injured! Reader..?

Basically reader sprains their ankle and try hide it but fails as it the pain gets worse..

(Fluff, oneshot and if it ok can you use they/them pronouns..)

Ofc! Here u go :D

Nezha x Injured!GN!Reader (584 w.c.)

(Romantic one shot)

Pronouns: you/yours

CW: injury to the ankle

“Y/n! Are you alright? That was a heavy fall.” Nezha rushed to your side as soon as he saw that your foot hit the ground in a weird way, causing your ankle to take all the weight at once. He also saw the panic in your eyes, but you quickly recovered.

“I’m fine, it only hurts for a second,” you reassured him, testing your weight on it. It didn’t hurt a lot as long as you didn’t press on it.

“Okay. Just let me know if you want us to stop the hike. I don’t want to make it worse by accident.”

“Don’t worry about me.”

“Well, as your partner, it’s kind of my job.”

The prince linked his elbow with yours, still assisting you for several more steps until you unhooked your own elbow to get a drink of water from your bag. He had started out his day together with you by saying that even though it was a little warm, a nice hike would be a great way to relax after a long week. You agreed, because he really did want to spend time with you. But with this new ankle injury that you could feel shooting up your leg, you would feel terrible if you had to cut it all short. 

He pointed out different plants to you, and to your credit, you paid attention and even urged him to explain a little more, just so you could take a moment and put all your weight on your good foot. 

At some point, he caught on to this pattern, and brought you to the side where a creek was to sit. He made you sit down first, watching how you labored in balancing yourself. He took his spot next to you, reaching into his own bag and pulling the ice pack out of the cooler that contained extra water. 

“Y/n, I know you want to keep going, but seeing you try to sit was frankly painful to watch.” He held out his hand, and with a sigh, you lifted your leg into his grip. At first, the shock of the cold on your ankle was bad, but once you got used to the feeling of it, it felt like heaven. 

“Thank you, Nezha…” 

“It’s no problem.”

The two of you sat and relished in the quiet around you. The creek made its own noise of water over small rocks, the birds were active, and a light breeze made the leaves of the trees shift from side to side. 

“Why didn’t you tell me it hurt?” Nezha asked after a while. He had kept a steady hold on the ice pack, but you could tell that he was half-meditating as well. 

“I didn’t want to ruin our time together.” You answered, avoiding his eyes. You could feel the disappointment and concern radiating off of him. 

“Getting hurt doesn’t ruin anything. I’m always happy to help you, alright?” The cold was suddenly gone as he took out the cooler, placing it back inside, before taking his crimson ribbon out and fashioning a wrap around the injury. “I worry about you. Even if you don’t want me to sometimes.”

He patted your leg, before standing up and packing things away again.

“Now, let’s go get you a proper wrap and head home. We can watch that romance movie you’ve been telling me about.” In one swoop, he picked you up and carried you on his back as you had the backpack.

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2 years ago

Can I request a MK x Foreign!Reader headcanons where the reader was friends with MK before he gained the staff, but after he got it they started hanging out less and less?

Like him pushing off plans to train or something, and the reader never being able to tell him how he feels, only for MK to find out the reader likes him after they went back home.

Whether they reunite or not is up to you!

Anon that’s genius but in order to save myself some tears I had them reunite at the airport

MK x Foreign!GN!Reader headcanons

The two of you got to hang out almost every day before MK found the staff. When he did, he seemed to forget that you existed. The only time you two would talk was over text, and even then he never had time to respond to you.

you couldn’t help but feel abandoned. The same boy who helped you to adjust to your life abroad had grown apart from you, even though you tried so hard to connect with him, hoping for even a single moment alone with him so you could tell him how you felt.

time passed on, demons popped up left and right, and you found yourself having to go back to your home country. You told this to MK weeks in advance, and he promised you he’d hang out with you and even offered to drive you to the airport if you wanted him to.

of course you accepted, thinking this was your chance. But it was too good to be true, since not only did a frightening amount of ice suddenly start appearing, but MK had to leave with the others to stop the end of the world. You bid them good luck and counted down the days to your leaving.

the day you had to leave, you placed a goodbye letter(that included your feelings for him) to MK in his mailbox, getting a taxi to the airport instead, since who knew where he was in all this chaos. He wasn’t with you, that’s for sure. call it selfish, but you really did want to see him.

you checked in, passed through security, and prepared to leave the place you had come to call home.

what you DIDN’T see was the monkey kid, freshly home from beating the Lady Bone Demon, who had found your letter and used his monkey magic to get to that plane as fast as he could.

“Y/N! WAIT!” and you watched as he tripped over himself and landed on his face in front of you and everyone else by the gates.

cue your cliche “I love you too! I’m so sorry I didn’t realize sooner!” Moment at the airport. He promises you that he’ll talk to you as often as possible, and, who knows, maybe visit you? Or you can visit him! Move back as quickly as possible!

you have to stop him from crying otherwise you’ll start too

it’s very wholesome

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2 years ago

Could I request an MK x Benched!reader? Basically just the entire episode benched except the reader is the one who’s left out instead of Tang (This could include other character as well if you want).

Oo fun! Benched was a good episode :)

Sorry this took me a hot minute work has been kicking my butt

"I Can Help Too!"


Pronouns: they/them

CW: none, comment if there is

Standing just behind the curtains at the talent show, y/n couldn’t help but feel left out. Sure, they loved seeing how enthusiastic MK had been about this whole performance thing, but it was determined that they had no place in the band for y/n. And that was really the only part that stung.

So, how does one get out of that funk and try to contribute? Well, they make their way up into the giant lantern to try and grab the ring themselves, of course.

Seeing that Macaque guy was an added insult to injury.

“You’re pretty smart for coming up here by yourself. You led me right to where I needed to be.” The shadow demon chuckled, appearing out of one of his portals and then right next to y/n. He stalked past them to the center of the giant lantern, but didn’t grab the ring just yet.

“Stop! If we work together, we can defeat the Lady Bone Demon!” They yelled. He didn’t turn to face them, but his voice filled the space.

“Yeah, what exactly do you bring to the table? Last I checked, everyone down there was getting on just fine without you. And besides, I need this ring more than you do.”

“Without that ring, humanity is doomed! I won’t just stand by and let that happen!” Y/n leaped to grab the ring, but Macaque pushed them out of the way. Over and over, the two collided, and the dome they were under started swaying. 

“You need to look out for number one. If you don’t, no one will. Wukong values people by how useful they are to him,” Macaque paused, catching his breath. “Take it from me, as an expert on what happens when you get too close to the king.”

“My friends can depend on me. I can depend on them. If I can help them, I will!” Y/n stood, being surrounded in golden light as the most beautiful singing voice they’d ever heard broke out from the stage that was below them. The noise made Macaque flinch, and y/n took direct advantage of this, propelling themselves forward and snatching the ring of Samadhi before the demon could get a hand on it. They yelled as they fell past him, and then through the air, until they finally landed in their boyfriend’s arms. Assumedly, they won.

“Hey, the ring! Way to go, babe!” MK cheered. Y/n welcomed the praise they got from the group, but there was a more pressing matter at hand.

“Hey, uh, Macaque is here, and he’s also looking for the ring! So maybe we should get out of here, ASAP!” They explained, handing the ring to Wukong and then following the group backstage so they could get ready to go. 

“Right! C’mon, before he comes looking for us, too!” MK took their hand, and they made it to the metro station to make an escape from possibly impending danger. As the train started moving, y/n tried to calm down from all the excitement they just went through, including how Macaque spoke about Wukong. They stole looks at the monkey king, wondering how much of the shadow’s ramblings were true. 

“Y/n?” MK’s voice broke them out of their train of thought.

“What’s up?”

“Just checking up on you. I’m really happy you were able to get the ring for us. But I almost forgot to see if you got hurt or anything.”

“Oh yeah, I’m fine. No broken bones or nasty cuts.” They reassured him, giving him a smile. He took a seat next to them, settling in for the ride to their destination.

There was a plan for all this, right?

Could I Request An MK X Benched!reader? Basically Just The Entire Episode Benched Except The Reader Is

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2 years ago

Heyy I’m not sure if you’ll have time but could you do Mk, Mei and Red Son (maybe others idm) comforting the female reader while she’s on her period? Sorry it might sound weird but Im on my period and I would like to see what others would do to help! So stuff like food or hot water bottles for the cramps. This is my first time doing a request so um trying to be “creative” And now ofc don’t worry if you don’t wanna do it. But I LOVE your content. Never stop!

No worries, anon, I don’t mind at all! And thank you that’s really sweet :D Also I wasn’t quite sure if you wanted a drabble or headcanons, so I did kind of scenarios! Hope you’re feeling okay, take care of yourself!

Traffic Light Trio x fem!reader on her period scenarios!

REDSON has seen every level of hell with her mother over the years. They’re gonna treat you like a the QUEEN YOU ARE(/pos). They check up on you as often as he can, respecting if you want space of course. He heats up her hands enough that when you have cramps it’s like a heating pad. Doesn’t care how “gross” you think you are, they hype you up and try their best to make you feel good about yourself. Will also try to write down the type of supplies you prefer so she can get them when you need them. Tones down her yelling, much more loose and focused less on machines or anything so that she can focus on you and your needs. ”don’t worry, beloved, this will pass! Stay strong, like I know you are, alright?!”

MK is about as sweet as it gets. He’s been friends with Mei since forever, and he has a loose understanding of what goes on and how painful it is. They try to be at your every beck and call, and if he can’t be with you when you’re super in pain, they make up for it with whatever food or drink you want. Has a pretty nice heated blanket that he folds up into a heating pad for you. KING of cuddles—they will let you pick the position you want him in so you’re at the UTMOST comfort. Compliments you a lot! His little heart breaks whenever you’re feeling down, so please expect them to try just about anything to get you to smile again! ”it’s okay if you feel like crud, babe! I’m here for you no matter what!”

MEI knows exactly how you feel. So, when there’s a Disturbance(tm) she shows up with movies, blankets, snacks, face masks, and supplies. Memorizes what size of supply you wear so you don’t get stuck with something uncomfy. If she has intense control over her fire, she will warm up her hands similar to how Redson would. Otherwise she’ll find you the best heating pad that she can. Lets you pick the food, obviously, but makes her own recommendations as well in case you’re interested. She doesn’t force you to do anything crazy on a day when you’re feeling super uncomfortable, but on days when things are manageable, she encourages you to get some fresh air with her. Offers up lots of affection, but backs off if you really need the space. “Here, I brought you some chocolate! It’s sweet, like you.”

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