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Could I Request An MK X Benched!reader? Basically Just The Entire Episode Benched Except The Reader Is

Could I request an MK x Benched!reader? Basically just the entire episode benched except the reader is the one who’s left out instead of Tang (This could include other character as well if you want).

Oo fun! Benched was a good episode :)

Sorry this took me a hot minute work has been kicking my butt

"I Can Help Too!"


Pronouns: they/them

CW: none, comment if there is

Standing just behind the curtains at the talent show, y/n couldn’t help but feel left out. Sure, they loved seeing how enthusiastic MK had been about this whole performance thing, but it was determined that they had no place in the band for y/n. And that was really the only part that stung.

So, how does one get out of that funk and try to contribute? Well, they make their way up into the giant lantern to try and grab the ring themselves, of course.

Seeing that Macaque guy was an added insult to injury.

“You’re pretty smart for coming up here by yourself. You led me right to where I needed to be.” The shadow demon chuckled, appearing out of one of his portals and then right next to y/n. He stalked past them to the center of the giant lantern, but didn’t grab the ring just yet.

“Stop! If we work together, we can defeat the Lady Bone Demon!” They yelled. He didn’t turn to face them, but his voice filled the space.

“Yeah, what exactly do you bring to the table? Last I checked, everyone down there was getting on just fine without you. And besides, I need this ring more than you do.”

“Without that ring, humanity is doomed! I won’t just stand by and let that happen!” Y/n leaped to grab the ring, but Macaque pushed them out of the way. Over and over, the two collided, and the dome they were under started swaying. 

“You need to look out for number one. If you don’t, no one will. Wukong values people by how useful they are to him,” Macaque paused, catching his breath. “Take it from me, as an expert on what happens when you get too close to the king.”

“My friends can depend on me. I can depend on them. If I can help them, I will!” Y/n stood, being surrounded in golden light as the most beautiful singing voice they’d ever heard broke out from the stage that was below them. The noise made Macaque flinch, and y/n took direct advantage of this, propelling themselves forward and snatching the ring of Samadhi before the demon could get a hand on it. They yelled as they fell past him, and then through the air, until they finally landed in their boyfriend’s arms. Assumedly, they won.

“Hey, the ring! Way to go, babe!” MK cheered. Y/n welcomed the praise they got from the group, but there was a more pressing matter at hand.

“Hey, uh, Macaque is here, and he’s also looking for the ring! So maybe we should get out of here, ASAP!” They explained, handing the ring to Wukong and then following the group backstage so they could get ready to go. 

“Right! C’mon, before he comes looking for us, too!” MK took their hand, and they made it to the metro station to make an escape from possibly impending danger. As the train started moving, y/n tried to calm down from all the excitement they just went through, including how Macaque spoke about Wukong. They stole looks at the monkey king, wondering how much of the shadow’s ramblings were true. 

“Y/n?” MK’s voice broke them out of their train of thought.

“What’s up?”

“Just checking up on you. I’m really happy you were able to get the ring for us. But I almost forgot to see if you got hurt or anything.”

“Oh yeah, I’m fine. No broken bones or nasty cuts.” They reassured him, giving him a smile. He took a seat next to them, settling in for the ride to their destination.

There was a plan for all this, right?

Could I Request An MK X Benched!reader? Basically Just The Entire Episode Benched Except The Reader Is
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More Posts from Crypticjackal13

2 years ago

this is gonna be a weird one so bear with me here

LMK (any characters) x Hypnotist!Reader

I don’t really mind whether or not the reader in question is a villain or just an every day hypnotist i just wanna see some shenanigans with the characters having an s/o capable of mind controlling them


I've always kind of thought a career in hypnotism would be interesting, but part of me thinks that just having it as a random skill would be funnier

Traffic light trio (separately) x hypnotist!gn!reader



probably more curious than anything

Maybe brings you with them to do hero stuff? Like maybe you could hypnotize a demon to just,,,chill out.

you may also have to hypnotize him to relax. He doesn’t mind, he trusts you to not do anything weird!


can you do something funny? Like make MK act like a chicken??

wants you to help her prank people(only if you want to)

if she were to get out of control with the Samadhi Fire, I feel like maybe s/o should try to hypnotize her to calm down.


villain duo,,, yes.

no seriously help her scheme and pull stuff against MK and co. I’m talking making them think that she’s a king or something

In reality you should try and hypnotize DBK to say nice things to her :)

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2 years ago

Something have an idea in my mind, but i hope this request against the rules i read, hope you wouldnt mind.

may i have a request a seperate headcanons for Sun wukong, Macaque, Red son and MK would react their female s/o couldn't controlled herself cuz reader snapped/ berserk or even let their negative emotions, because of it the result she turned into some like dark and evil version of reader like you know their appearance changed even her aura too.

after they defeating reader they saw their sad flashbacks/backstory of reader. (like for example; forcing being perfect because of her parents , pushing herself become stronger, or reader's trauma or something like that) reason why reader act like that before they turned into, reader been dealing this since childhood. after that the boys comfort her after finding out their s/o's backstory.

I apologise the idea is confusing, this is inspired the game i played called "twisted wonderland", about the reader turned into evil mode called it "overblot" in the game and feel free to decline my request too! ^^

I like this ask, but I did put a spin on it since I wasn't quite sure where I wanted to go with the going crazy part, so I just had it that she was feeling pressured to be perfect and strong, but doesn’t snap or anything. Enjoy! :)



Red knows exactly how you feel. 

It’s hard being pressured by parents because you’re supposed to look up to them! And that’s really all she knows.

By proxy, pushing yourself to be stronger…and so on and so forth until it all just boils over.

They themselves don’t really know how to deal with the negative emotions in a different way other than blowing off steam by training. 

So she invites you along to spar with him, meditate, and hey, maybe destroy some stuff. 

If you’re not up for that, and you want to just cry it out, he’s fine with sitting with you while you do.  And when you’re calmed down again, they’ll pass you tissues and a water bottle. Surely you’re dehydrated.


Sweet boy also is aware of what that feels like. The real difference is that he’s the one setting those standards for himself.

He’ll advise you to talk to your parents, if possible. But if you can’t or don’t want to, the next best way to deal with this is distraction!

A movie, some darn good popcorn, and some tissues just in case there’s a sad scene. Maybe even some video games if you need something to do with your hands.

If you get super emotional, and can’t soothe yourself, they’ll help you breathe. In for 4 seconds, hold for 7, out for 8. Over and over until you can get some words out.

Even if you’re not good at drawing, MK encourages you to draw your emotions. Watercolor is pretty calming, but crayons and markers are good for being angry and uncontrolled. 

He’s there with you every step of the way to help you feel better.

Sun Wukong

Oh honey he’s been feeling this way ever since the journey to the west! Wanna trade coping skill ideas?? /j

Anyways, Wukong’s pretty observant. When your stress levels started going up and you just wouldn’t stop pushing yourself, he knew he had to step in. 

Brings you with him to the nicest spots on flower fruit mountain to hang out. And while you two hang out, he subtly gets you to open up a bit. 

By the end of it, you’re both emotional(because c’mon if you cry he’s gonna cry too—) but you do know you feel a little better. 

His hugs are the best, please take advantage of this if you want, especially if you just need to be held for an indefinite amount of time. 

If you really want, other monkeys will also join in to comfort you as well!


Very concerned. But obviously he won’t just admit it. He studies how you act(not in a creepy way) and when he sees that you’re disregarding your own needs and just trying to run on an empty tank, he feels bad.

With that silky smooth voice of his, he drags you over to his place, and gets you to eat and drink something while you tell him what’s been going on. 

When you’ve finished telling him everything you felt comfortable sharing, he takes your hands and tells you that you’re super strong for trying to handle these emotions and standards on your own. Jokes about going to yell at your parents, but he’ll leave them alone if you really want him to

He kinda sucks at comforting words because his humor is like 70% just about dark stuff so he tries to show his support with actions instead. 

Rubbing soothing circles into your back, wrapping you up in his scarf, and gentle kisses to the backs of your hands. 

Tries his best to show you that he’s very proud of what you’ve accomplished, even if others don’t appreciate it. He thinks you’re great, alright??

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2 years ago

Hey! Found your blog a few days ago I believe and I love your writing!

I was wondering if you could do a

Swk, redson, Mk, and macaque x reader who take a long time to process things? Or like they have dyslexia ( a learning disability) that makes it hard for them to learn things fast so they need extra help understand certain stuff? If not I completely understand!

I hope you have a nice day/afternoon/night! Take care of yourself!

Thank you anon!!! I did my best to look into dyslexia a bit so I wasn't flying blind, however if there are any problems with what I wrote please tell me!



Oof same

Though he tries his best to read himself, he tries extra hard to help you when you need it.

The two of you together probably mix up directions a lot(Mei and Redson will help lol)

Thinks it’s kinda cute if you mispronounce things; won’t make fun of you for it but will help you sound it out. If he doesn’t know either, you two just make guesses until something sounds right lmao

He himself uses a lot of visual aids(it’s why he loves drawing) so I can see him extending that offer of making some for you if you’d like!

Really good at getting you to calm down if you’re starting to get stressed at something you’re trying to comprehend.

Encourages you to take your time with stuff, there’s no rush, no one’s mad or anything.


They’re a little confused at first. The words on the menu are so easy to read, why are you having such a hard time?

(You’ll probably have to explain it to them)

Once they figure out what’s wrong they’re much less condescending toward you. They’ll pretend to not like giving you resources but trust me they love helping you any way they can.

Never ever rushes you to try and understand something. If someone else does, they threaten to set the person on fire if they don’t back off and give you a minute.

I think Redson is actually pretty good at explaining things in different ways. It requires some patience on their end, but they wouldn’t mind it for you.

If you want them to write something down for you because you’re kinda struggling on your own, they will. Their handwriting is really pretty.



He’s super supportive, don’t get me wrong, and he does his best, but this monkey cannot read to save his life.

Thinks in pictures, deals in pictures. You two can potentially help each other out? You present words, he’ll match a visual to it. The math is adding up

He takes things slow a lot of the time, so if you’re getting stressed about reading or understanding something, he encourages you to do your best. If you still can’t figure it out, don’t worry about it, it’s not a life or death situation!

If he sees you zoning out he has two options: join in(bc honestly he probably likes daydreaming!) or very gently helping you to zone back in. If it helps you to fidget with something he lets you play with his tail.

Doesn’t care what anyone else thinks about you. You’re not dumb to him, you’re not lazy. You’re trying just as hard as anyone else!


Like Redson, slightly confused at first. But then he remembers how Wukong is and understands immediately.

You’ll have to talk to him about what helps you the best, but in the meantime he doesn't mind reading aloud to you when the words just won't stop moving.

Very patient with you if you’re talking and pronouncing things wrong/mixing up words/etc. If you don’t mind him doing it he’ll correct you, but if you’d prefer he let you figure it out, he’ll shut up.

Has no sense of schedule for himself, but if you wanna work on your own time management he might partner up with you to figure out a routine for the two of you to follow(Please this man needs sleep. Give him a bedtime.)

If you’re into drama and theater like he is he’ll want you to help him with his plays! It’s hands on so you won’t have to stress that much

He’ll probably go terrorize anyone who insults you and your intelligence in front of him

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2 years ago

hi I have seen like requests from other people and I loved how you wrote them so I was gonna request a Romance and fluff request of Nezha macaque and sun wukong x transmac chubby Neko reader like reader loves to cuddle and playing video games like cute games/horror games plus they dress with cute femboy clothes as one day they're like listening to the music of the Amen from Amber run and like the guys find them singing and there watching them watching the stars and seeing them singing their heart out as they finished they start tearing up because of a memory they had of their best friend from childhood because they died from cancer and they saw them die on the hospital bed as they saw them cry they come out of their hiding place and come to comfort them

Ps: because this has happened to me and wanted comfort from my comfort character

Nezha, Macaque, and SWK x ftm!reader Headcanons (romantic/comfort, but this is on the heavier side)

Pronouns: he/him

CW: mentions of grief/grieving


Oh sweet boy. Though Nezha could never truly understand what you’re going through, he does his best to help you. He’s normally uptight about your affections unless you two are alone, but he puts his pride aside for this. Lots of head pats and forehead kisses for you if you don’t mind them. The night he finds you singing so sadly after you went to see your friend at the hospital, he’s really torn. Should he interrupt you and comfort you? Should he wait? Either way, your voice on its own almost brings him to tears. He ends up waiting and then, very quietly, coming to sit by your side. He sits with you while you cry it out for as long as you need. To help distract you, he might even ask you to teach him to play your favorite video games. But if you want to work through your feelings head on he’s more than happy to help you.


Feels terrible. He’s seen all kinds of loss in his lifetime, but to see his normally chippy lover in so much pain breaks his heart. He still puts up his usual front of being happy and worry-free, but it’s all in an effort to try and help you smile again. He’s already super affectionate with you, but now even more so. He knows he can’t undo anything but by the gods he’s gonna help you through the grieving process. Loves your voice, but when he hears you singing not for joy but for tragedy, he struggles not to ugly cry. You finish your song and he takes his spot at your side, not saying a word. Wukong reaches out, and if you’ll allow him to, he holds you so tight because he knows it hurts like hell. He doesn’t really know how to truly process anything harsh like this, but he’s very good at distraction. Tell him about anything you want, show him your favorite games, let him take you shopping for those cute clothes you like. He’s with you for every step of the way.


First of all, Know that this man would do ANYTHING for you once you two are in a stable relationship. He’s a little stiff about affection at first, but you’re so cute that he can't resist warming up to you. He hides in your shadow a lot, just to hang out, but this time it’s different. You’re sitting on the ground, singing your heart out, and he assumes the worst considering the last he knew you were visiting your friend in the hospital. After you’re done, and start crying a little, he pops out of your shadow to comfort you. He cuddles up to you, even lets you wear his scarf, and gives you tissues as you let it all out. Macaque doesn’t mind joining you on any path you want to take from this point. As long as you’re not hurting yourself, of course. If you want to really grieve, he’ll offer up his shoulder to cry on and his favorite meditations to help. If you’d prefer to just…avoid things, for a while, then he’s happy to take you anywhere you want to go. Just say the word and he’ll be there.

Hi I Have Seen Like Requests From Other People And I Loved How You Wrote Them So I Was Gonna Request

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2 years ago

Mk x shy GF Reader, with the Mk clones? set during the episode Duplicatnation where Mk is dealing with the fact he accidently got carry away with making clones, but not only that, he has to now deal with them fawning all over his girlfriend in their own ways and getting her EXTREMELY flustered and embarrassed, And are our poor boy is getting REALLY jealous.

“Too Many”(1244 w.c.)(Romantic one shot)

MK/Clones x Shy!Fem!Reader

pronouns: she/her

CW: slight possessiveness

One second, y/n was enjoying some quiet time at Pigsy’s because hey, there was a little too much chaos in her life at the moment, and the next, she was apparently texted to meet her lovely boyfriend at Sandy’s boat. This she didn’t mind. Sandy was such a sweet guy, and she’d be lying if she said spending time with the therapy cats wasn’t one of her favorite things to do. 

It was what happened when she got there that was a problem.

The boat was not only a new color, but she could see that familiar red bandana and messy brown hair hard at work painting it. She smiled knowingly, hopping up onto the deck to greet him. 

“MK, hey!” She went to hug him like she always did, but when he turned around, something was terribly off. His eyes had a crazed fire dancing in them as he wielded a paintbrush. But he still returned her affection.

“Y/n! Good, I was hoping you would be fast! I want to paint you!” He explained. She wasn’t opposed to the idea, but she certainly was thrown off by his mannerisms. 

“Like, right now? I’m not sure—“

“All you have to do is sit and be pretty. You’ll look perfect at any angle!”

Even if he was a little unhinged, she was still blushing at his comment. She went and sat on the stool across from a canvas he’d set up, choosing a simple pose that wouldn’t take long—theoretically.

“Beautiful! Yes, you’re the perfect muse!” He beamed, getting to work on an underpainting. Her heart was racing and she felt her face grow hot at his compliments. She held as still as she could, out of worry for what might happen if she shifted even a little. A solid half hour must have passed by now…But her arms were getting tired in the position she was holding them, so she mustered up the courage to say something.

“Hey, can I just take a quick break? Have you got a sketch down?” She asked. The artist stepped away from the canvas, humming while he looked at her. 

“I suppose…just hurry back, okay? This will be a masterpiece as long as you’re here.”

She hopped off of her seat and gave him a quick kiss as she exited the boat, choosing to head back into the city and get something to eat, maybe even stopping at the arcade…Mei was there, right? They hadn’t gotten to hang out lately.

Walking into the building, she could tell once again that something was wrong. But she pushed that feeling aside and continued in, getting some tokens and enjoying some of the games at the front by the entrance. But the music was muffled, like it was only coming from the back of the building, so y/n went to the back and saw two tall guards in front of the door. Once they saw her coming, they immediately opened the door for her, and she hurried past them with a quiet “thanks”. 

Gods, being in that space was already overwhelming—it smelled like soda pop and smoke machines. The music reverberated through the floors that lit up with each beat. And it was crowded past capacity, most likely. Someone was yelling from the DJ booth, but she couldn’t make out the words. 

“Y/n, thank goodness. You need to talk to your boyfriend.” Mei emerged from somewhere in the crowd, taking y/n by her arm and practically yelling to get her point across. 

“But I was just with him on the boat!” She yelled back.

“Then who’s the guy wearing leopard print sitting in the booth?!” 

The two girls got to the front of the room, and lo and behold, there was MK. Y/n was beyond confused. If he was here, then who was the artist she’d just spent time with? He peered through his slitted neon glasses at her, reaching over the turntable and yanking her into the booth with him. It was only a little easier to hear.

“Aw yeah, the life of my porty is here! It’s good to see you showed up!” He exclaimed, giving y/n a kiss. 

“Porty? MK, what are you talking about? What about the painting?”

“Huh? What painting, yo?” He shook his head with a smirk. “Whatever, anyways, c’mon, join in! Let’s make some sweet tunes to get these guys moving!”

“No, hang on, how long have you been in here?” She stopped him, trying to figure out exactly what was happening.

“No idea, babes, all I know is I’m throwing the best porty this arcade has EVER seen!” He put one of the headphones over his ear, before pressing some buttons that changed the music and got things going again. Now that y/n could see the whole crowd, she could also see that they all looked like zombies…some were slumped on the floor, others were trying to keep dancing but stumbled and dragged their feet. Some were even hiding from MK’s sight. Mei was standing by the entrance to the booth, and she didn’t look too hot either. 

“MK, you need to chill out a bit, okay? Let’s go play some games, just you and me.” Maybe if y/n played her cards right, she could get him to be distracted long enough that the crowd could disperse. 

“Not right now, sweet cheeks. After this set, definitely!” He responded. 

“What do we do? He’s lost his mind!” Mei took y/n’s hand again to get her away from the crazed DJ. Y/n shrugged, racking her brain for solutions. 

“Let’s get out of here! There has to be an exit!” She said. 

“Sorry, sweet heart. No one’s leaving this porty!” The DJ came up behind the pair, yanking them both deeper into the booth.

Hours passed as Mei and y/n were stuck inside a giant claw machine. On the plus side they weren’t stuck on the dance floor, but on the downside they were trapped in a much bigger problem than before.

That is, until the skylight broke. Their saving grace was here, hopefully the REAL one. They couldn’t make out what Real MK and Porty MK were saying to each other, but y/n was just overjoyed that MK was okay. What scared the crap out of her were the countless evil clones that were trying to fight him and how she couldn’t really tell who was where doing what. Golden light was everywhere, and before they both knew it, y/n and Mei were out of the claw machine and out of harm’s way. But they were back in the booth, standing behind Real MK. 

“Wait, how can you tell who’s who? He might be the porty clone!” The DJ said. 

“It’s ‘party’!” Mei said.

“Aw man, I played myself.”

And then he disappeared. Y/n was still comprehending the fact that all of that just happened, but of course the explanation was three simple words: “mystic monkey business”. 

“Y/n, are you okay? He didn’t hurt you, did he?” MK approached y/n, pulling her into a hug that she recognized as his hug. She leaned into him, trying to calm down a bit.

“No, I’m not hurt. Just…frazzled, I guess. Promise you wont make any more clones, okay??” She pulled away from him, grabbing his arms and shaking him back and forth. He laughed the whole time.

“I promise, I promise!”

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