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Can I Request A MK X Foreign!Reader Headcanons Where The Reader Was Friends With MK Before He Gained

Can I request a MK x Foreign!Reader headcanons where the reader was friends with MK before he gained the staff, but after he got it they started hanging out less and less?

Like him pushing off plans to train or something, and the reader never being able to tell him how he feels, only for MK to find out the reader likes him after they went back home.

Whether they reunite or not is up to you!

Anon that’s genius but in order to save myself some tears I had them reunite at the airport

MK x Foreign!GN!Reader headcanons

The two of you got to hang out almost every day before MK found the staff. When he did, he seemed to forget that you existed. The only time you two would talk was over text, and even then he never had time to respond to you.

you couldn’t help but feel abandoned. The same boy who helped you to adjust to your life abroad had grown apart from you, even though you tried so hard to connect with him, hoping for even a single moment alone with him so you could tell him how you felt.

time passed on, demons popped up left and right, and you found yourself having to go back to your home country. You told this to MK weeks in advance, and he promised you he’d hang out with you and even offered to drive you to the airport if you wanted him to.

of course you accepted, thinking this was your chance. But it was too good to be true, since not only did a frightening amount of ice suddenly start appearing, but MK had to leave with the others to stop the end of the world. You bid them good luck and counted down the days to your leaving.

the day you had to leave, you placed a goodbye letter(that included your feelings for him) to MK in his mailbox, getting a taxi to the airport instead, since who knew where he was in all this chaos. He wasn’t with you, that’s for sure. call it selfish, but you really did want to see him.

you checked in, passed through security, and prepared to leave the place you had come to call home.

what you DIDN’T see was the monkey kid, freshly home from beating the Lady Bone Demon, who had found your letter and used his monkey magic to get to that plane as fast as he could.

“Y/N! WAIT!” and you watched as he tripped over himself and landed on his face in front of you and everyone else by the gates.

cue your cliche “I love you too! I’m so sorry I didn’t realize sooner!” Moment at the airport. He promises you that he’ll talk to you as often as possible, and, who knows, maybe visit you? Or you can visit him! Move back as quickly as possible!

you have to stop him from crying otherwise you’ll start too

it’s very wholesome

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More Posts from Crypticjackal13

2 years ago
I Have Such A Soft Spot For This Drawing. MK Welcoming Macaque To The Gang By Drawing Him Right In The

I have such a soft spot for this drawing. MK welcoming Macaque to the gang by drawing him right in the middle of it. Even after the damage Macaque has done, MK sees the good in him.

Macaque's history (regardless of how faithful it is to the source material) is filled with causing pain unto others just to hurt Sun Wukong. But MK sees right through it in Shadowplay. He empathizes with the Warrior, is quick to connect the dots and sees through his shades of grey especially when Macaque saves him from Corrupted Monkey King.

Who know what Season 4 will bring us but I'd love to see a messy redemption arc for Macaque. The gang don't trust him but MK still does and it's hard not to trust MK.

It can even go too far with MK trying to get Macaque and Sun Wukong to reconcile. It's just not that simple. Not when the two have so much resentment. Not to mention Sun Wukong would not be happy with the idea of Macaque just... being there. But he's observant enough to see MK has reached through to Macaque like he once could.

2 years ago

My beloathed

My Beloathed
2 years ago

Redson x Demon fem!s/o who's the opposite of him (E.g. Calm and soft spoken) That's just as smart as him and works with him as both a Lab partner and romantic partner, but unfortunately due to her temperament she is often see as a weaker demon when in reality she's secretly (even to Red) super strong, but doesn't show it unless it's a emergency, like turning into a terrifying, giant, multi armed kaiju to protect Red.

Yesssss I love this idea. Had to look up what exactly a kaiju is, and even then I found mostly Godzilla stuff? So forgive me if my descriptions are a little messy as I tried to be more vague

"Where's My Epic Background Music?"(761 w.c)

Redson x Demon!Fem!Reader romantic one shot

Pronouns: she her

CW: little bit of bl00d, some light viol3nce

“This stupid bolt won’t stay in place!” Redson growled, pretty close to just melting the metal back to its liquid state on his own. But y/n stepped in, coming up behind her lover and handing him the fresh set of pliers he’d asked for. 

“Red, I can hear you from down the hall. Take a second, alright?” She continued holding his hand that was reaching for the tool, making eye contact. He was stiff, with the ends of his hair starting to become inflamed. But at her gentle tone, he sighed, and she could literally see the steam coming off of him as he calmed down. Slowly but surely. 

“Thank you, beloved.” He mumbled, turning away from his newest project. A new motorbike, of sorts, though she knew there had to be a transformation in there somewhere. 

“What about we go get something to eat? You’ve been cooped up in here since you got out of bed this morning.” She suggested. The fire demon hummed, looking at the blueprints he’d worked so hard on, and the bike behind him that had taken him the better part of several hours to assemble. 

“I guess we can. Where would you like to go?”

“There’s a cafe not far from the arcade, I hear they’ve got some really nice pastries.”

“As you wish. Come, we’ll take my car.”

The pair got their jackets and hopped into the large vehicle, driving from what was essentially Hell to the city. At y/n’s request, Redson abided by traffic laws, though it was tempting for him to absolutely total the stupid little car in front of them that cut them off.  

“This is the place!” She pointed to a small building with an alleyway next to it, where there was a chalkboard sign advertising some chai tea drink. It wasn’t overly cutesy, which was probably for the best. Redson would’ve gotten all hissy about being there. 

Walking in, nothing was off-putting. The service was nice and much faster than other places y/n had taken Redson to eat at. 

The real problem showed up when it came time to go back to the car and head home.

The first red flag of the situation was the stranger standing against the side of the car, which was already reason enough for Redson to get angry at. The person was lanky, though both Red and y/n could see the threatening aura they put off. In these situations, not only did Red take the lead, the problem was usually dealt with in a fast manner to avoid unwanted attention. However something about this just wasn’t right.

“It’s a nice car you’ve got here. Nice girlfriend, too.” The person complimented. Redson had no problem waltzing up to the guy and trying to intimidate them right back.

“Thanks. Now if you’ll excuse us, we have places to be.”

In mere seconds, a knife was pressed to his throat, one with symbols written on it that y/n could tell were meant to hold Red in one spot or at least leave an impact if the weapon was to make contact. 

But at the same time, y/n was willing to ditch being passive for the sake of her lover. So as soon as she saw a thin line of blood, she jumped into action. She let go of her human form and grew several sizes larger, multiple arms on her torso and primed to tear limbs if needed. She was quite a sight for both figures below her.

Enough to make the stranger drop their grip on Redson along with the weapon.

“Hey, no harm no foul, right?” They tried to reason with her. 

“Run. Far, far away, and don’t come back.” She warned. They scrambled to get moving, heeding her words immediately as they took off. Once she was sure that they were gone, she transformed back into her regular form and went up to her partner.

“I love when you get all frightening. It’s fun.” He praised her. He dusted himself off, but then held still as she inspected the cut on his neck.

“Hang on, I have some napkins.” She mumbled, digging in her pockets for the napkins she took from the cafe. When she found them, she cupped his face and moved to clean the small wound that was just beginning to drip.

“Thank you, y/n. Now, shall we?” Redson unlocked the vehicle and opened the door for her. She climbed in gingerly, giving him a smile. 

Looks could be so deceiving, could they not?

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2 years ago

this is your daily reminder to write that fic! who cares if it’s a dying fandom, bring it back to life! who cares if you only have a sentence, you’ll get there don’t give up! who cares if it’s a self indulgent fic, we love to see it! who cares if it’s an overdone trope, you’re making it unique in your writing style! who cares if it takes you a month to write a fic and then you dip, you’re still writing and sharing your work and that’s what matters! who cares if you write for yourself and never post it, you’re still writing and getting your ideas down and that matters just as much as if you posted it! just keep writing, you got this <3

2 years ago

Something have an idea in my mind, but i hope this request against the rules i read, hope you wouldnt mind.

may i have a request a seperate headcanons for Sun wukong, Macaque, Red son and MK would react their female s/o couldn't controlled herself cuz reader snapped/ berserk or even let their negative emotions, because of it the result she turned into some like dark and evil version of reader like you know their appearance changed even her aura too.

after they defeating reader they saw their sad flashbacks/backstory of reader. (like for example; forcing being perfect because of her parents , pushing herself become stronger, or reader's trauma or something like that) reason why reader act like that before they turned into, reader been dealing this since childhood. after that the boys comfort her after finding out their s/o's backstory.

I apologise the idea is confusing, this is inspired the game i played called "twisted wonderland", about the reader turned into evil mode called it "overblot" in the game and feel free to decline my request too! ^^

I like this ask, but I did put a spin on it since I wasn't quite sure where I wanted to go with the going crazy part, so I just had it that she was feeling pressured to be perfect and strong, but doesn’t snap or anything. Enjoy! :)



Red knows exactly how you feel. 

It’s hard being pressured by parents because you’re supposed to look up to them! And that’s really all she knows.

By proxy, pushing yourself to be stronger…and so on and so forth until it all just boils over.

They themselves don’t really know how to deal with the negative emotions in a different way other than blowing off steam by training. 

So she invites you along to spar with him, meditate, and hey, maybe destroy some stuff. 

If you’re not up for that, and you want to just cry it out, he’s fine with sitting with you while you do.  And when you’re calmed down again, they’ll pass you tissues and a water bottle. Surely you’re dehydrated.


Sweet boy also is aware of what that feels like. The real difference is that he’s the one setting those standards for himself.

He’ll advise you to talk to your parents, if possible. But if you can’t or don’t want to, the next best way to deal with this is distraction!

A movie, some darn good popcorn, and some tissues just in case there’s a sad scene. Maybe even some video games if you need something to do with your hands.

If you get super emotional, and can’t soothe yourself, they’ll help you breathe. In for 4 seconds, hold for 7, out for 8. Over and over until you can get some words out.

Even if you’re not good at drawing, MK encourages you to draw your emotions. Watercolor is pretty calming, but crayons and markers are good for being angry and uncontrolled. 

He’s there with you every step of the way to help you feel better.

Sun Wukong

Oh honey he’s been feeling this way ever since the journey to the west! Wanna trade coping skill ideas?? /j

Anyways, Wukong’s pretty observant. When your stress levels started going up and you just wouldn’t stop pushing yourself, he knew he had to step in. 

Brings you with him to the nicest spots on flower fruit mountain to hang out. And while you two hang out, he subtly gets you to open up a bit. 

By the end of it, you’re both emotional(because c’mon if you cry he’s gonna cry too—) but you do know you feel a little better. 

His hugs are the best, please take advantage of this if you want, especially if you just need to be held for an indefinite amount of time. 

If you really want, other monkeys will also join in to comfort you as well!


Very concerned. But obviously he won’t just admit it. He studies how you act(not in a creepy way) and when he sees that you’re disregarding your own needs and just trying to run on an empty tank, he feels bad.

With that silky smooth voice of his, he drags you over to his place, and gets you to eat and drink something while you tell him what’s been going on. 

When you’ve finished telling him everything you felt comfortable sharing, he takes your hands and tells you that you’re super strong for trying to handle these emotions and standards on your own. Jokes about going to yell at your parents, but he’ll leave them alone if you really want him to

He kinda sucks at comforting words because his humor is like 70% just about dark stuff so he tries to show his support with actions instead. 

Rubbing soothing circles into your back, wrapping you up in his scarf, and gentle kisses to the backs of your hands. 

Tries his best to show you that he’s very proud of what you’ve accomplished, even if others don’t appreciate it. He thinks you’re great, alright??

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