He/Him 🏳️‍⚧️ || Early 20s || Credit to the people of the artwork/gifs || Requests and tags are open

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One Where Winchester Sister!Reader (any Age) Needs To Under Cover At A Party To Go Kill Vampires And

One where Winchester sister!Reader (any age) needs to under cover at a party to go kill vampires and in the middle of trying to kill them she does a something that blows up the vampires so she’s covered in blood like dripping and goes back to the bunker fully drenched in blood and she’s traumatised because she can’t figure out what made them explode?:)

Oo, this is kinda gory. I love gory things. I’m gonna write it like when the vamps explode if that’s okay with you

Bloody Hell - Winchester Brothers x Winchester!F!Reader Age: 30


Blood and guts explode everywhere from a small group of vamps. You were standing right in front of them, their blood and guts completely covering your body, making you kinda look like Carrie.

The people scream as they all push and shove each other out of the way to exit the house.

You’re the last person out with an emotionless expression.

Sitting down on the pavement, you take out your phone to find Dean’s contact. It picks up after the first few rings. “I’m ready to be picked up, Bean, and make sure you bring towels.” You say softly.

“Okay, baby sis, we’re a few minutes out.”

Ending the call, you dump your phone onto the grass next to you.

As said, a few minutes pass to have Baby pull over next to you and stop.

Immediately, both the driver’s and passenger’s door open to have your brothers’ drop to their knees next to you, asking if you’re okay.

Standing up and opening the back door, you cover your seat with the towels to sit on top of them.

Dean and Sam give each other worried looks before going back to their seats. “I’m fine,” you said softly.

Driving back on the road and to the bunker, they try to get you to talk, but fails.

“Dean, I think she’s in shock or she’s traumatized.” Sam states out.

Once at the bunker, you’re the first one out and walking quickly to your room, Sam and Dean hot on your tail.

You slam your door right in front of them, both trying to talk to you coming out, Dean’s hands on the locked door knobs and Sam banging his hands on the door.

They step back as they see your door opening slowly to take in the view of your bloodied body.

“I-I want help.” You say with a small, embarrassed voice. Your brothers nod, taking you back into your room and into the connected bathroom.

Sam starts to fill the tub with the right amount of warm-hot water as Dean gets out some comfy clothes for you.

Once the tub is filled, Dean peels the bloodied clothes off your sticking body, him and Sam not really caring to seeing you naked as I guess they had their fair share of sight-seeing.

Sitting yourself in the nice water, it starts to stain itself a pinky-red before it starts to get darker.

Dean sits against the small ledge behind you with his feet in the water, washing the blood that has poured itself down your back as Sam sits on the edge of the tub, his feet in the water too, himself washing your hair.

Once you’re all clean and the water is stained red, you get out of the tub and into a towel.

Dean tries you off, ruffling up your hair and leaving it all over the place after the towel is dumped onto the sink. Him and Sam help you into your clothes, yourself mumbling, “I don’t know what happened. I was about to attack them, but they just,” you paused, “exploded.”

“You’re fine, though. You’re safe.” Dean kisses your forehead. “And we’re happy that you are,” Sam adds, kissing the top of your head.

“Let’s get you to bed, trouble.”

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More Posts from Cuddly-dean-baby

4 years ago

Hey, if you want could you write another imagine for Ghost Rider (Johnny Blaze)? Maybe where the reader’s in a fight she can’t handle and the Rider comes in and saves her last minute?

Hey! Of course I can another Ghost Rider! :p 

Saved By The Walking Fire Stick


“On my way to kill some guys doing illegal shit.” You sing as you skip towards the group of baddies (obviously -_-).

“Hello.” The group turns to you holding out your lucky gun. It releases a bullet and into one of their heads. “Goodbye.”

More guys come out of the abandoned warehouses, all sorts of weapons in each other’s hands.

“Oh, shit.” Should’ve brought more ammo, dumbass.

With the amount of ammo you have, you manage to get roughly around a third of the group down.

You start to beat some away with the ammo-less weapon.

Quickly remembering, you have some spare bullets in the pockets of your pants.

Chains grab the attention of the group, yours as well. 

The metal chains wrap around a side of the men, their bodies burning to a crisp and crumbling to the ground once released.

The rest of the group scatter, pushing each other out of the way to run the opposite direction.

You throw your gun towards Rider, him catching it. His lower jaw moves up as if he’s smiling, which he is.

“I had it! I had extra ammo.”

He grunts back in response.

“I just remembered it was in my pocket.”

Walking towards him, he has your gun extended out for you to take back, which you do.

Continuing to walk, you see his bike parked next to yours.

You see your small bullet bag hanging off the side of your bike. “Motherfuck!” 

You watch Rider hop onto his bike, the chains wrapped around his shoulders and across his chest and back.

“Leave me alone! Just get your flaming ass back to the house.”

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4 years ago

Hey! I had a idea that the reader is Sam and Deans little sister (13 or 14) and she gets spelled or something to make her go crazy like see stuff talk to walls stuff like that and she ends up in a mental hospital and breaks out and the boys and maybe Cas find her while they’re on a hunt and realise how badly messed up she is please ?♥️

Hey! This kinda sounds like me as I’d sometimes talk to myself :p

Talking Like I’m Crazy


Dean carries your sleeping form into the bunker, Cas and Sam trailing behind him.

Reaching your room, across from Dean’s, he opens the door and settles you underneath the covers.

Sam and Cas are standing outside your room, watching Dean slowly and silently close the door.

“I-I don’t think there’s anything we can do. We already killed the witch and (Y/N) is still the way she is.” Sam says softly.

The three walk off into the library and try to figure out how to get you back to normal. 

A few minutes pass to have the three hear your voice out in the halls. They get out of their seats to follow your voice.

They stop in the hall you’re in to see that you’re talking to the wall, making the angel and your brothers think that you’re having a full conversation as if someone’s there.

“You okay, kid?” Dean asks, cutting you off mid-sentence. You nod, “Yeah, I’m good.”

You walk past them to get to the kitchen, continuing on with your conversation.

A few hours pass to have you and Cas sitting on a bus bench.

A small bus pulls up, the door opening and small chatters in between the other people in the vehicle

“You sure this is going to help?” You ask the angel.

“I hope so.” With a hug goodbye, you walk onto the bus with the door closing behind you.

You settle in the back seat with your bag, tears stinging your eyes. You look to the free spot next to you as if someone said your name and asked if you’re okay.

“I’m alright. I hope this helps, too.”

Some of the people and the driver takes a quick glance at you, thinking you were talking to one of them.


With everyone asleep and the lights out, you have your bag packed after staying at the mental hospital for two nights.

You take a glance to the sides of the hallway to make sure no one was out.

Sneaking quietly past the sleeping guard, you manage to get away.

Later into the night, you’re still walking on the side of the road, following the treeline.

Your shadow appears, giving you a small fright. You chuckle at yourself. 

The car that made your shadow appear stops with the doors opening.

Two taller bodies stop in front of you, their figures being similar. 

“(Y/N), what are you doing out here?” Sam asks.

Him and Dean look up and down at your body, seeing the hospital pants and shirt you’re wearing.

“I didn’t want to be at that place anymore, I can’t. They tell me when to go bed, when to take my meds! I-I just can’t be there anymore!” Tears sting your eyes.

The two wrap their arms around you, yourself relaxing in their warmth. They give each other worried looks.

Sam picks you up, your arms against in between his and yours chests and your legs loosely hanging by his hips.

He sits where he usually does in Baby, yourself still cradled in his arms. Dean puts your bag in the back seat before sitting behind the wheel to continue driving.

When Sam feels your body completely relax and your breathing has evened out, he softly says, “I’ve done more research. She’s stuc-”

“Don’t finish that sentence, Sammy, just don’t.” 

Dean looks at you, taking in the view of your sleeping face towards his way, half of your face pressed against Sam’s chest. 

It reminds him of when you were a baby. It was the only way to put you to sleep, when you had a nightmare, or when you or them just wanted cuddles.

The nightmares and cuddles thing still happens.

Putting his eyes back on the road, in the corner of his eyes, he sees Sam lean his head against yours. Dean releases his hand to curl his pinky with yours.

“Even though she’s gonna be like that for a while, we’re gonna help her along the way.”

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4 years ago

Hey could you write one where Dean and Sam are furious because of a bad Hunt, and when their boyfriend tried to calm they down, they yell at him and after sometime they find their bf cryng and get guilt? Love your writing♥️♥️

Of course I can write this! And thank you for loving my writing♥️

The Guilt Train


Dean and Sam throw their duffel bags onto one the table in front of them, their anger obviously showing.

“Dean, Sammy,” you take a couple steps closer to them, “we didn’t know what was going to hap-”

“Back off!”

“Shut up!” Dean says right after Sam, and pointing a finger at you. “Just shut up! Don’t fucking say anything.” 

“Leave us alone!” Sam adds.

Holding back tears, you grab your duffel off the ground and take it to your old room. “Fucking dumbasses!” You slam the door.

Sobs and tears escape from your body. This is stupid. You’re crying from your boyfriends yelling at you ‘cause of a bad hunt.

You try and calm your cries, but it seems kinda hard to do as you’re used to one or both of them comforting you.

Slipping underneath the covers, you curl yourself into a ball and cry into the pillow.


You wake up with a headache, red splotches on your face and red rimmed eyes.

You decide to take something to get the headache away.

Changing into one of Dean’s boxers and Sam’s flannels, you shuffle towards the kitchen to where your boyfriends are. 

You raid the pantries until you finally found the painkillers. Taking two, you swallow them in a mouthful of water.

Sam and Dean watch you with a look of worried and guilt. “Baby?” Sam says softly as he tries to get you to look at them.

“My head really hurts, so I’m gonna go back to sleep.”

“Why weren’t you in the room?” Dean asks.

“I am in the room, my room.” Your eyebrows are softly furrowed. Sam corrects on what Dean said by asking, “Why weren’t you in our room?”

“You said to leave you guys alone.”

“Aw, sweetheart.” Dean stands up to wrap his arms around you. "We didn't mean to yell at you. We're just being grumpy men."

Sobs escape from you again. Sam does the same thing Dean is doing, but his body is behind yours.

“What about we go back to our room and have some cuddles?” Sam asks. You nod against Dean’s neck.

“Okay,” Sam turns you around to pick you up. You wrap your limbs around him and tiredly watch Dean trail behind you. He quickly nudges his nose against yours.

You smile softly once the three of you are at the room.

The three of you are already in comfy clothes, so Sam places you in the middle of the bed as him and his brother are on each side of you.

Sam spoons you, his hand gently rubbing against your hip.

Dean nuzzles his face against yours, a hum escaping from you.

Your eyes close as the warmth of the two surrounds you. You enjoy the touch of them, even if it’s for a brief moment.

“Love you.”

"Love you, baby boy," they say in unison. They smile at each other as they don’t get a reply, knowing you’d fallen asleep.

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4 years ago

Hii, so, i Just read your Michael fic and now i need more Michael things, so, could you write one where Michael and cas( the other love of my life) start to have a crush in the same boy, but they don't know How to handle their feelings, and cas gets confuse and michael thinks the reader cursed him, but in some moment they start to compete for the reader attention and get jealous of him with the other angel, you can chouse How It ends. ( And your writing have improved a lot, u r doing amazing)

Hey! Cas is also the love of my life, along with so many other characters from other fandoms, some from Supernatural, too. Thank you for the bracket saying at the end. I guess my writing has improved a bit

Shared Feelings


“I swear to Father, he has cursed me with something as I wasn’t looking.” Michael says to himself, expecting no one else to listen, but his brother, Cas, heard what he said.

“I assure you, brother, (Y/N) has not cursed you with anything. Why would you think that?” Cas puts down the recommended book from you down.

“I am feeling love towards the human.”

“I do, too.”

Michael glares at his brother. He then says, “Are you confused on your feelings for the human?”

A simple nod is his answer.

The moment you walk into the lounge of your apartment, the angels are quiet.

Dumping your body on the couch, you lean your head back against the back rest, your eyes closed. 

The angels are now sitting on both sides of you.

Straightening your head and opening your eyes, you look side to side to the angels having some sort of loving look on their faces.

You turn the TV on to have the news playing before you grip the angels’ jaws in both hands and move their heads towards the TV.

Second pass to have Cas’ hand intertwined with yours.

Michael has noticed, discomfort going through his body.

You notice the feeling going through his body as his body is now basically over the armrest.

Thinking of before you were going to enter the lounge and remembering their conversation about you, you had thought that they wouldn’t like you back.

You grab Michael’s hand to pull him back against your side.

You shift to have your head leaning against his shoulder. “I like the both of you. You don’t need to fight over me or fight for my attention. Just do something and don’t be scared.”

Cas has a soft smile as for Michael, he has a big smile and his cheeks tinted pink. He nuzzles his cheek against your head.

Cas lets go of your hand to rest his head in your lap, yourself beginning to play with his hair. “He cursed you with his love.” Cas mumbles, yourself being confused.

A hit on his head comes along with his brother saying, “Shut up.”

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4 years ago

Snack and Movie Time - Gar x M!Reader

Age: 3-4 Summary: You are like Gar, a shapeshifter, and the Titans decide to have a movie night. It’s past your bedtime, but Gar lets you join ‘cause why not?

Snack And Movie Time - Gar X M!Reader

Waddling into the kitchen, you transform into a monkey to climb up onto the counter. Your tail opens the pantry door and reaches for a packet of biscuits.

“What are you doing, Monkey?” Your brother’s voice gives you a fright.

You turn on the counter with your tail behind your back, trying to hide the biscuits. “(Y/N).” Gar says in a soft, stern voice. A small whine escapes from you as you look to your left, your head casted down and your lips being pouty.

Gar walks to you and uncurls your tail from the bag being a little tightened. “I’ll let you join us for movie night.” Your head perks up, a smile on your face.

Gar grabs a box of Cheez-It from the pantry and a bottle of juice from the fridge. “Your juice?” He nods, getting your preferred drink out of the fridge before shutting. 

He lets your tail wrap around it. He holds his arm out for you to grip onto with your free hand. Once your feet land on the ground, you trail behind your brother. 

As soon as you’re in the lounge, Rachel greets you, “Hey, Monkey.” You let loose your snacks to climb up her body. A arm of hers is rested under your butt, letting you sit on it. Your legs settle around her waist and an arm over her shoulder.

Gar picks up your snacks to put them on the table in front of the couch. You make grabby hands towards him, making him grab you out of Rachel’s hold. “Is he staying with us?” She asks.

“Yeah. I think he’s been having trouble staying asleep.”

The three of you sit on the couch to wait for Kory and Dick. In the little meantime, you transform back to normal and have some of Gar’s help to put some underwear on.

Kory walks in and smiles at you, you return it with a small wave.

Everyone starts to yell at Dick to hurry up. “Want to go get him?” Gar asks. “Yeah.” You nod. 

You quickly strip out of your underwear to transform into a grizzly bear cub. Waddling on your hind legs to Dick’s room, you manage to reach and open the door with your paws.

Dick turns around after slipping on a hoodie to see a small, green bear cub. “Hey, (Y/N). I’m guessing Gar’s letting you join us for movie night.” A small roar becomes his answer.

He picks you up on the way out. You start to do little roars as if you’re really talking to him.

“Okay, Monkey, change back.” Gar says as you and Dick enter the lounge. Letting you down, you waddle towards your brother, transforming back to normal and slipping your underwear back on.

Gar sits you on his lap as the movie is one of the Men in Black movies.

Either a quarter or half way into the movie, you’d fallen asleep, your head against Rachel’s and your legs kicking against Gar’s side.

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