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Why did you leave me?
Dick Grayson x Reader

The rain pours as he walks to the Gotham Cemetery. He hasn’t been here for a long time.
Even the roses he bought for you droop in sadness. It’s just as if they knew how sad he was, how bad he felt.
He swings the gate open and walks up the hill. He remembers taking her here to meet his parents so long ago. Now he’s coming to see her, cold and alone.
He never meant for this to happen. She shouldn’t have done that. He told her to stay put. And he lost her.
He stops and places the flowers in front of the grave. Y/n L/n- Daughter, Sister, Wife, and Gotham’s Shining Star.
“I-I got you your favorites baby.” He says. The rain falls harder. The grave seems to rise to see him.
Finally, Dick falls to the ground sobbing. He never ever thought that this would happen. He had some many protection details…
“You promised me that you wouldn’t leave me alone. YOU PROMISED!” Dick yells. He places his hands on his face. “Y/n why did you leave me. Sweetheart why?”
Since I'm also a huge comic nerd, I've decided to give y'all one list of all Marvel and DC characters you can also request! If y'all want too!
Bruce Wayne
Tony Stark
Clark Kent
Frank Castle
Jason Todd
Natasha Romanoff
Diana Prince
Barry Allen
Bucky Barnes
Kate Bishop
Rachel Roth
Wanda Maximoff
James Howlett
Oliver Prince
Dick Grayson
Red Robin
Sam Wilson
Peter Parker(Any of the three)
Shuri Udaku
Captain Marvel
Wally West
Martian Manhunter
Damian Wayne (AGED UP)
Harvey Dent
Jeremiah Valeska
Jerome Valeska
The Riddler
Lex Luthor
hey guys!
Currently im out of the country, and I haven’t been able to do requests, but I can start on some of them! Sorry I’ve been taking forever!
also, I believe that Jason Todd needs an MJ. Like a zendaya mj. I actually might go in on that idea….
It has been found! Bruce Wayne: Billionaire, Father, Dating Batman is the name of the series! Honestly, Bruce just wants to know why his relationship with his kids is less messy when they think he’s two different people then when they know better, or he would if he knew about the multiverse.
Would the DC fandom please help me find a fic on Ao3? All of the Batkids, including Damien, are convinced that Bruce Wayne is dating Batman. Despite his attempts to correct them.
But there are people who move in and just. Don’t go.
The tired, exhausted ADHD and autistic adults who move to Gotham because it’s that or starve and just start making time. They always have that one bad day or week or month where they swear that’s it, they’re done, it’s time to move. But then things calm down, they get a nice compliment at work, and they just keep going on with their lives. Once in awhile they actually do get on the computer to look up the cost of moving and the salary and suck in their breath and promise themself ‘next year.’
And then they’re old and gray and their kid just got a Wayne scholarship to the local college that’s a full ride tuition and books but unfortunately it’s for Gotham residents only so you stay a few more years.
And by the time the kids’ are done in college and moved out, well, visiting them in other cities just tells you how expensive everything is, especially when you have a balcony garden guaranteed by Dr Ivy (she owed you a favor, and it’s not like you were working against the environment anyway) and you know you can use it to feed yourself and your kids in a pinch.
And then you die, and your family hasn’t been penny pinching like you have and they assume you must have loved this hellhole so they bury you in the local cemetery or churchyard and your broke grandchild trying desperately to stay above water moves into your old place and inherits your deal about the balcony garden and starts to care.
Gotham keeps bringing in someone from your family in generations after you die because Gotham never let’s go of what’s hers.
"Why does Batman need to be a billionaire?"
"He has to fund the Justice League. They often have a space program."
"But couldn't he do more good if he just invested-"
"The Earth is routinely invaded by aliens, gods, and the forces of an extraterrestrial god of tyranny."
aha! I have defeated the feed and found it.
a cuckoo in the nest
(Aka the Fae!Tim fic that I decided not to finish and thus am dumping on Tumblr)
The creature that the Unseelie Queen forces on Bruce is disguised as a human child. Worse, it resembles Bruce’s two current children. Pale skin, black hair, blue eyes, and a light sweater and sweatpants combination that either Dick or Jason might wear. It is quite the contrast to the wild fey flashing too-bright teeth at Bruce.
“You will welcome it into your home,” the Unseelie Queen commands. “You will treat it as you would your own son. You will do nothing to indicate that it is anything but a human boy.”
One gnarled claw curls around the creature’s shoulder. The creature’s expression remains eerily blank. Another point in favor of its otherworldliness. A normal human child would show some reaction to the Unseelie Queen’s possessive presence. This creature stays perfectly still.
“In return…” the Unseelie Queen crooks one finger of her free hand in a come here motion and a figure stumbles out of the dark trees surrounding their little clearing.
It is Jason. Injured beyond belief, blue eyes red and weeping. Bruce’s knee jerks, but he forces himself to remain within the small summoning circle. A thin line of salt and iron protecting him from the Unseelie Queen’s unfathomable powers.
“You get your son back.” She presents Jason to Bruce like she’s selling a prize horse at an auction. One hand on the back of his neck. “Alive and well. As he was before his death. The memory of his death will remain, but dulled. That is my bargain, Batman.”
Bruce is not fool enough to give the Unseelie Queen his real name, nor is he stupid enough to lie to her. Using his nighttime alter ego presents the perfect compromise. Batman is not his real name, nor is it a lie. So it is Batman’s black gauntlets that curl into fists as Bruce considers the Unseelie Queen’s deal.
It is the height of stupidity to take a creature he does not know the abilities of into Wayne Manor, and pretend it is his son. Given what he knows of the Unseelie Queen, such a creature could cause unfathomable damage to his family, to Gotham. This is a bet of Bruce’s own intelligence against a fey hundreds of times older than Bruce. He could very well end up losing both of his sons this time.
“B,” Jason sobs. “Wha’s goin’ on?”
But the alternative is to walk away from a chance to have Jason back. This is not the universe where Bruce is capable of such an act. At least with the Unseelie Queen’s bargain, Bruce has a chance to limit any potential harm. Perhaps he can even outsmart the creature and prevent all damage whatsoever. If she had asked him to kill someone, or something more direct, Bruce wouldn’t stand a chance.
Bruce uncurls his fists slowly. “I accept.”
With those two words, both the creature and Jason are invited into the circle. The creature steps forward calmly, Nike sneakers passing over the salt and iron easily. Its arms are flat by its sides, and its head comes up to Bruce’s chest. If it were human, it would be around the same age that Jason was when Bruce caught him stealing the Batmobile’s tires. A blatant attempt at emotional manipulation on the Unseelie Queen’s part.
Jason is shoved forwards by the Unseelie Queen. He trips over his own feet, but Bruce is there to catch him this time, to gently fold him in his arms and check him over for injuries.
“I’m getting you home,” Bruce promises.
And if he has to bring home the Unseelie Queen’s little spy as well to make it happen, then that is a price Bruce is more than willing to pay to have his family whole again.
Tim finally has the chance to be part of a family again, and it is the best family he could have imagined. He can scarcely believe his luck as Mr. Wayne–Batman, for now–leads Tim and Jason (who doesn’t look so good) into the Batcave. Tim is so caught up trying not to gape in awe at everything that he misses the hushed conversation that Mr. Wayne has with his butler, and the slightly louder, much longer conversation he has with his eldest son. The original Robin is standing all of five meters away from Tim! He’s going to be Tim’s older brother!
A lifetime ago, when Tim was still fully human, with parents and the last name Drake, he’d been obsessed with Batman and Robin. Had followed them around pitch black rooftops, through the streets buzzing with neon lights and vices, just to get a glimpse of his heroes. Discovered Robin’s true identity shortly before Bruce Wayne adopted Jason Todd, and a new Robin came to roost in Gotham’s skyscrapers.
Then Janet and Jack Drake gave their only child to the Unseelie Queen in exchange for money and power, and Tim lost his name, and his home, and his entire world.
“What is your name?” Mr. Wayne interrupts Tim’s memories. He looms in front of Tim in an empty Batcave. Mr. Pennyworth and both Robins are long gone. It is only Tim, in his ill-fitting human clothes, and Batman.
Tim knew this question was coming. Mr. Wayne must think that Tim is a human child, and that asking for his name is a simple exchange of pleasantries. He cannot know that Tim is no longer fully human, and his name is no longer free to give or take, nor his own anymore. Luckily, Tim prepared a response. He does not want to lie to Batman, after all, but as much as he wishes he could trust Mr. Wayne with his name, he knows better.
“What do you want to be called?” Mr. Wayne amends, when Tim fails to answer fast enough.
Carefully, Tim purses his lips and whistles. Hoo-ooh. A sharp ho followed by a lower, longer oo sound. The call of a common cuckoo. Hoo-ooh. Hoo-ooh.
Mr. Wayne frowns in response. Tim panics briefly–did he not get the call right? He practiced so much!–and tries again, a little faster. Hoo-ooh, hoo-ooh, hoo-ooh. Please accept me. I know I’m an unwanted interloper, an imposter. Please accept me anyway.
“Do you have a name in English?” Mr. Wayne asks. He repeats the question in a few more languages. Tim recognizes the Spanish and Russian, but he’s not sure what the others are. “Do you understand what I’m saying?”
Tim nods frantically. He swallows with difficulty, and then whispers: “Tim.”
It is not a lie, and it is common enough that hopefully Tim can remain anonymous. He is a common cuckoo bird, after all, not even remarkable in his imposition.
“Well, Tim,” Mr. Wayne says, voice dropping to an ominous growl, “I will uphold my end of the bargain. But do not think for a second that I can be tricked into trusting you. And if you give me even the slightest indication that you intend to hurt a member of my family in any way, I will not hesitate to take you down. Do you understand?”
Tim has not cried in years, not since his parents gave him away. But tonight a peculiar wetness pricks at the corners of his eyes as he nods. “Yes, Mr. Wayne, sir,” he says quickly. “I understand.”
It isn’t as though Mr. Wayne is wrong. Tim is an interloper, here to trick Mr. Wayne and his family into caring about Tim. All Mr. Wayne did was make it clear that he will continue to pretend that Tim is part of his family and that he will not be tricked. There’s no reason for Tim to get emotional about it.
It’s just that Tim hoped, if just for a moment, that it wouldn’t be pretend.
The Wayne family, aside from Mr. Wayne himself, is very easily tricked. Mr. Pennyworth (“call me Alfred, Master Tim”) lets Tim follow him around even though he won’t let Tim help with chores no matter how much he insists that he can do it. Tim is fine with that, really. For now it is better to be tolerated, if not liked, than not to be tolerated at all. He has noticed that even Mr. Wayne defers to Alfred in household matters, so it is good to have the real head of household somewhat in his corner.
Most days, Tim sits on the kitchen counter while Alfred cooks, and awkwardly attempts to answer questions about his previous life. It is mixed, as far as conversations go. The questions are very stressful for Tim, who is never sure how much he should say, but smelling and eating human food after so long without it still brings tears to his eyes.
Simmering tomato floats through the air as Alfred adds a pinch of rosemary to his soup. Tim’s mouth waters, and he swallows before talking.
“I had a really long argument with a rosemary plant, once,” Tim recalls ruefully. “It was dumb. But I was so desperate for human food that I’d’ve said just about anything.”
The rosemary plant refused, in the end. Everyone was too scared of the Unseelie Queen to help Tim.
Alfred stirs his pot carefully. “You had an argument…with the rosemary plant?” He clarifies neutrally.
“Yep.” Tim’s legs swing back and forth a bit faster. “I told you, it was really dumb. I would’ve tried with the mushrooms, but they’re mean and scary, really scary. And old.”
Some of the mushrooms are even older than the Unseelie Queen, which makes them even scarier. Except that the Unseelie Queen has Tim’s name, and the mushrooms do not.
Tim blushes all of a sudden, mindful of his audience. “I didn’t mean being old makes them scary,” he mumbles, furious at himself. He is supposed to be trying to get Alfred to like him, and instead he insults him! What is wrong with him?
“It is quite alright, dear boy,” Alfred says. “I assure you no offense was taken. Now, what is it you were saying about being desperate for human food?”
Mr. Grayson (“call me Dick, everyone else does!”) is the easiest to trick into caring about Tim. He is actually not sure what he did to pull it off. Dick stays at Wayne Manor most weekends, and the first time he comes over, before Tim has a chance to enact any of his thirty-four “Trick Robin Into Liking Me” plans, Dick asks if he wants to get ice cream. Tim accepts eagerly, and Dick smiles so brightly that Tim nearly forgets about Mr. Wayne scowling in the background. After that, Dick always makes a point to seek him out. Tim is pretty sure he makes a bumbling mess of himself every conversation, but somehow Dick keeps laughing it off and taking Tim out for another slightly reckless and exceedingly enjoyable excursion.
Jason is a bit harder to trick. He is still healing mentally and emotionally from his death, so he’s off-duty as Robin. Since school is out for the summer, this means he spends most of his time curled up in the library. Tim once hovered behind him for hours, trying to work up the courage to start a conversation, when Jason turned and snapped what so aggressively that Tim immediately ran away.
In general, he is surly, defensive, angry, and reluctant to accept affection from his real family, much less Tim. Eight plans to trick Jason into caring about him are complete failures that end in Tim further earning Jason’s ire. Another fourteen plans are thrown out before Tim can enact them, after the humiliation of the eight failures.
Eventually, Tim turns to Dick for help. Dick has alluded to a rough start with Jason, which sounds fake to Tim. Dick was Robin, how could anyone not like him? But maybe he can give Tim advice.
It is a sweltering Saturday in late July when Dick pulls away from Wayne Manor in some type of fancy car with Tim in the co-pilot seat.
“I need advice,” Tim says nervously as Bristol’s mansions flash by. Tim did his best not to look at the Drakes’ manor. He succeeded in not looking, but he wondered whether his parents started staying in Gotham more often once Tim was gone, and the question won’t leave him alone.
“What’s up?” Dick asks easily. He lazes in the driver’s seat, two fingers on the steering wheel. It is this nonchalance which convinces Tim to go through with his question.
Tim’s hands tap out some pattern on his forearms and elbows. “How do I get Jason to like me?”
Dick curls his right hand around the wheel and glances at Tim quickly. Tim still struggles reading expressions, so he has absolutely no idea what’s going through Dick’s mind. Maybe he’s thinking that there’s no way that Jason will ever like him. Maybe Dick doesn’t like Tim. Maybe he’s only acting like he cares about Tim because he’s so nice.
“Jason doesn’t…” Dick sighs. “Not like you. He’s just going through a lot right now. On top of the stuff with his birth mother, he also, well, you know.”
“Died,” Tim supplies.
Dick’s shoulders inch towards his ears. Veins in his forearm pop as the hand on the wheel tightens. “Yeah. So, just, give him some time, yeah?”
But Tim doesn’t have time. He has until the end of the summer, approximately two more months. To the fae the end of summer is not a specific day, but rather a sensation. Decay on the doorsteps, rot in the wind. Hot breezes melting into simmering afternoons. The crisp crackle of a leaf underfoot.
If he cannot trick every member of the Wayne family into loving him by the end of summer, he must return to the Unseelie Queen, this time forever. That was her bargain. This is Tim’s one chance to escape her.
Tim looks out his window at the cold, unfeeling mansions and nods miserably. “Okay.”
Jason does not like the new kid. Everything about him is just slightly off. He walks like he’s surprised that his feet come back down. He talks like he’s describing a dream and expects everyone else to understand. He’s constantly watching Jason silently with those eerie, unblinking eyes of his. Despite living in the same house as Batman, Tim is quieter still, always popping up unannounced and thrusting a trinket or a book at Jason.
This isn’t even getting into the part where Jason knows he died but doesn’t quite remember it and keeps having nightmares he doesn’t understand. He vaguely recalls a forest that wasn’t a forest and a hand that wasn’t a hand, curling around his shoulder. Bruce won’t stop treating Jason like glass and Dick still looks weepy sometimes, but neither will let Jason out as Robin. All three are letting Jason get away with everything except the things he actually wants to do. It’s infuriating.
In other words, the summer is off to a great start.
“Bets on the new kid,” Jason says. He’s in the middle of making himself peanut butter chocolate chip cookies, because he is the only one that Alfred allows in the kitchen.
Dick is draped dramatically across the counter, because according to him it’s so tragic how Jason never wants to do anything fun. Jason hit him over the head with a spatula in response. Dick whined about that, so Jason hit him even harder.
“What are we betting on?” Dick asks.
Jason half-shrugs. “Like…he’s clearly not human. What is he?”
Dick sits up on the counter. “Yeah, he keeps talking about talking to plants.”
“And plants are always a little bigger and shinier after he leaves the room,” Jason adds.
“Maybe he’s got some relation to Ivy,” Dick suggests.
This entire conversation would not be necessary if Bruce would just cough up the answer. But he responds to every question about Tim with some variation of “hmmm” or “I cannot say.” Jason even sucked up his pride and asked Barbara, but she doesn’t know what’s up with the new kid either. Jason suspects that Bruce promised Tim he wouldn’t tell, because–
“Have you seen his reaction to food though?” Jason asks rhetorically. “It’s like he’s so shocked he’s being fed.”
And he lets that hang, because maybe it’s true, and not a joke.
Dick scratches his chin. “And he says ‘human’ like he’s not one.”
“Okay.” Jason sets his mixing bowl down on the counter Dick claimed as his seat. “My theory: he’s a metahuman whose parents–or guardians–or whoever was in charge of him–treated as less than human, and he made B promise not to say ‘cause he doesn’t know we ain’t shit like his parents yet.”
“I mean.” Dick scoots off the counter when Jason comes swinging with the baking tray. He attempts to help Jason spread the parchment paper until Jason glares at him. “He thinks you hate him.”
Jason freezes in the middle of scooping a handful of cookie batter into the tray. Guilt curdles, expired milk and broken egg shells, in his stomach. “I don’t.”
“I know.”
Dick doesn’t mention the part about Jason dying, because he’s ultra sensitive to that sort of thing. Jason has debated making extra jokes about his death just to force Dick to get used to it, but he hasn’t gone through with it. He’s never seen Dick cry like he did when Jason came back. They haven’t talked about it, because Jason is allergic to big emotions and Dick is nothing but an oversized bundle of big emotions. But it lingers in the back of Jason’s mind, everytime Dick pretends that everything is fine. You mourned me. It’s so obvious, said like that. Of course he mourned Jason. But it’s not an experience Jason ever expected to live through.
Not even Jason knows how he came back to life. He suspects Bruce had something to do with it, but Bruce won’t say. The continuous silence from him is driving Jason to insanity where the Joker and dying failed.
“Fair tidings.” Tim’s head pops up by Jason’s shoulder and he forcibly suppresses a surprised reaction. Another weird-ism of Tim’s: what sort of American kid says fair tidings? “Can I help?”
“No,” Jason snaps immediately, curling one arm around the batter bowl.
Dick makes a noise, and Jason winces. He didn’t mean to snap at the kid. It’s just that everything about Tim sets off sirens in Jason’s head. And usually by the time Jason is ready to invite the kid in, he’s run off.
“Fine,” Jason grunts. He shoves the bowl at Tim. “We’re making cookies.”
Tim stares at the bowl with owlish eyes, and Jason clamps down on the urge to yell at the kid again.
“Hey, Timmy,” Dick says faux-casually. “I never asked. You got a last name?”
Tim’s head snaps up. “Why do you want to know?”
Jesus, he sounds one wrong word from breaking into tears. Jason exchanges a glance with Dick, who is taken aback by the uncharacteristic bout of aggression from the weird kid, and reluctantly decides to intervene.
“It’s ‘cause we wanna get to know the baby bro better,” Jason says gruffly. “Ya know. Bondin’ and shhhh, uh, stuff.”
Tim’s blue eyes widen into twin moons. “You want to be my big brother?”
The naked hope in his voice is really not helping with Jason’s guilt.
“Yeah.” Jason throws down a few more lumps of cookie dough a bit more forcefully than required. “Ain’t no way B is returning you to the kid store.”
Actually, he’s only seen Bruce interact with Tim once, and it was super awkward. But he’s pretty confident that Bruce wouldn’t take in a kid if he didn’t want that kid to be his kid.
Dick is smiling dopily, so Jason is pretty sure he said enough right words in the right order. “So?” Dick prompts. “Got a last name, baby bird?”
Tim’s hands float to his elbows and start tapping out an unknown pattern. “It’s, uh. Drake.”
“Tim Drake,” Jason tests out, and neither he nor Dick miss the way that Tim does his best impression of a wooden plank at the sound of his name. “Why does that sound familiar?”
“Dunno.” Dick snaps his fingers and points at Tim. “Wait! You’re our neighbor!”
Tim gives Dick his weird blank stare, so Dick points at Jason instead. “The Drakes are our neighbors,” he explains. “The parents were always out of the country for vacation or something, but I remember they had a little kid tag along with them once or twice. What happened?”
“Bruh.” Jason shoves the tray in the oven with his bare hands, because he isn’t a wuss and he’s also not stupid enough to touch the burning hot metal with bare hands. “They supervillains or something?”
Tim shakes his head. His hands press flat against his legs. “They sold me.”
He says it so flatly that Jason exchanges another look with Dick just to make sure he heard right. But Dick’s jaw drops in outrage, so clearly they heard the same thing.
“How? When? To who?” Dick’s eyes narrow. He’s dropping into protective big brother mode. Jason has had the dubious pleasure of experiencing it first-hand a few times. “Does B know about this?”
But Tim shakes his head again. “I can’t say.”
“Are they threatening you?” Jason jumps in, pretending his tone isn’t leaning in the same big brother direction as Dick’s is. “You know B has Supes on speed-dial, right? Ain’t no one in the world who can get away with threatening you now that B’s got you.”
Tim shakes his head a third time, and Jason really has no idea if Tim actually means no or if he’s just moving his head.
Dick and Jason exchange another worried look, but this time Jason isn’t sure what Dick is thinking. Mostly because Tim just gave them about a thousand more questions in the process of answering one.
at least he’s trying to be constructive!
And failing. Because Communication is Hard. Jason would probably see it better though.
Jason as those AO3 authors who have the worst tragedies happening to them and yet still continues to pump out his new chapter every week
Some poor, unbeknownst Gothamite: “My favorite fanfic writer hasn’t posted or updated any of their fanfic in like four years. I don’t want to bug them but I’m always hoping for them to come back. I hope their okay :( ”
Jason, in between cutting off right hand mens heads and antagonize black mask, like Really Living It Up: “hey, sorry, guys! I know it’s been forever! I literally died and clawed my way back from zombiehood, but I’m back now! Hope you enjoy this new chapter!”

What I write:
🩵Female Reader
🤍 Character x Character
🩵Mild mentions of bullying or abuse (with specifics and TW in the “Warnings”)
🤍mild spice (not 100% comfortable with writing smut)
🤍Platonic (this can be parental, friendship, sibling etc)
🩵Age gap
What I will NOT write:
TW (just incase)
🩵Pedophile related topics
🤍graphic/detailed Abuse
🩵Rape/Non con/Dub con
Contents ~








Please refer to my main Masterlist for my request/writing boundaries!
Richard “Dick” Grayson (Robin/Nightwing), Jason Todd (Robin/Red Hood), Rachel Roth (Raven), Cory Anders (Starfire), Garfield Logan (Beast Boy).
Supportive Girlfriend - Boyfriend!Garfield Logan x Girlfriend!Reader

Please refer to my main Masterlist for my request/writing boundaries!
Clark Kent (superman), Bruce Wayne (Batman), Diana (Wonder Woman), Arthur Curry (Aquaman), The Joker, Harleen Quinzel (Harley Quinn).
Beast Boy present his new special suit (it vanishes during transformations and returns in human form, also can reduce to inconspicuous fingerless glove form) to reader, who is curious about it and explores it from all sites. Reader asks him many questions about suit, how it works, fits and feels. Gives ideas for improvements, like full-finger gloves (with retractable claws on fingertips, perhaps also claws on toe tips) and head mask (eye lenses to protect eyes from flashbangs and hypnosis, ear plugs that filter certain sounds out to avoid distraction through shrill sounds, nostril plugs to prevent distraction by pungent smells, mouthguard to avert teeth damage while fighting in human form, …).

Supportive Girlfriend ~ Boyfriend!Garfield Logan x Girlfriend!Reader
FIRST INBOX REQUEST! Also who knew giving your blog a refresh would lead to getting peoples attention! I should have done it a long time ago😂
Thank you lovely Anon for this request! I have been wanting to write a fic about Gar for a while, I just had no ideas!
SUMMARY: see request above ⬆️
WARNINGS: Mild mentions of nudity caused by supernatural abilities, generally fluffy, mild consensual body touching by reader, talk of ones body, typical couple moments/language, pet names, reader wearing a bathing suit while tanning.
The breeze was light and soothing against the hot San Francisco sun. The only noise that can be heard from the roof top deck of the Titians Tower is "Chiquita" by ABBA playing at a soft volume, and the crinkle of turning pages.
You were engrossed in your book, so engrossed that the hum of your phone going off went completely ignored. It took you going to change the song to realize your green-hair-boyfriend had left you a handful of messages, all in full capital letters, repeating your name and pet names to just "COME TO THE TRAINING ROOM RIGHT NOW!". Alarmed at first, you threw your bookmark into the book and placed it into your bag, along with your other belongings. The Black robe that matched your Bathing suit was thrown on and tied quickly.
As soon as the elevator hit the correct floor, you rushed into the training room. "What is going on?! is anyone hurt?!" you exclaimed with worry. You scan the room, with the mussel memory you accumulated over hours of training and missions.
"Babe you're here! I am sorry for worrying you, I'm so fucking hyped right now OH MY GOD!" Gar rambled. But before you could ask any questions. or even think of one, you hand was grabbed and pulled to a table close to the Hero costume side. Your eyes instinctually looking at yours before looking down at the table. "Okay, hold on let me get these gloves on!" he started putting on the left one, "you're going to LOVE this!". You were beyond confused at this point but kept silent.
"Ready babe?" Garfield asked, to which you nodded with a confused face. Gar balled his fists, flicked his wrists and the gloves expanded creating sleeves, shirt, pants and boots to finish it off. A lightbulb went off in your head, understanding what was going on.
You let out a gasp, "wait! Is this the suit you were talking about?!". Gar laughed, happy that you were on the same level of excitement. "YES! what do you think?!"
Walking around his body in a circle. you ran your hands over the soft and slightly textured fabric, feeling the hidden, high-tech amour that rendered you impressed. The suit looked seamless on his body. Hugging his toned, slightly slender body. You couldn't help the warmth that spread through your cheeks as a light blush appeared.
Let's just say the suit wasn't the only thing that looked good, it didn’t compare to how gorgeous and handsome he was.
Your mouth moved before you could even process your thoughts. Question after question spilled out, like you couldn't decide on which one to ask first. Your Beast Boy answered all of them, explaining each feature it currently possessed.
"One of the many benefits it has is that it stores all the DNA of my current animals, so I won't be left naked after we fight a bad guy." He also listed other elements like sound-proof soles, so it makes stealth missions so much easier to accomplish. "Gar-Gar, I am so proud of you! no wonder you insisted on waiting another 2 months to show me. Totally worth the wait." Your arms wrapped around his waist, giving him a warm and tight embrace, which was swiftly reciprocated.
"Do you have any recommendations? I am open to anything!" Gar rested his head on top of yours, and after a small conversation it was agreed to meet in your room to eat snacks, and discuss your recommendations.
An hour and a half later you were both in pajamas, snacks scattered across your bed. In both of your laps rests your Titians supplied iPads, his for writing things down and yours for research.
"Okay, it's been enough time" You start, placing a taki into you mouth. "lets go through them to make sure they make sense"
"Agreed. So we've got: full-finger gloves for added protection and have the ability for my claw animals claws to come out.” Garfield listed, taking bites of his chocolate bar. “Hidden pockets to hold emergency items such as goggles, medical equipment ect ect. A panel on my left inner arm that reads my heart rate, and energy levels. A mask that I can use when in rooms with harsh chemicals, as well as protection when I can’t shape shift. Have we got them all?”
You responded with nods and an occasional ‘mhm’, going through the tabs you had open in Google. “You missed the belt with the micro bombs, and smoke bombs” you showed him the tab you had open to make sure he knew everything he needed to write down.
“Oh you’re correct! Thank you my love” he grabbed your hand and pulled you towards him, placing a soft but adoring kiss on your lips. You happily returned the kiss. “I love you” Gar moved to sit next to you, and your body moulded into the side of his body. You blushed again, “I love you MORE!”
“Want to watch ‘The holiday’?” You asked with a mischievous grin, knowing his exact response.
“AGAIN? We watched it 2 days ago!”
You both laughed happy to be together, and not have to worry about a mission. You put the movie on and continued to eat your snacks. The movie played, but that didn’t stop you guys from having small conversations, or making each other laugh.
You “annoyed” him with quoting every line, to which he threatened to change the movie. You grabbed the remote with a “try me” face, he started tickling your sides making you weak. He snatched the remote from your hand, and started running around the room. Stopping quickly he changed the movie to a random one, then ran out of your room with an evil cackle.
As you ran down the hall, Jason was walking by. Most likely headed to his room. You zoomed past him, he looked confused before his brain put two and two together. “Same old shit, different fucking day” he mumbled while rolling his eyes.
The only sound that could be heard was the fading laughter of the cute couple and their loud and heavy footsteps.
All was normal, all was well.
22 from the prompt list? if you want to, of course.
Thanks for the prompt, anon! <3
22. “They won’t take you away from me ever again.”
Jaytim; established relationship; warning for brief description of eye trauma (not serious)
The first thing Jason does is check his pulse.
When he feels fluttering life under his fingertips and marks the shallow rise and fall of his chest, some of the anger collapses into jittery relief.
Tim's face is bloody and bruised, his cheek swelling purple under his mask. There are electrical burns on his uniform— they must have gotten creative when they couldn't get him fully out of the costume. He's trussed up, his bare hands bound and hanging from a meat hook in the center of the dank, round cell. Seeing it, Jason would like to return to the floor above them and cash in every cent of good will he's earned with the bats.
But the toes of Tim's boots barely brush the floor, and instead of giving in to murderous impulse, the second thing Jason does is hoist an arm around his waist to take the weight off of his shoulders.
When he does, Tim gasps, a wounded sound that nearly sends Jason right over the edge.
"You know," Jason says through gritted teeth as he saws through the ropes, his jovial tone sounding strained even to himself. "This is a pretty needlessly convoluted way to get out of doing dishes. Do we need to rethink the chore wheel?"
The last of the straps around Tim's wrists give way with a snap. Tim's strangled cry is loud in his ear, and Jason grunts as he bears Tim down to the floor.
"Because you can just ask if you want to rethink the chore wheel."
He runs through the checklist— spine: intact; head injury: negative. Unless you count the black eye and the split lip and—
Baby blues peer out at him from narrow slits. His pupils are mismatched; possible concussion but a drug is also likely, and the white of one eye is nearly consumed by bloody red. They're the prettiest thing Jason's seen all night.
"Yeah," he says roughly. "I've got you, babybird. I'm here."
"Tal'ns. Mayor's off'ce. Midnight."
God. Even beaten half to death and drugged out of his mind, Tim still has the wherewithal to deliver cryptic warnings. Jason might swoon. And they say romance is dead.
"I hear ya. Don't worry— it's taken care of."
It was the last transmission they received from Red Robin, before he cut out. There had been arguing in his comm for all of five seconds before the roar of Jason's bike drowned it out.
"Mm. 'kay." Tim blinks, and flops a hand to Jason's wrist. Aside from some scratches and chipped nails, his fingers are miraculously intact. He clasps their hands together.
"C'n we go home?"
Jason's chest clenches.
“Yeah. Yeah we can."
He pulls Tim to his feet, then into his arms when he can't stand. He walks them out the way he came.
Ten steps down the corridor, Tim jerks in his hold.
"Talons— the mayor—"
Jason shushes him.
"Hey, hey. You already told me. We've got it."
"It's being dealt with. We'll get them. And they won’t take you away from me. Ever again.”
The last part slips out without Jason's permission, tight from his throat. Tim only sighs and turns his face into Jason's neck. Jason takes them home.
It's an empty promise. Not because he won't try to keep it, but because there's no way to guarantee it and they both know it. The Court has its scrawny little claws in every crack and crevice of Gotham, and there's no telling who's behind every mask.
The streets would run red and he'd lose Tim anyway.
each time you talk about the werewolf fic in the tags of a post just know i'm eating up every new piece of lore
oh gosh i meant to answer this so long ago OTL I'm so glad you eat it up, ME TOO when I actually have the brain for it TuT i've been in a mini-slump for werewolf fic, but yesterday i wrote a new scene that I'd really like to fit into it and it's making me go OwO over that fic again lol
Jason finds him.
It’s not a full moon, so he’s not really sure what to expect. Tim hasn’t done anything to piss him off lately, or he can’t think of anything he’s done that could have pissed off Jason lately, so he doesn’t think Jason came with a bone to pick. Which is good, because Tim can’t— Tim doesn’t want to fight right now. He could, if he had to. But he doesn’t want to because the thought of dancing their usual dance to its usual conclusion makes him even more nauseous than he already is.
And even if they don’t reach that finale, even if Jason wouldn’t push for it... with the state he’s in, him plus Jason plus fighting would send him skidding down a much deeper spiral. And that would really fucking suck right now.
He can’t be that weak in front of him.
Sweat clings damp and cold to his upper lip, clammy and horrible. His fingers are buzzing, itchy and hot and slowly losing all delicate feeling; he tries to straighten them out but they tremble and shake no matter how he concentrates on them to stop it stop it stop stopstop— and his heart rate is already fast enough, it doesn’t need the help. So he closes them into fists and shoves them around himself, squeezing his eyes shut.
He knows Jason caught sight of him because he saw the flash of a red helmet pausing on the rooftop across the street, and Tim has the fleeting hope that by the time Jason gets here, he’ll be able to stand without the brick wall supporting him.
He nearly convinces himself that his breathing is under control when he flinches, eyes blinking open instinctively, as a pair of gloved fingers snap in front of his face.
“Hey,” Jason’s rough voice bites. “You finally with me, dumbass?”

putting in my order
I'll want this on my desk by *checks clock* april 31th
Skxnfjsk I'll add it to the WIP pile 😂 I'm working on a secret project rn, and ww fic continues to sit on the backburner 😔 but you got it captain o7 I do intensely crave this for Tim... Maybe au where Jason is the babysitter who takes the job but doesn't expect the young professional dilf who has no idea what he's doing... Who unexpectedly helps heal the damaged relationship between Tim and the rest of his estranged family... Hmm... Possibilities...
Escape Reality | Part 0

PAIRINGS: Batfam X Reader (platonic), Jason Todd X Reader (romantic)
—Why did you choose to get a dog? And why did you choose to walk him before the beginning of a storm? Well… you can’t say you regret it.
AU/Trope: Isekai
Rating: SFW (as always)
❥ [Part 0] - [Part 1] (not yet out)
A/Note: Heavily inspired by the amazing and incredible @daydreams-to-passages ! They wrote something I hadn’t even thought of which evolved into this fic! I really just expanded on their ideas so this is like 70% them! This is a little short but it's really just a prologue.
Oh, and lastly: if you know me IRL no you fucking don’t!
When you got a dog… well, every dog owner knows the joys of walking their perfectly well behaved dog. It's sometimes the best thing in the world! If you were to pick up into a light jog, your puppies ears would flap up and down- his fur blowing back as a nice breeze and cool weather egg you on for more of that same old walking.
But no, when you got a dog… well let’s just say you weren’t prepared to actually own a dog. You had just moved to New York, into a shitty cramped apartment, and you were lonely and depressed and what’s a good fix for all that? Getting a dog! A larger then a corgi sized dog. Weighing in at around 50 pounds was your new pride and joy! Your new terror and the reason why you now stay up later thinking “why the hell did I get a dog when I can’t afford my own food?” You made a choice and now your life was unraveling around you because of said choice.
But… you also felt guilty. It wasn’t erm… “Fido”’s choice to live with you. So you’d buy his food before your own just to make sure you can afford his, and you’d try and take him on walks every single day. Because, that small crappy apartment is doing nothing for “Buddy”…?
So yes, walking a dog is so relaxing and fun! If you can afford to take the time or buy training classes where they teach him how to… walk on a leash.
“The pigeons are gone, dude!” You huff and tug him away from the side of the sidewalk- across you was the park, where a lovely old women was feeding birds. Keyword: was. You dog… “bear”, was so unstimulated and just badly behaved… it often left you so very embarrassed and put out. So even after “Baxter” started his walk on again- satisfied with his bird scaring talents, he still tugged forward because you were apparently too slow by his standards. So, walking “Max” was great! Amazing even. What wasn’t great was… well you had hoped you’d be home by now, you had read the weather was getting cloudier but hey- a little water never hurt anyone?
Except everyone on the titanic.
The worst part? The damn dog was loving every bit of the rain, he even sat his ass down to chop on the rain above him!! Everyday you were a little more convinced he hated you… just when things couldn’t have been worse, a stupid DUMB cat appeared! It ran right in front of you and “buster” into an alley!
Listen, you had calmed down on the leash tugging since the damn dog sat down- you didn’t expect a cat! So yes, Mr “Duke” got away from you… THE FUCKING DOG GOT AWAY FROM YOU. You gave chase after a cat and a dog… no you’ll totally win this race!
And if you couldn’t have been miserable enough, you hit a fucking brick wall…
But… hey wait, you could have sworn you dog and that cat went this way…
Your nose was bleeding, you had checked it with your hand… and now you were blacking out. Thunder struck and that was the last thing you saw…
Then you died, much like the second robin did.
Actually, he died pretty heroically and was murdered by a super villain. You ran into a wall.
You also didn't die.

"What the actual fuck." You whined as you sat up and held you head. Great, now you had a headache on top of this rain... You were in an alleyway still. Sadly, that didn't change since you passed out. But for some reason it felt... colder? The whole neighbor streets turned dark and cold you realized once you stood up walked around. Everything just looked duller, less color, it felt like an invisible fog laid across the streets. The rain picked up harder, like some God or deity was trying to wash the city away. The building had turned to cool greys and blacks with pops of graffiti in the long narrow alleys. "What the actual fuck?" You spun around to look at more of... where you supposedly lived, trying to figure out what just happened.
In the distance, you can hear erm... your dog barking. Panic swelled in your chest like an ugly bruise. Darting towards the sound you calmed down slightly when you saw your dog sat nicely staring at a man. A man who was eating a hot dog in the pouring rain...
"No can't have my chili dog," scolded a black-haired stranger as you finally see your beloved dog. Both of them were standing under something, protecting the male from the rain while your poor pouch was already a wet dog. Just when the stranger was about to cave to your dog's whims and argumentative barks you shouted out.
"Dog," You yelled out and the pup's ears perked up. still, you pup was still for once in his life and not causing... too much trouble. His attention was now on you, but he still didn't move away from the man with food.
This action- or lack of action made you sigh. Glancing around, you couldn't help but notice the complete lack of people nearby.
"Dog, what does it not got a man?" The man asked absentmindedly, like he was more talking to himself then he was to you. Thankfully you had just closed the gap between the two of you when he said it, so you didn't miss his words.
Admittedly, you didn't give your dog a name... Nothing seemed to stick out or fit. "No- His name is uh... Dog..." You tried to defend yourself against the- on second glance- attractive male.
"You named your dog... Dog?" He raised an eyebrow, and you shrunk in a little more on yourself.
"Erm... Yes?" You doubled down...
"Okay," He accepted it with a little blink, and you'll miss it eyeroll. "Does Dog know any tricks?" He asked as he finished his hotdog and knelt down to pet... Dog.
You blushed a bit because... You hadn't taught Dog any tricks yet. You had gotten him a months ago, so he was still a somewhat fresh face... "He knows sit." He knows the basics of sit; his success rate with that trick was 30%, this stranger didn't need to know that though.
The stranger hummed like he didn't believe you. He shouldn't have but you still felt offended.
Wait, this guy looked a lot like... It was the black hair with a little white streak in it really, it reminded you so strongly of the second robin even to his leather jacket.
"Are you cosplaying," came out of your mouth before you could even think about the words properly. With a hand now smacked onto your mouth you looked away from the man with a hint of humiliation at his confused expression. "I mean- You'd make a really good Jason." You corrected only to see the male give a more... curious look.
"Todd, from DC," You added, hoping to clear away his curiosity. "Jason todd..." You added more when you realized this was probably getting nowhere, and you weren't in a place mentally to describe the whole robin situation- nor would he probably care enough...
"DC? Do you mean WE?" The male corrected with a hint of a smirk, like he knew something you didn't. "He's that guy's son, right? Before he died."
You couldn't help but frown. "Well yeah- I mean he came back... Are we talking about the same thing?" You sighed, looking at you pup now. You should really just take him home- cut the walk short. Just when you thought of that however, the stranger seemed to find that perfect spot behind Dog's ear and he leaned more into the Ex-Robin look-a-likes hand,
"He came back?" The male questioned; you just shook your head. You had gotten into a DC rant one to many times to get into one now, in the middle of pouring rain. While you sighed to yourself about that, you missed his suspicious looked and the way he began to eye you...
"What's WE?" You asked instead.
That was when he looked at you as if you didn't know anything. "You don't know Wayne Enterprises?"
omg like omg these are so many fucking good fic rec and what are you doing go check em out!
Birdflash Fic Rec Alert
Please be mindful of the tags!
Yes, I know this is very long, I’m feeding my starving birdflash children
Keep reading
Bruce savored his coffee, relishing the peace after a challenging night tackling increased crime spillover from Metropolis. It was a rare moment alone, away from the daily hustle and bustle of dealing with the kids.
“We’re back!” A loud, cheerful voice shattered the peace from the hallway. Bruce sighed, realizing his envisioned peaceful afternoon was short-lived. Nine little kids bounded through the front door. Wait…nine kids? Bruce did another quick headcount and confirmed that, no, it wasn’t a stress-induced hallucination—there was an additional kid who wasn’t there that morning when the group left for the fair.
As the kids walked past him towards the stairs, Bruce pulled off their caps and scanned their faces one by one to make sure. Dick, Jason, Barbara, Steph, Tim, Cass, Duke, Damian… Finally, he came across an unfamiliar face. The boy stared up at him. “Dad?” The kid launched himself towards him and hugged his thighs. “You’re back!”
Bruce gently extracted the kid from his legs and bent down to take a closer look at him. The boy’s forehead creased, his lips pouting and seemingly on the verge of tears. “You’re not my dad.”
“I don’t think so, kid,” said Bruce. “What’s your name?”
“This is Jon,” said Damian, locking arms with the boy.
“Jon,” Bruce repeated blankly.
“Jon recently lost his dad. We told him that’s okay, not everyone has parents, so he can come and live with us!” Dick said.
Bruce could feel an impending headache coming on. “Dick, you can’t just-” Bruce wanted to refute Dick’s words, but his brain was doing somersaults at the moment, so he gave up. “I’m sorry to hear that,” Bruce said instead to Jon. “How did you lose him?”
“My dad got hit by a green rock by a robot and fell off the mountain. I flew over it a few times, but I couldn’t find him! So I went to the fair to see if he was there,” said Jon.
Flew over the mountain? Green rock? There was only one person that Bruce could think of who could fly and had a weakness towards green rocks. “Is your dad Superman?” said Bruce, knowing and dreading the answer.
“Yeah!” Great, the one superhero whom Bruce had managed to avoid dealing with so far, who had suddenly gone missing since Sunday and was apparently passed out somewhere at the foot of a mountain. And whose kid his own children had kidnapped. Bruce’s day just kept getting better and better.
Masterlist of Executive Assistant to the Batman
made by @heartslogos
Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine | Chapter Ten | Chapter Eleven | Chapter Twelve | Chapter Thirteen | Chapter Fourteen | Chapter Fifteen | Chapter Sixteen | Chapter Seventeen | Chapter Eighteen | Chapter Nineteen | Chapter Twenty | Chapter Twenty One | Chapter Twenty Two | Chapter Twenty Three | Chapter Twenty Four | Chapter Twenty Five | Chapter Twenty Six | Chapter Twenty Seven | Chapter Twenty Eight | Chapter Twenty Nine | Chapter Thirty | Chapter Thirty One | Chapter Thirty Two | Chapter Thirty Three | Chapter Thirty Four | Chapter Thirty Five | Chapter Thirty Six | Chapter Thirty Seven | Chapter Thirty Eight | Chapter Thirty Nine | Chapter Forty | Chapter Forty One | Chapter Forty Two | Chapter Forty Three | Chapter Forty Four | Chapter Forty Five | Chapter Forty Six | Chapter Forty Seven | Chapter Forty Eight | Chapter Forty Nine | Chapter Fifty | Chapter Fifty One | Chapter Fifty Two | Chapter Fifty Three | Chapter Fifty Four | Chapter Fifty Five | Chapter Fifty Six | Chapter Fifty Seven | Chapter Fifty Eight | Chapter Fifty Nine | Chapter Sixty | Chapter Sixty One | Chapter Sixty Two
Chapter 31 is not numbered. And Chapter 38 is numbered 39 while Chapter 39 is numbered 29. Like ??? Chapter 53 is empty which is why it's crossed over.
Remember some chapters are longer than others
@strawberryjei @khachalala @warrior-ofba-the-blue-moon @reds-2 @michiruspens @jsuislfrost @dcblueberry @kerishet @elvenqueensandladyflowers @freeasthebirds @heirofgreen @delphae @rainarahl @youareunbearable @testycanadian @tiredswampthing @q-loves-you @platinum-here @zxrysky @consultingjedi @memo-rii @cheshirecaine @vegastaruniverse @timmers @kiragecko @veilfireshadows @47a3107 @send-me-letters @dukku-of-catempty @mizuphae @pastapirate @sparkly-key@marudny-robot @acookiesnmilkuniverse @dotsofblueink @shhhh-ok @neamedicullen @miss-choco-chips