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astro observation (13)
-watch a person with heavy leo placement go into a midlife crisis after something happens to their hair like heavy hair-loss or a bad hair cut. think of a lion’s beautiful mane, it’s a trademark of lion. now think ab a leo and their attachment to their hair. imagine the hysteria if something were to happen to their mane. these ppl would probably marry their barber given the opportunity 
-people try to find themselves in their charts purely based off of their ascendant, so i’m gonna clear up this misconception. picture this.
the first house= your vibe, energy, mannerisms, behavior, approach to life, life-force
the second house= your literal physical body
technically, your second house and the planets inside will tell you about your physical features. it’s you in the most raw physical form, your shell. however, the sign in the 1H is how you animate your body, how you move and present yourself.
-the 6H is such a beautiful house, let me tell you i dislike all that talk about how it’s as a house of illness/debt/enemies. don’t take the 6H as face value! the 6H house axis is a physical manifestation of the 12H. the 6H rules over nervous systems, these ppl are crazy good at anticipating. their connection to their body is marvelous. a bunch of benefit planets in the 6H means you’ve got a good reactive system. something bad happen? well they fire up a solution, solve it and move on. lets say an accident at work happens. well they already anticipate it before hand and mapped it out, so all they do is deal with it and move on. the 6H is one of the houses which indicates an affinity towards automation. it’s like a magician pulling rabbits out of a hat. 
-i’ve said this many times before but the sign which scorpio falls into ur chart is where u hold the most power and it will explain the many stereotypes u hear in astrology. for example, libra rising has scorpio in their second house. their body is a temple, they worship their body and put a lot of value on it bc the second house rules the physical body and all things material. they invest in skincare, dieting, and exercise. this is where the stereotype of libra ppl as vain beauty queens come from. like no u doofus they’re not, they just realized from early on humans are weak for pretty faces. if they can use curated polite mannerisms and charm to get where they need to go, then so be it
-planets making tight and negative aspects to the sun will show what hurts your ego the most
-go ask heavy pisces n sag placements to admit they inherited their family’s addictive gene, watch them start denying
-the house saturn is in indicates where u will face the most repetition in life. “practice makes perfect” is considered a universal truth for a reason. practice invites discipline and that’s how people generally become spectacular. the house saturn is where saturn will make you repeat your lesson until you are able to perform blindfolded
-mercury in harsh aspect to jupiter makes somebody prone to mansplaining or if they’re not a man then just pretentious when they’re speaking in general. because of saturn’s influence this could mean they had a negative experience with an authority who shunned their intelligence. after that experience they could have changed their speech so no one can come at them again for “sounding” uninformed or clueless. also girlies it’s okay to admit u don’t know something
-whatever house mercury is in a chart is the house that indicate what themes the individual conceptualizes and thinks about most in their entire life. mercury is an intellectual planet, there is a need to “understand” and think “through”
so picture this, how does mercury (an intellectual planet) that rules ur mind and the way u process information, operate and not totally breaks under the 12H of unseen? how does one“make sense” of the supernatural, the unknown, the unspoken, etc? because of how difficult it is, mercury in the 12H native process information/words with a develop intuition. it’s just like having a tail or a six sense basically. mercury 12H natives discern dialogue through subtlety, they pick up on tone and body language and most importantly “vibes”. they are also observers and less of talkers
mercury 12H native: we’re going shopping today right?
their friend responding neutrally: yeah
mercury 12H native: *silence and then delayed outraged* ur so mad at me
remember it depends on the individual sometimes mercury 12H can manifest in a delusional way
for instance,
random person looks at mercury in the house person for two seconds: 👁👁
mercury 12H native: they want me fr
note how how mars is the planet of physical reaction. mercury is the planet of mental reaction so it highlights how u verbally respond. mercury in the 12H where information gets processed sorta slow, it’s a common for them to have delayed reaction. they can get hit in the face with a basketball, go blank face, then realized and shed a tear 2 minutes later. also the kind to laugh after the joke isn’t funny anymore bc they finally figured why it was funny
-virgo risings look so put together all time, they have libra in their second house so this is why they constantly look like perfection. they honestly beat libra ascendant on the groom look
-virgo lilith: ppl wanna test what u know, it’s like constant trivia. “u don’t know where ghana is located on the map? ur so stupid”. or if it’s a snarky passive person they’ll withhold information from the native bc they expect them to be already prepared, “no sorry i don’t know when the meeting starts”. these ppl also get put into situation that made them keen on hygiene. a stressed virgo lilith also loves taking showers as if it will wash away a bad day
-when u express the quality of ur lilith sign, people’s reactions are so extreme. they see you as a threat, like a fire they need to put out
-i find 6H synastry to be so adorable sometimes. it could be a thing where the planet person gives the house person health issues when they’re away. maybe the house person won’t eat well or they can’t sleep, all wellness goes out the door when their lover is far from them. their routine gets disrupted and disheveled
-when a bunch of planets transits your 12H, expect your phone to be dry, your social life to be more vacant, and the circumstances around your life to be isolating. know this, you’re alone for a reason, use the time for spiritual purposes
ppl are so surprised ab how far cancel culture has gone. but to put it into perspective, the demographic that is on social media is predominantly pluto sags. sag is the most wise and enlighten sign when it comes to humanitarian related subjects. pluto is an generational planet, it brings disorder into a generation to better society. it’s necessary bc pluto is extreme purges. so this generation is super particular about political correctness to the point where it’s atomic. when someone is ignorant and isn’t intellectually adept ab the welfare of humans and social reforms, they get flamed!!! pluto isn’t rlly a “positive” planet, usually what happens is someone gets grilled so a new standard can be set for everyone else. so rlly when u think ab it thats why cancel culture is less ab educating the offender and more ab crucifying them as an example
is it just me or is this eclipse extra draining on the body?🤨
anyways ta-ta!
hiya lovelies! astro observation 12 (💕) boy am i surprising all of u by doing a back to back post! anyways enjoy!
-sun in 2H folks have this obsession with letting everybody know they’re doing okay. the sun shows what u aspire to be and when it’s situated in the 2H of security. these people want to convince themselves they’ve got it under control. so sometimes this can manifest like,
person A: u don’t look so well, are u okay??
hardheaded sun in the 2H: of course i am, why would i not be (chronically and clearly lying)
and it’s not specifically towards other people. they also can lie to themselves about being “okay”. when it comes to mental health they wait it out until a big explosion in their life happens and they are forced to come to terms that they’re in-fact not okay at all. the 2nd house is a house that highlights independence ent. u find that these individuals pride themselves on “not needing anybody. it’s “it’s me vs the world” energy sometimes so it explains that survival mindset and the need to always be “okay”
-neptune in the 5H have spiritual awakenings from doing drugs/alcohol bc partaking in pleasure (5H themes) triggers neptune’s effects. but again neptune rules illusions as well so these are also the kind of people to binge on alcohol at 8 in the morning and deny they have a problem
-if u have mars ruled sign in a planetary placement, it can indicate re-occurring conflicts with particular people in ur life. while the mars energy in aries manifest in a physical way while the mars in energy in scorpios is drawn inwards
aries sun= u get into ego battles with ur dad
aries moon= ur mom makes u feel like u wanna rip ur hair out
aries mercury= u and ur siblings get into heated verbal duels
scorpio sun= ur dad influenced ur psychology in life or the mindset u operate off of. he could have pushed u to the “constant survival mindset” where u think everybody is out to get u
scorpio moon= ur mom literally gave u trauma. her presence inspires ur paranoia/compulsive behavior/dark traits
scorpio mercury= lowkey y’all got sibling rivalry. always trying out-do ur brother or sister. idk what it is u just wanna be better than them or get revenge
-Gemini placements excel in tangible knowledge. they’re good at statistics/mathematics bc quantifying things comes easily to them. also brilliant at wordplay as well, their command of language is impressive so that’s why u see so many gemini’s being a smart-ass, it’s natural wit. sag on the other hand are better at humanity related subjects, the universal truths. this means religion, philosophy, ect. they process information efficiently but the part where they rlly excel at is applying their own thoughts/theories to what they were given
-mars in 9H most of the time will not be friends with someone who doesn’t hold similar opinions. for a mars 9H to bond with someone they need to know they’re on the same page with that person especially when it comes to political views or philosophy
-mercury in the 5H are remarkably good at board games. when mercury is applied to the 5H ruling pleasures and fun, u bet they’re gonna destroy u in monopoly or trivia games
-6H chiron wants to throw hands at animals or they’re naturally untrusting of animals. or if the chiron is aspected well, it could mean animals played a big role in reliving trauma or pain. this could manifest as a veteran bonding with their service dogs
-8th Jupiter🤝 trauma. jupiter is benefic but remember it expands. these people went through a lot, sometimes it’s not specially trauma it’s just over exposure to the icky and dark side of life. these ppl are the kinds to grow up in strip clubs or seen domestic violence at an early age. they particularly appreciate transformation and secerey, moreover they learn to wield mystery as a weapon. also for some reason they collect everyyybody and their mama’s secrets as welll?? people will just spill their guts to a jupiter 8H during a random tuesday and the jupiter 8H person will be completely unfazed. what can i say, they’re used to it
-when u have a hell of a lot of planets in the 1st house like i’m talking 5+ planets. sometimes u don’t look like anything but also like everything. when so many planetary influences is affecting the 1st house of self, u look like a wild card. especially sun/mars and venus sitting together in the 1st house. what manifest is an androgynous look! female+male features both present
-moon square ascendant culture is battling constant projection. emotions are constantly thrown at them. emotions that they have no obligations with! the moon square ascendant native need to understand that they don’t need to tend to other ppl’s feelings all the time. if they get too open to other ppl energy/opinions they will end up being drained. having to put up with energy vampires is a common manifestation of this aspect. these poor darlings are basically therapist to 5 bozo’s at all times! protect ur peace
-virgo placement is so hyper aware of everything. mercury which is their ruler, is a speedy planet. think ab how many times mercury changed signs in a year! the speed of mercury naturally makes virgo a very anxious placements and since they are an earth sign they usually coax their anxiety with practical solutions. same thing for Gemini but they deal with their anxiety better bc they’re an air sign, they don’t get the reputation for anxious despite having the same planetary rulership as virgo, their “anxiety” usually manifest as insatiable curiosity
-scorpio risings deal with family trying to mooch off of them after they find success. their IC (Aquarius) indicates a very stiff home. they’re the black sheep. emotions are strongly encourage to be muted. as they grow order and embody their MC (leo) they deviate from their upbringing, they shed the shame of being “different” and as a result they attract abundance. now, this is the interesting part bc family is forever hence their aquairus IC is always gonna be there. aquarius themes pertains to egotism and in the worst case scenarios, entitlement. observe how quickly their families comes running after a scorpio rising reach success. suddenly all their extended family is goin “hey remember that one time i held u as a baby?”
-neptune energy (heavy pisces/12H/neptune-planet placements) sometimes manifest in a physical way, in the sense that ppl can’t see u. ik this sounds goofy as hell but it can be a case where u make no sound when u walk so when u come up to say hi to ur friends it can take a while for them to notice u are there. these folks can waltz through an airport, hop on a plane and fly to another country and no one will notice. neptune distorts and also perpetrated elusively. it could also be the thing where u tell ppl ur whole life story and they’ll still find u mysterious or “unreachable”! same thing goes for scorpio placements except scorpio is usually more aware of their behavior and they contribute deliberately to their own mysteriousness
-Lilith in the 2H are so extreme when it comes to food! these placements can sorta be like the moms who eat an almond a day. also it could mean extreme transformation in weight since 2H rules the body so they could have been obese but undergo radical weight loss. these ppl are the most prone to attempt crazy diets and the kinds to put their body into extremity as well
a light hearted scenario to envision:
random person: omg what’s that over there??
Lilith 2H native: literally treading in Arctic waters bc they wanna see how much their body can take before hyperthermia comes down on them 🏊♂️🌊
-pisces full moon on september 10H.
full moon=always a time of release.
since it’s in the sign of pisces, i suggest meditation and a spiritual cleanse. i don’t know ur guys routines but since it’s pisces literally anything works like crystals, a floral bath, incense, ect. if the activity connects u to the spiritual world, then it works. this moon is squared mars at 6 degrees so impulsivity or anger could rock u, it’s not a calming full moon despite being in the sign of pisces. probably an emotional anger
-mercury is gonna be retrograding for a while until october 1st. lots of transportation issues, internet issues maybe slow wifi has u heated, don’t be haste on making important decisions such as contracts/moving, also since mercury is the sign of communication. hold ur tongue back, be conscious of what u say!
anyways, that’s all :)
do u guys like it better when i do my observation through a technical frame? i find story telling helps learners understand astrology better, should i keep this up? my dm’s are open, it would be helpful to me if u guys tell me what placements u want insight on, so send away and i’ll add them in the next post
ta-ta! <3
astro observation #11 (💕) here’s a secret, with mars in Gemini for 7 months, if ur a mutable risings u are gonna be very on edge and buzzing. ur angular houses are being hit. my blessings to u all!
-those with sun aspecting their mid heaven harshly have an issue with being perceived, they want attention/fame/praise but don’t like when eyes are on them. make up ur mind!
-sag in pluto suffers from information overload. think about social media and the sheer ton of information it’s blasting at gen z everyday. no sag in pluto are not addicted to tiktok/instagram/twitter, they are addicted to the simulation n the sensation of “learning quickly”. but the truth is, it’s not real learning or true enlightenment. the knowledge will leave their mind as quickly as it entered. sag in pluto are not gonna find truth in social media. they’re not gonna find their truth by packing their bags across the world either. u can’t use travel as a bandaid my pluto sags. sag rules publication/books as well, so u know, it’s not gonna hurt to pick up a book once in a while. transformation awaits in knowledge
-people who call aquarius venus fickle people in love forget that aquarius is a fixed sign, their modality is FIXED, when they love they obsess as much as a scorpio or a leo venus
-jupiter positively aspecting uranus in a tight orb means every blessing the individual has never been planned. like ever. these people are the kinds of ppl who suddenly turn into rags to riches. randomly learn an instrument based off a whim.
-a funny way to get the sign in ur 12H to come out is sleep deprivation. it’s a better alternative to alcohol, i don’t mean stay up 48 hours, just be awake past midnight alone and ur 12H sign will come out. libra risings (12H virgo) will start overthinking. virgo (12H leo) will probably take selfies maybe partake some act of self worship like staring at a mirror
-neptune in angular houses (1,4,7,10) in a natal chart is incredibly potent and powerful. it creates this feeling of never truly being able to discern or be “seen”clearly in certain areas of life. neptune in 1st can feel they aren’t perceived as they are. neptune in 4th get the sense they’ll never be known intimately or deep enough. neptune in 7th feel they’ll never have a relationship where they can crawl in their partner’s soul. neptune in 10th can feel their reputation is consistently misrepresenting them. neptune illusionist effects becomes a powerhouse in an angular house
-people are afraid of 12H synastry bc there’s no material gain from it, the 12H benefit is purely spiritual growth. ur not gonna gain any capital value from it so that’s why it’s hard to get on board with the idea of committing to an uncomfortable experience with someone. an experience that is transformative, whether good or bad depends on the people involved. making the conscious choice to grow/get better is heavy in 12H synastry
-jupiter house in first. okay. u don’t even need to look for trouble, stuff just comes to u. and i’m not saying in where it’s like “oo they’re just lucky”. looking at them like simple luck magnets is damaging. the things come to them bc they’re supposed to be their greatest teacher.
(no one is gonna tell u stuff, no mentor will be effective as u, in this life ur the one who is supposed to guide, the universe in turns just spew stuff on to u as a helping hand)
-the planets materializes in the 2nd house. u got venus in 2nd house, probably got pretty stuff around, or maybe it’s u whose pretty hour glass body, great skin, ect. also the planets sitting inside also effects ur voice. 2nd house rules over vocal chords and speech! example: uranus in the 2nd has unique speaking voice. they could sound animated or maybe very monotone. distinctive voice
-my cuties with saturn in angular houses (1,4,7,10), how should i put this kindly? time is very important, in fact it plays a pivotal role in ur life, i say this confidently cuz saturn is literally time and in the angular houses it’s either against u or for u. not enough time, u ran out of time, ur behind time. the beef against u and time is unreal
-mars in 12th🤝constantly fighting their subconsciousness
-12H natal placement is a strong indicator of getting unwanted information. these ppl are usually in the friend group who is suspicious of the person everybody likes, they know ahead even if they can’t explain it. it’s the constant tugging of the heart. 9H on the hand is the house that searches for knowledge. they will seek and dig to simply “know”. these ppl seriously love religion or denounce it. must seek to know
-the sign your saturn is in shows how you will be humbled. authority figures yelling sit yourself down and be quiet kind of humble
1)aries: ppl are gonna come for ur leadership every-time u wanna take action or showcase independence and drive ur gonna be asked to calm down or that ur leader ship isn’t really what the situation calls for. u can suggest something and get told to be quiet. over time u know the best time to take charge and lead a shift
2)taurus: when u do self-care n the way u indulge. these kinds of ppl can rely on alcohol/sex/food for pleasure n then get told “u know that’s not self love right and just a temporary high”. the way u define stability gets shaken up. eventually u learn things that actually matters and learn when it’s best to have comfort. some authority figures will be like wow ur lazy as hell even after u put in 100 hours of work
3)gemini: expressing opinions. they get shut down for talking, for the rhetorics, for the way they speak. they get told “that’s not rlly the best thing to say rn”, “read the room”, “i don’t care ab ur opinion”. verbal expression can be especially challenging bc being misunderstood is a frequent struggle
4)cancer(detriment): comforting/nurturing. these ppl sometimes deny themselves comfort. they get shunned for being too soft sometimes. like the crab, they eventually know when to be protective/defend and when to nurture themselves. they also learn how emotions can be used as strength early on in their lives they were told to suck it up
5)leo(determent): literally any thing with creative expression, any moments when ur being playful or extra. authorities love to humble saturn leo egos bc they assume saturn leo’s got inflated arrogance. something small as using a big word will get u into trouble. they’ll be like “do u even know what that means?”
-mars is exalted in capicorn while when it’s the sign of cancer it’s in it’s fall. this is because when conflict occur capicorn responds with action regardless of their personal take on it, they operate in a systematic way. on the other hand, emotion is at the forefront of a cancer mars. this causes many potential issues
(1)they refuse to do anything even if it makes them uncomfortable
(2)hiding their opinion/emotion on a problem is hard. people will take a look at them and know exactly when they’re gonna cry
the moon in astrology matures at 24. and guess what? the human’s prefrontal cortex develops at 25. isn’t that just a funny coinkdadoink huh?? so cancer mars, after 25 or so, you’ll find that taking actions and getting your life together without crying will be easier
-if someone u know is flaky and fickle, look to where their saturn is in their chart because without fail that’s the one area of their life they absolutely commit themselves to. saturn 4H are slaves for their families they’d do anything for their families. saturn in 1st suggest a dedication to endless improvements they see themselves as not enough so they go out of their way to constantly improve. saturn 9H will choose to study over everything, u are not more important than their grades
-the sign in your 6H indicates the body part u must keep clean. scorpio in the 6H i’m looking at u babes, go clean ur coochie
-you know instantly you have 8H synastry with a person when the air starts feeling werid around them the space around them feels bent and almost drawing you inwards
-the house you have mercury in your solar return chart shows what area of life you think about the most during that year and also where you face the most anxieties if mercury is aspected poorly
-the house chiron is in where u gotta focus on healing
-3rd house stellium=possible move around neighborhood
9H stellium=possible long distance moves. like across the country or to another continent
astrology is a study of patterns, it’s not tarot cards where u use intuition to feel around it. it’s extremely cerebral. so this means anyone who starts saying “6H synastry gives me such bad vibes”, or “encounters with gemeni’s are so unlucky”. this is an indication to turn ur head away and stop listening bc the moment someone think their opinions override’s the reasoning/patterns in a chart, u know instantly they’re full of dookie
astro observation (#10💕) just a reminder no matter what’s happening, you’re always in control, you get to decide if it hurts or not
-mercury in the 6th house are good with their fingers (not in the way ur thinking u dirty people!) the virgo effect that comes from the 6H and with mercury ruling fingers, they play instruments wonderfully, they’ve got the endurance to really hone their musical precision and as a result they are great piano players/violin players/etc
-loads of cancer+cap placements means mommy/daddy issues, aquarius can also apply. they are also the parents and caretakers of society
-the house pluto is in shows the area of life where surrender must occur for power to come. for example if an individual has pluto in the 6H they have to give up trying to find perfection in their routine, forced/toxic productivity, and chronic obsessions related to health. when they begin to let all that stuff go, they become empowered by having a better work routine
-the house venus is in is the house you get the most praise in life. venus 5H get praised for expressions of creativity it could be something small as the doodles they scribble down in class. venus 9H gets praised for being open-minded and knowledgeable. venus 2H gets praise for their body and possessions. venus 12H is sorta different bc these people have so many admirers but their admirers are all afraid to verbalize it, they hear praise from a second source, their friends may inform them, “oh did u know X said u looked really cute today??!” and the venus 12H individual would be shocked cuz they’re like “wow i didn’t even know they liked me”
-bruh ik this one is true bc i’ve got first hand experience with it. hard aspects between venus and moon could make your mother very controlling on the way u dress, they want u to look a certain way and project their image of ‘stylish’ or ‘beautiful’ on to u 
-gemini mars had a guitar that they don’t play sitting in their room somewhere. these ppl hobby hop like crazy. one day into knitting and the next week they’re getting into something else
-lilith 11H is ruthless when it comes to achieving their dreams, these are the type of people to step on toes if it means resorting to ugly measures
-the moon sign of your favorite artist is either the same as yours or the opposite
-jupiter in hard aspect with pluto means doing anything to get what you want, even it means violating your morales and potentially taking advantage of people’s beliefs, it’s like one of the more darker manifestations of this aspects, however i’ve seen people take it out on themselves where they work so hard they don’t pay attention to their bodies, skip meals, stay late, ect
-mutable signs have this tendency to play devils advocate.
(1)Gemini does it bc they want an interesting conversation they get bored with conventional morals
(2)sag like to shake things up for fun to them being morally wrong for entertainment isn’t a sin,
(3)pisces just has a lot of understanding like too much understanding these people just wanna see the good in everything, they’re like “ik they ran over your cat and chopped your arm off but what if they were just having a bad day”
(4)virgo wants things done, they choose the side that is rational even if it means compromising morals, they see it works and they would sacrifice their whole family if it means a thousand other people get to live, these people are in service, they do what’s right
-men with major cancer/4H placements gravitate to finding women with round faces attractive like selena gomez. they also really like boobs. sag/9H placements on the other hand love butts
-pieces risings are obsessed with finding truth, they’ve got that scorpio 9H making their belief systems an obsession
-scorpio mercuries are selectively silent, they know silence is the best form of communication, these people withhold information but never blur or distort them, if they lie, they lie through omitting certain pieces of information. they’re so good at business at well, these people find power in words, they know how to command in communication. mf be talking in riddles
-jupiter returns are never always positive. jupiter is a  benefic planet, we all know this, but people forget it’s also the gas giant, it expands. if you are in misery in your jupiter return, jupiter will expand your misery until you notice it. you’ll feel 100x worse but it’s done so that you notice your position in life
-the house your sun is in shows what will align you with higher purpose. if you got sun in the 9H this means travel/education will change you. if you got sun in the 7H, your first major relationship will bring a lot of awakenings. if you got sun in the 8H, experience in the occult will shake you up. if you got sun in the 12H, jail time, hospitals or confinement will change you because your physical world is so limited you have to start exploring the spiritual world or unseen
-now that neptune is retrograde u might wanna lay back on the daydreams and delusions, don’t sleep at 2AM and wake up late hoping you’ll make it to work on time, set some structure. there is gonna be hard truths being told and life will flow better if you accept it. if you don’t accept the reality given to you when january comes, the 2nd week transits will give you a crisis, you’ll have a harder time transiting. jan 2023 is sorta tense so it’s better to do psychological work before hand
-whenever the moon is in scorpio or capricorn (debilitated placement) ppl get in fights with their moms
-cap moon is happening on july 13, most intense moon of the year, the house capricorn in your chart will have shocking truth revealed and you’ll feel the need to make radical changes
-when you’ve got 12H saturn it’s a year where you build thick skin, you really learn to unconsciously harden up and become mentally resilient. you’ll also find yourself unwillingly being isolated
-chiron in the 1st=public embarrassment
-when there’s a good aspect from mercury to chiron, it’s a year where you’ll find closure through talks and self healing through communication. the pain gets channeled into peace
if you know one or two things about me, i’m never consistent, if you inbox or message me it probably be a long time till you hear back, it’s been a while, but! isn’t that exciting? i’m keeping all of you on your toes! :)
anyways, ta-ta for now
hiya lovelies,astrology observation number 9 (💞)!! is anyone else going through it lately as well? i’m very tired
-mercury retrograde excel in music, some of the greatest singers of all time like Michael Jackson had a mercury retrograde. these ppl find it difficult to communicate via words so when it comes to music, easily, they find their voice
-the virgo and pieces axis pertains to reality. virgo is stuck in the mundaneness of the world, they are fixed to schedules,habits,standards, normalities, and all of the above. they are paralyzed in hyper reality, they only realized what they can perceived, they need to see to believe, they operate off of statistics/facts/evidence. for pieces placements, they totally lack reality. this is why they get stereotyped as delusional. they function off of feeling because for a pieces, truth is what they believe in, if they believe in it then it’s accepted as truth to them. they don’t work like virgos who need evidence. they feel the unseen and what is invisible to the eye. both virgos and pieces condition their own reality. virgos do it by structure and establishing schedules, they are literally locked into the routine they set for themselves. for a pieces, they create their reality in belief, if they think they’re stupid and loveable then no one can changed their minds except for themselves, whatever they think gets channeled to truth for them
-leo does not rule the hair, it rules the heart, the heart is important to the circulation system which is essential for hair growth, that’s why great hair is usually associated with leo the lion and their beautiful mane. but it’s capicorn that takes the trophy for best hair bc capicorn actually rules over hair/bones/teeth/joints. ever seen a capicorn rising? their scalp is perfection
-for sun or moon aspecting mercury ppl, it’s important for you to hear your own voice. u will realize what u want just by talking with yourself bc ur inner truth is intertwined with communication. for people with people pleasing placements like sun in the 7H,it’s especially important bc the more time u spend with ppl and take in their ideas, the less u will know of yourself
-moon aspecting mars people do great in sports. their emotional can be funneled into the physical. if they are angered enough, maybe go through one or two bad heartbreaks, be stepped on by the world, they can easily channel that energy to self improvement and glow up. mars accelerates. the moon is feelings. one emotions can make their heart go kaboom. their emotions are like fireworks
-whatever sign rules ur 12H, the behavior of the sign shows when ur self-sabotaging. cancer rising 12H is gemini, when you catch them talking smack and being mischievous, gossiping, invaliding people, stirring up drama, that’s how you know they’re self destructing. cancers are sweet and protective, when u see them running their mouths like a Gemini, steer clear, something is wrong
-taurus in venus really have a thing for choking. i get it cause taurus rules the neck but oh my god
-pieces in risings sorta have a rude awakening with romantic relationships. they have cancer 5H, when they are causally dating they feel nurtured and fullfilled, they feel a deep connection, they feel taken care of, there is a high emotional aspect to it. but they got that virgo 7H, once they get into committed relationships or get married, it’s more tense, the love isn’t really fantastical love anymore, it’s practical love and it’s love with a load of hard work to it. anxiety, scattered energy. but the earth energy is there though so once they love you, they really follow through with making sure you guys work through hard times
-major third house placements means early elementary school/middle school was a significant period for u
-5H placement/leo placements🤝praise. some of the most kinky fellas in the world
-cancer mars have erratic sleep schedule. cancer is ruled by the moon which is in a constant state of change. these people go from nocturnal to just straight up not sleeping. their energy level is up and down as well
-jupiter in the 12H could be so dense ab their blessings. these ppl could walk across a street with their eyes glued to their phone and not get hit by a car, that’s how energetically protected they are. and then they look up from their phones and think nothing happened at all! they also got this thing ab a particular dead relatives and their spirit looking over them, like if you wanna see some crazy stuff hang out with a jupiter in the 12H. these ppl are the same kinds of people to have imaginary friends too, omg ok i’m gonna stop now bc i’m writing this at 2AM and i’m not tryna summon demons by talking about the super natural but u know what i mean! (😢) THEY R MAGICAL PPL!!
-moons in the 3H and 9H just be talking to themselves 24/7, like they don’t stop, the true chatter box’s of the world
-libra placements🤝being presentable. they will wear a three piece suit to a target run. aesthetics are everything to them. there’s two kinds of libra placements, the ones who wear pretty clothes to stare themselves alone in a mirror and the ones who love validation from others they like to be pretty in a crowd of people wearing t-shirts and sweat pants
-scorpio and capicorn moons beef with their mother. i also observe that capicorn/aquarius sons with trauma literally wanna fight their dad
-if a 5H chiron is talking to u, just shush and appreciate. if they’re sharing their hobbies n showing u a nice drawing, know that it took guts, and don’t be like ‘oooh but u missed a spot right there’, they literally don’t share for others to be given advice on how to improve, the techniques, and stuff, save that for later, they just want praise
-chiron in cancer suffers from embarrassing memories. like they remember things they don’t wanna remember if u catch my drift. cancer rules nostalgia+memories
-sag pluto’s love making jokes about death, sex and terrible situations. like that’s just how they cope. most of gen z got sag in pluto and that’s why all of us are unhinged
-aquarius placements are defined by their friends, like at least once point in their life they’re gonna learn a huge lesson ab friends or lack of thereof. the sign of aqua rules of community, these ppl have strong opinions regarding friendship. ride or dies, or selective hermits
-cardinal signs went through during 2018-2021. now fix signs are absolutely gonna be destroyed (perhaps in a good way) with these upcoming transits, just yall wait till october of this year where virtually most planets go into retrograde. saturn enters pieces in 2023, so mutable signs in a year or so will be next
-upcoming fullmoon in sag at june 14th. clean ur rooms yall don’t be messy now, it’s time to release 
anyways! i hope u guys enjoyed this. i am hammered right now, it’s approaching 3AM and i’m tryna go to sleep before then bc 3AM scares the living day lights out of me, the witching hour is pulling up on me, please pray the melatonin knocks me out (<3)
ta-ta now!
 sagittarius pluto🤝dick jokes
thats it. that’s the observation
what a thoughtful post about venus through the houses, there’s a lot of wisdom i love this <3
⚠️Long Post Ahead, but I PROMISE it’s worth the read⚠️

{Please read introduction. Highly detailed examples of Venus in each house below}
✨Who is Venus?
Venus is the planet of love, art & luxury! The traditional ruler of feminine Taurus/2H and masculine Libra/7H. Venus is all about others; How you interact w others, how you come across to others, how you act towards others in relationships— business or personal. Venus also talks about income & wealth. How do you earn money? But more specifically, who do you earn money with & how? (See how the 2H & the 7H are interconnected?) Venus’ energy can be subtle, but extremely important when dealing with how one gets by in the world. After all, who are YOU if you never encounter another person? Who are you without the relationships you make and how you maintain them? Who are you when another “you” is to be considered? That’s why knowing & understanding one’s Venus sign will allow one more control in their personal & business relationships because they will always know how they show up! Think of knowing your Venus placement, like knowing “what you bring to the table”. And the answer is ALWAYS a FEAST!
(I want to take a moment to STRESS that I am not saying your worth is based on how other people perceive you. I’m saying the exact opposite. Once you know HOW other people perceive you, you can use that to your advantage. Don’t let onlookers define who you are, YOU define who you are, THEN you go out into the world, negotiating, making the necessary connections & developing & maintaining the relationships YOU deem adequate & conducive to YOUR personal growth. NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND…OKAY?!!! This is really essential to the 1H/7H axis. I could (and should) do a post regarding this dynamic. If you are reading this w strong Libra/7H placements, this is probably an ongoing battle for you— “where do I end & my relationships begin?”. Maybe this can help you define that! As for everyone else, we all have this dynamic in our chart. Although we may not struggle w it as much, we still struggle. Some of us have been called selfish & self-centered, others of us have been called doormats & passive, some of us have been called a blend of both, passive aggressive….ALL of these labels are dealing w how you come across TO other people. None of these labels would exist if you existed alone. What would be the point? Doesn’t matter if you’re selfish…you’re the only self! I hope I’m bringing this point home. We need relationships to help learn & define ourselves, we wouldn’t be able to learn who we are without interacting with other people. Even if you don’t like interacting w other people, that’s still technically, how you engage w others…you see? I hope I’m making sense. I just don’t want people coming at me like I’m preaching we need relationships as if that’s a bad thing. We DO need relationships w other people or else we are nothing. It’s about having HEALTHY relationships. And THAT is why I do the things I do & write the things I write. Hence, this tangent. But think of developing relationships like this, as the old saying goes “if a tree falls in the forest & no one hears it, did it fall?”. If a human is born in a void & no one knows that human exist & that human doesn’t know other humans exist…does that human exist? Does it even know it’s human? You see? We get a lot of information comparing ourselves to our outside world. Only way you would know you’re an introvert is if you saw an extrovert. Okay, I think y’all are smart wonderful people, so I’m going to put the shovel down. I always try to define where I’m coming from so the article makes sense! lol Back to Venus)
Venus is the planet that governs our relationships. It governs our wealth & our relationship TO our wealth. This is why I thought it would be a fun look to see Venus through the lens of Disney Princesses! What’s more luxurious & wealth acquiring than MARRYING (7H) a Prince Charming?
Through the houses, we will see your soul contract when it comes to your relationships w astrology. We will be looking at how you can acquire wealth through your house placement as well, particularly when it comes to using your romantic/marriage commitments.
Disclaimer, I believe marriage is more of a business deal than anything else (7H). Can marriage be about love? YES! Absolutely! Of course…but is it also about business and positional power? Yes. Very much so. I don’t want to pass off a naive message. Click off now if you believe in fairytale romances (& you don’t have delusional Pisces in your chart lol jk jk, I’m a Venus in Pisces myself), because that’s not actually what this post is about. Marriage has been a way for woman to obtain power & divorce has been a way for woman to obtain wealth. In fact, back in the olden days…jk it still happens today, Woman were/are used for marriage as pawns to ascertain political power & diplomacy. Let’s say, if an emperor wants to acquire more land, but doesn’t want war (Mars), he could marry his daughter’s off instead (Venus). That’s more specifically what we are looking at in this post. The negotiation between “love”, “marriage” & “power”.
It is also worth noting that in a Male’s charts in traditional Vedic astrology, Venus is a signifier of the Male’s wife & girlfriends— kind of like “his type”. In a Female’s chart, however, Jupiter & Mars, speak about her husband & boyfriend, respectively. I find Venus to be likened more to a woman’s “love language” in a female chart…but again, that’s a VERY shallow understanding of the role of Venus here, but just attempting to give some context!
✨What does this have to do with you?
This post is going to be a complex look at Disney Princess (& some exceptions) to describe the type of relationships & contracts you have with your “Prince Charming(s)”. Here, you learn where your power lies in your relationships because of how your partner’s VIEW you & the role you are supposed to play in their lives. As stated in all my previous post, feminine energy is “negative” energy. All we are meant to do is RECEIVE & REFLECT the light of our “positive” masculine counterparts. As a woman, we show man the dark-side of the moon, engaging them w their own inner chaos & wild feminine energy. Venus in the houses as Disney Princess is meant to inspire, educate & activate your inner qualities of beauty & engagement. You can tell a lot about what a man expects in relationships through his Venus Sign— once you know it, you will know if you align w his expectations or not! That gives you the power to decide if you want to commit or not & how you want to commit! (Whew…this was a lot….lol)
The Post will be broken up by “For Him:/For Her:” You are meant to read both perspectives!
For Him will describe WHAT the Prince expects from the Princess.
For Her: will describe HOW the Princess shows up & contributes to his life.
Once you align his expectations & what you have to offer…you have the power to NEGOTIATE your role in the business of marriage & relationships! That’s what Venus is all about, baby cakes!
BE CREATIVE: Although this perspective is through the houses, you can read for your Venus’ Zodiac sign & your 7H ruler!
(Ex: If you have Aries in the 7H, you can read Venus in the 1H or if you have Sagittarius in the 7H, you can read Venus in the 9H…this is a flexible post!)
You can & should, if applicable, also read the “For Him” section about YOUR PARTNER’S Venus placement. This will give you some insight on your connection through their gaze!
⚠️ This post is for EVERYONE. No intention to be exclusionary, just easier to write this way for the examples to make sense! I’m all for gender neutrality, but I’m for proper English as well. A post like this would get REALLY messy. I’m sorry in advance! ⚠️

✨Venus in the First House
Mulan - Mulan
“To save her father from death in the army, a young maiden secretly goes in his place and becomes one of China's greatest heroines in the process.” - Internet Movie Database (IMBd)
Venus in the First House is all about honing masculinity & bringing out the masculinity in your partner. As a Venus in the First House native, you are courageous, adventurous & exceptionally hard to tame. Like Mulan, you may refuse to conform to traditional gender roles & you are not afraid to break any rules doing so. You will is strong & you will not be put out in a box. You are brave & force your lover’s/partners to do the same!
The First House is traditionally ruled by Mars & is home to Aries. The First house is also associated with the body, so to have Venus here means that you are a natural beauty (whether you think so or not) & can easily attract others towards you. This could make you quite promiscuous in the eyes of some, but daring & adventurous to others! You do you, boo! With time, you can really be in control of you sexuality— *cough cough*— I mean, negotiation skills. Because people tend to flow in & out of your life so easily, you learn a lot about human nature & what drives people’s desires. You of all combinations, in my opinion, can bring desire (Mars/1H/Aries) & Beauty (Venus) together in an extremely powerful way! (I believe Rihanna has Venus in the 1H as well…hard to do examples w houses bc birth times are funky)
When Mulan’s village was on the brink of war, her aging father was called to action. Although a great warrior in the past, Mulan knew that in his poor health, it would be unlikely for him to make it through battle. After FAILING her etiquette classes to be eligible for marriage (she’s a tomboy through & through), she disguised herself as her father & off she went to train for war. A bit awkward & quite goofy, she was seen as a disappointment to the General of the war. When the leader was about to send her home, she put on a face of determination & trained all night, making sure that she was strong enough to stay and fight. She became the first warrior, male or female, to complete a difficult challenge of strength! This highlights that 1H/Aries energy! She was not going to be defeated by anyone & wasn’t going to be told that she could not do something. If anything, the word “no” is what motivated her to dig her heels in! You could carry this same type of energy!
An additional observation I have w this placement/film is how Mulan was forced to hide her body because it would have given her true identity away. At times with this placement, you may feel the need to hide your body away because you feel it could attract unwanted attention in some way. Always do what you’re comfortable with, but never hide your body out of shame! Be comfortable! I’m a firm believer in, “if you got it, FLAUNT it!” You could fall on either extreme of this spectrum. You could be an exhibitionist at times, or very reserved.
By the end of the film, Mulan is the bravest of them all, after her identity is revealed, she is exiled from the military, but manages to still put her life on the life to finish the war, finally defeating the Huns & bringing peace to her town!
With Venus in the 1H/Aries, you understand more than others, that war brings peace. If you don’t stand up for what you believe in & overpower your bullies, then you will never find a solution or be taken seriously. Not you! You call out injustice, even if it means ruffling some feathers. You stand up for what you believe is right! Like Mulan, you are not afraid to get down & dirty if you have to in oder to bring back peace to your life & those around you. The best part is, you don’t have to do anything but walk in a room for people to notice this about you! It’s just your aura.
Mulan was very active, much like yourself. She could hardly sit still when it came to doing her training & much preferred to be out on the battle field with “the boys”. In a sense, she actually HID behind masculinity in order to be accepted. If you aren’t the “beauty queen” trope, you could easily fall into the tomboy trope. EVEN SO, even if you are more masculine presenting, the right person will always see through your front & see the beauty & divinely feminine energy you truly possess. At the end of the day, what’s more womanly than protecting your aging father from certain death? What’s braver than putting your life on the line for someone that you love and care about? THIS is what Venus in the First House is all about!
For Him: If you are dating/married to someone with Venus 1H/Venus in Aries, they expect their lovers to be free and spontaneous! They love a great chase, but don’t want to chase too long. This lover will require constant stimulation, but if you manage to keep their attention, you have fierce undying love & loyalty! Mars is the soldier of the planets…this lover will go to war for you & may expect the same in return. Like Captain/General Li Shang (voiced by BD Wong, the Law & order dude, I had NO idea, how cool), he first saw Mulan as the weakest & most vulnerable in the pack. Shang was a tough lover to crack. Very one-track, his only focus was to win. This may be something you notice in your lovers/partners. All in all, because of Mulan’s hard work, dedication, discipline & ultimate show of bravery…he ended falling deeply in love with her. (Awwwwwwwwwwww…..) And they lived happily ever after. Shang was forced to change his entire perception of woman in the process, because Mulan truly gave him a run for his money.
For Her: If you have Venus in the First House/Aries, you are meant to bring out the fierceness in your lovers. Your contract is to literally “make a man” out of your partners. You will either attract SUPER masculine men, who love your feistiness & want the challenge, OR you’ll attract more feminine men who could feel intimidated by you & feel the need to be in competition w you because you stand so firmly on your own two feet! With the 1H & Aries being Mars ruled, you could find yourself in competition with you lovers— not the diplomatic kind of relationship we talked about before. You HAVE to be w the man in charge! You need, crave & desire that Big D Energy…because honestly, you caring it yourself. No balls required. And if you date anything less than that, you will trigger the men you attract/attracted to you to WANT to be in charge. You force them to realize they are “weak” in some aspects of their lives. They will either respond w challenging themselves to step up to the plate OR the will get left behind, because 1H/Aries energy waits for NO ONE.
What You Bring to the Table: Pure masculine power, drive & bravery!
How to Negotiate: Your power move will always be “I can walk away & stand on my own at ANY time”. You are more than willing to walk out from any negotiating table if you feel your needs are not being met or your worth is not being valued. You encourage partners to tap into their own masculinity in ways they may have never done before— truly “making a man” out of people. Your best tactic to challenge the status quo & not settle for anything less than ideal. It’s also very powerful that you are not afraid to break the rules if it means standing up for what you believe in. This makes you quite the force to be reckoned with as you develope relationships & business deals! (Use this gift wisely). Like Mulan, you will not be confined to what society says is “womanhood”, you attract the strongest & the best of men, & you look bloody good doing it! Camo or lipstick, you are down for the cause!
Your Venusian Soul Contract: To use your own inner strength to bring out the strength in others.
Drop A Flame 🔥 Emoji because you’re on Fire Baby!
✨Venus in the Second House
Aurora - Sleeping Beauty
“After being snubbed by the royal family, a malevolent fairy places a curse on a princess which only a prince can break, along with the help of three good fairies.” - Internet Movie Database (IMBd)
Venus in the Second House is all about luxury, beauty, arts & the sensual pleasures of life. Venus is more than comfortable here, being as Venus is the traditional ruler of the 2H & Taurus, making this placement extremely feminine. As a Venus in the 2H native, you have refined taste & beauty, great “taste” in food & culture & truly have the power to be a great homemaker in a beautiful home! However, like Aurora, your beauty can become a source of envy & jealousy, leaving you in a prison of designer bags & golden ceilings.
The Second house is associated w possessions, owning & tradition. If you are a 2H native, tradition could be very important to you. (Think religion, cultural obligations etc…) Education could have also been a huge emphasis as you were growing up & you were most likely expected to keep up certain appearances. You may have been born into some luxury or higher class family. If not, you could aspire to obtain wealth later in life— specifically through marriage. No one can compete w you when it comes to setting the standards of beauty trends & cultural influences. You believe in and appreciate the classics— like the little black dress or the power of red lipstick. You are like Aphrodite in the flesh when people grace your presence. You stand out, but as stated earlier, you are more likely to stay in the home & draw your lovers towards you, opposed to chasing after them yourself.
Your beauty is quite natural! Sure, you could wear make-up & expensive clothing, but you posses a genuine timeless beauty that doesn’t really need much enhancement.
Aurora, born a princess, had a curse placed on her out of jealousy & spite. Her beauty was known throughout the land, & her Prince Charming fought a DRAGON to be with her because she was such a jaw-dropping beauty! You have this gift! I want to draw the parallels that Tauruses are known to love sleeping…a sensual pleasure, of course…& how it ends up working in Aurora’s favor! This type of Venusian energy is so secure in itself, it really doesn’t have to do much to attract interested lovers. This is Venus in its most natural feminine form. In my opinion, this is one of the best placements for Venus, aspects willing— as long as you don’t fall into the trap of over identifying w your beauty or allowing others to let your beauty dehumanize you. (I know, I know, that’s literally all I’m taking about in this post, but beauty fades, it’s character that remains forever.) Pretty privilege is a privilege, so be sure to use it wisely & capitalize while you can!
Lastly, I want to draw emphasis to the kiss of true love that breaks the curse. To kiss someone is one of the sensual pleasures 2H Venus is privy too. Essentially, in order to get Aurora out of this deep sleep, all of her senses had to be invigorated by true love’s kiss. If this isn’t 2H romance, I don’t know what is! You know how to stimulate your lover’s & your lover’s know how to stimulate you. Plus, you’re probably a great kisser. This is a sweet deal for everyone involved if you ask me.
For Him: If you are dating/married to someone with Venus in the 2H/Taurus, they expect their lover’s to be trophy wives. Because the 2H controls owning, you guessed it, this placement can teeter on the verge of this man seeing their partner as more of a possession & object rather than a person. A more positive take is that, this Prince Charming wants everyone to know that in order to get their partner, they had to have fought hard and/or worked hard to obtain such a decadent beauty. They need to feel as if their lover is a prize after all their hard work & efforts. This lover will require you to keep up appearances & play to more traditional gender roles. (If you are not this type of girl, then stay away from this type of man. 2H/Taurus are NOTORIOUSLY stubborn…so don’t think you’ll be able to convince them otherwise, just my warning.) Prince Phillip was enamored w Aurora the MOMENT he laid eyes on her. He was determined to get to her no matter how long & how hard he had to fight to win her hand in marriage— making him a true King. This man, literally fought a Dragon witch lady w a sword, just so he could kiss her. How romantic! I would love for a man to fight a dragon to the death for me…that’s real love right there— Aurora & her beauty being the ultimate prize!
For Her: If you have Venus in the 2H/Taurus, you are meant to bring out the sophistication & intrigue in your lovers. As stated above, you ARE a catch. In a way, you are a status symbol. The partners you attract are meant to work for your beauty & charm. Your hand in marriage or even in dating, doesn’t come free or easily. You are more likely to end up in long-term commitments & understand the importance of the saying “slow & steady wins the race”. You believe love can take time & like Aurora, you don’t mind waiting for your Prince Phillip to come & rescue you from the wickedness of the world, all while taking a nice long nap. Let him do all the hard work. You want to feel protected by your partners due to your extremely feminine energy. You are meant to bring out courage & worthiness in your lovers more than anything else & in return you give them stability & status.
What You Bring to the Table: Beauty, grace, class & status. You turn Princes to Kings!
How to Negotiate: Honestly, you could sleep through the negotiation process…lol. In all seriousness, your presence & how you grew up, or how you carry yourself as an adult, is really enough to put you in the princess category. Your beauty, inner & outer, is enough to make lovers want to jump the broom as soon as they lay eyes on you. Your power is patience. You will sit at the table, no matter how long it takes, until you have the contract/commitment you are looking for. You know that if someone really wants to prove their love to you, that could take time. Your lovers will expect nothing but the best from you & you will expect to sit in the lap of luxury, no questions asked.
Your Venusian Soul Contract: To use your outer & inner beauty to secure long-term stability & status.
Drop a Sleeping 💤 Emoji because you’re sleeping on the hoez.

✨Venus in the Third House
Rapunzel - Tangled
“The magically long-haired Rapunzel has spent her entire life in a tower, but now that a runaway thief has stumbled upon her, she is about to discover the world for the first time, and who she really is” — Internet Movie Database (IMBd)
Venus in the Third House is all about learning & exploration. As a Venus in the 3H native, you are curious & quite adventurous. You always carry a child-like wonder towards the world & aren’t afraid of getting into trouble or challenging gender norms. This is a masculine energy for Venus, so love happens to be more cerebral than lovey dovey in the 3H. This is not inherently a bad thing, but there is always a certain level of detachment when it comes to your love affairs & business contracts. You could find yourself flying from lover to lover, job to job, having a “I’m here for a good time, not a long time” kind of vibe. Own it! You love learning, reading, taking in information & are usually quite talkative. You may have a gift for writing, speaking or acting!
Rapunzel was locked away in a castle for years & years & years, her only company being her adoptive (or abductive) mother. She learned how to entertain herself, but grew bored of being up in that ivory tower all alone. Once her Prince Charming made an appearance, she was off to the races along side him to explore the world her mother had kept her from! Although you may not have been locked in an ivory tower your whole life, let’s hope not…yikes…you share that same wonder of the world as Rapunzel! You are daring & devious. Knowledgeable, but always yearning for more. You may never really grow out of child-like naivety, because fully maturing is boring! Why grow up, when you could be a kid forever?! (If I wasn’t focused on Disney Princesses, Peter Pan would be the perfect Disney character to demonstrate 3H/Gemini energy. Even Captain Hook was running away from that clock, a metaphor for aging). Like Rapunzel, sometimes this can work against you. You may find yourself attracting people & partners that perpetually treat you like a child— shielding you away from other things in life. When it comes to this particular house placement— I think the 3H/9H or Gemini/Sagittarius axis is hard to ignore. This is the relationship of the student/teacher dynamic. All of your real connections are meant to be an exchange of knowledge & culture. You show up more as the student, but a good teacher is always a greater student, never ceasing to learning. So when it comes to this axis in particular, it has quite a unique exchange of energy & dynamic. At times, Repunzel’s childishness proved to be quite crafty & although unpredictable, quite useful when needed. Her Prince had no choice but to watch & learn as her quick-wittedness proved to be most successful in times of need. In the end, her Prince Charming (well, conman, in this case) fell in love with her love for exploration. This Venus placement is about overall adventure & a somewhat daring relationship! We Stan a good Bonnie & Clyde style relationship w this Venus house placement! Thick as thieves, but who is thieving who is always the question w tricky 3H/Gemini.
For Him: If you are dating/married to someone with Venus in the 3H/Gemini, they crave constant stimulation. Like 1H/Aries, this partner refuses to be bored & have no issue walking away if they become so. They expect their partner’s to explore the world w them & be as social & charismatic as they are. They are HIGHLY attracted to intelligence, usually over physical appearance & don’t take kindly to shallow individuals stuck in the material world. They don’t expect their partner’s to be experts in any given subject, but they love, adore & revere a lover who is always willing to learn & keep up with conversation. Flynn Ryder is charming, likable, witty, & oh yeah...a trickster bandit thief. Perfect example of a male Venus in the 3H/Gemini. Repunzel took him captive & forced him to guide her through the world. In this case, Ryder is acting like a teacher to a fresh soul. He’s been jaded to the world around him while she’s just now seeing the world for the first time! This dynamic is invigorating to him! This is essential to any partner w this placement— they have to feel like their life experiences are valued & never-ending. This placement is also very likely to have an age gap within their long-term connection. Although not the most responsible or stable of partners, it’s a requirement for their relationships to be spontaneous & they have to learn a thing or two along the way. If a lover can’t offer them that, they need not apply.
For Her: If you have Venus in the 3H/Gemini, you are meant to bring out the inquisitive & care-free side of your lovers. You are always either teaching them new things about the world, or introducing them to interesting places, peoples or things! There is a natural charm in you demeanor, & no matter how you look, once people hear you speak or share your ideas, wise people will want to listen. You also challenge your partners to push the boundaries outside of their comfort zone. Following the 2H/Taurus, which is ALL abut the comfort zone, you, like Repunzel, are meant to break away from the familiar & live outside the bounds of expectations, bringing your partners along for the ride! You could find yourself in all kinds of “entanglements” w different genders, classes & backgrounds. You are, like your fellow Air sign, Aquarius, never follow love w you heart, you follow it w your mind & intellect. This can lead to some once in a lifetime adventures. You are one of the more difficult placements to pin down, but to the right & wisest lover, you’ll make an excellent companion though this wild ride we call life— always making the most out of any situation, using nothing more than the power of your voice & mind. Sexy!
What You Bring to the Table: Wit, Intellect, Charisma Child-like Wonder & Adventure!
How to Negotiate: You, of all placements, have to be careful not to be the trickster because you are the ultimate negotiator. Think of a child & how unreasonable they can be at times! That’s you! Hehe, all jokes aside. You understand the value of time & what you will & won’t do. You’re willing to try almost anything once, but if it’s not for you, no one can get you a second time! There is magic in this when you show up to the table. You can leverage your quick mindedness & ability to adapt in any situation— almost as if you were a shapeshifter. If they can keep you, who wouldn’t want you on their team?!
Your Venusian Soul Contract: To inspire & encourage your partners to always be a student of life & seek out adventure, no matter what age!
Drop a runner 🏃🏽♀️ emoji because you are outta here!
✨Venus in the Fourth House
Snow White - Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs
“Exiled into the dangerous forest by her wicked stepmother, a princess is rescued by seven dwarf miners who make her part of their household.” — Internet Movie Database (IMBd)
Venus in the Fourth House is all about motherly quality & tranquil happiness in the home. As a Venus in the 4H native, you are very nurturing when it comes to your love affairs &/or could have a business in home-care. You prefer to have a more traditional home life & could easily find joy in homemaking— cooking, cleaning, & caring for family members. This usually comes from a space of genuine love & duty (your opposite sign in Capricorn of course!). Quite soft in nature, you woo your lovers w an understated demeanor & give off a “girl next door”…or “M.I.L.F.” vibe if you’re already a mom. One thing that can come as a draw back to this Venus placement, is the need for constant validation, making you a lover that is hard to please. This is because you give so much to your partners, friends & family, you can feel very deeply when that love is not returned & sadly, drained…but I always say…your placement, is your placement. There are 11 other ways people can view love/relationships/business. Always be sure to remember that your way is not the only way to show affection. Regardless, this can be a very comfortable place for Venus because it is back in a feminine sign.
Snow White is a lovely example of a Venus in the Fourth House because she was able to win the hearts of not 1, not 2, not 3, but 8 men! (The seven dwarfs, plus the Prince) & managed to piss off the Queen by simply being her sweet, innocent, caring & beautiful self. Once she was banished to the forest, she was able to keep her stay & earn protection from the dwarfs because she performed “motherly” duties so well! They couldn’t believe it when the Queen came and tried to kill her, YET again! Mind you, the first attempt of the Queen to kill Snow White was only thwarted because the OG Knight that was sent to kill her thought she was too beautiful & sweet to be killed! This is YOU! Your energy may invite people who are bitterly jealous of your loving spirit & find ways to make you unhappy, but it never stops you from sharing love to anyone willing to receive it. Plus, people could come to your rescue when you are persecuted & that’s a lovely gift to have.
This can be seen as more of a “Damsel in Distress” type Venus. Because let’s be real…4H placements/Cancers are ALWAYS in distress. (I kid, I kid, I’m a western Cancer rising & a Vedic Moon Atmakarka. I say this with love, but you know how Cancers are…don’t act shy now). Anyone from a Prince & seven dwarfs (I hope that’s not offensive…Little people?) will want to act courageously for you in order to make sure you are out of harms way— the way a child wants to protect their mother! Let’s never forget how “Yo Mama” jokes are the ULTIMATE sign of disrespect. Venus in the 4H/Cancer demands a certain type of respect! Snow White’s tale of woes & triumphs illustrate the ups, downs & overall kindness & good hearted nature of this placement.
For Him: If you are dating/married to someone w Venus in the 4H/Cancer, they expect an all encompassing & traditional love life. Naturally very possessive (think of a crab), they want to come home to the same routine, a clean home & a home cooked meal. This lover might be quite moody as well, & they expect their lover’s to kiss their boo-boos if they’ve had a bad day & read them a bed-time story. This may be one of the most sensitive places for Venus, particularly in a Male’s chart. They most likely have a REALLY close relationship w their mother’s or a REALLY not close one, so they crave that type of attention in their romantic partnerships as well. A “mama’s boy”, if you will. This Venus tends to negate the rational mind & act on emotions. Florian, Snow White’s Prince Charming, was amazed by her the moment he laid eyes on her. (I’m projecting a little here, but bare w me, this movie came out in the 30s). It’s almost as if he has an empathic connection to her. He saw her & KNEW that was the wife & the mother of his children! He came right in the knick of time to kiss her & break the wicked curse her stepmother put on her. (Mommy issues, right?) I cannot stress enough how much this Venus wants a simple Homelife. This might be the most likely placement to live by the motto: Happy Wife, Happy Life.
For Her: If you have Venus in the 4H/Cancer, you are meant to nurture & somewhat cater to you lovers & your family members. You have the potential to be one of the most doting wives because you truly believe in family values. You seek to comfort your partner when they are in despair, & you expect the same in return. I want to take a moment to point out that this Venus placement can also lead to YOU being a mistress. (Crazy, right?!) But because Cancerian energy can be so soft, and a place for peace, you could attract lover’s that are in an unsavory relationship & seek you & your love out for solitude & soliloquy. BE AWARE! People WILL take advantage of your kind nature if you let them. This could be tied back to your relationship w your own mother, perhaps you hate to dote on her for affections, so now you believe that is the only way to receive love….but that is another post for another day. Anywho, you are one of the ultimate “wifey” placements. You just give off that vibe of marriage material. People want to come home to you, build a family w you & lay their head on your (probably) nice bosom.
What You Bring to the Table: Love, Nurturing & a Genuine Kindness/Thoughtfulness that arguably cannot be rivaled by any other placement.
How to Negotiate: You of all signs, need to SET BOUNDARIES!!!!! Okay, NEGOTIATE! You are a “wife” to your core & you deserve a ring. Do not & I repeat, DO NOT freely give love to someone who has no intention of giving you the same in return. YOU DESERVE A RING!!! Don’t you FORGET IT!!! I highly recommend you date Earth Moon signs (not Virgo, stay away from them…lol, my opinion, my opinion) or Earth Venus placements & houses. In order for you to get the best deals in life, you need to be building from a strong & steady foundation. How can you be a homemaker w no official home? Do not settle! Do not settle! Do not settle! Sacrifice & give to your children unconditionally, not no grown-man. Okay? Not everyone deserves the genuine love you have to offer.
(I’m sorry I’m getting a little preachy here, but I have seen in my line of work, doing personal tarot readings, toooooo many cancer/4H placements settle for being in the dark in relationships w emotionally unavailable or physically unavailable (because they are married) people. Know your worth baby cakes! Not everyone in the Zodiac is as loving & thoughtful as you are. You really will lay everything on the line for your personal relationships…think twice. That’s all I ask. You don’t want to be unhappy because you are loving someone who is not loving you back! My two cents…)
Your Venusian Soul Contract: To love unconditionally those who unconditionally love you & provide a safe, nurturing & beautiful home to those who are deemed worthy! (Make ‘em work for it! You could have 8 men sniffing up behind you!)
Drop a baby 👶🏽 emoji because anyone would love to be cared for by you!

✨Venus in the Fifth House
Merida - Brave
“Determined to make her own path in life, Princess Merida defies a custom that brings chaos to her kingdom. Granted one wish, Merida must rely on her bravery and her archery skills to undo a beastly curse.” Internet Movie Database (imbd)
Venus in the Fifth House is all about drama & red hot passion! As a Venus in the 5H native, you are such a dynamic lover & usually HIGHLY creative. You can act, you can sing, you can write, you can paint, you can do a one-person show! (Personally, I think that Leo is the most creative placement. Since Venus is the planet of the arts, I consider this an exalt placement) You stand out in a room because of your fashion, but mostly because of your overall presence. You have a royal air about you. A certain “you can’t sit with us” attitude to a lover who is not on the same level as you. Children could also play a huge part in your life. You are a fierce protector & certainly carry that lioness energy when it comes to serving & providing for you kids, or children in general. This is a Boss placement for Venus, putting it back in Masculine energy. You will not back down from challenges & love and demand loyalty over anything else.
Merida is a great example of Venus in the 5H for a couple of reason. One, she is ACTUALLY royalty. She is expected to carry on the tradition of the Royal Court— get married, have kids, and die…like a good Princess. However, Merida has other plans, attempting to avoid that “lovely” life, she ends up putting a curse on her mother, turning her into a bear. This brings me to my second reason she’s a great example for this placement, the dynamic w her mother. You, like Merida, might have a mother of high standing. I always think certain Leo placements are more subversive. The reasons why Leo’s need to be seen, is because they usually have felt UNSEEN in childhood. Let’s say you always dreamed of being an under water basket weaver, but your mother always encouraged you to pursue a more traditional path, like marriage because under water basket weaving is unreasonable. Or in Merida’s case, archery. There is always a level of insecurity w Leo energy because deep down, they feel as if they haven’t been able to shine in other aspects of their lives. This is because 5H/Leo is directly behind 4H/Cancer— so the mother/daughter/son dynamic will be played out in the 5H. In Brave, this is the core of the story, & this placement calls for bravery, breaking out of the mold & pursuing a life that YOU want to pursue, regardless of what society or your mother thinks.
One of the interesting things about Leos is it is opposite of Aquarius. Well Aquarius is all about rebellion & challenging the status quo. So is Leo! Let’s take a look a the Lioness I mentioned earlier. In Lion on Lion relationships (haha, don’t know another way to put it) the female lion is far more active than her male counterpart. Male lions sleep about 16 to 20 hours a day…they…are…LAZY! It is up to the female lion to do most of the hunting & maintain the day to day when it comes to providing for the home (5H is followed by 6H of daily routines & activities). This is untraditional in the animal kingdom, usually the males are the primary hunters. I hope you see my point. With this Venus, you are more likely to be the “breadwinner” so to speak, particularly if you are woman. And if you aren’t, but you marry a powerful person, you will make sure to look DAMN-GOOD by his side supporting & encouraging him to act brave and courageously as a lioness would do for a lion & their pride (a lion family…see, “pride” comes from children in this case as well—its all…connected). Venus in the 5H is a placement that calls for going against the norm & sharing your unique talents with the world— not hiding in shadows in order to be a good daughter or a traditionally “good”mother. You can be a good mom walking down the red carpet, okuurrr?
For Him: If you are dating/married to someone with Venus in 5H/Leo they expect THE BEST! They admire sophistication, beauty, class & grace. They want people to marvel at their partner’s in life & don’t always mind taking a back seat to their wives accomplishments. (They can be VERY lazy & still domineering……but let’s not get into that, this is a light hearted post). They themselves probably have a love for high art & fashion, so they appreciate a lover that is also hip to the cultural fashion trends & art trends of the day. But most importantly, they want to view & want others to view their partner’s as a work of art as well. Again, more on the traditional side of the spectrum, they value a strong partner who is still willing to bow to them. They are more of the mindset of the “lion tamer”. They love a brave & tenacious companion, but they value the fact that although their companion could stand on their own two feet— they chose them anyways. Plus this placement in a male’s chart, ONLY want the cream of the crop— so take it as a HUGE compliment if you find 5H/Leo Venus partner’s attracted to you. They have some really high standards…believe me. So if they like you, they are first & foremost, impressed by you! And that is no easy feat. For perspective, because there isn’t a real Prince in this story, A$AP Rocky is a sidereal Venus in Leo….he’s with RIHANNA! See what I mean? (Not calling A$AP lazy or beneath her, she’s a black lady Billionaire, she would have a VERY difficult time finding an equal counterpart that would still allow her to have the freedom she needs. She’s a Sidereal Aquarius sun after all. I really just wanted to illustrate this Venus sign in a male’s chart & the type of “wife/lovers” they are attracted to, not to pass judgment).
For Her: If you have Venus in the 5H/Leo, you bring out the creative & prideful side in your partnerships. Because of your natural flair for beauty, you attract all kinds of lovers who want to compete for your affection. Again, you ARE royalty & should only date royalty in return. Because you are traditional at heart, you could prove to be a very loving & loyal partner to the one who really earns their keep. In comparison to 4H/Cancer Venus, you are more likely to entertain guest & be fairly public about your relationships. Unlike the traditional average 2.5, white picket fence & a golden retriever American dream, you’re more attracted to the power couple version. 5 children, a big ole mansion with a guard for entry & a Great Dane would be more up you ally. (Love it! The bigger the better, here). As a warning, I want to say choose your partner’s wisely. Because this can be such a self-sufficient placement, you can attract lazy lover’s who just want to feed off of the energy & productivity that you radiate naturally. You could end up w deadbeats & I think this is illustrated well by the antagonist in Brave, Mor'du, who was honestly just a hating ass hater. Because you shine so brightly, you may attract people in your life that just want to take from you. Be aware! Yes you can most likely raise your young on your own, but do you waaannnnttt to is the question. (I say this with love & compassion. My mom is a Leo Sun/Leo Moon, she was a WONDERFUL single mom, but if she could do it all over again…she would have rather had an equally yoked or more powerful partner. For context, my dad is a western Leo sun & a Vedic Leo Venus……………..) Don’t let partners pass up their responsibility because you look like you got it handled all by yourself. You are a strong, but traditional wife at the heart of it all. Don’t give up that opportunity for someone who is not as royal as you. Keep your standards high is my recommendation. Date others with A LOT of Fire or Air placements, including but not limited to, Moon, Mercury or Venus signs would be my suggestion.
What You Bring to the Table: True Regalness, Creativity, Courageousness & Authoritah
How to Negotiate: KNOW. YOUR. WORTH!!!!!!!!!! Walk in like the Queen/King you are into any business or love relationship. Make them BOW…okay?! You’re coming w a kingdom & fierceness, whether you recognize it or not. You are a true secret weapon & a powerhouse when it comes to leading others, yet possessing the ultimately Queenly knowledge of knowing when to take a backseat. This is a beautiful & unique quality most other Venus placements do not have. Make sure you are always leaving the table w MORE than you came up with. This placement’s motto could be “I can do bad all by myself, so what can YOU do for ME?”. Periodt.
You Venusian Soul Contract: To bring a sense of pride to your lover’s because you have created such a regal environment for yourself & your offspring, people gawk at the power you both possess. (Plus, you & Aquarius Venus are most likely to have the coolest kids…sorry not sorry, just being real)
Drop a drama 🎭 mask emoji because you bring flair!
✨Venus in the Sixth House
Belle - Beauty & The Beast
“A prince cursed to spend his days as a hideous monster sets out to regain his humanity by earning a young woman's love.” Internet Movie Database (IMBd)
Venus in the Sixth house is all about purity & perfection. As a Venus in the 6H native, you are very much about the little things in life! You could enjoy simplicity, like reading a book, or a morning cup of coffee. Typically, you like to maintain a clean & organized space & take great care in maintaining appearances, even if you don’t wear make-up or getting your nails done, you are always sure to present yourself in the best way you can. Like your fellow Mercurial ruled sign, Gemini, you are endlessly curious—always trying to get to the bottom of things. This Venus placement more than others is all about service & charity. Unlike Leo energy, you don’t mind taking the back seat & find more power as the co-pilot. This can be an extremely valuable asset in a relationship, because you are least likely to feel the need to compete with you companions/business partners. You know your role & you play it well. On the other hand, because of your yearning for everything to be fit & in order, you could be hyper critical of yourself & others. You want perfection and you will communicate your ideals to anyone willing to listen.
Belle shows the significance of this type of loving style & how it truly can bring out the best in people. In Vedic tradition, Venus in Virgo is considered detriment, but it is always stated, that usually Venus in Virgo’s end up with the most beautiful & attractive partners. Why? Let’s look at Beauty & the Beast! When Belle is forced to live w the Beast to get her father out of imprisonment, Belle spends her days reading & cleaning; enjoying all the 6H actives of service & day to day routines. Beast who is not nice, to say the least, is very resistant to her femininity. He has cut himself out from society & is more than comfortable living as a wealthy outcast, distant from outside world. Belle sees right through this tough exterior, & like an artist w clay, starts chiseling away, revealing a beautiful sculpture underneath the chaos. This is the power of Venus in the 6H/Virgo. Just like your 12H/Pisces opposite sign, your purity allows you to see past the exterior of a person/relationship & see the true beauty that lies within. You are able to pinpoint problem areas & fix them in an uncanny way. Although people may take this quality as micromanagement, you are truly just wanting the best— it comes from a place of love. The Prince was enthralled w Belle’s innocences. Like a virgin, untouched by the world, left w only her books & a vivid imagination of what could be. Beast found her intriguing as he had become so jaded. Belle was able to bring out the innocence inside of himself that he had long forgotten. These are the type of relationships where you thrive. You have a child-like nature that wants everything to be just so— the lights have to be right, the setting has to be perfect & everything should be in its rightful place. And like Belle, when you are in your element, it almost seems as if the cups & dishes start singing along w you, encouraging you in your fantasy of the perfect little world you’ve created for yourself & your partners.
This placement of Venus can be misunderstood, so be aware how you communicate with your partners. You never want to come across as nit-picky or naggy. Constant criticism can drain anyone, so choose your battles wisely. 6H/Virgo energy is all about purity, health & service. You believe the world will be a better place, if its a cleaner place, free from all of its toxins. You guide through life & relationships w a type of dedication that can hardly be rivaled by any other sign. You commit to seeing that beautiful sculpture through, no matter the size of the clay or how beastly the beast! You will make it into a work of art. (I always feel like the Virgin Mary is a Venus 6H/Virgo!).
One last thing to note about Venus in the 6H, the 6H is before the 7H of peace & diplomacy, meaning, 6H is all about debates & arguments. You could find your love life to be quite quarrelsome. You and your partners like to argue. Sometimes, you may even feel like your partners are acting more like an enemy. Just be smart when you pick your partners. This is not supposed to be doom & gloom, but rather an opportunity to look at your Karma & make conscious choses accordingly. I think about this like working out. No pain, no gain, right? Just make sure you’re not hurting yourself or the ones your love/are in business with. Nothing wrong w respectfully having heated debates! It’s unhealthy to think otherwise. Moral of the story, you can turn enemies into lover, & lovers into enemies. Be wise, play it smart!
For Him: If you are dating/married to someone with Venus in the 6H/Virgo, they expect PERFECTION from their partners. I cannot express this enough. When I say they want the Virgin Mary, I am not exaggerating. This can be a VERY difficult Venus to please from a male’s chart because this is the type of man who believes that woman don’t poop. They expect woman to be clean, dutiful, & quite intelligent, but not too intelligent, if you know what I mean. An immature male w this placement will take a very long time to settle down, or pick extremely vain partners. This is why this placement is in detriment. Prince Adam was not the most fun roommate on the planet. Constantly complaining, very particular, & just overall a not nice guy & grumpy. This can be how an un-evolved Venus 6H/Virgo male can come off— standards too high & insatiable. BENEATH IT ALL!!!! Is a beautiful, kind-hearted, considerate & passionate man, who only wants the best because he truly believes the best is achievable! This isn’t inherently a bad thing, this is just something to be aware of as this male grows, that he’s not putting off negative energy because people are flawed & may never reach his standards. Through it all, Adam loved Belle, because she was able to love openly, freely & most attractively, innocently. This placement may take a while to marry & find a wife, but when he lets go of perfectionism, this lover can be extremely kind, doting & loyal, albeit still nit-picky & argumentative. (It can be cute though if you don’t take it personally…lol)
For Her: If you have Venus in the 6H/Virgo, you bring out the flaws in your partner. Hear me out, you bring troubling things to the surface, so they can be addressed and made anew! You are the “fixer” in relationships. So be careful not to turn your love life or your work life into “projects”. You act as the “health inspector”, you see what’s unhealthy or hazardous, flag it, & correct it. You turn “bad” things into “good” things, unlocking potential that no one else saw. (At the end of the day, Beast was still a millionaire w a huge mansion & money…don’t give your beautiful energy to no broke Beast. That’s just a beast hunny…ain’t no beauty about it. I kid…I kid, we all have to start somewhere, but please, be realistic in your expectations of how much you can help someone. They have to want to help themselves first.) You may draw out a very possessive & protective energy in your partners as well because they want to keep you as pure as possible. You, like gemini, may find yourself in relationships w age difference, OR life difference. Meaning, you could have grown up on a farm, & you meet a man from the city who loves your simple farm girl attitude, but deep down, he knows if he takes you to the city, you could become something else. This is the difficulty of this placement. The “virginity” that lures partners towards you, gets taken away the moment they “conquer” you. Once they have you, you are no longer the “virgin” they want to see you as. Again, not a fun issue to have imo, hence the detriment, but it’s not impossible to overcome. With the right partners, they will value that you will always bring a certain level of virgin pureness, because that’s just who you are, regardless of the environment you find yourself in. With this placement, you will have to be mindful to not let your partners project onto you this idea that you are “perfect”, even if you try so desperately to perpetuate that yourself. The moment you let go of the need for perfection in your relationships, you will be able to enjoy them & enjoy doing the little things in life! Like reading a book on the porch, or sharing a cup of coffee. (I brought it back teehee). Because that’s what the sixth house is all about— routine & duty. Keep it simple! Don’t overcomplicate things!
What You Bring tho the Table: Genuine purity, servitude, simplicity & charity.
How to Negotiate: Know that you are more service oriented than any other placement in the Zodiac. Your love of supporting from behind the scenes is a gift to someone who can see how rare & thoughtful you truly are. You of all signs, needs someone who values the little things in life as much as you do, so they never take for granted your loyalty & kindness. Learn to speak up for yourself! Following 5H/Leo, you can constantly feel overshadowed. DON’T!!! I always say, if you left it to just Actors, there would be no theatre. Stage runners, managers & writer’s (6H/Virgo energy can be PHENOMINAL writers) are what makes the shows happen! Your organization skills & time management skills are superb. Don’t EVER EVER EVER feel like your talents are “boring” or you’re a boring partner. YOU ARE NOT! You are what makes everything run smoothly! Don’t take that for granted within yourself & then no one will be able to take it for granted in your romantic partnerships AS WELL as work & business partnerships. (Have you ever noticed when you call out from work, all hell breaks loose? Yeah…that part. Don’t be afraid to ask for that raise babes…you’ve earned it!)
Your Venusian Soul Contract: To bring out the best in your partners & allow them to bring the best out in you, without becoming too critical or cynical in your relationships or the world around you!
Drop a book 📚 emoji because knowledge is power!

✨Venus in the Seventh House
Ariel - The Little Mermaid
“A mermaid princess makes a Faustian bargain in an attempt to become human and win a prince's love.” - Internet Movie Database (IMBd)
Faustian bargain definition, according to Britannica: a pact whereby a person trades something of supreme moral or spiritual importance, such as personal values or the soul, for some worldly or material benefit, such as knowledge, power, or riches.
Venus in the Seventh House is all about sacrifice & negation. If you have Venus in the 7H/Libra, you are motivated by peace. You, more than any other placement, truly value balance & togetherness in relationships. You can find yourself in situations bending over backwards to please your partners & this is a part of your Karma. One of your biggest lessons in this lifetime, is to learn how to value yourself EVEN MORE than you value the opinions of others. Relationships & partnerships come to you quite easily because you are very charismatic, down to earth & approachable. Although you may be dressed in the latest fashion & have a good eye for trends, if anyone is able to get close to you, they almost instantly are drawn into your cool & diplomatic attitude. You’re not pushy or aggressive like your opposite house/sign, 1H/Aries, but you are still masculine & wanting the best outcome for everyone involved by remaining level headed & open.
Ariel demonstrates the negotiation & sacrifice that is required of any of your significant relationships. This post will be focusing on the Disney version of The Little Mermaid to stay on theme, but the Grimm Fairytale of this story is an even greater example of the Faustian dynamic. (Spoiler alert: it is NOT a happy ending). Ariel is inquisitive & curious about the world around her. She feels as if the sea is boring & there is more to the world than her family is letting her explore. (Wanting to break out of the 6H of daily routines) After spotting a handsome Prince (7H partnerships) on the seashore (after causing her fair bits of trouble), she falls madly in love & makes a deal with the Sea Witch, Ursula, to give up her voice in exchange for legs so she can walk on land and marry her prince. THIS is the heart of Venus in the 7H that I want to emphasis. Ariel was willing (& did) give her entire essence up for a man she only laid eyes on a few times. This shallow approach to love ended up being her downfall as Ursula turned into a beautiful woman as well & was able to capture the Prince’s attention too. Because the 7H of others & partnerships is followed by the 8H of death & rebirth, Venus 7H/Libra placements are inherently extremely karmic in nature. This placement will force you to look past the shallow things in love (looks, companionship, “he will make cute babies” mindset) and challenge you to dig deep within yourself to break out & find your own wisdom & inner truth (8H to 9H progression). The beauty of this placement though, is once you are able to stand on your own two feet (teehee) you are a very balanced and fair partner. Ariel sacrificed her voice in order to be with someone, do you find yourself in similar situations? Are you willing to sacrifice your entire being, your mermaid tail, in order to fit in a world you feel isolated from? These types of feelings of rejection & needing to let parts of yourself go in order to be accepted as a whole can be cardinal feelings of this particular Venus placement. Be very aware of what you are willing to give up in order to keep the peace, or be in a relationship.
This placement for Venus can make you an excellent, fair & stable partner— willing to put yourself aside in order to make sure everyone leaves the deal happy. You are justice in your relationships. Anyone who is able to tie you down is lucky, because it will be hard to find anyone else willing to go to the ends of the earth for their affection like you. You attempt to stay away from arguments & want relationships filled with pleasure & good times. Just be careful to remember conflict is natural, & just because you value peace over passion, doesn’t mean you should give up your voice to fit in. Speak up! As long as you take your relationships seriously & don’t give into shallow thinking or shallow understandings of your partners, you have potential to be in happy & long term relationships because Venus is the natural ruler of the 7H— Venus is more than comfortable here & is constantly seeking out relationships & partnerships. Use your gifts to your advantage! Value who you are outside of the gaze of others! Stand firm! You will make one heck of a partner!
For Him: If you are dating/married to a Venus in the 7H/Libra individual, they expect Peace in their relationships & in their home life. They require balance & understanding, & value calm, cool & collected conversations opposed to passionate outburst. As stated before, this placement can run the risk of being shallow in relationships. Constantly weighing the pros & cons of their significant others, no matter how big or small the differences. This lover can also move very slow when it comes to making commitments. Never take this personally, they just want to be VERY sure the commitment will be worth their time. They are followed by the 8H/Scorpio after all, so after they commit, they are ALL in! Prince Eric, is a great example of how charming & beautiful this placement can be in a male’s chart. He was able to sweep Ariel off her feet & she doesn’t even have any! This lover/partner is cooler than cool, effortlessly drifting from conversation to conversation making people feel as if they are wrapped up in a sensual dream of pleasure & all things beautiful. However, Prince Eric was also easily swayed by Ursula’s tricks, so he also demonstrates how this placement can fall for a pretty face over personality. You, like Ariel, could find yourself in strange love triangles as this inherently indecisive lover takes his time to pick his forever. This placement can make for a very equal, just & understanding partner, but this partner will not tolerate anything that disrupts his innocent & somewhat niave view of the world. If you are trying to lock this one down, stay cool— don’t push!
For Her: If you have Venus in the 7H/Libra you are meant to create a safe space for you partners. You are able to create beautiful homes, full of luxury & good company. You have an eye for detail & are able to bring people together in ways that are truly admirable. You and your significant partnerships will always be negotiating the responsibilities of the relationship until you are able to reach an agreement. You have no problem sacrificing for you lover’s & family, but your sacrifice must be worth it. You bring a certain charm to anyone who is lucky enough to stand beside you because you represent beauty & grace. Your even temper is a turn on to people & attracting people isn’t hard for you as long as you are putting yourself out there. There is a certain air that you have that is very alluring to others, almost like a Venus fly trap. You really are a gift to your partners as long as you are not backing yourself into a corner & neglecting your needs. As long as you maintain an open & honest dialogue with you partners, you can have a smooth relationships when you decide to commit.
What You Bring to the Table: Diplomacy, Charisma, Understanding & a Willingness to Sacrifice.
How to Negotiate: N. E. G. O. T. I. A. T. E. !!!!! Don’t just take the first deal anyone throws your way. You can get what you want as long as you are willing to give something up first. JUST DON’T GIVE UP YOUR ENTIRE SELF! Your wit & charming attitude alone are enough to make people want to bend over backwards for you. Don’t take this gift for granted or sell yourself short! Once everyone is able to declare what they need, then you will make sure that they get what they want! This is one of the best placements to have if you are wanting to get into law or politics. You know how to sell & you know how to bring people together & mediate! That is a service in & of itself. The cool-headedness you bring will allow you to remain objective no matter what. You will be able to make anyone happy, just make sure you are making yourself happy as well.
Your Venusian Soul Contract: To learn the power of sacrifice for the sake of relationships, while also learning how to maintain boundaries without sacrificing too much— essentially learning how to negotiate.
Drop a ring 💍 emoji because you are all about commitment!
✨Venus in the Eighth House
Tiana - Princess & the Frog
“A waitress, desperate to fulfill her dreams as a restaurant owner, is set on a journey to turn a frog prince back into a human being, but she has to face the same problem after she kisses him.” - Internet Movie Database (IMBd)
Venus in the Eighth House is all about the darker sides of love concerning money & power. Interesting, huh? If you have Venus in the 8H/Scorpio, you can be described as a very intense lover, private & mysterious. You have an aura about you that lets people know you are not the one to played with, nor are you the one to be taken advantage of. As off putting as this energy may be for some, this is infatuating & intoxicating to others. This Venus placement can give relationships real power struggles as you & your partner fight for dominance. Following the 7H/Libra of others, peace, partnership & diplomacy, you can think of the 8H/Scorpio as the number 13. It’s “unfavorable” because it follows the “perfect” number, 12/ Not to say you are unlucky in love, but more so, the 8H signifies the ending of “peace” for the sake of learning higher knowledge and earning power. If you can’t tell already, this is a very complex placement, making you a very complex & complicated lover. You will find that a lot of your relationships & partnerships require constant change & transformation. Your most significant relationships will force you to go inward & then lunge you into seeking higher knowledge & truths (9H/Sagittarius). You are a fierce & dynamic partner, stopping at nothing to protect the ones you love, come hell or high water— although courting you can prove to be quite difficult because you value your privacy. You, more than any other placement, fear that letting someone in can give a certain power of you that you may not be willing to let go of. You want to protect yourself at all cost. You may find yourself attracting partners that threaten your sense of security for one reason or another. This can prove to be a really transformative experience for you and your partners throughout your life.
Tiana & “The Princess & the Frog” is a STELLAR example of the fascinating & complex nature of Venus in the 8H/Scorpio. Not only does this deal w black magic & New Orleans voodoo (shoutout to my Creole sisters & Louisiana peeps…bonjou!) all matter of the 8H dealing w occult knowledge, the driving force behind this film is inheritance. Both Prince Charming & Tiana are using love to gain financial power to pursue their deepest desires (8H) and have true freedom (9H). Prince Naveen is unaware that his carefree nature and unwillingness to commit, lands him in a tight position of negotiating (7H) w a Voodoo Priest. He is seeking power, money & a strong standing, but has been cut off from his wealthy parents. After making a deal, he is transformed into a frog, where he has to kiss & marry a princess in order to receive all the riches he feels he deserves. This is the power of the 8H. Because the 8H follows the 7H, the 8H talks about what is gained in the union AFTER marriage/contracts & partnerships are made. This is where inheritance, in-laws & joint bank accounts come into play. Tiana is duped into kissing the Prince after he misleads her into believing he already has a lot of money & can help her pursue her dream of opening up her own restaurant. Both of them seeing the power of this union, agree to scratch each other’s back. A kiss in exchange for some money— Tiana’s a Real Lady Marmalade, amiright? Although this is a Disney Movie, lets for a second talk about the “kiss”. For the sake of this post, let’s look at that “kiss” as a sexual exchange (8H). Sex is major factor in Venus in the 8H/Scorpio. You could use sex for power OR you could have issues w “giving up” sex, because you feel like you’re giving up power. This could be due to trauma surrounding sex as well. Here we see Tiana give over her “power” to the Prince, thinking the Prince will return power to her in the form of money only to be BAMBOOZLED & be transformed into a frog herself. This is a very strong possibility for a Venus in the 8H/Scorpio Native. If you aren’t careful w the lover’s you choose, there could see some repercussions for being dishonest— either from you or from them. Both Tiana & Naveen were dishonest with one another for leverage. Steer clear from this in any of your relationships. Of course this is a Disney film after all, so we all know it ends w them falling in love, reversing the curse, throw in a catchy (or really dark) Disney number or two & hocus pocus, they marry & live happily ever after— yaaay!
This film demonstrates that the partnership is only the beginning of a journey w another person. Signing a contract is only the first step in securing the deal. If the 7H is the contract itself, the 8H is how the contract plays out in action. Venus in 8H/Scorpio knows more than any other sign, that power is everything in partnerships or else you run the risk of getting scorned. This mindset could be from this lifetime or past lifetimes, because this placement, like Libra, is highly karmic in nature. You will experience deep, transformative & even sometimes scary dynamics in your relationships because there is a driving passion behind some of your unions. Seeing as the 8H/Scorpio is ruled by Mars, Venus finds itself quite uncomfortable here because it goes against its peaceful nature. Love isn’t supposed to be about power, it’s supposed to be about equilibrium. But just as the 8H sits opposite of the Venus ruled 2H, which would rather deal w the stability of a relationship, 8H deals w the uncertainty & the unknown of partnerships. You crave security more than anything else from your partners, romantically or financially. You, more than any other Venus placement, will negotiate relationships based purely on power dynamics. You could find yourself w an extremely controlling/intense partner, you could be the very controlling/intense partner yourself, or you could use your partner to gain control in other aspects of your life. The advice w this placement is to release control. Be present w your loves & don’t look at love & business with a “winners & losers” attitude. With enough effort & real communication (I’m sorry, but 8H/Scorpio placements are NOTORIOUSLY poor communicators, you’re very private) you can find yourself in power couple teams & have transformative & overall spiritual experiences with your partners!
For Him: If you are dating/married to a Venus in the 8H/Scorpio individual, he expects complete control & dominance in the relationship. This can be an extremely powerful placement & requires a lot of maturing to be used to its highest degree. On the positive side, this lover/partner can be loyal, protective, passionate & mysterious, in a sexy broody kind of way. On the other hand, this lover/partner can be deceptive, manipulative, vindictive, spiteful & secretive in a not-so-sexy-but-kinda-liar kind of way. You have to decipher which end of the spectrum your partner is on, but know there is a spectrum. To be completely honest, not everyone can handle the intensity of this type of Venus in relationships. This lover can send its lovers into an all encompassing whirlwind & people fear they may lose their sense of identity in the midst of the dark chaos. Others (like me, teehee) are extremely drawn in & fascinated by this kind of energy— seeking out the inner depths lying underneath of such a complex & fascinating person. I say all that to say, choose wisely. Understand that this will not be a lover/partner you can get over on easily. Prince Naveen is a perfect example of this type of Venus placement. He is initially deceptive & lunges Tiana into a new experiences that transforms both of their lives forever. He is seeking money & power & is willing to due just about anything to get it, included messing with the dark arts. After going through such a crazy experience, it only brought the couple closer together & made them more faithful. This can be the beautiful transformative quality of this Venus placement. Overall, this lover will give you what you give them 10-fold. This lover could be very tricky, but so could you. Stay on your toes, & never try to be deceptive or put yourself in a position to be deceived.
For Her: If you have Venus in the 8H/Scorpio, you trigger your partner into growth & make them seek out power. This can be material power, or higher power, like religion or higher wisdom. One thing is for sure, your lovers/partners will never be the same after your encounter. You exude a certain type of reclusiveness & partners will be lured in to attempt to dominate you in order to crack your shell. You’re not a naturally open partner & believe that self preservation is more important than being equal. This is not to say you are a bad or selfish person, although if this placement is under developed, it can certainly appear that way, it’s more so saying that you wouldn’t want to get hurt in any of your relationships by handing over too much power WITHOUT it being earned. Once you feel your partner’s are worthy, you can be extremely generous, open & thoughtful (just make sure this isn’t another way of trying to manipulate the situation…no judgment here…but old habits die hard). You force your partners to take a good hard look at themselves. You ruin any illusion they had about the world & show them the underbelly of what the dark side has to offer. Although sometimes you can go a little Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader, it’s all projected out of fear of losing the ones you love. This Venus placement needs to learn to embrace fear rather than try to control it. Tiana was fearful she would be out bid for her restaurant, & from that fear she ran & kissed the first frog who hopped her way lying saying he could give her money & financial security. THIS is a lesson this Venus brings. Don’t act out of fear. Act from a place of love & you will find love in return. Act out of a place of fear & your worst nightmare will come all but true. I cannot stress enough the POWER of this Venus placement. Your lovers will never forget their life altering experiences w you. E.V.E.R!
What You Bring to the Table: Transformation, Power, Security, Loyalty & Wisdom
How to Negotiate: Operate from a place of fairness & not from a place of self-preservation. When you attempt to try & plan for the worse, you can make shady deals & put yourself in some shady situations. Again, this doesn’t mean you are a shady person, this just means you are more willing to do shady things if you think it will be beneficial to your long-term survival. Don’t always think the worst of people & then you won’t see the worse in people. Your sharp eye & observations are keen tools for you to see through deception. Always follow your gut & you will stay out of harms way. Be weary not to step on people’s toes to get to the top first. You can lead w fairness if you master the 8H and enter the 9H. Once you shed your fears, you will see just how lucky you are. Be mindful to not self sabotage the great deals you do make. You may have a “I’ll get over on you before you get over on me” type mindset entering into relationships— Work through this or else you will always find yourself in relationship deaths & rebirth cycles until you get the lesson to just let go.
Your Venusian Soul Contract: To learn how to surrender fears & release expectations of control while gaining power & security in an open in honest way.
Drop a witch/wizard 🧙🏽♀️ emoji because you can cast spells!

✨Venus in the Ninth House
Pocahontas - Pocahontas
“An English soldier and the daughter of an Algonquin chief share a romance when English colonists invade seventeenth century Virginia.” - Internet Movie Database (IMBd)
Venus in the Ninth house is all about learning, wisdom & blending/preserving cultures. If you have Venus in the 9H/Sagittarius, you most likely LOVE traveling, learning & take interest in cultures outside of your own. AND/OR you are very religious & quite tribal in nature on how you view the world. (Probably a mixture of both). You could easily be attracted to people of different races, country of origin, religious backgrounds, or even social classes. If this is the case, you will attempt to submerge yourself in their culture & be fascinated by what makes you different, instead of vilifying them for being different from you like most people tend to do. OR you value your way of life so much, you wouldn’t want to disrupt it with outside forces. Unevolved, you could be very fearful of people outside of your realm of awareness. Either way, faith plays a very strong role in your life. You either throw caution to the wind & test your luck, or you are very specific w the kind of partners you will have who share your same core values. You also possess a certain type of luck & favor when it comes to your romantic relationship & your business partnerships! Because you come to the table as understanding & willing to learn, you can easily make people see the world from your eyes. OR your are so strong in your beliefs, you feel the need to convert people to your way of life. If you do find yourself in a relationship with someone whose an “other”, you will most likely NOT give up who you are just because you are. Your sense of self/faith in yourself is mighty mighty strong. You may convert religion for a relationship, but it’s because you WANT to convert. You won’t be forced to do anything you don’t want to do. Venus here is back in a masculine energy, so although you may go along to get along w certain aspects of a partnership, your fiery nature will always come out if people force you to conform or if people around you don’t conform. You don’t take NO BS from NO ONE with this placement.
Pocahontas, in her self-titled film, is a beautiful example of this type of energy. (DISCLAIMER, I am going off of the DISNEY movie. I know this is sooo historically inaccurate, it’s not even funny, but this it is a kids movie after all! It’s difficult to explain mass genocide to children…but on a happier note, s/o to my Native American/Indigenous sisters & brothers!!! Black Foot, Opelousa & Attakapas represent!!! They may have kept us down, but they won’t keep us out forever!!!) Like Pocahontas, you may find that your father has a powerful position & somehow may play a part in your love life. Wanting the best for his daughter & being the Chief of the tribe (Venus in 9H/Sag, can indicate a very powerful father figure who is strong in their beliefs/religion), he promises Pocahontas’ hand in marriage to the best warrior in the tribe. This demonstrates the part of 9H/Sagittarius energy that wants to preserve its culture & is dogmatic in its beliefs. Pocahontas’ father has ZERO interest in the pale people that washed up on the shore. He feels (rightfully so…lol) they will bring nothing but trouble. He is close minded, self-righteous & tribal in this instance. On the other hand, Pocahontas is unsatisfied w this arrangement, wanting to remain free & open to experiences the world around her! This is TRADEMARK Venus 9H/Sag energy. I’ve found this placement very likely to marry young, but also get divorced young too. Particularly for woman, 9H/ Sagittarius energy is INCREDIBLY hard to settle down. I mean………………INCREDIBLY HARD! So if you have this placement, you may be married a few times w all different kinds of people. It’s usually recommended to get married after the age of 26. Either way, Your motto is probably “I AIN’T GOT NO TYPE, INTERESTING/LUCKY BOYS IS THE ONLY THING THAT I LIKE”.
Another thing to note about Pocahontas is her intuition is extremely strong & she is a very faithful lover of Earth & nature. Unlike the other people in her tribe, she is seen a dreamer & a wonderer. This is because Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter is also known as Guru in Vedic tradition, being a teacher & an explorer. Through “the colors of the wind”, Pocahontas feels joy in teaching her “Prince Charming” about the connectedness of life & encourages him to let go of his material pursuits & pursue a life of peace & inner knowing. (It’s worth noting that Jupiter also rules 12H/Pisces in Vedic astrology, so there are certainly parallels between these two placements for Venus.) This demonstrates an important aspect of 9H/Sag Venus. With the entire tribe against her & John Smith’s friends against him, they managed to overcome all obstacles & blend together two seemingly opposing cultures, one ruled by peace & love, another ruled by colonialism & material gain— & bring out the best in one another, ultimately bringing together 2 cultures. (For my Tarot people, this is why in the Temperance card, the Angel is holding 2 cups, mixing them together) You may notice this could be a pattern that follows you throughout all your intimate love affairs or long-term jobs. Pocahontas acts as a vibrant teacher & John Smith, a willing student in order to bring their love together & bring peace to the changing world around them! (Bleh, I know it hurts because this is NOT at all what happened in real life, like…at all, but we can pretend, right? RIGHT?!!!??!! Thanks Disney.)
This film demonstrates the clear sightedness, patience & willingness to understand that 9H/Sagittarius Venus can bring to love & business partnerships. You are able to blend your love of exploration & faith to bring people/places & things together that others wouldn’t dare think belong. Because the 9H follows the 8H, which is one of the darkest houses in the Zodiac, you appreciate the lighter things in life! Although extremely serious in nature (I don’t think 9H/ Sag energy get enough credit for being very serious about life, you aren’t the party loving extravert all the time) you know how to have a good time & prove to be a very generous & giving lover! As long as you remain open & don’t get too dogmatic or self-righteous when it comes to your beliefs, you could have a very “colorful” (hehe you catch the pun?) love life. Seriously, very colorful. The duality of the Venus sign cannot be ignored, much like its opposite, 3H/Gemini. At its worst, this placement can present as a xenophobic, radical, religious bigot (harsh, but true) & at its best, this placement can present as a wonderful, open, explorative, spiritual baddie! Always check what side of the fence you are on!
For Him: If you are dating/married to a partner w Venus in the 9H/Sagittarius, they expect their lover’s to be spontaneous & open OR religious & “subservient”. This partner is attracted to exoticness & they want someone that is outside of their immediate dating pool. They could be mixed heritage themselves or at the very least, well traveled! You definitely need to be well read, because this lover is likely to be highly educated. On the flip side, if they aren’t as educated, they are very likely to be extremely religious & faithful in nature. This partner will expect you to follow their beliefs and faith. This placement will either want you to share the exact same beliefs/values/culture as them OR they want you to be radically different, it just depends on the person. Sagittarius is a mutable sign after all, so there isn’t one way for this to appear. (I know I’m speaking in black & white terms, but I’m not trying to say uneducated means religious as a bad thing, or vice versa, just trying to paint a picture of how beliefs & education can play a role in this Venus placement. 9H deals with religion & higher learning!) John Smith, is a prime example of this placement. He came to the new world, willing to explore unknown territory, w high expectations of wealth! He’s obviously a lucky chap, because we all know that journey from the Old World to the “New World” is treacherous. After meeting Pocahontas, he was intrigued by her exotic beauty. He had never laid eyes on anyone like her before. He took a deep curiosity in her & wanted to learn (3H/Gemini, your opposite sign) everything he could from her, in spite of his “tribe” disagreeing with their union. This demonstrates the curiosity, explorative nature & rebelliousness of this Venus placement. Keep your partner learning & you will keep their attention! Unless you get the other end of the spectrum of Venus in 9H/Sag, then be in Church/Temple/Mosque bright & early & never miss an opportunity to praise God. If you get an evolved 9H/Sag lover or business partner, you are in for a lovely treat w many blessings!
For Her: If you have Venus in the 9H/Sagittarius, you are meant to show your lover’s/partners another way of living, and/or support them fully on the spiritual journey they are already on. Spirituality & religion/culture will almost certainly always be a factor in your major relationships. If you are like Pocahontas, who is more of a “go with the flow” type girl, maybe even a little hippie-dippie, you are meant to teach your partner the way of letting go & not falling captive to control issues. All in all, you are teaching them about faith & pure luck. You could easily be a good luck charm to any of your lovers/partners. I can’t stress enough the release 9H placements can bring, following the extremely binding 8H & then proceeding the even more restrictive 10H. 9H energy is genuinely like a breath of fresh air, so BE THAT! If you are more of a “faithful” lover/partner, and I am using faithful in terms of religion, not necessarily about monogamy, (in fact, you may not be the most monogamous partner ever, you could want to explore too much), you are most likely to be a “Preacher’s wife”. You are meant to exude the best parts of your religion & stand strong beside your partner who could easily be a leader of some sort. The issue can come to play if you let fear guide your religion opposed to open faith. This placement is particularly unpredictable, because 9H/Sagittarius energy can manifest in so many different ways! You could be free flowing or very restricted by religion. Regardless, the one thing I do know is, you will be yourself through & though— uncompromising at times & surprisingly open minded at others, as long as you know where you stand, no one will be able to bring you down. Hey, you may even be the one to prevent a future mass genocide, like Disney said!
What You Bring to the Table: Faithfulness, Open-mindedness OR Strong Beliefs while be Strong-Willed & Unafraid of the Unknown (or not, you get the point).
How to Negotiate: Bring your life experience to the table. You will compliment your partner in whatever form they need. You are willing to learn & be open to new experiences. You are VERY knowledgeable about your beliefs and often times, highly educated! Don’t downplay your intelligence, but be cautions not to come off arrogant, close-minded or peachy. You have a lot of charism & people value & appreciate your opinions. Again, you have to know what kind of 9H/Sagittarius you are! If you are more of the religious side, find a religious partner who shares the same beliefs & values as you. If you are more of a free-spirit, find a partner that interest you & allows you to be your free & wonderful self! If you are a mixture of both, religious & free spirited, accept that & find a partner who’s views the world in a similar way. You will most likely have a very interesting love journey, taking many twist & turns as you straddle between 2 such restrictive houses. Bottom line, you negotiate freedom when you talk about relationships or business partners. Be realistic w what you are willing/not willing to sacrifice.
Your Venusian Soul Contract: To support & encourage your lovers as they navigate how their spirituality plays a part in their life!
Drop a Leaf 🍁 Emoji because you believe in all the colors of the wind!
✨Venus in the Tenth House
Cinderella- Cinderella
“When Cinderella's cruel stepmother prevents her from attending the Royal Ball, she gets some unexpected help from the lovable mice Gus and Jaq and from her Fairy Godmother.” Internet Movie Database (IMBd).
Venus in the Tenth House is all about restriction, discipline, class & sophistication. Venus in the 10H/Capricorn is all about a rise to power & union after struggle & hardships. If you have this placement, it is very likely that you are highly ambitious & have big dreams. This is a powerful Venus, because the 10H is the highest place in people’s chart. Plus Saturn, the natural ruler of the 10H/Capricorn, is very friendly towards Venus & enjoys spoiling it. You exude beauty & class, & public appearances mean a great deal to you. You are careful about keeping up a certain reputation & you work hard to maintain it. The world’s perception of you plays a huge part in your relationships & partnerships. You have the capability to be very well known for what you do as a profession. With Venus in the 10H, you may be interested in pursing a career in the arts/entertainment; film, television, modeling, fashion, etc or politics. (Funny how actors are politicians & politicians are actors) You are most likely to need an audience in order for you to consider yourself successful in your worldly pursuits. (Marrying the boss)
Cinderella is the PERFECT story of Venus in 10H/Capricorn, because it demonstrates the power of a Saturn Return BAY-BEE!!! Ms. Cinderella was going THROUGH IT, literally for no reason. Her mother died, then her dad got married because he wanted help raising her, so he married a woman who turned out to be a BXTCH. THEN he had the nerve to die, so Cinderella was forced to take care of her evil-ass step-mama & her ugly-ass step sisters. Talk about 10H/Saturn giving hardships! Through all of this chaos, Cinderella remained dutiful & helpful. People don’t always realize this, but 10H/Capricorn energy is feminine. So Venus in the 10H, puts Venus back in a feminine sign. Cinderella emanates how this feminine energy can remain kind & loyal, even when unnecessary restrictions & hardships are placed on them. The beauty comes after aaaallllll the BS. She was rewarded abundantly for her discipline, (but we will get into this later).
As I stated earlier, you can look at Cinderella’s fairy God Mother (Whitney Houston is Queen! I know we are doing Disney, but I have to pay honor to my girl. May she rest in peace) as her Saturn return. After years & years & years of being under the thumb of her step-mother & sisters, a miracle appeared to her because she stayed kind, open & never held resentment/contempt for her “family”.
I want to take a moment to really dig into how Cinderella has been dissed/disrespected & why she doesn’t deserve it. Idk if you can tell, but Cinderella is my favorite Disney Princess. Is this because I have Venus in the 10H? Maybe. Maybe I am a bit biased, but let me tell you why. When feminists/The Cheetah Girls talk about Cinderella sitting in a dusty cellar waiting for somebody to come & set her free, they are missing the entire point of the story. Not ONCE did Cinderella dream of being a Princess or say that a man was her only ticket out of the shenanigans. She is the epitome of feminine strength & beauty. She cooked, she cleaned, she sewed, she sang, she was obedient & never really complained about what she couldn’t control. People stay disrespecting Cinderella as being weak, but when you really think about what she went through, she was SO strong— a lot stronger than most. There is nothing weak about authentic gentleness. She never wanted to disrupt the status quo, she played with the hand she was dealt. She sucked it up & kept her wits until the Universe blessed her with an opportunity that ended up changing her life. If you have this placement, really look & see how this could be parallel to your life & experiences. Have you been shamed because you respect authority & boundaries, even if that means embracing hardships & self-sacrificing? Do you understand the true femininity you posses, simply by doing what you are told, but knowing that in the long-run, you will be rewarded greatly? Truly think about this, because this could be a theme that is played out in your life over & over again, until the age of 33 (according to Vedic astrology, 27 for western). The overall trick of this placement is to RECOGNIZE A MIRACLE WHEN IT COMES!!!! Read that again. Saturn does not deny, it delays. Cinderella was NEVER meant to stay scrubbing them dusty hoes clothes for the rest of her days. She didn’t know it, but the entire time, she was being prepared to be a loving & compassionate QWEEN! This is a significant part of this Venus placement. There is no right or wrong way to be a woman. Being dutiful & disciplined can be just as strong & powerful as being a “bad bxtch” who don’t take no shiz from no man. Don’t let people diss Cinderella, she really was a beautiful, kind & strong woman who deserved her happily ever after! (Sorry, I just had to go on a little rant. I get the sentiment of not wanting to be beholden to a man, but someone people feel whole when they are able to serve the ones they love. There is NO shame in that! Different strokes for different folks!)
Back to the film, So after Cinderella is again shxt on by her step-mother, her blessing comes! Note here, “time is of the essence”. That is important to Venus in the 10H/Capricorns! Time is not always on your side. Saturn is the traditional ruler of time, so things can happen later in life than normal. Or when these amazing things happen, you only have a short time to act! Of course we all know the rest of the story, the Prince sees her, falls in love w her because she’s the most beautiful girl at the ball. But she has to run back home, he searches for her & then he finds her. He marries her, takes her away from them crusty bad build fugly family members & they live happily ever after.
It is imperative for this sign to continue to dream & to remain patient & diligent when it comes to love. You may really struggle w finding a partner while you are younger, because you tend to be mature for you age, no matter your age, you take relationships seriously & chances are, you have other responsibilities! Don’t think that delay means denial. Just like Cinderella, she worked worked worked worked worked, & than magically, she met the love of her life! Of course it’s hard to believe in fairytales, as Saturnians are naturally cynical, but believe! A dream is a wish your heart makes! So don’t let the tough things in life stop you for loving every bit of your journey. Cinderella impressed the Prince with one glance. You will do the same when the time is right!
One final thought, 10H/Capricorn placements are usually attracted to men with status & power. This Venus is all about leveling up as well. Our baddie Cindy, married the Prince— this can be seen as the modern equivalent of marrying the big boss! DO NOT SETTLE!!! DO NOT SETTLE!!! DO NOT SETTLE!!! I ain’t saying this placement is a gold-digger, but I am saying this placement will not mess w any broke _____. No scrubs! If the shoe don’t fit, you must acquit!
For Him: If you are dating/married to a person w a Venus in the 10H/Capricorn, this person expects loyalty, sacrifice, dutifulness & structure. This may sound boring, but I will say, this placement gets better as it ages— fine like wine. Think about it. What do most people truly want in their later years? Peace & security! This Venus can offer that, but it takes time, some serious investments & sacrifice. Young male Venus in the 10H/Capricorns are extremely hard to pin down, because they want all their ducks in a row before committing to a relationship. This is someone that is more than okay taking it slow in relationships & building. They will not rush & you cannot rush then. Like Prince Charming in Cinderella, he wasn’t going to get married until he was good & gosh-darn ready. His parents had to throw him an entire ball to find a wife, only for him to fall in love w the one girl he was most unlikely to have! THEN he refused to be w anyone else, forcing the entire kingdom to comply to his demands. Who knows how many tax dollars he spent just looking for her! He knew what he wanted & Prince Charming wasn’t going to have anything less. Just like Prince Charming, this partner will eventually turn into a King. This relationship may require more patience than you are willing to give, but if you allow the relationship to bloom, it will be well worth the wait. (Don’t wait forever though. NEVER wait forever, but assuming its a healthy relationship, it will be worth the time & energy). Another way this placement can present itself is like the “cowboy” trope. This partner can be the strong, silent type, living off the land, building their wealth from the bottom up. They can also be a cop or a military man, someone working for the government. Again, it’s all about the 401K & retirement plan. They appreciate more than most stability & structure. This can be very beneficial in the long run. At their worst, they can be very rigid & unmoving. At their best, they can be practical problem solvers, planning for a raining day, but knowing how to enjoy the fruits of their labour!
For Her: If you have Venus in the 10H/Capricorn, you are meant to bring out strength, steadiness & balance in your partnerships. You will most likely take the role of the more practical one, or be attracted to older, mature “high-value” (bleh!) kind of men. A lot of people talk about wanting & deserving the best, but you are the placement to actually wait & work for the best. Most people lose patience & will sacrifice long-term stability for short-term pleasure…not you. It’s not in your DNA. You most likely have extremely high expectations in love & can have a very difficult time, particularly in your younger years, developing relationships. You may come off as cold & unbothered, but you are more so just waiting to be impressed. Once someone is able to capture your attention, you can prove to be one of the most loyal & hardworking partners on the planet! You take your relationships & commitments very seriously. It could be because it took you so long to find love in the first place, you want to try your best to maintain the relationships you do have. Imagine Cinderella! She would hard pressed to leave the Prince & go back to that nightmare she was living before! In any case, because you can be so loyal in your relationships, you have to make sure you are being loyal to the right lover/partners. You don’t want to waste your energy, giving & giving to something that is not giving you something in return— even if it just status & financial security. You may have some relationships that are dull & boring from the outside world, but that most likely brings you a lot of comfort. The downside to this is that you can run into one of those long love-less, sexless, contractual type of relationships for the sake of security. If that’s not what you want, don’t settle. Don’t feel obligated to stay in partnerships that don’t serve your emotional needs as well. As stated before, you are a lover/partner that brings out the practical side of relationships. You of all people know that love isn’t all about rainbows and butterflies, it’s compromise that moves things along. (S/o to you if you get the reference) & love don’t pay not bills. You are hard-working in life & in your relationships, so just be sure to take time to be fun & spontaneous. Life doesn’t have to be so serious all the time. Plus people may confuse your focus on work as you not liking them because you can be one track. Please be mindful of other people’s emotions & understand Acts of Service is not everyone’s love language & try to accommodate. If you can balance your severe nature with a more loving one from time to time, like your opposite house 4H/Cancer, you have a lot of potential to have a lifetime romance! You are in it for the long-haul.
What You Bring to the Table: Discipline, Commitment, Status, Class & Elegance.
How to Negotiate: You should always be a tough negotiator when it comes to your relationships. You, more than any other placement, needs decide what a relationship will be upfront, so you know what to expect. Do not wait until year 3 to be like “Do you want kids? Can I be a stay at home mom? Do you believe in marriage?” NO!!! Ask people on date two/three. When it comes to jobs & business contracts, don’t put energy into a job where you don’t understand the job description. You will do what you’re told to the best of your abilities, as long as you are told clearly & honestly. Always remember that you are a valuable asset to anyone; be it in love or working situation, because YOU WILL WORK where most people just try to skim & get by doing the bare minimum. You believe in blood, sweat & tears to get the job done. THIS sets you a part from many & never allow others to take this trait for granted…starting w yourself. (You and Venus 6H/Virgo are probably the most hardworking in work & relationships tbh). So PLEASE make sure that you are paid your dues. This is particularly true in your later part of life, after your Saturn return. You may have encountered/are encountering a lot of BS in your 20s & early 30s…hang in there love. You are just paying off some sort of karmic debt. But if you follow Saturn’s instructions, work hard & remained focused, you will be rewarded past your wildest dreams. You understand what REAL love is about once you fully evolve. This unevolved Venus can be materialistic & shallow, but if you learn the lessons Saturn is giving, you get the realest love of them all!
(Side note: Jupiter & Venus are the two planets most associated with gift giving & generosity. However, it has been argued that Saturn is the best give giver of all the planets. Why? Because Saturn’s gifts are long lasting! They may not be the biggest or the prettiest, but Saturn’s gifts will bring long-term abundance rather than temporary joy. If you have heavy 10H/Capricorn/Saturn placements in your chart, you have a really good shot to have come into the life w hardships, but die overcoming so many obstacles in the lap of luxury or a prosperous farm! Define what abundance means to you, work hard at it everyday, endure & have patience & you WILL reach your mountain top!)
Your Venusian Soul Contract: To learn to cherish relationships & be cherished, while maintaining stability, balance & discipline. Because after all, that’s what love is all about!
Drop a crown 👑 emoji because you were a bad b before any cash came!

✨Venus in the Eleventh House
Frozen- Elsa (I know she’s a queen, but hey)
“When the newly crowned Queen Elsa accidentally uses her power to turn things into ice to curse her home in infinite winter, her sister Anna teams up with a mountain man, his playful reindeer, and a snowman to change the weather condition.” - Internet Movie Database (IMBd)
Venus in the Eleventh house is all about bonding, friendship & freedom. If you have Venus in the 11H/Aquarius, know that you ALWAY stand out in the crowd. Growing up, you may have felt outcast, or marched to the beat of your own drum. You are certainly one of a kind. The two extremes of this Venus can manifest with either having a lot friends & being extremely popular, or not having many friends at all until later in life. This is due to Saturn’s Co-rulership with Rahu/North Node for this sign in Vedic tradition— Saturn being the planet of restriction & delay. Because your perception of friendships is one that is very deep, understanding & open, while most people are superficial, you may find it hard to take light relationships seriously. At times, you may come off as cold & distant to those you care about the most, but you need solitude from time to time, even though many things will most likely need your attention. The reason there is so much emphasis on friendships here is because you are most likely to turn friends into lovers. You need to be comfortable w people enough to be your authentic self in order to consider any other kind of relationship. The beauty of this is, you allow others to be there most authentic self too.
You can be an outspoken partner. Unique & irreplaceable. Because you value friendship, you treat your lovers like friends. This could be a good thing & this can be a bad thing depending on who your partner is. You could be slow to open up to people & be friends with someone for yeeeeaaarrrss before you even consider them a romantic partner. This can be infuriating to people trying to pursue you, because your default mode is the friend zone. However, unlike other placements, w Venus in the 11H/Aquarius, this is nothing personal. You like to feel safe in your relationships & safe guard your need for freedom. You don’t like to feel bogged down in any way shape or form. Chances are, you’re not the most lovey dovey person in the world, but you are an awesome listener & don’t judge others for how they chose to live their lives or express themselves. In fact, you can be so non-judgmental & open, you may be interested in polyamorous or different kinds of relationship than the status quo. You like to be free as a bird and expect your lovers to be the same. You wouldn’t do well w someone who needs constant attention…you value your independence & cherish it in others while in partnerships— romantic or business.
Elsa in Frozen is a prime example of how this Venus can show up in the Disney world. Elsa was gifted with magnificent powers of being able to make ice & snow! At first, she was thrilled, but once she almost killed Anna (oops!), she turned away from her powers, trying to hide the very thing that makes her powerful & unique. You could mirror this in your own life at times. You most likely have some really interesting qualities about you that are special & even rare! But sometimes your “powers” can make you feel isolated & in turn fearful to be who you are. As Elsa’s powers grew stronger, her will to suppress them grew stronger as well, only causing an emotional outburst (Rahu/North Node), that accidentally causes an eternal winter. Feeling like she’s doomed herself & everyone around her, she goes into a self-imposed exile, leaving her sister to go on a journey to get her to calm down, end the storm & ultimately accept who she is, inside & out!
It is worth noting the close bond Elsa and her sister have, because the 11H also rules older siblings. Anna had a lot of love for Elsa & didn’t understand why she chose to push her away. Anna did everything she could in order to make her sister see the beauty in herself & in her gifts, until Elsa was comfortable enough with herself to come back into society. Are there ways that you have mirrored this in the past? Can you think of something that makes you “too cool for school” & you’d rather hide away instead of put yourself in a position to be rejected?
Through Frozen, you can see that it is BEST to accept & love yourself for everything that you are! 11H/Aquarius is energy is always misclassified as being detached and aloof, but that couldn’t be the further from the truth. As we can see, Elsa has emotions, extremely powerful emotions at that, she was just afraid of them, so she thought it would be best to keep them to herself— until she stuffed them down so long, her emotions became unrecognizable, chaotic & uncontrollable. You more than any other sign are capable of the most dramatic & destructive outburst. Whereas 4H/Cancer placements are emotional all the time…it comes as no surprise when they have their breakdowns. YOU, however, tend to keep a level head, so when you snap. YOU. SNAP. So you have to be mindful of this placement to not become the Ice Queen, freezing everyone out in fear of hurting someone or yourself. Getting hurt is a part of life. It’s all about how you handle it when “bad” things come along. Do you Let it Go & isolate yourself, or do you define what makes you unique and make snow cones for everyone instead? The decision is yours. This Venus placement can make or break your feelings/place in society.
This film is a great depiction of the highs & lows that can come w Venus in the 11H/Aquarius. At times, you are magical & ethereal which makes you interesting & unpredictable. But other times you can be volatile, causing you to want to isolate yourself or be isolated from others. Once you learn how to control your gifts & understand that you are just a wild card (lol) AND find friends/lovers who support you, you will be unstoppable & be able to do magnificent things. As you age, you will learn to love the public more & the public will love you. You will be able to offer such interesting insight to the greater conscious, spreading a message of love, acceptance & independence! Like Elsa, who didn’t have a singular Prince trying to win her hand in marriage, your duty for love is to the masses. After all, you have a Kingdom to run! It can be lonely at the top, but the top has the best view!
For Him: If you are dating/married to a person w Venus in the 11H/Aquarius your lover expects FREE-DOM, so baby, you’re gunna have to let it ring! As stated above, this placement values friendships over everything else. This requires a certain level of patience that other partners may not need. The beauty of this combination is he will be a loyal & understanding partner once you take the time to understand his individual corks. Else technically didn’t have a Prince Charming, & when this movie came out, it was a really big deal! This was the first Disney Princess movie that wasn’t centered around love (another point for being unique & breaking expectations). Venus in the 11H/Aquarius is one of the least “love” centered partnerships. Meaning, this Venus doesn’t so much deal w one on one relationships, but rather relationships w the masses & love relationships that aren’t romantic— like sister to sister relationships or fraternity/sorority for just a few examples. Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying they won’t be your knight in shining armor, but this may not be their biggest priority in life. They may date & explore, but how their friends show up is more important than fleeting romances. This is something to keep in mind as you date a Venus in 11H/Aquarius, they may prefer being alone, & again, it is NOTHING personal to you. You may feel as if they are constantly focused on other things & not prioritizing you. Always remember, 11H is opposite of 5H, the tradition house of Leo. Leo is “me me me”, so Aquarius is “we we we”. A Venus in the 11H lover will feel like world hunger is more important than spending Valentine’s Day with you.
This can manifest as a very complex man, with mood swings & an unpredictable temperament— hence why it is important to give this lover freedom. Chances are, because they’ve spent time in isolation, they know themselves better than anyone else…so when they need some space, give them space. Although this lover can be romantic, don’t expect rose pedals every night when you come to bed. They care more about intellect & conversations & helping the world than holding hands. This is a masculine sign for Venus. You would be better off volunteering at the local soup kitchen for a date rather than going to a luxurious roof top bar. This lover is far from superficial and carries a disdain for anyone who he presumes is shallow. Venus in the 11H/Aquarius could be one of your best friends in life. Even though they may be a little off beat, they will support & encourage you to be your best self & to never shy away from your gift & talents, loving who you are!
For Her: If you have Venus in the 11H/Aquarius, you bring out the rebelliousness in your partners. 11H energy is the rebel, & so there will almost always be something different about your partnerships that causes your lovers to rebel against society in someway. It could be different cultures, religion, socioeconomic status etc…But trust, you are such a dream come true for people, they won’t mind jumping over hoops to be w you. Because the 11H is the house of wish fulfillment & gains, you bring a certain level of luck to your relationship. You may notice that your partners start doing better in life after hooking up w you, so yeah, you’re one special someone. You may find that some of your long-term relationships take a lot of twist & turns— running hot & cold. Go w the flow as much as you can, because Saturn is involved in this placement, your long-standing relationships will be tied to some sort of karma. You came to learn lessons about love & friendships, so forgiveness & understandings will be major factors in any of your serious relationships. Since this is a fixed sign, you have to mindful not to get too stuck in your ways. This placement can also indicate long-distance relationships as well or relationships that happen over the internet. 11H is the house of technology, so you could very well meet your mate online, or have relationships that are completely virtual at times. The more comfortable you become w the idea of having unique relationships that may not be understood by the outside world, the easier it will be to accept any relationships you are in. It is not going to be like anything else or everyone else’s relationships so quit while you’re ahead and don’t compare it to others. Now, a little warning that comes w this placement as well, is the fact that your friendships could play a significant part in any of your relationships. Be weary of his dynamic because sometimes friends (and siblings) can be overly protective of you & bring negative energy to your partnerships. Friends may feel like they are in competition between you and your loved ones— just learn how to balance the two! And on the flip side, don’t make your lover your best & only friend. Continue to strive & get to know people, you will be doing yourself & your relationships a disservice by isolating yourself further from society. People may not think Aquarius energy & love go together, but it truly depends on how you look at it. Most people come w high expectations in relationships & once they feel like they aren’t being met in some way, the relationship goes haywire, Aquarius energy doesn’t react that way. In fact, this energy is understanding & allows people to make their own choices instead of nagging w demands. With the right partner, this placement can possess the romance of a lifetime! As stated about in the “For Him” section, you may also be more likely to put your societal obligations ahead of your one on one relationships. At times, this can cause problems, so balance balance balance your need to help everyone around you, will the needs of your partner for some intimacy. You can’t be 100 places at once. Prioritize alone time with your partner if you have a lifestyle that causes you to be involved with larger groups— quality time is an important part of maintaining a relationship & you may need a reminder more than most.
What You Bring to the Table: Independence, Friendships, Loyalty & Originality
How to Negotiate: You should always remember that you are one of kind! You are rare & NO ONE can replace you! There are no two 11H/Aquarius placements that are alike, that’s why this placement can be so difficult to categorize. Because you are an Original, never EVER be treated like a copy-cat. Have confidence that there will won’t be another like you & don’t hang on to any relationship or partnerships that try to put you in a box—it’s not gunna happen!!! Don’t be afraid to walk away, because the love that you bring is unlike anything or anyone else…they will most likely come crawling back. You can always use your laid-back nature as an advantage as well. People will love to chase you because you seem so unbothered— however try not to make people chase forever. Like you, people do get bored. With this placement, more than any other placement, you may need to fake it until you make it. Meaning, because you can be so detached, you may have to pretend to care about things that you don’t care about just to let your partner know that you are still interested. You can go ghost for days, weeks & months and not realize it, so it is imperative for you to actively demonstrate your love to those you care about. Don’t get so caught up in your own world that you forget about the people who love and care about you. Stay somewhat grounded. Again, be confident that you will be one of the coolest lovers that any of your partners has ever been with & you will never walk away from the table empty handed.
You Venusian Soul Contract: To balance your uniqueness, retrained emotions & need for freedom within relationships in order to feel accepted by those you care about most , while maintaining one on one relationships even w bigger responsibilities to the public.
(Think of this placement like being a celebrity… & this placement can be an indication for fame as well. How are celebrities able to balance their public image & their personal lives? How often to Zendaya and Tom Holland actually get to sit down and cuddle up? Not often enough, I’m sure. Even if you aren’t star status, you may feel this dynamic play out in your significant relationships).
Drop a snowflake ❄️ emoji because you are one special individual
✨Venus in the Twelfth House
Princess Jasmine- Aladdin
“A kindhearted street urchin and a power-hungry Grand Vizier vie for a magic lamp that has the power to make their deepest wishes come true.” - Internet Movie Database (IMBd)
Venus in the Twelfth House is all about the spiritual side of love & what can’t be seen by the naked eye. If you have Venus in the 12H/Pisces, you are the hopeless romantic of the zodiac. You see straight through to people’s souls, bringing to the surface their most inner selves. Although this placement is exalt, it doesn’t mean that your love life is at all easy. In fact, you may really struggle in love because your expectations can be RIDICULOUSLY HIGH. Meaning, because you see the trueness in people, if they don’t see trueness in themselves, well then, what are you looking at? You have a habit of projecting the best qualities onto people & can ignore some of the things that would be troublesome to others. THIS ISN’T ALL YOUR FAULT THOUGH, people also make sure to put on the best versions of themselves around you because they want to impress you so badly. I’m sure you’re beautiful in your own special way. Your eyes can be one of your strongest features because they are the window to the soul— & since you have a pure soul, it’s reflected in the way you look at people. 12H/Pisces energy is traditionally ruled by the planet Jupiter in Vedic astrology, so you there could be strong influences in your relationships which are beyond your control. There could be distance, cultural difference, &/or religious factors that play a significant role in your most long term relationships. This placement is also most likely to give up worldly pleasure/gains & “love” to pursue more religious endeavors. This is the placement most likely to become a nun or priest. Like I said, your expectations can be so high to see good in people & in your lovers, Jesus Christ may be the only figure who meets your idealistic standards. (Just an example! Not trying to exclude other religions).
You may also have a theme of loss of love. Because the 12H is the house of loss & escape, you may lose significant lovers, but it will always trigger spiritual growth for you. Relationships are so deeply spiritual for you, you’ll experience relationships other people can only dream of. There is a higher vibration you require in love, that most people will not have the experience needed to satisfy your desires for the all encompassing love your soul needs. You may be inclined to give up all your monetary possessions, or on the contrary, you may want all the rubies, diamonds & pearls the world can offer. Either way, you will never be satisfied w just the material things in life & you will always yearn for something deeper & other worldly, even if the world is at your fingertips. This placement can also bring a certain level of illusion & escapism, so you will have to be careful not to get wrapped up in addictions to drugs & excessive pleasure. Jupiter loves to have a good time & explore other realms through astro projections— this tendency to want to have outer body experiences can lead to some nasty habits that are hard to break. It is okay to explore! But be mindful that you will always need to come back to Earth at some point.
Princess Jasmine illustrates the effect of Venus in the 12H/Pisces beautifully. Although the story is centered around Aladdin, the local street rat, his entire journey is triggered by a fateful encounter w the Princess. The moment he lays eyes on her, he instantly falls in love & wants to impress her, not knowing that she isn’t what she appears to be. This is Venus in the 12H/Pisces at its finest. Illusion & projection is the foundation of the relationship. Princess Jasmine is in a disguise & Aladdin is just being bad running the streets, stealing bread, but obviously has a heart of gold. Aladdin then goes to find a magical lamp (Jupiter) to grant him 3 wishes; Enter Genie, who transforms poor old Aladdin to a wealthy (appearing) Prince. He then goes on to pretend he’s a Prince in order to impress Princess Jasmine & hopefully one day marry her. Cue, the magic carpet ride! And for what it’s worth, your love life might have a few magic carpet rides, if you catch my drift. You are most likely to experience many soulmate connections. (I believe you can have multiple Soulmates/Twin Flames/Karmics, there is no limit. It depends on how many your soul needs so you can fulfill your Karma & learn whatever lesson). This highlights the explorative nature of this placement as Aladdin begins to show her the wonder of the world that she was unable to see in the safety of her castle. You may find that in relationships in your life, you are attracted to people that are not in your same class system. But this dynamic is what is most alluring to you in the first place. Jasmine was used to living in the lap of luxury, while Aladdin had to learn street smarts in order to survive. His savviness was beyond sexy (I know it’s a kids movie, but Aladdin is fine as hell) to Jasmine who longed to escape the trappings of her material world to live amongst the common people.
Of course, it’s a Disney movie, so the illusion & magic all comes crashing down & the true identity of Aladdin is revealed, but his sweet soul still remains. Jasmine is faced w a decision and of course…because it’s a Disney movie, she picks Aladdin & they live happily ever after. In real life, this shows the inherent self-sacrificing nature of this placement. IRL, Jasmine would have to give up her crown if she were to marry so beneath her, & sometimes you may feel like you are meeting people in life who are somehow “beneath” you. THIS IS NOT TO SAY THAT YOU ARE BETTER, but you may attract people who are in the throws of chaos in their life & through a fated encounter w you, they are plunged into the depths of a spiritual awakening. You signify someone is on the brink of a magnificent breakthrough if you enter into their lives.
You bring a certain level of magic to your long-term relationships that challenges the nature of reality itself. This can be extremely powerful & extremely destructive. You of all signs have to be very careful that you are not seeing your lovers through rose tinted glasses— don’t get caught up in the glitz & glamour, while others of you will need to be more realistic in choosing your love partners. Yes the boy may have a beautiful heart, but if he is a lost soul, it is not your duty to help him find it.
This film depicts how rewarding this placement can be. Defying all the odds, exploring 2 totally foreign worlds & having a magically spiritual connection that knows no bounds is just the tip of the iceberg for Venus in the 12H/Pisces. On the other hand, it shows that lies/false perceptions can be the foundation of the relationship if not handled correctly. Make sure you are seeing people, places & things for what they are! Don’t fall for the okey-doke. There is no need to always be a sucker for a sob-story. You are meant to guide & teach partners through their Karma, not always go through the trenches w them. It is also worth noting that you can be a great artist & creative, depicting the highest ideals of love & love loss. Channel this energy into something positive rather than running away from feelings you can’t explain w words— feel them & turn them into art. On a final note, like 11H Venus, this Venus can deal a lot w isolation. You could go long periods of time being single. (Good time to work on artistic projects, use this time wisely) This is due to the fact that you are opposite of Virgo, the hermit in tarot, & isolation is required for you to learn some of the harder lessons about love & life. You could go from single single single, to entangled entangled entangled very quickly after YEARS of half-hearted relationships. Because of your outer & inner beauty, however, you will always attract people towards you, but since you don’t necessarily believe in superficial relationships, you will be less likely to settle w anyone less than a soulmate. (Again, you got some high standards, babes lol) This is a beautiful, but challenging placement, yet capable of producing the strongest of romances.
For Him: If you are dating/married to someone w Venus in the 12H/Pisces, this lover expects a soulful connection. They want to be wrapped up in your essence until you become one w one another & ultimately one w the universe. As stated above, this lover has high expectations for their loves & may get caught in the loop of overly projected onto you, putting you a pedal stool & blinding themselves to the harsh reality that no matter how great you are, you are still human. Aladdin was mesmerized by Jasmine & did everything in his power to become what he THOUGHT Jasmine wanted, rather than getting know her first hand. Like lovers in your life, they may put on airs & appear to be something they are not, attempting to escape their true identity since you seem so magical. They could easily misrepresent themselves when it comes to dealing w money & finances, or just wanting to come across as a better person than what they actually are. Chances are this is subconscious, but it can also be manipulative so watch out. Withholding truth is a way to gain & maintain power. As long as you don’t know what they are hiding, they have control. Be smart. Pisces energy tends to deal w rejection— rejection from society & rejection of themselves. Aladdin is a great example, because being a poor boy for the wrong side of the tracks, he feels as if he’s been discarded by society as a whole & the only way to be seen and be taken seriously is to (fake-ly) amass an extreme amount of wealth. Venus in Pisces males can be downtrodden from a young age & could have certainly struggled w addictions/poverty, trying to escape their reality or just feel out of body…like a fish out of water, they will have a fascinating story. Due to this Venus being back in a feminine house, this male will value femininity but also want a level of chaos. Aladdin had a grand ole time keeping up the charade until he didn’t. This will be a lesson that this Venus placement can play out over and over again until they learn to love who they are, leave material & worldly pursuits behind & instead dedicate themselves to loving others and their own personal spiritual journey.
For Her: If you’re have Venus in the 12H/Pisces you bring out the dreamy side of your lovers. You seem to defy all earthly logic & float through life w a kind of mysticism that leaves others in awe. You may find it difficult to break out of people’s high expectations— as you feel people are looking through you rather than at you. Meanwhile, you, on the other hand, are able to see the deepest parts of others quicker than most. You are as intriguing as you are mysterious, seemingly like you stepped through some unknown portal. This can be a blessing & a curse, it’s all about how you interact w your spiritual self. The more spiritual you become, the easier it will be to attract the soulmate you are looking for. You want a relationship that goes deeper than the typical mundane day to day union & instead, meets you on a soul level. You are not always impressed by “things”, money & stuff, you’d rather have an emotionally present lover who takes you by the hand & leads you to the under world. This placement forces your partners to have to look at life through a different set of lenses as you introduce them to the darkest parts of their souls. 12H & 8H placements are very similar in the depths they create, w the 12H actually being “darker”. (You may want to read 8H Venus as well, because y’all are similar, but yours happens on an even more profound level, arguably. While 8H Venus introduces their partners to “God” (8H to 9H), you introduce your partners to themselves (12H to 1H)…see how that works?) Since you see so deeply into people, eventually there is no where for your lovers to run & hide, forcing them to shed their protective layers & reconcile their outer world w their inner selves. You will have such transformative relationships & transformed lovers. You act as a catalyst to their awakening & usually, send them on their way. This is can be a difficult placement to pin down as well. Because Pisces is mutable & fluid, you effortlessly guide through relationships & partnerships, particularly after you go through a VERY hard breakup. You go through the thick of it in love, to be light to your future loves. Just be careful not to get wrapped up in something that proves difficult to come out of. Like Jupiter represents, always look at the bigger picture. (Side note: you are probably excellent in bed, 12H deals w bed pleasure woot woot!)
What You Bring to the Table: Spirituality, Nothingness, Soulfulness & Illumination
How to Negotiate: You have a more passive approach when it comes to getting what you want. Your abilities to manifest are unparalleled, & you are filled w magic. Your relationship w Spirit has the potential to be so strong, that things tend to fall in place for you. Almost as if you keep a genie in your pocket! The trick w this placement is to master how you deal w loss. Things come & things go— you have to learn to go w the flow. You are not meant to hold on to any materialist things because you feel like you “need” them. That’s the catch. Once you feel like you need something or someone, you will almost always lose them. This is not to scare you, but to prepare you. This is the highest point of Venus, but its inherently contradictory. Love is not about owning items or owning people, it’s about letting the natural progression of life run things & following Spirit’s lead. You are the poster-child for what real love looks like, & real love is all about letting go & letting God, so to speak. Your happily ever after w certain partners, may not be in this life, but in the next. You are capable of the type of love that transcends space & time. Because we live in such a materialist world, it’s imperative to know that materials don’t define you. YOU define you. You may have all the gold & silver in the world, but it will mean nothing if you have no spiritual connection to the other world & also the willingness to let it go. This Venus placement is also meant to be very charitable. When you give things away (to the right causes) you will be rewarded greatly. The more giving/generous you are, the more you receive. But of course you know that! You’ve been working lifetime after lifetime after lifetime to understand this lesson!
Your Venusian Soul Contract: To see love & the world for what they really are, gain a connection w spirit & love as hard as you can as long as you can without falling into the trap of escapism
Drop a fish 🐟 emoji because you are so abundant

With Love & Lust,
A-D 🖤💋
Author’s Notes: PHEW!!!!! Okay. This was by far the longest post I’ve made thus far & I pray you enjoyed it. Of course, shout out to my baby sister who talks these post out with me & helps organize my thoughts— without her, none of this would be possible. This one took over 25+ hours, but it was well worth it. I hope that you find this insightful. The meaning behind this post, and all my post for that matter, is so YOU can appreciate the type of *woman* that you are. We all come in different styles & flavors. There is no need to compete or judge another person for how they choose to express themselves. In order for you to be more confident in yourself, you should know what cards you’re playing with. I can’t tell you how much learning my love styles through astrology & tarot helped me become a better person even outside of love! That’s why I want to give back to the community that has given so much to me. I hope that after reading my post you feel more informed about yourself & feel a level of grace & ease as you make your way through life. Your soul contract is YOUR soul contract. Fulfill it to the best of your abilities. Love who you are. Love what you do. And then you’ll find it’s easier to love others & for others to love you!

astro observation #8!! (hooray) i’m so bloated right now i feel like im pregnant, enjoy lovelies
-ya know why pieces is exalted in venus and why pieces placements are so lovable?? in mythology aphrodite never had a set face, she was the most beautiful bc she was whatever her viewer thought was most beautiful. the goddess was basically a shape shifter and therefore SOO attractive. pieces is exalted in venus bc those slippery fellas are exactly like that, they’ll play right into ur fantasy. pieces project, they’re mirrors, they can be whatever u want them to be. i mean this in an energetic way, they can’t change faces (thank god, or it will be over for all of us) but they morph easily bc they can read what ppl want from them. personality swapping and all. libra does this rlly well too, and guess what, they’re domicile in venus bc libra also reflects, they can change to what is desirable (not healthy of course)
-the capricorn and cancer axis pertains to emotion, cap is about emotional containment ppl sorta trauma dump on them bc they assume caps don’t feel it but they do it’s just they r emotionally restrained. cancers on the other hand well they’re the crab they r naturally guarded but ppl take their emotional intelligence as a green light to trauma dump. the cap and cancer axis highlights has themes of being depended on. it’s the archetype, cap (authority, sorta father figure) and cancer (the crab, the mom, the nurturer). through their life they an awful lot about emotions
-aries and pieces placements (aside from leo) get a lot of comments ab how they r childlike n their child like mannerism. this is bc aries is first in the zodiac, they r the leaders but they got this innocence bc they literally came first. pieces on the other hand is the last in the zodiac order, so naturally they can carry this old ppl energy. think of a sweet old grandma. airheads. it’s like well my soul has seen everything. so childlike they get excited over little things or have a funny vocabulary as if language is werid on their tongue. aqua and pieces r the iconic weirdos of the zodiacs
-pluto in the 4th house ppl. is ur mother okay? 4th house (related to the mother) is in crisis when pluto (naturally destructive) sits in it. is she controlling, sorta scorpion-like, this push and pull relationship between the two of u?
-aqua and leo axis relates to the ego. leo is confident, it’s apparent, u can see it bc they make it clear. aquarius is silent confidence, they’re detached, they charm u by parlor tricks and their personality. aquarius and leos either have self esteem issues or they secretly (some of them publicly annonce it😭), think they’re the best
-when u have a 7th house stellium, u may express the sign of ur 7th house more than u express the sign of ur rising
-9H chiron suffers from being told what is wrong and what is what. religion issues. issues with beliefs. they could have a hard time accepting their sexuality cuz it was demonize in their youth. this placement is basically the world shoving it’s opinion down ur throat
-saturn in 3rd house could have started speaking at a later age. saturn delays. so it could have been a while before they said their first word. on the other hand mercury (the planet of speech) speeds things up, so when it’s in the 3rd house u could have been a talkative baby
-saturn in the 4H could have issues with not being adored as a child. no framed pictures of them. no praise for good grades. ignored when expressing emotional needs
-a good rule of thumb for saturn in the 7H is not marrying before u are 30
-taurus is just as obsessive as scorpio. these ppl know ur address, school, day of birth, mom, dad, brother, sister, grandmother, aunt, cousin, distant cousin, goldfish, chiropractor. a girl with heavy taurus placement once recited my address like it was poetry
-12th house mercuries talk but they don’t rlly say anything u know? they can talk and talk but u can never guess what’s in their mind. they can be forgetful. feel everything but can’t explain it. have opinions but can’t or won’t voice it
-the house mars is in can show where u are most motivational. a mars 9H will tell u to do ur homework. a mars 10H will tell u get urself together and apply for that job. a mars 1H will tell u if u don’t like the way u look then hit the gym. a mars 6H will tell u to put more healthy food in ur fridge and take u to yoga classes, they don’t play with dieting
-time doesn’t exist to neptune in 6H ppl. they run in their own time, their own schedule. if they don’t want to they simply won’t. they also make great medical employees too
anyways all, have a nice day💕
my inbox rn is terrifying, i can’t read and reply to like 20 request it kills time so quickly i get winded too. i’m gonna set up paid readings soon, maybe later than soon, dunno i’ll see. what do u guys wanna see next? i like astro observations but i wanna do another series, any advice?

Hello! What do you know about Venus square North Node? I've been searching about this aspect and there's just a few infoa on this topic.
hiya! thank you for the ask and stopping by,
well to start, what is venus? it rules love, aesthetic, luxury, pleasure, and subjects of that nature
now, what’s the north node? firstly it’s not an actual planet, it’s a mathematical point in ur chart. ur journey’s soul, ur ultimate lesson in life, ur destiny, it embodies the aviation energy u require to rlly do what ur meant to do in this life
now, these two making an aspect together, a harsh aspect to be specific, has it’s varying effects depending on how tight the degree is. if it’s five to zero degrees, then this aspect is an important degree in ur chart! my initial thoughts right away are, the native has trouble expressing Venusian traits in a healthy manner. they may get into relationships but find it hard to express love or feel unloveable themselves. broken-hearted is a common theme with this placement. relationships basically put the individuals lives on halt, the kind of people to not get over a past romance. love is important, but for these individuals it’s unreachable or when they attain it, it feels as if it’s not what they’re expecting. they put their partners in a pedestal bc they don’t want to lose the relationship or they struggle to see the wrongs or the incompatibility in their lover because they idealize the relationship. so we know now that venus squares north node could be an indicator for troubles related to love of all kind. the next quality of this aspect could manifest in a more individual way
venus is great, as it’s considered a benefic planet, she’s wonderful most of the time, but when she’s connected to the north node in such a harsh manner (square, 90 degree) the negative qualities of her starts to be more apparent. for example, natives of this sign could be notorious for spend thrift therapy. burning through their credit cards bc material possessions give them a sense of gratification whether it be internal, financial or social, it makes them feel good! that’s cool but surely it’s not sustainable. they also could be highly uncomfortable with putting themselves in more severe situations, a fear of being uncomfortable pretty much. they like the aesthetic of certain things. it screams, person who smokes for the aesthetic although they know it’s gonna give them a pair of black musty lungs by the time they’re 50. the over indulgence or self spoiling becomes amplified too much, the energy is not stable, so the individual as a result sort of suffer under that cycle. venus is also an inherently feminine planet, the individual could suffer expressing feminine traits. inner peace could be a uphill battle and their soul could lack fulfillment as they are thrown off course with their destiny. they could cope in unhealthy ways, the most common one is through flings. loneliness could become a big issue later on in life if they don’t mend their ways
pretty scary right? i know, but then again what i presented is kinda worse case scenario, harsh aspects could be overcome with time and effort, these ppl aren’t doom, fate just got lots planning for them which will only help them bloom further
despite the harsh aspect, venus making a contact to the north node still has it’s benefits. they’re the type to attract attention from ppl for their beauty, they could feel bad about it thinking, oh no one likes me for the inside, nevertheless they’re magnetic. their mannerism draw attention or scandal. some of those ppl are also blessed with skills in relation to the arts, spending their lifetime dedicated to their pieces, they’ve got an eye for the aesthetic and what’s appealing to the eye
to see the effects, the individual must look at cycles in their life, during venus square north node transits they become even more palpable. look to the relationships and ur relationship with urself. what keeps repeating? why is it happening and what can i do to fix it, those are important questions
hope my answer sufficed ur question! ta-ta now!
astrology observation #7 because today is a special day. everyone reading this rn, give urself a kiss, on ur hand, on ur shoulder, just kiss yourself rn. u are all loved dearly!
-the house Capricorn is in reflects the area of life that made you strong or resilient. cancer rising has their 7th house in cap which means through other ppl they learn to be hard and more protective of themselves. libra rising has 4th house in cap, they learned to suck it up when their family was being cold and neglectful. aries rising has cap in the 10th house, they learn to fight for their career by not relying on others but by learning independence.
-the planet ur moon is in shows u where u can used to feel secure. moon 5th house is all about giving urself a voice in arts or creation. moon 11th house, connection through other people and making a relatable environment inclusive for all. moon 6th house, getting ur routine together, being orderly. moon 3rd house, writing and communicating, talking with others, new intake of information.
-the north node is not ur life’s purpose, ppl use that term bc it’s the most digestible. people. please LISTEN!! do not spend all ur life chasing after the north node, in vedic astrology, the north node is referred to the dragon head that brings destruction in whatever houses it sits in. it’s destined that if u chase ur north node, u will never be satisfied. it’s malefic. it’s more about ur soul’s journey and progression but surely not about what ur meant to do! look more to the inner planets and house planets if ur trying to figure out what’s ur life’s purpose, don’t base it off if ur north node alone. north node gives indication but not a set plan
-the house scorpio is in shows the house u’ve transformed the most in life. that’s the area of life that u’ve gone through hell and back in. scorpio 12th housers, how does it feel to have issues with nightmares? lovelies with scorpio in the 6th house, how does it feel to be obsessive over work?
-chiron aspecting venus could mean the native sees plastic surgery as a must bc they see themselves as ugly or unloveable
-cuties with multiple planets in the 6th house, it’s important for u to be in tuned with ur body. use ur body as an instrument bc it will tell u things. often times u overwork and u forget that pain, ache or tear. don’t do that it’s gonna backfire bc 6H is infamous for illness, u wanna do what it takes to keep ur body at optimal levels. learn about dieting! taking care of ur body is an act of self love
-moon aspecting saturn people could feel a sense of doom. perhaps have a hard time feeling happy, they often experience this restriction of emotions. type to cry on their birthday. logic over emotions
-if u date a person who has the same rising sign as ur saturn, good luck cuz it’s a challenging relationship. harder time expressing emotions, but karmic and lots of spiritual growth. milf vibes
-eclipse season is coming up, the house taurus and scorpio it is in ur chart will face the most change and transformation
-when pluto moves into Aquarius virgo and cancer risings will catch a break in relationship and their sense of identity. libra risings and leo rising will meet ppl who will play a significant role in their lives from 2023-2044 cuz of pluto going in their 5th (libra) and 7th house (leo). check the house aqua is in for u and that’s the house pluto will come in and bring the most change
hiya lovelies! astro observation #6. i’m mentally constipated right now cuz i’ve been working on the same thing so i figured i do this as a break. also i’ve been rubbing my eye lately, it’s itching and i wanna rub it because it feels really good but it’s terrible for u
-y’all like to gang up on gemini venus but forget they’re ruled by the planet mercury so when they’re in love their lover become their muse. inside jokes, love letters and poems, special nicknames. they’re not mushy but they can make u feel special
-venus in 10H is angel status bc everyone thinks u can do no wrong. it’s such a powerful placement bc these ppl reputations are impenetrable. public slander doesn’t really work on them. jupiter in 10H means people vouch for u easily, ur character is believed in, people just speak good about you. saturn 10H is having a respectable reputation, like ayo don’t u talk about xyz in that way, ur name has value to it. people get rotten karma cannonballing in their way when they try to slander a 10H saturn native. usually the saturn native works for their good reputation so saturn does it’s duty by protecting their status
-uranus or neptune in 1H make wonderful actors bc these people can camouflage into any role, their range as an actor is expansive. uranus in the 1H makes a person eccentric, they bring charm to their roles. think johnny depp. neptune in 1H could fit in any role, neptune rules over illusions which means the audience is able to digest the actor’s role without criticism
-the sign in ur 9H explains ur humor. libra in 9H can laugh at jokes that aren’t that great cuz they don’t ruin the other party’s vibe, they’re sympathetic laughers. the kinds of people to laugh at a funny laugh instead of a joke basically. capricorn in 9H dig dark humor. aquarius in 9H loves jokes with double meanings or with references.
-Lilith 11H are sorta loners. they detach from people once they start to realize their self worth and could become selective with company later on. these people are their own best friends
-the house pluto is in shows the destructive ways u cope. pluto in 2nd count on material possession to make up for their self esteem, they’ll squeeze themselves into an expensive dress to feel pretty. pluto in 5H means becoming the town’s bicycle, not a lot of ppl know they sleep around, but they use flings to comfort themselves. pluto 1H could mean reinventing urself after major events like getting a new tattoos after a death of a love one or cutting their own hair at 3AM 
-mercury signs in the 12H means overthinking during bed time. ur thinking is also reflected in ur dreams. they also like stuff playing in the background as they sleep, like the tv or songs. i suggest brown noise
-neptune square jupiter means over indulgence in certain things or proneness to delusions. these people faith’s are strong but can doom them if they’re too stubborn to keep an open mind
-the 29 degree on an ascendant means mastering that energy in this life time, there is a sense of urgency with this degree. if ur a leo ascendant at the 29 degree, really learn to keep ur head high and be confident. they get rewarded for embodying their ascendants energy as well. think donald trump and his mob of supporters who eat up everything he says
-neptune 4H could mean ur family got a history of addiction. saturn 4H means ur family could be sorta be depressing, straight up colorless. pluto 4H could indicate a toxic and controlling family. these are the more negative attributes; of course all placements manifest in different ways. i’ve seen some pluto 4H placement come from wealthy family’s with lots of power, saturn 4H natives coming from nepotism. neptune 4H being sheltered from the evils of life as a child.
-this isn’t an observation, more like a personal opinion. i’m so tired of people making observations of sun signs or a certain placements and really exaggerating that one characteristic of the sign based of a person they know in real life. u get nothing out of saying ‘OoO all scorpios are toxic, or aries have anger issues’, i mean u can, but wouldn’t it be wonderful if gave an explanation why that could be, based off the planet, planetary rulership or something. baseless claims about signs don’t help people learn it just reinforce stereotypes. it’s great commentary when done right but some people just start projecting their own experiences
short astro observation again, i know 😭. i’ve promise i’ll feed u better content when i’m out of this slump. ta-ta people!
Hiii! I loved reading your astrology observations, so thank you for sharing🤍
I have my Saturn in Taurus in the 10H and in the 29th degree. My career and higher knowledge is super important to me (9H stellium), but I feel that I have to work so much harder than most and fear I’m never going to achieve the successful & financially-stable life I desire. I would love to know your thoughts on this placement! Thank you so much 💫🪐
hiya!! this is a very thoughtful question so i thank u for asking it :)
saturn in taurus strongly ties with stability. ur karma builds up slowly and firmly, the rewards are slow to come. u learn lessons related to resources, fondations, and most importantly endurance. u will find it easier once u start taking on the authentic+positive qualities of taurus the bull. moreover having saturn in the 10H; the reaping of ur rewards is typically withhold until u have given ur all. contrary to what u might think, ur not doomed! saturn is at home in the 10H, it is an empowering placement that requires a lot of faith in ‘self’. u want to achieve, u want to be revered, u want to be an authority. what u feel is right, u will have to work harder than others! not a bad issue if u ask me because the thing is u end up learning things that others didn’t cuz u had to repeat ur lesson many times. it’s all about perspective. u and others may face the same task and u may take longer to accomplish, but by the end u’ll find urself wiser than the majority. doubt is a terrible thing, u really ought to know that ur thoughts are the most influential bc saturn in the 10H grew up around authorities who had expectations. the thing is, this placement self-conditions themselves. they repeat to their minds what they heard authorities repeated to them as a child. realize ur mind does not need to parrot others opinions. moreover considering it’s in the 29th degree (very karmic and fated degree) or also known as the  ‘Anaretic’ degree. ur lessons are severe, u will experience repetition in ur lessons if u don’t overcome them, whatever u may need to learn will require extreme transformation. the 29th degree indicates a hard time making decisions, because in the beginning, the individual faces such urgency within themselves that they don’t think before they act. they feel a need to go-go-go that there feels their world has little time for reflection. do you work so hard u find little time to think? are u sure what u are working for what u really want? what motivates u? think hard on it and search deeper. if the answer is money, then ask yourself why, do u lack money? what will be achieved if u have money, who made u feel like u need to have money, is money compensating for something u feel u lack inside, ect! asking yourself important questions ensures that u make decisions not for the stake of ‘duty’ which is common for saturn in the 10H people, but it helps u clarify what u want! put ur integrity first. the reason why i say this is cuz saturn in the 10H has a particularly interesting quality to it, ppl who find themselves to be working their heads off for achievement may find that after their saturn return (after the ages of 28-30) they feel as if what they have achieved may not have been for them at all. dissatisfied. they assume they’d be happy after the achieving like their life will actually begin when they have done what they wanted to. to plainly say it, don’t view ur life starting from a certain point, after u have done something, rather see it that it is happening all the time. ask urself questions so that u evade possible regret in the future, see it that u be happy! saturn in the 10H means ur failures will be public, everyone will see u fall if u were to trip, but at the same time they’d also see u rise and conquer if u achieve. fear is a great thing to get out of the way bc u will find it that it only stands in the way of perseverance. if u fail and ppl see, so be it. but when the time comes (after ur saturn return) ur success will be public and ur hard work will be paid off. considering ur stellium in the 9H as well, i won’t be surprised if u were to make marks on the academic world. if u take anything from this long paragraph; u will get there eventually, wherever u wish to go or do. nonetheless just know it will take some time. i wish u well Mariana :)
anyway ta-ta now!
hiya beautiful souls! it’s been awhile cuz i’m a fickle person when it comes to blog managing. nevertheless, i’m back and hope u bozo learn something outta this. i will check and try my best to get through my inbox as soon as i can, i still accept questions (it’s okay to ask, promise i’d do my best explaining!). this is my 5th astro observation! ENJOY!! <3
-saturn/pluto/chiron in the 2nd house people have their possessions give up on them, and i mean in a literal sense. karmic lessons about material related issues are so prominent to these people. they could walk out of a shop with a 500$ dress they wanna wear and the next day comes, the dress breaks or becomes stained, situation similar to that could be common in their lives. applies to food, clothes, property, like anything material! for pluto in the 2nd, it’s more of learning to not let material define you so the universe takes away what it thinks you’re possessive about. for saturn in the 2nd it’s the universe taking material possession away so u learn how to survive on scraps of resources. for chiron in the 2nd (omg im so sorry lovelies with this placement) it’s sometimes manifest in like a total lack of resources, like sometimes u feel you’re doomed because u lack the materials that people normally have around them, it could mean severe poverty in extreme cases
-jupiter ruled signs are very blessed. sag placements are lucky but not in the way y’all think, they’re not more naturally lucky than us, it’s attributed to the fact that they’re silly and does not take anything seriously. they have unmeasurable faith in the world, the world can give them a beating and they would laugh it off and move onto the next thing, while more serious astro placements might brood on it instead. the optimism of sags manifest in what appears to us to be luck bc their mindset is literally ‘live,laugh,love’ and ‘idc’. for pisces, they seem lucky bc they’re actually delusional (i’m deada$$). these people could be totally ignorant to reality which means, again, they also have the ‘live,laugh,love’ mindset. reality to them also isn’t real. no thoughts, just vibes. sag and pieces operate on this plane that basically conditions them to be airheads. the two most spiritual signs in astrology, i’m rooting for u baes
-saturn square sun manifest in two distinctive ways. either the person is too disciplined and kinda self sabotage by refusing to let themselves feel joy (cuz they think they don’t deserve it). or! the person lacks a spine and runs away from responsibilities, not letting themselves learn the lesson their saturn placement has for them bc they think oh well why would i even try, my effort won’t be good enough anyway. both arch-type feel unloveable. probably has daddy issues too. my lovelies, pay attention to what happens every seven years, the seven year cycle is especially important for u
-pluto-ascendant aspect means people sexualizing ur actions or what u say even though ur intentions were innocent. it could be a hot summer day so u take off ur sweater to cool off and ppl will go ‘😏’
-tight mercury-saturn aspects could means u speak like a business person. process their thoughts logically. very verbally concise and detailed. could be on a date and will start interviewing the other person, like, ‘regarding offsprings, what quantities are u comfortable with producing?’. these people could excel at math or debate bc their mind works well with processing heavy info
-mars in 1H could mean acne prone skin or tricky skin in general. i’m sorry if u guys have barnacle backs, it will get better i swear. very agile built and usually fit people
-sun conjunct mercury folks are good talkers. could do great in career that has to do with words. in communication they naturally express themselves that makes it hard for ppl to misunderstand them or their point. their ego and intentions are shown clearly
-leo mercury could have a thing for drama or theatrics. if the mercury is also in a fire house, then they’re probably loud or have an attention catching voice. they do things to get a thrill out of it. this one girl would stare at me and start crying, tears rolling down and all and then go back to laughing after she wiped her tears. they have great laughs too
-the sign in ur 12H is the sign quality u subconsciously project. ppl love to say the 12H is the house of the hidden which is true but whatever sign in the 12H is what quality u don’t take notice of but could be apparent when others perceive u. take libra rising for example, they’ve got virgo in the 12H house which mean they project this good girl/perfect/got their life together energy even though it could be the farthest from the truth. pisces rising got their 12H in Aquarius, ppl would see them and instantly be like goddam they’re an oddball or unique right away, but the pisces individual won’t see it. they’ll be like, me? werido? huh that’s not me at all. please don’t think the sign in the 12H is the quality u lack or it’s not there at all, it shows at all times u can’t see it!
-jupiter/mercury in the 3rd or 9th house means an affinity for learning languages. could be great at mocking people or copying voices. poets. great thinkers
-chiron in Aquarius could mean u feel u were born in the wrong century. they could have thoughts such as why can’t i be born in the future? is there a home out in the world for me here? why can’t i belong? things don’t feel progressive enough or the ideologies of the world is not compatible with them. the world could feel devastatingly friendless
this is quite short but fear not bc i will make another part later this weekend! have yourself a lovely day all
(please don’t full on copy n paste cuz that’s not cool)
Heyyy😌 I hope you're having a great day!
I'm not really sure if you accept silly questions like this, but I was wondering, does it affect my chemistry with someone if their sun sign matches my rising (leo) and their rising sign matches my moon sign? (aries)
hiya! thank you i’m having a lovely day
not a silly question at all. leo and aries are compatible placement, you guys share 1st house synastry which contains a lot of doting/admiration, on the other hand, it could manifest to a superficial relationship. signs are great to look at for compatibility but you also might want to look at the aspects their planets are making to yours, as it will reveal a lot more than the signs in general. with what you told me so far i think it’s a good starting point, you guys may be able to match your energies well and share a level of understanding. at the same time you could also be freaked as their character reflect yours so much, in terms of ambition/goals/mannerism, ect
i hope my answer sufficed your question!
Hii💕 hru? What advice would u give to a Taurus north node in the 8th house ?
hiya! i’m doing fantastic thank you for asking
very interesting north node placement as taurus is sitting in the 8th house of scorpio. you are a libra rising i’d assume. well, i would say since taurus is a naturally possessive/grounded/security driven sign, it could face challenges sitting in the 8th house which has a focal point on constant transformation/rebirth/exponential evolution. natives with a north node in the 8th house may grow restless cause life seems to be demanding or oppressive if they neglect to advance themselves whether it’s spiritually, in status in life, beliefs, and in anything really. here’s what i’d suggest. get comfortable to change, be like water almost. by relinquishing the resistance to transformation you’ll receive a much smoother experience in navigating life. taurus is a stable, be like that, stay consistent in knowing you’re never truly in your final form. welcome the new and don’t go dormant. sounds strange but by surrendering you might find your greatest battles won. laying back on extreme possessiveness will also help you realize the faulty ways of control
the 8th house is not for the faint of heart and i applaud you on chasing the path of your nodal placement. i wish you forever luck on your journey!
Hi I was wondering what place should we look to get an idea of how we should set up a morning routine?
to answer your question, i recommend looking your ascendant for inspiration. your ascendant is basically the sign you coming into when you entered the world and the energy you were handed upon your first breath. i dunno what’s your ascendant so i will use an example for every 12 zodiac sign below,
aries ascendant: wake early, add physical movement to your morning routine (yoga, breath exercises, stretching), make the routine robust and swift, allow yourself to feel excited
taurus ascendant: set a firm time to wake up everyday, slow down and take your time, do grounding activities, assure yourself, eat a good breakfast as the sign taurus has a high emphasis on food
gemini ascendant: words of affirmation,read something stimulating or inspiring, listen to music or a podcast as you brush your teeth, go with the flow and allow yourself to wonder
cancer ascendant: make sure you wake up in a room that you actually love/feel safe in, assess your emotions before going on with your day, try cooking your breakfast instead of ordering out, leave time for reflections
leo ascendant: praise yourself for simple things, ask your heart what it wants to do, groom yourself nicely, make sure you feel confident when you walk out the door
Virgo ascendant: make a list of what you need to do, wake in precise time, plan ahead for your meals/outfit/ect, virgo risings sometimes indicate stomach issues so i’d also suggest picking out a meal for your sensitive belly, organize yourself
libra ascendant: pick a good outfit, take your time, reaffirm yourself during skincare time, take extra time in worshiping your body, physically do activities that make you feel good
scorpio ascendant: remind yourself of your power, do things alone, plan and scheme, use occult things for your gain such as using essential oils in morning showers or checking your transits for the day
sagittarius ascendant: remind yourself of values, change up your routine every once in a while, engage in conversation, activities that connect with the world
capricorn ascendant: set a rigid structure on your routine, time thing, do what is efficient, practice your routine and memorize by heart, stabilize yourself, lean towards repetition
aquarius ascendant: do things at your own pace, be structured, use social media to your advantage, connect with people, pick a specific thing to do every morning, model your routine after you and don’t copy others no matter what as you know yourself best
pieces ascendant: be in tune, check your emotions, listen to music, let yourself relax and enjoy, avoid forcing and instead opt to feel or flow with your morning, remind yourself of what you love
these are small suggestion to kick start some ideas in you
anyways hope i was of good help,
ta-ta now!
how it’s possible not to have a sign in some houses? or repeat of a sign in houses? for example, i have capricorn in 2H and 3H. and i have cancer in 8H and 9H 😵💫
normally in typical tropical astrology charts, the houses are split to cater to the six axis (leo/aqua, taurus/scorpio, Gemini/sag, pieces/virgo, libra/aries, cancer/cap). what you have in your chart is, an interception. each sections are 30 degrees each, however in an inception, the sections are more than 30 degrees which expands the houses and also engulfs other signs. consequently, two zodiac pairs are taken out in your chart. that’s all to it
i assume what your asking is an explanation on why inception birth chart occurs but i highly suggest looking into the more philosophical side cuz inception birth charts need to be interpreted differently than normal birth charts and spiritually they hold many meanings
anyway hope that sorts out the confusion
ta-ta now!
Take what resonates
These are applicable to both vedic chart and tropical chart, however for points that are predictive thats particularly for vedic chart and any other personality point is applicable to both charts.
Thanks to some anon you can read this for your sub lord of that house too.
Non-Exhaustive List: The interpretations aren’t limited to what I have written here. I will continue to write about them in my astro notes as i remember more, so keep a track of my notes.
Donot use, plagiarize, reword or copy my content. MOST OF THESE ARD MY THEORIES, SO KEEP YOUR UNETHICAL ASS AWAY.
Not my image/gifs.
How to find your lords? ->

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hello gorgeous! fourth astro observation bc i’m procrastinating, my english homework is not looking so swaggy rn. thank you much for the love on the last astro observation (💕). my inbox is open and i’ll be replying to asks soon! anyways enjoy,
-lovelies with saturn in leo (which is in detriment), a big lesson for you all is self expression! saturn monitors you like a hawk and although it will seem oppressive during youth, it teaches you a big lesson on showing your true self and not diluting your soul for the sake of others. you may hurt because you feel misunderstood. like, darn it, why do these people see me as an extrovert when i really don’t wanna talk to anyone at all. a good way to fix this is to ask yourself why do you do the things you do. in social settings ask yourself how do you wanna be seen as, and act accordingly, in other words, you kinda have to ‘practice’ being yourself. worry not. you guys have a reputation for aging backwards, you’ll find yourself being more flamboyant/expressive as you age. hehe
-venus in the 11th house culture with strong aspect could quite literally mean it’s hard for you to start friendships without the other party falling in love with you. women particularly, might be hesitate to befriend the other sex cuz the dude falls head over heels. honestly people wish they had your problem
-uranus in the 8th house might indicate sudden transformation through out your life. like a quick face off with death while walking to the supermarket, or changing yourself abruptly out of no where just cause you feel like it. these people are basically a living phoenix
-prominent scorpio placement could ensnare a room full of strangers. they unintentionally make people wonder about them
-3rd or 9th house venus will indicate a love of learning or needing intellect stimulation when in love. the best way to catch their attention is to teach them something. the type of people to search up a word they heard during a movie bc they wanna know. communication is highlighted when they’re in love
-saturn in 11th house may seem unapproachable in social settings. stone faced and distant. they’re absolute warriors in protecting their peace. when they’re developed, they could social network so good. never in the head space to befriend wish washy people with bad intentions. had a lonely youth but will be rewarded with a tight inner circle
-venus making an aspect to mars indicate maneater energy. especially the harsher aspects. omg y’all heartbreakers
-mars in 1st house may mean having to justify yourself constantly or having to fight for your own reputation, in drastic case, ppl wanna see your downfall and wanna see you sweat blood and tears to prove your not a bad person
-uranus in third house is such a lovely placement. brilliant communicator and teachers. often times they say unforgettable things that stick. sometimes they may struggle with communication bc people find their speech habits bizarre but if there’s anyone who could make topics like rocket science make sense, it’s uranus in the third house folks
-for my chiron aspecting mercury folks, i promise you 95% of your problems will vanish if you’ll start journaling or something. do affirmations, use words to heal yourself
-pieces moons are one god complex away from being an aquarius moon. they have so much in similar. they’ve got that detached mentality, though pieces is significantly more sensitive, it’s like they’re both here but not actually here. both airheads, both have strong opinions on humanity/ethics, and space like in emotions or thinking
-count on strong cancer placements to have big mommy milkers
-lilith in virgo could mean struggling with purity culture
-if a zombie apocalypse started tomorrow, bet your money on Capricorn’s to stay alive and restart society. they’re ruled by the planet saturn (structure,fondations,roots) which means they could build nothing up from dirt. it’s impressive but a bit sad because sometimes their motivation was birthed by the sense of needing to survive at some point in their lives. they came out of the womb swinging
-gemini placement means witty brain power. fairy-like. such fun people and great friends. they’ve got that scattered mercury energy though so sometimes they’re not technically the most consistent but undisputedly fun
anyways, maybe i should do my homework now. my spine has been crying cause i’m a side sleeper. i think after i do homework i’ll go fetch some tea. anyways ta-ta now!
Heyyyy, I love your page, but can you please explain what house placements are? And what are mercury signs?
hiya! and also of course
a natal chart is composed of twelve divided sections called houses.
the planets (sun, moon, venus, mercury, saturn, jupiter, uranus, neptune, and pluto) take position in the houses according to the time of your birth. and naturally, house is additionally ruled by a certain sign. so one must be sure of their birth time if they want to be assured their house placements are accurate. each house is associated with certain themes. here’s a run down of the faucets of life each house is associated with,

i’ve been taught the easiest way to think of this as the planets are characters, the sign in the house is how they’re expressing themselves (the script) , and the house itself is the stage.
as for mercury signs, whatever sign that one’s mercury is in, determines their communication style, how they conceptualize, how they process information, ect
so for example, a person with mercury in the sign of aries will be quick and direct in speech. they are enthusiastic and process their information promptly.
in a natal chart, one’s mercury can be also aspected by other planets/asteroids/etc as well which effects the way it’s energy is being expressed. however if you don’t know what aspects are just yet i’d suggest learning how mercury operates in different signs
hope this helps!
I just stumbled upon your page, and I absolutely love that you’re sharing your understanding of astrology!
My question is: What are common traits with empty houses? For example, according to Time Passages, my 2nd, 8th, 10th, and 12th Houses are empty, and I don’t really understand what that means for me.
hiiiya!! thank you for visiting my page, this is my first ask so I feel really honored to answer your question. started geeking out and all when i saw the notification
empty houses in astrology usually signify that the themes associated with that house will be less of consequences to your life. spiritually, it’s believed that in a past life you had full filled the lessons related to that house so thus in this life you are not obligated to redo them. so example, in your case you’ve got an empty 10H which shows that matters regarding career/reputation/achievement will not be a focal point in your life. this doesn’t mean the effects of the 10th house are unnoticed or not there at all, it’s simply that matters pertaining to the 10th house functions like secondary character. don’t fret though! one can still better understand their empty houses by identifying the planet that rules the house and where it sits in your chart. sounds complicated but i promise you it’s nothing. you gotta first learn what planets rule what sign, i recommended using traditional rulership. here they are,
sun rules: leo
moon rules: cancer
venus rules: libra+taurus
mercury rules: gemini+ virgo
jupiter rules: pieces+ sagittarius
saturn rules: capricorn+aquarius
i dunno what sign rules your 10th house so i’ll make up another example to demonstrate. say capricorn is the sign that occupies your 10th house, now cuz capricorn is ruled by the planet saturn, you would search for what house saturn sits in your chart. and say, if saturn sits in the 5th house in your chart, this means that your career would be interconnected with kids/drama/creativity/expression/art/ect. if finding the rulership is easy but the interpretation is confusing for you i recommended going to @notanastrologer page for they have a fantastic rulership series!!
shoot me any questions if you need a more thorough explanation and btw i really love taylor swift too by the way, ‘all too well’ has me in a chokehold right now
anyways ta-ta!
astro observation number three lets go!
-leo placement culture is getting tattoos of lions on themselves. i find that the individual may not believe in astrology but when someone asks for their sign they proudly rep it
-mars touching mercury harshly in a natal chart could show someone who uses words to wound in an argument, if underdeveloped. they’re quick with their tongue and may seek to hurt the other person instead of coming to a resolution. pulling up receipts from 10 years ago and all
-mercury in 10H culture is being known as a smart ass (a good one)
-mars in the 3H culture is getting turn on during an argument. they find verbal duels as very thrilling. could be so heated n shouting in conversation but will suddenly be ‘dude are we about kiss rn’
-mars in the 12H could indicate a lack of energy or a displacement of energy. they very much operate based on vibes
-a stellium in the 4th house indicates it’s important to create some type of home, whether it’s inside of u, A literal house, or inside a person, they strongly require a home. fondations must be built or else they could feel displaced in the world
-sag mercuries are so funny ima be honest i don’t understand them sometimes cuz mercury is  debilitated in sag but the conviction they say things with, is hilarious. always jesting
-virgo placements, when unbalanced, may act out the behavior of their opposite sign, pieces. they get disorganized and panicked. also, as they are ruled by mercury they may get nervousness/anxiety/restless during hectic times
-jupiter in the 2nd gives a person a fat booty and a fat bank. sorry i don’t make the rules
-when the sun makes an opposition to the moon in a natal chart. this may show your parents were polar opposites or that they were often not on the same page. suggest that they were raised by dysfunctional-parents. these people also struggle in satisfying their wants and needs
-moon aspecting jupiter positively shows that one will be blessed if they express their feelings truthfully
-heavy cancer or taurus placement may show an affinity towards cooking/baking
-capicorn risings are so hot omg these people have jawlines that could cut a girl’s heart. angular+sharp features
-pieces is debilitated in mercury but when developed strongly in a chart, it makes a person poetic/knowledgeable with their words. writers have this placement. in the other side of the coin, it could make a person very meme-able. they say the strangest thing ever with serious faces and u can’t help but laugh cause it’s out of pocket
-Saturn in the 1H or 10H may show identity issues with presenting themselves accurately. it’s like there’s this restriction or a barrier stopping them from being perceived as they are. they’re unable to let the barrier down as youngsters. example, a person with Saturn in the 1H may have been that kid who was focused on getting things right, they might have been telling off their classmates who were horsing around while the teacher were talking and felt warranted to act a certain way. Saturn in the 10H individual may struggle with reputation regarding how people perceive them, they could want to be seen a way but be unable to achieve that in youth. Saturn usually adds challenges to the house it’s in and since the 1H and 10H is extremely public, their shortcomings may have aired out to the ppl around them. lol trauma babies
alright that’s all. how are u all doing? the planets are direct thank god. i’m trying to read a book rn but it’s dense so took a break. anyone else who also love jane austen here?
second astro observation bc i can’t sleep rn. the retrogrades are crazy rn omg. enjoy guys
-having your 7th lord in the 9th house culture is rarely finding someone attractive unless they can intellectually challenge/stimulate you
-9th placements are students of the world. it could also mean having strong opinions about school/leanring systems/cet. they could be particular about they way they absorb information
-having your rising in cancer or leo is quite beneficial bc your chart never goes into a retrograde bc the sun and moon do not retrograde.
-ppl with jupiter retrograde need to find an inner truth, they will probably have some sort of awakening of philosophy. they also could be a bit rubbish at managing money during early life
-mercury beauty is underrated. have you seen virgo and gemini risings? delicate and elegant bc mercury shrinks things. they also sort of look like fairies? proportional people
-people with lots of 12th house placements have a unique relationship with sleep. they may dream relentlessly, have insomnia, probably need to be in a specific position, etc. just some kind of quirk when it comes to sleeping
-mars in 6th or aires in 6th could be a indicator for headaches. mars in 1st or mars touching the ascendant could mean a scar or a specific blemish on the face or bod. mars could indicate where you receive injuries
-saturn making an aspect to chiron could show that structure/authority was apart of big wounds, they sort of have to become the authority themselves in some sense. they must build structure and learn to rise
-venus making an aspect to chiron could show a yearning for plastic surgery bc they don’t feel pretty enough
-leo risings come off unbothered bc they have cancer in the 12th. thats why their confidences could seem so untouchable sometimes. they are subconsciously soft hearted and led by by their heart but it’s hard to see if ur not close to them or if they close that part of them off to u
-Capricorn placement culture is freaking out at age 6 bc they haven’t started saving for retirement yet
-planets in the second house may show how your voice sounds. venus in the 2nd have very charming voices, they make wonderful singers. pluto in 2nd may sound seductive voices, sometimes may be deep too.
-11th house placements may surrender their identity to appease their community if underdeveloped. very loyal to their community
-aries venus culture is chasing someone but immediately losing interest when they like you back
im so sleepy but i have to complete 3 labs for chemistry. the monstrosity that is my mind is reeling. hope u all liked this! anyways i will take myself out now
my first astro observation. writing this in a car on a cancer full moon soo go easy on me for this one. also don’t plagiarize cuz thats just not cool. anyways. enjoy!
- venus in the 6th makes a person attentive when they like somebody. the type of person to remember small details about their lover and do little acts of service. you could tell these mf you like orange juice drunk at 3AM once and the next week they’ll come home with 10 bottles of oj
-when you wanna hide a dead body hit up a sag moon. laid back and chill. very non judgmental people who will be your partner in crime. as friends they can sometimes wander but trust when you need to reveal something they’ll come at you with understanding
-5th house stellium need to listen to their heart. they are blessed for literally expressing themselves. they don’t do well in limiting environments where their self expression is compromised. 5th housers please never try to conform with society bc it will hurt you more than it does good.
-libra and leo rising culture is panicking in the morning bc they can’t find an outfit they vibe with
-uranus conjunct moon screams lgbt. the easiest way i can put this is that uranus=unconventional, venus=love, so combine that, you get unconventional love. these folks are also more prone to want to marry their best friends
-pisces placements. how does it feel to be frustrated because you can’t choose between the 9272 scenarios you wanna day dream before you sleep?
-mars in 9th probably have a thing for teachers
-virgo and aries influence in a chart will make someone irate when they can’t get a logical answer. they are passionate about things making ‘sense’. very passionate ppl tho, will help you with homework.
-ppl with pluto aspecting their ascendant change face every time you see them. this is more true with the harsher and tighter aspects cuz of the constant rebirth cycles
-having venus in the 4th may indicate marrying someone you knew from childhood
-neptune in 4th housers parents were probably hella absent as a child. this could mean in the way where they did not know their parents at all and was raise by other relatives. soft hearted as kids
-capricorn placements makes someone unintentionally funny. very dry humor. things sound funnier out of their mouth because of their poker faces. think ‘snape’ from harry potter
-major 11th house placements especially with venus,sun, or jupiter in it makes a person very attractive to their friends. these people attract secret admirers
-saturn square ascendant/sun culture is being careful of what you do because karma is instant for you
-Aquarius moons are detached but you can see them soften when they are around their friends. they may have strong feelings about friendships. either no friends or always with friends
-people bash cancer for being cry babies but forget they share an axis with Capricorn. very protective and enduring. in other words. big pp energy
-aries mercury people could be prone to road rage. they would be cruising down the interstate cursing at the cars that cut them off.
-neptune sextile pluto is such a powerful aspect. these ppl manifestation game is unparalleled to. this aspect is common in charts of prominent folks
-people will pluto in sag will benefit greatly from traveling. life changing events can occur over seas
-if you look bad on a certain day a sag mercury will be the first to tell you
-7th house placement should be wary of who they reveal their plans to as they invite a lot of jealously
-Gemini moon/venus/sun love language is listening. if they like you. they’ll listen
-a developed person with Pisces placements love like they do like the movies. but a underdeveloped person with pisces placements will literally be the worst lover ever. i’m talking gaslighting, over romanization of you, victimization, ect. RUN FOR THE HILLS!
-never lie to an 8th or 12th houser. they will find out
-mercury in 6th house culture is having crippling anxiety. they also benefit a lot from making lists
-people who have an aries north node in their charts will probably be the first in the families to accomplish something. they may fear being independent but when they finally start doing things for themselves that’s when they truly flourish
that’s it!! hope the full moon isn’t killing you all inside. stay safe all :)