Astro Facts - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

my first astro observation. writing this in a car on a cancer full moon soo go easy on me for this one. also don’t plagiarize cuz thats just not cool. anyways. enjoy!

- venus in the 6th makes a person attentive when they like somebody. the type of person to remember small details about their lover and do little acts of service. you could tell these mf you like orange juice drunk at 3AM once and the next week they’ll come home with 10 bottles of oj

-when you wanna hide a dead body hit up a sag moon. laid back and chill. very non judgmental people who will be your partner in crime. as friends they can sometimes wander but trust when you need to reveal something they’ll come at you with understanding

-5th house stellium need to listen to their heart. they are blessed for literally expressing themselves. they don’t do well in limiting environments where their self expression is compromised. 5th housers please never try to conform with society bc it will hurt you more than it does good.

-libra and leo rising culture is panicking in the morning bc they can’t find an outfit they vibe with

-uranus conjunct moon screams lgbt. the easiest way i can put this is that uranus=unconventional, venus=love, so combine that, you get unconventional love. these folks are also more prone to want to marry their best friends

-pisces placements. how does it feel to be frustrated because you can’t choose between the 9272 scenarios you wanna day dream before you sleep?

-mars in 9th probably have a thing for teachers

-virgo and aries influence in a chart will make someone irate when they can’t get a logical answer. they are passionate about things making ‘sense’. very passionate ppl tho, will help you with homework.

-ppl with pluto aspecting their ascendant change face every time you see them. this is more true with the harsher and tighter aspects cuz of the constant rebirth cycles

-having venus in the 4th may indicate marrying someone you knew from childhood

-neptune in 4th housers parents were probably hella absent as a child. this could mean in the way where they did not know their parents at all and was raise by other relatives. soft hearted as kids

-capricorn placements makes someone unintentionally funny. very dry humor. things sound funnier out of their mouth because of their poker faces. think ‘snape’ from harry potter

-major 11th house placements especially with venus,sun, or jupiter in it makes a person very attractive to their friends. these people attract secret admirers

-saturn square ascendant/sun culture is being careful of what you do because karma is instant for you

-Aquarius moons are detached but you can see them soften when they are around their friends. they may have strong feelings about friendships. either no friends or always with friends

-people bash cancer for being cry babies but forget they share an axis with Capricorn. very protective and enduring. in other words. big pp energy

-aries mercury people could be prone to road rage. they would be cruising down the interstate cursing at the cars that cut them off.

-neptune sextile pluto is such a powerful aspect. these ppl manifestation game is unparalleled to. this aspect is common in charts of prominent folks

-people will pluto in sag will benefit greatly from traveling. life changing events can occur over seas

-if you look bad on a certain day a sag mercury will be the first to tell you

-7th house placement should be wary of who they reveal their plans to as they invite a lot of jealously

-Gemini moon/venus/sun love language is listening. if they like you. they’ll listen

-a developed person with Pisces placements love like they do like the movies. but a underdeveloped person with pisces placements will literally be the worst lover ever. i’m talking gaslighting, over romanization of you, victimization, ect. RUN FOR THE HILLS!

-never lie to an 8th or 12th houser. they will find out

-mercury in 6th house culture is having crippling anxiety. they also benefit a lot from making lists

-people who have an aries north node in their charts will probably be the first in the families to accomplish something. they may fear being independent but when they finally start doing things for themselves that’s when they truly flourish

that’s it!! hope the full moon isn’t killing you all inside. stay safe all :)

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2 years ago

hiya beautiful souls! it’s been awhile cuz i’m a fickle person when it comes to blog managing. nevertheless, i’m back and hope u bozo learn something outta this. i will check and try my best to get through my inbox as soon as i can, i still accept questions (it’s okay to ask, promise i’d do my best explaining!). this is my 5th astro observation! ENJOY!! <3

-saturn/pluto/chiron in the 2nd house people have their possessions give up on them, and i mean in a literal sense. karmic lessons about material related issues are so prominent to these people. they could walk out of a shop with a 500$ dress they wanna wear and the next day comes, the dress breaks or becomes stained, situation similar to that could be common in their lives. applies to food, clothes, property, like anything material! for pluto in the 2nd, it’s more of learning to not let material define you so the universe takes away what it thinks you’re possessive about. for saturn in the 2nd it’s the universe taking material possession away so u learn how to survive on scraps of resources. for chiron in the 2nd (omg im so sorry lovelies with this placement) it’s sometimes manifest in like a total lack of resources, like sometimes u feel you’re doomed because u lack the materials that people normally have around them, it could mean severe poverty in extreme cases

-jupiter ruled signs are very blessed. sag placements are lucky but not in the way y’all think, they’re not more naturally lucky than us, it’s attributed to the fact that they’re silly and does not take anything seriously. they have unmeasurable faith in the world, the world can give them a beating and they would laugh it off and move onto the next thing, while more serious astro placements might brood on it instead. the optimism of sags manifest in what appears to us to be luck bc their mindset is literally ‘live,laugh,love’ and ‘idc’. for pisces, they seem lucky bc they’re actually delusional (i’m deada$$). these people could be totally ignorant to reality which means, again, they also have the ‘live,laugh,love’ mindset. reality to them also isn’t real. no thoughts, just vibes. sag and pieces operate on this plane that basically conditions them to be airheads. the two most spiritual signs in astrology, i’m rooting for u baes

-saturn square sun manifest in two distinctive ways. either the person is too disciplined and kinda self sabotage by refusing to let themselves feel joy (cuz they think they don’t deserve it). or! the person lacks a spine and runs away from responsibilities, not letting themselves learn the lesson their saturn placement has for them bc they think oh well why would i even try, my effort won’t be good enough anyway. both arch-type feel unloveable. probably has daddy issues too. my lovelies, pay attention to what happens every seven years, the seven year cycle is especially important for u

-pluto-ascendant aspect means people sexualizing ur actions or what u say even though ur intentions were innocent. it could be a hot summer day so u take off ur sweater to cool off and ppl will go ‘😏’

-tight mercury-saturn aspects could means u speak like a business person. process their thoughts logically. very verbally concise and detailed. could be on a date and will start interviewing the other person, like, ‘regarding offsprings, what quantities are u comfortable with producing?’. these people could excel at math or debate bc their mind works well with processing heavy info

-mars in 1H could mean acne prone skin or tricky skin in general. i’m sorry if u guys have barnacle backs, it will get better i swear. very agile built and usually fit people

-sun conjunct mercury folks are good talkers. could do great in career that has to do with words. in communication they naturally express themselves that makes it hard for ppl to misunderstand them or their point. their ego and intentions are shown clearly

-leo mercury could have a thing for drama or theatrics. if the mercury is also in a fire house, then they’re probably loud or have an attention catching voice. they do things to get a thrill out of it. this one girl would stare at me and start crying, tears rolling down and all and then go back to laughing after she wiped her tears. they have great laughs too

-the sign in ur 12H is the sign quality u subconsciously project. ppl love to say the 12H is the house of the hidden which is true but whatever sign in the 12H is what quality u don’t take notice of but could be apparent when others perceive u. take libra rising for example, they’ve got virgo in the 12H house which mean they project this good girl/perfect/got their life together energy even though it could be the farthest from the truth. pisces rising got their 12H in Aquarius, ppl would see them and instantly be like goddam they’re an oddball or unique right away, but the pisces individual won’t see it. they’ll be like, me? werido? huh that’s not me at all. please don’t think the sign in the 12H is the quality u lack or it’s not there at all, it shows at all times u can’t see it!

-jupiter/mercury in the 3rd or 9th house means an affinity for learning languages. could be great at mocking people or copying voices. poets. great thinkers

-chiron in Aquarius could mean u feel u were born in the wrong century. they could have thoughts such as why can’t i be born in the future? is there a home out in the world for me here? why can’t i belong? things don’t feel progressive enough or the ideologies of the world is not compatible with them. the world could feel devastatingly friendless

this is quite short but fear not bc i will make another part later this weekend! have yourself a lovely day all

(please don’t full on copy n paste cuz that’s not cool)

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2 years ago

hiya lovelies! astro observation #6. i’m mentally constipated right now cuz i’ve been working on the same thing so i figured i do this as a break. also i’ve been rubbing my eye lately, it’s itching and i wanna rub it because it feels really good but it’s terrible for u

-y’all like to gang up on gemini venus but forget they’re ruled by the planet mercury so when they’re in love their lover become their muse. inside jokes, love letters and poems, special nicknames. they’re not mushy but they can make u feel special

-venus in 10H is angel status bc everyone thinks u can do no wrong. it’s such a powerful placement bc these ppl reputations are impenetrable. public slander doesn’t really work on them. jupiter in 10H means people vouch for u easily, ur character is believed in, people just speak good about you. saturn 10H is having a respectable reputation, like ayo don’t u talk about xyz in that way, ur name has value to it. people get rotten karma cannonballing in their way when they try to slander a 10H saturn native. usually the saturn native works for their good reputation so saturn does it’s duty by protecting their status

-uranus or neptune in 1H make wonderful actors bc these people can camouflage into any role, their range as an actor is expansive. uranus in the 1H makes a person eccentric, they bring charm to their roles. think johnny depp. neptune in 1H could fit in any role, neptune rules over illusions which means the audience is able to digest the actor’s role without criticism

-the sign in ur 9H explains ur humor. libra in 9H can laugh at jokes that aren’t that great cuz they don’t ruin the other party’s vibe, they’re sympathetic laughers. the kinds of people to laugh at a funny laugh instead of a joke basically. capricorn in 9H dig dark humor. aquarius in 9H loves jokes with double meanings or with references.

-Lilith 11H are sorta loners. they detach from people once they start to realize their self worth and could become selective with company later on. these people are their own best friends

-the house pluto is in shows the destructive ways u cope. pluto in 2nd count on material possession to make up for their self esteem, they’ll squeeze themselves into an expensive dress to feel pretty. pluto in 5H means becoming the town’s bicycle, not a lot of ppl know they sleep around, but they use flings to comfort themselves. pluto 1H could mean reinventing urself after major events like getting a new tattoos after a death of a love one or cutting their own hair at 3AM 

-mercury signs in the 12H means overthinking during bed time. ur thinking is also reflected in ur dreams. they also like stuff playing in the background as they sleep, like the tv or songs. i suggest brown noise

-neptune square jupiter means over indulgence in certain things or proneness to delusions. these people faith’s are strong but can doom them if they’re too stubborn to keep an open mind

-the 29 degree on an ascendant means mastering that energy in this life time, there is a sense of urgency with this degree. if ur a leo ascendant at the 29 degree, really learn to keep ur head high and be confident. they get rewarded for embodying their ascendants energy as well. think donald trump and his mob of supporters who eat up everything he says

-neptune 4H could mean ur family got a history of addiction. saturn 4H means ur family could be sorta be depressing, straight up colorless. pluto 4H could indicate a toxic and controlling family. these are the more negative attributes; of course all placements manifest in different ways. i’ve seen some pluto 4H placement come from wealthy family’s with lots of power, saturn 4H natives coming from nepotism. neptune 4H being sheltered from the evils of life as a child.

-this isn’t an observation, more like a personal opinion. i’m so tired of people making observations of sun signs or a certain placements and really exaggerating that one characteristic of the sign based of a person they know in real life. u get nothing out of saying ‘OoO all scorpios are toxic, or aries have anger issues’, i mean u can, but wouldn’t it be wonderful if gave an explanation why that could be, based off the planet, planetary rulership or something. baseless claims about signs don’t help people learn it just reinforce stereotypes. it’s great commentary when done right but some people just start projecting their own experiences

short astro observation again, i know 😭. i’ve promise i’ll feed u better content when i’m out of this slump. ta-ta people!

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2 years ago

astrology observation #7 because today is a special day. everyone reading this rn, give urself a kiss, on ur hand, on ur shoulder, just kiss yourself rn. u are all loved dearly!

-the house Capricorn is in reflects the area of life that made you strong or resilient. cancer rising has their 7th house in cap which means through other ppl they learn to be hard and more protective of themselves. libra rising has 4th house in cap, they learned to suck it up when their family was being cold and neglectful. aries rising has cap in the 10th house, they learn to fight for their career by not relying on others but by learning independence.

-the planet ur moon is in shows u where u can used to feel secure. moon 5th house is all about giving urself a voice in arts or creation. moon 11th house, connection through other people and making a relatable environment inclusive for all. moon 6th house, getting ur routine together, being orderly. moon 3rd house, writing and communicating, talking with others, new intake of information.

-the north node is not ur life’s purpose, ppl use that term bc it’s the most digestible. people. please LISTEN!! do not spend all ur life chasing after the north node, in vedic astrology, the north node is referred to the dragon head that brings destruction in whatever houses it sits in. it’s destined that if u chase ur north node, u will never be satisfied. it’s malefic. it’s more about ur soul’s journey and progression but surely not about what ur meant to do! look more to the inner planets and house planets if ur trying to figure out what’s ur life’s purpose, don’t base it off if ur north node alone. north node gives indication but not a set plan

-the house scorpio is in shows the house u’ve transformed the most in life. that’s the area of life that u’ve gone through hell and back in. scorpio 12th housers, how does it feel to have issues with nightmares? lovelies with scorpio in the 6th house, how does it feel to be obsessive over work?

-chiron aspecting venus could mean the native sees plastic surgery as a must bc they see themselves as ugly or unloveable

-cuties with multiple planets in the 6th house, it’s important for u to be in tuned with ur body. use ur body as an instrument bc it will tell u things. often times u overwork and u forget that pain, ache or tear. don’t do that it’s gonna backfire bc 6H is infamous for illness, u wanna do what it takes to keep ur body at optimal levels. learn about dieting! taking care of ur body is an act of self love

-moon aspecting saturn people could feel a sense of doom. perhaps have a hard time feeling happy, they often experience this restriction of emotions. type to cry on their birthday. logic over emotions

-if u date a person who has the same rising sign as ur saturn, good luck cuz it’s a challenging relationship. harder time expressing emotions, but karmic and lots of spiritual growth. milf vibes


-eclipse season is coming up, the house taurus and scorpio it is in ur chart will face the most change and transformation

-when pluto moves into Aquarius virgo and cancer risings will catch a break in relationship and their sense of identity. libra risings and leo rising will meet ppl who will play a significant role in their lives from 2023-2044 cuz of pluto going in their 5th (libra) and 7th house (leo). check the house aqua is in for u and that’s the house pluto will come in and bring the most change

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2 years ago

astro observation #8!! (hooray) i’m so bloated right now i feel like im pregnant, enjoy lovelies

-ya know why pieces is exalted in venus and why pieces placements are so lovable?? in mythology aphrodite never had a set face, she was the most beautiful bc she was whatever her viewer thought was most beautiful. the goddess was basically a shape shifter and therefore SOO attractive. pieces is exalted in venus bc those slippery fellas are exactly like that, they’ll play right into ur fantasy. pieces project, they’re mirrors, they can be whatever u want them to be. i mean this in an energetic way, they can’t change faces (thank god, or it will be over for all of us) but they morph easily bc they can read what ppl want from them. personality swapping and all. libra does this rlly well too, and guess what, they’re domicile in venus bc libra also reflects, they can change to what is desirable (not healthy of course)

-the capricorn and cancer axis pertains to emotion, cap is about emotional containment ppl sorta trauma dump on them bc they assume caps don’t feel it but they do it’s just they r emotionally restrained. cancers on the other hand well they’re the crab they r naturally guarded but ppl take their emotional intelligence as a green light to trauma dump. the cap and cancer axis highlights has themes of being depended on. it’s the archetype, cap (authority, sorta father figure) and cancer (the crab, the mom, the nurturer). through their life they an awful lot about emotions

-aries and pieces placements (aside from leo) get a lot of comments ab how they r childlike n their child like mannerism. this is bc aries is first in the zodiac, they r the leaders but they got this innocence bc they literally came first. pieces on the other hand is the last in the zodiac order, so naturally they can carry this old ppl energy. think of a sweet old grandma. airheads. it’s like well my soul has seen everything. so childlike they get excited over little things or have a funny vocabulary as if language is werid on their tongue. aqua and pieces r the iconic weirdos of the zodiacs

-pluto in the 4th house ppl. is ur mother okay? 4th house (related to the mother) is in crisis when pluto (naturally destructive) sits in it. is she controlling, sorta scorpion-like, this push and pull relationship between the two of u?

-aqua and leo axis relates to the ego. leo is confident, it’s apparent, u can see it bc they make it clear. aquarius is silent confidence, they’re detached, they charm u by parlor tricks and their personality. aquarius and leos either have self esteem issues or they secretly (some of them publicly annonce it😭), think they’re the best

-when u have a 7th house stellium, u may express the sign of ur 7th house more than u express the sign of ur rising

-9H chiron suffers from being told what is wrong and what is what. religion issues. issues with beliefs. they could have a hard time accepting their sexuality cuz it was demonize in their youth. this placement is basically the world shoving it’s opinion down ur throat

-saturn in 3rd house could have started speaking at a later age. saturn delays. so it could have been a while before they said their first word. on the other hand mercury (the planet of speech) speeds things up, so when it’s in the 3rd house u could have been a talkative baby

-saturn in the 4H could have issues with not being adored as a child. no framed pictures of them. no praise for good grades. ignored when expressing emotional needs

-a good rule of thumb for saturn in the 7H is not marrying before u are 30

-taurus is just as obsessive as scorpio. these ppl know ur address, school, day of birth, mom, dad, brother, sister, grandmother, aunt, cousin, distant cousin, goldfish, chiropractor. a girl with heavy taurus placement once recited my address like it was poetry

-12th house mercuries talk but they don’t rlly say anything u know? they can talk and talk but u can never guess what’s in their mind. they can be forgetful. feel everything but can’t explain it. have opinions but can’t or won’t voice it

-the house mars is in can show where u are most motivational. a mars 9H will tell u to do ur homework. a mars 10H will tell u get urself together and apply for that job. a mars 1H will tell u if u don’t like the way u look then hit the gym. a mars 6H will tell u to put more healthy food in ur fridge and take u to yoga classes, they don’t play with dieting

-time doesn’t exist to neptune in 6H ppl. they run in their own time, their own schedule. if they don’t want to they simply won’t. they also make great medical employees too

anyways all, have a nice day💕

my inbox rn is terrifying, i can’t read and reply to like 20 request it kills time so quickly i get winded too. i’m gonna set up paid readings soon, maybe later than soon, dunno i’ll see. what do u guys wanna see next? i like astro observations but i wanna do another series, any advice?

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2 years ago

astro observation #11 (💕) here’s a secret, with mars in Gemini for 7 months, if ur a mutable risings u are gonna be very on edge and buzzing. ur angular houses are being hit. my blessings to u all!

-those with sun aspecting their mid heaven harshly have an issue with being perceived, they want attention/fame/praise but don’t like when eyes are on them. make up ur mind!

-sag in pluto suffers from information overload. think about social media and the sheer ton of information it’s blasting at gen z everyday. no sag in pluto are not addicted to tiktok/instagram/twitter, they are addicted to the simulation n the sensation of “learning quickly”. but the truth is, it’s not real learning or true enlightenment. the knowledge will leave their mind as quickly as it entered. sag in pluto are not gonna find truth in social media. they’re not gonna find their truth by packing their bags across the world either. u can’t use travel as a bandaid my pluto sags. sag rules publication/books as well, so u know, it’s not gonna hurt to pick up a book once in a while. transformation awaits in knowledge

-people who call aquarius venus fickle people in love forget that aquarius is a fixed sign, their modality is FIXED, when they love they obsess as much as a scorpio or a leo venus

-jupiter positively aspecting uranus in a tight orb means every blessing the individual has never been planned. like ever. these people are the kinds of ppl who suddenly turn into rags to riches. randomly learn an instrument based off a whim.

-a funny way to get the sign in ur 12H to come out is sleep deprivation. it’s a better alternative to alcohol, i don’t mean stay up 48 hours, just be awake past midnight alone and ur 12H sign will come out. libra risings (12H virgo) will start overthinking. virgo (12H leo) will probably take selfies maybe partake some act of self worship like staring at a mirror

-neptune in angular houses (1,4,7,10) in a natal chart is incredibly potent and powerful. it creates this feeling of never truly being able to discern or be “seen”clearly in certain areas of life. neptune in 1st can feel they aren’t perceived as they are. neptune in 4th get the sense they’ll never be known intimately or deep enough. neptune in 7th feel they’ll never have a relationship where they can crawl in their partner’s soul. neptune in 10th can feel their reputation is consistently misrepresenting them. neptune illusionist effects becomes a powerhouse in an angular house

-people are afraid of 12H synastry bc there’s no material gain from it, the 12H benefit is purely spiritual growth. ur not gonna gain any capital value from it so that’s why it’s hard to get on board with the idea of committing to an uncomfortable experience with someone. an experience that is transformative, whether good or bad depends on the people involved. making the conscious choice to grow/get better is heavy in 12H synastry

-jupiter house in first. okay. u don’t even need to look for trouble, stuff just comes to u. and i’m not saying in where it’s like “oo they’re just lucky”. looking at them like simple luck magnets is damaging. the things come to them bc they’re supposed to be their greatest teacher.

(no one is gonna tell u stuff, no mentor will be effective as u, in this life ur the one who is supposed to guide, the universe in turns just spew stuff on to u as a helping hand)

-the planets materializes in the 2nd house. u got venus in 2nd house, probably got pretty stuff around, or maybe it’s u whose pretty hour glass body, great skin, ect. also the planets sitting inside also effects ur voice. 2nd house rules over vocal chords and speech! example: uranus in the 2nd has unique speaking voice. they could sound animated or maybe very monotone. distinctive voice

-my cuties with saturn in angular houses (1,4,7,10), how should i put this kindly? time is very important, in fact it plays a pivotal role in ur life, i say this confidently cuz saturn is literally time and in the angular houses it’s either against u or for u. not enough time, u ran out of time, ur behind time. the beef against u and time is unreal

-mars in 12th🤝constantly fighting their subconsciousness

-12H natal placement is a strong indicator of getting unwanted information. these ppl are usually in the friend group who is suspicious of the person everybody likes, they know ahead even if they can’t explain it. it’s the constant tugging of the heart. 9H on the hand is the house that searches for knowledge. they will seek and dig to simply “know”. these ppl seriously love religion or denounce it. must seek to know

-the sign your saturn is in shows how you will be humbled. authority figures yelling sit yourself down and be quiet kind of humble


1)aries: ppl are gonna come for ur leadership every-time u wanna take action or showcase independence and drive ur gonna be asked to calm down or that ur leader ship isn’t really what the situation calls for. u can suggest something and get told to be quiet. over time u know the best time to take charge and lead a shift

2)taurus: when u do self-care n the way u indulge. these kinds of ppl can rely on alcohol/sex/food for pleasure n then get told “u know that’s not self love right and just a temporary high”. the way u define stability gets shaken up. eventually u learn things that actually matters and learn when it’s best to have comfort. some authority figures will be like wow ur lazy as hell even after u put in 100 hours of work

3)gemini: expressing opinions. they get shut down for talking, for the rhetorics, for the way they speak. they get told “that’s not rlly the best thing to say rn”, “read the room”, “i don’t care ab ur opinion”. verbal expression can be especially challenging bc being misunderstood is a frequent struggle

4)cancer(detriment): comforting/nurturing. these ppl sometimes deny themselves comfort. they get shunned for being too soft sometimes. like the crab, they eventually know when to be protective/defend and when to nurture themselves. they also learn how emotions can be used as strength early on in their lives they were told to suck it up

5)leo(determent): literally any thing with creative expression, any moments when ur being playful or extra. authorities love to humble saturn leo egos bc they assume saturn leo’s got inflated arrogance. something small as using a big word will get u into trouble. they’ll be like “do u even know what that means?”

-mars is exalted in capicorn while when it’s the sign of cancer it’s in it’s fall. this is because when conflict occur capicorn responds with action regardless of their personal take on it, they operate in a systematic way. on the other hand, emotion is at the forefront of a cancer mars. this causes many potential issues

(1)they refuse to do anything even if it makes them uncomfortable

(2)hiding their opinion/emotion on a problem is hard. people will take a look at them and know exactly when they’re gonna cry


the moon in astrology matures at 24. and guess what? the human’s prefrontal cortex develops at 25. isn’t that just a funny coinkdadoink huh?? so cancer mars, after 25 or so, you’ll find that taking actions and getting your life together without crying will be easier

-if someone u know is flaky and fickle, look to where their saturn is in their chart because without fail that’s the one area of their life they absolutely commit themselves to. saturn 4H are slaves for their families they’d do anything for their families. saturn in 1st suggest a dedication to endless improvements they see themselves as not enough so they go out of their way to constantly improve. saturn 9H will choose to study over everything, u are not more important than their grades

-the sign in your 6H indicates the body part u must keep clean. scorpio in the 6H i’m looking at u babes, go clean ur coochie

-you know instantly you have 8H synastry with a person when the air starts feeling werid around them the space around them feels bent and almost drawing you inwards


-the house you have mercury in your solar return chart shows what area of life you think about the most during that year and also where you face the most anxieties if mercury is aspected poorly

-the house chiron is in where u gotta focus on healing

-3rd house stellium=possible move around neighborhood

9H stellium=possible long distance moves. like across the country or to another continent


astrology is a study of patterns, it’s not tarot cards where u use intuition to feel around it. it’s extremely cerebral. so this means anyone who starts saying “6H synastry gives me such bad vibes”, or “encounters with gemeni’s are so unlucky”. this is an indication to turn ur head away and stop listening bc the moment someone think their opinions override’s the reasoning/patterns in a chart, u know instantly they’re full of dookie

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2 years ago

hiya lovelies! astro observation 12 (💕) boy am i surprising all of u by doing a back to back post! anyways enjoy!

-sun in 2H folks have this obsession with letting everybody know they’re doing okay. the sun shows what u aspire to be and when it’s situated in the 2H of security. these people want to convince themselves they’ve got it under control. so sometimes this can manifest like,

person A: u don’t look so well, are u okay??

hardheaded sun in the 2H: of course i am, why would i not be (chronically and clearly lying)

and it’s not specifically towards other people. they also can lie to themselves about being “okay”. when it comes to mental health they wait it out until a big explosion in their life happens and they are forced to come to terms that they’re in-fact not okay at all. the 2nd house is a house that highlights independence ent. u find that these individuals pride themselves on “not needing anybody. it’s “it’s me vs the world” energy sometimes so it explains that survival mindset and the need to always be “okay”

-neptune in the 5H have spiritual awakenings from doing drugs/alcohol bc partaking in pleasure (5H themes) triggers neptune’s effects. but again neptune rules illusions as well so these are also the kind of people to binge on alcohol at 8 in the morning and deny they have a problem

-if u have mars ruled sign in a planetary placement, it can indicate re-occurring conflicts with particular people in ur life. while the mars energy in aries manifest in a physical way while the mars in energy in scorpios is drawn inwards


aries sun= u get into ego battles with ur dad

aries moon= ur mom makes u feel like u wanna rip ur hair out

aries mercury= u and ur siblings get into heated verbal duels

scorpio sun= ur dad influenced ur psychology in life or the mindset u operate off of. he could have pushed u to the “constant survival mindset” where u think everybody is out to get u

scorpio moon= ur mom literally gave u trauma. her presence inspires ur paranoia/compulsive behavior/dark traits

scorpio mercury= lowkey y’all got sibling rivalry. always trying out-do ur brother or sister. idk what it is u just wanna be better than them or get revenge

-Gemini placements excel in tangible knowledge. they’re good at statistics/mathematics bc quantifying things comes easily to them. also brilliant at wordplay as well, their command of language is impressive so that’s why u see so many gemini’s being a smart-ass, it’s natural wit. sag on the other hand are better at humanity related subjects, the universal truths. this means religion, philosophy, ect. they process information efficiently but the part where they rlly excel at is applying their own thoughts/theories to what they were given

-mars in 9H most of the time will not be friends with someone who doesn’t hold similar opinions. for a mars 9H to bond with someone they need to know they’re on the same page with that person especially when it comes to political views or philosophy

-mercury in the 5H are remarkably good at board games. when mercury is applied to the 5H ruling pleasures and fun, u bet they’re gonna destroy u in monopoly or trivia games

-6H chiron wants to throw hands at animals or they’re naturally untrusting of animals. or if the chiron is aspected well, it could mean animals played a big role in reliving trauma or pain. this could manifest as a veteran bonding with their service dogs

-8th Jupiter🤝 trauma. jupiter is benefic but remember it expands. these people went through a lot, sometimes it’s not specially trauma it’s just over exposure to the icky and dark side of life. these ppl are the kinds to grow up in strip clubs or seen domestic violence at an early age. they particularly appreciate transformation and secerey, moreover they learn to wield mystery as a weapon. also for some reason they collect everyyybody and their mama’s secrets as welll?? people will just spill their guts to a jupiter 8H during a random tuesday and the jupiter 8H person will be completely unfazed. what can i say, they’re used to it

-when u have a hell of a lot of planets in the 1st house like i’m talking 5+ planets. sometimes u don’t look like anything but also like everything. when so many planetary influences is affecting the 1st house of self, u look like a wild card. especially sun/mars and venus sitting together in the 1st house. what manifest is an androgynous look! female+male features both present

-moon square ascendant culture is battling constant projection. emotions are constantly thrown at them. emotions that they have no obligations with! the moon square ascendant native need to understand that they don’t need to tend to other ppl’s feelings all the time. if they get too open to other ppl energy/opinions they will end up being drained. having to put up with energy vampires is a common manifestation of this aspect. these poor darlings are basically therapist to 5 bozo’s at all times! protect ur peace

-virgo placement is so hyper aware of everything. mercury which is their ruler, is a speedy planet. think ab how many times mercury changed signs in a year! the speed of mercury naturally makes virgo a very anxious placements and since they are an earth sign they usually coax their anxiety with practical solutions. same thing for Gemini but they deal with their anxiety better bc they’re an air sign, they don’t get the reputation for anxious despite having the same planetary rulership as virgo, their “anxiety” usually manifest as insatiable curiosity

-scorpio risings deal with family trying to mooch off of them after they find success. their IC (Aquarius) indicates a very stiff home. they’re the black sheep. emotions are strongly encourage to be muted. as they grow order and embody their MC (leo) they deviate from their upbringing, they shed the shame of being “different” and as a result they attract abundance. now, this is the interesting part bc family is forever hence their aquairus IC is always gonna be there. aquarius themes pertains to egotism and in the worst case scenarios, entitlement. observe how quickly their families comes running after a scorpio rising reach success. suddenly all their extended family is goin “hey remember that one time i held u as a baby?”

-neptune energy (heavy pisces/12H/neptune-planet placements) sometimes manifest in a physical way, in the sense that ppl can’t see u. ik this sounds goofy as hell but it can be a case where u make no sound when u walk so when u come up to say hi to ur friends it can take a while for them to notice u are there. these folks can waltz through an airport, hop on a plane and fly to another country and no one will notice. neptune distorts and also perpetrated elusively. it could also be the thing where u tell ppl ur whole life story and they’ll still find u mysterious or “unreachable”! same thing goes for scorpio placements except scorpio is usually more aware of their behavior and they contribute deliberately to their own mysteriousness

-Lilith in the 2H are so extreme when it comes to food! these placements can sorta be like the moms who eat an almond a day. also it could mean extreme transformation in weight since 2H rules the body so they could have been obese but undergo radical weight loss. these ppl are the most prone to attempt crazy diets and the kinds to put their body into extremity as well

a light hearted scenario to envision:

random person: omg what’s that over there??

Lilith 2H native: literally treading in Arctic waters bc they wanna see how much their body can take before hyperthermia comes down on them 🏊‍♂️🌊


-pisces full moon on september 10H.

full moon=always a time of release.

since it’s in the sign of pisces, i suggest meditation and a spiritual cleanse. i don’t know ur guys routines but since it’s pisces literally anything works like crystals, a floral bath, incense, ect. if the activity connects u to the spiritual world, then it works. this moon is squared mars at 6 degrees so impulsivity or anger could rock u, it’s not a calming full moon despite being in the sign of pisces. probably an emotional anger

-mercury is gonna be retrograding for a while until october 1st. lots of transportation issues, internet issues maybe slow wifi has u heated, don’t be haste on making important decisions such as contracts/moving, also since mercury is the sign of communication. hold ur tongue back, be conscious of what u say!

anyways, that’s all :)

do u guys like it better when i do my observation through a technical frame? i find story telling helps learners understand astrology better, should i keep this up? my dm’s are open, it would be helpful to me if u guys tell me what placements u want insight on, so send away and i’ll add them in the next post

ta-ta! <3

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3 years ago

Is it just me or does 8th house moon give a very complicated psychology? I have moon in 8th house Gemini and I feel like I am going crazy.

1. My psychology is so complicated. I feel like i am always submerged under water. Like I am not in this world but some other world. I came back to this world in snaps and see what people around me are doing with their lives. It feels frustrating.

2. I am very unstable. There is like psychological pain in my head. it makes it hard for me to study and function. I sleep a lot. And after I wake up I feel like my whole personality has changed.

3. My personality "shifts" everyday. I feel like a new person everyday. I am very forgetful. If I set goals, values, ideas for myself today, I will forget them tomorrow and will need to recall everything again and again.

4. I dont have a stable sense of self. I forget who I am. I just forget who I am and what i stand for. My mind just blanks out. This is different from a zen like state.

5. Occult comes naturally to me. there is strange familiarity and homely feeling when i read astrology and occult. but I am going crazy because I have a real life too.

6. I have lack of object constancy. But I can deal with it now.

Is It Just Me Or Does 8th House Moon Give A Very Complicated Psychology? I Have Moon In 8th House Gemini

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4 years ago

As a Gemini moon in 9H, I can definitely say this post is accurate at 85% for me 😍 (except for the not holding back my feelings/opinions, I hide them all the time, I'm quite good at lying since I know a lot about mentalism and non-verbal language, and my past often haunts me - a place or vision can trigger a traumic flashback for me)

moon 9h

-people with this placement commonly dislike staying in one place for too long; both in terms of physical environment and mentality 

-because they often have a ‘grass is greener on the other side’ they may experience searching for happiness in the wrong places, instead of finding it within themselves no matter where they are in life/the world

-those with moon in the 9th house are usually the type to dislike routine and get easily bored when life becomes too repetitive for them, they are also often naturally curious so need to be constantly stimulated 

-might at times feel like they are stuck chasing happiness that they can’t seem to find because they may never feel satisfied when they do find it, instead looking for it in other places

-may have abilities to learn about other cultures/languages easily or may have a vast knowledge of these things already

-people with this placement are often visionaries who want to change the universe for the better, they can also be very receptive to the needs of others

-there is a possibility that people with moon in the 9th house may change their mind on various topics frequently; they may change their opinion on certain values or people easily, constantly change their hobbies/interests etc

-people around them may see them as absent minded because people with this placement may find their mind wandering a lot, often finding themselves lost in their own thoughts/inner world

-they often have a very vivid imagination and can daydream about anything; because of this they may likely be romantics who want to create a dreamy world/life for those they love

-because they are commonly very gifted at visualisation and tapping into their imagination, there is a possibility that people with this placement may be gifted at manifestation because they are often capable of making their dreams a reality

-people with this placement tend to be happier when doing things [hobbies/jobs/passtimes/conversations etc] that are a bit out of the ordinary and are more creative; they tend to be drawn to the spiritual, philosophical etc

-usually want to escape reality by travelling, dreaming, trying new things, meeting new people, learning new things etc; love to expand their own mind and in turn expand their life

-people with this placement may struggle emotionally as they tend to have a desire to constantly ‘understand’ things and may not be able to understand complex feelings and emotions

-because they are usually very interested in expanding their own minds, they tend to be quite open and understanding and will likely listen to others in order to understand their point of view; they can be good at giving advice and good at connecting/communicating with new people

-can easily become restless and overly concerned with thoughts such as ‘would life be better IF…’

-they can be very honest and some people may find them too preachy at times; as well as this, they are commonly not the type to sugar coat things or hide their feelings/opinions

-as people with this placement are commonly very transparent, they may not be very good at lying 

-people with moon in the 9th house may live their lives with a need to seek truth and find meaning in their life

-they are likely to pursue things such as self development/self growth, studying, consistent education etc; they will often gain a sense of emotional fulfilment and stability through developing their knowledge and understanding

-people with this placement can be very religious and dedicated to their beliefs; a life without some sense of meaning would likely seem pointless and unsettling to them

-they are unlikely to be particularly sentimental and tend not to hold onto memories or tie themselves to specific locations as they want to be able to appreciate everything life has to offer without their past holding them back from expanding, developing and growing

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