d00dlesink - The Dumby Doodler’s Domain.
The Dumby Doodler’s Domain.

Awkward, Anxious, Artistic and Autistic

15 posts

D00dlesink - The Dumby Doodlers Domain. - Tumblr Blog

11 months ago

Sorry I’ve been really busy lately and I still need to finish looking up/ making more little creatures and finish fixing this blog up. I’ll probably make make a new post with the others rather than keep adding to the original because I’ve found it is a bit big and overwhelming.

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1 year ago

Here’s the list of all the neurodivergent creatures I’ve discovered so far. I’ve redrawn the artwork to include more little friends and to be less copy paste-y.

Heres The List Of All The Neurodivergent Creatures Ive Discovered So Far. Ive Redrawn The Artwork To

JK- “Just Kidding” Tourette’s Creature, people with tourette’s don’t voluntarily say or do the tics that might be seen as rude or offensive.

Heres The List Of All The Neurodivergent Creatures Ive Discovered So Far. Ive Redrawn The Artwork To

TBH “To be honest” Autism Creature, people with autism typically are very brutally honest.

Heres The List Of All The Neurodivergent Creatures Ive Discovered So Far. Ive Redrawn The Artwork To

BTW “By the way” ADHD Creature, people with adhd have a tendency to jump from topic to topic.

Heres The List Of All The Neurodivergent Creatures Ive Discovered So Far. Ive Redrawn The Artwork To

IDK “I don’t know” Anxiety Creature, those with anxiety usually don’t understand why they feel so anxious.

Heres The List Of All The Neurodivergent Creatures Ive Discovered So Far. Ive Redrawn The Artwork To

WTF “What the f***” Depression creature, those with depression are most always frustrated with why they feel so negative.

Heres The List Of All The Neurodivergent Creatures Ive Discovered So Far. Ive Redrawn The Artwork To

N/A “None Applicable” Aphantasia Creature, people who have aphantasia cannot or have extreme difficulty with imagining or picturing their thoughts.

Heres The List Of All The Neurodivergent Creatures Ive Discovered So Far. Ive Redrawn The Artwork To

TMI “Too Much Information” Misophonia Creature, those who have misophonia cannot properly cancel out certain sounds

Heres The List Of All The Neurodivergent Creatures Ive Discovered So Far. Ive Redrawn The Artwork To

AFK “Away from keyboard” Dissociation Creature, individuals who dissociate have a tendency to feel as if they’re absent from their own body or mind.

@theevilicecreamsoda - tmi and n/a

@grymmdark - afk

@acemeiku on twitter - tbh

@dragon_cats on twitter - btw

idk’s creator is yet to be found my apologies

@pnkrathian - wtf

JuniperTheMoth on reddit - jk

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2 years ago
Finished Some New Embroidered Patches For My Jacket; Im Quite Happy With How They Turned Out. Patches

Finished some new embroidered patches for my jacket; I’m quite happy with how they turned out. Patches hurt my hands to make but when they’re done, they’re fun. Hehe c:

The patches on here are the tbh/autism creature, a little turtle guy, and a worm on a string I completed last year.

PS I know my stitches are messy I don’t have the best stitching when it comes to sewing ^^;

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2 years ago
I Saw Some Funky Rock Stacks At The Local Creek.

I saw some funky rock stacks at the local creek.

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2 years ago

Do u have shiny rocks 👁👁 just asking for a frog.

Do U Have Shiny Rocks Just Asking For A Frog.

Forgive the dust; but yes, indeed I do have some shiny rocks. c:

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3 years ago
The Mountains Behind My House Had Great Shade.

The mountains behind my house had great shade.

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3 years ago
The Clouds Were Pretty After Work The Other Day.
The Clouds Were Pretty After Work The Other Day.

The clouds were pretty after work the other day.

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4 years ago
I Found A Hawk On The Tree In My Backyard When It Was Snowing.
I Found A Hawk On The Tree In My Backyard When It Was Snowing.

I found a hawk on the tree in my backyard when it was snowing.

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4 years ago

I should probably say something other than posting random pictures at random intervals...

H E L L O.

I am supremely awkward and I like general art stuff and collecting things and taking pictures. Believe it or not I can draw I just usually don’t post it on tumblr. I’m an immensely anxious human with the brain of a turtle. Send me goblin things if you wish I’ll be sure to respond eventually.

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4 years ago
I Took This Picture In The Fall And I Still Really Like It.

I took this picture in the fall and I still really like it.

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4 years ago
4 years ago


*gasps* 0w0

5 years ago
Heres The First Page Of My Comic The Appliance Alliance!~

Here’s the first page of my comic “The Appliance Alliance!”~

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