○ Nathaniel ○ He/Him ○ 90s kid ○Author of A Long Weekend (pub. 2022),After Dark (WIP), The In-Between (WIP),and Hope Abides (WIP Patreon Exclusive).You can support my interactive fictions on Patreon. Thanks!
92 posts
Hi! Love Your Games, Your Writing Style Is Really Unique
Hi! Love your games, your writing style is really unique <3
I have to ask, will you continue your guide on the "a long weekend" endings? No matter what I do, I can't reach a good ending :(
Hi! Thank you, I really appreciate it ♥
I didn't think there was still demand on the guide, actually! Sure, I will work on it in the next few days.
In the meantime, maybe this could be helpful. Please, let me know if you manage to get the ending you want to achieve! ☺
parasiticbread liked this · 4 months ago
0spoiledsoup0 liked this · 5 months ago
cacowo liked this · 5 months ago
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Chapter 10 in Early Access is heeere! ♥
Along with the new chapter (+3.2k words), there are a couple of new things:
I've added a character list accessible from the Stats menu. Characters will appear as they become relevant, so if someone hasn't shown up yet, just wait until they're mentioned!
There are also a couple of new variables that, if the game doesn't read them correctly, could cause some issues down the line. To be safe, it's best to start a fresh playthrough.
That's all—enjoy! ♥
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After Dark question again! If an MC romanced Michael and then tried to romance Rain, would the two confront MC about it? Somehow, there's appeal to breaking both their hearts 😈
There is nothing like that in the story yet, but you can always try. There is no telling how they will react in the future 😏
My proofreader is on holiday these hours. It's very difficult to do everything myself, but I understand her need to balance work and personal life.

As you can see, however, she's very relaxed right now and I'm sure she will be back to check my writings after her well-deserved rest!
Hey, I was curious, Could you tell us some fun facts about yourself? Not to be nosey, and of course if you are not comfortable in doing so please don’t feel pressured. But reading through some of the questions you answered you come across as a very interesting person 😁 like why you went to Italy? How fluent are you in Italian et. Thank you 🤗
Hi! Thanks for the question, but I'm afraid my answer will disappoint you, haha. I'm Italian and I'm a native Italian speaker ☺
I’m not really sure what to say about myself, but since you asked for something fun, here’s a random funny story.
A few years ago, on a November evening, I was at a bar in Dublin enjoying a pint of Guinness. It was raining outside (no surprise here), and they were showing a derby match on TV. I was just minding my own business when a middle-aged guy dressed like a cowboy sat down next to me. No, I’m not joking. He was dressed like a cowboy in the movies—hat, boots, and a big leather belt. His hair was more grey than black, but he didn’t seem to care. He tipped his hat, winked at me, and tried to chat me up.
Yep, you read that right. A cowboy-dressed dude tried to hit on me in a bar in Dublin, Ireland.

The monthly early access update is here!
This update brings about 11,000 words, with the second part of the fifth day of the journey.
Fixed an issue where the dialogue incorrectly stated that MC was eating with others, even when they didn’t have food or didn’t want to stop to eat.
Fixed a bug affecting one of the mobile games that would conflict with the phone battery.
Fixed a bug related to the phone battery not charing in some situations.
Typos fixed.
Improved the memory system tracking events related to MC's party—now they'll remember previous conversations and any shared info.
Added a way to retry some particularly bad choices in the previous part (3.5.1) without starting over.
Added the possibility of random connection failures when accessing the newspaper.
Reduced the amount of weight that can be carried.
Simplified some rolls for luck checks in various scenes.
Added a new achievement related to in-game actions.
Implemented a soft save system—currently only available in select scenes, but to be expanded in future updates.
Closing and reopening the menu without progressing in the story partially undoes the actions performed in the menu (especially on the phone).
I'm still working on the 3.5.1 known issues!
Patreon pledgers can now play it here. Enjoy! ☺♥
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