dissociatedbi - this blog is my therapist's idea
this blog is my therapist's idea

32. she/her. disabled. osdd & cptsd. sex trafficking survivor. posts might be triggering.

196 posts

That Trauma Survivor Feeling When You Wake Up From A Nightmare That Was A Memory And It Fucking Clings

That trauma survivor feeling when you wake up from a nightmare that was a memory and it fucking clings to your bones like a maladaptive koala

More Posts from Dissociatedbi

2 years ago

Your best is what you can do without harming your mental and physical health, not what you can accomplish when you disregard it.

2 years ago

listen, bad poetry is self care, this is the hill i die on

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2 years ago

Just. For the record, for anyone worried after seeing that post; Traumadumping on the first day of therapy is like. A good therapist’s dream. Like they WANT you to spill out your problems so they can help you work through them. When you only have an hour with someone once a month it is a Godsend for them to be able to just. Say whats hurting them right off the bat. The biggest problem I had at therapy was I became so conditioned to not talk about my issues that nothing was able to get done. So please, ‘traumadump’ to your therapist. Its what they’re paid for. They are trained to decompress, you don’t have to worry about them.

2 years ago
A Tweet By Dr. Glenn Patrick Doyle (@DrDoyleSays):

A Tweet by Dr. Glenn Patrick Doyle (@DrDoyleSays):

"When we grow up emotionally neglected, we're vulnerable to a certain fantasy that IF ONLY we can 'make' someone understand where we're coming from, we MIGHT get the care & attention we need. Hence the anxious 'overexplaining' thing."

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