divinecomedyproductions - "Comedia est Transcendens"
"Comedia est Transcendens"

The Tumblr Blog of Retro Ace, Head of Divine Comedy Productiosn and aspiring storyteller of high-fantasy blended with various genres

476 posts

Sense You Reblogged That One Ask Game, How Is Ilia In Your Rewrite

sense you reblogged that one ask game, how is Ilia in your rewrite

Illia is basically to Blake and Adam what Whitley is to Winter and Weiss. The Third Sibling so to speak.

She has no romantic feelings for Blake, mostly because I don't cover her sexuality in this au and I feel like being another “love interest” for Blake keeps Illia from being her own character.

However she feels like Kahn is the only one who listens to her and just feels like Adam and Blake ignore her causing a bit of resentment. She feels like she's blended in with the crowd.

Hopefully a better use of her Chameleon imagery than a shallow "Closeted Gay" allegory.

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More Posts from Divinecomedyproductions

https://youtu.be/hJjjmotf_xw A video justifying the likes of Sword Art Online, Fairy Tail, and other “trashy” or “sunshine and rainbows” stories, which to me comes from the exhaustion of grimmdark and tragedy. Not to devalue them, but rather its overstayed its welcome in my opinion.

Featuring @neopoliitan’s RWBY Evermorrow

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Too Trad Catholic to be into Star Trek, and Star Wars isn’t enough…

But probably deemed too much of a “Heretic” for WH40k because while like bits and bobs of the Imperium, Eldar, and Tau, the closest thing to ‘good’ factions, I don’t like their ideologies

I find them all to be a denial of the transcendent good of God and replaces it with Nietzschean or Marxist gibberish

The Imperial Truth pre-heresy was militant atheist humanism and a post-heresy is Nazi Race Mysticism, both flaying The Catholic Church and wearing its skin as a pelt

Eldari are weird Neo-Pagans who are really not that different

And Tau are just Samurai Space Commies

So imma take what I liked and wanted from the latter and make my own thing.

Cue the Space Marines, Eldari, and Tau breaking down my door for being a “Heretic”, “Mon’keigh”, and opposed to “The Greater Good” respectively and The Emperor calling me “Superstitious”

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one thing I noticed about Hunter's in RWBY, why don't they have guilds?

Not just speaking as a Fairy Tail fan, but if they aren't just glorified magic cops or firefighters or whatever, then why don't they have guilds to join and assist aforementioned support if called for(which to be fair, I expect a decent amount of huntsmen training is still required in case of Grimm-connected disasters or crimes)

It would give them more autonomy which could make some juicy drama between autonomy and working with the state ala Marvel Civil War

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It’s rooted in gnostic thinking, they alone have the gnosis of things, so what they think and feel is all what matters

Snobs: Nobody finds that kind of a story/idea interesting, sorry.

Me: *points* there's people clamoring for this, so there is a potential audience.

Snobs: Those are wrong people, they are too stupid and crazy to know what good storytelling is. They should just go consume (approved thing)

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LORD,please, silence my thoughts so that I can hear Yours.

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