divinecomedyproductions - "Comedia est Transcendens"
"Comedia est Transcendens"

The Tumblr Blog of Retro Ace, Head of Divine Comedy Productiosn and aspiring storyteller of high-fantasy blended with various genres

476 posts

Its My Birthday!

it’s my birthday!

Its My Birthday!
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More Posts from Divinecomedyproductions

Escaping Hell On Earth Is Tiring, Don't You Agree?

Escaping hell on earth is tiring, don't you agree?

Here's a wip of these two. I still can't get them out of my mind. I still need sleep, suffering through art block, and dying to make an animatic....

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They think it’s “hopepunk" because they say so.

Literary Intellectuals have become so arrogant in their judgement that they think they can just say things and make something true, untrue, or something else.

They Think Its Hopepunk" Because They Say So.

“The truth, is what I make it.”

RWBY Stan: You don't like the dark turn in RWBY V3 nor Pyrrha and Arkos being tragic among the other tragic things because your not ultimately hopeful while being aware of the horrors of reality like I am. You need to go outside and touch grass and go watch sitcoms instead.

Me:(lost two people in high school in the same year, one in a car accident) Or you can do that and not judge me and try to force me into a neat little box.

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I which I could stop caring what other people think and be confident in my opinion and just take the chip off my shoulder

But I fear I’m just gotta get trampled, kicked, beaten and spat on again

It feels like it’s better to be a pile of broken glass that broke from fragility than toughen up because it feels like you’re toughening up into a punching bag for everyone to abuse

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RWBY has concepts that in my opinion are either very subjective, such tone and conflict and how one reimagines the characters given their source material for inspiration and what story is told with these ideas or concepts.

Or “they are either this or that” and the case of the latter in my opinion is Adam and the White Fang and Jack and The Schnee Dust Company

You either go all in on Jacques being a scum-fuck and the SDC a monstrous megacorporation bordering on an imperialistic empire, like what @sytokun is doing with RWBY:Remnants or what I’m sure Celtic-Phoenix can tune up

and make Adam Taurus a Magneto/Megatron-Like character and White Fang like The Brotherhood of Mutants


You make them underdog good factions, make Jack and Adam just kinda well-meaning asses who get better and use other characters and factions as foils to them.

The latter I'm personally going with due to my sickness of grimmdark and plenty of other people doing the former already

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Listen to me.

Happy endings are not bad.

Wanting characters to be ultimately happy is not the same ignoring conflict.

Writing good conflict WITH a satisfying and believable resolution takes time and talent.

You are a good writer even if you only write happy endings.

Grimdark sad endings do not have more depth than happy endings.

Anyone who tells you otherwise is probably a grimdark writer with a disproportionate sense of their own ability and depth.

Let your characters be happy, and don’t let anyone tell you that you are subpar for wanting that.

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