doylldonmagar - TheMysteriousMsX

Doyll Donmagar

1228 posts

Doylldonmagar - TheMysteriousMsX - Tumblr Blog

4 months ago

I mentioned my sister in the tags of this post. I said she got the best of both parents and that she can make anyone love her. Well she's done it again. She bought her first car this week and went to the bank to get a cashier's check. While she was there, she mentioned to the bank teller how she was so excited because she was buying her first car, and the lady goes "there's usually a $10 fee for blah blah blah, but I'm waiving that for you because it's your first car"

And like, this is a really minor example, but it happens like once a week. She's gotten job offers for positions she's not qualified for, strangers buy her lunch, she gets "I like you as a person" kind of discounts like every other week.

I don't know. She might be magic

I did not get my dad's ability to strike up a conversation with anyone, nor my mom's ability to make everyone like her, but a secret third thing. The ability to be extremely kind and confident but only when someone else seems equally or more anxious/uncomfortable than me

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4 months ago

In the past couple months, I keep noticing habits I have, and the newest one is that when I read a list of things, I almost always start at the bottom. I don't know why, but reading top to bottom feels stressful and overwhelming, but bottom up doesn't. And I don't know of anyone else who does this, I didn't pick it up from someone else. The sister habit of this is when I write multiple lists on the same page, I will write at least one from the bottom of the page going up. One starts at the top, another starts (usually on the other side, left or right) at the bottom. My reason for this is that this way the two or more lists have the most space, and the least likelihood of running into each other.

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4 months ago

Writers suffer from tinker bell brain they need constant applause or they start believing everything they’ve written is horseshit

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4 months ago
Not Sure If I'm A Good Leader But I Do Tend To Lead. I Just Just Posted Something About The Mom Friend

Not sure if I'm a good leader but I do tend to lead. I just just posted something about the mom friend override haha so weird bursts of courage is accurate. Perfectionist isn't far off. Alignment is fairly accurate.

@marsplastic13 I wanna see yours

politely asking you to take maybe the cutest quiz ever and tell me what veggie you are ✨ here’s me

Politely Asking You To Take Maybe The Cutest Quiz Ever And Tell Me What Veggie You Are Heres Me

very accurate if i do say so myself

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4 months ago

The bar was so low it was practically a tripping hazard in Hell, yet here you are, limbo dancing with the devil

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4 months ago

Reblogging because this is true of Hurricane Milton too

I think if we could just call in the Amish communities, all of the damage from Hurricane Helene could be rebuilt in a day, two tops.

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4 months ago

As my younger siblings get older, it makes me absolutely delighted to get to share things with them. I watched 10 Things I Hate About You with one of my younger sisters the other day and she loves it. And the same thing goes for lots of other movies, shows, books, songs (one of my older sisters used to tell me that the reason I didn't like Coldplay was because I wasn't old enough to appreciate it, and I was mad about that but she was right. I listen to and enjoy Coldplay now) but also this isn't just about favorite medias. Like, I also get to share stories and thoughts and opinions in a way that's just different from when they were little little. Like I'm all about treating kids like adults and talking to them about their valid opinions and ideas. But it's different when they get to be around teen age.

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4 months ago

Tumblr Code.

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4 months ago

this is the thrifting good luck post. may you find exactly what you need at the thrift store. may it be in good condition and in your size. may it have the tag color that's on sale that week. may it have 20 dollars tucked inside.

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4 months ago

I think about this so so frequently. I'm not even kidding. Ask @marsplastic13 how many times I've mentioned it to her. It's one of my biggest pet peeves about soc fanfics when authors use his disability as a plot device instead of a daily part of his life.

i love how kaz's disability is actually described as affecting him day to day and not just there so he can use a prop in a cool way. like the recurring descriptions of how much his leg is hurting him, and how he (somewhat) struggles, even if he hides it well, to do things like walk up stairs. idk i just appreciate how leigh could have just said "kaz has a disability and needs a cane" and left it at that and just had him use his cane as a cool weapon but didn't. there are actual descriptions about his leg affecting him, and the audience is reminded of it frequently when we read from his pov, because it's something he has to deal with very frequently!! even with his mental disability too—we're reminded of it very frequently because it's a part of him and not just something he has for the excuse of giving his character gloves and being edgy. i digress. but i really do appreciate how disabilities through kaz's character aren't overly romanticized and used as a cheap excuse to add props to him.

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4 months ago

I just remembered an interaction I had, like a year or something ago. I had gotten injured and I made a kind of tongue in cheek comment about wishing people would check in with me more about it. And a friend of mine asked me right after how the injury was. And I took her at face value. But I'm not sure if she was jokingly responding to my request for attention or if she was serious. Help

I just just realized I have so much trouble with knowing when people are joking. But not in the usual way. My thing is that if someone says a fact and then follows it up by stating the opposite, I'm not sure which one was the joke. And like, my siblings all joke like this, and I always understand it with them. So I don't know what it is about other people, but if anyone outside my family makes a joke by stating something that isn't true - I'm screwed.

Last week, I narrowly avoided this situation because I agreed with something that was said to a third party, and then when the person revealed they were joking, I just played it off like I had known and was Yes and-ing them

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4 months ago

Hi honey how was your day at the gaslighting factory?

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4 months ago

Ahhh thank you!! I love <3

Tagging @hachama and @horse-on-a-porch because they both expressed interest in the playlist

Hi! Can I get a link (or setlist) for your playlist?

Have a lovely day <3

Sure. It's here. It's constantly evolving.

Mind you, some lyrics contain more Jesus than Jewishly appropriate, but I mentally replace it with one of the names for HaShem.

The name is a joke, btw.

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4 months ago

reblog if you believe fanfics are as valid as books that were published and sold by authors who write as their main careers. I'm trying to prove a point

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4 months ago

I think if we could just call in the Amish communities, all of the damage from Hurricane Helene could be rebuilt in a day, two tops.

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4 months ago

Every once in a while (like once a week) i get the urge to post something extremely odd just to see reactions. It feels different from trolling for some reason. Its like the non viral sibling of a Tumblr trend/meme, tho if I'm being completely honest, that kinda sums up most of my personal posts.

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4 months ago

Mobility assistance

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5 months ago

I love it when two characters are completely and utterly obsessed with each other to an unhealthy degree. Utter devotion to the point of insanity. To the point the lines blur as to what the nature of their relationship even is. Romantic? Platonic? Sexual? Familial? Professional? All and none of the above, somehow. They can’t exist without each other. Being together is making them both worse. They would watch each other sleep in bed at night every night if they could. They are literally always thinking about each other. They would kill and die for each other. They resent each other. Even seperating them isn't going to fix the situation at this point. They permanently live inside each other.

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5 months ago

I did not get my dad's ability to strike up a conversation with anyone, nor my mom's ability to make everyone like her, but a secret third thing. The ability to be extremely kind and confident but only when someone else seems equally or more anxious/uncomfortable than me

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5 months ago

my brother and i get into fights that are us saying like "imagine (something stupid the other person did)" and Jesper and Nin would 1000000% do the same:

Jesper: imagine being a drug addict

Nina: imagine being a gambling addict

Jesper: imagine being such a bad spy you get caught

Nina: imagine dropping out of University after one month

Jesper: imagine getting captured by the same guy twice

Nina: imagine kissing the wrong boy

Jesper: imagine losing your Grisha powers

Nina: imagine not being trained to use your Grisha powers

Jesper: imagine being an orphan

Nina: imagine using your father's farm as collateral

Jesper: imagine being born in Ravka

Nina: imagine not being able to control the dead

Jesper: imagine being kidnapped by your future boyfriend

Nina: imagine being named Llewellyn

Jesper: it's a faMILY NAME OKAY

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5 months ago

Something that some folks don't understand about friendship is that sometime the correct response to "I'm an idiot" is not "No you're not! You're so smart!!" Sometimes the correct response is "What did your dumb ass do this time?"

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